Parks Commission Minutes 04-16-1998 . . . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, April 16, 1998 - 4:30 p.m. Members: Members Absent: Staff Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Rick Traver, Jennifer Fearing Earl Smith Jeff O'Neill, Steve Grittman, Roger Mack, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call meeting to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nolan. 2. Consideration of approving the minutes for the meeting on March 19. 1998. Fran Fair requested Item 13B be changed from West and East Bridge Park to just East Bridge Park. FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS CORRECTED FOR THE MARCH 19, 1998 MEETING. SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Add items. There were no items added. 4. Discussion on park plan for Prairie West Park - Jean Emmonds Jean Emmonds, intern with the DNR, gave a presentation to the Commission on ideas for the park that is being developed next to Prairie Acres Development. Emmonds provided pictures, maps, and background information regarding the prairie area. Emmonds strongly recommended the park be burned to restore the prairie areas. She stated that the prairie grass areas in Monticello were the last ofthis type in Minnesota and there should be measures to preserve it. The park is a small part of an area that extends through Montissippi Park and the NSP property. The Commission did inform Emmonds that meetings had been held with Wright County and NSP regarding this subject. Wright County and NSP were in favor of restoring the prairie remanent on their sites. Jon Komarek, Developer for Prairie West, stated he would be very willing to work with city staff. Komarek would provide labor to help with the burn and suggested the area of his project around the park also be included in the burn. Jean Emmonds added there are many opportunities for this park to be a part of the educational system for the schools also. A few of the ideas were to have the students Page 1 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 4/16/98 assist in the prairie restoration by gathering of seeds and to provide environmental education with the water and prairie areas. Emmonds suggested the budget for this park be used this year for maintenance items that needs to be completed such as: burning, removal of concrete, furniture, and misc. debris from the creek and ponds, removal of stumps and damaged trees. Then next year the plantings and equipment could be added. Roger Mack, Parks superintendent, would contact Shulander for estimates on clearing of stumps and trees. After further discussion on the value of restoring the prairie grass areas, FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION FOR STAFF TO REQUEST ASSISTANCE FROM THE MONTICELLO FIRE DEPARTMENT TO BURN THE PRAIRIE CREEK DEVELOPMENT PARK AND AREA SURROUNDING THE PARK. SECONDED BY JENEFER FEARING. Motion passed unanimously. (Earl Smith absent) 5. Discussion on trees down along river and islands - Larry Krampka. DNR tabled until next meeting Larry Krampka was not able to attend the meeting. 6. Review of MCP request to adopt Bridge Park. The Commissioners discussed the request from MCP, Monticello Community Partners, to adopt East Bridge Park. After discussion, FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO ACCEPT THE REQUEST FROM THE MONTICELLO COMMUNITY PARTNERS TO ADOPT EAST BRIDGE PARK. SECONDED BY RICK TREVOR. Motion passed unanimously. (Earl Smith absent) Fran Fair requested the parks maintenance department add a large shade tree in the area of the hastate plants because the hasta area needs more shade. It was suggested that pictures be taken to show the progress and an ad be placed in the paper stating the park was adopted by MCP. 7. Discussion and review of Comprehensive Park Plan. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reviewed the Comprehensive Park Plan with the Commission. Grittman had provided a final "draft" copy to each member before the meeting. Grittman answered questions and discussed comments. The main topic of Page 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 4/16/98 discussion was an increase in park fees. It was decided to return any further comments and/or changes to Wanda Kraemer by April 24, 1998 and she would send them to Grittman. 8. Discussion on the cost estimates for Bridge Park Improvements. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the cost estimates for Bridge Park with the Commission. The cost estimates were over the amount in the budget for the park however, the plan had expanded to include infrastructure items not originally considered. O'Neill stated there was money allocated in past years and this should be researched. It was decided to meet with the Public Works Director, City Engineer and City Administrator to discuss the budget for this year, what infrastructure improvements need to be made in the park area, and to develop a time schedule for the improvements. Fran Fair requested the temporary irrigation system be installed because she would be planting the middle of May. Roger Mack agreed to provide this. There was also a subcommittee of the Public Works Director, City Administrator, Park Maintenance Superintended, two Parks Commissioners (Earl Smith and Fran Fair, and a member ofMCP and Wanda Kraemer. Kraemer would schedule meeting after city staff research budget amounts and timelines for completion. 9. Discussion on tree planting proiect for April 25. 1998. Wanda Kraemer, Administrative Assistant, reported the tree planting project was going welL Kraemer requested the Commissioners assist by registering volunteers at City Hall the day of the planting. Larry Nolan and Fran Fair volunteered for the morning and Rick Traver and Jennifer Fearing the afternoon. 10. Discussion on Walk and Ro1l3-on-3 basketball tournament. Wanda Kraemer, Administrative Assistant, reported that Community Education was going to partner with the Parks Commission on sponsoring a three-on-three basketball tournament for Walk & RolL 11. Added items. There were no added items. 12. Adiourn. FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY JENNIFER FEARING. Motion passed unanimously. Page 3 . . . U)CtMd: KMMflfA- Wanda Kraemer Adminstrative Assistant Page 4 Parks Commission Minutes - 4/16/98