Highway 25 Coalition Agenda Packet 08-26-2016Tentative Agenda Highway 25 Coalition August 26th 2016 7:30 AM Monticello City Hall 1. Call to order and introductions Expected guests - Greg Pruszinske, Becker City Administrator, Becker Township Representative 2. Consideration of approval of meeting minutes of meeting held July 29, 2016 (see attached) 3. Review information packet from David Turch and Associates Pertaining to Government Relations Support for the Highway 25 Coalition. The attached information packet has been provided by David Turch and Associates which outlines potential Federal transportation funding resources available for the Coalition. The packet provides a proposed time line for government relation activities and also includes the company's record in the area of transportation. At the meeting on Friday, the Coalition is asked to review the proposal and discuss the scope of government relations work desired at this time and in the future. Dan Webber and Steve Taylor will be providing cost information and phasing ideas for review and discussion. 4. Status of development of the Traffic Study Request for Proposal. Virgil Hawkins report. 5. Dan Webber will provide and update on application for grant funds from BNSF to assist in funding transportation study. 6. Consideration of inviting our respective State Legislators to the next meeting for the purpose of introducing them to the need, structure and purpose of the group. 7. Monticello/Wright County - Highway 25/7th street — to be rebid for spring 2017 Construction. 8. Sherburne County /Big Lake Township/City of Big Lake Transportation topics of interest. 9. I94 Coalition information and update — other legislative updates 10. Fiscal agent report — Monticello Township 11. Report on conflicts with Claudia Dumont's schedule. Claudia Dumont mentioned to me that she is unable to attend Coalition meetings on a regular basis due to a conflict with other meeting commitments. However, she is very interested in staying apprised of the group's activities and respectfully requests that the group consider adjusting the regular meeting date. 12. Other 13. Adjourn Draft Meeting Minutes Highway 25 Coalition July 29 2016 7:30 AM Monticello City Hall Members Present - Big Lake Township - Bob Hofer, Larry Alfords, Sherburne County - Dan Webber, Steve Taylor, Ewald Petersen, John Bogart, Wright County — Mike Potter, Virgil Hawkins, City of Big Lake — RaeAnne Danielowski, City of Monticello — Brian Stumpf, Jeff O'Neill, Jennifer Schreiber Also Present: Kodiak Hill -Davis from David Turch and Associates 1. Call to order Chairman Stumpf called the meeting to order. 2. Introductions 3. Consideration of approval of meeting minutes of meeting held June 24, 2016 Motion made by Ewald Persen and seconded by Mike Potter to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Introduction of Kodiak Hill from David Turch and Associates and discussion of future lobbying efforts, goals and activities. O'Neill provided a summary of the genesis of the coalition and noted that the group is considering setting goals and objectives along with budget figures for 2017 relating to lobbying activities. Steve Taylor reported that David Church and Associates is under contract with Sherburne County for providing Federal Lobbying services. He noted that there could be cost efficiencies and other benefits associated with the Coalition also utilizing the same company. Sherburne County has been pleased with the performance of the firm. Kodiak Hill -Davis provided a summary of the capabilities and experience of her firm. She reviewed assistance that her firm has provided to other coalitions such as the Saint Cloud APO and the Wilmar City/Utility partnership. She went on to note that conflicts in goals between Sherburne County and the Highway 25 Coalition could potentially occur over time, but are manageable through maintenance of open dialogue. It was the consensus of the group that the benefit of having the firm supporting Sherburne County and the Coalition under separate agreements outweighs the potential conflict that could arise overtime. After discussion, the group came to consensus that the work plan for 2017 should include funds for lobbying efforts in addition to the $150K for the traffic study. It was requested that David Turch and associates provide an estimated amount for lobbying in 2017. This estimated amount plus the $150 K to be forwarded to coalition members as a place holder for coalition member budgets. The group reviewed the funding program briefly with it being noted that the two counties split equally 50% of total costs. The remaining 50% is split evenly between the three other local governments. 5. Update on development of the Traffic Study Request for Proposal Virgil Hawkins reported that that he will be working on the scope of the traffic study RFP with the new Sherburne County engineer once the new County Engineer has had a chance to get his feet wet. He also stressed and the group agreed that the State of Minnesota needs to play a leading role in development of the RFP and associated study. It was requested that the Caudia Dumont be kept apprised of the Coalition meetings and ask her for direct involvement in development of the RFP and associated completion of the study. Monticello/Wright County - update on upcoming improvements to Highway 25/ 7t" Street in Monticello. Mayor Stumpf reported that the 7t" Street and Highway 25 project will be completed later this summer 7. Sherburne County Transportation topics of interest. Dan Webber and Steve Taylor reported that a meeting has been scheduled with BNSF regarding grant funds that could be available for studying transportation issues. 8. 194 Coalition information and update —other legislative updates Mike Potter noted that the special session remains possible with the sticking point being State Funding of the Southwest light rail. There being no further discussion meeting ended at 8:40 q i��iic�ir 1 y 11 Information Packet For: The Highway 25 Corridor Coalition August 12, 2016 David Turch and Associates 5172 nd St NE Washington, DC 20002 202.543.3744 CONTENTS Background on the Firm 2 Federal Resources 4 Timeline for Anticipated Work 4 Our Record in Transportation 5 Contact 7 Page 1 www.davidturch.com David Turch & Associates 202.543.3744 BACKGROUND ON THE FIRM David Turch and Associates is a successful, experienced and well respected federal government relations firm. Since 1987, we have provided comprehensive strategic planning, legislative goal setting, intergovernmental advocacy and political analysis. We provide these services to a wide range of public sector entities across the country, and to small and large corporations in the United States and abroad. We maintain close relationships with those we represent. Members of the governing boards of our clients know us personally. We make frequent visits to your area. We listen. We work hard to understand your current needs and your plans for the future. We appreciate the role everyone plays in this essential team effort. By working closely with you and the decision -makers in Washington, D.C., our efforts will be successful. This offers several advantages to the Highway 25 Corridor Coalition. We combine the efforts of local government associations, transportation commissions, states, counties, cities and economic development agencies to make all these entities function for you. Clients, elected officials and the media know of and acclaim our work: "... proven, effective assistance in dealing with [agencies of the federal government]." San Bernardino Sun editorial. "... Turch's company has done a good job for Rialto, bringing millions in federal money to the city through grants and legislations (sic)." Daily Bulletin editorial, Ontario, California. "... Turch has been instrumental in getting... a $5 million appropriation as part of the Intermodal Surface Transportation and Efficiency Act...." The Californian, Temecula, California. "...you guys [David Turch and Associates] make it easy to be welcoming because you are great advocates for communities." a senior EPA official Page 2 www.davidturch.com David Turch & Associates 202.543.3744 David Turch & Associates has extensive experience in transportation. Minnesota Transportation St. Cloud APO, MN Marshall Transportation Group, MN Stearns County, MN Northstar Corridor Development Authority, MN Sherburne County, MN Willmar, MN California Transportation Rialto, CA Riverside Transit Authority, CA Palmdale, CA Ontario, CA San Bernardino, CA Metrolink, CA We bring our knowledge, proven experience, and resources to Highway 25 Corridor Coalition. We have strong personal and professional relationships with the most powerful decision -makers in Washington, D.C. We synchronize this political force with that of your congressional delegation to form a cooperative effort, providing the best possible approach to achieving your goals. Page 3 www.davidturch.com David Turch & Associates 202.543.3744 FEDERAL RESOURCES Transportation FASTLANE GRANTS, U.S. Department of Transportation FASTLANE is a new program created by the FAST Act, which was signed into law on December 15, 2015. The FAST Act designated $800 million in funds for FY2016 for FASTLANE grant projects with 25% set aside for rural projects and 10% set aside for smaller projects, which are projects under $100 million. The application for this fiscal year is closed, but a new process will commence in FY 17. Economic Development Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce (EDA) EDA can be used for a wide variety of activities based on a locally developed comprehensive economic development strategy. The program helps distressed communities to revitalize, expand, and upgrade their physical infrastructure to attract new industry, encourage business expansion, diversify local economies, and generate or retain long-term, private sector jobs and investment. Technical assistance and planning is available also through EDA. EDA applications are currently open and will be accepted on a rolling basis. TIMELINE FOR ANTICIPATED WORK September 2016 Members of the firm will travel to you to conduct a workshop in September. We will meet with the Highway 25 Corridor Coalition, local officials, staff, and others, at your behest. We will gather and exchange information to develop a better understanding of your needs, interests, and priorities. We will help you determine and develop your priorities for the year. Together we will establish a strategic plan to achieve your legislative goals and a project list that will help guide our work. October -November 2016 Following this visit, we will undertake an educational campaign with members of the Minnesota Congressional Delegation, the relevant House and Senate Committees, and agency staff. This campaign will include an introduction to the Highway 25 Corridor Coalition, an explanation of both near and short term priorities, and resources for members of the staff to retain. Page 4 www.davidturch.com David Turch & Associates 202.543.3744 The first step is to prepare the materials necessary to promote your legislative agenda. We will help you draft and prepare informational materials to present the Highway 25 Corridor Coalition in the most favorable manner. The second step is to schedule and conduct meetings on your behalf. We use the materials informational materials to guide the meetings and ensure a consistent message across the board. We provide the follow-up communication ensuring that your priorities remain visible. We systematically search for programs within legislation and executive branch agencies that will meet your needs and aid your priorities. We flag all relevant funding opportunities and guide you through the application process. We secure letters of support from Members of Congress and cultivate assistance on Capitol Hill. December 2016- January 2017 Following the election, we will determine which relationships we need to develop for the incoming Congress. There may be transformation to the bodies of both the House and Senate, but it is too early to speculate. As a bipartisan firm, we are well situated to adapt to changes in the make-up of the House and Senate. February- March 2017 We will schedule a Washington trip for the Highway 25 Corridor Coalition in either February or March. This will be an opportunity to meet with key -decision makers to garner support for your priorities for the legislative year. OUR RECORD IN TRANSPORTATION Transportation Transportation is one of our specialties. We have been strategically involved in the last five transportation reauthorization acts to pass Congress: ISTEA, TEA -21, SAFETEA-LU, MAP -21, and the FAST Act. Our longstanding involvement with the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee provides us with a unique insight into the more nuanced policy deliberations that evolve during the reauthorization process. We personally know, and have, access to the key decision -makers and on the Committee. Moreover, David Turch and Associates has an exemplary working relationship with the Department of Transportation and its various agencies. Page 5 www.davidturch.com David Turch & Associates 202.543.3744 Over the years, we have secured tens of millions of dollars for transportation projects in Minnesota and interchange projects along the I-10 and I-15 Corridors in Southern California. We have also engineered solutions to issues that have arisen over the course of numerous projects. We worked with the City of Monrovia on its development plans along the Gold Line light rail extension through the City. Monrovia's Station Square Transit Village development is the most ambitious project in Monrovia in decades and, when completed, will ultimately cover 80 acres -- including a park-and-ride transit center, more than 1,000 new residential units, neighborhood retail establishments, offices, and public spaces. We helped secure over $4.5 million for the project. Beyond assisting the City secure federal funds for the project, we were more recently engaged in obtaining congressional support in facilitating an agreement on the construction of a maintenance facility between Monrovia and the Gold Line Construction Authority. We also secured funding for the City's trolley system, parks, and downtown historic preservation project. We worked with the Riverside Transit Administration (RTA) to help secure a $2.4 million Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Clean Fuel Grant. The federal funds were used to cover the cost of replacing RTA's fleet of compressed natural gas buses, which were reaching the end of their useful life. RTA is in the process of spending over $50 million on the purchase of 97 full-sized buses, with the potential to buy more if needed. When previously earmarked funds were at risk of being rescinded for an interchange project in Southern California in the summer of 2012, we worked with the City of Beaumont, California, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and Caltrans to ensure that the funds remained dedicated to the project. When the West Metro Corridor Project in St. Cloud, MN required a land swap with the Veterans Administration, we engaged and educated the Congressional Delegation on the issue and brought stake holders together for a meeting in the U.S. Capitol. When the agreement resulting from this negotiation disintegrated, we alerted the Congressional Delegation, held weekly calls with staff and representatives from the VA, and succeeded in engineering a land swap that allowed the project to continue. Economic Development On behalf of the City of Imperial, California, we have been diligently holding meetings over the past couple of years with officials from the Commerce Department's Economic Development Administration (EDA), both here in Washington, D.C. and with their regional office in Southern California. Page 6 www.davidturch.com David Turch & Associates 202.543.3744 Our work with EDA was successful in 2013 when the City of Imperial secured a $3,000,000 EDA grant to fund the extension of water, wastewater, and the construction of surface road and other improvements along Neckel Road. This project supports the development of the Alliance and Innovative Regional Center, an USCIS approved EB -5 green card investment regional center, which will include a hotel, retail center, and office park. This project supports foreign direct investment and global competitiveness. This investment is part of a $3,828,375 project that will create an estimated 642 jobs and leverage $22.25 million in private investment. CONTACT We are well suited to bring our winning strategy to the Highway 25 Corridor Coalition. We look forward to working with you to deliver the results that will make a lasting, positive impact on your community and the region. If you have additional questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact our office. David Turch and Associates 202-543-3744 Kodiak.hilldavis@davidturch.com Page 7 www.davidturch.com David Turch & Associates 202.543.3744