Highway 25 Coalition Agenda Packet 01-27-2017Highway 25 Coalition
Agenda - REVISED
Thursday January 26, 2017
7:30 AM
1. Call to order
3. Consideration of approval of meeting minutes from meeting held December 15, 2016
4. Update on BNSF grant award ($25,000) submitted to Highway 25 Coalition Fiscal
Agent (Big Lake Township). (See Dan Weber's notes page 2)
5. Discuss 2017 individual financial contribution by members in light of grant award.
• 2017 work plan/budget called for $150,000 to fund study
• Counties contribute $75,000 , Cities/Townships contribute $75,000
(City/Township share now split 7 ways)
• Options
A. Reduce 2017 member contribution to $125,000
B. Maintain member contribution at $150,000.
6. Update on Highway 25 Corridor Study Request for Proposals. (Andrew Witter and
Virgil Hawkins report)
7. Update on Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Program. (See
Dan Weber's notes page 2)
8. Transportation and related Economic Development or Land Use Updates
• Sherburne County
• Big Lake
• Big Lake Township (Fiscal Agent)
• Becker
• Becker Township
• Wright County
• Monticello
9. Legislative updates — State and Federal — open forum
10. Monticello Chamber of Commerce Hosting a Breakfast gathering with Rep Tom
Emmer on February 2V at the Friendly Buffalo in Big Lake. (Details on second
11. Legislative Update (open forum)
12. Other
13. Adjourn
Event Invitation -Deadline to register is Fridav, February 17th
Pancakes & Politics with Rep. Tom Emmer
Join us for a warm breakfast and an update from Washington DC as we host Representative
Tom Emmer. He will provide us with his perspective on the 115th Congress and how the
new congress is working with the new administration. This informal Q&A session will include
a full breakfast of pancakes, eggs and sausage
Date: February 24, 2017
Time: 08:30 AM - 09:30 AM CST
Website: httD://WWW.monticellocci.com
Location: The Friendly Buffalo
16722 198th Ave, Big Lake
Email: info(cDmonticellocci.com
Date/Time Details: Friday, February 24, 2017
8:30-9:30 am
Fees/Admission: $20 per person
#3 Update Notes from Dan Webber — BNSF sent Sherburne County a check for $25,000 to be used for
the Corridor Study report. The money has been sent to the Big Lake Township who is the fiscal agent for
the Coalition. BNSF has requested to be updated as the project progresses.
#6 Update Notes from Dan Webber— CEDS Update
Each of the four regional counties has either held or in in the processing of holding their first public
meeting to discuss the CEDS plan. Sherburne's was held January 9t" and Wright County's is being held at
9:00am today the 26t". Over 30 people were in attendance at the Sherburne County's meeting. The
meetings are being held to gather project ideas that will be included in the Certified Economic
Development Strategy and the River Crossing project will definitely be included in the final report
submitted to the Federal EDA.
Highway 25 Coalition
Meeting Minutes — December 15, 2016
7:30 AM
Monticello City Hall
Members Present - Big Lake Township - Bob Hofer and Steve Pfleghaar (for Larry Alfords);
Sherburne County - Dan Weber, Steve Taylor, Ewald Petersen, Andrew Witter; Wright
County — Mike Potter; City of Becker — Tracy Bertram, Rick Hendrickson, and Greg
Pruszinske; Becker Township — Brian Kolbinger; and City of Monticello — Brian Stumpf,
Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, and Jennifer Schreiber
Others Present — MnDOT — Claudia Dumont; BNSF — Justin Pearson; Tom Emmer's Office —
Stacy Morse; and CEDS PROGRAM — Jennifer Russell
1. Call to order.
2. Welcome and introductions.
3. Consideration of approval of meeting minutes from meeting held October 27, 2016.
Motion made by Bob Hofer and seconded by Ewald Petersen. Motion passed
4. Consideration of adopting amendment to the JPA enabling the addition of Becker and
Becker Township.
There was a brief discussion on the amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement and Brian
Stumpf requested a motion. Motion made by Mike Potter and seconded by Bob Hofer to
add the City of Becker and Becker Township by adopting the amendments to the Joint
Powers Agreement. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Consideration of submitting a Letter of Support of the Fallon Avenue I-94 Overpass
project in Monticello.
Chuck Rickart, WSB, distributed a letter of support for the Fallon Avenue I-94 Overpass
project in Monticello. A brief discussion ensued. The history of the project was
reviewed and the City of Monticello is looking for support from the group. There was
the question of whether this project would provide any relief across the river. Mr.
Rickart responded that the interchange itself wouldn't provide much relief for across the
Motion was made by Mike Potter and seconded by Brian Kolbinger to approve the Letter
of Support. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Local Rail Update.
Justin Pearson, BNSF — Economic Development Regional Manager — was present to
provide information. Mr. Pearson noted that BNSF is interested in this area because of
the access to open space. More and more rail yards are being pushed out of urban areas
because there isn't any room. There was a question on whether BNSF receives pushback
on the yards. Mr. Pearson responded that there is always some pushback. He also touch
on the topic of funding. He noted that BNSF doesn't directly have funding available for
the study, however, he would be willing to help find funding sources that may help fund
the area study.
7. Introduction of Jennifer Russell and associated review of the Comprehensive
Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Program.
Dan Weber introduced Jennifer Russell who is leading the CEDS plan for this area. Ms.
Russell provided a brief overview of the program noting that it includes the counties of
Stearns, Wright, Sherburne and Benton. Ms. Russell stated that this is the only area in
the State that doesn't have a CEDS plan. The program topics include strategies/goals;
economic competitiveness; foundation assets; and community capital. Transportation is
also a component of the plan. Dan Weber commented that having a CEDS program can
aid in getting Federal Funding.
8. Update on Highway 25 Corridor Study request for proposal process.
Andrew Witter addressed the group on the development of Request for Proposals. Mr.
Witter added that he has been working with Claudia Dumont and Virgil Hawkins in the
development of a draft RFP. Mr. Witter looked to the group for input on objectives and
deliverables that should be included in the RFP. There was discussion on which entity
should publish the RFP and the schedule/timeline. After a brief conversation there was
consensus of the group that all comments on the RFP should be submitted to Andrew
Witter by December 23. There was continued discussion on the selection process.
Motion was made by Mike Potter and seconded by Ewald Petersen to authorize a
consultant selection team of Claudia Dumont, Virgil Hawkins, and Andrew Witter.
Motion carried unanimously.
9. Transportation and related Economic Development or Land Use Updates.
Sherburne County — Steve Taylor noted that there was a shift in commissioners
following the lection and he foresees Economic Development and being an important
component. Andrew Witter stated that the County is updating their Transportation Plan.
City of Big Lake - None.
City of Becker — Greg Pruszinske commented that he attended a meeting with DEED
Commissioner Hardy. In his discussions with Commissioner Hardy he relayed
information on the Highway 25 Coalition and the partnerships which are important for
Economic Development.
Becker Township — None.
Wright County — It was noted that Wright County is updating their Transportation Plan.
Monticello — Brian Stumpf commented on three items: 1) The TH 25/71h Street
Intersection project received favorable bids and will begin this spring; 2) There was a
public meeting held on moving the Post Office; and 3: The Cunningham Group was
selected to do a Small Area Study of the downtown.
10. Other.
Stacy Morse, Tom Emmer's Office, was in attendance. Ms. Morse commented that the
group may want to research the Transportation Block Grant Program as one area of
11. Adjourn.
There being no further discussion meeting ended at 8:09 a.m.