City Council Minutes 02-10-2005 Workshop . Meeting Minutes . . To: All Participants From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Date: February 10,2005 Re: Meeting Minutes - f;"ebruary 7, 2 05 Monticello Council Work Sessio Preparationfor Public Hearings or CSAH 18, 1" Street, Highland Way, llnd Meat/ow Oak Avenue Members present: (rlen Posusta Brian Stumpf Clint IIerbst Tom Perrault Wayne Mayer Other Attendees: Rick Wolfsteller Jeff O'Neill Ollie Koropchak Torn Scott Bret Weiss A meeting was held to discuss the pending publi hearings for the above-referenced projects. An agenda was provided which had information in tt e following areas: . Describe projects and estimated cost . Describe current proposed funding by ass ssments and agreement . Describe potential interchange assessmen approach using benefit method . Discuss land acquisition status Information was provided at the meeting for all fthe items that were discussed. The Council provided the following direction for the assessm nt approach: . School District: Provide an estimate of t e CSAH 18 assessments and the Chelsea Road assessments. Consider waiving the CSAII 18 assessments subject to entering into an agreement that would provide all necessa y casements from the School District and require the school to move their easternm st driveway onto School Boulevard at some time in the future and payment of Chelse Road assessments. . Resurrection Church: The Council was i agreement with the deal that had been discussed to date as noted in the inform at on. The Council would also like to identify the ('. 11';1/(1011'.\ n':,If/'II'f.,'\'I'-,IJI,l{,I/ill"IUf)?Ii;'..!1!I . . . lh/srh potential cost ofthc assessment along CS H 18 that would be waived subject to the agreement. . Ryan Companies and Weinand: No chan es to the current proposed assessment agreements. . Interchan c ro erties located north of C\ AH 75: Develop plan to assess the undeveloped properties, as noted in the m tcrials, for the interchange at an approximate rate of 50<: per square foot. Do not propo 'e assessments to the developed parcels. Council would be amenable to allowing tl e property owners to have a similar deal as is proposed with the Weinand propetiy fix eferring the assessments unti I 2010. This would need to he worked out with City st ff. . The signal system for Highland Way and SAIl 75 appears to be okay in the manner that it is proposed to he assessed. Mr. Posust stated that he would like to have some additional information from the DOT or J-< HW A on the need for Highland Way. . Tom Scott discussed the status of the Ian acquisition, in particular the AVR parcel. I-Ie is proposing moving forward with the COt demnation proceedings on A VR and will set a hem'ing in early April to discuss the puhli' purpose with the assigned judge. (', 1111/(/(111.\ r!'Jil' 111\'.\'/' Iff.\! \ fill (/_'u~()5,d,,(