Highway 25 Coalition Agenda Packet 07-27-2017Highway 25 Coalition Agenda Thursday, July 27, 2017 7:30 AM North Mississippi Room, Monticello City Hall 1. Call to order 2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 3. Consideration of approval of meeting minutes from meeting held June 29, 2017 4. Consideration of giving Chairman the formal authority to approve payment of SRF invoices on behalf of the Highway 25 Coalition. (Jeff O'Neill). This is a housekeeping matter. This authority was granted informally by consensus at a previous meeting. A vote on the matter is requested to formalize this practice. 5. Update on Highway 25 Corridor Study (Andrew Witter, Josh Maus) 6. Consideration of adopting 2018 Work Plan and Budget (see attached) 7. Update on Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Program 8. Transportation and related Economic Development or Land Use Updates A. Becker B. Becker Township C. Big Lake D. Big Lake Township (Fiscal Agent) E. Monticello F. Sherburne County G. Wright County 9. I94 Coalition Update 10. Legislative Updates 11. Other 12. Adjourn Highway 25 Coalition Meeting Minutes — June 29, 2017 7:30 AM Monticello Community Center — North Mississippi Room Members Present - Big Lake Township - Bob Hofer and Larry Alfords; Sherburne County — Tim Dolan, Steve Taylor, and Andrew Witter; Wright County — Virgil Hawkins; City of Becker — Tracy Bertram and Greg Pruszinske; Becker Township — Brian Kolbinger; City of Big Lake — Clay Wilfahrt, and Raeanne Danielowski; and City of Monticello — Brian Stumpf, Jeff O'Neill, and Jennifer Schreiber Others Present: MnDOT — Claudia Dumont; Congressman Tom Emmer's Office — Stacy Morse 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration of approval of meeting minutes from meeting March 30, 2017. Motion made by Bob Hofer to approve the minutes of March 30, 2017. Raeanne Danielowski seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Update on Highway 25 Corridor Study Andrew Witter, Sherburne Count, provided an update on the study. SRF has reviewed traffic counts, crash analysis, origin/destination data, and current and future land development. The group is currently working on 3D models for potential river crossings. Next steps include further data collection, baseline traffic data, and a purpose and needs statement. The final product will take approximately one year to complete. Mr. Witter distributed a Highway 25 Coalition flyer that was created as a marketing tool for the group. 4. 2018 Work Plan Ideas — Discussion Jeff O'Neill, Monticello, presented an overview of work plan ideas. These items were listed in the agenda. Discussion ensued in regard to the listed items. Many members expressed that they don't want to lose focus of the study and the river crossing. Too many items included in a work plan may not be beneficial to the group. There was a consensus to keep all items on the list, but currently focus on the study. The items listed are general items for future consideration. The work plan will be brought back to the July meeting for approval. 5. Budget Discussion After some discussion, it was decided that the budget amount allocated for 2018 will be the same as 2017. 6. Update on Monticello Downtown Area Study The study is near adoption and the impact to Highway 25 is benign. 7. Transportation and related Economic Development or Land Use Updates • Becker Township — None. • Becker Township — A transportation study is being prepared in regard to the realigning of Hwy 25 at intersection of Hwy 10. • Big Lake — 1) Completed County Road 5 project which included new sidewalks/trails; 2) Significant growth in single family and multi -family housing; 3) Development of new Casey's General Store; and fiber is being installed to industrial park, school, and police station. • Big Lake Township — Noted that the balance of funds for the coalition is $124,000. • Monticello — Brian Stumpf noted that the Highway 25/71h Street intersection project will be completed by July 10. Jeff O'Neill commented on: 1) Fallon Avenue overpass project; 2) new mini storage facility; 3) Fleet Farm opening in August; and 4) development of potential new car dealership. • Sherburne County — Andrew Witter noted that the county selected WSB for long term transportation plan. Sherburne County will reach out to border communities for input. The process will take approximately 12-14 months. A RFP on the rail feasibility/impact study is being sought with the help of the Initiative Foundation. Steve Taylor added that the county is seeing significant growth. He also mentioned that the county hired a Media/Communications Specialist to provide guidance on new website and rebranding. • Wright County — Virgil Hawkins stated that 16 projects are being funded by the new sales tax. These projects were not originally funded prior to the sales tax. 8. I-94 Update Claudia Dumont gave an update on the bonding bill. MnDOT recently hired a consultant to develop a selection process which will include some type of scoring criteria. There is hope for positive impacts in this area, but won't be known for approximately six months. 9. Legislative Updates Stacy Morse provided information on the Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Grants which improve an existing grant program established in the FAST Act. There is $1.5 billion available. 10. Adjourn. Raeanne Danielowski moved to adjourn the meeting. Andrew Witter seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes approved July 27, 2017 (JS) Highway 25 Coalition 2018 Work Plan and Budget Discussion 1. Work Plan A. Completion of Transportation Plan B. Identification of key improvements by June 2018 for inclusion in member jurisdiction capital improvement planning. C. Promote adoption of Transportation Plan by member jurisdictions D. Promote and support Initiation of official mapping by member jurisdictions E. Conduct feasibility studies on individual projects where enabled by Joint Powers Agreement. F. Assist member jurisdictions with implementation of priority projects G. Assist member jurisdictions with identification of Federal and State Funding Opportunities H. Lobby for State and Federal project funding in support of member projects I. Exploration of Private and Public Partnerships J. Coordinate/Communication with - 194 Coalitions K. Coordination and support for CEDS initiatives 2. Budget Consensus during previous discussion was to keep budget same as 2017 at $150,000 A. Ongoing Transportation Planning Efforts A. Follow-up studies relating to priority projects B. Feasibility Studies/preliminary drawings C. General ongoing consultant support B. Communications/lobbying A. Consultantfees B. Community Outreach C. Web site