Highway 25 Coalition Agenda Packet 01-25-2018Highway 25 Coalition
Thursday, January 25, 2018
7:30 AM
North Mississippi Room, Monticello City Hall
1. Call to order
2. ELECTION OF OFFICERS — Chair, Vice -Chair, and Secretary
3. Consideration of approval of meeting minutes from meeting held December 14, 2017
4. Treasurers Report — Big Lake Township
5. Highway 25 Corridor Study (Josh Maus, SRF)
A. Review of Work Completed to Date
B. Potential TH 10/CSAH 11 Improvement
i. Corridors of Commerce Eligible
C. Upcoming Home House
i. Date/Time/Location
ii. Advertisement Process
iii. Style of Meeting
iv. Draft Materials for Review/Comment
D. Next Steps
i. Discuss Public Comments with Study Team
ii. Secondary Evaluation
iii. Recommendations
iv. Implementation Plan
v. Second Open House
6. Consideration of Authorizing Preparation of Application for Corridors for Commerce
Program for improvements to the CSAH 11/Highway 10 Intersection.
7. Transportation and related Economic Development or Land Use Updates
A. Becker
B. Becker Township
C. Big Lake
D. Big Lake Township
E. Monticello
F. Sherburne County
G. Wright County
8. I94 Coalition Update - Legislative Preview Breakfast on February 16, 2018 (attached)
9. Transportation Alliance - Day at the Capital - March 7, 2018 - (attached)
10. Other
11. Adjourn
194 West Corridor Coalition Legislative Preview
When The 1-94 West Corridor Coalition would like to extend an
Friday, February 16, 2018 from invitation to attend our Legislative Preview event.
8:00 AM to 9:30 AM CST
Add to Calendar This annual event allows for coalition supporters to directly
engage with transportation leaders, hear legislators'
perspectives, and learn about the 1-94 West Corridor Coalition's
Where priorities.
Rogers Community Center
21201 Memorial Drive
We experienced major success over the past years with the
Rogers, MN 55374
opening of additional lanes between Highway 101 in Rogers
a°,e Fy �
and Highway 241 in St. Michael, which included a 55%
reduction in total travel time and the completion of nearly 3
million square feet of industrial development in the region. We
hope to continue making lane capacity expansion
improvements onto St. Cloud and complete the Brockton/610
Ave, ; ..
Interchange with your help and the help of our supporters.
2018 will be an exciting year for the Coalition! During the 2017
legislative session, the legislature added an additional $300
Fletcher $�
million in trunk highway bonds spread over four years and $25
0 2018 'c°ft cog°i`'°E0 2017 HER
million per year in cash to the Corridors of Commerce program.
Drivinq Directions
In response, MnDOT decided to select $400 million of projects
in the next round of Corridors of Commerce funding. The 1-94
West Corridor Coalition intends to submit our eligible priority
projects, the 1-94 capacity expansion from St. Michael to
Albertville, 610 Interchange and Brockton Interchange, for the
Corridors of Commerce funding selection which would greatly
increase capacity and reduce congestion along the 1-94
We are hoping that you are able to join us for our Legislative
Preview event.
Register Now!
I can't make it
Transportation Day at the Capitol
March 7th
Best Western Capitol Ridge
161 St Anthony Ave, St Paul, MN 55103
9:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Members - $90; Non Members $115
SPECIAL DISCOUNT: $80 for 2 or more people from your organization
Hear from key legislators, MnDOT, the Met Council, Transportation leaders and meet directly
with your legislators.
We will make appointments for you to meet with your legislators.
Transportation Day is a great opportunity for networking with people from all areas of
transportation: local government, contractors, consultants, suppliers, labor, transit and business.
Click Below to Register:
03/07 08:00am 2018 Transportation Dav at the Capitol
Speakers, attendees and meetings at the Capitol make for a perfect day!
MnDOT Commissioner Zelle and Tom Perrier, Ryan Pecinovsky and
Ryan Daniel, Metro Bus Richard Dushaw, North Central States
Regional Council of Carpenters
Highway 25 Coalition
Meeting Minutes — December 14, 2017
7:30 AM
Monticello Community Center — North Mississippi Room
Members Present - Sherburne County — Tim Dolan, Dan Weber, and Andrew Witter; City of
Becker — Tracy Bertram; Becker Township — Brian Kolbinger; City of Big Lake — Clay
Wilfahrt, Layne Otteson, and Hannah Klimmek; City of Monticello — Jeff O'Neill and Jennifer
Schreiber; and Wright County —Darek Vetsch
Others Present: Stacy Morse, Tom Emmer's Office
1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m.
2. Consideration of approval of meeting minutes from meeting August 31, 2017.
Motion by Tim Dolan, seconded by Tracy Bertram. to approve the meeting minutes as
amended. Motion carried unanii°nously.
3. Treasurer's Report
None given.
4. Update on Highway 25 Corridor Study
Andrew Witter provided an update. The group has developed a revised purpose and needs
statement: an environmental document: and a public involvement plan. There is
continued discussion on narrowing down of the evaluation criteria. The next meeting of
the group is January 10, 2018. when more in depth review of alternatives will be
discussed. Mr. Witter also mentioned the public informational aspect of the study which
includes an open house. social media, signage, etc.
5. Corridors of 'Commerce Program Update
Jeff O'Neill provided an update and noted that the group should consider soon a request
for funding. There was some discussion centered on the need for project identification
and the fact that this is a valuable program to fund larger regional projects. Andrew
Witter commented that perhaps a resolution could be developed in support for Corridors
of Commerce funds for future needs.
6. Transportation and related Economic Development or Land Use Updates
• Becker — 2018 should be a positive year with lots of activity.
• Becker Township — None.
• Big Lake — There was significant housing growth in 2017.
• Big Lake Township — None.
• Monticello — The City is in process of land acquisition for the Fallon Avenue
Overpass project which will begin in 2018. There is a subdivision scheduled for
development in 2018. Monticello is low on industrial property. The City is also
looking at hiring a full-time Deputy Fire Chief in 2018.
• Sherburne County — The County is holding a legislative meeting on January 4.
The Council is in the process of rebranding; updating their website; MN freight
program; and their long range transportation plan. They are also seeking a
broadband grant.
• Wright County — The new courthouse building should be completed around
September/October 2019. A space study of the current building is being
7. I-94 Update
Update on Corridors of Commerce and explanation of how scoring is implemented.
There was discussion of the group in regard to the Transportation Alliance and whether
the coalition should be a member. It was noted that there may be redundancy due to the
fact that both counties are members. In addition. cities are supported through the League
of MN Cities. This topic may be brought back for further discussion.
8. Legislative Updates
Stacy Morse provided an update on potential infrastructure funding. More information on
the President's infrastructure bill will be provided in January.
9. Adjourn.
There being no further discussion. there was a motion by Tim Dolan, seconded by Darek
Vetsch, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.