Highway 25 Coalition Meeting Minutes 08-26-2016Draft Meeting Minutes Highway 25 Coalition August 26,n 2016 7:30 AM Monticello City Hall Members Present - Big Lake Township - Bob Hofer and Larry Alfords; Sherburne County - Dan Webber, Steve Taylor, Ewald Petersen, John Bogart; Andrew Witter; Wright County — Mike Potter and Chad Hausmann (for Virgil Hawkins); City of Big Lake — RaeAnne Danielowski; City of Becker — Mayor Jerome (Lefty) Kleis, Rick Hendrickson, Tracy Bertram, and Greg Pruszinske; and City of Monticello — Jeff O'Neill and Jennifer Schreiber Also Present: State Representatives Jim Newberger, Marion O'Neill and Nick Zerwas; State Senators Mary Kiffineyer and Bruce Anderson; MnDOT Representative Claudia Dumont; and Tim Hennagir — Monticello Times 1. Call to order Vice Chairman Danielowski called the meeting to order. 2. Consideration of approval of meeting minutes of meeting held August 26, 2016 Motion made by RaeAnne Danielowski and seconded by Mike Potter to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously. Consideration of acknowledging request from the City of Becker to join the collation and considerations of drafting amendments to the JPA as required for accepting new member(s). Bob Hofer moved to accept the City of Becker into the Highway 25 Coalition agreement and to amend the JPA to reflect the additional member. Andrew seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Introduction to Information on Coalition Jeff O'Neill presented an overview of the Coalition and provided the group with some history on the need for such a group. Claudia Dumont responded to conversation on potential funding for a river crossing. Individual testimony on the importance of a free flowing corridor between Highway 10 and 1-94. Economic Development, public safety, community interaction, etc. Each of the member organizations gave a brief overview of the importance of the Coalition to their associated jurisdiction. There being no further discussion meeting ended at 8:30 a.m.