Highway 25 Coalition Meeting Minutes 07-27-2017Highway 25 Coalition Meeting Minutes — July 27, 2017 7:30 AM Monticello Community Center — North Mississippi Room Members Present - Big Lake Township - Bob Hofer; Sherburne County — Dan Weber, Tim Dolan, and Andrew Witter; City of Becker — Tracy Bertram and Rick Hendrickson; Becker Township — Brian Kolbinger; City of Big Lake — Clay Wilfahrt, and Hannah Klimmek; and City of Monticello — Brian Stumpf, Jeff O'Neill, and Jennifer Schreiber Others Present: MnDOT — Claudia Dumont; Congressman Tom Emmer's Office — Stacy Morse; and Chuck Rickart, WSB 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. 2. Consideration of approval of meeting minutes from meeting June 29, 2017. Motion made by Bob Hofer to approve the minutes of March 30, 2017. Tracy Bertram seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of authorizing the chair to approve payment of SRF invoices on behalf of the Highway 25 Coalition Motion made by Brian Kolbinger to grant formal authority for the chairman to approve payments of SRF invoices on behalf of the Highway 25 Coalition. Tim Dolan seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Update on Highway 25 Corridor Study Andrew Witter, Sherburne Count, provided an update on the study. SRF has reviewed data collection relating to origin/destination; traffic counts; existing and future land use; and 3D models. Next steps include finalizing traffic analysis, development of a purpose and needs statement, and a communications plan. Josh Maus, SRF, will be present at the August meeting to present some data. 5. Adopting 2018 Work Plan and Budget Brian Stumpf introduced the item and Jeff O'Neill gave a brief presentation included in the 2018 Work Plan. Bob Hofer moved approval of the 2018 Work Plan and budget. Tracy Bertram seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Update on CEDS Dan Weber noted that Jennifer Russell, CEDS Program, has relayed that a draft will be released in August and the group will be applying for a grant in October. Z Transportation and related Economic Development or Land Use Updates • Becker Township — None. • Becker — A transportation study meeting was held with stakeholders and many comments were provided. • Big Lake — The city is seeing a significant amount of housing growth. In addition, a lot has sold in the industrial park — first one in ten years. • Big Lake Township — Noted the Coalition's fund balance. • Monticello — Brian Stumpf noted that Monticello has a modest housing development in process. He mentioned that Fleet Farm is opening beginning of August. • Sherburne County — Dan Weber noted that Sherburne County has 450 new homes. He also mentioned that they have signed a contract with WSB for the long term transportation plan. • Wright County — None. 8. I-94 Update Claudia Dumont stated that it should be known by December whether funding is received in regard to the segment of I94 to Albertville. She also mentioned that a complete reconstruct will be taking place on I-94 between Monticello and Clearwater in the next few year. 9. Legislative Updates No update. 10. Adjourn. Andrew Witter moved to adjourn the meeting. Bob Hofer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVED 8/31/17 JS