Highway 25 Coalition Meeting Minutes 08-31-2017Highway 25 Coalition
Meeting Minutes — August 31, 2017
7:30 AM
Monticello Community Center — North Mississippi Room
Members Present - Big Lake Township — Larry Alfords; Sherburne County — Dan Weber,
Steve Taylor, and Andrew Witter; City of Becker — Tracy Bertram, Greg Pruszinske, and Rick
Hendrickson; Becker Township — Brian Kolbinger; City of Big Lake — Raeanne Danielowski,
Clay Wilfahrt, and Hannah Klimmek; City of Monticello — Jeff O'Neill; and Wright County —
Virgil Hawkins and Mike Potter
Others Present: MnDOT — Claudia Dumont; Chuck Rickart, WSB; and Josh Maus, SRF
1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m.
2. Consideration of approval of meeting minutes from meeting July 27, 2017.
Tracy Bertram mentioned that under item #7, Becker Township was reported twice. The
second reference to Becker Township should be amended to City of Becker. Motion by
Tracy Bertram, seconded by Raeanne Danielowski, to approve the meeting minutes as
amended. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Update on Highway 25 Corridor Study
Josh Maus, SRF, provided a powerpoint presentation outlining the work and findings of
the Highway 25 Corridor Study. His presentation included description of the study area,
review of study goals and identification of key tasks that have been completed and those
that remain. These included a review of the Origin and Destination Study, Purpose and
Need Statement, concept development and analysis, public outreach, implementation
plan, and the coalition's work plan. A brief question and answer session ensued.
4. Update on Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Program
Dan Weber presented the draft CEDS plan and noted that it was just released. He will
send a link to coalition members for there is a 30 day comment period, which has
commenced. Mr. Weber encouraged members to review the report and provide comments
as desired.
5. Update on Rail Impact Study
Dan Weber noted that a rail impact study has been funding will commence soon.
6. Transportation and related Economic Development or Land Use Updates
• Becker — Transportation plan and other planning activities ongoing.
• Becker Township — None.
• Big Lake — Residential development proceeding along with rapid development
on the south side of town. School facility projects are complete. Remmele is
under construction.
• Big Lake Township — Residential growth is occurring. They provided the
coalition's current financial report.
• Monticello — A review of residential growth was provided. It looks like around
50 new homes will be developed. The Small Area Study is near completion. A
new auto dealership is looking at Monticello. 24 lot Featherstone project is
moving forward and there is some interest in new subdivision development in
• Sherburne County — Growth is occurring. The County is focusing on enhancing
communication with citizens via a communications page. The branding process
is in progress and will feature a new logo and website. The county is holding a
legislative priority meeting in late December. The goal is to convey the county's
priorities to local legislators in advance of the legislative session. The Highway
25 Coalition will be asked to assist in setting and communication transportation
related priorities.
• Wright County — The sales tax was approved for needed improvements. The
public works facility is complete. The courthouse is planned for an update with
the county provided the resources to complete the project. The Sony -themed
amusement park is still in process.
7. I-94 Update
Claudia Dumont reported on the potential improvement between Crow River Bridge and
St. Cloud. There is support for additional lane development along this segment of I-94. It
is unknown when this improvement may occur.
8. Legislative Updates
9. Adjourn.
There being no further discussion, there was a motion by Rick Hendrickson, seconded by
Raeanne Danielowski, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.