City Council Minutes 04-13-2005 . . . MIN TES SPECIAL MEETI G - CITY COUNCIL BOARD F REVIEW April 13, 005 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Wayne Mayer, Tom errault and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: Clint Herbst and Gle 1. Call to Order. In the absence of the Mayor and Acting Ma or, Brian Stumpf presided over the Board of Review. Brian Stumpf called the meeting 0 order at 7 p.m. Also present at the meeting were Greg Kramber, Wright County Assessor; T ny Rasmussen, Senior Appraiser and Lori Thingvold, the assessor assigned to Montic 110. Lori Thingvold summarized information re ating to the 2005 assessment for the City of Monticello. There were 224 sales and the edian sales ratio was 89.3%. The Department of Revenue requires sales ratios to be betwee 90% and 105%. Residential land and buildings in Monticello were increased by approximatel 7%. Commercial/industrial property was increased by approximately 12.73% and ap ments by 11.31 %. The median sale price on residential property as of September, 2004 as $182,200. 2. Board of Review. Wright County Assessor, Greg Kramber, re d a letter from Robert Sawyer, 4963 Park Drive (155-130-001120) He stated the presence fa group home adjacent to his property and having a county road abutting his property made it impossible to get the price his property was valued at if he should decide to sell his property. he property valuation in 2004 for 2005 taxes was $199,500 and the proposed valuation in 20 5 for 2006 taxes is $205,000. WAYNE MA YER MOVED TO MAKE N CHANGE TO THE V ALUA TION ESTABLISHED FOR PARCEL 155-130-01120 FOR 2006 TAXES. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A letter from Cathy Brown, 2702 OakviewLane (155-080-003120) questioned her valuation. She noted the following factors: 1) Prope advertised for sale on Oakview Lane; 2) Property sold on Oakview Lane; 3) Lack of a deck 0 finished basement on her structure; and 4) Value of neighboring properties. Lori Thingvold stated the comparisons wer not valid since Ms. Brown was comparing a rambler with a modified two story house. he valuation in 2004 for 2005 taxes was $166,600 and the 2005 valuation for 2006 taxes was 194,000. Greg Kramber stated the property was viewed this past summer and he submitted ictures of the property to the Council. He stated that based on comparable property (other odified two story houses) there was no basis to change her valuation. . TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO MAKE N CHANGE IN THE 2005 V ALUA TION FOR 2006 TAXES ESTABLISHED FORPAREL 155-080-003120. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Dinesh Amin owner of the Americ-inn at 1 87th Street East (155-010-003040) was present to address the valuation on his property. Wri ht County Assessor, Greg Kramber indicated that in researching and reviewing the values they ad placed on a number of hotels in Monticello they had determined that the valuations were sli htly high. The valuation on this parcel in 2004 for 2005 taxes was $614,100 and the valuation in 2005 for 2006 taxes was $753,800. The assessor was recommending that the valuation be ad.usted to $642,700. The assessor noted that revenue stream was one of three methods t ey looked at for valuing commercial property. He indicated his office would be looking at thi parcel again next year as far as valuation. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO REDUCE THE 2005 VALUATION FOR 2006 TAXES FOR PARCEL 155-010-003040 TO $642,700. OM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The other scheduled appointment was for oug Schneider of Karen's Custom Drapes. The assessor's office had talked to the property wner regarding his valuation. The property owner did not appear at the Board of Review. . Greg Kramber then discussed individually he hotels that they had reviewed and were proposing changes in the valuation. Comfort Inn, 89 Chelsea Road (155-079-0 1030). The valuation in 2004 for 2005 taxes was $1,609,800. The 2005 valuation for 2006 axes is $1,758,000. The assessor was recommending the valuation be set at $1,6 9,800. WAYNE MA YER MOVED TO SET THE V ALUA nON FOR 2006 TAXES FOR PARCEL 155-079-001030 AT $1,609,800. TOM P RRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Best Western,(Silver Fox) 1114 Cedar Str et (155-079-001020). The valuation in 2004 for 2005 taxes was $1,609,700 and the valuati ,n in2005 for 2006 taxes is $2,060,000. The assessor was recommending the valuation e set at $1,609,700. Wayne Mayer noted that the hotel had ch ged names and was now the Best Western. He asked if the name change factored into it. eg Kramber stated that different franchises have different levels of quality and so that is con idered when establishing values. Brian Stumpf noted that the 2004 valuatio for this parcel and that of the Comfort Inn-Chelsea Road (Best Western) was within $100 of e ch other but this parcel had a greater increase in 2005 and he wondered why that was so. Gr g Kramber indicated that this hotel had a restaurant which was factored in. . TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO SET THE 2005 V ALUA TION FOR 2006 TAXES FOR PARCEL 155-079-0010 AT $1,609,700. RIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . Days Inn, 201 Oakwood Drive East (155-0 3-001010). The 2004 valuation for 2005 taxes was $719,900. The assessor was recommendin that the 2005 valuation for 2006 taxes be set at $745,800. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO SET THE 2005 V ALUA TION FOR 2006 TAXES FOR PARCEL 155-083-001010 AT $745,800. A YNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Taylor Land Surveying building was v.ewed and it was determined that part of the building was storage area and not office space. As a result, the assessor was recommending a reduction in the 2005 valuation for 2006 taxes from $111,000 to $104,500 for parcel 155-010-051080. The 2004 valuation for 2005 taxes was $92 100. The assessor noted there was a cap on commercial property at 25%. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO SET THE 2005 VALUATION FOR 2006 TAXES FOR PARCEL 155-083-001010 AT $104,500. OM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . The assessor then brought up two parcels 0 ed by Robert and Sherrie Danner (155-500- 143212 and 155-500-142312). These parc Is were created when TH 25 improvements were done. It had been thought these parcels we e used as part of the trucking operation but the parcels are actually Cedar Street right ofw y. The assessor is proposing that a valuation of $100 be placed on each parcel. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SET THE 005 VALUATION FOR 2006 TAXES FOR PARCELS 155-500-143212 AND 155-500 14313 AT $100 FOR EACH PARCEL. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. M TION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The parcel belonging to John Klinkner, 48 9 Stoneridge Lane (155-093-001040) was being recommended for an adjustment because 0 a correction in the garage calculation. A $2,100 reduction was being recommended reducin the valuation from $169,900 to $167,800. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO REDUCE THE 2005 VALUATION FOR 2006 TAXES FOR PARCEL 155-093-001040 TO $167,800. A YNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Adiourn. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOU THE BOARD OF REVIEW AT 7:55 P.M. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MO ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . \~ ~s~ Recording Secretary