City Council Minutes 06-13-2005MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday June 13, 2005 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of May 23, 2005 regular Council meeting_ WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 23, 2005 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of May 23, 2005 Special Meeting- Fiber Optics Workshop GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF MAY 23, 2005 RELATING TO FIBER OPTICS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to theagenda. Glen Posusta added an update on the liquor store sign and School Boulevard reconstruction to the agenda. Wayne Mayer asked that an update on the survey that is being sent to developers and a discussion on the way city employees are accounting for their time be added to the agenda. Tom Perrault added use of the fertilizer in the parks; 011ie Koropchak added consideration to review a proposal for the Fiber Optics Task Force and Clint Herbst added an update on a meeting held at the Senior Citizen Center. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. No one spoke under the citizen comments portion of the meeting. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of new hires and departures. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of the employees as identified. B. Consideration of final plat of Union Crossings and associated development agreement with Ryan Companies. Recommendation: Approve the final plat for Union Crossings, Council Minutes - 6/13/05 subject to revisions and to approve the Union Crossings development agreement. C. Consideration of 3/2 off -sale beer license - Wal-Mart Super Center #3624. Recommendation: Approve the 3/2 off -sale beer license for July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006 contingent upon payment of license fee. D. Consideration of purchase of decanter actuator for WWTP. Recommendation: Authorize purchase of a complete spare actuator at a cost of $11,450 plus taxes and freight from ITT Industries. E. Consideration of renewal of charitable gambling license for VFW. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to renew the charitable gambling license for VFW Post #8731 for charitable gambling activities at 713 Cedar Street. F. Consideration of renewal of charitable gambling license for American Legion Post #260. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to renew the charitable gambling license for American Legion Post 260 for charitable gambling activities at 304 Elm Street. G. Consideration of establishing permit rates for fireworks sales. Recommendation: Adopt a fee schedule setting an annual license fee of $350 for those transient merchants engaged in the sale of fireworks. H. Consideration of approving on -sale liquor license for Rancho Grande II, 613 Locust Street. Recommendation: Approve the on -sale and Sunday liquor license for Rancho Grande II at 613 Locust Street contingent upon payment of license fees and submittal of certificate of insurance. I. Consideration of approving Change Order #1 to School Boulevard Sidewalk and Median Project No. 2004-31 C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $64,827.75 for Buffalo Bituminous for School Boulevard Street, Sidewalk and Median Improvements, Project No. 2004-31 C. J. REMOVED FROM AGENDA K. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for open and outdoor storage for the storage and rental of vehicles in a B-3 District. Applicant: Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit based on findings that the relocated storage area within the existing fence will not interfere with the use of the site nor with the traffic on the adjacent street. L. Consideration of a request for a simple subdivision to create two conforming unplatted lots in a PZM Zoning District. Applicant: Antoinette Breiwick. Recommendation: 2 Council Minutes - 6/13/05 Approve the simple subdivision for property PID #155-500-101417 (Sec. 10, Twp 121, R25) based on a finding that the proposed subdivision creates two fully conforming lots in the PZM District and subject to written verification of legal parcel status by Wright County and submission of a drainage and utility easement document. M. Consideration of approval of a conditional use permit for a special home occupation allowing for an in-home hair care salon in an R-2 Zoning District. Applicant: Tom and Kristy Brion. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit for a Special Home Occupation for an in-home hair care salon in an R-2 district located at 339 East 4t" Street based on the finding that the proposed use is consistent with the standards identified in the Special Home Occupation section of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the following conditions: A. The salon maintain only one chair. B. The salon operates Monday through Friday only. C. The salon operating hours will be 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. N. Consideration of approving a preliminary plat for the Hidden Forest residential subdivision and a request to rezone from A -O to R-1 and R-1 A. Applicant: Bradley Paumen. Recommendation: Approve the rezoning from A -O to R-1 and R -IA based on a finding that the proposed zoning is consistent with the surrounding neighborhood, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and to approve a preliminary plat of Hidden Forest based on a finding that the land use pattern is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and that the proposed plat meets the R-1 and R-1 A zoning regulations subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant will need to receive access approval onto CSAH 39 from Wright County. 2. A park dedication requirement as set by City resolution is recorded with the development contract to be approved with the final plat, based on the phasing of park dedication. 3. The applicant redesign the plat to remove the 5 lots to the east of "Street A" at this time. Arrangement of those lots to be included in a future phase of development for Outlot D, which will require a revised preliminary plat. 4. The applicant accommodates the requirements of the City Engineer's report date June 1, 2005. O. Consideration of Change Orders #1 and #2 for new fire truck tanker purchase. Recommendation: Authorize Change Orders #I and #2 for a total of $695.00 bringing the total fire truck purchase price to $155,581.00. P. Consideration of Crossing Surface Installation Agreement with BNSF Railroad, Meadow Oak Avenue Extension, Project No. 2005-5C. Recommendation: Adopt crossing surface installation agreement with BNSF for installation of a pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Meadow Oak Road and BNSF railroad right of way. Council Minutes - 6/13/05 Q. Consideration of Crossing Installation Agreement with BNSF Railroad,7th Street and Highland Way, Project No. 2004-2C. Recommendation: Adopt the at grade crossing agreement with BNSF at Highland Way. Clint Herbst noted a change in item #5M a conditional use permit for a special home occupation with the hours of operation being changed from Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. to Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. It was also noted on item #5N the preliminary plat and rezoning for the Hidden Forest development that only the preliminary plat was being considered and rezoning would be considered at the time of the final plat. Tom Perrault stated that he would not be voting on item #5C, a 3/2 off -sale beer license for Wal-Mart as he is an employee of the firm. Relating to item #5H a liquor license for 613 Locust Street, Clint Herbst asked how many liquor licenses the City had remaining. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, explained that with the change in the statute liquor licenses issued to restaurants did not count against the number of licenses a city had. The City of Monticello is allowed 6 licenses by statute and by referendum the City added an additional 6 licenses. Since restaurant licenses do not count against the total licenses, the City has 11 licenses remaining. Wayne Mayer asked about the amount of local contributions made by the holders of the charitable gambling license. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, stated the information had been submitted to the City. Staff would summarize the information and put in a standard format for inclusion in the next agenda packet. Glen Posusta stated he believes the organizations are exceeding the requirements of the ordinance as far as donating proceeds from the charitable gambling within the community. Tom Perrault asked that item #5M be removed the consent agenda and Glen Posusta asked that item #5I be removed from the consent agenda. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5I AND #5M. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from consent agenda for discussion. Item #SI - Change Order to School Boulevard Sidewalk and Median Project No. 2004-31 C. Glen Posusta asked why the change order was needed. Bret Weiss stated the project was originally designed to have a median the entire way. Before the project went to bids they met with Public Works and the request was made to either take the median out in the area of Autumn Ridge or move the curb lines out. Charlie Pfeffer and Shawn Weinand requested that the median go back in and the City widen the lanes because that was what had been promised to Wal-Mart. 11 Council Minutes - 6/13/05 Glen Posusta felt the median would be a problem as far as snow plowing and vehicles hitting the median. Glen Posusta asked who was paying the $64,000 cost and Bret Weiss indicated it was the developer's cost. Bret Weiss stated there are two issues: 1) Putting the median back in and 2) location of the curb lines. Public Works had felt that 15' lanes would be adequate but it was not, so 350' of curb is being removed so that the lanes can be widened to 17 feet. Glen Posusta asked why this was not caught earlier and stated that the delay in getting the work done is costing people money. Bret Weiss responded that they are trying to solve this issue as quickly as possible. The contractor is going to get back to him with a date when the work will be completed. Tom Perrault had questions on the change order relating to the closing of Dundas Road and whether the amount of calcium chloride listed is needed. Bret Weiss stated the contractor would be paid only for the amount of calcium chloride applied. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 IN THE AMOUNT OF $64,827.75 FOR BUFFALO BITUMINOUS ON PROJECT NO. 2004-31 C, SCHOOL BOULEVARD STREET, SIDEWALK AND MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Item #5M, conditional use permit for a special Home occupation for 339 East 4" Street Tom Perrault stated that he was at the Planning Commission meeting when this was discussed and had talked to the Brions concerning the hours of operation for the in home salon. The Council agenda item indicated the hours of operation would be from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Friday. The ordinance does not specify what days a special home occupation can operate but it does state that no home occupation activity shall be conducted between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. unless the occupation is contained entirely within the principal building and will not require any on -street parking facilities. Jeff O'Neill responded that since this a conditional use permit, the Planning Commission can place restrictions such as hours and days of operation. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A SPECIAL HOME OCCUPATION FOR AN IN-HOME HAIR CARE SALON IN AN R-2 DISTRICT AT 339 EAST 4TH STREET WITH THE HOURS AND DAYS OF OPERATION FOR THE FACILITY BEING WHATEVER IS ALLOWED BY CITY ORDINANCE. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearing - Vacation of street, drainage and utility easements 90" Street Addition and 90" Street Second Addition City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller explained the vacation of the street right of way and utility easements was being done as part of the re -alignment of Chelsea Road. The easements and right of way need to be vacated in order to accommodate the new alignment for Chelsea Road. The vacation of the easements do not affect any utilities in place and replacement easements will be provided in the plat of 90" Street Third Addition. E Council Minutes - 6/13/05 Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing on the vacation of the right of way and drainage and utility easements. No one spoke for or against the proposed vacation. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE VACATION OF UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AND STREET RIGHT OF WAY AS DESCRIBED IN RESOLUTION NO. 2005-66. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration of award of bid for CSAH 18/I-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-1C and Extension of Meadow Oak Avenue, Project No. 2005-5C City Engineer, Bret Weiss gave a brief summary of the project explaining that the extension of Meadow Oak Avenue would provide the detour while the CSAH 18 bridge is being reconstructed. The project also includes two segments of the CSAR 18 intersection; CSAH 18 from the new intersection at Meadow Oak Avenue south to School Boulevard and CSAH 39 from County Road 75 to Hart Boulevard. Relocation of the watermain crossing I-94 will also be done as part of this project. This work needs to be completed by September of 2005. Two bids were received with the low bid being R. L. Larson Excavating in the amount of $1,913,089.40 which was slightly less than the City Engineer's estimate of $1,929,916.50. Bret Weiss stated the project consisted of a number of pieces and required a lot of coordination which probably limited the number of bidders willing to bid the project. The City Engineer was recommending awarding the contract to R L. Larson Excavating contingent upon execution of a development agreement with Ryan Companies. An informational meeting on the project was held on June 8, 2005 and a summary of that meeting was submitted to the Council. Some concerns brought up at the informational meeting included the additional traffic, having adequate parking, putting in a screening fence to protect against balls coming out from the fields, what kind of development is proposed for the Weinand site, and extra enforcement by the Sheriff's office. Glen Posusta asked about the bike path on the south side of the road. He said it goes down a pretty steep grade and with all the traffic and activity going on there, it is a safety concern. Glen Posusta suggested erecting a barrier of some type. Bret Weiss will check into this. Bret Weiss will also check with MnDOT about allowing a guard rail to be installed along I-94 adjacent to the park at the s -curve. Bret Weiss also addressed the concern about vehicles on Eastwood Lane having to wait to enter Meadow Oak Avenue. Glen Posusta said a resident had asked him about options to slow the speed of traffic in the area. Bret Weiss noted there are options such as speed bumps but felt that the most effective option would be additional patrols in the area. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AWARD THE PROJECT TO R. L. LARSON EXCAVATING, on Council Minutes - 6/13/05 INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,913,089.40 CONTINGENT ON EXECUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH RYAN COMPANIES. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of award of bids for the Core City Street Reconstruction Project No 2005-1C. Bret Weiss stated that bids on the project were opened on June 10, 2005 and a total of four bids were received with Buffalo Bituminous submitting the low bid. The project was bid with a number of alternates. Alternate #1 covered the sidewalk and pedestrian ramps. The sidewalk is proposed on the north side of River Street. Alternates #2 and #3 covered different types of storm sewer pipe. One alternate was for reinforced concrete pipe and the other for corrugated polyethylene pipe. Bret Weiss stated the City uses the reinforced concrete pipe and recommended staying with that even though it added $19,000 more to the project cost. The installation of a sidewalk is for safety for pedestrians. The City is proposing to add sidewalk in order to separate vehicle traffic from pedestrian traffic. River Street is on the City's plan for having a sidewalk/trail system going to the west end of the City. Bret Weiss stated that the residents were not in favor of the sidewalk being installed but it was the recommendation of the city staff that the sidewalk be included in the project. The recommendation of staff was to award the project with Alternates #I and #2. Bruce Hammond, 1021 West River Street spoke regarding the project. He asked if the intent was to have the sidewalk continue on the north side of the street beyond Chestnut Street. Staff indicated that was in the future plans. Bruce Hammond stated that on River Street between Chestnut Street and Willow Street most of the lots front the river and the people tend to walk or bike on the south side of the street. He questioned placing the sidewalk on the north side of the street since there is no view of the river. Brian Stumpf questioned placing sidewalk on River Street when the City had a sidewalk/trail system on CSAR 75. Clint Herbst stated the primary reason to consider sidewalk on River Street was a safety issue. Bruce Hammond asked about the width of the street and stated that quite a bit of walking was done on the street. With the street being widened there should be enough room for people to walk or bike on the street. He added that with the construction of CSAR 75 being completed the traffic on River Street has dropped back to normal levels. John Simola stated that even with the street being widened to 32 feet there is parking on both sides of the street so there is only 16 feet between the vehicles. Pedestrians may come out between cars creating a safety hazard. Clint Herbst agreed that sidewalk was an amenity but he was not in favor of forcing it on residents in an area that is already developed. He felt a sidewalk/trail in the area of the cemetery was important though. Glen Posusta said he had two caveats about putting the sidewalk in: 1) the sidewalk be located next to the curb and no trees are removed and 2) The City is responsible for cleaning the sidewalk. Jeff O'Neill stated that parking on both sides of the street is a hazard and suggested 7 Council Minutes - 6/13/05 parking on only one side of the street or having a marked pedestrian/bike lane. Brian Stumpf stated there are seldom that many cars parked on River Street. Jeff O'Neill said in new developments you have sidewalk on one side because of the safety issues. Clint Herbst asked if residents in new developments had the option of going with parking on one side of the street in lieu of sidewalks. Roger Mack stated that the sidewalk that is proposed is right behind the curb which means the snowplows will be dumping snow onto the sidewalk. Jenny Klein, 1133 West River Street spoke stating that the area is quiet and there is not a lot of traffic. There will be no additional development in the area that will generate an increase in traffic that would necessitate the need for sidewalk. Bruce Hammond felt instead of a sidewalk a marked lane would be acceptable. This would also avoid the maintenance issue for residents. Brian Stumpf asked about the two different types of pipe that was bid. The plastic pipe has been used more in backyards rather than under the street. Bret Weiss said the plastic pipe has to be compacted properly in order for it to last. The strength of the plastic pipe is not in the pipe but in how it is bedded. Clint Herbst felt if other cities use the plastic pipe, Monticello could as well. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AWARD THE BASE BID PLUS ALTERNATE #3 (CORRUGATE POLYETHYLENE PIPE) WITH NO SIDEWALK TO BUFFALO BITUMINOUS INC. FOR THE 2005 CORE STREET PROJECT NO. 2005-1 C. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of award of bids for Hillside Farms Storm Sewer Outlet, City Project Nn_ 2004-07C Phil Elkin from WSB & Associates recapped previous Council discussions on this matter. A new development (Hillside Farms) needed a drainage connection through an existing development (Rolling Woods). The original project was designed to have a 12" pipe with open cut construction until the point where there was not enough room to open cut and then directional boring would be done. The City found out they had less easement area than they anticipated so changes had to be made to the plans. The design looked at having an 18" line to accommodate future development to the south. Schluender submitted the low bid of $162,456.70. Directional boring of the 18" pipe would raise the project cost to $195,984. If the City did not up size the pipe until development plans for the property were submitted they could directional bore a 12" line which would make the project cost $172,389.50. The engineer has not been able to work with the property owners to obtain the additional easements needed. The recommendation of the engineer was to go with a 12" pipe and directional bore. Glen Posusta had some questions on how the engineer determined to go with a 12" pipe and what happened to the proposal for two 12" lines. Phil Elkin reviewed the changes in design from what Council Minutes - 6/13/05 was originally proposed and how they ultimately arrived at a 12" pipe. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AWARD THE CONTRACT TO SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCTION FOR THE HILLSIDE FARMS STORM SEWER OUTLET, PROJECT NO. 2004-7C AND AUTHORIZE A CHANGE ORDER, WHICH WILL DIRECTIONAL BORE A 12" STORM SEWER PIPE WITHIN THE EXISTING EASEMENT ALONG THE BACKYARDS OF THE FIVE LOTS ON BADGER CIRCLE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration of authorizing purchase of ballfield fencing - Hillcrest Park Public Works Director, John Simola provided background information on the proposal to replace the existing fence, backstop and dugout at Hillcrest Park. Quotes were obtained and the lowest quote received was $12,950. The Monticello Youth Baseball Association committed to help finance the project in the amount of $8,000. Clint Herbst asked if the City had looked at an irrigation system for the field. John Simola stated they are working on getting the turf back into shape and have not priced any irrigation systems. Wayne Mayer asked how much work the field was going to need to bring it up to a safe playing field Adam Hawkinson, Parks Superintendent stated that the field would require some additional grading and in July there is a period when the fields are not being used and they could possibly stub in for an irrigation system at that time. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE INSTALLATION OF THE FENCE, BACKSTOP AND DUGOUT AT HILLCREST PARK BASED ON THE LOWEST BID RECEIVED CONTINGENT UPON THE CITY WORKING OUT A FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH MYBA FOR AN $8,000 CONTRIBUTION. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration of moving forvi'ard on Phase III of the Public Works Buildinal Plans. Public Works Director, John Simola, provided information on the current condition of the Public Works facility and the need to add space. He stated that the City had received approval from the Planning Commission to build a pole barn building across the street from the Public Works Building which would have an asphalt shingle roof, brick wainscot and be well screened. Work had begun on the preparation of the site for building which included grading, storm sewer, installation of sewer and water into the building site and the installation of a flammable waste trap, when the Council froze funds for the project at the beginning of the year. The Council also questioned whether the proposed site was the appropriate place for the building since it was in a residential area so no further work was done on the building. John Simola reviewed the existing facilities and improvements that had been made over the years to accommodate the growth. He added that prior to the Public Works Building be located there, the property was a demolition dump. A portion of the site has been soil corrected but there is area that I Council Minutes - 6/13/05 remains to be corrected. John Simola reviewed a proposed Phase III for the expansion of the Public Works Building. He noted that revenue from the liquor store was to fiend the proposed expansion however with the construction of the Community Center liquor store revenue was being used to offset the bond debt for the Community Center. It is estimated that the cost for Phase III could run from $1,000,000 to $3,000,000. The estimated cost for the pole building that had been proposed earlier was about $70,000 plus another $20,00 to complete the interior. Clint Herbst stated he didn't disagree that building space was needed but he did questioned whether it should take place at the present site. Clint Herbst suggested looking at the city owned property on Chelsea Road in the area of the animal shelter. Brian Stumpf asked if there was room in the area of the treatment plant. Clint Herbst suggested instead of trying to keep the Public Works facilities together on one site, they may need to look at separating them. He did not like the idea of the Public Works facility being in a residential neighborhood. John Simola said there are funds budgeted to do a study. John Simola asked what could be done with the overcrowding and work areas in the interim until another site could be developed. The Council felt that during the interim the Public Works facility would continue to operate as they presently are. Clint Herbst felt the City should be held to a higher standard . John Simola asked for authority to get quotes for a needs study, site layout of the revision and construction costs that would cover at least the next 20 years. ( GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO LOOK AT ANOTHER SITE ENTIRELY FOR THE PROPOSED EXPANSION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY WITH SAID SITE BEING CENTRALLY LOCATED AND COULD SUPPORT GROWTH BEYOND 30 OR 40 YEARS AND DIRECTED STAFF TO STUDY THE CITY OWNED LAND AT THE WATER RESERVOIR SITE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration of replacement of John Deere skid loader. John Simola provided information on the existing 1997 John Deer skid loader and the repairs the City had to make recently to keep it operating. The City has spent $7,000 in repairs on a machine with a value of $11,000. It is proposed that a new skid loader be purchased and the John Deere skid loader would be used down at the WWTP. John Simola stated that he had gotten prices based on the state bid from St. Joseph Equipment for $35,721.17 including sales tax. They are also proposing to purchase some additional attachments such as a set of pallet forks, jack hammer, asphalt cutter and a snow bucket. The skid loader would be shared by the Parks and Street Department. Clint Herbst noted that the current skid loader was purchased in 1997 and had 2000 hours on it which is less than one hour a day. John Simola said as the City continues to grow the use of the skid loader would continue to grow. Glen Posusta stated he has a difficult time with the purchase of a piece of equipment that is only used on an average of an hour a day. There was some discussion on the attachments; how they would be used and whether they would be 10 Council Minutes - 6/13/05 interchangeable with any type of skid loader. Clint Herbst felt it might be better to get the attachments at this time instead of getting a new loader. Wayne Mayer stated the Public Works Department has a shop mechanic and he wondered if the repairs to the loader were above the capabilities of the mechanic. John Simola said the shop mechanic could do the repairs but the City did not have the necessary equipment for him to do so. Tom Perrault asked how often the skid loader was used at the WWTP. Chuck Keyes, WWTP operator stated about 12 times a year and they would probably be used more if it was on site. Tom Perrault noted the bid from Trueman -Welter and asked how that compared to the state bid. John Simola indicated the state bid was lower. John Simola stated that they had only priced the attachments from St. Joseph equipment. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO NOT APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF A NEW SKID LOADER BUT TO REPAIR THE EQUIPMENT AS NEEDED, PURCHASE THE ATTACHMENTS FOR THE SKID LOADER AND TRANSFER THE EQUIPMENT TO THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. WHEN NEEDED EQUIPMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT THE PLANT COULD CONTINUE TO RENT EQUIPMENT AS NEEDED. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION WITH THE AMENDMENT THAT STAFF WORK WITH GLEN POSUSTA TO LOOK AT SOME OF THE ATTACHMENTS THAT ARE PROPOSED TO BE PURCHASED. Glen Posusta felt some additional bids should be obtained for the attachments. GLEN POSUSTA AMENDED THE ABOVE MOTION TO ADD THAT THE COST OF ATTACHMENTS NOT EXCEED $7,900. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF AND TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION 14. Consideration of proposal for Comprehensive Planning Process. Jeff O'Neill stated that with the annexation agreement with the township, the City needs to look at updating their Comprehensive Plan. Because of pressure from development, there is an urgency to get the Comprehensive Plan updated. Jeff O'Neill felt that Northwest Associated Consultants should be given consideration. He noted that NAC is currently the City's Planning firm and is familiar with the area. Although the City could go out for RFP's that would add several weeks to getting a firm in place to do the plan update. Staff was also suggesting that an annexation fee be charged to those properties coming into the City to offset the planning costs. Steve Grittman reviewed the proposal Northwest Associated Consultants had submitted for the Comprehensive Plan update. He stated the Comprehensive Plan is a policy document as well as a goal and visioning document. NAC would proposed to spend time with the Council and others in the community to look at what other communities have done and how they handled going from small communities to larger communities. After that the City has to determine what they like and what 11 Council Minutes - 6/13/05 they don't like. Policies will then be written and finally code language will be written. Since there is great deal of potential growth on the horizon it is important to look at the Comprehensive Plan update now. Glen Posusta agreed that it was something that needs to be looked at but he questioned the cost. He felt if the City was going to do this they should put out an RFP. He felt with NAC's knowledge of the City they should be able to come down in price. He didn't feel the City should just give the work to NAC. Clint Herbst agreed that this should be done by RFP. He also felt that the cost of the planning work should be placed on the property owners coming into the City. Council asked if the park plan would be updated as well. Glen Posusta felt that if the developer comes in the City should specify where the park is going to be placed and what the developer is expected to put in. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO PROCEED WITH PREPARING RFP'S FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE AND TO NOT GO WITH AN ANNEXATION FEE AS OTHER AREAS SUCH AS 7TH STREET AND THE DOWNTOWN AREA OF THE CITY WOULD BE EVOLVING AND NEEDING PLANNING AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SHOULD COVER ALL AREAS. Motion failed for a lack of a second. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO HAVE JEFF O'NEILL PREPARE RFP' S FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE INCLUDING AN ANNEXATION FEE IF NEEDED. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. It was discussed whether the RFP's should come back before the Council prior to being sent out. The Council felt the RFP's should come back for Council review. Added ltemc- Liquor Store Sign: Rick Wolfsteller stated that the sign at the liquor store is not higher than other signs in the area. He added that the liquor store manager has contacted some sign companies about designs and cost. These costs estimates are not back yet. Before the City takes the old sign down they want to know the cost for a new sign. Glen Posusta felt the liquor store had enough visibility so he would just like the sign taken down. Developer Survey: Wayne Mayer asked about the survey that was to be sent out to the developers. Jeff O'Neill said it would be going out within a week. Wayne Mayer asked if the results would be available for the next Council meeting. Glen Posusta asked if the Council could see the list of the developers that the survey was being sent to. Accounting of Employee Time: Wayne Mayer noted that staff has stated they are busy and yet some staff 12 Council Minutes - 6/13/05 members are gone on Friday. He wanted to know how individual's work time was tracked. He felt this would aid Council in determining if additional staffing is needed. Glen Posusta asked about a time clock being installed at Public Works. Rick Wolfsteller responded that the City is trying to find a system that will integrate with the City's payroll system. Rick Wolfsteller stated that the Liquor Store and Community Center have programs that are tied in with their cash register operations. The City has been in contact with their AS400 vendor but it has not been determined if they have a system that could be utilized. Glen Posusta felt that just a time clock would be sufficient. It was discussed whether the time clock would apply to salaried employees. Jeff O'Neill said the City doesn't have the resources to get the work done. Wayne Mayer asked if the time cards would provide the justification to add additional employees. The Council needs to know how many hours are being worked. Brian Stumpf felt that the City didn't have to worry about the hours staff was putting in. Glen Posusta said it is not good for morale to see SOME employees coming in late and leaving early so he felt a time clock was necessary. Rick Wolfsteller said if the Council wanted just a time clock that could be done in a short period of time but he was of the understanding that the Council wanted to look at a system tied into payroll. Glen Posusta asked about overtime at the DMV. He questioned how there could be overtime when they have part-time people who are suppose to take up the slack. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that the overtime is minimal and is usually the result of a customer coming in a late. Clint Herbst suggested addressing this at the next Personnel Committee meeting. Glen Posusta asked if the hours for salaried employees can be tracked. Tom Scott, City Attorney, said for purposes of surveying then it can be done. The hours of the Community Development staff could be tracked and the actual hours charged to the developers. At the present time the City charges a flat fee. Jeff O'Neill suggested staff could track their hours on a large project, a medium size project and small project and come up with a model as far as number of hours that could be applied on any project. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED THAT THE CITY GET A TIME CLOCK FOR IN THE DMV AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND THAT HOURS BE TRACKED AT CITY HALL BY A PROGRAM TIED INTO THE PAYROLL PROGRAM. Clint Herbst didn't feel this suggestion was malicious but rather it was a way of determining justification for adding staff. He felt some prices should be obtained for program that would tie into the finance program. Wayne Mayer said his intent in bringing this up was to see if there was a way of tracking hours to determine if additional staff is needed. Jeff O'Neill suggested checking with other communities to see if they track employee hours and bring the findings back at the next meeting. Fertilizer Use: Tom Perrault questioned the fertilizer use at West Bridge Park. He was at the park on May 28" and was concerned about the amount of fertilizer that was on the pavement. Adam Hawkinson said they use a broadcast system so the fertilizer is spread out. This method does not allow exact control where the fertilizer lands. Glen Posusta stated he could spread fertilizer without getting that much on the walkway. Glen Posusta asked Adam Hawkinson about the purchase of the fertilizer noting that the City ordinance prohibits the use of fertilizer with phosphorous. Adam Hawkinson stated that based on the 13 Council Minutes - 6/13/05 directive of the Council to get the ballfields in shape, he had the soil tested and it showed a deficiency in phosphorous. Since the ordinance provides an exception for property that by testing is shown to be in need of phosphorous, he purchase the phosphorous fertilizer. He noted that the phosphorous helps establish good turf and good turf helps reduce the number of injuries. Glen Posusta asked why this fertilizer was not purchased locally. Adam Hawkinson explained he did contact a local vendor who quoted him a price of $21.50 a bag. He contacted another vendor whose price was $14.00/a bag. He then contacted the local vendor to see if he would match the $14/bag price and the local vendor could not. Adam Hawkinson purchased some from the local vendor and the balance from the other vendor. Glen Posusta said he disagreed with that as he had contacted the local vendor and had gotten prices that were lower. Adman Hawkinson stated he had the written quote in his file. John Simola stated that the attempt was made to buy locally but the disparity in prices did not make it prudent to do so. Rick Wolfsteller added that Adam Hawkinson had come to him on the purchase and he agreed because of the disparity in price that it made sense to purchase from the out of town vendor. Glen Posusta questioned the purchase of flowering plants at Bob & Judy's. Adam Hawkinson indicated it was not a Parks Department purchase but a purchase made by a volunteer group. Glen Posusta reiterated his belief that the City has to support the local business people. Tom Perrault countered that it was good if the City could support the local businesses but the City also has to justify the expenditure to the taxpayers.. Fiber Optic Task Force Proposal: 011ie Koropchak submitted a proposal by Milda Hedbloom to work with a task force to establish broadband options for the City. The proposal was for 20 hours at $175/hour for a total of $3,500 approximately. 011ie Koropchak felt the task force needs some outside guidance. She noted that three people have expressed interest in serving on the task force. Tom Perrault felt the cost was not realistic. Wayne Mayer felt it was very important to get the task force activated but he questioned whether it would take the 20 hours proposed. He asked that the Council approve 4 hours with Milda Hedbloom as he thought this would be enough to get the task force started. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE ENTERING INTO A PROPOSAL WITH MILDA HEDBLOOM FOR FOUR HOURS OF SERVICE IN ASSISTING THE TASK FORCE TO LOOK AT FIBER OPTICS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Senior Center: The City had initially committed to $34,000 in support of the Senior Center and now 14 years later the level of commitment is still at $34,000/year. The Senior Center Board is concerned about depletion of funds and also about their ability to retain their director. It was suggested that the City increase the committment and then tie it to an annual percentage increase. Clint Herbst recommended the annual amount be set at $44,000 with a 3% increase annually. This will be brought up at 2006 budget meetings. 15. Approve payment of bills for June Glen Posusta questioned the bill from WSB & Associates for the parking lot improvements. John Simola stated that while he had prepared the sketches, WSB had done the CADD work, did the bidding and prepared the specifications. Glen Posusta also questioned the "general engineering" 14 Council Minutes - 6/1-3'/05 charges that appear on the WSB invoices. Bret Weiss indicated that if there is not a particular project number or planning code assigned, it then is put in the general engineering. Glen Posusta said he would like to see a change in the engineering invoices as far as the general engineering charges. Bret Weiss indicated they could look at that. Wayne Mayer noted that MCC frequently utilizes the service of an electrician and since it adds up to a lot of money he suggested maybe getting someone on staff to handle the electrical work or if that is not warranted, split the electrical work to more than one firm. Tom Perrault commented on the statement from Cedar Street Garden Center and the amount charged for trees. He also questioned the advertisement in the Duluth News. John Simola indicated that the advertisement was for the construction inspector position, which was advertised in the Duluth, St. Cloud and Minneapolis paper. Tom Perrault also asked how many more bills would be coming in on the Walk N Roll event. He felt that the City should not be spending so much money on this event. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS, WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 16. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 10:55 p. m. Recording Secretary 15