City Council Minutes 10-10-2005 SpecialSpecial Council Meeting Minute — 10/10/05
Monday October 10, 2005 — 5:30 p.m.
Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Bob Brown from Bolton & Menk and Peg Becker from PSG
1. Call to Order.
Mayor Herbst called the workshop meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
2. Review and discussion of biosolids options.
Bob Brown from Bolton & Menk, Inc. reviewed biosolids information presented in the
study and at previous workshops. He outlined the criteria used to evaluate the options. It
was recommended that the City proceed with a heat drying alternative and also to expand
the existing anaerobic digestion facility.
The reasons for recommending the heat drying option included: 1) This option produces
Class A biosolids; 2) It had the lowest capital costs of the options studied; 3) It offered the
means to provide the greatest volume reduction of the biosolids; 4) More flexible than
other options as far as disposing of the final product; 5) Permitting options for Class A
biosolids are less restrictive; 6) Heat drying is a proven system for handling biosolids; 7)
No additional land is required for sludge disposal; 8) This option provides flexibility for
future expansion and requires small foot print to construct; and 9) Allows for an
incinerator to be added in the future.
The expansion of the existing anaerobic digestion facility was recommended as a means of
reducing the volume of biosolids that would need to be dried. The system could produce
Class B biosolids as an emergency backup system.
At a previous session the Council had asked about constructing the biosolids system in
phases. Bob Brown reviewed a site layout which showed the existing facilities that would
be expanded in the future and the site of the heat drying facility. It is proposed that phase
I would be construction of the heat drying facilities and phase II would be expansion of
the anaerobic treatment facilities. Phase I would be started in spring of 2006 and would
be completed in the fall of 2007. The estimated cost for Phase I is $4,000,000. Phase II
construction would start in the fall of 2007 and be completed in 2008 at an estimated cost
of $3,250,000.
Tom Perrault noting that construction of the heat drying system would take a couple of
years to complete asked how the biosolids would be handled in the interim. John Simola
Special Council Meeting Minute — 10/10/05
stated that they would maximize the use of the land the City does have. Any excess would
be dried outside and landfilled. Tom Perrault questioned whether the City should pursue
acquiring additional land as a backup in case the heat drying system did not work or for
use during the interim period when the heat drying system was being constructed. John
Simola indicated they would not be looking at acquiring additional land with the heat
drying system.
Bob Brown stated that at the end of the 15 year cycle they would anticipate that the dryer
would be operating 14 days for four times a year. Initially they would anticipate that the
dryer would be operating for 14 days twice a year. Bob Brown stated that until the
biosolids are dried it is Class B biosolids. Methane produced by the Class B biosolids will
be used to convert the biosolids to a Class A product.
Bob Brown answered questions from the Council relating to life of the equipment,
replacement costs, maintenance costs and disposal of the Class A biosolids. The Council
discussed at length if the City was to pursue acquiring additional land what sites are
available and what costs would be incurred to determine if the land was suitable for land
application of biosolids. Brian Stumpf said that it was the intent of the City to be able to
produce Class A biosolids and this can be done with the heat drying system. He didn't
feel the City should be buying more land so they could continue to produce Class B
biosolids. Wayne Mayer asked about the track record for heat drying systems and
whether there had been any contact with communities who use this system.
3. Adjourn.
The workshop session adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Recording Secretary