City Council Minutes 10-27-2005 Joint
Thursday,Octob r 27, 2005 - 7 p.m.
Councilmembers Present:
Wayne Mayer and To 1 Perrault
Counci I membcrs A bscnt:
Glen Posusta, Clint Herbst and Brian Stumpf
Police Commission
Membcrs Prescnt:
Brad Fyle and Dick S' ais
Sheriff's Department
Representatives Present:
Sheriff Gary Miller, 1 an Anselment, Mike Evans and Joc IIagerty
City Administrator, ick Wolfsteller and Deputy City Administrator, Jefl
The purpose of the joint meeting was to discuss the idea of Monticello establishing a public safety
informational mecting for city residents that could rovidcinformation on why the City of Monticello
contracts for its police protection services through t e Wright County Sheriff Department and provide a
forum for allowing citizens to ask questions regardi Ig our public safety services through thc police and
fire department.
Shcriff Miller noted that his department has prepare a basic informational program that hc could
present at a open flwum meeting dcscribing the ben fits his department provides in contracting with
various local communities including Monticello. he committee brainstormed other idcas on what
type of agenda could be prepared for an informatiOl al meeting and it was notcd that possibly a public
safety open house meeting could be conducted in c njunction with a MEADA program being planned
for early next year. It was the consensus of the con mittee members that conducting a opcn house
format for the public in conjunction with a drug edl cational program may attract more citizens to
attend and city staff should works towards utilizing he Mississippi Room in the Community Center for
this program on a Saturday.
The idea ofajoint program involving the SherifT's epartment and Firc Department in conjunction
with the MEADA program will be discussed by the MEADA representatives at their next mecting and
if they are in concurrence with this idea, a date wi II e scheduled for early next ycar. Police
Commission may meet again in late November or e' rly December to review the results of the MEADA
mccting and continuc planning f()r a joint open hou e.
Recording Secretary