Parks Commission Minutes 10-15-1998 . . . --- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, October 15,1998 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Members Absent: Liaison Prescnt: Staff Present: Earl Smith, Fran Fair, Jennifer Fearing Chair Larry Nolan, Rick Traver Roger Carlson Gregg Engle, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call mccting to order. Earl Smith, Acting Chairman, called the meeting to order. Larry Nolan and Rick Traver were absent. 2. Consideration of approving the minutes for the Sept. 17. 1998 meeting. FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 17, 1998 MEETING. SECONDED BY JENNIFER FEARING. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda A. Roger Carlson, Council Liaison, requested the Parks Commission discuss ways in which the City could assist in pruning the trees that were planted last spring. 4. Citizens requests There were no citizen requests. 5. Report from Brad JohnsonJLotus Realty Services regarding development in Bridge Park. A letter was reccived from Brad Johnson, developer with Lotus Realty Services, stating he would not be attending the October Parks mccting as previously scheduled. Mr. Johnson requested the Commission continue the delay in implementing the improvement project for Bridge Park, also stated would be attending the November meeting. The Commissioners discussed tabling the issue for another month and decided it was time to move forward with the improvements. The Commissioners stated that unless there was a land exchange that would keep Bridge Park the same size or expand the park area thcy were very hesitant to work with Lotus Realty Services. It was requested that City staff - f- . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 10/15/98 add this item to the City Council agenda for a decision regarding continuing the Bridge Park area improvements. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FRAN FAIR THAT THE ORIGINAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR EAST AND WEST BRIDGE PARK SHOULD RESUME BY CONTINUING THE SCHEDULE FOR RELOCATING THE LIFT ST A nON AND SEWER SYSTEM, ADDING DIAGONAL PARKING ALONG WALNUT STREET, CONSTRUCTION OF THE RETAINING WALLS FROM THE BRIDGE ALONG EAST AND WEST RIVER STREET, AND ADDING AN IRRIGATION SYSTEM. SECONDED BY JENNIFER FEARING. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Planning items - Rolling Woods Subdivision Jon Bogart, engineer for the project, and Mark Woolston, developer, reported on the plat and eXplained two designs for the project. Rolling Woods is a residential subdivision next to Wild Wood Ridge Subdivision otICounty Road 118. Mr. Bogart stated that cash in lieu ofland would be given for park dedication because ofthe close location of the park to the watertower. The wetlands cannot be used as dedicated park land because of standing water from time to time; however, care will be taken in planning so as to insure a useable green space most of the time. Mr. Bogart explained the two lot designs were completed. In the first design more trees were saved. However, the engineer was under the impression the road design was not what the City had requested. In the second design, the road's design was changed which caused the removal of most of the larger trees. Mr. Bogart statcd it did not make a difference to the developer which design was selected by the City as both designs had the samc number of lots. The Commission reviewed the plat and requested a small tot-lot park in the center of the subdivision because the park by the watertower would be too far for small children to play without an adult along. Since it was difficult to tell the size and quality of the trees by the aerial map, they did not have a preference as to which layout should be used. The Commissioners referred this decision to City staff and the developer. Mr. Bogart added that he and Mr. Woolston would be walking the property with Steve Grittman, City Planner, and Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator on the following Wednesday if anyone would like to join them. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, stated he would join them. -2- . . . Parks Commission Minutcs - 10/15/98 FRAN FAIR MADE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION THAT THE ROLLING WOODS SUBDIVISION INCLUDE AT LEAST AN ACRE AND HALF SIZE PARK LOCATED IN THE CENTER OF THE SUBDIVISION. SECONDED BY JENNIFER FEARING. Motion carried unanimously. (Larry Nolan and Rick Traver absent) 7. Park Maintenance items - Gregg Engle Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, reported on the items that had been completed in the parks; Ellison Park- irrigation being completed, W. Bridge - wintcrized, Cardinal Hills- trees from the fire station parking lot area were transplanted in the tot-lot, 4th Street Park -completed warming house repairs, Mississippi Drive lot-contracted to remove large Elm Tree, Meadow Oaks-installed basketball court, Freeway Fields-installing curbs and footings for shelter and checking bids for construction of shelter, Klein Farms-sign will be installed by Lions, Hockey Association-meeting to discuss upcoming hockey season, 8. Discussion on City Council decisions for playground equipment at Ellison Park. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, reported that the City Council had approved the low bid for the new playground equipment in Ellison Park. It will be installed yet this year. Mr. Engle reported most of the old structure was not worth keeping. However, the parts that can be salvaged, such as the slide, will be stored for future use. 9. Review of River Mill neighborhood park meeting The Commission discussed the neighborhood planning meeting for the River Mill Park which was very well attended. The River Mill residents came to the meeting with many comments and suggestions. It was the first time the Parks Commission had met with the neighborhood and it was agreed the meeting had been very worthwhile. The Commission will consider doing additional meetings with the neighborhood residents in the future. 10. Discussion on budget cuts The Commission reviewed the five year park budget and thought the numbers seemed more realistic after the column for future park development was added. They stated that though it is impossible to know how many new subdivisions applications will be received in the next five years, it is important at least have an estimated budget. 11. Added items. -3- . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 10/15/98 A. Tree Pruning - Roger Carlson, City Council Liaison, requested the Commission review options for pruning the trecs that were plantcd last spring. The Commissioners agreed this was an important item and should be added to the November meeting for further discussion. B. Balboual Park - This item will be on the November agenda. C. Soccer Field - This item will be on the November agenda. 12. Updates A. Park land purchased by the water tower - The Commission decided to wait on this item until the November meeting. They requested John Simola, Public Works Director, attend the meeting if possible. 13. Adiourn. JENNIFER FEARING MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR. Motion carried unanimously. (J ~do kll10>>UVL- Wanda Kraemer Administrative Assistant -4-