Parks Commission Minutes 11-19-1998 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, November 19, 1998 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Larry Nolan, Earl Smith, Fran Fair, Rick Traver, Jennifer Fearing Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Gregg Engle, John Simola, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call meeting to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Larry Nolan. 2. Consideration of approving the minutes for the October 15. 1998 meeting. EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE 'fHE MINUTES, SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. The following items were added to the agenda: A. B. Rolling Woods. Snowmobile safety. 4. Citizens request. Paul Wurm, owner of Park Place Apartments had concerns regarding the concept plan for West Bridge Park. His property will be affected if the plan is adopted and he questioned when he would be notified about future expansion of this area. Chairman Nolan explained the Parks Commission had been requested by the City Council and HRA to review the plan. Mr. Brad Johnson, developer for the project, will be reporting on the plan; therefore, it was timely that Mr. Wurm was in attendance. Mr. Wurm agreed to wait with any further questions until the developer had explained the concept plan and the process. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, asked Mr. Wurm ifhe had noticed any changes in the people and activity at West Bridge Park. Mr. Wurm was pleased with the cleanup and security. He stated there seemed to be more families using the park. Also, the kind of activity in the park has improved. Page 1 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 11/19/98 5. Discussion on request from Brad Johnson/Lotus Realtv Services. Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty Services, reported to the Parks Commission on the concept plan for West and East Bridge Park. Mr. Johnson explained that the Comprehensive Plan directed thc rcdevelopment of the downtown and river front area. In conjunction with the plan the liRA has been acquiring property that has been for sale along thc river. No property has becn taken by condemnation. The vision is to acquire the propcrty in a win- win situation. Mr. Johnson had planned to meet with Paul and Evelyn Wurm, owners of the apartmcnt property to the west of Bridge Park, to discuss their plans for the future. The currcnt concept plan shows about 450 feet of river frontage, 4 Y2 acres of land compared to 2 lIz acres today, an upper scale apartment building, hotel/inn, and a restaurant. Thc Commissioners did question why the City is only working with one developer. Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, explained that Mr. Johnson is working with the BRA The HRA will determine the process for working with private developers. Mr. O'Neill stated the main focus ofthe Parks Commission is to decide if they approve ofthc park use in the concept plan. If they do, then the previously approved park improvcments should wait until it is decided what will be done in Bridge Park. The Commission discussed waiting with major improvements; however, did request removing thc large boulders around the parking lot and researching a better temporary irrigation system in East Bridge Park. Gregg Engle agreed to check into a more convenient way to irrigate the East Bridge Park area. EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION TO DELAY ALL MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS IN WEST BRIDGE PARK UNTIL THE CONCEPT PLAN COULD BE FURTHER RESEARCHED. SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Discussion on purchasing of park land by the water tower. - John Simola John Simola, Public Works Director, reported four acres ofland was purchascd from Kenny Schultz at $16,000 an acre for a total of $66,000 which will be paid from the park dedication fees. Mr. Schultz originally requested $20,000 an acre for 4 acres, after negotiations, a price of $16,000 an acre was agreed on. A total of $66,000 for 4 acres was paid. There was also a request to name the park Schultz park. The Park Commission discussed this request and decided it would have historical value to add a I ine on the sign that the park was homestcaded in 1862 by thc Schultz family. Page 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 11/19/98 7. Discussion on policv for naminQ park land. A. Water Tower Hill This item will bc discusscd at a future meeting so a policy on naming parkland can be adopted. 8. Discussion on Balboa Park. Gregg Engle, rcported that he will be using Balboa Park to test a ncw chemical that gets rid of cockleburs. This is a test area so there will be no charge to the City to test the chemical. Mr. Engle added there is no danger to anyone using the park after the chemical has been used. 9. Discussion on a spring plan for pruning of blvd. trees and plantinQ of additional trees. Gregg Engle reported his crew will begin pruning the new trees in March. The trecs that did not survive the first year will be replaced. Mr. Engle stated his crew could handle the work this year; thcrcforc, no contract help will be needed. 10. Discussion of soccer fields on 7th Strcet. The Commissioners discussed the development of soccer fields along 7th Street West on the land owned by the City and it was agreed there was still an interest in researching the idea further. Gregg Engle stated he would go out to the site and measure the area and bring back a sketch plan for the Park's Commission to review. The Commissioners felt the view from the freeway was important to a community and therefore should be more than just apartment buildings and industrial land. 11. Review request to place Gillard Pathway on long term pathwav Plan Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, reported that a resident on Gillard requested consideration of adding a pathway in the ditch along Gillard. The Commissioners questioned the number ofrcsidents that wanted a pathway along Gillard? Mr. O'Neill fclt a petition should be required so that a better understanding of the number of residents interested in the project could be known. If it was decided to do the project, there may be the possibility of an ICTEA grant. Page 3 . . . Parks Commission Minutes -11/19/98 12. PlanninQ items - Jet} O'Neill A. St. Henry's Church Park Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, reported on the meeting with St. Henry's regarding the park land. The park was supposed to be at least equal to the Fallon Park area that was removed due to the 7th Street road alignment. The location decided on was an area directly off the pathway and to the west of the church parking lot. The park would include a small playground and resting place for people using the pathway. The Commissioners asked if the park would seem more like private property than a city park. Gregg Engle will measure the area of Pall on Park which will give everyone a better idea of the size required. This item will be discussed further at the next meeting. 13. Parks Maintenance items - Gregg Engle Gregg Engle reported on maintenance items. A main goal of the Park Department is to work with the skating rink attendants on a more one to one basis. This will be accomplished by scheduled meeting times and unscheduled drop-ins. Also, requesting the sheriff deputies stop in periodically. Mr. Engle will meet with the attendants and set standards and goals. A manual has been completed with guidelines, rule signs have been posted, and the warming shelters have been cleaned and painted. Mr. Engle stated the following items have been completed: Ellison Park play ground equipment, preparations to the sliding hill are done, the sign for Pioneer Park is in, the one ton truck is ready to plow rinks, the fence is up at the Hillside Cemetery, Riverside Cemetery has been cleaned up, 33 picnic tables have been stored for winter repairs, and the seeurity cameras at West Bridge Park are working. 14. Updates: A. Community Center - Wanda Kraemer, Administrative Assistant, invited the Park Commissioners to the ground breaking for the new Community Center at noon on Saturday, November 21,1998. B. River Mill Park Concept Plan ~ Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, reported sketching a plan for the River Mill Park. The final plan is being completed by NAC. After completion, a copy will be mailed to the residents of River Mill that attended the neighborhood meeting at City Hall. Page 4 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 11/19/98 15. Added items. A. Rolling Wood Subdivision was added to the agenda. 'I'he preliminary plat was shown to the Commissioners for approval of thc park area. The Commissions agreed that the park was shown in the arca they had requested at the October meeting. B. Snowmobiling at River Mill - It was reported that people snowmobile along the top of the sliding hill and is a danger to the children sliding. 16. Adjourn A MOTION WAS MADE BY EARL SMITH TO ADJOURN, SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER. Motion passed unanimously. w~ KMWnU^- Wanda Kraemer Administrative Assistant Page 5