Parks Commission Minutes 12-17-1998 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, December 17, 1998 - 4:30 p.m. Members: Larry Nolan, Earl Smith, Fran Fair, Rick Traver, Jennifer Fearing Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Gregg Engle, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Earl Smith. 2. Consideration of approving the minutes for the November 19. 1998 meeting. FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 19, 1998 MEETING. SECONDED BY JENNIFER FEARING. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. The following items were added to # lOon the agenda: A. Naming of parks B. Dogs in the park C. Pine Meadows Subdivision D. Signs E. Maintenance Report 4. Citizens request. There were no citizens requests. 5. Discussion on development of 7th Street soccer fields. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, had been requested by the Commission to report on the possibility of developing soccer fields along City owned property on West 7th Street. Mr. Engle stated that two regulation fields and a parking lot could be constructed in the Page 1 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 12/17/98 space. He thought the lighting along the field would not interfere with the freeway traffic. Jeff O'Neill, speaking as soccer club president, added that, as of today, there are over 600 kids in the soccer program. Although there is enough field space at the present, part ofthc present space is still private fields owned by Dalheimer Distributing. The agreement with Dalheimer was that this arrangement would be temporary until there were enough publie fields or the company needed the space. 'rhe Commission compiled a list of the reasons for recommending the area along 7th Street for soccer fields: playing fields along the freeway would present a good image, this area is zoned for multi-family housing and considering the land is along the freeway there is a high probability that lower income housing would be built, and multi-family housing would be facing the backyards of the existing neighborhood. RICK TRAVER MADE A MOTION TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT OF TWO SOCCER FIELDS AND PARKING ALONG THE WEST 7lH STREET AND COUNTY ROAD 39. SECONDED BY JENNIFER FEARING. Motion passed unanimously. (Larry Nolan absent) 6. River Mill Park - Concept plan Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, reported on the concept drawing for the River Mill Park. He stated that the concept plan was the result of a meeting with the residents in the addition. It was felt that this concept plan would take three to five years to complete. The first phase would be started in 1999 with the engineering, excavating, a tot lot playground structures, two open air shelters, partial landscaping, and signage constructed. The second phase would include a parking lot, pathway, landscaping, lighting, and building materials. The third phase would be picnic tables, shelters, basketball court, volleyball court, softball backstop, irrigation, park grills, building material. The total project cost of approximately $260,000 was discussed. The commissioners had some concerns that the cost was too high with a three year completion date. A complete cost estimate had not been done earlier because the idea was to meet with the River Mill residents and ask for their assistance with the park plan. Once this was done, the park plan, with the phasing, was completed. The commissioners agreed this plan would probably take longer than 3 years. Another recommendation was to send a letter, with the Page 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes ~ 12/17/98 park plan, to the residents requesting volunteer time and/or donations to complete the park on a faster time line. FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO SEND THE RIVER MILL RESIDENTS THE CONCEPT PLAN, A COVER LETTER STATING WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THE 1999 BUDGET FOR PHASE ONE, AND TO REQUES'f VOLUNTEER TIME OR DONA TIONS TO SHORTEN THE COMPLETION SCHEDULE. SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER. Motion passed unanimously. (Larry Nolan absent) 7. West Bridge Park - Discussion on Special Meeting Wanda Kraemer, Administrative Assistant, reported that a special meeting with the City Council, HRA, and Parks Commission will be held on Wednesday, January 20, 1999 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the East and West Bridge Park improvements. Michael Schroeder, City Planner for the redevelopment of the downtown/river front plan, will be attending the meeting. 8. Church ofSt. Henry's - Park Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, commented on the park for the St. J-Icnry's plat. The questions were asked: Is this still a good location for a park? Will the park appear to be private and not a public park? Would it be a benefit to people using the pathway to have a resting place in this location? The Commissioners decided to create a subcommittee to research these questions and report back at the next meeting. The subcommittee members will be as follows: Rick Traver- Parks Commission, Fran Fair- Park Commission, Gregg Engle-Park Superintendent, and Jeff O'Neill-Deputy City Administrator. Rick Traver would chair the meeting. JcffO'Neill will call John Olson- Business Administrator at St. Henry's to attend the meeting. The meeting was scheduled for December 21, 1998 at 3 p.m. on the St. Henry site. 9. Gardening Droiect Wanda Kraemer, Administrative Assistant, reported that the Wright County Master Gardeners called to offer the City and/or any organizations assistance with planting flower gardens next Spring. The Parks Commission did budget "seed money" for this type ofprojeet. Ms. Kraemer stated the areas for planting flowers suggested by the Park Superintendent are under signs in the parks and NSP Ball Fields. The Merchants are interested in helping with the southwest corner of Ellison Park; the Girl Scouts are discussing the NSP ballfields. The Master Gardeners will meet with each group over the winter and then plant in the Spring. Each group would be responsible for maintaining the gardens. Page 3 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 12/17/98 10. Added items A. Naming the Parks - The Commissioners discussed developing a policy for naming the parks. The current policy is to name the park after the addition it is in such as Par West Park. There has never been a written policy for naming city parks. It was decided to create a subcommittee to develop a policy or standard for naming parks. The committee will be Fran Fair-Parks Commission, Jennifer Fearing- Parks Commission, Gregg Englc-Park Superintendent, and Wanda Kraemer- Administrative Assistant. Fran Fair was chosen to chair the committee. The first meeting was set for Monday, January 4, 1999 at 3 p.m. at City Hall. B. Dogs in the park - Jennifer Fearing stated she had been to Ellison Park on occasion and witnessed people stopping and letting their dogs run in the park without a leash. She suggested dispensers for animal feces be added to the parks and pathway. C. Pine Meadows Subdivision - The next added item was the Pine Meadows subdivision. Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, reported on the park areas. The Park Commission had already reviewed the concept plan for Park Meadows with not many changes to the park concept. The park area will have trails with wide areas of green space throughout the subdivision. The city would be responsible for keeping the pathway clear and mowing the green space. This would be considered the park area. The Commissioners inquired as to whether or not the park land was above flood elevations. Mr. O'Neill will get that information and report back to the Commission. D. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, stated he was in the process of working on signs that state the rules and regulations of the parks. This would include dogs must be on a leash and under the control ofthe owner. FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO ADOPT A SIGN ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY PARKS AND INCORPORATE INTO THE CITY ORDINANCE. SECONDED BY JENNIFER FEARING. Motion passed unanimously. (Larry Nolan absent) E. Maintcnance Report - Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, reviewed the work completed by the maintenance department during the last month. Mr. Engle stated they would be interviewing for a new park maintenance employee at the end of December. The main emphasis will be getting the skating and hockey rinks ready for use. The City would be flooding twice during the day and thc Page 4 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 12/17/98 Hockey Association would be t100ding in the evening. He has been working with the rink attendants and displayed a manual that would be used so all of the rink attendants knew the policies. 11. Adiourn JENNIFER FEARING MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER. Motion passed unanimously. WC/h!t:k }(~ Wanda Kraemer Administrative Assistant Page 5