IDC Agenda 10-15-1992 . . . AGEN A MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, October 1 , 1992 - 7:00 AM City Hi 11 MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelley John Treasurer Ron Hoglund, L Morrell, Harvey Kendall, Maus, .John McVay, Dave Seefeldt, Steve Lemme, Candy Benoit, and Mary STAFF: on, Vice Chairperson Don Smith, well Schrupp, Arve Grimsmo, Jay ennis Taylor, Linda Mielke, Ken Peterson, Kevin Doty, Merrlyn om Lindquist, Cyndie Johnson, M'cke. Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff 0 Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE EPTEMBER 21, 1992 IDC MINUTES. 4. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACC IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. CONSIDERATION OF INDUSTRIAL P UPDATE: a) Steinwall, Inc. b) Irish, Inc. c) Concrete Production/Dist ibution/Retail Business d) Q-A Thermal Processing GROUNDBREAKING RECEPTION: a) Suburban Machine & Manuf cturing, Inc. 5. CONSIDERATION OF BANQUET TICK T COUNT AND FINAL DETAILS. 6. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW IDC A VERTISEMENT. 7. CONSIDERATION TO RECOGNIZE THE ONTICELLO ALL-STAR CITY AWARD. 8. OTHER BUSINESS. a) Letters b) Chamber Candidate Debate, October 20, 1992, City Hall. e) St. Cloud Area Economic evelopment Partnership. d) Downtown Redevelopment Network. e) Remmele Tour. f) Sunney Fresh Foods, Building a Bridge for Literacy. g) Farm Credit Purchase Update. 9. ADJOURNMENT. . . . MINUT S MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL D"'VELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, September 7, 1992 ~ 7:00 AM City H 11 Chairperson Selley Johnson, Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Low 11 Schrupp, Harvey Kendall, Dennis Taylor, Linda Mielke, John McVay, Kevin Doty, Merrlyn ~eefeldt, Tom Lindquist, Cyndie Johnson, Candy Mary Micke. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice presiden Morrell, Ken Lemme. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropcha Rick Wolfstell r and Jeff O'Neill. STAFF ABSENT: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Smith, Arve Grimsmo, Jay Dave Peterson, and Steve Chairperson Johnson called th IDe meeting to order at 7:02 AM and welcomed new IDC member Tom Lindquist. 2 . CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE UGUST 20 1992 IDC MINUTES. Ron Hoglund made a motion to pprove the August 20, 1992 IDC minutes, seconded by John M Vay. Wi th no corrections or additions, the minutes were a proved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACOEPT THE IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Hoglund reported a Wright County State balance of $490.17 and Securi ty Financial balance of $2,535.89 for a total balance of $3,026.06. John McVay made a motion to accept the financial report as given, seconded by Harvey Kendall. Without further com ent, the treasurer's report was accepted and filed. CONSIDERATION OF INDUSTRIAL ~ROSPECT UPDATE: a) Q-A Thermal Processing, Inc. - Koropchak reported via BDS, Inc. that the two c mpany principals were unable to obtain the exclusive hea ~treating license as the initial licenseholders reached i an agreement retaining the license. Revised plans! call for the start-up company include leasing a 7,500q ft facility (18 ft sidewalls and one loading dock) with the utilization of an al ternative metal treatii g process. Total project cost of $500,000 with the . eed to raise $75,000-$100,000 equity. 4. Perf-form Products, Inc. - This Big Lake company was one of the bidders at the Fa Credit Auction. This company which manufacturers oi filters for motorcycles is looking at a r 93 proje t of 6,000-9.000 sq ft. The company employs two full time and one part-time and also expresses an interest i Elk River. Cold Spring Granite Comp ny - Another auction bidder was Steve Thompson who is in erested in constructing a 5,000 sq ft facility, 4,000 sq ft as shop area for customized granite cutting and ma ufacturing and 1,000 sq ft as office space. Six job. The company indicates all manufacturing and gran'te cutting would take place inside. John McVay in ormed staff to inquire if the cutting process is by wire or saw cut. Initial discussion with staff ce tered around BC Ordinances and financial assistance options. Lake Tool, Inc. - Koropch k indicated that she has talked with Eric Bondhus. T e company has purchased the previously known Heskin I s Electric building from Andy Anderson. Plans are fo a winter/spring move as their current Minneapolis facilty has not been placed on the market. The brothers Er c, Carl, and Dennis will be the original three employees BRE PROJECT UPDATE: a) Remmele Engineering, Inc - Koropchak reported that the Remmele addition has been completed and it is anticipated that the large piece of equipment from Japan will arrive around the end of Septe ber. Remmele representatives participated in a major how in Chicago and upon return were host to 30 visiting apanese. The company will host the Minnesota Associatio of Tool & Die Makers late this fall. Mr. LaValle was receptive to the IDC visiting their facility, an appro imate date of the first week in November was set. Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. Hurley, it was agreed up scheduled communi ty eve than tour the facili ty Benoit, the fall ev organizations such as th INDUSTRIAL PROJECT UPDATE: a) Aroplax Corporation - Construction financing is expected to close next week wi th an anticipated groundbreaking September 22 or 28. The DA and State Grant funding for machinery and equipment ill close later. Suburban Machine & Manufa turing, Inc. - The $50,000 CMIF was approved September 1 by the Board at 7.5% interest rate amortized over 15 ye rs with balloon payment in five . IDC MINUTES 9-17-92 . b) b) . b) c) d) Upon discussion wi th Ann that the IDC participate in a t "Li teracy Awareness" rather independently. As per Candy nt will involve community Adult Basic Education, etc. Page . IDC MINUTES 9-17-92 years as compared to t e requested 6% interest rate amortized over 20 years An adjusted 7% interest rate with balloon payment in even years is being requested by the applicant. The bank is awaiting an appraisal, Phase I Study, and sworn co struction statement prior to closing. The IDC agai discussed the need for Wright County representation on the CMIF Board. At present, the fourteen county board h s no opening; however, upon an opening the IDC should onsider submitting a candidate. Headquarters are in Lit Ie Falls, Minnesota. 5. CONSIDERATION TO DISBURSE THE IDC FUNDRAISER BbNQUET TICKETS. . Koropchak distributed ba quet tickets, individual contact lists, and invitation 1 tters for use as so desired by IDC members. The list re basically the same as in the past with the exception each IDC member received their designated BRE industr. Members are to encourage industries to display th ir company brochures or products at the banquet. An acc untability of ticket sales will be done at the October meeting. Ray Schmidt and Bill Seefeldt will give the local testimonies. The four dinner choices remain t e same as last year with a cost increase of $1.00 for he Chicken Breast and the cost reduction of $.50 per erson for the hors d'quervres. The reduction is due to a selection of cheese/crackers and vegetable/dip trays only. 6. CONSIDERATION TO RE UEST THE HRA T~ RENEW LETTER OF INTENT WITH SHINGOBEE BUILDERS , IN'. REGARDING TIF BUILDING PRE- PLANS. Based on an acceptance of the annual land purchase option, members to request the HRA t the TIF/Building Pre-Plans w IDC felt the concept was go and we have the potential to advertisements. Oakwood Partnership to renew the it was the consensus of the IDC . renew the Letter of Intent for th Shingobee Builders, Inc. The d, the pre-plans are completed, arket the concept in the journal 7 . CONSIDERATION TO HEAR OF ECO OMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATES. a) Marketing Subcommittee, - Donations were received from NSP, $2,500; Oakwood P rtnership, $500; and Shingobee Builders, $500 for a to al of $5,000 with the IDC budget amount of $1,500. ary Micke reported that the subcommittee met with r presentatives from the Minnesota Real Estate Journal and usiness Media. The subcommittee recommends a six-month campaign featuring a one-fourth . Pag 3 . . . IDe MINUTES 9-17-92 b) page/second color ad p blished 3 times in the Media ($1,200) and 6 times in t e Real Estate Journal ($3,800). The IDC accepted the sub ommittee's recommendation with the consenus to use he theme "Monticello, your kind of place". Koropchak reported that Elk River does receive prospect lead as the result of their journal advertisement which has ran for a couple of years. In addition, quarterly newsletter are mailed to approximately 1,500 architects and builders. These marketing tools are fund d through the EDA levy. Star City Conference and wards - Koropchak passed around a copy of the three-day onference agenda for September 23-25 and encouraged IDC members to attend the banquet. Again, Koropchak remind d IDe members that Monticello entered the All-Star Cit Award and video competition. Farm Credit Auction - Th total 186 acres was purchased by the highest bidder, Shawn Weinard of Elk River, for $450,000 after two hours of individual, combination, and whole tract bidding. K ropchak as well as other ci ty staff have spoken wi th r. Charles Pfeffer, Jr., Real Estate Agent, and Mr. ohn Gries, Attorney, for the owner. Downtown Redevelopment N twork - Koropchak reported she attended the event held 'n Becker. The group of twenty reviewed Becker's redeve opment plans as prepared by the Governor I s Design Team, toured Becker, and presented various al ternatives or communi ty concentration: Historial, cuI tural, an commercial area, zoning and safety issues. The grou may visit Hutchinson or White Bear Lake next. The IDC welcomed the group to Monticello. c) d) 8. OTHER BUSINESS. The Chamber meeting program his noon will be Shoplifting Prevention with Sgt. Berlyn Birkholz, Wright County Sheriff's Department. On September 30, the Chamber w'll sponsor a seminar "Building A Customer Focused Organization" wi th Bob Nassauer. Registrations are being accep ed now. The Chamber reported the cir us was well received and was profitable. Cyndie Johnson m rketed the new Monticello logo pins, a fundraiser for the Ch mber at $5.00 each. Page . . . IDC MINUTES 9-17-.92 John McVay asked the committe for volunteers to assist with the Mississippi River Cleanu , a community efforts involving Monticello and Becker NSP, Ro ary, Chamber, Lions, and the NW Bass Association. Date Saturday, September 26, meet at 8:00 AM in Ellison Park. Lunch se ved at noon. 9. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:05 AM. t)~ \(<t\ Ollie Koropchak, IDC Page 5 .I , " ' , ~ ~ ; ~ ~ .~, ~"~"":,,..,,......,..~; - '~.".. -. ~, '.'...... . " MONTICELW October 8, 1992 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. John (Jack) Grundhofer Chairman, President, and CEO First Bank System, Inc. First Bank Plaza 601 Second Avenue South Suite 2900 Minneapolis, MN 55402-4302 . Dear Mr. Grundhofer: The Monticello Industrial Develop ent Fundraiser Banquet is fast approaching as the scheduled date is Tuesday, October 27. Again, the committee is both proud and hon red of your acceptance as guest speaker. Enclosed you will find two gratis anquet tickets and a map of the banquet location, the Monte Club. Social hours begins at 6: 30 p.m., dinner at 7:30 p.m. with thei program to follow. If you have any questions, pleas don't hesitate to call me at (612) 295--2711 or Metro 333-5739. Otherwise, I look forward to meeting you and hearing your messa e on the 27th of October. RespectfuLly, CITY OF MONTICELLO Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director Enclosures . cc: IDC File Business Media ADVERTISING CONTRACT . .,',1 =lI i; [0 .= ll~ll ~ I ~i--W"~ 10.::[ oio] ~ [0]~11 [.. 01 ""J::[ 11;0] ;l~J 1::[ a iI ~ I =W1=. ADDRESS: PHONE: 335 - :;7 3<( Ie;. 75" '-/ '-/07 PO. {3C1 )1 ~53 ~2 - C;~ 15 ZIP: COMPANY: CONTACT: CITY: ("Y\^-J INSERTION DATE AD SIZE SPECIAL RATE COMMENTS ~ 00 - TOTAL AD CHARGE CREDIT TERMS: Pre-payment is required for first-time advertisers unless credit h s already been established. paymenton billing is net30 days. A five percent (5%) monthly finance charge is added if the bill is not paid within 30 days. DISCONTINUATION: All contracted and/or desired advertising will not be acce ted if a bill has not been paid within 60 days of the billing date. NonCE: Changes to be made on a complete contract must meet the adverti ing deadline and must be made between the two parties of the contract. Incorporated into this contract are the terms and conditions of Business Media dvertising rates and policy books effective at the time of the signing of this contract. PRINT CENTRAL . 9260 BALTIMORE STREET NE . MPL ., MN 55449 . (612) 780-2160 . (612) 780-8728 FAX -~-, .'~~~-,--,_.... ....---------.. -.., ---~,.~-~_._,-~,_.,.._-_.~-,~~._"_..,'~-".~~,,-~,~.-- ._---~.._- --- -_._---'--~- --~- . .--..."'.".. "., -..... ........----.---- --------- ,. - . An:) q ~ (!~( Sivv-f OCT-13-92 TUE 11:09 BLAIN PRINTING p _ ';::1 1 Business Media 9260 Baltimore 61. N.E. Mpls., MN 55449 612-760-1018 612..780-8728 FAX Facsimile Cover Letter -~Number of pages including this one '& I,r' ,....' To: --.,.l:::~~:~ ... eom: --,7').... "t. ".I..~ __~""I',:,~, ~ . - Date: ({) I" I~;_ q__ _ Company: (I/-t:u.I~ company:::?:Z:!!"...,._ .____ ,.. .---- ""-'.-"- L''') Ift.,.~ ,-. ~rl~ ....',... _0.- '__~'___ ,.:221...Z.. ./ .--.....L- . -L- Please contact 612.780..10 a transmission is not legible. . . OCT-13-92 TUE 11 :09 BLAINE PRINTING P.e:12 . for INDUSTRIAL D : VELOPlVIENT Industrial Sites: I.94rontage and Access, 200 Acres with Dependable U'Udes. Location: 215 Minutes orthwest ot Metro Area, blends "llma,ll town" living' with metropolitan navar. Services: Site LOCMio Assistance, Financial Packaging Options a d Al!sistance, ijFree" Residential Garbage Pick P, and mONo Community Pride: Qu it)' Educational System, Strong Cornmunity.Edu adon Programs, Lively Business Enviromnent, creational Opportw1ities such as the Mississippi iver, Lake Mana State Park, Golf, Tennis, and reo ~ .".. ..... .,... "Monticello's been 800d for us. Ou costs of aotng business ha.s bel1n considerably lower than in, thlmetro area. The tll:!: base ha,l been good." Bill &e/'eldt, pre~i.dent Electro Indllrlries. Inc. . Clt-' of Monticello EconQ~c Develtlpment Director 260 E. BNl\dw~, P,O. BolC 1147 Montice1J.o, MN 65362 (812) 256.2;11 :Metfo 333-6739 FI1X (612) 295-4.404 . . . OCT 12 "92 16: 28 1'11'1 REf4L E'::m:nE JRtJL P.1 REAL ESTATEJo 8900 WENTWORTH AVENUE SOUTH. BLOO moroN. MN 5.5420. (612) 885..0815 I FAX TRANS ITTAL 0~'1~ )o",lv- . DATE:~ /~/;.diz.- _'_'__ d 0 2-.5 --r::::t:~J"'-l5 . ~ / TO: o L!::::~.,_.~ f::.- d 12 <:",,?, C"'~C -j'-r' -:.'---+ FAX # : / - Z'J.!i:'-- ';Y<YoY ~{ EruceE. Forem~'~ FROM;________~- FAX 1/ : 612~885 0818 NUMBER OF PAGES: --1--- (FOLLOWING TI-IIS ONE) The following items are being faxed for YOlJr imm diate attention: Comments: e L- J-XS-. ~ J / ~.-..--;> C 1<_ /', t:: c J.-~~ ;; . .~~ -~ e ft/l-fr;? I~ JE /) 0.) ['TM:::'T-~~?~)' ~~D, .77;€ C0tD;!: ~t-L C ~~- L. '<y;;.f{/V '!.5/ o .~~ ~--;:::.-~ JfYlJll do 1101 n:cl!iW! u/l ofrhis rrallsmis~'i(JJ/. or film: (lilY qu slimts, call 6/2-885-0815. . . . OCT 12 ' 92 15: 28 1'11'1 FEAL ESTATE JRt'lL. P.2 Your kind of place! --....- for STRIAL DEVELOPMENT dU$trial Sites: 1.94 PrOnt.lgl; aod Access, o Acres with Dependable Utilities. 4;ntion: 25 Minutes Northwest ofMerro Area, bl 'ods "smali town" living with Inl;tropolitan fl or. · S nices: Si{e Location Assistance, Financial P~I'kagil1g Options and Assistaoo." "Free" Re idemial G::ubage Pkkup, and MOrt. · C mmunlty Pride: Quality f:klucltlooal System, Sf ong Communir>'.Edu(::ttioo Program.:;, Lively B sitless Environmem, Recreational Opponunitit~ Su "h as the i'vlississippi Riv(.:[, Lake M;uia Slale Park. e; If, lbUlis, and More. "MontlcetosbeengoodjorllS. OllrfiitdoingbIlSin~~.bt7S . . be~n f.'On idttrably lower t})an in tbe t area. Tbf! fa.'>: ~ bas been ood. " Bill Seefeldt Ptc:;ident. Ekctro Indusrcks. Inc. City of Monticello Economic Development DirtCt()l" 250 E. Broadway, PO BOK 1147 Monrkdl(), MN ~;5362 (612) 295-2711 Metro 333-5739 Fax (612) 295.4404 . I -- , ..' , ~ , ~ MONTICELLO October 2, 1992 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Dale Lungwitz 174 Jerry Liefert Drive Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Dale: . Although, this note is slow i arriving, it sure was good to see you out and about. Our thoughts and prayers were with you and your family duri g surgery and now continue through your recovery. I will contact you about the I C Groundbreaking Reception for Axoplax, and hope to see Y<:l11 at the IDC Banquet, Tuesday, October 27. A speedy recovery from your friends of the Monticello Industrial Development Commi tee. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO ()~ '< cJ"\ ~'7 il. Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Directo cc: IDC File . I, .' ~ , ~ , ~ MONTICELLO October 2, 1992 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax:' (612) 295-4404 Brad and Mary Barger 105 Mississippi Drive Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Brad and Mary: Congratulations, on the birt 1 of your Baby Boy. We hope baby, Mom, and the rest of t e family are doing well. . Wow! What a big year for th Bargers, a new baby and a new company building and sit. We're delighted you chose Monticello for the new home f your business. May both baby and business continue to flourish with success. Again, congratulations fr m your friends of the Monticello Industrial Development Recruitment Team. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Direct r cc: IDC File . . I (' , ") ~ ~ -- MONTICELLO 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Scott Laugen, President Wright County state Bank PO Box 729 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Laugen: October 5, 1992 . On behalf of the Monticello Indust ial Development Committee (IDC), I extend a warm Monticello welcol e to you and your family. Wright County state Bank and its staff have been an integral player in Monticello economic developme t efforts, and I look forward to continuing that established-coope ative relationship wi th Marquette Bank Monticello. In the near fu-ure and as your time permits, I would be most pleased to visi t wi th you about our industrial development programs. Again, welcome to Monticello and I look forward to meeting you. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Q)~ ~CA ~SJ~ Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: IDe File Kevin Doty, IDC Member .