IDC Agenda 09-17-1992 . . . AGEN A MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL EVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, September 7, 1992 - 7:00 AM City all MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelley Joh son, Vice President Don Smith, Treasurer Ron Hoglund, L well Schrupp, Arve Grmismo, Jay Morrell, Harvey Kendall, Dennis Taylor, Linda Mielke, Ken Maus, John McVay, Dave Peterson, Kevin Doty, Merr 1 yn Seefeldt, Steve Lemme, : Tom Lindquist, Cyndie Johnson, Candy Benoit, and Mary icke. I Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff 'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. STAFF: 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE UGUST 20, 1992 IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND AC EPT THE IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. 4. CONSIDERATION OF INDUSTRIAL P OSPECT UPDATE: a) Q-A Thermal Processing, Inc. b) Perf-form Products, Inc. c) Cold Spring Granite Com any d) Lake Tool, Inc. BRE PROJECT UPDATE: a) Remmele Engineering, Inc. b) Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. INDUSTRIAL PROJECT UPDATE: a) Aroplax Corporation b) Suburban Machine and Man facturing, Inc. 5. CONSIDERATION TO DISBURSE THE IDC FUNDRAISER BANQUET TICKETS. 6. CONSIDERATION TO REQUEST THE HRA TO RENEW LETTER OF INTENT WITH SHINGOBEE BUILDERS, IN REGARDING TIF /BUILDING PRE- PLANS. 7. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR OF ECON MIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATES. a) Marketing Subcommittee. b) Star City Conference and Awards. c) Farm Credit Auction. d) Downtown Redevelopment twork - Becker. 8. OTHER BUSINESS. 9. ADJOURNMENT. . . . MINUT S MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, August 20, 1992 - 7:00 AM City all MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Sh lley Johnson, Don Smith, Lowell Schrupp, Harv y Kendall, Linda Mielke, John McVay, Kevin Doty, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Steve Lemme, Candy enoit, and Mary Micke. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ron Hoglund, Ave Grimsmo, Jay Morrell, Dennis Taylor, Ken Maus, Dave Peterson, Tom Lindquist, an Cyndie Johnson. STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfstel er and Ollie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Jeff O'Neill. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Johnson called t e IDC meeting to order at 7:00 AM. 2 . CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE JULY 16 1992 IDC MINUTES. I.owell Schrupp made a motion 0 approve the July 16, 1992 IDC minutes, seconded by Steve L mme, and with no corrections or additions the minutes were a proved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND AC EPT THE IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. In the absence of Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Koropchak reported a Wright County State Bank b lance of $489.00, a Security Financial balance of $2,5 8.47 for a total balance of $3,017.47. John McVay made motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Merrlyn Seefeldt, and without further comment the report was accep ed and filed as given. 4 . CONSIDERATION OF INDUSTRIAL ROSPECT UPDATE: a) Q-A Thermal Processing, Inc. The company representatives continu to secure bank financing for the proposed project and 0 acquire the exclusive heat- treating license. b) Steinwall, Inc. - Korop hak having informed Steinwall of the upcoming Farm Cr dit Auction Information Day, reported Mr. Richard Brotherton, Plant Manager, was in attendance. Additionally, he visited with Mr. O'Neill and Koropchak. Chai person Johnson reported on a magazine article/pictu e of Maureen Steinwall. The article addressed the M"nnesota Chamber Business/School Partnership of which Ms. Steinwall is Chairperson. . IDe MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1992 . c) Others - Koropchak repor ed on no other prospects. INDUSTRIAL PROJECT UPDATE; a) Aroplax Corporation - Kor pchak reported that the central Minnesota Initiative F nd (CMIF) Board denied final approval of the $30,000 oan request for Aroplax, after the original request as reduced from $100,000 and received preliminary app oval at $30,000. Reasons stated by Mr. Dave Harding w re the Board has changed its concept approval guideli es, they viewed the company as financially strong ther by requesting additional equity into the project, and t e owners were non-residents of Wright County (funding area.) The Economic Recovery Grant of $170,000 was s bmitted to the State on July 30 and it is anticipated t at commissioner Peter Gillette will execute the Award L tter today. The submitted site plans need some revisi ns and the building plans lack architect and engineer ignatures. b) Suburban Machine and Ma ufacturing, Inc. - The approved TIF District No. 1-14 will assist in the land write-down and site improvement, and the approved Greater Monticello Enterpise Fu d is a $50,000 loan for fixed real property. The req ested $50,000 from the CMIF has been submitted; howeve , the Board doesn I t meet for credit approvals until eptember 10. The existing site will be visited and we are encouraging a loan approval via a conference call. The Planning Commission will review a variance requ st to allow the exterior wall facing the 1-94 to co sist of an all-metal material. This for future expansi n and initial construction cost efficiency. The City ttorney continues to explore the billboard lease agreem nt as it pertains to the City Ordinance of necessary sign removal prior to building construction. The IDC suggested Monticello take a pro- active role in the Ini iative organization to encourage funding to this part of the region. Koropchak believed the funds were private ollars not public dollars as the McKnight Foundation is its greatest contributor. c) Eric Bondus Koropc ak reported she contacted Andy Anderson, property seller, prior to contacting Mr. Bondus. Upon Mr. Ande son's request, Koropchak did not call Mr. Bondus as the sale has not closed. Closing is anticipated within a couple weeks; however, it appears relocation is not expe ted until winter or spring as the existing metro buildi g has not been placed on the market. Mr. Doty rep rted the three brothers operate three individual busin sses under one roof. . . . . IDC MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1992 BRE PROJECT UPDATE: a) Remmele Engineering - K ropchak reported she contacted Mr. LaValle regarding R mmele's intent to hold an open house. The company ha no plans for an open house; however, was receptive f an IDC visit. Plans call for the Remmele Monticello P ant to be hosting the Minnesota Association of Tool and ie Makers in November. This is the association's f irst-! ime visit of a si te. Koropchak offered the IDC's assis ance. b) Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc Koropchak mentioned her intent to recognize Sunny Fres. on their completed renovation project. John McVay agreed and acknowledged the company's great inve tment in power expeditures. Koropchak is to inquire of the potential of the IDC to host an open house. 5. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND AUT ORIZE IDC MARKETING SUBCOMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. Don Smith requested authoriz tion from the IDC allowing the subcommittee to solicit contr'butions from industrial property owners and NSP for a six-mon The proposed 1992 IDC Budge which is sufficient for a 0 subcommittee concluded a six would produce the greatest subcommittee had viewed f Minnesota Real Estate Journ the costs and readership. subcommittee's intent to mai next two-weeks, meet in Sep October. Authorization was the IDC. h journal advertising campaign. allocated $1,500 for marketing ejtwo advertisement shot. The month campaign of $4,000-$5,000 isibility and consistency. The ur journals and selected the 1 and Business Media because of Upon authorization, it is the contribution letter within the ember, and begin advertising in ranted by a general consensus of Koropchak informed the IDC that the City's contribution to the IDC will increase from $5,9 0 to $6,200 for 1992 and the IDC will be billed $11,000 for th Economic Development Director's salary compared to the last billing of $14,576.69. 6. a) Ticket distribution pI ns - IDC members will receive their banquet ticket ist and tickets to sale at the September meeting. Speaker and program - Grundhofer of First Ba as guest speaker via M a 20-minute speech on b) oropchak reported that Mr. Jack k System, Inc. has been confirmed rn Flicker. The IDC recommended topic raised in the BRE survey. 3 . . . IDC MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1992 Koropchak suggested the DC ask Mr. Ray Schmidt, The Tire Service Equipment Manuf cturer, to present one of the local testimonies as a follow-through of last year IS thought. Merrlyn Se feldt responded that Electro Industries would be most receptive to giving a testimony at the banquet. It w s further suggested that the industrial businesses, gain, be encouraged to display their products and broc ures. Merrlyn Seefeldt viewed marketing products as un and sees the IDC banquet participants as a differ nt audience than at the Chamber Expo. The IDC agreed with Kor pchak's request to purchase a plaque of recogni tion or Dale Lungwi tz, a chartered member of the IDC, w 0 resigned during the year. Presentation to be made t the banquet. 7 . CONSIDERATION OF ECONOMIC DEV LOPMENT UPDATES: a) Metro phones - In conversation with David Sharp at the Public Utilities Commiss on, August 14th begins a 60-day public hearing on US W st Costs. If the costs were uncontested than the r tes would be set. When 295 ballots are mailed voter have 60 days inwhich to return the ballots. In addition, Mr. Sharp mentioned that after balloting and wi th the as umption the vote was "yes", one could estimate another 1 to 18 months until utilization because of billing changes necessary for the approximate one-million metro custom rs. b) Farm Credit Auction - Kor pchak estimated one-half dozen individuals acquired in ormation on the BC property during Information Day held at the City Hall. From Farm Credit's prospective the were pleased with the turnout. The greatest conversation centered around the property to the east of County Road 18, that which the city has an interest in for future p nding, bridge ramp, and park. c) 1992 All-Star Award and S ar City Conference - Koropchak referred to the enclosed application submi tted to the Department of Trade an Economic Development. The application (no more tha two pages) enters the City of Monticello through the ID as a candidate for an All-Star Award. The awards will be announced at the the Fall Conference September 23- 5. 8. OTHER BUSINESS. Chamber meeting today at noon. Linda Mielke reminded those in Rotary of the picnic at Big 0 kls, tonite, 6:00 PM. Page . . . IDe MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1992 Mr. McVay informed the IDe of NSP I S participation in the Mississ ippi River Cleanup P ogram. Employees from Sherco I Monticello Nuclear Plant, and the Service Center with complete this community service proj ct during September 12~19 and others were encouraged to be orne envolved. 9. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:10 AM. ~ ~ \~dl- Jl~ Ollie Koropchak, IDC Executive Di ector Page . -- MONTICELLO 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295~2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Jerry Rose General Manager Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. 206 West 4 Street POBox 428 Monticello, MN 55362 . Dear Mr. Rose: , ..I' September 4, 1992 On behalf of the Monticello Industrial Development Committee (IDC), I would like to congratulate . unny Fresh Foods, Inc. on the completion of your renovation project. The IDC has always been proud of Sunny Ifr(:!sh and its em loyees and products. We" thank you" for your investment into our community as the completed creamery renovation both improve our community's aesthetic value and preserves our community's hi tory. Addi t ional1 y, having wi tnessed part of your company I s Zero- Defects Celebration of a few man hs ago, the IDC was reminded of Sunny Fresh's interest in their mployees and of our residents. If I or the IDC can ever be of ssistance to you, please do not hesitate to give me a te1ephme call. Again, I extend our congratulations and best wishes to Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director . cc: IDC File Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development Office of the Commissioner . 900 American Center 150 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55101-1421 6121296-6424 Fax: 612/296-1290 August 21, 1992 The Honorable Ken Maus Mayor, City of Monticello City Hall P .0. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mayor Maus: I am pl eased to inform you that you: appl i cat i on for a Mi nnesota Economi c Recovery Fund grant has been approved in the amount of $170,000. As outlined in the approved application, the City of Mo ticello will make a loan of $170,000 to Aroplax Corporation to assist in the exp nsion of its injection molding ope rat i on. . As you may know, the Legislature ap ropriated funds effective July 1, 1990, to establish an Economic Recovery Fund t supplement the Small Cities Development Program. Your grant award w 11 be made from this fund. You should be aware that State legislation creating the Economic Recovery Grant Program specifies that lithe portion of an econom c recovery loan that exceeds $100,000 must be repaid to the State when it is r paid to the local community or recognized Indian tribal government by t e person or entity to which it was loaned...ll A grant agreement with is being pre ared by Community Development Division staff. They will also provide you with dditional information about your grant award to help you achieve your economic evelopment goals. Also, please note that your approved application becomes p rt of the grant agreement. No changes can be made regarding the rates, term, u e. schedules, or recipient of the loan funds without approval from this Departm nt. For additional information, contact Jennifer Engh. Acting Deputy Com issioner. at 612/297-2515. Finally, let me extend ~ congratul tions to you and your staff for developing a successful project application to help address your community and economic development needs. Si~'!td4;; E. 'Peter Gillette, Jr. Commi ss i oner . EPG:dc COMr'1/V48-1 An Equal Opponunity Employer . i " # / I' , ~ . , ~ MONTICELLO August 31, 1992 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax:' (612) 295-4404 Mr. John (Jack) Grundhofer Chairman, President, and CEO First Bank System, Inc. First Bank Plaza 601 Second Avenue South Suite 2900 Minneapolis, MN 55402-4302 Dear Mr. Grundhofer: . The Monticello Industrial Develop ent Committee (IDC) 1s both proud and honored to receive your tance as guest speaker for their 1992 Industrial Development aiser Banquet. This year's annual banquet is s heduled for Tuesday, October 27, 1992, at the Monte Club, Monticel 0, Minnesota. Social hour begins at 6:30 p.m., dinner at 7:30 p.m. with the program to follow. The program will consist of a coupl of local industrial testimonies and awards and your approximate O-minute message. I will be very happy to adjust the evening eve ts to accommodate your very busy schedule. The banquet is generally attended by approximately 100 business and civic leaders and spouses. To a commodate the mixed audience, one might suggest a few comments of your personal interests/hobbies, the trials and tribulations 0 a successful businessman, or reference your tie to Monticello through Marn and Marie Flicker. Any topic which ties local industrial/commercial business, financing, and/or education toge her would be very appropriate for this group. To assist you, 'm enclosing a 1992 Monticello Community Profile. . In the near future, I will be mailing you two gratis banquet tickets for you and your wife, everly, along with directions to the Monte Club. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate . . . Mr. Grundhofer August 31, 1992 Page 2 to call me at METRO 333-5739 r (612) 295-2711. thankful appreciation of your ac eptance. Respectfully, CITY OF MONTICELLO ~~ ~t.f\.~~~ Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director Enclosures cc: IDC File Marn and Marie Flicker Again, our . f " ,~ ~ . 1 , ~_._.~ ~ ~~, ~." ".. .... .' ". , . MONTICELLO August 31, 1992 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Jerry Zimmer Northern States Power Company 3515 3rd Street North St. Cloud, MN 56303 Dear Mr. Zimmer: . The Monticello Industrial Developm nt Committee (IDC) has studied the possibility of a six-month jo~rnal advertising campaign. The committee's intent is to market Mo ticello's economic development strengths with a strong emphasis on industrial development. We are hopeful to start our campaign in 0, tober. To complete the six-month campaign at the assessed costs of $5,000 is beyond the committee's budget lone; therefore, the committee requests that Northern States Power (NSP) consider matching the IDC contribution of $2,500. Historic lly, NSP has been a partner in Monticello's marketing efforts; for instance, last year NSP contributed $1,175 towards the com unity's new promotional video: "Monticello, A Little Mountain of Big Opportunities." We appreciate your past contributi ns, encourage NSP staff input, and look forward to another market ng partnership. Please contact me at (612) 295-2711 for addition 1 information which may assist with NSP's consideration to contribute. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO CJ~ \~O\~~ . Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: IDe File ,;, ,., , ~ MONTICELLO 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. George Phillips Oakwood Partnership % Wright County State Bank P. O. Box 729 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Phillips: . September 1,1992 The Monticello Industrial Dev lopment Commi ttee (IDC), an eighteen-member volunteer c mmi ttee, has studied the possibility of a six-month jo rnal advertising campaign. The committee's intent is to arket Monticello's economic development strengths wit a strong emphasis on industrial development. We are hopeful to start our campaign in October. To complete the six-month ca of $5,000 is beyond the therefore, the committee Partnership, an industrial p a contribution of $500.00. paign at the assessed cost ommittee's budget alone; requests that Oakwood operty landowner, consider A few years ago, the IDC egan a marketing campaign through the use of the City 0 Monticello's new logo. To date, marketing brochures an mailing teasers have been printed and last year, a new promotional video: "Monticello, A Li ttle Mountain of Big Opport11ni ties" was unveiled at the annual indust ial fundraiser banquet. As you can see, the IDC take a proactive approach in marketing Monticello for indu trial development. Utility companies serving Montieell , as well, as industrial landowners are being con acted for a first-time contribution. . . Mr. Phillips September I, 1992 Page 2 The IDC would appreciate a cntribution. Please contact me at (612) 295-2711 for addi ional information which may assist with the partne ship's consideration to contribute. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Directoi cc: IDC File . . . Monthly . * ~ . CONFERENCE NOTES AND UPDAT 's St8R1;-~ 1OI1!:1111 FOR E(;OMOMIC C DEVElOPME'T SEPTEMBER 1992 emo We are all very excited about the pcoming star program Fall Conference and hope you are too! ook for the following on ~ to gain valuable ideas and communi: y economic development skills: _SEMINARS There will be 25 seminars to choos from, covering everything from finance, to global competitio., to recruiting a doctor. several of these sessions will ha e more than one presenter, so expect some interesting discussio SPEAKERS There are several speakers. The' eynote speaker, William Morrish', will make a presentation on community economic growth near regional trade centers. oth r topics include competing with national discounters and an outli 'e of Minnesota's Economic Development Blueprint. TRADE SHOWS The trade show will showcase comp programs" and communities whose ac programs might benefit your commu open Wednesday afternoon and all plenty of opportunity to see what 10 YEAR STARS The following eight communities w participating in the star program Rapids, Faribault, Fergus Falls, Montevideo, and Northfield have a economic future for their communi congratulations! AND . . . All-Star Awards, Marketing contes banquet, and the chance to networ colleagues. If you have any ques at 612/297-1168. S~ ECONOMIC RESOURCE NETWORK If you are involved in Targeted Entrepreneurship, MUlti-communit Redevelopment, there is an Econo you. These groups meet quarterl ideas about the topic. If you w in more depth than is possible a answer. For more information, a Conference. Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development · nies, institutions, government ievements, products, and ity. These exhibits will be ay Thursday, so there will be. they have to offer. 11 be recognized for for 10 years. chaska, e Sueur, Monticello" 1 been working towards y and businesses for a Coon a better decade. Awards, Wednesday night and exchange ideas with ions, please call Gene Goddard ~_~ ~ ,-\-... La.- ~ \.) ~ dsL.e . arketing, School/Community-Based COllaboration or Downtown ic Resource Network (ERN) for to discuss issues and exchange nt to explore one of these areas the Conference, this may be the tend the sessions at the Fall usiness Development and Analysis Division · 1 ~800-657-3858 BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION PROGRAM . DTED and the Minnesota Extension Service (MES) have engaged in a partnership to provide several approaches for implementing Business Retention and Expansion activities in your area. Economic development organizations will be able to choose the geographic area (community, mUlti-community or county) they wish to cover and the level of technical assistance they want in conducting their retention effort. The BRE Program is little changed if a community wants or needs a minimum of technical assistance. Increased levels of assistance are available to train volunteers, conduct economic res~arch, analyze results and develop recommendations. Small fees are charged by MES for these higher levels of assistance to cover a portion of their expense. If you are interested in hearing more about these options, contact DTED's Bill Coleman at 612/297-1169 or George Morse of the Extension Service at 612/625-9769. BRE HANDBOOK Look for the new DTED handbook at the Fall Conference, September 23rd, COMMUNICATING AND CONNECTING: SUPPORTING THE LOCAL ECONOMY THROUGH BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION. This handbook will be useful for anyone who is interested in the retention and expansion of existing businesses at the local level. . Many of the tools for keeping local businesses satisfied and growing are already located in your community. The key to Business Retention & Expansion (BRE) is to communicate with your businesses, identify their needs, and connect them with the appropriate resources to meet those needs. This will provide them with the best possible chance to be prosperous and strong members of your local business community. The handbook explains how to organize a BRE effort, improve communications with business, conduct BRE surveys, follow up on business concerns, and conduct business appreciation events. Many examples from around the state have been incorporated to illustrate the concepts covered. The handbook is designed to encourage the formation and reinforcement of local BRE efforts and provide some innovative ideas for your consideration. THANK YOU! to all the communities who provided Martha Barnes with input on the BRE handbook. Your experiences and insights helped a great deal in fleshing out the concept covered, and has proven once again that many of the most innovative ideas come from the practitioners! Please call Martha at 612/297-1164 with your comments once you've seen the handbook. . I ,I ,. #, 1 , ~.".~"'...'.".. ~ MONTICELLO September 1,1992 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295~2711 Metro: (612) 333~5739 Fax: (612) 295~4404 Gladys Hoglund Family % Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hoglund Route 1 Big Lake, MN 55309 Dear Tom and Hiliary: . The Monticello Industrial Dev lopment Committee (IDC), an eighteen-member volunteer c mmi ttee, has studied the possibility of a six-month jo rna1 advertising campaign. The committee's intent is to m rket Monticello's economic development strengths with a strong emphasis on industrial development. We are hopeful to start our campaign In October. To complete the six-month ca at the assessed cost of $5,000 is beyond the ommittee's budget alone; therefore, the committee requ sts that the Gladys Hoglund Family, an industrial prope ty landowner, consider a contribution of $500.00. A few years ago, the IDC b gan a marketing campaign through the use of the City of Monticello's new logo. To date, marketing brochures and mailing teasers have been printed and last year, a new promotional video: "Monticello, A Little Mountai of Big Opportunities" was unveiled at the annual industr al fundraiser banquet. As you can see, the IDe takes a proact i ve approach in marketing Monticello for indus rial development. Utility companies serving Monticello, as well, as industrial landowners are being cant cted for a first-time contribution. . . Mr. and Mrs. Hoglund September 1, 1992 Page 2 The IDC would appreciate a co tribution. Please contact me at (612) 295-2711 for addi ional information which may assist with the Hoglund amily's consideration to contribute. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Directo cc: IDe File . . ~ ,~ , 1" 1 . ~ , ~ MONTICELLO September 1, 1992 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. John R. Gries Attorney at Law 100 East central St. Michael, MN Street 55376 Dear Mr. Gries: . The Monticello Industrial Dev lopment Commi ttee (IDC), an eighteen-member volunteer ommi ttee, has studied the possibility of a six-month j urnal advertising campaign. The committee's intent is to arket Monticello's economic development strengths wit a strong emphasis on industr ial development. Ware hopeful to start our campaign in October. To complete the six-month ca paign at the assessed cost of $5,000 is beyond the committee's budget alone; therefore, the committee equests that you or the appropriate industrial prop rty landowner(s) consider a contribution of $500.00. A few years ago, the IDC egan a marketing campaign through the use of the City 0 Monticello's new logo. To date, marketing brochures a d mailing teasers have been printed and last year, new promotional video: "Monticello, A Little Mounta n of Big Opportunities" was unveiled at the annual industrial fundraiser banquet. As you can see, the IDC takes a proact i ve approach in marketing Monticello for industrial development. Utility companies serving Monticel 0, as well, as industr ial landowners are being contacted for a first-time contribution. . . Mr. Gries September 1, 1992 Page 2 The IDe would appreciate a co tribution. Please contact me at (612) 295-2711 for additi'onal information which may assist with your consideratiol to contribute. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: IDC File . . " ~ 1'1 ,,I , ~ , ~ MONTICELLO 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333~5739 Fax: (612) 295~4404 Ms. Gae Veit Shingobee Builders, Inc. 279 North Medina Street P.O. Box 6 Loretto, MN 55357 Dear Ms. Velt: . The Monticello Industrial De eighteen-member volunteer possibility of a six-month j The committee's intent is to development strengths wi ti industrial development. W campaign in October. To complete the six-month c of $5,000 is beyond the therefore, the committee Builders, Inc., a local indu contribution of $500.00. September 1, 1992 elapment Camm! ttee (IDC), an ommi ttee, has studied the urnal advertising campaign. arket Monticello's economic a strong emphasis on are hopeful to start our mpaign at the assessed cost committee's budget alone; requests that Shingobee trial developer, consider a A few years ago, the IDe egan a market ing campaign through the use of the City 0 Monticello's new logo. To date, marketing brochures an mailing teasers have been printed and last year, new promotional video: "Monticello, A Little Mounta n of Big Opportunities" was unveiled at the annual indust ial fundraiser banquet. As you can see, the IDe take a proactive approach in marketing Monticello for i dustrial development. In addition to Shingobee, tility companies serving Monticello and industrial 1a downers are being contacted for a first-time contributio . . . Ms. Veit September 1, 1992 Page 2 The IDC would appreciate a co tribution. Please contact me at (612) 295-2711 for addi ional information which may assist with your considerati n to contribute. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Directo cc: IDC File . . I ,"" , ..' I ~ , ~ MONTICELLO September 1, 1992 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax:. (612) 295-4404 Mr. Ron Hurkman Midwest Gas 1930 Coon Rapids Coon Rapids, MN Blvd. 55433 Dear Mr. Hurkman: . The Monticello Industrial Deve opment Commi ttee (IDC), an eighteen-member volunteer cammi ttee, has studied the possibility of a six-month journal advertising campaign. The committee's intent is to m rket Monticello's economic development strengths with a strong emphasis on industrial development. We are hopeful to start our campaign in October. To complete of $5,000 therefore, consider a the six-month earn aign at the assessed cost is beyond the ommittee's budget alone; the committee requests that Midwest Gas contribution of $5 0.00. A few years ago, the IDC b gan a marketing campaign through the use of the City of Monticello's new logo. To date, marketing brochures and mailing teasers have been printed and last year, a new promotional video: nMonticello, A Little Mountai of Big Opportunitiesn was unveiled at the annual industr a1 fundraiser banquet. As you can see, the IDe takes a proactive approach in marketing Monticello for eco omic development. Other utility companies serving Monticello and industrial land owners are being contacted for a first-time contribution. . The IDe would appreciate yo r contribution and looks forward to establishing a par nership with Midwest Gas. Please contact me at (612) 29 -2711 for additional . Mr. Hurkman September 1, 1992 Page 2 information which may assist w th Midwest's consideration to contribute. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO C)~ ~if\~Y Ollie Koropchak Economic Development cc: IDC File . .