Parks Commission Minutes 01-21-1999
Thursday, January 21,1999 - 4:30 p.m.
Members Present:
Chairman Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Earl Smith, Rick Traver, Jennifer Fearing
Staff Present:
Gregg Engle, Wanda Kraemer
1. Call meeting to order.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Larry Nolan.
2. Consideration of approving the minutes for the meeting on December 17, 1998.
3. Add items.
The following items were added to the agenda:
Update on the tree planting and City clean-up for April 24, 1999.
List the top five priorities for the North Anchor and select two committee members.
Communications between commissions.
4. Discussion on construction of the River Mill Park.
Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, reported on the site plan for River Mill Park. The budget
for the first phase will include:
a. Earth moving and engineering;
b. Two open air shelters;
c. Partial landscaping;
d. Plaza and sign.
Mr. Engle presented examples of playground equipment displayed on a poster. The
Commissioners requested more time be spent at the next meeting on this item. There was a
request to select playground equipment that provides an opportunity for more creative play
and interaction.
It was also suggested to clear a path to the sliding hill and add a drinking fountain. Mr. Engle
stated he would get bids on drinking fOlmtains for the next meeting. However, he did not
think it would be possible to keep a trail cleared to the sliding hill until the pathway was
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Discussion on construction of the Pioneer Park.
Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, reported on the site plan for Pioneer Park. Mr. Engle
displayed ideas, for the Commissioners to view, of items in the park such as fire pits, grills,
shelter ideas, and playgrounds that followed a pioneer theme. He also stated he would be
meeting with Mike Lundquist, Lion's Club member, to discuss their involvcmcnt in this
year's project. Mr. Engle stated he would report back to the Park's Commission in February
on the meeting with thc Lions.
6. Update on discussions with the Baseball and Softball Associations.
Therc has becn discussion in thc past regarding constructing a separate baseball field. Earl
Smith stated that he had been asked if a baseball field could be constructed at the NSP site for
usc by the town team if private funds were used.. It was recommended that Commissioner
Smith rcfer the inquiry to the NSP grounds supervisor. The Commissioners also requested
information on selling concessions to be on the next agenda. One question they had was
whether or not the softball league was the only association that could sell concessions or if it
was open to other groups.
Goals and/or obiectives for 1999.
The Commission members discussed the goals and objectives for this year and listed as
a. Complete all of the items listed in the Park Department Budget;
b. Continue to follow ADA guidelines and renovate the old equipment as time and
budget allows;
c. Work with Public Works on completing the pathway connection between Mississippi
Drive and Hart Blvd. on the west side of the Wastewater Treatment Plant;
d. Spend more time planning for long range goals;
e. Promote more volunteer help;
f. Continue to have topographical maps completed for each park;
g. Research ways to improve the appearance of Bridge Park while waiting for the plans
for the North Anchor to be completed. A subcommittee of Earl Smith, Rick Traver,
and Gregg Engle was formed to complete this goal.
8. Update on subcommittee reports.
Wanda Kraemer, Administrative Assistant, rcported that the committee on researching park
names would be meeting January 25, 1999 at I :00 p.m.
Commissioner Rick Traver reported thc entire subcommittee had not met regarding selecting
a location for a park on 7th Street in the Church of St. Henry's Plat. There was discussion of
constructing more of a rest area for people using thc pathway by widing the path and adding
a bench. There was concern that the park would appear to be privatc park becausc of the
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location next to St. IIenry's Church. After the subcommittee meets Commissioner Traver
stated he would report back to the Parks Commission.
Update on Maintenance items.
a. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, reported on the Freeway Fields Park. The original
site plan for the park had the shelter on the west side next to the parking lot. This
location will not work because of the water draining from the parking lot will run
through the shelter. The Commissioners asked if there could be an open shelter in this
location and a small shelter in another area for storage. Mr. Engle stated he would
review the plans for an alternative and bring back to the next meeting.
b. The maintenance agreement with the Hockey Association should be reviewed before
the next season.
c. The ice is in good shape at the hockey rink and the skating rink in Bridge Park.
d. Snow removal on the pathway is going good.
Mr. Engle also discussed the Trumpctcr Swans on the river. He advised against the
City getting too involved with promoting the swans. If there is a campaign to
promote the swans there should be a program to educate people first.
A picture was shown of a 14 ft. mower that will be purchased to cut the grass on a
more timely schedule this next year.
g. There will be two interns that will be working on their education requirements by
surveying and charting all of the trees in our parks.
Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, stated that Torn Pollack was hired to work in the Parks
Department. Mr. Pollack was working for the Buffalo School District.
10. Added items.
a. Tree Planing and Spring Cleanup- Wanda Kramer, Administrative Assistant, reported
that Project Take Pride, the annual spring clean up project will take place on April 24,
1999 from 9 a.m. to noon. Gregg Engle and Wanda Kraemer will be meeting to
discuss options for planting trees or providing trees to residents at a reduced rate.
Selecting the top five priorities for the North Anchor area - Wanda Kraemer,
Administrative Assistant, explained that after the joint meeting with the City Council,
HRA, Planning Commission, DAf, and Parks Commission, it was agreed that each
commission would select their top five priorities for the north anchor and select two
members to attend a subcommittee meeting regarding the North Anchor. Rick
Traver and Earl Smith volunteered to attend the next meeting to discuss priorities for
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this area. There were many ideas discussed but the following were the five top items
the Parks Commission selected:
1. Keep Bridge Park the same size or larger (It is important to kccp a large area
for public gathering however, a lineal area for a boardwalk along the river
would be a plus).
2. Encourage the HRA and thc City Council to purchase land along the river for
public use.
3. Strong Pathway links: through East/West Bridge Park (under bridge)
Pathway/pedestrian links from South Anchor to North Anchor/Bridge Park
4. Promote recreation components in the park. Add more opportunities for
recreation on the river - overlook, fishing pier, band shell, canoeing, tubing,
kayaking (Canoeing, tubing, kayaking, could start at Montissippi continue to
Bridge and then to Ellison) while maintaining the present recreational use of
the park (playground, skating, picnic).
5. Utilize the park space in the best manner. (Exanlple: The present enclosed
shelter could be moved to another location if the space could be used in a
better manner).
The others that were discussed but not on the top five list were as follows:
1. Open Walnut Street to park,
2. Develop a theme for the area so the residential and commercial mix
(Riverboat Park-steamboat idea, Heritage Park-mixture, Boom Park-
3. Create a more distinct entrance landmark in the park,
4. Research closing River Strcct and using the hill for more commercial use,
5. Promotc the project to other developers,
6. Clean up the island.
Communication betwecn commissioners. Chairman Larry Nolan stated he would like
to see more communication between commissions. In talking to other commission
members he did not think the information was being passed along. This is especially
important when the Parks Commission supports or doesn't support another
commission's actions. Wanda Kraemer, Administrative Assistant, explained that the
minutes are mailed to the chair of each commission after the minutes are approved.
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This means, with the Parks Commission minutes, it is the following month before the
minutes arc mailed. Ms. Kraemer also addcd that the minutes arc only sent to the
chair at this time. The commissioners discussed this and realized it would involve a
large amount of copying and mailing if everyone reccived the minutes from all of the
other commissions. It was suggested that when a motion was made regarding action
of another commission the Park Chairman would call the chairman of the other
commission. Larry Nolan, Park Chairman, agreed to do this in hopes of
strengthening communications between the commissions.
AND SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR. Motion passed unanimously.
lJ~ i,~
Wanda Kraemer
Administrative Assistant
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