IDC Agenda 04-16-1992 . . . AGEN, A MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL EVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, April 16, 1992 ~ 7:00 AM City all MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelley John on, Vice Chairperson Don Smith, Treasurer Ron Hoglund, L well Schrupp, Arve Grimsmo, Jay Morrell, Harvey Kendall, Dennis Taylor, Ken Maus, Linda Mielke, John McVay, Dave Peterson, Tom Pogatchnik, Kevin Doty, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Steve Lemme, Candy Benoit, Mary Micke, and Cyndie Johnson. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff 'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME OF EW MEMBERS. 4. Molding 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE ARCH 19, 1992 IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACC IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT UPD a) Aroplax Corporation b) Long Lake Tool & Die, PI c) Wisconsin Foam Products d) Out-of-State Food Proces e) Federal Foam Technology, f) Hallmark Window Company BRE UPDATE: a) Remmele Engineering TE: stic Injection anufacturer ing Company Inc. 5. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE BY DC MEMBERS REGARDING DESIGNATED INDUSTRY BUSINESS VISIT OR CO TACT. a) BRE Breakfast RSVP 6. CONSIDERATION TO FINALIZE BRE BREAKFAST AND PROGRAM. a) Time and setup. b) IDC count and guests. c) Program Moderator: Chair erson Johnson Recycling: John Simola Land Use Map & Ordinance Jeff O'Neill Taxes: Doug Gruber and en Maus Metro Phone: Koropchak nd Rierson IDC Tours: Open Industry News: Open Legislative Issues: Open BRE Survey Result Questi Koropchak 7. CONSIDERATION OF FARM CREDIT' PLANS OF A LAND SALE AUCTION. 8. OTHER BUSINESS. a) Banquet speaker update. 9. ADJOURNMENT. . . . MINUT S MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, March 19 1992 - 7:00 AM Monticello Public Library Vice Chairperson Don Smith, Ron Hoglund, Jay Morrell, Harv y Kendall, Dennis Taylor, Ken Maus, Linda Mi lke, John McVay, Dave Peterson, Kevin Doty, andy Benoi t, Mary Micke, and Cyndie Johnson. ~~ Chairperson Selley Johnson, (Lowell sc~ (1.\ .\l.,,'~":l. Arve Grimsmo, nd Tom Pogatchnik. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Jeff STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfstell 1. CALL TO ORDER. d Ollie Koropchak. In the absence of Chairperso Johnson, Vice Chairperson Don Smith called the IDC meeting to order at 7:02 AM. 2 . CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE EBRUARY 20 1992 IDC MINUTES. Mary Micke made a motion to a prove the February 20, 1992 IDC minutes, the motion was seco ded by Kevin Doty, and with no corrections or additions the m.nutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACC~ PT THE IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Ron Hoglund reported a Wright County State Bank balance of $481.66 and a Secu ity Financial Banking & Savings balance of $2,965.97 for a t tal balance of $3,447.63. Ken Maus made a motion to accept t e financial report, seconded by John McVay the report was fil d as given. 4. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT UPD TE: Wisconsin Foam Rubber Manufacturer Koropchak had presented the company I s preliminary building plans to Assessor Doug Gruber for stablishment of per square foot costs. Thereafter BDS, I c. prepared a letter explaining the two TIF financial op ions and a suggested financial package which was mailed to Mr. Brad Roberts on March 12. The Oakwood Industrial Park, Lauring Hillside, and Hoglund properties were arketed as available sites for construction of an all me al building with no contrasting exterior finishing requi ements. The company continues it IS si te location sear h in the areas of St. Cloud, a) . . . IDC MINUTES 3-19-92 Princeton, and Montieel o. Mr. Roberts has plans for a Monticello visit in the very near future. b) Food Processing Company - This contact is through Mr. Terrell Towers at the n partment of Trade and Economic Development and a South Carolina consulting firm. The company desires 20 acres, would employ up to 200 ($5.50 - $ 7 . 00 per hour wages), and would run a three shi f t operation. The 60,000 sq ft facility would be for process/packaging, war housing, freezer, shipping & receiving, off ice/admin, and lunch and locker rooms. Truck docks, trailer par ing and car parking spaces must be present. Mr. Towers as no specifics to what type of food processing compan this might be. The ini tial industrial site analysis information request was submitted on March 5th. Additional electrical, natural gas, water, sewer, and p operty tax rates and approximate land cost information w s requested of Monticello and Maple Grove. This infor ation was mailed on March 18th. The initial request was ubmitted to eight communities. c) Aroplax Corporation decision by this company continues to be muddie by Brooklyn Park's financia.l proposal, these are the ords of Mr. Jerry Schoen. The question has been asked, hat does the Monticello package need to meet the compe itive proposal? Monticello's package consists of t 0 financia.l options and has suggested a GMEF increas: from $30,000 to $55,000. d) Long Lake Tool & Die, P Molding Injection - The company reviewed the Mon icello financial proposal which was a comparative mate to Buffalo's proposal. The company indicated commi ment to Buffalo, however, the option was presented if onticello could sweeten the pot would they consider anot er look at us? The company will respond to that question today. e) Micro Tech - No propos I has been submi tted to this company, as BDS nor Ko opchak has been able to make contact with the camp ny. Koropchak has received information on this fast growing company from BDS, Inc. f) Maid of Scandia - Koropc ak contacted Mr. Dahlquist as a followup. The company acknowledged the need for a flexible relocation ti e frame inorder to meet a potential buyer's needs. Scandia has pursued a search and found existing buil ings in the metro area in the event they would need to relocate quickly. The company has no active buyer at this time and still remains interested in a builftage- uit faci.lity if the cards fall into place. . IDe MINUTES 3--19-92 5. . . BRE UPDATE: a) Remmele Engineering - K ropchak reported that Mr. Mike Pudil, Vice President 0 General Management, announced the expansion of the Mo ticello's facility by 10,000 sq ft with an estimated increase of 10 employment. Construction to be completed by September, 1992. The original TIF District in luded Phase II and III building expansions with the expe ted additional revenue budgeted for the realigment of F lIon Avenue. b) Postal Service Expansio - As a point of information Koropchak informed the IDC of the HRA's resolution (enclosed) supporting t e post office expansion at it's current location or at a other downtown location because of it's convenience to both residents and businesses. Ken Maus added facility size is the issue as it relates to land availability, fe sibility, or if it's too late in the game plan. Ron Hogl nd noted the postal service has changed its mail sartin process. CONSIDERATION OF USEKEEPING ITEMS: a) Set '92 Banquet Date and Explore Guest Speaker Options - Koropchak reported tha she had spoke wi th Lynnette Gagnelius at the Monte C ub regarding a Tuesday, October 27th IDC banquet date. The Monte Club encouraged the Tuesday evening suggestion as Tuesday is somewhat a slow business night. The will direct their business customers to the origin 1 dining area therebye the IDC will retain the main dining area as in the past. Secondly, Mr. John (Jac ) Grundhofer, CEO of First Bank Systems, Inc., was sugg sted as a potential IDC banquet speaker. He is a cousi of Marn Flicker which would be an excellent local conta t for us, Koropchak was asked to follow through on this. Thirdly, it was suggested to keep the three local te timonies on the program. b) Determine BRE Breakfast Location and Program - Koropchak reported she first contacted Pam at Joyners Lane as to the availability and interest to host the BRE Breakfast. Pam respon ed that timing was poor as a breakfast presented a co flict with the spring opening of the golf course and declined the inquiry. Next, Koropchak contacte Riverwood Conference Center for availability and intere t. Breakfast costs ranged from si t.-down plate wi th no beverages ($4.90) to a buffet Page 3 . . . IDC MINUTES 3-19-92 inclusive of beverages ($5.95). Two hundred dollars was budgeted for the BRE Breakfast. Don Smith's suggested that it may be in our b st interest to acknowledge the accessibility of Riverw ad and to develop a partnership between Monticello busin sses, the IDC, and the Riverwood Conference. The IDC agr ed and Riverwood was determined as the site of the BRE reakfast on Thursday, April 23, 7:30 AM. IDC members were encour ged to contact their designated industry as the breakfa t would be an excellent lead-in and Koropchak's letter could serve as a reinforced invitation to the bre kfast. The next agenda will include a IDC report of RE visits or contacts and could serve as an excellent ti e for RSVP's, Don Smith shared his experience as he telephoned Courtney Allen of Sunny Fresh who indicated he as anticipating his call due to the BRE informational Ie ter received. Don also informed the IDC of Mr. Allen's Ian to retire in June. The Chamber Board sugges ed Mr. David Olson, President of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, for the BRE program. His message would be aba t current legislative issues. The IDe appreciated the Chamber's suggestion; however, agreed with Ken Maus that the BRE program should encourage an exchange of local ideas between the IDC and the industries. Sugg sted ten-minute topics were recycling alternatives (example need to recycle fluorescent bulbs), over iew of the BC/I-1 Land Use Map and Ordinance, potential industrial tours, etc. c) Elect IDC Industrial epresentative(s) Koropchak reported that the BRE survey results indicated five individuals expressed an interest in IDC membership with comment: Bill Tappe (concern of early morning meetings), Ray Schmidt ( ossibly), Jerry Andrusko (maybe in 6 months), Steve Lem e, and Merrlyn Seefeldt, Mary Micke made a motion to e ect Merrlyn Seefeldt and Steve Lemme to the IDC, th s to gain a balance of an established existing ind strial business and a recently recruited industrial business. Dennis Taylor seconded the motion and wi th no further discussion the motion passed unanimously. d) Tabled, Earmark '92 IDe Industri 1 Tours - Suggested for dscussion at BRE breakfast, Page . . . IDC MINUTES 3-19-92 6. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW BU INESS CAMPUS LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AS ADOPT D BY CITY COUNCIL. The IDe received a copy of he land use map and ordinance amendment in November. In December, the IDC reviewed and discussed the land use map i detail, however, time did not allow for ordinance amendm nt discussion. Mr. O'Neill apologied for the oversight a d acknowledged that Koropchak's concern of the lot coverage equirement was worth review and discussion, and that the plan errs suggestion of 30% may be a little high. Koropchak is oncerned that the lot coverage requirement: Not less than 3 % of a lot, parcel, or tract of land shall remain as a gr ss plot including shrubbery, plantings, or fencing and sha 1 be landscaped may be difficult to market and turn businesses away. This means that of a five acre parcel, 1.5 acres woul be required to meet the lot coverage ordinance or in the case of the 20 acre request, 6 acres would be required to m et this ordinance. John McVay informed the IDe t: at companies such as Pillsbury and 3M are now constructing facili ties wi thin their green space because of increased e uipment and maintenance costs some of which are due to en ironmental regulations (use of fertilizers). Some IDC membe s felt the wording of not less than 30% presented an ordi ance which was too rigid and suggests no room for negoti tion and at a first glance a prospective business may n t give Monticello a second consideration. Rewording of the or{linaUf1e was suggested. Kevin Doty suggested to pro ate or ~e3f~~approach to the percentage requirement as the and request becomes greater the lot coverage percentage becom s smaller (Example: 5 acres 30%, 10 acres 20%, etc.). The BC/ll Ordinance Amendments were prepared to address the concerns raised by Remmele En ineering and Tapper's regarding the aesthetic value of the in ustrial park and to complement of school campus development. Ken Maus noted the ordinance was developed to provide an a ditional option for industries looking to locate in Monticell and in the future, the council may find the higher standard ay be keeping industries away. Koropchak noted that most of Monticello's inquires are from metro industries looking to relocate outside the metro area and want to avoid the metro traffic. They must justify their relocation costs and search for communi ties which provide economical rental costs, cons ruction costs, land costs, wage costs, taxes, etc.; yet, look to maintain a quality company image. Acquisition of additi nal property for the purpose of Page . . . IDC MINUTES 3-19-"92 a lot coverage requirement nly increases unnecessary costs for a company and doesn't ne essarily increase the aesthetic value of the park. Dennis Taylor questioned the ot width requirement as compared to the setbacks. The IDC made no recommendati n as the ordinance was recently adopted and with no input f om the school in Mr. Johnson's absence, it was suggested tha the land use map and ordinance be reviewed at the BRE brea fast and to encourage existing industrial business input. A a later date, the issue may be put to a committee. Ken Maus suggested that at a future meeting the IDC may want to discuss al ternative uses for the Monticello Mall which might encourage short erm occupancy with final recommendations for Council onsideration. Jeff O'Neill is aware of other community's all wing short term land uses which prOVide periodical flexibilit for under-utilizied properties. Don Smith further suggested t at the IDe may want to consider their role in retail expansio . 7. OTHER BUSINESS. Enclosed wi th the agenda was a copy of the PUC letter as prepared by Koropchak. Korop hak reported that if no further extenion request were grante the Monticello 295 balloting would occur in the third qua ter of 1992. If Bridge Water requests the 295 and 878 cost studies be combined (not cost effective for Bridge Water this would delay the 295 bal.loting. Koropchak noted Star City r certification materials were submitted to the State within the time frame, noted a letter received from Mr. Towers reg rding an insurance company's decision to locate in Iowa and noted a copy of MIDA Newsletter which included a picture of Ann Hurley, Sunny Fresh, at the MIDA Conference. Chamber meeting today at noon, American Legion. Page m.J. . . . IDe MINUTES 3 -- 1 9 - 9 2 8. ADJOURNMENT. The IDe meeting adjourned at 8:45 AM. -Q-~---~~~-~~--- Ollie Koropchak, IDe Executive Se Page . 1992 PROPOSED IDC ASSIGN D INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS SHELLEY JOHNSON KEN MAUS \ HARVEY KENDALL \ 0 RON HOGLUND \ LOWELL SCHRUPP \ JOHN MCVAY 1. to DA VE PETERSON 1\"10 JAY MORRELL \ f4P DENNIS TAYLOR' DON SMITH' . . TOM ~IK.? ~~~~.:U~~ \ LINDA MIELKE \ ARVE GRIMSMO \ CANDY BENIOT MARY MICKE \ CYNDIE JOHNSON OLLIE KOROPCHAK f ~ \U ~ ~ . ~ L\ ~ 4. JACK PEA H, FULFILLMENT SYSTEMS, INC. W/~ ~. DAN JACK ON, FINGERHUT CORPORATION ?,." ED JONES JONES MANUFACTURING C~ ~ \M~ ~ ANDY AND RSON, RAINBOW ENTERPRISES \.. '(-.!) \ , NSP TRAINING CENTER \ RICHARD ARTIE, AME READY MIX-=:" \ S"I ~ NI~RICK CLO , CLOW STAMPING 'f-.,()' JOHN BON HUS, BONDHUS CORPORATION \ STEVE LE ME, THE H-WINDOW COMPANY '(GREG TO lAS, AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR \Q.OMPANY \~ ~OJERRY AND USKO, ABK, INC. \#COURTNEY ALLEN, SUNNY FRESH FOODS, INC. ~DOUG ANTH NY, NSP NUCLEAR PLANT ~ \ RAY SCHM DT, THE TIRE SERVICE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTU ING COMPANY, INC. ~WILLIAM A D BARB TAPPER, TAPPER'S INC. d.b.a. GENEREUX FINE WOOD PRODUCTSI ESTLUND DISTRIBUTION \ JOE LAVAL E, REMMELE ENGINEERING PLANT 20 \ BOB RIE COMPANY BRIDGE WATER TELEPHONE "J.. WILLIAM NO MERRILYN SEEFELDT, ELECTRO INDUSTRIE /MEGA PRODUCTS ~~ ~ "")..- ~.. BOB CLARK NSP SERVICE CENTER ~o ARLAN WIt IE, SMA ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTION JAY MORRE L, M & P TRANSPORTS, INC. nO"WAYNE HOG UND, HOGLUND BUS COMPANY, INC. , GREG DAHL EIMER, DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTION ~GORDON A D JEANINE HOGLUND, HOGLUND TRANSPORT TION, INC. AND ALL 0 HERS. \7~ ~ , '0 , v- "'y ... \ "?J J...1. - ~, -~~ \)__ ~ _ \1\ (J ~J....-~ _ "".... ~~_ hO ~...,. 7, ~ . -- MONTICELLO 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 William and Barbara Tapper Tapper's, Inc. d.b.a. Genereux Fine ood Products/Westlund Distribution 212 Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Tapper: . DID YOU KNOW THAT USED FLUORESCENT April 2, 1992 MUST NOW BE RECYCLED? This is a sample of the program to to be provided at the Annual Business Retention and Expansion (BRE Breakfast scheduled for Thursday, April 23, 1992, at 7:30 A.M. This year's complimentary buffet breakfast will be held at the Riverwood Confere ce Center located five miles east of Monticello on East County Road 39. If your designated Industrial Develop ent Committee (IDC) representative has not contacted you, he/she will s on be doing so to assist you with transportation or answer follow-up qu stions regarding the breakfast. The breakfast objective is to allow time for industrial and community leaders to exchange ideas, concerns, or to hear what's new within your company. Another program topic to be overviewed is the newly adopted Business Campus/Light Industrial land use map and ordinance. The IDC is aware of your busy schedule; therefo e, the program will be kept short and informative. You can plan to al ow approximately one and one-half hours for the entire event. Please RSVP with your designated IDC representative or call my office (295-2711) by Friday, April 17. See you at the breakfast. Sincerely, . CITY OF MONTICELLO C\ C=J~ ~~~_3--~ Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: IDC Representative File . BOARD OF EDUCATION Nancy Cassano Chair James Herbst Clerk Edward Holloway Treasurer Jo Havel Director Russ VanDell Director Kathryn Figenshau Di rector ADMINISTRA TION Michael Benedetto Ass!. Supl./lnstruction .95-5184 Richard Weiers Business Manager 295-5184 Lyndon Sonju High School Principal 295-2913 Robert Voecks High School Principal 295-2913 Kermit Bensen Middle School Principal 295-5183 Kay Douglass Elementary Principal 295-5164 Bruce Novak Elementary Principal 295-2934 WIlliam White Activities Director 295-2913 Paul Zemke Special Education Director 295-5185 tlane Gates mmunity Education Dir. 95-2915 Candace Benoit Ass!. Community Educ. Dir. 295-2915 INDEPENDENT SCHOOi DISTRICT NO. 882 Sheldon D. Johnson, Superintendent Telephone (612 295-5184 Fax (612) 2 5-2330 P. O. 80 897 MONTICELLO, MIN ESOTA 55362 March 24, 1992 Mr. Steve Lemme The H-Window Company 1324 E. Oakwood Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Steve: On behalf of the Indu trial Development Committee of Monticello, I would l'ke to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to you as the newest member of our commi ttee. For y ur information, the Industrial Development Committee took unanimous action to invite you to be a member of this important committee in our community. We look forward to your service as together we attemp to make the community of Monticello as attract' ve as possible to new industry and also to existi g industry. Our Executive Director Ollie Koropchak, will send you information prior to e ch monthly meeting held by the Industrial Development Committee. Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 16, 1992, at 7: 00 a.m. at Ci ty Hall, so all e will be sending to ;.'Oll all information pertaining to agenda items that we will be addressing a day or tw prior to that meeting. We do hope that you will be able to accept our invitation to serve on this committee and we also hope to see you at our fir t meeting on April 16. If you have any questions you may feel free to call Ollie or. me at your convenience On behalf of the memb rship of the committee, thanks for your interest in serving your community in this manner. ~J S. D. Johnson Superintendent/IDC Cha r ~ Ollie Koropchak . BOARD OF EDUCA nON Nancy Cassano Chair James Herbst Clerk Edward Holloway Treasurer Jo Havel Director Russ VanDell Director Kathryn Figenshau Director ADMINISTRATION Michael Benedetto Asst. Supt./lnstruction .295-5184 Richard Weiers Business Manager 295-5184 Lyndon Sonju High School Principal 295.2913 Robert Voecks High School Principal 295-2913 Kermit Bensen Middle School Principal 295-5183 Kay Douglass Elementary Principal 295-5164 Bruce Novak Elementary Principal 295-2934 INDEPENDENT SCHOO' DISTRICT NO. 882 Sheldon D. Johnson, Superintendent Telephone (61 295-5184 Fax (612) 2 5.2330 P. O. BO 897 MONTICELLO, MIN ESOTA 55362 March 24, 1992 Ms. Marilyn Seefeldt Electro Industries, In . 2150 W. River Street Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Marilyn: On behalf of the Industrial Development Committee of Monticello, I would 1 ke to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to you as the newest member of our committee. For your informat ion, the Industr ial Development Committee took unanimous action to invite you to be a member of this important committee in our community. We 100 forward to your service as together we attemp to make the community of Monticello as attract ve as possible to new industry and also to existi g industry. Our Executive Director, Ollie Koropchak, will send you information prior to ach monthly meeting held by the Industrial Development Committee. Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursda.', April 16, 1992, at 7:00 a.m. at City Hall, so Ollie will be sending to you all information pertaining to agenda items that we will be addressing a day or two prior to that meeting. We do hope that yo invitation to serve on to see you at our fir have any questions YOt me at your convenience. will be able to accept our this committee and we also hope t meeting on April 16. If you may feel free to call Ollie or~ On behalf of the memb rship of the committee, thanks for your interest in serving your communi ty in this manner. WIlliam White Activities Director ~ince ~~/ 295-2913 ~ ' Paul Zemke Special Education Director~/ 295-5185 y S, D, Johnson .uane Gates Superintendent/IDe mmunity Education Oir. 95-2915 ~ \ 0, ct 011 ie Koropchak Candace Benoit Asst. Community Educ. Oir. 295-2915 Chair