Parks Commission Minutes 02-18-1999 . . , AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, February 18, 1999 - 4:30 p.m. 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration of approving the minutes for the January 21, 1999 meeting. '" _J. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens requests. A. The Baseball association will be at the meeting to discuss the needs of their organization. 5. Discussion on the information provided by the subcommittee for naming the parks. 6. Discussion on providing trees to residents at a reduced cost - Jeff/Gregg 7. Discussion on park needs for the Kjellberg expansion. - Jeff - verbal 8. Discussion on playground equipment for River Mill Park. Gregg - verb report 9. Updates: A. Meeting time for North Anchor (Rick Traver, Earl Smith) B. Garden Projects - Wanda - written report C. Baseball/Softball Associations - Gregg - verbal report D. Soccer Fields on 7th Street - Jeff - verbal report E. S1. Henry/Fallon Park F. Project "Take Pride" same day as tree distribution - form 10. Discussion on maintenance items. - Gregg 11. Added items 12. Adjourn ~f/1'I'lu){S ~~ bj~mJUIi nor~lP6d ~Op()JJ<S. uJCUl~ ~,0JJniJv Yrt v'a-(~.~ lJrLj <7