IDC Agenda 11-21-1991 . . . AGEN A MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVEL PMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, November 2i, 1991 - 7:00 AM City H 11 I MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelley Joh son, Don Smith, Ron Hoglund, Lowell Schrupp, Dale Lung itz, Arve Grimsmo, Jay Morrell, Harvey Kendall, Dennis aylor, Ken Maus, Linda Mielke, John McVay, Dave Peters n, Tom Pogatchnik, Bob Dawson, and Candy Benoit. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE CTOBER 17, 1991 IDC MINUTES. 3. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AN STATEMENTS. a) 1992 Budget b) 1991 Goals CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS, MAKE FORMAL COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATION ON THE CHELS A LAND USE AND CIRCULATION STUDY/CONCEPTUAL AREA PLAN. ACCEPT YEAR END FINANCIAL 5. SURVEY AND TEAM VISITS. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS ANNU 6. CONSIDERATION OF A PROSPECT U a) Aroplax Corporation b) Molded Packaging Products Company c) Wafer Manufacturing Company d) Metro National Distribution Warehouse/Office e) Annanda1e Developer f) Maintenance Repair/Office Facility g) G & G Oil Company h) Confidential Office/Distribution/Warehouse 7. Other Business. 8. Adjournment. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING, TODAY, AT 11:50 AM, AMERICAN LEGION CLUB . . . MINU S MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVEL PMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, October 1 , 1991 - 7:00 AM City H 11 MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairper on Don Smith, Ron Hoglund, Lowell Schrupp, Dale Lungwitz, Arve Grimsmo, Dennis Taylor, Ken Maus, Linda Mielke, John McVay, Dave eterson, Tom Pogatchnik, and Candy Benoit. MEMBERS ASBENT: Shelley Johnso , Jay Morrell, Harvey Kendall, and Bob Dawson STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfstel er, Jeff O'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Vice Chairperson Don Smith cal ed the IDC meeting to order at 7:03 AM. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 19 1991 IDC MINUTES. Ron Hoglund made a motion to pprove the September 19, 1991 IDC minutes. Seconded by John McVay and with no additions or corrections the minutes were a, proved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR THE IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Ron Hoglund reporte a Wright County State Bank balance of $5,464.67 and a Security Federal balance of $2,637.87 for a total balan e of $8,105.56. Yet to be deposited as banquet revenue is $375.00 and all banquet expenditure including Lommel Productions have been paid. Lowell Schrupp made a motion t accept the Treasurer's Report as given, Arve Grimsmo secon ed the motion, and with no further comment the report was accepted and filed. 4. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS THE I C BAN UET FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS. The IDC members agreed that t e 1991 Banquet was a success stating that the program wit a greater number of local speakers with shorter speeches cut back of hors d'quervres and no open bar, and the pres en ation of the audio visual all added up to an event with a s nse of community pride and a banquet with greater profits. The committee felt the video was well produced and tells a reat story about Monticello. The cost for the production, s t-up for the banquet, and six tapes was $4,700. The City of onticello contributed $2,000; . IDC MINUTES 10-17-91 NSP contributed $1,175; BDS, IDC contributed $1,275. The for a video update in a couple two-thirds the original. nc. contributed $250; and the ommittee anticipates the need years with an estimated cost of The committee agreed to a repei t of the banquet in '92 with a concentration for greater pro its and an attempt to avoid a date close to the Rotary's Tw. Grand Dinner. A request was made for a list of banquet cotributors. Jeff O'Neill presented IDC mem ers with copies of the Land Use and Circulation Study Conceptual Area Plan maps and a copy of the Ordinance Amendment. He n ted the major zoning change is the Business Campus as it appl"es to the Farm Credit property and a change of the Thomas Par area to I-I. The major change to the Ordinance is the e1imin tion of bus depots and electric generating plants. The conc pt was designed by Northwest Associates, Inc., the present r at the All-Government units meeting. 5. CONSIDERATION TO AN UPDATE N THE CHELSEA LAND USE AND CIRCULATION STUDY/CONCEPTUAL REA PLAN. . Mr. O'Neill requested the IDC and ordinance for discussion IDC meeting. Final review planned for December 3rd. I devote 20-25 minutes on this members review the study maps nd formal comment at the next y the Planning Commission is was recommended that the IDC tern at their November meeting. An inquiry was made of any lans to develop the property south of 1-94 and west of Hig way 25. 6. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND D SCUSS ADVERTISEMENT COSTS. Koropchak briefly reviewed the circulation audience and costs for advertising in the Minnes ta Real Estate Journal and the Corporate Report Minnesota. To advertise in the bi-weekly journal the cost for a one-fourth page black/white ad ran six times is approximately $2,7 0 and for the same size in standard PMS color ad ran six times is approximately $3,445. In the monthly report the cost for a one-third page black/white ad ran seven times is approximately $8,355 and for the same size in a two-c lor ad ran seven times is approximately $10,455. . The IDC views the need for jo rnal advertisement as a budget trade-off and noted that the existing industrial businesses contacted Monticello without the means of advertisement. Koropchak reminded the IDC t at the point of this kind of advertisement is to create an awareness and image of . IDC MINUTES 10-17-91 Monticello for development. John Mcvay expressed the impo tance of timely advertisements as to when companies are ma, ing decisions to relocate or expand. Generally, this is i the fall. It was suggested to research the cost of adve tising in City Business and Northwest Metro Business. Ad itionally, it was suggested for a committee of Shelley Jo nson, Rick wolfsteller, and Koropchak to review the IDC a d City budgets for a $1,500 to $2,000 ad allowance with t e potential of four to five insertions. Overall, the IDC ad no strong feelings about the need to advertise. 7. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR Star City conference - K ropchak reported on her two-day attendance of the three- ay conference held september 24- 26th. Workshops attend d were An Overview of Business Financing Options: Farm rs Home Administration, Economy Recovery Grants, Captit I Access/Agricultural Economic Development Program, an Small Business Administration. a) A panel of individuals f om Opus Corporation, Albert Lea Jobs Inc., and the St. Paul Port Authority discussed Industrial Parks: Maki g your Investments Count. All three representatives viewed real estate less attractive as an investment than in the hay days of the past. Stating more office spa e was build in the metro in the 80's than through 1979. Trends of the future: . a) b) c) . d) Traffic c ngestion and community infrastructur s. Water/sewer s stems and lack of funds. Demographics: Baby boom over and need for elderly care More working women, single parents need for counseling and the need for child care/da care. More minorities, under educated and he need for job training. Location of metro airport: Dakota County versus prese t location. Development versus redevelopment costs and convenience. Risk in devel p of new industrial parks: Fewer developers 1 ss capital; 30 acre maximum, stream line ith no frills such as ponding, walkways, en green space, etc., no specialized ark themes; smaller buildings with populari y of in-home computer employees; development f private/public partnershipS; encouragemen of communities sharing services and regional marketing. e) . . . IDC MINUTES 10-17-91 f) Increase of en ironmenta1 toxic waste issues: Barrel/tanks, ,onding/wet1ands, etc. Dave MacGillivray, Sprin sted Inc. spoke on Muncicipa1 Improvement Districts: A new way to finance downtown improvements. The Star City Banquet as held in the evening with Governor Carlson presenting the All Star City Awards and Commissioner Peter Gillet e Jr. updating the group on the progress on the State/N rthwest Airlines project. He also spoke of his goal to isit the industrial businesses throughout the state and ncouraged the need for regional planning and marketing. Communi ty Readiness: P eparing for the prospect was presented by Terrell To ers of the Dept of TED, and representatives from t e Cities of Faribault and Owatonna. Mr. Towers howed a video of a southern State's sophisticated re ruitment facility and process which is far advanced rom the State of Minnesota. Representatives from Owat nna and Faribault talked about their recruitment proces for the Walmart Distribution Center which located in Wisconsin. Both communities spend hours and dollars in the process only to be disappointed. One commuity said they always felt the company favored the Wisco sin site because of the number of college students av ilable for employment. One community hired an attor ey who was housed across the street from Walmart's Hea quarter, both communities felt the real reason for a Wisconsin location was not the soil conditions. Question and answer per. od with a Legislative Panel: Senators Tracy Beckma and Jim Gustafson, and Representatives Don Frerichs and Ted Winters. Question and answer perio Jane Brown, Jobs and Trai John Lennes Jr., Labor Minnesota Technology Inc Technology's focus is manufacturing businesses training or help. b) with a Commissioner Panel: ing; Ed Cohoon, Transporation; nd Industry; and John Yngve, Mr. Yngve stated Minnesota on small to medium size ho are interested in technical Wright County Economic De elopment - Koropchak reported she attended her first mel ting since her appointment to the task force by Co issioner Basil Schillawaert. Communities within Wright County have pledged $7,500 for . IDC MINUTES 10-17-91 I I I the establishment of a c unty economic development plan which was matched by right County for a total of $15,000. Additionally, he task force has applied for a $20,000 grant from the C ntral Minnesota Initative Fund for technical assistan e in the development of an economic plan. Grant approval expected in early December. Her sense wa a mass confusion and possible disagreement among task orce members as to what the role of the county is in eco,omic development. Each member and County Commissioner as asked for a written response to: What should be the role of the county in economic development? Koropchak response was included in the agenda. Koropchak was sked to contact the League of Minnesota for informatio, on County EDA, County HRA, Star county, and Development orporations. c) Computer Training - Koro chak informed the IDC she would attend a day's training or Lotus 1, 2, 3, Spreadsheets. Once the program is ava'lable this will assist in TIF calculations and financi. I credit analyis information. . a) Remmele Engineering - Koopchak reported that Mr. Lavalle stated upon his recommen ation the company in 1991 made a one million dollar cap tal investment of machinery and equipment which has inc eased employment to 67. It is the company's 1992 pIa s to invest one-half million dollars into a facility expansion project. 8. CONSIDERATION OF BUSINESS RETI NTION AND EXPANSION. b) Tapper's Inc. - Based upon the Tapper's Attorney an attempt for a SBA closi g on October 25 is being made allowing for the debentures to be sold in December. 9. CONSIDERATION OF A PROSPECT a) Aroplax Corporation - K ropchak reported the Mr. Schoen has received a financial proposal from the City of Brooklyn Park. Supposed y, the city's proposal finances the total project, howe er, details are unknown. Mr. Pelstring and Koropchak plan to visit Mr. Schoen within the week to outline our proposal, explain the property tax savings, and to a k, "What it would take for a Monticello site locatio ?" based on IDC recommendation. The IDC gave the "go ahe d" to continue negotiations with the company. . b) Continental Life - No ord or correspondence has been received at Mr. Towers' ffice from this Idaho insurance comany. However, Mr. To ers said he has heard rumors to . IDC MINUTES 10-17-91 a Iowa site location. c) Food Ingredient Plant - This company has narrowed its selection sites to Beck r, Faribau1t, and Winona. Mr. McVay reported Becker is I good contender with a proposed si te near the Sherco Plant. This company is a heavy electrical user with the cogeneration-steam process and the wastewater requirem nts were high levels of fats, oils and grease. Transp rtation requirements were rail service, barge service, nd adequate roads. Monticello did not respond to this equest for site proposal. d) Molded Packaging Product company - Deb palmquist of NSP reports this company ontinues to review 25 site proposals out of the 4 original proposals received. Monticello remains withi the 25 proposals. The company is a start-up company i th good backing. Koropchak advised Ms. Palmquist o,f the availability of our new video. e) Wafer Manufacturing comp ny - Mr. Towers' reports no new information on site sele tion and no elimination of site proposals. . f) Tele-Racing Facility Based upon the Mayor Maus' September request to fo lOw-up on the outs tate betting facility, Koropchak cont cted John and Joyce Farrell of Waverly a reference give by Mayor Custer of Howard Lake. Again, Monticello's int rest and the availability of space in the Monticello all for a tele-racing facility was marketed. A cover 1 tter and market information was mailed to Mrs. Farrell w 0 will provide the information to the commission. Due 0 the resignation of Canterbury Downs general manager and other concerns; Ladbroke Company, property owner of Canterbury Downs, and the commission have slowed he active pursue for outs tate facilities. Koropchak ~ ported that Mr. John Carlstrom of Frauenshuh Companies states that the Lincoln company is willing to lease if t e economics are favorable. g) Metro National Distribut on Warehouse/Office - This metro distribution company is looking for a site to construct a 60,000 sq ft facili t and employs approximately 55 people. Sheil Nelson, B S, Inc., and Koropchak met with the owner and chief financial officer to discuss optional financial proposals. Ko opchak marketing the City's TIF and GMEF, and Mr. Nelson the SBA program. A second visit was made with Mr. Pelstr ng present and he suggested the Economic Recovery Grant. The company's original request was for five acres, however, the company now is . . . . IDe MINUTES 10-17-91 considering 15 acres. his company is of high quality and is looking for a firs class site. The company plans for a December site election and is considering Wisconsin and two subu' ban locations in addition to Monticello. h) Annandale Developer - Kor pchak reported Mr. Jerry Truman of Annandale was intere ted in Monticello's marketing programs and BRE plan. Mr. Truman, a native of the metro, expressed Annandale's attitude toward development and the recent resignat on of four EDA members. Mr. Truman has contacts w th businesses interested in expansion and is interes ed in ownership of industrial buildings to lease, and s not a contractor. Koropchak asked the IDe if they kn w of the gentleman. i) Maintenance Repair/Offic Facility A developer is looking for 15 acres (mi imum of 10 acres) to construct 10,000 to 20,000 sq ft of ffice, maintanence/repair, and storage space for a road construction company. Employment of 10-12. The, facility would be of metal and the need for outdoor st, rage is large. The outdoor storage would be for milling equipment, paving equipment, water tanks, etc. The roject may be similiar to the Bauerly Brothers in St. Cloud. Koropchak advised the contact of the need for a conditional use permit for the outdoor storage request and of available industrial sites. The IDC noted th importance of quality and not quantity in recruitment f industries. j) Micro-Tech - This small electronic company is now looking at Elk River or Anoka for relocation and expansion which from the company's pro pective is better for their employees (closer proximity to Anoka and Hennepin Technical Training and ommuni ty Colleges). It was suggested to work throu h Community Education on the availability of technical training within Monticello and surrounding areas. John McVay offered to contact the company regards to electrical usage. k) G & G Oil Company he company has placed their expansion/relocation proj ct on-hold as their potential land sale fell through. r. Speck will be addressing a letter regarding this mat er. Maid of Scandia - Nothing new to report. Elaine Nordness - The pIa tic injection molding company has placed their expansio on-hold due to the economy. Diaper Service - Koropch k informed the company of the . . . IDC MINUTES 10-17-91 -. availability of the WED rec~s~on building. Blackman Company - Koropc ak called to inform the company of the availability of the WED Precision building, however, the company fou~ a suitable available building in St. Cloud. 10. OTHER BUSINESS. The IDC members were reminded f the Chamber meeting this noon at the American Legion, the n w video "Monticello: A Little Mountain of Big Opportunities' will be shown. 11. ADJOURNMENT. Ken Maus made a motion to adjo rn the IDC meeting, seconded by Linda Mielke, the IDC meeting adjourned at 8:30 AM. G ~ \< (f\~ .~SJ ~--_____ Ollie Koropchak, IDe Executive Dir . . . IDC AGENDA 11-21-91 3. Consideration to Review Statements. A. Reference Year-End Financial i To assist with the IDC's forth' oming budget and goal planning for 1992, I have prepared a detailed report of the IDC' s accounts at Wright County Sta:e bank and Security Financial. In addition, is a six year-en' comparison and an account of the 1990 actual, 1991 proposed actual, and beginning plans for 1992 proposed budget. The 1:' ports were prepared from the Treasurer's books and the bank.s statements and all recordings balance. Please review for comment and acceptance. _._n..i . MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL D VELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1991 YEAR END FI ANCIAL REPORT Wright county State Bank BALANCE, December 14, 1990 . REVENUE: Banquet '90 12-18-90 City of Monticello 1-14-91 Chamber contribution 1-16-91 Wright cty State Bank 1-23-91 (Closed Acct) NSP (Video Donation) 6-20-91 BDS, Inc. (Video Don) 9-23-91 Banquet '91 10-8-91 Banquet '91 10-17-91 SUBTOTAL INTEREST: December, 1990 January, 1991 February, 1991 March, 1991 April, 1991 May, 1991 June, 199 1 July, 1991 August, 1991 September, 1991 October, 1991 SUBTOTAL TOTAL . EXPENDITURES: City of Monticello 1-18-91, #520 MIDA 2-21-91, #521 Ollie Koropchak 2-21-91, #522 River Inn (Void) 3-12-91, #523 $ 75.00 $5,650.001 $2,800.00 $ 86.15 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $13,215.96 $ 95.00 $ 12.60 $ 40.28 $17,036.15 $ 162.81 $17,198.96 $6,104.95 $23,303.91 . . . Rick wolfsteller 8-15-91, #524 River Inn 9-19-91, #525 Monticello Printing 9-19-91, #526 Monte Club 10-8-91, #527 Chris Lommel 10-8-91, #528 Monti Office Products 10-8-91, #529 SUBTOTAL BALANCE, November 15, 1991 $ $ $ $ 1,933. 8:9 $ 1,700.010 $ 9.40 $17,066.51 $17,066.51 $ 6,237.40 . . . I I I MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DI VELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1991 YEAR END FI ANCIAL REPORT Security Financial anking & Savings BALANCE, December 14, 1990 REVENUE: City of Monticello 8-2-91, (Video Don) SUBTOTAL INTEREST: December, 1990 January, 1991 February, 1991 March, 1991 April, 1991 May, 1991 June, 1991 July, 1991 August, 1991 September, 1991 October, 1991 SUBTOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES: Monti Country Club 6-20-91, #1015 Chris Lommel 6-20-91, #1016 River Inn 6-20-91, #1017 Chris Lommel 7-31-91, #1018 Chris Lommel 9-6-91, #1019 SUBTOTAL $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 20.85 21. 64 21. 05 19.12 21.28 22.77 19.40 16.48 19.48 16.5 13.2 $ 211.86 $2,211.86 $ 169.4 $1,000.0 $ 94.8 $1,000.0 $1,000.0 $3,264.27 BALANCE, November 15, 1991 $4,082.51 $6,294.37 $3,264.27 $3,030.10 . MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL D~VELOPMENT COMMITTEE YEAR END FINANC I\L COMPARISON MARCH 198, MARCH 1988 JANUARY 1989 WRIGHT COUNTY STATE BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT $ 159. 8'0 $ 284.88 $ 314.05 WRIGHT COUNTY STATE BANK MONEY MARKET $ 3,560. 20 $ 5,702.96 $16,296.97 SECURITY FINANCIAL MONEY MARKET $ 3,366. 95 $ 3,534.60 $ 3,693.86 YEARS TOTAL BALANCE $ 7,086. 95 $ 9,522.44 $20,304.88 DECEMBER 1989 DECEMBER 1990 NOVEMBER 1991 WRIGHT COUNTY STATE BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT $ 24. ( 3 $ 86.15 CLOSED WRIGHT COUNTY STATE BANK MONEY MARKET $ 7,957.1 3 $ 6,104.95 $ 6,237.40 SECURITY FINANICAL . MONEY MARKET $ 3,922. 4 $ 4,082.51 $ 3,030.10 YEARS TOTAL BALANCE $11,903.1 0 $10,273.61 $ 9,267.50 . . 1992 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL D VELOPMENT COMMITTEE PROPOSED UDGET 1990 ACTUAL 1991 PROP 1991 ACTUAL 1992 PROPOSED BALANCE $11,903.80 $10,273.6 $10,273.61 $ 9,267.50 REVENUE: Banquet $ 6,650.00 $ 7,000.0 $ 7,000.00 $ 300.00(89) 75.0 75.00(90) City contrib $ 5,400.00(89) $ 5,650.0 $ 5,650.00(90) $ 5,950.00(91) Chamber Contr $ 2,800.00(89) $ 2,800.0 $ 2,800.00(90) $ 2,800.00(91) Interest $ 373.28 $ 400.0 $ 374.67 $ 400.00 Video Contr $ 3,425.00 TOTAL REVENUE $27,427.08 $26,198.6 $29,598.28 EXPENDITURES: Salary $13,719.87(89) $13,215.9 $13,215.96(90) Banquet $ 2,370.32 $ 2,000.0 $ 1,989.72 Appraisal $ 400.00 $ 0 $ 0 Travel Exp $ 20.00 $ 200.0 $ 0 Prospects $ 310.34 $ 500.0 $ 160.70 .em~ershiP $ 95.00 $ 200.0 $ 95.00 eml.nars $ 0 $ 250.0 $ 0 Marketing Pro $ 0 $ 1,000.0 $ 4,700.00 BRE $ 160.00 $ 500.0 $ 169.40 MISCELLANEOUS $ 72.35 $ 1,000.0 $ 0 Service Chg $ 5.00 25.0 $ 0 TOTAL EXPEND $17,152.88 $18,890.9 $20,330.78 BALANCE $10,273.61 $ 7,307.6 $ 9,267.50 . . . . 1991 IDC BANQUET F ANCIAL REPORT OCTOBER 3 1991 SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 REVENUE: 104 PAID MEAL TICKETS 3 GRATIS TICKETS DONATIONS TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES: MONTE CLUB 63 STEAKS @ $13.95 35 WALLEYE PIKE @ $12.95 9 CHICKEN BREAST @ $7.95 TAX 107 HORS D'QUERVRES @ $2.00 BAR GRATUITY TOTAL MONTE CLUB MONTICELLO PRINTING MONTICELLO OFFICE PRODUCTS LITTLE MOUNTAIN FLOWERS WOODTYPE MINNESOTA TOTAL EXPENSES BANQUET PROFIT 8.85 3.25 1.55 1.24 4.00 $ $ $ $ $ 2 5.00 $1,933.89 $ 46.43 $ 9.40 $1, $5, OCTOBER 30, 1990 96 5 $5,450 $1,275 $6,725 41 $ 612.95 38 $ 416.10 17 $ 186.15 5 $ 39.75 $ 75.29 101 $ 277.75 $ 327.65 $ 250.00 $2,185.64 $ 40.12 $ 42.48 $ 50.08 ~ 52.00 $2,370.32 $4,354.68 . . . IDC AGENDA 11-21-91 4. Consideration to Discuss Make Recommendation on the Chel ea Land Study/Conceptual Area Plan. A. Reference and Back round. Formal Comment and Use and Circulation At the last IDC meeting, Mr. O'Neill handed out a copy of land use maps and ordinance for me bers to review and prepare for formal comments prior the pIa ned Planning Commission Public Hearing of December 3rd. It w s suggested by the IDC to allow 20-25 minutes for this issue. At the November HRA meeting, t e members were shocked that the planner recommended the nor herly 80 acres of the Kline property for Multi-Residentia' and not for industrial as they felt people would not want to live next to a school. The HRA made a motion strongly recommending the northerly 80 acres of the Kline property be retai ed for industrial use. The recommendation was made to as ure that the city maintains an adequate amount of acreage fo future industrial development with the natural continuation to the south of the existing industrial park. From the preception of an ind strial prospect, I believe the IDC needs to keep in mind th dollar amount invested by an industrial company and how th t applies to their final site selection. I believe an impo tant emphasis should be placed on plans for development of t ansportation routes within the studied area to assure industrial prospects that traffic flows will remain safe and convenie t, yet, be compatible with the long range school campus and h using development plans. - .- --._-- MENT BROKERS 3125 100st AVe. N.E. Blaine. MN 55434 (612) 785.2805 FAX (612) 785-7095 WATS 1.800-521.0951 Oc lObi!?/' 2 3 I~<j/ , Ms. O//,-c /(oropc4..1t 6~AJ0/l1'c bcvcjop".,~/0""'~c-~r C/ly of rrlD~'cello ~S() t;..asf 'OrOdd4../<ih/ 'PD. Ocr: l/i7 ;vJo;...r/;ce/1o /YlA.J 5S.j~;2 - 9d 7,s,- I . '0 t:'.i1/' Oil e : % h/Iov- (./1' 0 w /" ~ c. ~vl /' 4. ",. "- 4;)..., V c:r- .so 31'",v.,;. , ,. I ?;d.e.0.s 3s -f1,C(.J~1t Q ti C:, 0;/ '<Jill AI. I b~ /'.1../ d jJC).$;/ ~o.u ~ fvr S v..: Ie 10 Cd lC<J .f>~ d.J U,;oJ , "-'D <UA.) i'''''~' 0'/ '" I-/-..,,p. r!s we. c/,sevs.s.ed,. .a// fl/~.JS G,Je/"c Cb."".I,;V.:ye,,-",/' o~ I~e &1k dl Ow- ?/'e S,,",</ I '.j3 C?,/, Iy, 41 I- ~ s. 1,"1 e -N.;r-e .;;I r-e ","I ';;"")1 b Vy"'rS bc'.a ~j a fld'" !o 0 dMr- ...yNd 7".(e '>12r-h.'/;S Vt"/y So /1. --'- d,;,,/ I kel;;/ i --d /- ~ -!.(e c: { CJ I fI1o., /; ce It -i- os. " ~,J.I t! JiPj u"-- f' /0.:[ r>d.... S ,3" 'j h.vJ e--- D '" -t{ e Sl41 CJ{~...; C! e +1,31 cPur- 'f g (/ ;;'Iy G<..-';/I ~ /.,.~ -/( e ~ e..;l,- -/../1 v/' C'. ]: CUd"j 10 1-~.;lJ 'y 1)<..> .:;1,vel a.! 14' t:" 0 ~4'~ <<..l '" "" e Ill. '/i)uY' ;.vleres/.dJ I,{e 4Ju~eO'-'s. ..;t..J"d r~<'JleS;;S/bAkl/ . . . M~ NrJ&/' IN c-J,(/C t) (..Ve. ert::.- d/l..UdyS fred../ed :;:-f? =v- ~/,,-,.al'o-v c~"'~es T 4..>JI Cf)...;!d-e-l you dJ.a/;U Y/ed-Sc e. 'f.fJ/'e5S OUr" -li,j..J[ ~ ever'7 l'1^-.Je IZ- -I(.:~<..... i,.J~l~/'c: s./ A,vd -t~~e/VcI I'.{./e S, ?/ed..5C' Cb'Jldi?-/ /11 ~ dll dlll./'1I,'h~ it you ~/'.s~. S .,,<Jc-er-e-!; J r/ feccL SENT BY:DTED ; i1- 6-91 B : 30Ai 612296129U-+ 129544U4;# . ~ - - -. Fr:L October 30, 1991 Mr. T~rrell Towers Minnesota Dept. of Trade & Eo nomic Development 900 American Center Bldg. 150 E. Kellogg St. Paul,.MN 55101 Dear Mr. Towers: . T't,.l" iF! in fn"nw nIl r,Cl rJIH ",h',t': ",,1.11 YIIU Mu\mLLI.I.r:d :~u. ~J""''''' ~l::"~l'i~, ~l&i'il'iil'ig 8. 'Wll'~'" ffle!."!~. ~!t!'!.1'! !..~!l!~y. Given the significant size and scope of this project, our client. i12 atill in the proccco of oonduoeing an j,.n-6EliPt;h financial 2ulalysie or tIle site sUbmitted. Until this analysis is completed none of he sitas submitted will be ,liminat.d from future con.ide ation. We expect within the next 6-8 aaks we will be able to notify you of the outcome of their de i8ioo making process. We appreciate your cooperation on this project. Sincerely, ,k7~7L- E. Wayne Hanson Vice President Post.lt'" brand fax transmittal memo 7671 , of p.".... I To 'lit; ~/UIIIf'- Mill ~c.c... ra1U,=?t'"cS I/Fhb,ui7~ o. ~ .pt. ~ ~V Phon. /I 34,* "'d I ~ .2.'I~" 'ftf9.,.. III /I ~9;''''rl-' C) . INDUSTRIAL D~SIGN C RPORATION (IDe) 2020 $. W. Fourth Avenue. Jrr::i Floor, Portland. Oregon 9 20 I Phone' (503) ~N.6GdO Fax; (503) 223-1494 A Suo!Ir::iJary of CH2M HI L COMPANJr=S. LrD. . 1991 IDC BANQUE~ CONTRIBUTORS . MOSFORD, BARTHEL & CO TAYLOR LAND SURVEYORS JAMES & GRUBER LOCH JEWELERS FOSTER, FRANZEN, & CARLSON MONTICELLO TIMES WARREN SMITH COAST TO COAST DAVID'S PHOTOGRAPHY GOULD BROTHERS THE H-WINDOW COMPANY GOLDEN VALLEY FURNITURE PETERSON'S MONTICELLO FORD M & P TRANSPORTS AME READY MIX BRIDGEWATER TELEPHONE CO DALHEIMER DISTRIBUTING FLICKER TV & APPLIANCE SECURITY FINANCIAL MONTE CLUB AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR ELECTRO INDUSTRIES FINGERHUT CORPORATION KJELLBERG DEVELOPMENT M-BL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL SUNNY FRESH FOODS, INC. VAUGH VEIT AND COMPANY SHINGOBEE, INC HART CLINIC MAUS FOODS WRIGHT COUNTY STATE BANK DALE LUNGWITZ BASIL SCHILLEWAERT RAINBOW ENTERPRISES NSP POWER PLANT JOYNER'S LANE CARLSON TRAVEL NETWORK OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC MONTICELLO SCHOOL DISTRICT ABENDROTH, REGO & YOUNGQUIST ARCH T. AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE GRUYS, JOHNSON, & ASSOC CENTURY 21 HOME KEY REALTY PETERSON/GRIMSMO FUNERAL CHAPEL NSP - ST CLOUD DIVISION FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MONTICELLO JOHNSON'S DEPARTMENT STORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE KENT JOHNSON DR. BRION . $ 75 $100 $100 $100 $ 75 $ 75 $ 75 $100 $100 $ 75 $100 $ 75 $ 75 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $ 75 $ 75 $ 75 $100 $150 $100 $100 $275 $100 $ 75 $ 75 $100 $150 $ 75 $100 $100 $200 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $100 $100 $150 $ 75 $300 $100 $125 $225 $ 25 $ 75 . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, INC BEN SMITH (HRA) TOM ST. HILAIRE (HRA) OSM TAPPER'S INC NORTHWEST ASSOCIATES PSG VALUE PLUS CENTURY 21 HOME KEY CONTRACTORS BRADLEY & DIEKE KIM LOMMEL GUEST: BETTY ADKINS CHRIS LOMMEL OLLIE KOROPCHAK $300 $100 $ 75 $100 $150 $200 $ 75 $100 $ 75 $175 $100 $ 25 ~ . , ...~ ~ , ~ October 17, 1991 MONTICELLO 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Chris Lommel Chris Lommel productions, Inc. 16166 Cedar crest Drive Big Lake, MN 55309 Dear Mr. Lommel: On behalf on the Monticello Indu: trial Development Committee, I wish to thank you for the excellet production of the "Monticello: A Little Mountain of "Big" Opport nties" video. The reviews have been great and i was great to have worked with a local person with such expertise I will keep in touch for the potential need of additional v' deo copies and a future video update. . Much continued success in your business. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO ~ ~ 0'"' Q ~ -9-- S- Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director . J . , .. ~ ~ ~ ~ MONTICELLO 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Terry Heying Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. 206 West 4 Street POBox 428 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Heying: . October 17, 1991 On behalf of the Monticello Indus rial Development Committee, I wish to thank you for your par icipation in the IDC Banquet Program. The committee has receiv d great reviews with a special mention given to the program and i s local flavor. Again, our appreciation for your wi making our '91 banquet a great sue Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO ~~~.-,) \~tr'lt}~&~ Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director . to participate thereby . . . CITY BUS NESS SUMMARY ADVERTI EMENT COSTS CIRCULATION: 20,000 Copies Seven County Metro rea 94% Executives, professionals, managers, administrators 66% top managers 50% sit on Board of their company 33% sit on Boards of two other companies AUDIENCE: PUBLISHER: Jennifer Winding 591-2608 Weekly publication, Mondays $42.00 per year ADVERTISING RATES: Typesetting a d keylining $75.00 per hour. SUBCRIPTION: BLACK & WHITE: 1/2 PAGE per issue 1/4 PAGE per issue 1/8 PAGE per issue IX $1,722 $ 900 $ 491 4X $1, $ $ COLOR RATES: Black plus one col Black plus two col 13X $1,498 $ 783 $ 427 $300 $350 EXAMPLE: BLACK & WHITE, 1/4 PAGE 4 X $855 = $3,420 + $75 = $3,495 13 X $783 = $10,179 + $ 5 = $10,254 1/4 PAGE, BLACK AND 4 X $855 = $3,420 + 1/4 PAGE, BLACK AND 13 X $783 = $10,179 ONE 4 X TWO + 1 COLOR $300 = $1,200 = $4,620 COLOR X $350 = $4,550 = $14,729