IDC Agenda 02-21-1991 . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVLOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, February 21,1991 - 7:00 AM City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelley ohnson, Vice Chairperson Don Smith, Treasurer Ron Hog1un , Lowell Schrupp, Dale Lungwitz, Jay Morrell, Arve Gr"msmo, Harvey Kendall, Ken Maus, Dennis Taylor, Linda Mielke, John McVay, Dave Peterson, Tom Pogatchnik, Bob awson, and Candy Benoit. STAFF: Rick Wolfstel1er, Jeff O'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE T E JANUARY 18TH IDC MINUTES AND THE JANUARY 22ND IDC COMMITTEE MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND CCEPT THE IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AN ADOPT THE FINAL DRAFT OF THE 1991 IDC GOALS AND PROPOSE BUDGET. . 5. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON THE PROGRESS OF THE TIF/SPEC PLANS. 6. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT PDATE: a) 1.2 million sq ft distribution center b) Arop1ax c) Circuit Technologies, d) Woodcraft Industries, e) Clark Associates 7. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS TH CITY OF MONTICELLO AND THE 8. OTHER BUSINESS. 9. ADJOUNRMENT. . HACA PAYMENTS CERTIFIED FOR THE FFECT ON PROPOSED TIF PROJECTS. . MINUTES, IDC REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TIF/PEC PRE-PLANS COMMITTEE Tuesday, January 22, 19 1 - 6:30 P.M. City Hal' Ron Hoglund, Jeff O'Neill, MEMBERS PRESENT: Shelley Joh and John Mc STAFF PRESENT: Ollie The IDC received three complet' d Request for Proposals I to Prepare TIF/SPEC Pre-Plans. rom Shingobee, Loretto, Dolphin Development and Constr ction Company, Inc., Chanhassen, MN; and 21st Centu' y Builders, Maple Lake, MN' , MN. The committee reviewedeach pr posals on the basis of the established criteria: Cost Copetitiveness, Quality of Design Criteria, Competency/Exerience, Project Manager, Participation Level in Project Marketing, and Financial References. . Jeff O'Neill noted from his pe ception Shingobee has proven a local track record as a reli ble developer based on previous development in the City of Mon icello. Dolphin Construction and 21st Century having establ shed no local record, however, plans are for 21st Century to evelop a strip mall in the spring. O'Neill questioned whether we are comparing apples to apples on the lease rates. oropchak responsed that the lease rate costs were wi tho t the inflect of TIF and were Triple Net Leases. Koropchak further noted that on curbing and pavement were inclu and professional fees other inc interest, mortgage fees, points by Mr. Pat Pelstring that the c project costs and the lease rat and equity injection. the cost competitiveness sheet: ed under the parking costs, uded soft costs, construction etc. It was suggested mparison between the Dolphin total maybe due to inflated project costs Gary Anderson, City Building In pector, informed the committee both plans submitted by Shingob e and 21st Century were workable. He further noted that Shingobee s building didn't meet the required side setback for indus rial zoning, however, he saw no problems as the site as ampl room to shift the building over. John McVay noted the imp rtant of the electrical bus duct installation which allows ,., flexibility access for any type of production equipmen although more exp~ensive to ins tall. . Koropchak noted from an aesthetic value the design criteria desciption from the Dolphin and 21st Century presented an exterior pleasely building. All developers presented excellent experience, project manager, and financial references. Koropchak noted that in her cony rsation with Mr. Maus,Raindance Partnership has a professional s aff and carries out concerns . IDC Committee 1/22/91 Page 2 voiced in relationship to thei: noted that the description pro for marketing the project. cre between the developer and the mention the city's role only t project through real estate jo networking professional associ lease arrangement. Koropchak ided by Shingobee as plans ted a joint marketing partnership ity. The description didn't e developer's role by marketing the rnals and established developer tes. The 21st Century proposal didn t follow our proposals mainly because of a time constraint. lans and costs were submitted in reference to a similiar pro: ect completed in Little Falls. Dolphin provided no plans. . Based on the above discussion. recommending Shingobee as the TIF/SPEC Pre-Plans. Recommend' HRA on January 23. 1991 for fi further included that Shingobe the proposal for continuity an If for some unknown reason. aI' the confirmation of clarify an between the selected developer the committee recommended reop Shelley Johnson seconded the m Jeff O'Neill suggested the pro the City's Marketing Teaser/Ma ~ \<C1'-O~~~ Ollie Koropchak IDC Executive Secretary . Ron Hoglund made a motion elected developer for the tion will be given to the al approval. The motion and city staff review to ~Dnfirm~clarif1c~tion. hough highly .unlikely. continuity of the project and city was not in agreement~ ning the bid process. tion which passed 4-0. ect be marketed within ler. . MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEV LOPMENT COMMITTEE Friday, January 18, 19 1 - 7:00 AM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Hoglund, Arv Dennis Tay10 Lungwitz, Li McVay. helley Johnson, Don Smith, Ron Grimsmo, Bob Dawson, Tom Pogatchnik, , Harvey Kendall, Candy Benoit, Dale da Mielke, Dave Peterson, and John MEMBERS ABSENT: Lowell Schrup , Jay Morrell, and Ken Maus. STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfstel1 r, Jeff O'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Shelley Johnson called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 AM and welcomed Can, y Benoit to the IDC as the Chamber's Vice President replacing To McDermott as Chamber Past-President. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE DECEMBER 19, 1990 IDC MINUTES. . Arve Grimsmo made a motion 0 approve the December 19, 1990 IDC minutes, seconded by Ha vey Kendall, and with no corrections or additions the minutes we e approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND A PROVE THE IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Ron Hoglund repor Security Federal, a balance Wright County State Bank fo Linda Mielke made a motion report, seconded by Don Smi the financial report was ac ed a balance of $4,103.36 at of $1,435.87 and $86.15 at the a total balance of $5,625.38. o accept the IDC January financial h and without further comment epted and filed as given. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW, AD UST AND APPROVE THE 1991 IDC GOALS AND PROPOSED BUDGET. Koropchak presented the IDCmembers with written copies of I the 1990 IDC Goals, propose 1991 IDC goals and budget. Koropchak congratulated theIDC members on a job well done for completion of twenty-two 1990 goals out of the twenty-four goals written. Chairperson Johnson and Koro chak previously met to determine the 1991 goals which were pr sented to the IDC members in preliminary form and consist, nt to Star City requirements. The proposed goals were o~Ll'ned by Koropchak with the use of an overhead and the IDC was enc uraged to make comment and suggestions. Don Smith expr ssed his likes for the proposed Industrial Quarterly Newslet er and suggested the newsletter be inserted with the Chamber newsletter and given to out to prospects. They further suggested the meeting with Doug Gruber, County Assessor include the City Council and . . IDC Minutes 1/18/91 Page 2 4. CONTINUED. County Commissioner Pat Sa in Monticello the IDC agree industrial representative t likely. Jeff O'Neill expr need to develop a strategic and to enforce our existing. tzke. With the new industries that the potential to find an serve of the IDC was more ssed to the IDC members the plan for industrial land use ordinance. I The proposed budget include the 1990 balance, projected revenue of $15,850 from the banquetl ticket sales, city and chamber con- tributions, and interest. 'roject expenses totaled $16,890, suggestions were made to de ete the budgeted amount for an appraisal, and project an a ount for the marketing program and miscellaneous in accord nce with the proposed goals. Don Smith made a motion to 1991 IDC Goals and Proposed view the revisions as sugge reviewed and accepted at th motion was seconded by Harv discussion passed unanimous able final approval of the Budget inorder to objectively ted. Final drafts to be February IDC meeting. The y Kendall and without further y. . 5. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 1991 IDC OFFICERS: CHAIRPERSON, VICE CHAIRPERSON, AND TREASURER. Chairperson Johnson expressed his willingness to give up the IDC Chair after serving for two years, yet, expressed his willingness to remain chair if no oneself stepped forward. Arve Grimsmo made a motion t re-elect Shelley Johnson as IDC Chairperson for 1991, se onded by Dale Lungwitz and without further nominations I he motion was passed unanimously. i Ron Hoglund made a motion to Vice Chairperson for 1991, H nominations. Arve Grimsmo s further discussion the motio Dale Lungwitz made a motion IDe Treasurer for 1991, Bob nominations. The motion was and without further discussi unanimously. 6. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECTS: a) 1.2 million sq ft distri Anoka, and Owattona are the of which this large distribu Monticello has four site opt Soil maps were mailed to the for all four sites. The com visit the communities and si First priority for the compa . re-elect Don Smith as IDe rvey Kendall called to seize conded the motion and without passed unanimously. o re-elect Ron Hoglund as awson called to seize seconded by Arve Grimsmo n the motion passed ution center - Monticello, .~ hree communities in the state ion center is considering. ons presented to the company. company via the TED office any representatives plan to es around the 25th of February. y is a site with direct access . IDC Minutes 1/18/91 Page 3 6. CONTINUED. to the Interstate and the force. No building site p peak times have been given! b) Aroxplax - Jerry, Paul visited Monticello and tou 3rd. City staff reviewed and made a few suggestions programs were discussed. the West 408 ft of Lot 3, Koropchak informed Pat Pel telephone call to explain and how they work. A meet . c) Woodcraft Industries, Thomas Ritsche called Koro disclosing the company's p their operations by 100,00 be created were 150 at a p value of the building at $; owns 15 undeveloped acres however, feel the land is (corner of Hwy 10 and Hwy of hardwood dimension cabi Don Swanstrom toured the i staff and Pat Pelstring on prepared a financial packa was most interested in the their building design need office and docks face sout The company is also lookin the state of Kentucky as t materials are imported fro construction as soon as po with Pat Pelstring to obta. for development of the fin to inquire of the availabi to research the developmen sewer, etc. d) Clark Associates - Mr of analyzing the business "touch free" car wash equi through the efforts of CIa vailability of an existing an or specific information by the company. labor of truck traffic and Steve Schoen, owners of Aroxplax, ed the industrial sites on January he preliminary building plans and Monticello financial incentive he company is most interested in lock 2, Oakwood Industrial Park. tring to give Jerry Schoen a n detail various financial programs ng has been set for January 21st. nc. - The company's President chak office on January 7, 1991 ans to relocate and expand sq ft. The number of jobs to y scale of $6.50. Estimated .8 million. The company djoining their St. Cloud location, 00 valuable for industrial development 3). The company is in the production et components. Mr. Ritsche and Mr dustrial sites and met with city January 8th. Mr. Pelstring had e for the company, the company Hoglund property which best met and the desire to have the along with the freeway exposure. at Becker and have considered e majority of their raw wood The company plans to begin sible. The meeting concluded n company financial information ncial package, Koropchak ity of the interested site and staff of the site with road, water, Pet Pelstring is in the process Ian for the company which produces ment. The company is being marketed k Associates. e) Kromer Company - A com any representative called Koropchak's office on January 7th inqu ring of available industrial buildings or sites. This company is presently located in Mound, Minnesota and looking for an approxi ate 13,000 sq ft facility for lease/ purchase. The company pro uces spray type equipment for stripping football fields, farm fert lizers, etc. The company is looking . . IDC Minutes 1/18/91 Page 4 6. CONTINUED. e) to relocate which woul area to be under one roof.~ 7-9 people of a semi-skill' for availability of financ a good line of credit. In assistance was mailed to t is not interested in any d, development. . f) Circuit Technologies, Pelstring, Leo Adams, Larr Koropchak met with the len Bank and Wright County Sta meetings were to inform th concept or nature of their niche. The financial pack requires bank participatio banks to get a feel of the of their willingness to pa of an SBA application. BD re-run their projections t 7. CONSIDERATION PRE-PLANS. Koropchak reported Shingobee, Century 21 Buil Construction Company, Inc. Ron Hoglund, Jeff O'Neill, me\ following this meeting 8. OTHER BUSINESS. allow office, sales area, and production The company presently employs d level. The company was looking al packages and a local bank for ormation of sites and financial e company. At present the company rect contact as this is a future nc. - On December 23, 1990. Pat Corson, Richard Wernersbach, and ing officer at both First National e Bank. The purpose of these lending institutions of the start-up business and their marketing ge consists of SBA funding which so the intent was to allow the proposed project and a reading ticipate prior to BDS preparation has required the company to allow start-up growth. R PROPOSAL TO PREPARE TIF/SPEC ntractors responded to the proposal: ers, and Dolphin Development & The IDC committee of Shelley Johnson, John McVay, and Koropchak will to select a developer. Koropchak informed IDC mem~ers that the Remmele Engineering Dedication is scheduled fo~ Monday, February 4th. Members will be receiving an invitJ ion from the company. 9. ADJOURNMENT. Ron Hoglund made a motion t adjourn the IDC meeting, seconded by John McVay, the IDC meet ng adjourned at 8:00 AM. ~ \<It\o~~~ Ollie Koropchak ~ IDC Executive Secretary . ~J . ISHINGOBEE I OLPHIN I 21ST CENTURY BUILDERS I I I I 15K 20K 25K I 15K 20K 25K I 15K 20K 25K --------------------------____1______________________________1 __________________________1___________________________ ITEM I. CONSTRUCTION COSTS I I i I I I i I / $900 $900 $900 Ie' VERED COVERED COVERED I Iii I B. Site Plans I Iii Parking I $73,270 $71,932 $74,055 1 23,400 $25,400 $27,600 I $35.000 Landscaping I $5,000 $5,000 $5,500 / 11,000 $11,500 $12,000 / $0 Drainage I $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 I $4.000 $4,000 $4,000 I $0 Elevation I $32,728 $30,118 $31,120 / $ 5,000 $25,000 $25,000 I $0 Other I I ! 3,700 $3,700 I ---------------------------___1______-----------------_______/__________________________/___________________________ SUBTOTAL I $116,998 *$113,050 $116,675 I $ 7,100 $69,600 $68,600 I $35.000 $44,000 $50,000 1 I I C. Building Construction I I I Permits I $5,000 $6,500 $6,800 I $18,000 $20,000 $21,000 I $0 $0 $0 Utilities I $6,000 $6,200 $6,500 I $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 I $0 $0 $0 Materials I $121,000 '144,568 $174,450 1$41 ,500 $550.000 $672,500 1$405.000 $494,000 $561,000 Labor I $121,000 *$144,568 $1'14,450 /AB( E ABOVE ABOVE I $0 $0 $0 Other I 1 : I -----------------------------_1______-----------------_______1___' _______________________1___________________________ SUBTOTAL I $253,000 $301,836 $362,200 1$44,,500 $585,000 $708,500 /$405,000 $494,000 $561,000 . I I / D. Peefe" i ona 1 Fees / I I Architect 1 $7,000 * $7,250 $7.500 I $18,000 $19,000 $20,000 I $10,000 $12,000 $14,000 Engineer I $3,000 * $3,000 $3,000 I $7 000 $7,500 $7,000 I $0 $0 $0 Attorney I $3,000 * $3,000 $3.000 I $S 500 $5,500 $5,500 I $0 $0 $0 Others I $46,000 * $53,350 $60,700 I $92 000 $65,000 $0 I $18,000 $22,000 $25,000 -----------------------------_1______-----------------_______1____ ______________________1___________________________ SUBTOTAL 1 $59,000 $66,600 $74,200 1$122,500 $97,000 $32,500 I $28.000 $34,000 $39,000 I I I I I I I $0 $0 $0 I $0 $0 $0 I I I I I I I Aquisition I $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 1$150, 00 $150,000 $150,000 I Site Preparation 1 (COVERED) (COVERED (COVEREDI $15, 00 $15,000 $15,000 I Soil Boring Tests I $3,800 $3,800 $3,800 I $3, 00 $3,500 $3,500 I Other I 1 I -----------------------------_1______-----------------_______1______ ____________________1___________________________ SUBTOTAL I $73,800 $73.800 $73,800 /$168.5 0 $168,500 $168,500 I $0 $0 $0 1 I I I I I / $503,698 $556,186 $627,775 1$803,6 0 $920,100 $978,100 1$468,000 $572,000 $650,000 I I I 1 I I ITEM II BASE BID LEASE RATE I I I I I I A. l~le Rate ~r Iquare loot/ 14.1i 14.iO 14.2i I 14.i 14.iD 1'.iO I li.7i li.li li.OD I $4.00 $4.00 I $9.00 $9.00 I I A. Building Design Plans .$44,000 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 E. Other (General) F. Land $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $4.0 $9.0