IDC Minutes 12-20-1984
Thursday, December 20, 1984 - 7:00 A.M.
Monticello'City Hall
Members Present:
Co-Chairman Jay
Gagnelius, Ron
Kendall, Bud Sc
Co-Chairman Morrell opened the me
the 11/14/84 minutes. Bud schrup
minutes, was seconded by Shelly J
The nomination of Committee offic
until the January meeting because
offered to continue as Treasurer
to accept Bud Schrupp as Treasure
by Shelly Johnson and was passed
tabling the nomination of Chairma
January meeting.
Discussion on the 1985 Action PIa
questioned the updating and maili
list. Allen stated that the Comm
had voted on targeting or classif
selecting a certain type of busin
would be more professional and co
visit or a telephone call.
Tom Eidem questioned the producti
Allen stated that this was a proj
and was a low key issue. This wa
permitted. He also stated that i
Plan because it is related somewh
Committee and part of the Star Ci
Morrell, Tom Eidem, Bruce
oglund, Shelly Johnson, Harvey
rupp, and Allen Pelvit.
ting asking for approval of
moved to so approve said
hnson, and passed 8-0.
was suggested to be tabled
low attendance. Bud Schrupp
or 1985. Tom Eidem moved
for 1985. It was seconded
-0. The motion also included
and Vice-Chairman to the
followed. Co-Chairman Morrell
g of the targeted mailing
ttee, in an earlier meeting,
ing our mailing list and then
ss to send letters to. This
ld be followed up by a personal
n of a Monticello magazine.
ct that was more Chamber related
only worked on when his schedule
was listed on the 1985 Action
t to the Industrial Development
y recertification process.
In explaining the magazine proces , Allen stated that the magazine/brochure
would be 5~ x 8~, containing up t approximately 50 pages of
information. It would try to com ine all types of information
on Monticello. The book could be sectionalized with articles
on the city, business, education, recreation, industrial, etc.
This production would be a printi 9 of 1-5-10,000 and then distributed
accordingly. At present when som one requests information on
Monticello, Allen combines as man as 6-8 different articles.
This becomes bulky to mail and un ttractive. If all information
regarding Monticello could be com ined into one attractive book/magazine,
Monticello could make a better im ression. Allen stated that
the St. Cloud Chamber has theirs roduced solely on the advertising
sales and presently produces it b'-annually. There are alternatives
IDC Minutes - 12/20/84
to producing such a book this wa. One would be to sell the
ads and make up the difference 0 t of private contributions
(IDC, Chamber, City, etc.) or to ay for the cost 100% out of
private contributions.
Co-Chairman Morrell expressed
and what kind of benefits would b
when distributed, all the busines
their advertising around for a 10
benefit from the distribution to
Ron Hoglund stated that the firm
together would come into the comm
to produce a magazine or to jOb 0
as photography, ad sales, etc., 1
Co-Chairman Morrell asked if the
this firm complete 100% of the wo
stated that at this time, Meyer &
is putting together a bid proposa
earlier for all aspects of produc
will be used if possible. When t
they will return with a proposal
They understand that this is only
Co-Chairman Morrell stated that h
of arrangement. He further state
amounts of money off of printing,
that this firm has already obtaine
and knows that ads will have to be,
Tom Eidem asked how these magazine:
how they would benefit the individ
in it. Allen stated that if 5,000
majority of them should be given 0
not known. The benefit to all adv
is the key factor.
The Committee's consensus was to h
if it did not cost too much, eithe
contributions, and that distributio
also agreed that the magazine coul
City into one publication. If the
zero to us, then distribution shou
realty firms, banks, etc., with a
excessive ad costs
received. Allen stated that
es would have this book and
g time and advertiser will
heir type of customers/clients.
esponsible for putting this
nity from day 1 and do everything
t some of the duties such
hamber was considering having
k or do some locally. Allen
Associates from St. Cloud
for a magazine as described
ng the magazine. Local vendors
ey complete all their estimates,
or the Chamber's review, etc.
a proposal and may not be
has a problem with this type
that these firms make tremendous
dvertising, etc. Allen stated
local advertising rates
would be distributed and
al firm that placed an ad
were printed, certainly a
t, but in what manner is
rtisers is such that retention
ve a first class magazine
in the cost of ads or private
was widely used. It was
combine all areas of the
cost of producing this are
d be to places such as motels,
uaranty to those who advertise.
After much discussion regarding ad ertising benefits/costs,
the fOllowing was arrived at: The consensus of the Committee
IDC Minutes - 12/20/84
was to proceed with Meyer & Asso iates and have them put a proposal
together based on the wishes of the Chamber/City and IDC, and
return before these bodies in 1985 with a mock sales presentation;
for example, they would say base~ on your request for 15 pages
of text and pictures, we feel 20 ages of advertising are required
to fully pay for the cost of prod cing 5,000 copies: thus, the
cost of advertiSing is $XXX, and e will assume the responsibility
of selling all the spots, etc. I other words, they feel confident
in selling enough ads to include ur 15 pages of information.
Allen stated that they are aware
for the future and that they must
Other alternatives might be to ha
locally with local personnel. If
St. Cloud Chamber Magazine can be
Chamber, IDC, or City, it was the
it. The IDC could even place the
would like to know more informati
the cost, the method of distribut
the next move would be to have Me
Chamber/IDC/City representatives.
hat this is a secondary project
return to us with a proposal.
e this same magazine produced
a quality piece such as the
produced at zero cost to the
Committee's consensus to pursue
r own ad in it. The Committee
n on the number of ads needed,
on, etc. Allen stated that
er & Associates meet with
At this point, Tom Eidem recommen ed the Monticello Magazine
stay in the 1985 Action Plan. He further moved to approve the
1985 Action Plan and the 1990 5-year Work Program. It was seconded
by Bud Schrupp and passed 8-0.
Allen explained that Gary Wieber
for Manufacturing Registers. He s
Manufacturers Directory is old and
state no longer provides us with t
was priced at $67.50. Tom Eidem a
of manufacturing directories. All
of Minneapolis also produces a sim
the same money. Harvey Kendall mo
a Manufacturers (1985) DirectorY/R
It was seconded by Shelly Johnson
d given him an advertisement
ated that he felt our current
outdated (1979/80) and the
ose services. The 1984 Registry
ked if there were other types
n stated that Nelson Marketing
lar book for approximately
ed to allow Allen to purchase
gister with a $75.00 limit.
nd passed 8-0.
In other business, Co-Chairman Mor ell presented the questionnaire
for rating the economic developmen process to the Committee.
Tom Eidem commented on the possibi ity that question #1 may
prompt developers to take "pot sho S" at individual City staff.
The Committee felt this could pose a problem but suggested that
a note (*) be added to #1 stating hat if a poor is indicated an
explanation be added. Tom explain d that almost all projects
have problems: and by the end of t e project, the owners and
contractors are usually at odds. His feelings are that this
question opens the door for public idicule. Shelly Johnson
stated that they use a similar type of questionnaire at schOOl,
and it does work well if evaluated ppropriately.
IDC Minutes - 12/20/84
After considerable discussion, t e Committee voted to send out
the proposed cover letter/questi nnaire and have Allen follow
up with a personal call. Motion to approve this survey was
made by Ron Hoglund and seconded by Shelly Johnson. It was
passed 8-0.
Co-Chairman Morrell stated that
was held on a Wednesday; and bee
Allen could poll Committee membe
as a better meeting day. The Co
Ron moved to have Allen poll IDC
or Thursdays are better. If Wed
the January meeting would be sch
instead of the 3rd Thursday of t
by Bud Schrupp and passed 8-0.
he November 14, 1984, meeting
.use of the good turnout, perhaps
s regarding Wednesdays or Thursdays
mittee felt that was appropriate.
;members as to whether Wednesdays
'esday seemed to be more favorable,
duled for the 3rd Wednesday
e month. This was seconded
In the last informational item, lIen reported on the progress
of Pick Industries from Annandal. He stated that it is mandatory
to relocate this firm near the m in rail line, and a plus if
located with a spur. This poten'ial spot is located directly
south of the railroad tracks (Wr.ightco Products to north) and
bordered by Linn Street on the w st, Walnut Street on the east,
and 5th Street to the south. Bu lington Northern has been approached
and the possibility of either pu chasing/leasing the property
is being negotiated. Local bank rs are being asked for financing
availability, etc. At present, ne of the tenants is not willing
to relocate; however, the projec could be placed without relocating
this individual. This may decre se the chances for future expansion.
Because of the hOlidays, not muc will take place until after
the first of the year.
Allen reported that he has been touch with J-Craft (Kimball),
who is considering a move, and a 'so Allstate Paving, who is
looking for a new location.
There being no further business, 'Tom moved to adjourn the meeting,
which was seconded by Bud Schrup '.