IDC Minutes 09-20-1984
september 20, 1 84 - 7:00 A.M.
Monticello City Hall
Members Present: Co-Chairman Gary Wieber, Tom Eidem, Arve Grimsmo,
Ron Hoglund, Shelly Johnson, Harvey Kendall,
Dale Lungwitz, B d Schrupp, Don Smith, and
Allen Pe1vit.
Members Absent: Co-Chairman Jay Morrell, John Bondhus, and
Bruce Gagne1ius.
Co-Chairman Gary Wieber opened th
of the August 16, 1984, minutes.
made by Shelly Johnson and second
Allen Pe1vit explained how he se1
video production firms in the met
what information he was looking f
and asked for cost estimates. Up
eliminated some firms because of
sloppy or poor presentations, or
Allen indicated that after narrow
two have already been in contact
from $1,885 to $2,000. The third
their estimates. These cost esti
charges per hour, i.e., pre-produ
field production, $300/daYi equip
post production (includes editing
such as dissolve editing, graphic
sound are extra and negotiable.
Co-Chairman Wieber asked if this
"start from scratch" process or h
of our existing tape. Allen stat
included use of all existing foot
shot new. The higher estimate in
This would give a better product.
that the footages would match c101
meeting asking for approval
A motion to that effect was
d by Arve Grimsmo. Passed
cted and sent 10 letters to
o area. He also indicated
r, the approximate time frames,
n receiving responses, Allen
igh estimates ($5,000-$10,000),
ot willing to work with us.
ng the field to three possibilities,
nd have given estimates ranging
firm will be contacted for
ates are based on various
tion (scripting, etc.), $20/hr.i
ent, $175/~ day or S50/hr.i
etc.), $40/hr. Special features
, narration, artwork, and
pdating process would be a
ve the ability to use much
d that the lower estimate
ge with only the updated materials
1uded almost all new footage.
The lower estimate indicated
Arve Grimsmo asked what was budge! ed for the updating. Allen
stated that it was not in the 19B Budget. However, there was
S1,000 budgeted in 1983 that was ot used. He further stated
that this project is not a must f r 1984. It would be great
if we could get some fall construction shots of FSI, Bondhus,
lXI, etc. The remaining footage
the scripting, editing, etc., cou
1985 with a finished product in J
Co-Chairman Gary Wieber inquired
or anyone else shows the video.
it could be as much as one per we
didn't realize that it was used t
Shelly Johnson suggested to repre
in its best light. He recommends
fall and let Allen proceed with t
throughout the winter and spring
IDC Minutes - 9/20/84
ould wait until spring; and
d be completed during early
ne, 1985.
s to how many times Allen
llen stated that recently
k. Members of the Committee
at much.
ent the City of Monticello
taking whatever footage this
e scripting/editing, etc.,
Arve Grimsmo commented on Elk Riv r's slide presentation. He
felt it was done well but did not leave an impression like a
video does. Allen added that the comments he hears on the video
are gOOd. However, it is too Ion. One video firm indicated
that it should be 8 to 10 minutes for a most effective presentation.
Tom Eidem asked if the $2,000 est
or just an updating. Allen expla
eXClusively new footage, while th
to use our raw footage and just a
suggested using a general script,
This would allow us to easily add
or testimonials without altering
run, it would be less costly.
Eidem added that in viewing anoth
appealing to hear a local voice s
He suggested Allen check into the
$2,000 for basically new producti
for instant recognition in the na
the two firms both hire outside
mate included all new tape
ned that it would be almost
$1,800 estimate proposed
d updates. Both firms had
new music and narrative.
new footage of construction
he main text. In the long
Don Smith commented on the fact t at this production was locally
produced by Chris Lommel, and to ohange this drastically should
be looked at carefully. Allen stated that Don's point was well
taken. He felt the basic script as good but just needed to
be shortened a bit. Both of the firms suggested Shortening
the presentation but not altering the message dramatically.
CO-Chairman Wieber asked if the nel
intended to be general so that fut
take place without affecting the a
this would be beneficial for futur
Arve Grimsmo suggested reUSing the
a person like Fred Cox in action a:
would be instant recognition. She
Allen move ahead with the selectio
shoot, and pursue the script/narra
also recommended that Allen obtain
script/narrative would be
re additions/deletions could
dio. Allen indicated that
river shots and perhaps filming
the Country Club. This
ly Johnson moved to have
process, begin the fall
ive possibilities. It was
a proposed contract so that
IDC Minutes - 9/20/84
this doesn't become an open ended contract. It was seconded
by Arve Grimsmo. Passed 10-0.
A~len reported on the background "nformation for the Committee's
1983 mass mailing. He stated tha FSI performed an extensive
amount of work in preparing and p ocessing the mailing list
and actual mailing. The work was donated by FSI.
AI~en stated that the fixed costs
and stamps were not bad. But the
(signing letters, folding ~etters
etc.) were prohibitive. In fact,
time to work on the mai~ing. Thi
FSI could prepare a letter (6Ix9"
addresses on the letters which wo
envelope. The costs cou~d be cut
savings wou~d more than offset th
Co-Chairman wieber asked when and
last time. Allen stated that in
mass mai~ing of 2,500 persona~~y
response was very low.
for envelopes, letterhead,
variab~e costs of preparing
typing names and addresses,
staff just didn't have the
is where FSI came in.
, have individual names and
ld appear through a window
approximately 50%. This cost
cost of FSI's services.
how many letters were sent
eptember of 1983 we made a
igned letters of which the
Tom Eidem added that because the response was not very good
and we did not receive any positive ~eads right away, perhaps
a more targeted mailing campaign might be more effective. He
went on to suggest that perhaps ur mailing list contain 150
too~ and die firms or 75 wood wo king companies. We cou~d construct
letters to a particular industry and choose a different industry
each month rather than a saturat d mailing. Tom felt maybe
the targeting cou~d be emphasize more. In utilizing this type
of approach, a follow-up call co ~d be utilized and may prove
to be more effective.
A~len added that the responses f
oriented than those received wit
to know what type of media was u
It was the consensus of the Comm
mailing list into major categori
mailing. Co-Chairman Wieber wan
list was prepared. Tom Eidem st
Economic Development provided a
and names of contact persons. A
very bad~y prepared, and some of
from Bondhus' computer to FSI's
A~len spent a ~ot of time choosi
from a Minnesota Manufacturer PU
were established firms and had m
than $50,000-$100,000 gross reve
magazine ads were more service
the mailings. It's also hard
ed to let a prospect know about
ttee to have A~~en group the
s that could be used in a targeted
ed to know how our current
ted that the Department of
ist of companies, addresses,
len added that the list was
it was lost in transferring
omputer. Diane Anderson and
g commercial/industrial firms
lication. We chose those that
re than 25 emp~oyees or more
Since this preparation,
IDC Minutes - 9/20/84
a number of firms have moved or ceased doing business and have
been changed or deleted from the ailing list.
A general discussion was held wit regard to if the decision
maker would receive or even read a letter. It was decided to
reduce the number of letters to 75-150, etc., and keep it personal.
It was the consensus to have AIle work on segmenting the mailing
list and keep the letter more personal. Tom Eidem explained that
City services should not be utili ed for this type of work and
that Allen should continue workin with FSI.
Both Tom and Allen indicated that the master mailing list can
be grouped according to industrie prior to having FSI actually
run letters.
Co-Chairman Wieber asked Allen if
as just described. Allen stated
by the October 18, 1984, meeting.
he would be glad to help with pic
used in the mailings.
he felt comfortable with proceeding
hat he was and would be ready
Don Smith suggested that
should testimonials be
It was the consensus of the Commi tee to set aside an entire
meeting for the purpose of prospe ting, etc. There were questions
as to why Little Falls was consid red by FMC, Inc., vs. Monticello.
The Committee gave Allen directio to contact those individuals
responsible for economic developm nt in cities such as Little
Falls, Mankato, Delano, Maple Gro e, etc., the purpose being
to investigate what cities are do1ng to prospect and which methods
are working. Don Smith suggested having Terrell Towers or a
State Representative discuss how hese leads, etc., are handled
or how we could prospect better.
It was the consensus of the Commi
who was seeking membership accept
Committee directed Allen to conta
him of the dates and times of mee
to accept Wayne Bidwell as a memb
Committee and was seconded by Dal
Allen reported on the Industry Ap
that six IDC members toured the I
the luncheon at the River Inn, an
facilities. He stated that there
who are conSidering future develo
were some that are considering de
On the other hand, some members 0
should be held in the evening. T
socialize or make contacts with v
also a consensus that less emphas
event being associated with purch
tee to allow any individual
nce to the Committee. The
t Wayne Bidwell and inform
ings, etc. Tom Eidem moved
r of the Industrial Development
Lungwitz. Passed 10-0.
reciation Day event. He stated
I facilities, 50 attended
18 used the Country Club
were individuals attending
ments in Monticello. There
elopment but could not attend.
the Committee felt that it
is would allow more time to
rious developers. There was
s should be placed on this
sing banquet tickets.
IDC Minutes - 9/20/84
There being no further business, Co-Chairman Wieber moved to
adjourn the meeting and was secon ed by Arve Grimsmo.
Director of Economic Development