IDC Minutes 08-20-1984
Monday, August 20 1984 - 7:00 A.M.
Monticello City Hall
Members Present:
Co-Chairman Jay
Wieber, John Bo
Kendall, Dale L
Members Absent:
Tom Eidem, Bruc
JOhnson, and Do
Co-Chairman Morrell opened the
of the July 19, 1984, minutes.
and passed 8-0.
Morrell, Co-Chairman Gary
dhus, Arve Grimsmo, Harvey
ngwitz, Bud Schrupp, and Allen
Gagnelius, Ron Hoglund, Shelly
and moved for approval
seconded by Bud SChrupp
The Promotional, Publicity, and Pr spect Sub-committee reported
the results of their 8-2-84 meetin. Co-Chairman Morrell reviewed
the sub-committee's recommendation; to the Committee as a whole.
A discussion was held regarding th details of the Industry
Appreciation Day event. The folIo ing is a suggestive schedule
of the 1984 Industry Appreciation ay event.
On Tuesday, September 4, 1984, May
proclaim September 12, 1984, Indus
events during the day will include
lXI's facilities at 10:00 A.M., In
at 12:00 Noon (River Inn), followe
at the Monticello Country Club fro
A cash bar was suggested. Bud Sch
suggested schedUle and was seconde
An invitation will be prepared and
r Grimsmo will officially
ry Appreciation Day. Individual
Committee member tour of
ustry Appreciation Luncheon
by free gOlfing priVileges
1:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.
upp moved to approve this
by Gary Wieber, passed 8-0.
sent out by Friday, August 24,
Allen explained that he was inform d by MN/DOT officials that
we cannot place our Star City road signs on 1-94. He stated
that federal law prohibits signage on the Interstate other than
what is already in place. He furt er stated that he has checked
into the interpretation of this la. Senators Dave Durenberger
and RUdy Boschwitz will be contact d for their response and
asked to provide a copy of the law on free signage.
Allen indicated where the existing
located and suggested possible loca.
road signs on County Road 75. The
1-94 from the metro area could be n
Road 75 East.
oad signs are presently
ions for the new Star City
irst location coming off
ar the entrance to County
The location on County Road 75 West could be at the junction
of County Road 75 and Orchard Road r at the City limits.
Dale Lungwitz asked if there was
badly outdated sign near Pinewood
stated that the highway was a Sta
by the County at present. He did
to removing it. Dale felt the si
by indicating the population as a
actual number.
Bud Schrupp suggested the junctio
Road and the County Road 75 entra
for the signs.
John Bondhus suggested looking in
road sign law. He suggested that
may be different than that of the
certain specifications and is bei
State, suggested Arve Grimsmo.
Allen stated that although it may
to the law were presented to MN/D
Mr. Roosefelt is the Star City Co
It was the consensus of the Commi
them as suggested, check into the
perhaps the signs could be reloca
It was the Committee's consensus
to update the Monticello story.
the story was questionable. Alle;
system was cumbersome when showin
in their office. He suggested us
and portable.
It was also the consensus of the
the VCR type presentation versus
They do not want a less impressiv
Arve wanted to know what problems
VCR system. Allen explained that
the bulky television. He stated
in, set up, and take back out.
John Bondhus suggested purchasing
stated that there are thinner and
that would not detract from the q
Committee's consensus was to rema
and perhaps look into a more comp
Both John Bondhus and
in carrying the T.V.
case made for the VCR
Gary Wieber
It was sugg
IDC Minutes - 8/20/84
ny problem with removing the
Elementary. Arve Grimsmo
e Highway but is maintained
't anticipate any objections
n was doing the City an injustice
proximately one-half of its
of County Road 75 and Orchard
ce off of 1-94 as good locations
o the interpretation of the
the federal interpretation
State. Perhaps the law gives
g interpreted wrongly by the
not do any good, our objections
T and Harry Roosefelt's office.
tee to order the signs, place
freeway signage problem, and
ed at a later date.
o begin the process necessary
he area of how to present
stated that the present VCR
the presentation to a prospect
ng something more compact
ommittee to continue using
ny slide type presentation.
type presentation.
there were with the present
the only problem was with
hat it is cumbersome to bring
a smaller television. He
more compact models available
ality of the picture. The
n using the present system
ct portable T.V. in the future.
commented on the difficulty
sted to perhaps have a carrying
Allen indicated he is not advocat
the Monticello story but an easie
in and out of a prospect's office
the need to stay away from any ty
Although updating could be done m
expensive, this was not preferred
The Committee's recommendation wa
of a carrying case for the VCR sy
a new, more compact, T.V., the se
Allen to begin working with Chris
the Monticello Story. Completion
for spring of 1985. Businesses s
FSI, Key Tool & Plastics, etc., s
moved to have Allen secure the on
to update the Monticello Story.
and passed unanimously.
IDC Minutes - 8/20/84
ng a new system to present
means of getting the system
The Committee also felt
e of slide type presentation.
re readily and would be less
check into the possibility
and the cost of purchasing
ond part of this item to authorize
Lommel on the updating of
of the update would be scheduled
ch as the First National Bank,
ould be featured. Gary Wieber
oing services of Chris Lommel
t was seconded by Arve Grimsmo
A discussion of the commercial/re ail/industrial building inventory
was held. Even though the Commit ee does not get involved with
the retail segment, it is a good 'dea to have this service available.
The Poirier Drug building was use as an example and also part
of Denny Seitz's building.
Co-Chairman Morrell indicated the
the inventory sheets. Allen indi
is listed on paper for each busin
are not complete. Bud Schrupp st
comments from individuals who hav
It was then suggested that the Fi
for their use.
items that are contained in
ated that the information
ss. However, the pictures
ted that he has heard personal
looked at the inventory.
e Department be given a copy
Allen indicated that this survey's an ongoing process. It
is continually updated when a bui ding becomes empty, for sale,
or for rent, etc. It was the con ensus of the Committee to
have Allen take pictures of the r maining building and on an
ongoing basis to update the inven ory.
Co-Chairman Morrell presented a 1 tter that his firm (Monticello
Ready-Mix) received from the Stat of Texas. The Committee
suggested attending this meeting 'n Minneapolis on September 25.
Allen will remind members of this meeting prior to the 25th.
John Bondhus stated that, in his
is superior to magazine advertisi
which advertising median was more
that direct mail letters had a gr
responses than did the magazine a
responses were from real estate a
He also indicated the huge increa
pinion, direct mail advertising
g. Chairman Morrell asked
effective. Allen indicated
ater percentage of industrial
s. A majority of the magazine
d professional service people.
es in advertising rates.
IDe Minutes - 8/20/84
An example was that the Minnesota Business Journal now wants
approximately $600.00 for a 1/6 pge ad. Last year's ad was
a 1/3 page ad for $600.00.
A discussion took place on using
Tribune. After discussing the po
magazine and Sunday paper ads, it
to have Allen obtain rates for di
newspapers and also draft a serie
a year-long direct mail campaign
Harvey Kendall moved to have Alle
to be used for a year-long direct
and also return with magazine/new
by Dale Lungwitz. It was passed
A discussion was held regarding t
run. John Bondhus stated that it
smaller ad produced better result
that the result will be 60% of a
There being no further business,
adjourn the meeting. Gary Wieber
by Dale Lungwitz. Meeting adjour
Allen L. Pelvit
Director of Economic Development
he Minneapolis Sunday Star &
sibilities available with
was the Committee's consensus
ferent magazines and Sunday
of 4 letters to be used in
nd return to September meeting.
draft 4 different letters
mail advertising campaign
paper ad rates and was seconded
e types of magazine ads to
was his experience that a
than a larger ad. He indicated
ull page ad.
a-Chairman Morrell asked to
oved to adjourn and was seconded