IDC Minutes 06-21-1984
Thursday, June 21, 1984 - 7:00 A.M.
Monticello City Hall
Members Present: Co-Chairman Jay Morrell, Co-Chairman Gary
Wieber, Arve Gr'msmo, Ron Hoglund, Shelly
Johnson, Harvey Kendall, Dale Lungwitz, Bud
Schrupp, Don Sm"'th, Tom Eidem, and Allen Pelvit.
Members Absent: John Bondhus, B uce Gagnelius.
Co-Chairman Morrell opened the me
to approve the May 15, 1984, minu
Hoglund. Passed unanimously.
Arve Grimsmo motioned
was seconded by Ron
The first item on the agenda, Rev.ew of the City's Comprehensive
Guide Plan, was explained by Tom idem. Tom stated that although
the Planning Comnlission, Housing nd Redevelopment Authority,
and the City Council have all ado ted their revisions, the IDC
should still review and revise pa ts of the Plan pertaining
to industrial and commercial deve opment. If changes are needed,
they can be adopted after the pre iminary draft is established.
After much discussion concerning
and any deviations its governing
suggested forming a sub-committee
regarding industrial development
district. Gary Wieber, Bud Schru
on this sub-committee. A second
Harvey Kendall, Shelly Johnson,
to review community development
meeting was set and the results
be given to the City.
Allen explained that the first tr
provided some good leads. Howeve
as successful. He further explai
to use this type of media for adv
trade shows be attended. Allen s
from Brede, Inc., and then attend
One year from now we can judge wh
as an exhibition in the future.
potential trade shows for future
Review of the 1984 IDC Annual Ban
Jay briefly went over the compari
and the actual (108) tickets sold
he City's philosophy on ordinances
odies can make, Chairman Morrell
to review goals and pOlicies
nd the commercial business
p, and Don Smith will sit
ub-committee consisting of
a d Dale Lungwitz was formed
als and policies. A July 12
d/or recommendations will
de show the Committee attended
, the second show was not
ed that if the Committee wished
rtising that more appropriate
ggested that we get the information
different trade shows as scouts.
ch shows warrant our attendance
lIen will provide a list of
uet was #5
on between
At first
on the agenda.
our goal (160)
it was thought
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the results were not good. Upon m
actual ticket sales produced over
than in 1983. Bud added that seve
did not pay for tickets or said th
would be sent a reminder. He thoul
another $1,000.00, thus putting us
goal for net profit.
IDC Minutes - 6/21/84
re in-depth analysis, the
2,000.00 more in net profit
al individuals who came but
y would attend and did not
ht it was possible to receive
only $1,500.00 below our
Dale Lungwitz asked how the number of tickets sold compared
to previous years. Allen stated at records documenting the
1983 Banquet were not available. owever, the checkbook indicated
$7,100.00 deposited and expenses of approximately $2,500.00,
thus giving a net profit of $4,600.00. It was the Committee's
concensus that the turnout was ver good and the Committee will
feel the results of having our State Senator and Representative
as well as state officials present for quite some time.
Don Smith encouraged the Committee not to look at the banquet
as a failure because the net proftt was $1,500.00 to $2,000.00
short of the goal (which was set v ry high). The exposure with
state officials was extremely invs uable to Monticello. Don
also felt that selling the first ticket at $75.00 and the second
at $25.00 would draw more people b t not increase our profit.
With approximately $20.00/person e pense, we would have to increase
the second ticket to maybe $40.00 r $50.00 ($75.00 first, and
$50.00 second).
Don stated that the Committee should not lose sight of the fact
that 110 people attended the banqet. We had some terrific
visibility and still made over $2,000.00 more in profit over
1983. Maybe the structure is goo and should be left as is.
He further stated that Terrell To ers knows Monticello now and
will be of more benefit such as helping with a financial package
for Key Tool and Plastics.
Bud recommended making the first ticket $75.00 and the second
ticket $35.00 for 1985. Allen will work up an analysis on this
for future use. Gary Wieber stated that he would rather see
$75.00 for the first ticket and $50.00 for the second ticket.
Arve Grimsmo stated that he suppo'ted Gary's suggestion. It
was also the Committee's consensus that this is a fund raiser
and we operate off of the profits. Therefore, we should consider
$75.00 and $50.00. Bud Schrupp m ved to amend his previous
$75.00 for the first ticket and $ 5.00 for the second to $75.00
for the first and $50.00 for the thers. It was seconded by
Gary Wieber and passed unanimousl
The Committee then recommended ha ing our state politicians
attend in the future and also get someone from the private sector
IDC Minutes - 6/21/84
for guest speaker. Arve suggeste that Dale contact Sung Won
Son. Dale stated that Norwest do s not allow him to go out
much because if they did he'd be one all the time. When he
does speak, there is a $2500. fee. It was then suggested that
Harvey Kendall pursue someone fro NSP to be guest speaker next
year, and the date was set at May 20, 1985. It was suggested
that we pursue NSP Chairman.
Chairman Morrell also asked Harve
the tape from Channel 5 that feat
He suggested using this tape for
Chamber meeting.
Allen briefly explained the Star
Some members stated that they hav
Allen explained that Delano made
nice. It was the consensus of th
signs. Tom Eidem suggested that
for the freeway and not take it 0
It was the Committee's consensus
signs and place them on both ends
Eidem suggested having the City p
for 1-94 and two 18" x 30" signs
on Highway 25. Arve suggested ha
the same message. Jay Morrell as
Arve, Tom, and Allen to pursue pu
the authorization to use IDC fund
to have this sub-committee purcha
seconded it. Passed unanimously.
Consideration of a thank-you ad f
Annual Banquet was considered app
it would help promote ticket sale:
that we run the ad, giving next y
It was seconded by Don Smith and
we wait approximately two weeks f
to come in. A July 5 deadline wa.
a complete and accurate list has
bought tickets and attended, etc.
Jay Morrell reviewed his thoughts
considering a survey/questionnair
into Monticello. After much disc
that John Bondhus and Tom Eidem p
It was suggested by Tom that the
telephone. Jay felt a letter shD
them that a telephone call would
proper consideration be given for'
if he could get a copy of
red NSP and their FLEX benefits.
presentation at an evening
ity road signs to the Committee.
seen the sign in Delano.
heir own signs but were also
Committee to purchase the
he City buy at least two signs
t of this Committee's budget.
o purchase four (18" x 84")
of 1-94 and Highway 25. Tom
rchase two 18" x 84" signs
or our existing road signs
ing six new signs, all with
ed the Committee to direct
chasing the signs. They have
if needed. Bud Schrupp motioned
e the signs and Dale Lungwitz
r those contributing to the
opriate. It was felt that
for 1985. Arve made a motion
ar's date (May 20, 1985).
assed unanimouSly. Bud suggested
r some of the extra money
set. Bud also stated that
een compiled on those who
on how and why he came about
for developers who expand/relocate
ssion on this, it was recommended
epare such a survey/questionnaire.
urvey could be handled by
ld accompany the survey informing
ollow. This would allow the
each project.
IDC Minutes - 6/21/84
It was suggested to interview all
months and all developers in futur
to sit on this sub-committee also.
the Committee by July 15, 1984.
evelopers for the past 18-24
projects. Ron Hoglund volunteered
They will report back to
There being no further business,
s STP, Key Tool & Plastics,
Stuart Hoglund were discussed.
Various informational topics such
Inc., Fulfillment Systems, Inc.,
e meeting was adjourned.
Allen L. Pelvit
Director of Economic Development
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