IDC Minutes 05-15-1984 . MINUT S MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL 0 VELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, May 15, 1.84 - 7:00 A.M. Monticello C,"ty Hall Members Present: Jay Morrell, Sh lly Johnson, Ron Hoglund, Don Smith, John Bon hus, Dale Lungwitz, Harvey Kendall, and Al en Pelvit. Members Absent: Walt Musty, Tom Eidem, Arve Grimsmo, Bruce Gagnelius, Bud Schrupp, an Gary Wieber. NOTE: Tom Eidem, Gary Wieber, an HRA planning meeting durin Bud Schrupp were attending a special this time. Chairman Morrell called the meeti g to order and asked for a motion to approve the April 19, 1984, minut s. Don Smith made the motion to approve said minutes and Ron Hogl nd seconded the motion. Allen gave an update on banquet t'" cket sales. He stated that approximately 126 tickets had been either paid or or spoken for. This amounted to $9,450.00 in revenue. Jay Morrel estimated that expenses would be approximately $2,000.00. Jay ask d Allen if he felt a telephone call on Friday, May 18, 1984, to those who committed but did not pay would be a good idea. Allen stated tha reminder calls would definitely be completed. . Don Smith suggested Allen compile further suggested that he indicat they will attend but have not pai attend. At that point, Allen can to follow up on. Allen stated th paid and committed. a list of all ticket prospects. He those who have paid, those who say , and those who definitely will not let each IDC member know which people t he has a running total of those Don asked if any of the other mem ers ran into resistance because they raised the prices. It was agreed' by all that this was a major concern of many individuals. Jay indicated that the banquet in general should be critiqued at the next meeting. He understood that tickets were $100.00 each at the first banquet and variations occu red in recent years. Jay also discussed the possibility of having low cos, tickets ($15-$20) available after purchasing 1-2 tickets at full pr'" ce ($75). After reviewing this, it was decided to not change the tic et structure this year because the hospital had already purchased 7 ' ickets at $75.00. Jay thought the Committee would be better off if e left the ticket prices as is and have the first ticket $75.00 and he second ticket $25.00. Ron Hoglund questioned what to charge succeed"ng tickets. . . It was the committee's consensuS banquet but had perhaps created s prices. The Committee also felt would be in good shape. our goal to work on and should be brought Allen reported on banquet publici Times was contacted. Jeanine Nis discussed the banquet with a regi to cover this because they were d of several Central Minnesota citi say they would be contacting us a of an article they did in 1983. IDC Minutes - 5/15/84 hat we would not do badly on the me bad feelings by raising the hat if we grossed $10,000.00, we was $12,000.00. There are some areas p at the next meeting. y. He stated that the st. Cloud ler was on maternity leave but nal director. They did not want ing a story on economic development s later this summer. The Times did that time. This would be a follow-up He also sent a press release type of letter to all the major radio, T. V., and newspapers in the st. Cloud and Metro areas. Jay asked if Don Dorn was contacted about thi Allen stated that a letter was sent to WTCN and that he would i form Shelly Johnson. . Allen briefly described the gene suggested that Don and Jay work The head table was to be compose Morrell and his wife, Mickey Pet and Mark Dayton. Allen stated t introductions for all speakers a Jay suggested working on this af committee that Dayton would be s of Economic Development and the al format for the banquet and n this after the meeting adjourns. of the Mayor and his wife, Jay rson and her husband, Terrell Towers at he has prepared informational d on Monticello'S accomplishments. er the meeting. Allen informed the eaking on the Minnesota Department rograms it has to offer. Dale Lungwitz questioned the pre ent status of IRE's in Congress. Allen stated that the House bill (H.R. 4170) and the Senate bill (H.R. 2163) have both passed. The next step is to have each bill enter the Conference committee and attempt to negoti te a compromised bill. The House bill has per capita limits of $150, hereas the Senate bill has no per capita limitations. The Senate , however, does limit each private business to $40 million. This oes not apply to manufacturing concerns and projects with UDAG funds. he bill prohibits IRE'S for use in office buildings, for doctors, awyers, accountants, or similar professions. Now we must wait for passage of the bill. Shelly asked if the Monte Club' PA system has been improved. Jay indicated that this has been di' cussed before and Allen indicated that a new system had just recently ,een installed. Don Smith stated that just 10 days earlier the speake system was not very good. Allen assured the committee that Jay nd himself would meet at the Monte club to make sure the arrangeme, ts were adequate. Chairman Morrell introduced and officially welcomed Harvey Kendall as a member of the Committee. everal members indicated they knew Harvey. Those that didn't were introduced. Harvey will sit on the Promotional, publicity, and Prospect Subcomittee. . - 2 - . Jay proceeded into the next agend needed at the May 22-23 Trade Fai that he was looking for some help He also would like someone to spe as well as helping dismantle and arranged after the meeting on an this be a good opportunity to get to get involved. John Bondhus stated that he origi but he has not been to a meeting that he is willing to sell his ti reminded of the meetings, he cann John stated that Walt recently mo if he really wanted to be a part that it is sometimes hard to resi Allen contact Walt and discuss hi consensus to keep in touch with W to Monticello. . There being no further business, to adjourn the meeting. Motion w seconded by John Bondhus. Meetin Allen L. Pelvlt Director of Economic Development . IDC Minutes - 5/15/84 item dealing with individuals in Minneapolis. Allen explained to carry in equipment and set up. d some time during the show hours ack up. Jay suggested this be ndividual basis. He also suggested those who do not attend the meetings ally suggested Walt Musty as a member, n the last six months. Allen stated kets; but when he is called and t make them. ed from Monticello and did not know f this Committee. Don Smith stated n from something and suggested that intentions. It was the Committee's It and try to relocate his business hairman Morrell asked for a motion s made by Harvey Kendall and adjourned.