IDC Minutes 03-15-1984 . MINUT S MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DE LOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, March 15, 984 - 7:00 A.M. Monticello C~ty Hall Members Present: T. Eidem, J. Bo~dhus, R. Hoglund, S. Johnson, D. Lungwitz, G. ieber, and A. Pelvit. Members Absent: A. Grimsmo, B. Schrupp, Gary Wieber Chaired the meeting, as G. Wieber opened the meeting, aski 1984, minutes. Motion to approve was made by D. Lungwitz and second J. Morrell, D. Smith, Jay Morrell was out of town. g for approval of the February he February 16, 1984, minutes d by T. Eidem. 16, 3. Printin of Tickets for Ma Because B. Schrupp was on vacation before this meeting, G. Wieber sug Schrupp to prepare information on tickets to Key Tool & Plastics and be beneficial). . 4. Confirmation of Guest S eaker at and returned just the day ested A. Pelvit contact B. anquet tickets, (complimentary whoever A. Pelvit feels might G. Wieber suggested this item is s If explanatory and be bypassed in order to discuss more pressingusiness. 5. Consideration of Pro ram for Ban u t. B. Gagnelius was on vacation. The efore, some of the details concerning seating, table arran gem nts, and acoustics, etc., could not be verified. G. Wieber xplained about the guitar player that performed at the Rotar meeting. S. Johnson felt the music was a little loud. D. Lungw'tz explained the "canned music" they had at the Bank's Christmas P rty. He stated that it was set at a very low level so that conver.ation was easy. G. Wieber explained that the live music woul cost $150-$200. It was the committee's consensus to cut costs and use the "canned music". G. Wieber will contact B. Gagneliu on this matter. Last year there seemed to be a pro dinner. G. Wieber asked the cammi drinks. T. Eidem expressed his fe hour before dinner and somehow con He suggested a dinner drinks ticke . with the open bar after the tee for discussion regarding lings of an open bar for one rolling the drinks after dinner. for after-dinner drinks. - 1 - . Minutes - 3/15/84 D. Lungwitz suggested having the aitresses take drink orders after dinner at the tables. After the peech there could be a cash bar. It was the committee's consensus 0 have one hour open bar during the social hour, one complimentary af, er-dinner drink, and then a cash bar following Dayton's speech. D. Lungwitz asked if we could get because B. Gagnelius was on vacat contact him on this. D. Lungwitz Party setup and suggested having level. the new part reserved. Again, on, G. Wieber said he would explained the Bank's Christmas he head table on the main (bar) 6. Consideration of Ticket Assi nmen for IDC Members. G. Wieber asked the committee if here were any additions or corrections to the ticket list. . Bondhus commented on not personally knowing an individual 0 contact at two businesses added to his list. D. Lungwitz 0 fered to take Ben Franklin. G. Wieber explained why A. Pelvi t' s name didn't appear on the list. He further explained that A. Pelv't would be contacting all other possible businesses and individua s in and around Monticello. G. Wieber suggested that A. Pelvi might send general letters to every person and personally follo up with telephone contact or a personal visit. He also suggeste not enclosing the tickets with the letter. T. Eidem explained that last year the letter was sent with tickets in and it worked fairly well. G. Wieber felt the mailing should be more subtle and not have tickets enclosed. It was the consensus of the committee to have letters sent to eVeryone and then have each member use their di cretion as to how they want to handle the tickets. Most members resent wanted to handout tickets personally. T. Eidem stated that he successful cable T.V. company will be approached for ticket sale D. Lungwitz asked if we were keeping up with new businesses in own. A. Pelvit assured the committee that every business and ossible individual will be con tacted. . G. Wieber suggested having a timel Four weeks (April 16, 1984) prior consensus for sending out the lett mailing of invitational letters. o the banquet was the committee's rs. 7. Consideration of Momento (Personal zed Gift) for Those Attendin Banquet. G. Wieber explained the problem as care package for guests of the Cit: as Bondhus Corporation, Wrightco, a gift. But what would firms like give? G. Wieber also stated the p . ociated with putting together a He stated that businesses such nd Jones Manufacturing could give NSP, lXI, or Larson Manufacturing ssibility that a person with - 2 - . . . ID Minutes - 3/15/84 Dayton's background may not even ike this type of gift. S. Johnson, as a public official, stated that Dayton may be limited as to what he may accept as a gift. G. Wieb r suggested something like the montage in City Hall as a gift. . Lungwitz stated that a gift should not compete with any other. business in town. It should be something that is unique. He expl ained how Lynn Smith made a montage shaped like Wright County and hasl it displayed in the Bank. D. Lungwitz suggested contacting Mr.. Smith to see if he could make a montage in the shape of Minnesota. It would also be nice if Monti- cello could somehow be shown and he montage explained (e.g., have a plate attached explaining who ade it, who presented it, for what occasion, and to whom it was presented) . It was the committee's consensus gifts until a later date (e.g., and pursue the montage. D. Lun cost. 8. Brochure Progress. G. Wieber stated that A. Pelvit of the Industrial Brochure. He should not be dated in any way to discourage the idea of personalized ndustry Appreciation Day in September) , itz will check with Mr. Smith on the as put a lot of work into the text urther stated that all information .g., names, dates, etc.). 10. Consideration of Attending the T ade Show S onsored b the Minnea olis Chamber of Commerce. A. Pe1vit gave results of the nesota Small Business Market Place Trade Show on February 22-23, 4. A. Pe1vit stated that cities such as Maple Grove and Thief Ri er Falls will be attending. T. Eidem moved to attend this trade show (May 22-23, 1984). It was seconded by S. Johnson, passed u animous1y. Bondhus corporation will have a booth at this show also. 9. Presentation b Monticello's Public Works Director. John Simola, Monticello's publi facts on the current Wastewater future capabilities. He explai mid-1970's and was planned to h into the 1990's. He stated that at first wrightc and at present have brought NSP ordinance pertaining to industr Permits are issued to qualified with a five-year life. After f situation for future use. Works Director, briefly gave Treatment plant (WWTP) and its ed that the process began in the ndle Monticello and its users well was the only major industrial user on line. He further stated that an al users of the WWTP was enacted. users. They are certified each year ve years the City will evaluate the 3 - . Mr. Simola went on to say that i and the WWTP was near planned ca even residential developments mi within guidelines. Mr. Simola's intentions were to information regarding any possib or expanded WWTP be needed becau J. Bondhus didn't like the City He felt that additional taxes an adequate to help build a new or I C Minutes - 3/15/84 a new wet industry came on line acity, then residential users or ht be stifled in order to stay ive committee members adequate e adverse feelings should a new e of a new wet industry. ortraying this as a negative. sewer rates, etc., would be xpanded WWTP. T. Eidem explained the City's viewpoint as trying to present a flexible plan. The City's fear is that overnight expansion or relocation of a new industrial user could make our current WWTP obsolete. This is only meant to be planned strategy. Mr. Simola added that because fe eral monies were used in this project, some strings were attac ed that the City has to maintain certain levels and standards. I approximately 2-5 years, we will be free of those guidelines and ill have greater freedom. Staying within these guidelines will make it easier to obtain funds in the future. . G. Wieber suggested having J. Si ola, J. Bondhus, T. Eidem, J. Badalich (OSM) , A. Grimsmo, and himself meet before the Council meeting on March 26, 1984, to discuss this further. Those interested in this consented. There being no further business, G. Wieber asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion by T. Eidem, seoonded by all. Meeting adjourned. aoo~~ Allen L. Pelvit Director of Economic Development .