IDC Minutes 08-16-1990
Thursday. August 16. ;1990 - 7:00 A.M.
City Hal
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Seldon Johnson. Vice Chairperson
Don Smith. Ro Hoglund. Arve Grimsmo. Jay Morrell.
Lowell Schrup . Bob Dawson. Harvey Kendall. Tom
Pogatchnik. D nnis Taylor. John McVay. and
Tom McDermott.i
MEMBERS ABSENT: Ken Maus. Dale Lungwitz. Dave Peterson. and Linda
STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfstelle. Jeff O'Neill. and Ollie Koropchak.
Chairperson Sheldon Johnson called the IDC meeting to order at
7:03 AM. Excusing himself f om the meeting. the Chairperson
turned the meeting over to Vice Chair Don Smith.
Ron Hoglund made a motion
minutes. seconded by John
as written and filed.
approve the July 19. 1990 IDC
ay. the minutes were accepted
Treasurer Ron Hoglund report d that the IDC balances to date
were Wright County State Ban checking account. $150.70;
money market. $1.851.59; and Security Financial Banking &
Savings money market. $4.061 29. Total $6.063.58. Harvey
Kendall made a motion to acc pt the treasurer's report
as given. seconded by Arve G imsmo. the report was filed.
4. PROSPECTS: Jeff Easte rises. Inc. - Koropchak reported
that Shelly Johnson. Ron Hog undo Jeff O'Neill and herself had
visited the Eastey operation, in Rogers on July 20. The group
viewed the shrink wrap machi e and tunnel. met the principal
owner's Jeff and Salley East y and Attorney Charlie Rogers.
The company is interested in'leasing 7.200 sq ft from Jay
Morrell for manufacturing of'rebuilts and in-house processing
rather than farming out. Th owner's look at Monticello
as a possible location for t eir total operations.
Curre"atly th(!y own the facil ty in Rogers iriwhich they hesitate to expand
because of the high HennCty 'taxes and tomailltain a better control of
the company's finances at a 'ime at potential rapid growth.
Attorney Rogers was to meet ith Jay Morre1 to finalize the
lease agreement. Plans are 0 have the financial package and
loan request at the requeste lenders office this week. Time
table according to Pat Pelst ing is thirty day review by Bank
and SBA. and sixty days from the current date for fin?l approval
from the Greater Monticello nterprise Fund and the Minnesota
Imitative Fund.
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4. CONTINUED. Lake Tool - Korq chak reported Jeff O'Neill and
herself had visited the Lake Tool company in Rogers on July 24.
The company does custom tool'ing for injection molding. They
met with Eric Bondhus, one of three owners, and toured the
facility. Currently, they 1 ase the 4,200 sq ft with a agreement
expiration of summer '91. Their operation is of very clean
nature, all in-house equiPm; t paid for, and are looking to
invest in a facility within in a community which offers strong
amenities and quality of life. The company is interested in
the old Fire Hall and will ook at options to construct a new
5,000 sq ft facility in the industrial park. Koropchak ran
preliminary numbers with the use of TIF pay-as you-go assistance,
and Eric and she toured the industrial park for potential site
selection. The company is Looking at other sites in Elk River
and Maple Grove.
Bio Medical Facility - Koropchak reported she had followed up
with the July IDC motion "recommending the IDC be open to hearing
the educational presentatio by Star West, with a clear understanding
that the IDC is not endorsig a Monticello site location."
Upon calling Mr Wally Wilbur on July 24th, he said the company had
a purchase agreement on some property near wet lands and that
he would pass the IDC motio information along to Star West for consideration
if the sale did not materialize.
American Window and Door Co - Koropchak reported she has
tried to reach Mr. Rick Leo ard of the American Window and Door
Company to assist with the location of available industrial space
for lease. This a recommendation of the July IDC meeting along with the
lack of interest to cons ide financial assistance for the company
because the company indicated it was going to file bankruptcy.
Advanced Resources - Koropch k reported in the last month the city
has received inquiries for i dustrial lease space for 15,000,
25,000 and 30,000 sq ft. Wi h the assumption that the Jeff Eastey
Enterprises leased 7,200 sq t from Jay Morrell, this means
Monticello has virturally no: industrial space which on one hand
is good and on the other ha~ may limit our recruitment of new
industries. Koropchak furth r reported she had contacted Pat
Pelstring of BDS, Inc. on the ability to use TIF on a leased
facility with only all the plans in order, not the building
constructed. Mr. pelstringstated the TIF Plan can to drafted,
distributed to the jurisdictions, public hearing set, held, and
tabled until such time we hd a committed project. The TIF plan
would not be adopted until committed project because an adopted
plan starts the clock on the life of a district. Other things
to do are 1) Find a willin developer to prepare preliminary site
plans, landscaping, drainage, and parking plans for review and
approval by our Building Inspector. 2) Find a developer willing
to find and commit to a pie e of industrial property. 3) Find
a developer willing to use IF pay-as-you-go with a direct write-down
of lease cost.
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4. CONTINUED. Advanced ResourceSi- The goal is to have the major
development work completed so e can offer a leased building in
the time it takes for construe ion (90 days).
Tom Pognatchnik saw this as a otential risk as the economic climate
is not good right now, however' with a reduction in the lease it
may have some merit. Koropcha reported in her conversation with
Advanced Resources that the av ilability of industrial space in
Greater Minnesota has greatly een reduced since that of five/six
years ago. Vacated school bui ding are available however not
conducive to industrial use, Vi cated auto dealership may be conducive
depending on location, and vac ted implement dealership are conducive
to industrial use. The IDC re ommended Koropchak pursue the
idea and encouraged her to con. act Gae Veit, Winkelman Construction,
Miller Construction, and Vaugh Veit as potential developers.
Yeager, Pine & Mundale - This a consulting business representing
a client who is interested in n industrial site location in Monticello.
The business has requested the city complete an eight page questionaire
of which questions pertain to nvironmental and quality of life issues.
Various community leaders and ity staff answered questions of
their expertise. Koropchak tQ nked them and said the questionaire
along with the marketing broch re, requested maps, city building and
zoning ordiances, etc. will be mailed Monday of next week.
Cargill Feed Mill - Koropchak eported that the company has made
their location decision, however, would formally notify communities
before their announcement of t eir decision. Koropchak expects
the notice next week and did ot have strong feelin~that the
location was Monticello as ra.l was a priority.
Rick Knutson - Mr. Knutson is a local man who has designed a
cable connector which can als be used with a ground stake on a
dog leash allowing the dog gr ater accessibility within an owner's
yard. He would like to assem le and package the produce in Monticello
and is looking for available pace to lease. The product has not
been patented. Koropchak has given him various available lease
space suggestions and has indcated the city's willingness to write
a letter of city support for he Central Minnesota Imitative Fund application
if his plans indicate jobs wi 1 be created in Monticello and he
has committed dollars for the start-up project (no monetary support
from the city).
NAWCO - At the BRE breakfast eld in June, Mr. Steve Lemme, indicated
to a few IDC members the pote!tial growth capabilities of the H-Window
Company. The company acknowl dges some early mistakes in their
marketing efforts and with th hiring of Mr. Lemme as general manager
the company saw it's best mon h of profit in July of this year.
The companykas expanded their distribution area to the east coast
and Denver, and now produce p tio doors and french doors. They
believe their capabilities in national growth in approximately
three years to be $100,000,00' Mr. Lemme is concerned if the
company reaches that goal and with the need to expand the facility
IDC Minutes
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4. CONTINUED. NAWCO - they cou d become land locked if the city
would sell any of the three .ubdivided lots to the east of
Lots 11 & 12, now owned by t e H-Window Company. If this would
be the sitution the company ould need to consider relocation of the entire
operation outside of Montice 10. The suggestion was made
to have Mr. Tom Hayes draft Right of First Refusal between the
H-Window and City of Montice '10. According to Tom Hayes, the city
has two options: 1) Right oe First Refusal or 2) Purchase Option.
His recommendation was a Rig 't of First Refusal limited to a fixed
time. The H-Window Company Board feels it will be in a much better
position to make expansion decision in the last quarter of 1991
with the potential growth of '200-300 employment by December 1992.
Jay Morrell made a motion req
proceed to have Mr. Tom Hayes
with a limited time for respo
of Monticello and the H-Windo.
presented to the City Council
enter into such an agreement.
carried unanimously. The co
anything to loose. The docum
to the council in time for th
October meeting. Don Smith w
and Mr. Steve Lemme's abiliti
enhances our BRE goal.
Koropchak reported Monday, Oc
Monte Club, however, she had
the banquet guest speaker bec
united decision. The IDC rec
and invite him to be our gues
topic: projected corridor gr
industrial, commerical, and r
mmending the City of Monticello
draft a Right of First Refusal,
se to notice, between the City
Company. This document to be
for authorization of willingness to
Seconded by John McVay, the motion
ittee felt neither parties had
nt will be prepared and presented
H-Window Board to review at their
oleheartly endorsed the company
s. This kind of endorsement
ober 29, has been confirmed with the
ot contacted Dr. George Karvel as
use she was unclear of the IDC
mmended Koropchak contact Dr. Karvel
speaker with a suggestion of .
wth as it relates to Monticello's
sidental real estate future.
Arve Grimsmo made a motion es ab1ishing the IDC banquet ticket at
$75.00 for individual and $25.00 for spouse. Lowell Schrupp
seconded the motion which pas ed unanimously. With the 1989-
1990 economic development exp nsions and programs the IDC is
anticipating a positive ticke sales year.
The IDC commended the city st ff on the receptions held for
Tapper's and Remmele Engineer~ g. They felt the companies were
pleased with the recognition as the CEO and Presidents of the
companies were present.
The IDC discussed the need for
reception versus a moving in 0
retail/commerical. The policy
cooperative definition with th
a policy to define a ground breaking
en house and industrial versus
to create a consistency and
Chamber goals. The IDC recommended
IDC Minutes
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6. CONTINUED. Koropchak contacti Mr. Ray Schmidt for a welcome
reception at their facility 0 Chelsea Road, this allowing
the IDC to tour his operationl and view his equipment. The
IDC will provide a beverage a d cake. Target date for
Policy criteria to be cons ide at a future IDC meeting.
Koropchak reiterated the Monice110 Times article that the traffic
study conducted by Bridge Water Telephone Company met the Public
Utility Commission's criteri
(295) exchange made at least
the metro area. The PUC has
the study at this time, howe
Upon acceptance, the PUC and
establish the metro line cos
mailed out. At least a majo
in favor of extended area se
for metro telephone to Monti
Jeff O'Neill reported that t
area of western and northwes
by SIC codes and for vitalit
purchased from BDS, Inc. wit
mailed per month. This to
calls and thereafter will th
businesses. Arve Grimsmo su
next printing which is impor
and promotion.
of at least 50% of the area petition
.one telephone call per month to
not reviewed the study nor accepted
er, no stumble blocks are expected.
Bridge Water Telephone Company will
which will be included with each 295
ity of the returned ballots must be
vices to complete the PUC criteria
e city will earmark the geographic
ern metro suburbs, identify companies
to expand. A business list may be
approximately 30 teasers being
ontrol the time for follow-up telephone
new brochure be mailed to interested
gested that U.S.A. be added to the
ant for international recruitment
Arve Grimsmo asked IDC membe s to encourage Ken Maus to consider
running for re-election as M yor. Also mentioned was the importance of this
year's election with three fifths of the City Council seats being
vacated and at this time no c: rrent' _ council member filing for
The regular Chamber meeting ill be held today at noon at the
American Legion with Gae Ve"t as guest speaker.
The IDC meeting adjourned a 8:35 AM.
~ ~4\oE\ ~~
Ollie Koropchak
IDC Executive Secretary