IDC Minutes 04-19-1990
Thursday. April 19. 11990 - 7:00 AM
City Hall !
Hoglund. Low
Mielke. Bob
Ken Maus. To
Tom McDermot
Jay Morrell.
STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropcha
helley Johnson. Don Smith. Ron
11 Schrupp. Harvey Kendall. Linda
awson. Dennis Taylor. Dale Lungwitz.
Pogatchnik. ~ McVay, and
rve Grimsmo. and Dave Peterson.
STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfstelle and Jeff O'Neill.
Chairperson Johnson called the IDC meeting to order at 7:05 AM.
Tom Pogatchnik was welcome as a new member of the IDC.
Ron Hoglund made a motion 0 approve the March 20. 1990
IDC minutes. seconded by H rvey Kendall. With no comments
or corrections. the minutes were approved as written.
a) Car ill Nutrena Feed Division - Contact has been made
to visit the Jack Frost Gold'n Plump facility in Sauk
Rapids on Tuesday. April 24 at 9:30 AM. Koropchak asked
for volunteers to visit t e Sauk Rapids operation as
the facility is similiar 0 the one being proposed by
Cargill. Mr. Kenneth Val ley. Vice President of Feed and
Grain. will be our host-Volunteers were Ken Maus.
Ron Hoglund. and Tom McDemott. Cargill plans to make
their site selection withIn six months, construction
for year 1991. and rail i important for flexibility of
future unknowns.
b) Copper Sales - very i
check back in about a
c) R R Howell - John McV
research of the co
utility information. the
it's ups and downs. The
east of Annanda1e. Korop
to inquire of Monticello
d) The Tire Company - th
in rural Buffalo or 10 Ii
in the production of tire
inverters, tire chippers
in Monticello, will
y reported that he completed
pany which -had little telephone or
ompany appears to have had
ompany is located on Highway 55
hak will wait for company
s company which is now located
es south on Oakwood Drive is
cutters, wheel crushers, tire
nd tire burning furnaces.
IDC Minutes - 4/19/90
Page 2
d) The furnace which is t be used for heating the facility
plus the company will . est furnaces as part of the
production process. T e furnace burns half dollar rubber
chips without the aid . f any other gas/product. The
furnace has not been t' sted or approved for use.
The owner, Mr. Ray Sch idt, has earnest money on the
Larson Manufacturing b ilding and hopes to occupy
the facility in July. Jeff O'Neill and Koropchak
toured the current ope ations. Mr Schmidt is an
enthusiastic researche and inventor plus a hard
worker. The exterior : f his property was very
neat while the interiorl indicated a need to
expand. Only one othe employee was present. Potential
of eight jobs is Monti ello.
The question for Monti
Jeff O'Neill has writt
necessary for furnace
was if the business re
the furnace, Monticell
of the business. Staf
industries to the asth.
There will be a public
on May 1 requesting a
of a prototype furnace
an I-I Zone.
The IDC recommended st
carefully as it's diff
operation once it's op
Griffin Real Estate 0
shown in the Bank prop
Titan Recreational Pro
plastic injection mold
has been a Minneapolis:
information of Montice
Mfg building; and Mont
Lungwitz reported esti
by George Phillips for
area. The company is
Lester Prairie.
Corporate Real Estate
consultant for the Jim
Rick and Jeff on April
to develop the Boyle p
successful recruitment
with needs of a 250,00
employ approximately 3
ello is the operation of the furnace?
n the PCA for guidelines/regulations
perations. The Council's reaction
eives a permit and approval of
would be receptive of the nature
recognizes the concerns by new
stic value of the park.
hearing at the Planning Commission
onditional use permit for operations
using rubber products as fuel in
ff to research and proceed very
cult to regulate or remove an
ith - interest has been
rty previously occupied by
ucts. The company's business is
ng, would employ 25-30 people,
business for 40 years. Send
10; Bank, Clow Stamping, and Larson
cello labor survey. Dale
ated cost are being compiled
insolation of the cold storage
Iso looking at a facility in
Mr. Jim Terrell, a real estate
Boyle property, visited with
12th regarding the potential
operty. Plans hinge on the
of a manufacturing company
sq ft building and would
o people. Requested information
IDC Minutes - 4/19/90
Page 3
f) was mailed the consult nt the following day.
g) Federal Cartridge - in ormation was mailed to Mr. John
Swanson and outlined tree potential areas for
development of a 622,0 0 sq ft facility on 640 arces.
The areas, as were dis ussed at the IDC March meeting,
were: Area A. Kj llberg's 128 acres
Kj llberg's 200 acres
Kl in 160 acres
Kl in 90 acres
584 Total
Area B. Rem ele Eng. 68 acres
Kje lberg's 300 acres
Hog und 180 acres
Wolters 20 acres
568 acres
Area C. Koch 355 acres
Schv eder 120 acres
Cyr 75 acres
. 550 acres
Indication are that Fede al Cartridge is interested in
Becker as NSP has suffic"ent acreage and buffer to meet
the company's need plus very low tax capacity rate.
Koropchak will continue 0 work with Mr Swanson as the
company has a five year Ian. Although, Monticello
would like the tax base nd employment, the IDC
recognizes the spin-off mpact to Monticello of a
Becker location.
Joint Governmental Units Me Date: Upon agreement of
City staff the IDC set Mond y, June 4, 1990 as the date
for the annual joint govern 'ental units meeting. Arrangements
will be made to hold the meeting at the fire hall. Staff
has not formed an agenda as f yet, Don Smith expressed he
liked the floormat used last ear with member participation
of small group discussions, reating list, and voting.
Industrial Business Luncheon
visit to industries,the IDC
sponsor an informal gatherin
John McVay expressed of the
Business Hours Social held e
IDC expressed the afternoon
previously sponsored by the
the agenda for the meeting a
luncheon meeting with short
- after the business retention
. dded to their 1990 goals to
of local industrial businesses.
t. Cloud Chamber's After
ery 2 to 3 months and the
ocial of golfing and dinner
DC. The committee discussed
d agreed to hold a noon
ntroduction and description
IDC Minutes - 4/19/90
Page 4
of the industrial business by the representative.
Discussion will center arQ nd projects and growth
in Monticello, direction from businesses for future
meeting and interested me~ting topics, and how can
the IDC expand the bus,iness retention program.
Koropchak is to establish
appropriate arrangements.
date in mid June and to make
EAS Koropchak reported ~ e had contacted Bob McEachern's
office to add the City of Monticello to the Public
Utilities Commission Bill which i8- before"the 'House and
Senate. It had been advised for Montice~lo to hold
off on the community of interest information
until after Legislat," on decision. McEachern has
not returned the ca~
on Monday to see if a prel
could be ready for the IDe
the preliminary draft was
expected first printing to
stressed the need for staf
chak telephoned Steve Henning
minary draft of the brochure
review. The response was
ot to that point, however,
be in a month. The IDC
and IDC review before
CITY ORDINANCE. The Plann,"ng Commission and city staff are
reviewing the current cur, and hard surface requirements
for industrial businesses. Plans are for this to be
on the May Planning Commis ion agenda.
Monticello Chamber of Comm rce meeting today at 12:00 noon
at the Legion Club. progr m the United Way.
By consensus of the IDC, t e meeting adjourned.
Ollie Koropchak
IDC Executive Secretary