IDC Minutes 01-23-1990 . MINUTE MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL D VELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, January 23~ 1990 - 7:00AM City H.ll MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Shelly Johnson, Don Smith, Ron Hoglund, De nis Taylor, Jay Morrell, John McVay, Harv y Kendall, Dale Lungwitz, Lowell Schrupp, Ar e Grimsmo, Tom McDermott, Ken Maus, and Dave Pe erson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Dale Pogatch STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Ollie Koropchak. Chairperson Shelly Johnson called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00AM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER 2 , 1989 IDC MINUTES. . Ron Hoglund made a motion 0 approve the December 21, 1989 IDC minutes, seconded by H rvey Kendall, the minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECTS;: TAPPER, INC. - The TIF app oval process is on schedule with plan review. by the Planning Commission and adoption on the TIF Plan by the Housing and Redevelopme t Authority scheduled for the February me tings. The total financial package inc udes TIF, a Small Business Development Loan, and t e Monticello Greater Enterprise Fund. Until after appro al of the SBDL will the Economic Development Authority receive application for the GMEF as total approved SBDL dollars will dictate amont requested of the GMEF. REMMELE ENGINEERING, INC. with Remmel as follows: Dorsey & Wh purchase or owners, Far Partnership and utility Block 1, 01 solution wi the Remmele recertifyin of Boyle Pr . Following the January 12 meeting officials, the project proceeds Larry Griffith, Attorney with tney, will negotiate and secure option agreements with the property Credit Bank and the Oakwood Industrial The City will vacate Fallon Avenue and drainage easements on Lot 6, The City will determine a working h Farm Credit, the County Auditor, Engineering for the payment and/or delinquent assessment on Lot 10 perty. Staff will recommend to . IDC MINUTES - 1/23/90 PAGE 2 3. CONTINUED. City Council for consider Remmele Engineering 68 ac zoned Agricultural. Mont official notice from Remm their selected site locat expressed, "the January 1 city staff." and thanked Plans are to purchase the Partnership, and approxim for Remmele Project use a Avenue. The financial p of TIF for land write-dow The company has the optio financing. Additionally, from the Planning Commiss at the County to certify District. .tion to purchase the existing es in the Monticello Township, cello has not received an Ie Engineering, Inc. as to on. Chairperson Shelly Johnson meeting was well-done by the the people who had participated. 6.5 acres from Oakwood Industrial tely 4 acres from Farm Credit d realignment of 80 foot Fallon ckage is inclusive of the use and developer's site improvements. of up-front or pay-as-you-go Remmele will seek a replat request on and Council which will be filed he TIF District as a Redevelopment CARDINAL, IG - Mr. Renat Lizardo contacted the economic development office to rep rt that Cardinal IG's plans for expansion or relocati n have been put on hold by the company's executive board. Mr. Lizardo presented his expansion plans to the ex cutive board in January and the boards decision was t renew the lease contract at their present location on West Lake Street for another three years. Mr. Lizardo thanked Monticello for it's cooperation and inte est in Cardinal's expansion. . CARGILL FEED MILL - Korop Mr. Mike Westphal of Belg construction of a Nutrena Westphal will be providin of requested information Project consists of an ap elevator, initial value 0 employment of 6-10, reque for rail (3 times weekly) and 10-12 out daily). Re completion of requested i . HPG ARCHITIECHURAL GLASS O'Leary of Hordius Brothe was interested to receive for future expansion as t around the states. The c the southeastern states a which is the one located mailed. reported she had contacted ade regarding the potential Feed Division elevator. Mr. numerous cities with a list hich should arrive within days. roximate 100-150 foot concrete 3.5 to 5 million dollars, t approximately 5 acres, need and semi-truck (5-8 in daily ponse will be made upon formation. Based upon local lead, Mr. Jerry s was contacted. Mr. O'Leary information about Monticello e company continues to expand mpany has numerous facilities in d one facility in Minnesota n Albertville. Information was VICWEST STEEL COMPANY - T is is a company out of Canada looking for available spa e to lease or purchase. The company was given the phone numbe of Wright County State Bank for . IDC MINUTES - 1/23/90 Page 3 3. CONTINUED. potential availability e 21,000 sq ft Best-In-Webb building. The company chedu1ed to look at the facility, however, never stopped e bank upon their visit to Monticello. The company re orts having viewed the property along with facilities in St. Cloud and Elk River of which best meets their needs and ! re currently negotiating lease options. RUSS MARTIE - Koropchak re the use of TIF for the Rus is being provided to a bus businesses in the communit Ken Maus reiterated that t the nature of the business the business was of compet felt the project would pro Arve Grimsmo supported the . BRIDGE WATER - Koropchak r to use TIF to assistance B acquisition of land to rel located on West County Roa to encourage development a Industrial park, to e1imin use, and have Bridge Water than create another tax-ex sale of property to confor by the City Ordinance. Th the HRA's preliminary appr a request made by Bridge W TITAN RECREATIONAL PRODUCT that the company is curren the facility is available purchase. K-MART - Jeff O'Neill repo of March 1 as the Council provided by TIF at the Jan between The Lincoln Compan has not been drafted, staf K-Mart and the Lincoln Com verbal commitment only wit feasibility study for the . orted that the City Council denied Martie project, as a direct subsidy ness that competes with other which would set a poor precedent. e Council's information regarding was unclear, however, concluded tive retail nature and the Council eed without the assistance of TIF. Council's decision. ported that the HRA was not supportive idge Water Telephone Company with cate their storage facility now 39. The proposal's intent was d sale of city property in the te the use of a non-conforming maintain current property ownership rather mpt property and contingent upon with a conforming use as allowed City made the proposal based off val of the concept and was not ter Telephone Company. , INC. - Dale Lungwitz reported ly applying for a SBA loan, however. o other interested parties for ted an anticipated ground breaking ill review the assistance level ary meeting. The development agreement es and the City of Monticello has not seen the lease agreement between anies. and staff has received a no upfront monies,prior to.ordering a ublic improvements. . IDC MINUTES - 1/23/90 Page 4 4. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 199'0 OFFICERS: CHAIRPERSON, VICE CHAIRPERSON, AND TREASURER. Chairperson Johnson asked for volunteers or suggestions from the IDC members to serve s 1990 officers. Additionally, he referred to the last t 0 years as time consuming in the evening, yet, enjoyable t work with city staff. Arve Grimsmo made a motion to elect Sh 1don Johnson as IDC Chairperson and Don Smith as IDC Vice Cha Irperson for 1990. The motion was seconded by Dale Lungwitzand passed 13-0. Lowell Schrupp made a motion to elect Ro Hoglund as IDC Treasurer for 1990, seconded by Dave Peterson,: the motion passed 13-0. The IDC welcomed Tom McDemott. Tom is the 1990 Chamber Chairperson,and he and Bo Dawson will serve as 1iason between the organizations. It was suggestion that Koropchak contact Dale Pogatchnik r garding his interest to serve on the IDC with the bank's r organization. If Mr. Dale Pogatchnik declined, it s suggested to contact Linda Mielke. 5. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW FR RECOMMENDATION AND ADOPTION THE 1990 IDC GOALS. . Chairperson Johnson repor revised, and added goals for the members to review approximately 8-9 visits IDC agreed to visit or ho this year. ed that he and Koropchak eliminated, rom the 1989 list as recommendations Based on last years estimate of r hosting of new industries, the t at least 10 new industries again Other recommendations for changes to the list presented were under Goal E-. To c mp1ete or wrap up the industrial targeted brochure; J. To make arrangements with a contractor for the construction of a speculative industrial building which has received prior bui1di g plan approval; O. To speerhead a committee of local inte ested fliers to continue the preliminary research nece sary for the existence of the local airport; and X. To encou age the establishment of a step-by- step basic City ordinance zoning guideline brochure for industrial development. Ron Hoglund made a motion to adopt the 1990 IDC Goals inclusive of the above named additi ns or corrections. Motion was seconded by Ken Maus and assed 13-0. sed budget as prepared by Koropchak. the goal to analyze the need for ggested to eliminate the $7,000 ey may be better uti1izied elsewhere. se the Miscellaneous funds to 6. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW y, AR END IDC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND PROPOSED 1990 BUDGET. . The IDC reviewed the prop Although, the IDC retaine' a video tape, they also s, from the budget as the mo It was suggested to iucre . IDC MINTUES - 1/23/90 Page 5 6. CONTINUED. $1,000 for any incurred c st associated with speerheading the airport committee. Dale Lungwitz made a moti n to approve the proposed 1990 IDC Budget with the above !named corrections or additions. Harvey Kendall seconded t 'e motion and the motion passed 13-0. 7. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW CITY COUNCIL ACTION ON THE AIRPORT. City Council action was fo necessary to plow snow and; receiver which would be us by pilot control. the City toprovide one-half the funds purchase a $450 pilot controlled d to control the runway lights . Jeff O'Neill reported the ouncil was looking for the dollar amount available from Fede al or State funds to upgrade the current airport. As i dicated in the IDC Goals, the IDC would speerhead a grou of interested local fliers to research the availability f funding. It was suggested that three IDC members Dave Pet rson , Harvey Kendall, and Jeff O'Neill along wit; fliers Dr. David Bauer and two other fliers serve on this committee. The committee will research potential la d purchase options and potential for phase-in airport impro ements. O'Neill stated the Counoil was nervous about pending money for a private airport outside the City a d County. 8. CONSIDERATION OF STAR CITY RECERTIFICATION PRESENTATION DATE. Koropchak asked for volunteers to attend the Monticello Star City Recertification presentation on February 22, 1990, 11:30 AM at the City Hall. In attendance from the state will be Harry Rosefeldt, Dave Ne son, and Bill Coleman. Ron Hoglund offered to be a vol, nteer. 9. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE N THE MONTICELLO EAS PETITION. . Koropchak reported that the involved telephone companies are currently tabulating telepho e traffic between Monticello and the metro as well as be ween the Metro and Monticello. The petitioner is to resear h community interest information for presentation at the pub ic hearing. Communities have hired attorneys or other pe sonal to-research this information of which is available at the Publictilities Commission Information Center in St. Paul. In my onversation with Diane Wells, she suggested I call Bill K ng, Administrator of Waconia, as they completed an outsta ding community of interest inform- ation packet. In Bill King's opinion, the City of Waconia spent excess dollars in leg 1 fees only to be denied metro . IDC Minutes - 1/23/90 Page 6 9. CONTINUED. service. He would not re ommend any City proceed to expend such monies until the Pub ic Utilities Commission has new members. PUC members are govenment appointed jobs for six years. The IDC suggested contact ng other communities prior to making any further recomm ndations. Community of interest information needs to be s bmitted to the PUC by the end of April. 10. OTHER BUSINESS. It was recommended to sub it to City Council in February the need for a step-by-st p basic industrial brochure. This a good project for a college internship program. 11. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:45 AM. . ~~.J.... ~~JloSa- Ollie Koropchak IDC Executive Secretary .