IDC Minutes 12-01-1989 (Special Meeting)
Friday, December 1, 1989 - 7:00
City Hall
Arve Grimsmo made a motion dire ting city staff to obtain
a written commitment from Remme e Engineering, stating
that Remme1e Engineering commit to a City of Monticello
site location for their propose 1990 construction of a
20,000 square foot building wit an approximate 50 semi-
skilled to highly skilled jobs nd includes a future planned
building expansion of 40,000 ad' itiona1 square feet and an
approximate 100 additional semi killed to highly skilled
jobs within an estimated five y ars from the initial Monticello
construction. Upon receipt of commitment from Remme1e
Engineering, the IDC will reco mend to the City Council for
consideration to proceed with t e purchase of Remme1e
Engineering's existing 68.5 acr s of undeveloped land
in the Monticello Township (zon d agricultural) based
upon the fair market appraisal ess selling costs in
the interest of job creation an for future engineering
benefits to the City of Montice' 10. The motion further
recommended to City Council for consideration the purchase
of the Me1 Wolters' undeveloped land in the Monticello
Township for future drainage an ponding site development,
and to avoid the possible incre se of future land acquisition
costs. The IDC will assist the City in marketing the Remme1e
68.5 acres to a speculative 1an developer. The motion was
seconded by Dennis Taylor and p ssea 13-0.
Yeas: Arve Grimsmo
Dennis Taylor
Shelley Johnson
Don Smith
Rick Wolfste11er
Dave Peterson
Jay Morrell
Lowell Schrupp
Harvey Kendall
Dale Lungwitz
Ron Hoglund
John McVay
Ollie Koropchak
Nays: None