IDC Minutes 01-19-1989 . MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, January 19, 1989 - 7:00AM Ci ty Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Don Smith, L Ken Maus, Da Taylor, Ron Koropchak. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill 1. CALL TO ORDER. he11y Johnson, Vice Chairperson well Schrupp, Harvey Kendall, e Lungwitz, Linda Mielke, Dennis oglund, Arve Grimsmo, and Ollie Chairperson Shelly Johnson called the IDC meeting to order at 7:07AM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER 15, 1988 IDC MINUTES. Don Smith made a motion to IDC minutes, seconded by Ro further discussion the minu written. pprove the December 15th Hoglund and without es stand approved as . 3. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE FINAL DRAFT OF THE ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN EDA AND THE GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND GUIDELINES/POLICIES, I D THE RECOMMENDATION OF EDA BOARD MEMBERS. . Jeff O'Neill reported to th Pat Pelstring of Business D the authorization of an Eco participate as a limited pa by the Minnesota legislatur EDA to participate in deve1 the EDA will be exposed anI cash investment and/or quar as each individual transact implication on additional 0 potential ways to utilize t 1) real estate investment, 3) venture capital and/or e stated the limited partners for the EDA and the City Co ordinance within 21 days if attorney has a copy of the Monticello Enterprise Fund Arve Grimsmo made a motion of the EDA Ordinance and af a copy of the documents be days prior to the IDC's Feb was seconded by Lowell Schr passed unanimously. IDC that he had contacted Mr. ve10pment Services, Inc concerning omic Development Authority to tner. This provision was included to provide the opportunity for pment. As a limited partner, to the extent of its actual nty. This protects the EDA on would not have a direct future transactions. Three e limited partnership are ) equipment financing. and uity investment. Mr. O'Neill ip allows greater flexibility ncil may change the EDA so determined. The city DA Ordinance and the Greater olicies for review and opinion. o approve the preliminary draft er the city attorney's opinion ailed the IDC members several uary 16th meeting. Motion pp and with no further discussion . . . 3. CONTINUED. IDC Minutes - 1/19/89 Mr. O'Neill proceded to inf rm the IDC that the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund uidelines are the working document for the EDA. Lind Mielke, Mr. O'Neill, and Koropchak reviewed the poli ies and made small numerous changes in the policies. M. O'Neill highlighted the over-all guidelines for the IDC. Harvey Kendall made a motion to approve the pre iminary draft of the GMEF Guidelines with formal adop ion after the city attorney's review and opinion and upon verification of the use of the UDAG repayments. Mo ion was seconded by Dennis Taylor and without f rther discussion the motion carried unanimously. Korop hak explained the EDA Board will consist of seven membe, s, two of which are Council members appointed by the Co nil, and five members recommended by the IDC for approval by the City Council. The sub- committees recommendation TIor EDA members are Barb Schwientek, Hospital Executive Director; Bob Mosford, Certified Public Accountant; Al Larson, HRA Chairperson or Tom St. Hilaire, HRA meber; and two IDC members appointed by the IDC. Mr. Rick Borden had been contacted by the sub commit e prior to Bob Mosford but due to CPA work ethic as t e City's Auditors he declined. The IDC selected Al Larson because of HRA Chairperson. Ron Hoglund and Harvey Ken all volunteered to be on the EDA board representing the IDC. EDA Board members recommended to the City Co ncil are Ron Hoglund, Harvey Kendall, Barb Schwientek, ob Mosford, and Al Larson. Recommendation by consensu of the IDC. 4. CONSIDERATION TO ANALYZE T E 1988 IDC GOALS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE 1989 IDC GOALS. Chairperson Johnson outlin between the 1988 and 1989 subcommittee of Don Smith, Two important personal goa are G. To continue our st charges and rates ....... airport issue for Monticel at least ten industries or Smith made a motion to app recommended and with IDC a to be reviewed in July. n and with no further discus Chairperson Johnson thanke in establishing the d a comparison of changes and additions 'DC Goals as recommended by the Shelly Johnson and Ollie Koropchak. s of the IDC Chairperson for 1989 dy of sewer and water book-up nd P. To continue researching the o. The IDC reommended to visit businesses during 1989. Don ove the 1989 IDC Goals as ditions, inclusive of the goals Ie Lungwitz seconded the motion ion the motion carried unanimously. Don Smith for his valuable input nded goals. . IDC Minutes - 1/19/89 5. CONSIDERATION OF THE IDC Y AR END FINANCIAL REPORT AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PROPO ED 1989 IDC BUDGET. . . Koropchak presented the ID Financial Reports for the State Bank and Security Fi and a copy of the total co four years. Koropchak had submitted to Lowell Schrup for the portion due of the salary as a reduction alth Don Smith recommended the after Lowell Schrupp has c the EDD's salary billed th with copies of the Year End ccounts at the Wright County ancial Banking and Savings parisons for the previous shown the $15.541.93 statement by the City of Monticello Economic Development Director's ugh payment hasn't been made. DC accept the year end report ntacted Rick Wolfsteller regarding IDC to include or not include benefits. The IDC discussed the idea of establishing authorized co-signatures for all IDC inancia1 holdings on deposit to avoid any possible IDC mbarrassment. Treasurer Lowell Schrupp felt comfor able with the idea as it also protects himself and he in ormed the IDC that Ron Hoglund's name is currently on the a counts at both Wright County State Bank and Security Fi ancial however only one signature is required for transactio Koropchak verified with Rick Wolfsteller on his wi lingness to audit the IDe Financial Books annually. Mr. Wolfst ller agreed to do so. Ken Maus made a motion for the IDC to draft a resolution authorizing Lowell Schrupp, Ron Hoglund, and Shelly Johnson as eligible co-signatures naIl IDC financial holdings on deposit with the requir, ment of two signatures for any financial transaction. The motion included authorizing Rick Wolfsteller to audit 11 IDC Financial Books annually. The motion was seconded by Linda Mielke. with discussion to have the resolution dra ted for adoption at the next IDC meeting. 6. CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMEND D ADDITIONAL IDC MEMBERS. Ron Hoglund reported he ha, spoke to Dale Pogatchnik about IDC membership and Mr. Pog tchnik expressed an interest however Mr. Hoglund said hi 'd take Mr. Pogatchnik to lunch and confirm the decision. Don Smith reported he had membership and Mr. PetersQl Smith advised Koropchak to the responsibilities of an poke to Dave Peterson about IDC also expressed interest. Mr. contact Mr. Peterson to explain IDC member and to confirm his decision. It was suggested the IDC meet in the Council Chambers. IDC Minutes - 1/19/89 7. REPORTS. CUSTOM SHEET META - the last meeting between the owner and Kor: pchak indicated the remaining interest of the c' mpany to relocate to the Monticello Indust, ial Park. The company's financial needs a, e for package using TIF and the GMEF. Th owner plans to apply for both with a sprin' / summer construction. . . CONSTRUCTION FIVE the use of TIF fo sewer along the e which would allow proposed plan and set backs, green ruled the use of staff views the s potential mainten to the developer requested the HRA their rationale f was held with the why they felt thi The HRA approved of the storm sew~ Lane. City staff be completed ther such a study at t - The City Council having denied the installation of the storm sterly boundary of Outlot A Construction to construct the meet the requirements of city pace and parking. The Council IF as undesirable because city orm sewer installation as a nce detriment. Upon notification f the Council's decision. they meet with them and again hear r the use of TIF. This meeting developer listing eleven reasons was an acceptable use of TIF. he use of TIF for the installation along Outlot A and along Lauring is requesting a feasibility study fore the Council needs to authorize e next Council meeting. GENEREUX - Koropc' ak requested the IDC complete confidentiality olf this company and expressed the company has n t contacted either Jeff O'Neill or Koropchak. BONDHUS CORPORAT]ON - Koropchak reported she had been contacted by the company of their planned small summer expa sion which includes additional jobs and the company requests the support of the IDC as they see t e potential need for a conditional use permit. SUNNY FRESH FOODS, INC. - Indicated disatisfaction with the city staff response of a written request to why the interruption of water services, a costly item for the company. . IDe Minutes - 1/19/89 . 8. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE F THE LOCAL AIRPORT. Harvey Kendall expressed th t Jim Holloway indicated to him the request for the City to sno plow the airport which needs Council approval. Jeff O'N ill informed the IDC that he contacted Ron Lloyd at MNDO Aeronautic Division for the City to receive State or Fe eral funding the airport can't be privately owned. onsideration of selling the airport to the city at reasonable price is foreseeable by the current owner who in icates option of additional land to the north by a willing ~el1er. Mr. Lloyd informed O'Neill that the study three years go indicated the present location was not a good site because of the need for ~ 2200 foot clearance at both ends of a 3500 foot runway. 40-1 ratio. and northwest1y to southeastly runway. The first need would be proper zoning. Arve Grimsmo asked Harvey Kendall how m ch land NSP owned over toward Becker. Mr. Kendall wasn't sure. Chairperson Johnson expressed his concern of t e importance of an airport for continued development of t is area. Mr. O'Neill is to continue with the research for an airport expansion. 9. OTHER BUSINESS. . Arve Grimsmo informed the close their Lake Street of a northwest location of th of a major distribution ce 10. ADJOURNMENT. DC of Sears Roebucks plans to ice/store and are looking at Metro area for the construction ter. The IDC adjourned by the c nsensus of the committee. Members absent at the meet ng were Rick Wolfstel1er. Jay Morrell. and Jim Kruge ~ \<cI\O~~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Secretary .