IDC Minutes 12-17-1987 . MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, December 17, 1987 - 7:00 A.M. City all Members Present: Chairperson Shelly Johns Wolfsteller, Joel Winkelm arvey Kendall, Vice-Chairperson n, Bud Schrupp, Arve Grimsmo, Rick Dale Lungwitz, Don Smith, Ron Hoglund, and Ollie Koropchak. Bruce Gagnelius. Members Absent: Jay Morrell Guests: Public Works Director John Simola and Building/Zoning Administrator Gary An erson. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Harvey Kendall called the IDC meeting to order at 7:12AM. . . 2. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 1 Ron Hoglund made a motion IDC Minutes, seconded by J dicussion the motion carri 3. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF T WATER AND SEWER RATES WITH John Simola gave a brief b water and sewer hook-up fu as outlined by City ordina. ments to the Wastewater Tr related equipment. Januar an increase to hook-up cha increased from 250 gallons to 250 gallons equals one increase for sewer hook-up didn't feel the two assump comparison because some co have the sewer treatment c usage, therefore, the fees suggested a comparison of , 1987 IDC MINUTES. o approve the November el Winkelman. With no d 10-0. 18, 1987 further E COMPARATIVE START-UP COSTS AND CITY STAFF MEMBERS. ckground on the origination of the d. Established in 1983, this money, ce, would be used for major improve- atment Plantcollection system and 12, 1987, the City Council approved ges and rates. Hook-up charges equals one unit @ $100.00 per unit nit @ $300.00 per unit. This only. Mr. Simola expressed he ions (examples used) were a fair parative Cities do not presently pacity to accommodate such high aren't comparable. Don Smith user industries. Questioned if the City would allow the Beverage Processing Company to have their own · ells and not use City water. Mr. Simola responded the City would work it out with the company at the appropriate time but would recommend the use of City water because we an guarantee safe water. At one time, the City subsidized the water and sewer charges by ad valorem taxes, however, at present is based on a usage rate which is comparably !ow with surrounding communities. The IDC views that hard t eories are hard to sell and the City may need to be more lexible to accommodate a financially sound company to locate i Monticello. What are the benefits for the future of our co unity? IDC Minutes - 12/17/87 . 3. CONTINUED. The negative image created by the choice of terminology, hook-up charges may be und r consideration to use trunk fees for a more posi ive effect. With the upcoming potentia it would be the recommenda for the project versus ass new city well and water tower, ion of the City staff to bond ssment.according to John Simola. Don Smith expressed the ne to be partners to develop to potential industrial de was the need to review the to the number of trees req an industry with a new 30, trees (2 inches in diamete d for the City staff and the IDC plan which presents real numbers elopers. Another issue addressed landscaping ordinance with regards ired. Is it realistic to require 00 sq ft facility to plant 30 6 inches above ground). . It was a general consensus among all in attendance that the sewer hook-up charges of $ 6,000.00 wss out of line and that the landscaping ordin nee may need some revision. The IDC's recommendation w s for City staff to propose a new sewer and water hook-up ra e system, to review and propose options for landscaping re uirements, to consider changing the name from hook-up char es to trunk fees, to consider new water rates based on ad vaiorem versus usage, and to consider as- sessment of truck fees ver us up-front payment. The IDC feels the City needs to become a better s 1es person. 4. ELECTION OF 1988 IDC OFFIC CHAIRPERSON, VICE-CHAIRPERSON, AND TREASURER. Before Shelly Johnson's ac eptance as nominee for Chairperson of the IDC, he asked Mr. K ndal1 to consider another term and expressed the good job done by the persons who had served as Chairperson prior to hi self. With Mr. Kendall wish to step down from office, Mr ohnson accepted the nomination. Don Smith accepted the off ce of Vice Chairperson with the understanding he would not .move up the ladder to Chairperson in 1989. Bud Schrupp acce ted another term as Treasurer. Dale Lungwitz made a motio to approve the nominations as accepted above for 1988 ID officers. Seconded by Arve Grimsmo, the motion carrie. By consensus of the IDC, Joel Winkelman became a permane t member of the IDC filling the position of John Bondhus. A motion made by Don Smith to invite the 1988 Chamber of Commerce President and Vice Presid- ent as members of the IDC based on their length of term. The Vice President being invited to create more continuity for the IDC. Motion was secon ed by Shelly Johnson and carried 10-0. Koropchak will contct Dan Carlson and Linda Mielke for acceptance to the motion. . IDC Minutes - 12/17/87 . 5. OTHER BUSINESS. Dale Lungwitz gave Koropch k a newspaper article from the St. Cloud Newspaper on Hut hinson Technology Incorporated search for an existing str cture to fit their expansion needs. Koropchak will con act the company. With the recommendations b to propose options for hoo also requested no recommen Council for Year 1988 until the options. the IDC for the City staff -up charges and rates, they ations be made to the City the IDC has a chance to review 6. ADJOURNMENT. By general consensus IDC, the meeting adjourned. QL((Q--U?__'- \~C1 0 QcQ&9- Ollie Koropchak ~ IDC Executive Secretary . .