Planning Commission Minutes 02-04-1992
Tuesday, February 4, 1992 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Dan McConnon, Richard Martie, John Bogart,
Richard Carlson, Cindy Lemm
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill, Bret Weiss
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dan McConnon at
7:07 p.m.
Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held
December 3, 1991. These minutes were already approved at the
January meeting. No action required.
Public Hearinq--Consideration of a resolution adopting
amendments to the City of Monticello Comprehensive Land Use-
Plan in conjunction with the Chelsea Area Land Use study.
Mr. Jeff 0' Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained that
included in the Planning Commission members' agenda packet was
the final report by Northwest Associated Consultants. 0' Neill
noted that concerns have been brought up within those by the
Industrial Development Committee and the Housing Redevelopment
Authority with the development of the north half of the Kline
property which is located in the township. These two bodies
would like to see this area preserved for industrial
development, as the planning study shows this area for medium
density residential use. O'Neill noted that a resolution has
been drafted in response to this concern.
Mr. 0' Neill explained that in a later agenda item, the
Planning Commission members will be asked to consider a
rezoning request by the Covenant Church for development of a
church within the proposed B-2 zoning near the intersection of
County Road 118 and Chelsea Road. This proposed rezoning
would ask that this piece be rezoned to 5 acres of business
campus zoning on the westerly portion of it. The center
portion to have the 5 acres PZM (performance zone mixed)
zoning to accommodate the church development with the
remaining 7 acres to the east being proposed to be left as B-2
(limited business zoning).
Mr. Steve Grittman, planner with Northwest Associated
Consultants, explained in detail the different aspects of the
report, and they are as follows:
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1 .
Physical Issues
A. Annexation
B. Transportation
C. Drainageway
D. Trail System
E. Utility Easement
2. Existing Zoning/Land Use
A. School Property
B. Heavy Industrial Uses
C. Light Industrial Land
D. Commercial Land
E. Agricultural Open Space
F. Residential Planned Unit Development
G. The Orderly Annexation Area
3. League Development Plan
A. Circulation Plan
a. 92nd Street NE Extension (School Boulevard)
. b. Frontage Road System
c. Termination of Thomas Park Drive
d. Fallon Avenue Overpass
e. County Road 118/Interstate 94 Interchange
4. Proposed Land Use
A. School Property
B. Heavy Industrial Land Uses
C. Light Industrial Land Uses
D. Commercial Land Uses
E. Medium/High Density Residential Land Uses
F. Single Family Land Uses
G. Residential Planned Unit Development
H. Special Sites
Mr. Bret Weiss, City Engineer, explained to the Planning
Commission that a storm water sewer study was done in
conjunction with the land use study. The storm water study
includes all of the area when its fully developed for the 100-
year flood event with a 1% chance of this lOQ-year flood event
Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the meeting for input from the
public. Mr. Duane Schultz, property owner of the Fingerhut
lease space building in the Thomas Park Addition, brought up
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concerns regarding changing the zoning from B-2 (limited
business) zoning to I-I (light industrial) zoning in the area
around his property. Mr. Steve Grittman explained that the
proposed change would enlarge the industrial zone into this
area and it would also limit the traffic with congestions at
the Chelsea Road/East Oakwood Drive intersection. Mr. Shultz
countered that the small lots in the Thomas Park development
would encourage smaller development with business uses rather
than industrial uses, which would require additional land or
grouping of lots to accommodate industrial type development.
Mr. Jay Morrell, owner of M & P Transport Company in the
Oakwood Industrial Park Addition, explained that industrial
I-2 (heavy industrial) zoning is limited as it exists today.
Previous planning had called for buffer zones around the heavy
industrial zoning, and now we are doing rezoning because of
the placement of the new elementary school in its close
proximity to the heavy industrial zoning. Mr. Morrell also
brought up concerns on the traffic. His company has 35 semi-
truck tractors coming in and out of his property every day.
Wi th the development of the school plus the residential
traffic that would be utilizing the new elementary school,
there may be a conflict with increased traffic. His concerns
were that traffic should dictate the proposed land use plans.
Mr. Jim Haglund, representing the Covenant Church, commented
that the proposed location for the church in the existing B-2
zone near the intersection of County Road lIB and Chelsea Road
was a much better place for a church than the areas being
proposed, the low areas where drainage ponds should take
Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing and
opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission members questioned whether the Thomas
Park zoning should be changed or if it should be left the way
it is.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission
members, a motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by
Jon Bogart to adopt the resolution accepting the planning
report and adopting the report as a comprehensive plan
amendment document. Motion carried unanimously.
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Public Hearinq--Consideration of establishing a Business
Campus zoninq district which provides for establishment of
limited liqht industrial business offices, limited liqht
manufacturinq, wholesale showrooms, retail uses in an
environment which provides a high level of amenities,
includinq landscapinq, preservation of natural features,
architectural controls, and other features.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained the
proposed business campus district zoning and the uses that
would be allowed within this new zoning district. Mr. Steve
Grittman, planner with Northwest Associated Consultants,
explained that this is a slightly upscale type of zoning. The
zoning uses are consistent with the uses allowed in an I-I
zoning and would allow for a development complementary to new
projects that were constructed, the Remmele and Tapper
building projects. This type of zoning would allow
development in a campus-like setting.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the meeting for input
from the public. Mr. McConnon then closed the public hearing
and opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission.
There being no input from the Planning Commission, a motion
was made by Cindy Lemm and seconded by Richard Martie to
approve the establishment of a business campus zoning
district. The Planning Commission finds that establishment of
the BC zoning district is consistent with the comprehensive
plan amendment. The motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearinq--Consideration of approvinq amendments to the
zoninq map of Monticello proposed in con1unction with the
Chelsea Area Planning Study. Applicant, City of Monticello.
Mr. Jeff O' Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained the three
areas that were proposed to be rezoned, and they are as
A. The Thomas Park Addition rezoned from B-2 (limited
business) to 1-1 (light industrial zoning).
The major portion of land lying east of Fallon Avenue
from I-I (light industrial), B-2 (limited business), and
B-3 (highway business) to BC (business campus) zoning.
The land northwest of the intersection of County Road 118
and Chelsea Road rezoned from B-3 (highway business) to
B-2 (limited business).
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Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the meeting for input from the
Duane Schultz, owner of the Fingerhut leased space building,
objected to the 1-1 zoning of the Thomas Park Addition in
which this building is located. There has been a substantial
investment by his firm in this property, and it is taxed
accordingly. He fears allowing light industrial zoning into
that area could diminish the value of his property. It was
noted to him by O'Neill that the site standards for 1-1 and
B-2 uses are the same.
Mr. Jay Morrell questioned the BC (business campus) zoning
uses. It was explained to Mr. Morrell that the business uses
are the same as what is in 1-1 zoning only more restrictive
archi tectural controls. Morrell stated he had no problem with
the proposal.
Chairperson Dan Mcconnon closed the public hearing and opened
the meeting for input from the Planning Commission members.
Concerns were addressed by the Planning Commission members and
a suggestion to table the Thomas Park rezoning was made at
this time.
With no further input from the Planning Commission, a motion
was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Jon Bogart to
approve amendments to the zoning map of Monticello proposed in
conjunction with the Chelsea Area Planning study. The motion
to adopt the zoning map changes based on the finding that the
zoning map amendments are consistent with the Comprehensive
Plan amendment. Planning Commission members would like to
have the Thomas Park rezoning area tabled until the next
regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday,
March 3, 1992. The motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearinq--Consideration of request to rezone a l2-acre
portion of Auditor's Subdivision, Lot 17, from B-3 (highway
business) to a combination of PZM (performance zone mixed - 5
acres) and B-2 (limited business - 7 acres). Applicant,
Evangelical Covenant Church.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained the
Covenant Church's request at the suggestion of the City
Council to come up with some additional land to increase the
land area to be purchased and also to push the proposed church
facility and the rezoning farther east along Chelsea Road.
O'Neill explained that the proposed zoning, which was rezoned
from B-3 (highway business) to B-2 (limited business) zoning
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in a previous agenda item, deals with a total of approximately
17 acres of land. The zoning as proposed by the Covenant
Church would encompass the westerly most portion of the 5
acres to become rezoned to BC (business campus) zoning, the
center 5 acres to be rezoned from B-2 (limited business) to
PZM (performance zone mixed) zoning to accommodate the church
development, and the remaining easterly 7 acres to be left as
B-2 zoning.
Mr. Steve Gri ttman explained that if the rezoning was to
occur, it would be as presented by the Covenant Church, and it
would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the meeting for input
from the public.
Mr. Jim Haglund, Covenant Church Development Coordinator,
showed the Planning Commission a copy of the proposed zoning
for the land development of the easterly 12 acres of land.
Wi thin this development he showed a 5-acre piece for PZM
zoning to accommodate the church facility, and the remaining
easterly 7 acres would be subdivided into four lots consisting
of over one acre per piece, with a road coming in to service
the church from this proposed subdivision to create the B-2
Pastor Mick scott explained that a church facility is
appropriate in this type of zone, as it meets the church
needs, it moved back with the location far enough from County
Road 118, and as their plan shows would accommodate four lots
to be developed as B-2 zoning.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing and
opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission.
Mr. Bret Weiss, City Engineer, explained that MN/DOT may be
interested in an exit ramp at County Road 118. He indicated
that there are funds available for highway development.
There was discussion among Planning Commission members with
some feeling that it definitely wasn't an appropriate use of
the existing B-2 zoning for the location of a church facility
and that there are other areas within the community that have
the proper zoning to accommodate a church facility. A couple
of Planning Commission members felt that this might be an
appropriate use for the development of a church if this site
were further removed from the intersection of County Road 118
and Chelsea Road.
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Therefore, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by
Richard Carlson to deny the proposed zoning request based on
previous following findings:
1. Commercial uses displaced by the church cannot be
relocated without encroaching on residential areas.
2. Development of a church imbedded between commercial and
industrial uses is not desirable.
3. The best use for the property is for commercial use
because of the proximity to the freeway and due to its
separation from residential uses.
4. The B-3 property remaining at the corner (7 acres) after
the rezoning is insufficient to satisfy long-term demand
for commercial land in the area.
5. The need for the rezoning has not been sufficiently
demonstrated, as other land is available for this type of
The motion carried. Voting in favor: Richard Martie, Richard
Carlson, and Jon Bogart. Voting against: Dan McConnon and
Cindy Lemm.
7. Public Hearinq--Consideration of a variance request to allow
construction of a buildinq addition within the rear and side
yard setback requirements. Applicant, Michael and Kathleen
Mr. Jeff 0' Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained the
Froslies' request to be allowed to construct a building
addition within 15 feet of the rear yard setback and to within
1 foot of the side yard setback requirement. The building
when constructed in the early 1980's was allowed to be built
within 15 feet of the rear property line.
Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the meeting for input from the
Kathleen Froslie indicated she would like to extend up to the
side property line with the construction of the building
addition and come forward to allow the construction of her
building addition. She felt that it would be an appropriate
use, and that there wouldn't be any problem with building the
addition within the side yard setback, as there is only a
dumpster there and would not interrupt any part of garbage
pick up in the Dairy Queen dumpster area.
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Chairperson Dan McConnon closed the public hearing and opened
the meeting for input from the Planning Commission.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission
members, a motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by
Cindy Lemm to approve the variance request to allow a building
addition to be constructed within IS feet of the rear yard of
the property and to deny the variance request to allow the
building addition to be constructed within 0 feet of the side
yard property line.
Reason for approval of the variance was that the building when
constructed in the early 1980' s was already allowed to be
constructed within 15 feet of the rear property line;
therefore, to make the building addition come within the
minimum setback requirement now would be too much of a burden,
and it would look out of place with the development of the
proposed addition.
Reason for denial of the side yard variance is that there
would not be sufficient room to accommodate movement between
the dumpster area and the proposed building addition. It
would not allow sufficient room to accommodate grading of the
property from the building addition to the side property line
and to accommodate drainage around the building. No hardship
had been demonstrated. The motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearinq--Consideration of adoptinq an ordinance
amendment to Section 12-2 of the City of Monticello Zoning
Ordinance which would allow a convenience store to operate as
a permitted use in a B-2 zone. Applicant, City of Monticello.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to the
Planning Commission and the public that when the City Council
approved the zoning ordinance amendment change to allow a
convenience store in a B-1 zone as a conditional use, it
inadvertently eliminated the permitted uses in a B-1 zone
which state that the permitted uses in a B-1 zone are also
permitted in a B-2 zone.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the meeting for input
from the public. There being no input from the public,
Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing.
There being no further comments from the Planning Commission
members, a motion was made by Cindy Lemm and seconded by Dan
McConnon to adopt the amendment to section 12-2 of the City of
Monticello Zoning Ordinance which would allow a convenience
store to operate as a permitted use in a B-2 zone. Approval
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of the ordinance amendment is based on the finding that it was
not the Monticello City Council's intent to eliminate the
convenience store from the B-2 zone. Motion carried
9. Review Cardinal Hills Development Sketch Plan.
Mr. Jeff 0' Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained the
proposed sketch plan review of the Cardinal Hills residential
development. Mr. 0' Neill explained to the Planning Commission
members the City Staff's concerns with the review. They are
as follows:
1. Park Land Development. The total acreage of the plat is
109.09 acres of which 10% of the land area is to be
dedicated to park land development. This would amount to
approximately 11 acres of land for park land dedication.
The developers are proposing a small portion of land for
park land development. They are asking for consideration
of land to be used for proposed ponding areas be also
considered as park land dedication.
With the layout of the development along the proposed new
street to the north of this development, that being
School Boulevard, we still end up with some lots that are
double fronting.
3. The proposed ponding areas that are being created caused
concerns on who is to maintain them because the lot lines
go straight through them. Are they going to be allowed
to store things within the ponding areas if the water
level is low, how are these things to be addressed.
4. The other concern was the cul-de-sacs as laid out. Could
they possibly be eliminated in their entirety, as
existing cul-de-sacs in the City of Monticello are very
expensive to maintain, primarily in the snow removal
Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the meeting for input
from the public.
Mr. Steve Grittman, consulting planner with Northwest
Consul tants , commented on the development of cul-de-sacs
wi thin the proposed sketch plan. Cul-de-sacs are used as part
of development to accommodate additional sometimes larger
lots. With the accommodation of cul-de-sacs within a proposed
development, it does break up the usual layout of streets
being platted in a typical rectangular development. The
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development of cul-de-sacs is very expensive for the public
works department to maintain, especially in the snow removal
season. Cul-de-sac development within a residential
subdivision plat, if approved, may be determined by the City
Council that their design may outweigh the increased costs for
public works maintenance.
There being no further input from the public, Chairperson Dan
McConnon closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for
input from the Planning Commission members.
The Planning Commission members commented that the cul-de-sac
development might be needed to accommodate larger lots for
possible upscale housing within this development with no
guarantees from the developer that this may occur. The cul-
de-sacs presented are minimal in size and in total numbers
they have proposed within this plat.
Park land dedication should occur wi thin the area that is
proposed with possibly an increased area within this proposed
site to eliminate the number of lots with the back yards or
side yards abutting this park land.
Road development around the park should occur on at least two
sides as minimum, if possible, three sides of the park land
development should be surrounded by street access.
Consideration of additional park land dedication be considered
on the east portion of this plat as further phases get
developed, smaller areas be developed as this special use type
park development. Planning Commission members expressed their
comments and asked the developers to incorporate those
comments into their preliminary plat proposal.
10. It was the consensus of the five Planning Commission members
to set the next date of the Planning Commission meeting for
Tuesday, March 3, 1992, 7:00 p.m.
11. Meeting adjourned at 10:01 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Zoning Administrator
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