Planning Commission Minutes 03-04-1992
Wednesday, March 4, 1992 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Dan McConnon, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart,
Richard Carlson, Cindy Lemm
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill
1. The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairperson, Cindy
Lemm, at 7:07 p.m.
2. A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard
Carlson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held
January 7, 1992. Voting in favor: Jon Bogart, Richard
Carlson, Cindy Lemm. Abstaining: Richard Martie. Absent:
Dan McConnon.
3. A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie
to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held February 4,
1992. Motion carried unanimously.
Planning Commission Member Dan McConnon arrived for the Planning
Commission meeting.
Public Hearinq--A variance request to allow construction of a
warehouse building wi thin the front, rear, and side yard
setback requirements. Applicant, J.M. Oil company.
Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the public hearing.
Gary Anderson, Zoning Administrator, reviewed J.M. Oil
Company I s request to allow construction of a cold storage
warehouse building within the setback requirements. J.M. Oil
Company is proposing to remove their existing 16-foot X 38-
foot warehouse and loading dock structure and replace it with
a 38-foot X 50-foot warehouse/truck storage building.
The property is currently zoned 1-2 (heavy industrial), which
allows this type of warehouse/truck storage building
construction. The problem that exists with the Burlington
Northern Leased Property is the depth of the lots being only
100 feet. The minimum setback within the 1-2 zone is a 50-
foot front and rear yard setback requirements. Therefore, no
room is allowed for construction without an encroachment into
the front or rear yard setback requirement.
Mr. William Aydt, representing J.M. Oil Company, explained
that his existing bulk oil facility is in conformance with
state of Minnesota guidelines regulating his type of business.
However, by 1996, the existing bulk fuel tanks will have to be
removed from their existing location, a concrete block wall or
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poured concrete wall around the outside perimeter of the tanks
installed, and a new rubber liner installed in the area under
the tanks and inside the entire surrounding area of these
There being no further input from the public, Chairperson Dan
McConnon closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for
input from Planning Commission members.
Planning Commission members commented on the improvement of
this location with construction of a new warehouse facility,
which would put all exterior storage inside of this building.
Commission members also asked Mr. Aydt if he had considered
relocating to a new site.
Mr. Aydt responded that it would cost approximately $150,000
to relocate the existing tanks to a new site.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission
members, a motion was made by Cindy Lemm and seconded by
Richard Martie to table the variance request to allow the
consulting planner to review relocation possibilities versus
staying in the same zone with the possibility of establishing
a new zone within the Burlington Northern Leased Land area
with lesser building setback requirements. Motion carried
Public Hearinq--Consideration of approval of a preliminary
plat of phase II of the Cardinal Hills residential subdivision
plat. Applicant, Value Plus Homes.
Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the public hearing.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the
preliminary plat request of phase II of the Cardinal Hills
residential subdivision. Phase I I of the Cardinal Hills
subdivision is a 20-acre residential subdivision, which
includes development of two roadways and 50 residential lots.
There do not appear to be any conflicts between the
development of phase II of the Cardinal Hills subdivision and
the adjoining land uses.
The park dedication requirement for the entire 109-acre
development area is about 10.5 acres. The plan calls for
development of a 3-acre passive park area in phase II and a
.75-acre park in the east center portion of the plat to be
developed in a later phase. It is proposed by the developers
that the remaining 6.75 acres will be given to the City in the
form of a cash equivalent for park dedication.
O'Neill highlighted comments of the Parks Commission's
findings of the preliminary plat for phase II of Cardinal
Hills as follows:
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It was the consensus of the Parks Commission that
Value Plus Homes should strongly consider
establishing a housing mix and not limit their
entire project to low-end FHA homes.
2. The Parks Commission reviewed the sketch plan dated
2/10/92 and concluded that the park areas
identified were sufficient.
3. The Parks Commission finds that the park proposal
is acceptable, which includes approximately a 3-
acre park to the north and approximately a 1-acre
park to the east, with the remaining park
dedication requirement to be in the form of cash.
4. The wetland areas located on the southerly boundary
of the plat should be preserved as a nature area
for the enjoyment of the public and should not be
included in the calculations for the total park
land dedication. Easements should be obtained to
allow the general public to have access to this
wetland area.
Following were concerns brought up by the consulting planner:
The plat shows only a single access point with
phase I and phase II of the Cardinal Hills
subdivision. The staff should work with the
developers to acquire an easement for the second
access as proposed in phase III.
2. Consider Martin Drive, as it extends into phase II,
to come to a 90-degree intersection and then extend
north to School Boulevard.
3. Consider dedicating Block 1, Lot 3, for additional
park land dedication to increase the size of the
park dedication to just over 3 acres of land area.
4. Consider a sidewalk plan for future installation to
provide north/south access to School Boulevard.
5. Have the developers name the streets within
phase II.
The Public Works Director indicated that the Starling Drive
intersection of phase II as shown is less than a 90-degree
intersection. This intersection should be realigned to a 90-
degree angle.
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The wetland area located in the southerly portion of the
proposed preliminary plat should be left as a natural area and
preserved for that with future development south of this area
could be expanded to a larger nature area.
The developers questioned the need for the additional land
area for park dedication with Block 1, Lot 3, being
incorporated into the proposed park land dedication area. The
developers felt that they have dedicated to the City an area
of approximately just less than 3 acres in size, which is
probably the most prime area of park land dedication to be
dedicated to the City, with the land area for the park having
mature oak trees on it and being just less than 3 acres in
size, a park equal to the size of Ellison Park.
The developers indicated they are proposing a housing mix of
approximately 20% of the proposed 40 lots to be developed in
phase II, with the majority of the housing mix of these lots
to be developed with housing abutting the area of the park
land dedication.
There being no further input from the public, Chairperson Dan
McConnon then opened the meeting for input from the Planning
Commission members.
Concerns addressed by the Planning Commission members were the
area of the park land dedication. Some Planning Commission
members felt that the park land dedication should be left open
at this time to consider further park land dedication land at
some time in the future if needed with further phases of this
The developers countered that it's pretty hard to know where
you're at in the development of this entire property not
knowing if additional park land will be required as part of
future phases of this development.
Planning Commission members complimented Mr. Dennis Taylor,
Taylor Land Surveyors, on his layout of this development.
The proposed alignment of the intersection of Starling Drive
should have no problem being realigned at a 90-degree angle.
The City should require easements for the second access in
case the developers of phase II should not be able to meet
their obligations. Staff is requested to have Consulting
Engineer, Bret Weiss, take a look at all the land surrounding
the pond for the 100-year event and beyond the 100-year event.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission
members, a motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Cindy
Lemm to approve the preliminary plat of phase II of the
Cardinal Hills residential subdivision with the following
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The City of Monticello is to receive a temporary
easement for street purposes for a second access to
School Boulevard.
2. Future phases should be designed to allow public
access to the wetland area.
3. The City of Monticello accept the park land
dedication with phase II with no additional money
for park land dedication required at this time.
Motion carried unanimously.
6. Public Hearinq--A rezoninq request to rezone an unplatted
tract of land to be platted as phase II, Cardinal Hills
residential subdivision, from AO (aqriculture-open space) to
R-I (sinqle family residential) zoning. Applicant, Value Plus
Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the public hearing.
Jeff O'Neill explained that the proposed rezoning request is
for phase II only of Cardinal Hills subdivision plat.
There being no input from the public, Chairperson Dan McConnon
then opened the meeting for further input from the Planning
Commission members.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission
members, a motion was made by Cindy Lemm and seconded by Jon
Bogart to approve the request to rezone phase I I of the
Cardinal Hills residential subdivision from AO (agriculture-
open space) to R-l (single family residential) uses. Rezoning
of said property is contingent upon the completion of the land
subdivision process. Motion to recommend approval of said
rezoning is based on the finding that the rezoning request is
consistent with the comprehensive plan for the City of
Monticello and is consistent with the subdivision policies
contained within the comprehensive plan. Motion carried
7. Consideration of approving amendments to the zoning map of
Monticello proposed in conjunction with the Chelsea Area
Planning Study chanqinq the Thomas Park area zoninq from B-2
(limited business) to I-I (liqht industrial).
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained the proposed
rezoning of the Thomas Park area from B-2 (limited business)
to I-I (light industrial) zoning as part of the review
completed in conjunction with the Chelsea area corridor study.
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Upon further review by the City staff, the consensus is that
the property should remain as it currently exists as B-2
(limited business).
There being no further comments from the Planning Commission
members, the City of Monticello withdrew its request for the
rezoning of this area.
1. Consideration of a resolution adopting amendments to the City
of Monticello Comprehensive Land Use Plan in conjunction with
the Chelsea Area Land Use Study. Applicant, City of
Monticello. Council action: Approved as per Planning
Commission recommendation.
2. Consideration of approving amendments to the zoning map of
Monticello proposed in conjunction with the Chelsea Area
Planning Study. Applicant, City of Monticello. Council
action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation.
Consideration of establishing a business campus zoning
district which provides for establishment of limited light
industrial business offices, limited light manufacturing,
wholesale showrooms, retail uses in an environment which
provides a high level of amenities, including landscaping,
preservation of other natural features, architectural
controls, and other features. Applicant, City of Monticello.
Council action: Approved as per Planning Commission
4. Consideration of a request to rezone a l2-acre portion of
Auditor's Subdivision, Lot 17, from B-3 (highway business) to
a combination of PZM (performance zone mixed - 5 acres) and B-
2 (limited business 7 acres). Applicant, Evangelical
Covenant Church. Council action: Denied as per Planning
Commission recommendation.
Consideration of a variance
a building addition within
requirements. Applicant,
Council action: No action
come before them.
request to allow construction of
the rear and side yard setback
Michael and Kathleen Froslie.
required, as the request did not
6. Consideration of adopting an ordinance amendment to Section
12-2 of the City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance which would
allow a convenience store to operate as a permitted use in a
B-2 zone. Applicant, City of Monticello. Council action:
Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation.
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Review Cardinal Hills development sketch plan. Applicant,
Value Plus Homes. Council action: Recommendation follows the
Planning Commission recommendation to proceed with the
development of preliminary plat plans.
8. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission members to set
Wednesday, April 8, 1992, 7:00 p.m., as the next tentative
date for the Planning Commission meeting.
Mr. Dan Gassler, Pastor of A Glorious Church, explained to Planning
Commission members a proposal that will be coming before them at
their next regularly scheduled meeting for use of an existing
building in the Oakwood Industrial Park for a church facility.
9. A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard
Carlson to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
. Zoning Administrator
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