Planning Commission Minutes 04-08-1992
Wednesday, April 8, 1992 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson,
Cindy Lemm
Members Absent:
Dan McConnon
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill
The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairperson, Cindy
Lemm, at 7:00 p.m.
A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard
Carlson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held
March 4, 1992. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing--A variance request to allow construction of a
house and qaraqe on a lot with less than the minimum lot
square footage. Applicant, Ed Kruse.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained that upon
further research of the ordinance, it was found that an
existing lot of record can be built upon if it is 75% of the
required minimum lot size. The minimum lot size was
10,890 sq ft, and Mr. Kruse's lot is more than 75% of the lot
square footage at 8,168 sq ft. Therefore, no variance is
Public Hearinq--A conditional use request to expand a bowling
alley facility in an I-I (light industrial) zone. Applicant,
Al Joyner.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill reviewed Mr. Joyner's request
to expand the use at his existing bowling alley facility for
two volleyball courts with a deck between them. The decks
will be connected to the entrance of the building and will be
used as a lounge/eating area and viewing area for the
volleyball activities. Surrounding the volleyball courts will
be a 6-foot high wood fence with a net extension attached.
According to the zoning ordinance, the expansion/
intensification of a non-conforming use cannot be allowed
without the facility being brought into conformance with the
zoning ordinance. Mr. Joyner's site has a sign system which
exceeds the maximum sign square footage allowed and also has
a temporary sign that may be construed as a pylon sign not
being supported on a permanent lean post or post. The
landscaping for the entire site also needs to be brought into
Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing.
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Mr. Joyner commented on the landscaping requirements being too
excessive with a tree size of 2-1/2" in diameter, as these are
very large and expensive trees. Mr. Joyner stated he is
willing to plant trees but not of that size. Mr. Joyner asked
that Planning Commission members review his request to expand
the bowling alley facility later in the meeting, as there were
other people in attendance to have their matters heard, and he
did want to interrupt the meeting process and asked to have
the Planning Commission members consider his request later in
the agenda.
Public Hearinq--A conditional use request to allow auto body
repair shop in a B-3 (hiqhway business) zone. Applicant, John
Gary Anderson, Zoning Administrator, explained Mr. Johnson's
request to construct a building with an auto body related use,
but it would be of the nature of an automobile detailing shop,
one that installs pin striping on automobiles, sun roofs,
visors, and other auto accessory related items. Gary Anderson
reviewed the ten conditions associated with the conditional
use permit. Mr. Johnson indicated that the site would comply
with all ten conditions.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the public
Mr. Jeffrey Wallace, partner in the new Hart Memorial Clinic
project just north of this proposed project site, explained
that he was not opposed to the project but wanted the minimum
requirements of the ordinance to be met with no variances or
deviations from the ordinance with this request.
O'Neill further reiterated to the public that Mr. Johnson was
intending to develop it according to the minimum requirements
of the ordinance, which includes the ten conditions that are
listed under the conditional use permit.
Mr. Johnson addressed the building's location on the proposed
si te, with the walls of the proposed building to be vinyl
siding and a breakup of vinyl siding with other sidings so as
not to be dissimilar with the other buildings that have been
constructed in this area.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing
and asked for further comments from Planning Commission
Commission members felt that the proposed use, even though it
is less than what the use would be if there was an auto body
repair shop there, had been thoroughly reviewed previously,
and the ordinance amendment, along with the ten conditions, is
very appropriate for this use also.
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There being no further input from the Planning Commission, a
motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard
Carlson to approve the conditional use request to allow auto
body repair shop in a B-3 (highway business) zone. Motion is
to include that the applicant develop his site according to
all ten conditions included under the conditional use permit
with an additional condition that approval is for Parcel B
only. Motion is based on the finding that the proposed
development is consistent with the character of the B-3
district. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearinq--A request for an ordinance amendment
private retractable antenna tower to be allowed
condi tional use in a PZM (performance ZOne mixed)
Applicant, Tom Ware.
to add
as a
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed Tom Ware's
request to construct a retractable antenna tower, which he
uses for short wave (ham) radio operation. Mr. Ware currently
operates a ham radio station at his home on the shores of Big
Eagle Lake. 0' Neill showed a video tape of the site where the
antenna tower is presently located for the purpose of
providing the Planning Commission with perspective on how it
might look at the proposed site.
O'Neill explained the conditions that would be applicable in
an ordinance amendment which would allow as a conditional use
radios, antennas, and other communication transmission devices
provided they meet nine conditions. O'Neill reviewed each
condition in his presentation.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the public
Tom Ware explained that he is proposing to purchase a house
near the Monticello Public Works facility and move his
existing radio antenna tower to this site. Prior to
purchasing the property, Mr. Ware would like to go through the
ordinance amendment process and conditional use process prior
to purchasing the home.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing
and opened the meeting for further input from the Planning
Commission members.
Commission members discussed the proposed location of the
antenna, the antenna maximum height of 58 feet, and if the
antenna should fall that it wouldn't fall onto neighboring
properties. The likelihood of the antenna being fully
elevated during a storm in which it could fall is highly
unlikely, as the antenna is retracted during severe weather.
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Commission members also were concerned about the ladder which
is mounted on the antenna tower.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission
members, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by
Jon Bogart to approve the zoning ordinance amendment allowing
radio antennas and other communication transmission devices to
be allowed in a PZM zone as a conditional use. The motion is
based on the finding that the proposed use in the PZM zone is
consistent with the character and geography of the PZM zone,
and there is a demonstrated need for such use. Motion carried
7. Public Hearinq--A conditional use request to allow a private
retractable antenna tower to be allowed in a PZM (performance
zone mixed) zone. Applicant, Tom Ware.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill explained that most of the
information was given in the previous agenda item. Since the
Planning Commission members have approved the ordinance
amendment, they must now consider Mr. Ware's conditional use
permit request.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the public
Mr. Ware commented that he would build a screening fence
around the tower and would also install a lock on the gate to
enter the fenced-in area, but he would like to have the
location near his house. He also would like the tower ladder
left down and leaned against the tower permanently.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing
and opened the meeting for further input from the Planning
Commission members.
Planning Commission members felt uncomfortable with the ladder
being left permanently rested against the antenna tower and
also felt uncomfortable with the proposed location on the lot.
There being no further input from Planning Commission members,
a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Jon Bogart
to approve the conditional use permit allowing development of
a 58-foot retractable radio antenna in a PZM zone. The motion
is based on the finding that the proposed radio tower
structure and operation is consistent with the conditions as
required by ordinance; therefore, the request should be
approved. The following conditions were also attached to the
existing conditions as listed in the ordinance amendment:
The area of the antenna tower is to be fenced in
with a 100% opaque screening fence with a locked
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The ladder is to be removed from the antenna tower
when it is not being used to service or maintain
the tower.
Motion carried unanimously.
Planning Commission members reviewed briefly the applicants'
preliminary plans. At the recommendation of Assistant
Administrator O'Neill, Planning Commission acted to table formal
consideration, as the preliminary plat information is not complete
and thoroughly reviewed by staff.
8. Public Hearing--A variance request to Section 20-2-C of the
Monticello Zoning Ordinance which requires that a planned unit
development include an area of at least 3 acres. Applicant,
Investors Together.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, opened the public hearing.
A motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Richard
Martie to continue the public hearing and table consideration
of the variance request to Section 20-2-C of the Monticello
Zoning Ordinance which requires a planned unit development to
include an area of at least 3 acres until the next regularly
scheduled meeting of May 5, 1992. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearinq--A replattinq request to subdivide Outlot A of
the East View residential subdivision. Applicant, Investors
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, opened the public hearing.
A motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Jon
Bogart to continue the public hearing and table the replatting
request to subdivide Outlot A of the East View residential
subdivision to their next regularly scheduled meeting on
May 5, 1992. Motion carried unanimously.
10. Public Hearinq--A conditional use request allowing a townhouse
development in an R-2 zone. Applicant, Investors Together.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, opened the public hearing and
asked for a motion from Planning Commission members.
A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Jon Bogart
to continue the public hearing and table the conditional use
request allowing a townhouse development in an R-2 zone until
the next regularly scheduled meeting on May 5, 1992. Motion
carried unanimously.
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11. Continued Public Hearinq--A variance request to allow
construction of a warehouse building within the front, rear,
and side yard setback requirements. Applicant, J .M. Oil
0' Neill updated Planning Commission members on the progress of
the finding that the site will probably be monitored for any
soil contamination prior to any action being taken. He will
report back to them with any further development at the next
regularly scheduled meeting. A motion was made by Jon Bogart
and seconded by Richard Carlson to continue the public
hearing. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearinq--A conditional use request to expand a bowling
alley facility in an I-1 (light industrial) zone. Applicant,
Al Joyner. continued from earlier in the meeting...
Planning Commission members discussed further Mr. Joyner's
request to allow expansion of his bowling alley facility.
Planning Commission members were concerned about full
requirement of the landscaping requirement in regard to the
number of trees that are to be planted. Mr. Joyner would be
requested--to plant a minimum of 36, 2-1/2" caliber overstory
trees. Planning Commission members felt that this is quite a
number of trees to be planted taking into consideration the
location of these trees on his proposed site given the small
magnitude of the intensification of use.
City staff recommended to Planning Commission members that
they could consider the option of requiring only 50% overs tory
trees with a combination of shrubs and other small plantings
to complement the other 50% tree planting requirement.
O'Neill put the site plan on the overhead projector and drew
some areas for tree locations and for planting of shrubs
around the fenced area of the proposed volleyball courts.
Public hearing was closed.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission
members, a motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by
Richard Martie to grant approval of the conditional use permit
request allowing expansion of a bowling alley in an I-1 zone
subject to the following conditions:
1. The facility must be brought into compliance with
the existing codes pertaining to signage and
The motion is based on the finding that the conditional use
permit as requested is consistent with the geography and
character of the area, and the development of the volleyball
courts will not depreciate the value of the adjoining
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properties. Planning Commission is comfortable with the
expansion of the facility; however, in keeping with the
ordinance, Planning Commission is requiring that the areas of
non-conformity be brought up to code with three additional
1. City staff is to work with Mr. Joyner to create a
landscaping plan which is equivalent to the 50%
overstory tree requirement.
2. The gate for the dumpster is to be refastened so it
can be closed.
3. The handicapped signage is to be changed in the
existing parking lot to a location near the east
entrance doors.
Motion carried unanimOUSly.
Additional Information Items
Discussion of a proposal for an ordinance amendment to allow
outdoor sales, minor repair, and major repair in a B-2
(limited business) zone. Applicant, Monticello Boat Works.
Assistant Administrator 0' Neill explained that a
representati ve of the applicant was not present. He explained
their proposal for an ordinance amendment for the next
regularly scheduled meeting in May. Their proposal is to be
allowed to operate a boat works facility in the existing zone.
This activity is not allowed in the B-2 zone. Various zoning
ordinance amendments would be required for this land use to be
legal. City staff will work with the representatives of the
Monticello Boat Works prior to their proposed public hearing
to be scheduled at the next regularly scheduled meeting on
May 5, 1992.
A variance request to allow construction of a warehouse
building within the front, rear, and side yard setback
requirements. Applicant, J.M. Oil Company. Council action:
No action required, as the request did not come before them.
Consideration of approval of a preliminary plat of phase II of
the Cardinal Hills residential subdivision plat. Applicant,
Value Plus Homes. Council action: Approved as per Planning
Commission recommendation.
A rezoning request to rezone an unplatted tract of land to be
platted as phase II, Cardinal Hills residential subdivision
plat, from AO (agriculture-open space) to R-1 (single family
residential) zoning. Applicant, Value Plus Homes. Council
action: No action required, as the request did not come
before them.
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Consideration of approving amendments to the zoning map of
Monticello proposed in conjunction with the Chelsea Area
Planning Study changing the Thomas Park area zoning from B-2
(limited business) to I-I (light industrial). Council action:
No action required, as the request did not come before them.
6. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission members to set
May 5, 1992, 7:00 p.m., as the next Monticello Planning
Commission meeting.
7. A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard
Carlson to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at
9:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gar And rson
Zoning Administrator
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