Planning Commission Minutes 06-02-1992 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 2, 1992 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dan McConnon, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Cindy Lemm, and Richard Carlson Members Absent: None Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill, Rick Wolfsteller, Bret Weiss, and John Simola 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dan McConnon at 7:03 p.m. 2. A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard Carlson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held May 5, 1992. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearinq--A variance request to allow a detached garaqe to be built within the rear and side yard setback requirements. Applicant, Dennis Doran. Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the public hearing. Dennis Doran was present to request a variance allowing a detached garage to be built within the side and rear yard setback requirements. Mr. Doran requested that the garage be placed within 5 feet of the side property line and 20 feet from the rear property line. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, played a video tape showing the location of the existing house on the site and the proposed location of the garage. Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission members. Planning Commission members found it difficult to define a hardship supporting his request. The information presented clearly indicated that a garage could be built within the setback requirements without a variance. A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to deny the variance request to allow construction of a detached garage within the rear and side yard setback requirements. Motion carried unanimously. Page 1 . Planning Commission Minutes - 6/2/92 Reason for denial: Applicant failed to demonstrate a hardship that would be created without the variance. 4. Public Hearinq--Consideration of amendinq the official zoninq map of the city of Monticello by rezoninq all of the Thomas Park subdivision and that part of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 lyinq southerly of 1-94 from B-2 (limited business) to 1-1 (liqht industrial). Applicant, City of Monticello Planninq Commission. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the proposed amendment to rezone all of the Thomas Park subdivision and part of an unplatted tract of land from B-2 to 1-1. He indicated that Pat Townsend, owner of Monti Motors, and Wayne Hoglund, owner of Hoglund Bus Company, would like to further develop their properties; but under the current B-2 zoning, they are not allowed to expand. Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the public hearing. Pat Townsend, owner of Monti Motors, commented that he would like the area rezoned to 1-1, which is what this area was zoned when he purchased it in 1985. . Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for further input from the Planning Commission members. A motion was made Richard Carlson and seconded by Richard Martie to approve the zoning ordinance amendment calling for rezoning of the Thomas Park area from B-2 to 1-1 uses. Motion is based on the finding that since the Thomas Park area is adjacent to an existing I-I zone and because it is not likely that B-2 uses will occur at this siet, it was concluded that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan, the geography and character of the area, and will not resul t in depreciation of adjoining land values. Motion carried unanimously. It is the Planning Commission's view that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the neighborhood. Rezoning this area will create a logical extension for the 1-1 zoning district to the south. Furthermore, the property housing Fingerhut will not necessarily be devalued by the proposed zoning. The office building in place is consistent with the I-I zone and will blend with 1-1 uses. The proposed rezoning is also consistent with the comprehensive plan, which shows commercial and light industrial development in this area. . Page 2 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 6/2/92 5. Public Hearing--A conditional use request to allow open and outdoor storage and open and outdoor sales as an accessory use in an I-I (light industrial) zone. Applicant, Monticello Boat Works. AND 6. Public Hearing--A variance request to allow an open and outdoor sales area to be more than the maximum 30% of the gross floor area of the principal use. Applicant, Monticello Boat Works. Jeff O'Neill reviewed Pat Townsend's (Monticello Boat Works) request to have outside storage and sales of boats, motors, trailers. He played a video tape of the site where Mr. Townsend proposes his outdoor storage and sales. The video also showed the land uses surrounding the site. O'Neill also highlighted the parking and landscaping requirements. Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the public hearing. Pat Townsend, part owner of Monticello Boat Works, explained the problem he has had with growing trees on his property. Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission members. The discussion amongst Planning Commission members centered around the need for the screening and minimum tree planting requirements. A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard Carlson to approve a conditional use permit allowing Monti Motors/Boat Works facility to operate in an I-I zone and grant a variance to the requirement that the outside sales area shall not exceed 30% of the floor area of the principal use. Motion is based on the finding that the proposed use is consistent with the requirements set forth in the zoning ordinance and as such, the operation of the site will not result in the depreciation of adjoining land values, and it is consistent with the geography and character of the area. Motion to approve the conditional use permit is subject to the applicant meeting the requirements noted by the ordinance. Specifically, proper screening of the storage area from the right-of-way must be accomplished. In addition to meeting the requirements noted by ordinance, the Planning Commission adds the following conditions: Page J . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 6/2/92 1. Plant 11 trees of a size consistent with code or 6 trees and landscape plantings. 2. No boat sales or storage in stalls reserved for parking. J. Stripe the parking lot. 4. No storage or repairs in unscreened areas--sales only--except the area in front of the overhead doors. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Public Hearinq--An ordinance amendment to Chapter 10-8 of the Monticello Zoninq Ordinance by includinq "qovernmental and public utility buildings" to be allowed as a conditional use in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. Applicant, City of Monticello Planning Commission. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the background of the proposed ordinance amendment. John Simola, Public Works Director, explained the existing conditions around the Monticello Public Works facility. Chairperson Dan McConnon reflected on the comments made in the Monticello City Council minutes by Councilmember Dan Blonigen as to the Planning Commission having no reason to review the si te plan. Mr. McConnon would like to make note in the June 2, 1992, Planning Commission meeting minutes that the request was brouqht, appropriately, to the Planninq Commission for their review and their comments whether or not the Council aqreed with them. It was his view that it was appropriate that the Planning Commission be involved in land use questions relating to the Public Works facility. Mr. Chris Holm, President of DKC Properties, asked when the conditional use request would be considered. It was stated that it would be considered in the following agenda item. Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission. There being no further input from the Planning Commission members, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard Carlson to approve an ordinance amendment which would allow "governmental and public utility buildings" to be allowed as a conditional use in a PZM zone. The motion is Page 4 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 6/2/92 based on the finding that the proposed conditional use and associated conditions are consistent with the purpose of the PZM zone. Allowing public buildings in the PZM zone will not tend to depreciate adjoining property values, and this type of use is consistent with the geography and character of the PZM zoning district. Voting in favor: Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson, Richard Martie, Dan McConnon. Opposed: Cindy Lemm. 9 . Public Hearinq--An ordinance amendment to Chapter 10-6 of the Monticello Zoninq Ordinance which identifies permitted uses in the PZM (performance zone mixed) zone by deleting or amendinq 10-6 r C 1, "Those uses that exist prior to the adoption of this chapter." Applicant, City of Monticello Planninq Commission. Jeff O'Neill noted that the current language allows all uses in place prior to adoption of the PZM district regulations to operate in the PZM zone as a permitted use. This is problematic because it would allow Ruff Auto to operate as a permitted use, which would enable Ruff Auto to expand its operation anywhere in the PZM zone. The amendment would eliminate the language that identifies Ruff Auto and other non-conforming uses as permitted uses. Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the public hearing. There being no comments from the public, Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission members. A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to approve an ordinance amendment abolishing Section 10-6 [C], "Those uses that exist prior to the adoption of this chapter." Motion is based on the finding that the current language is not consistent with the intent of the ordinance, as the literal interpretation of the language allows uses not consistent with the PZM zone purpose as permitted uses. Voting in favor: Jon Bogart, Richard Martie, Richard Carlson, Dan McConnon. Opposed: Cindy Lemm. 8. Public Hearing--Consideration of qrantinq a conditional use permit allowinq operation of a public utility facility in a PZM zone. Jeff O'Neill explained the changes that were made to the sketch plan previously reviewed by the Planning Commission. Page 5 Planning Commission Minutes - 6/2/92 . A. Fuel Dispensinq Tanks. Council felt that the tanks should remain in the proposed location. The area near the proposed fuel dispensing tanks will be screened with tree plantings and a security fence at or near the property line. B. Tree Requirement. The tree requirement for this site is 38 trees. There currently are 37 trees on the site, and 1 more tree is required. O'Neill then outlined the area where the proposed trees would be placed. C. Parkinq. At the present time, there is sufficient parking for each employee plus some additional parking. As part of the future phasing, existing parking will be removed and a new parking lot will be created. Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the public hearing. . Mr. Chris Holm, President of DKC Properties, stated his disgust with the proposed expansion of the Monticello Public Works facility. In his presentation, Holm highlighted several areas of concern such as improper notification to the public, screening, landscaping, and the overall appearance of the site as noted in the pictures he presented to Planning Commission members for their review. O'Neill noted that due to problems with the conditional use permit notice, formal consideration of the matter should be considered at a special meeting scheduled for June 15, 1992, at 6 p.m. A motion was made by Cindy Lemm and seconded by Jon Bogart to set a special meeting date for June 15, 1992, at 6 p.m., to consider granting a conditional use permit allowing operation of a public utility facility in a PZM zone. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Public Hearinq--A preliminary plat request entitled "Silver Fox" Commercial Subdivision to subdivide an existinq 6. 69-acre tract of unplatted land. Applicant, Ed and Arlys Larson. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the preliminary plat request. The preliminary plat wasn't completed in time for this public hearing, and O'Neill requested that the Planning Commission table this item until the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. . Page 6 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 6/2/92 A motion was made by Cindy Lemm and seconded by Richard Martie to table the preliminary plat request entitled "Silver Fox" Commercial Subdivision to subdivide an existing 6. 69-acre tract of unplatted land until the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting of July 7, 1992, at 7 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Continued Public Hearinq--A conditional use request to Section 20-2-C of the Monticello Zoninq Ordinance which requires that a planned unit development include an area of at least 3 acres. Applicant, Investors Together. AND 12. Continued Public Hearinq--A replattinq request to subdivide Outlot A of the East View residential subdivision. Applicant, Investors Toqether. AND 13. Continued Public Hearing--A conditional use request allowing a townhouse development in an R-2 zone. Applicant, Investors Toqether. Jeff O'Neill explained that the developers are still working on the changes as proposed by City Engineer, Bret Weiss. Planning Commission members were uncomfortable with the work being incomplete. These items have been tabled for several meetings. A motion was made by Cindy Lemm and seconded by Richard Martie to table item #11, a conditional use request to Section 20-2-C of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance which requires that a planned unit development include an area of at least 3 acres; item #12, a replatting request to subdivide Outlot A of the East View residential subdivision; and item #13, a conditional use request allowing a townhouse development in an R-2 zone. Motion carried unanimously. Additional Information Items 1. Public Hearing--A conditional use request to Section 20-2-C of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance which requires that a planned unit development include an area of at least 3 acres. Applicant, Investors Together. Council action: No action required, as the request did not come before them. 2. Public Hearing--A replatting request to subdivide Outlot A of the East View residential subdivision. Applicant, Investors Together. Council action: No action required, as the request did not come before them. Page 7 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 6/2/92 3. Public Hearing--A conditional use request allowing a townhouse development in an R-2 zone. Applicant, Investors Together. Council action: No action required, as the request did not come before them. 4. Consideration of calling a public hearing on rezoning the Thomas Park Drive area from B-2 to I-I zoning district designation. Applicant, Monti Motors and Hoglund Bus company. Council action: No action required, as the request did not come before them. 5. Consideration of application for a home occupation permit. Applicant, John Zavodnick. Council action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation. 6. Review site plan for the public works facility expansion project, consider calling for a public hearing on amendments to Section 10-6 [C] and 10-8 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Council action: Approved site plan review recommendation by Monticello Planning Commission with one exception--the location of the new fuel dispenser area to be left as is; approved calling for a public hearing as per Planning Commission recommendation. Consideration of setting a special Planning Commission meeting date for June 22, 1992, 6 p.m. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission members to set a special meeting date for June 22, 1992, beginning at 6 p.m. 8. Set the next regular meeting date for July 7, 1992, 7 p.m. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission members to set this as the next regular meeting date for the Planning Commission. 7. 9. A motion was made by Cindy Lemm and seconded by Richard Martie to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:33 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Gary~ erson Zoning Administrator Page 8