Planning Commission Minutes 06-15-1992 (Special Meeting) . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, June 15, 1992 - 6 p.m. Members Present: Richard Martie, Cindy Lemm, Richard Carlson Members Absent: Jon Bogart, Dan McConnon Staff Present: Gary Anderson; Jeff O'Neill; Rick Wolfsteller; John Simola; Bret Weiss, Consulting Engineer; and Paul Weingarden, City Attorney 1. The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, at 6:02 p.m. 2. Public Hearinq--Consideration of a conditional use permit which would allow a public utility building in a PZM zone. Applicant, City of Monticello. . Jeff 0' Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the background of the conditional use permit request to allow a public utility building in a PZM zone. He stated that the neighboring uses include the following: Immediately to the south of the building are three residential uses and a sheet metal shop, followed by a portion of Ruff Auto Parts. Immediately to the west is West Cello Apartments, a multi- family residential housing consisting of four 12-unit buildings. To the north of the property is the open green area for the Pinewood Elementary School. To the east is the railroad tracks and a single family house just beyond the tracks. The building proposed is to be a 15,000 sq ft vehicle cold storage facility with a sign shop near the southwest corner of the building. An outside fuel dispensing facility is located near the southeast property corner. The main entrance to the facility is southwest of the public works offices. Landscaping requirements state that the site must have a minimum of 37 overstory tree plantings. Currently on site there are many more than 36 tree plantings; however, some are smaller than required. If one counts two undersized trees as one, the net number of trees on the site is 36. O'Neill noted that the minimum number of trees (37) will be exceeded with the proposed tree planting screening along the west side of the property. The plantings along the west side and part of the north side to the fenced-in area will be 6-ft coniferous tree plantings planted in a staggered fashion in two rows 10 ft apart. . Completion of the existing security fence will surround the west side and a portion of the north side of the property to include the open storage area for the pole building facility located in the northwest corner. The fence along the south Page 1 Special Planning Commission Minutes - 6/15/92 . side of the property between the public works offices and the southwest corner of the property will include slats between the chain link fence. Hard surfacing and curbing are to be omitted along the east side of the new facility to allow existing surface water drainage between the new public works facility and the existing public works maintenance garage and also to allow phase II construction between these two buildings. If hard surfacing of this area is required with phase I, portions of it would have to be removed with phase II construction. Curbing on the south side of the building south of the existing off-street employee parking spaces will also be omitted at this time and will be installed as part of phase II expansion. Bret Weiss, Consulting Engineer, addressed the on-site drainage issues for this project. All drainage will occur on this site and will be disposed of through a pipe installed under the railroad tracks and through a culvert allowing surface water to be disposed of through a ditch system on the north side of the railroad tracks. The on-site and off-site drainage of this facility is being incorporated into the overall city drainage plan. . John Simola, Public Works Director, the existing buildings on the relationship to the proposed cold constructed as part of phase I. explained the location of public works site in storage facility to be Phase II will include construction of a salt shed near the northeast corner of the proposed cold storage facility, with a washing room facility constructed between the existing public works maintenance garage and the new cold storage facility. Phase II will also include construction of meeting facili ties and restroom facilities south of the existing public works garage near the southeast corner. Phase III may include the construction of a building between the existing public works garage and the existing office building. Part of the office building may be removed. Simola also explained the proposed gravel storage area with a gravel surface. This proposed area is at times needed for storage of gravel fill material during city projects and granite chips used as part of sealcoating projects. O'Neill explained the ordinance requirements, which include the following four conditions: . 1. Conformi ty with the surrounding neighborhood is maintained, and required setbacks and side yard requirements are met. Page 2 Special Planning Commission Minutes - 6/IS/92 . 2. Adequate screening from neighboring uses landscaping are provided in accordance Chapter 3, Section 2, of this ordinance. and with 3. The facility must have direct access to a county and city/state aid highway. 4. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. O'Neill read portions of a letter received from County Assessor, Doug Gruber, indicating that if the public works facility is constructed and screened as shown on the plans, there should be no adverse effect on the neighboring single family uses. When considering an ordinance amendment, five items shall be considered as follows: 1) consistency with the comprehensive plan; 2) the geographical area involved; 3) the character of the surrounding area; 4) whether such use will tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed; and 5) the demonstrated need for such use. Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the public hearing. . Mrs. Christie DeMars of 103 Golf Course Road explained that she received a letter from Chris Holm addressing issues of concern as a home owner in regard to the proposed public works facility. Mrs. DeMars stated that, as a home owner, she was in favor of the proposed use of the property. It is consistent with what has been done there in the past, and the City is a good neighbor to her property, which is located two houses and the apartment complex awawy from the public works facility. Mr. Chris Holm, owner of the West Cello Apartments, addressed the following issues: 1. The increase from approximately 11,300 sq ft of building area to approximately 21,000 sq ft of building area. He clearly indicated the site was too small to serve the needs of the city as it continues to grow. 2. Holm stated that there is some site cleanup that is needed; but why not move the building site farther away from his residential multi-family use? Why does it have to be at the proposed location? . Page 3 Special Planning Commission Minutes - 6/15/92 . 3. After meeting with John Simola and Jeff 0' Neill, the site is proposed to be screened, but he indicated that more trees need to be planted. 4. He is currently having an appraisal done of his property for refinancing; and if the appraisal shows that his property is reduced in value due to the expansion of the public works facility, he will sue the City for lost value to his property. Mr. Willard Jensen, a Country Club Manor resident, stated that the site is much too small for expansion to meet the needs of the city as it grows. He also stated that there is too much traffic on Golf Course Road with the speed that is posted, and the speed limit is exceeded more than it is complied with. Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission members. A motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Richard Martie to approve the conditional use permit based on the following findings: 1. The proposed conditional use permit is consistent with the purpose of the PZM district, which is to provide a land use transition between high density residential land uses and low intensity business land uses. . 2. The site plan, which includes extensive screening, landscaping, direct access to county and city/state aid highways, and separation from R-l and R-2 uses, is found to be consistent with the stated purpose of the PZM zone. 3. The present mix of the uses in the PZM district at this location is compatible with the proposed conditional use, and the proposed conditional use is consistent with the geography and character of the area. The proposed site is sufficiently separate from single family residential areas and is centrally located so as to provide ease of access to all areas of the city which will be serviced by the facility. 4. The conditional use proposed will not depreciate the area in which it is proposed, as it will be an improvement to what was once a permitted use, which will enable the City to store vehicles inside which would otherwise remain outside, and will be aesthetically pleasing. . Page 4 Special Planning Commission Minutes - 6/15/92 . 5. The use of the present site has grown so as to render the existing buildings inadequate for the stated purpose and, therefore, requires expansion. The need for a public works building in a city the size of Monticello is obvious. 6. The conditional use is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 7. The proposed site meets the requirements as outlined by city ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearinq--Consideration of a variance to the curbinq and hard surfacinq requirement. Applicant, City of Monticello. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the variance request from the concrete curbing and hard surfacing requirements in certain areas. O'Neill outlined the areas where there would be no hard surfacing or curbing at this time and the areas where the curbing and hard surfacing will be installed as part of phase II. He also showed an area where there will be no curbing installed at this time or in future phases. . Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the public hearing. There being no input from the public, the public hearing was closed, and the meeting was opened for further comments from the Planning Commission members. There being no further comments from the Planning Commission members, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard Carlson to approve the variance request to allow no curbing or hard surfacing in certain areas of the public works facility site. Motion is based on the finding that the proposed variance will not 1) impair an adequate supply of light and air to the adjacent property; 2) unreasonably increase the congestion in the public street; 3) increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety; or 4) unreasonably diminish or impair established property values within the neighborhood or in any other way be contrary to the intent of the ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. . Page 5 . . . Special Planning Commission Minutes - 6/15/92 4. Consideration of the preliminary plat of the Battle Rapids residential subdivision. Consideration of a conditional use permi t allowinq development of a townhome in an R-2 zone. Consideration of a variance request to the requirement that a PUD be of at least 3 acres. Applicant, Investors Toqether. Jeff 0' Neill, Assistant Administrator, suggested that, because it was after 7 o'clock and the City Council meeting was scheduled to be begin at 7 p.m., Planning Commission table item #4. A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard Carlson to table the preliminary plat of the Battle Rapids residential subdivision, to table consideration of a conditional use permit allowing development of a townhome in an R-2 zone, and to table consideration of a variance request to the requirement that a PUD be of at least 3 acres. Motion carried unanimously. 5. A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard Carlson to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ga:f~~ Zoning Administrator Page 6