Planning Commission Minutes 06-22-1992 (Special Meeting)
Monday, June 22, 1992 - 6 p.m.
Members Present:
Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, and
Richard Carlson
Members Absent:
Dan McConnon
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill
1. The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairperson, Cindy
Lemm, at 6:02 p.m.
2. Consideration of approvinq preliminary plat of the Battle
Rapids subdivision. Applicant, Investors Toqether.
Jeff 0' Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the background
to the preliminary plat of the Battle Rapids residential
A. Gradinq and Drainage Plan. The developer's engineer to
sign off on the retaining wall.
Storm Sewer System. The storm sewer pipe overs~z~ng and
extension to the south property line is to be paid for by
the City of Monticello.
C. Townhouse Association. The agreement is forthcoming, as
it is to be similar to the MacArlund Plaza Townhouse
Association. It needs to be reviewed prior to final plat
D. Developers Agreement. Currently being finalized. It
will include grading/retaining wall performance bond.
E. Park Dedication. Park dedication requirements have
already been completed with the platting of the East View
F. Parking Area Screening. The parking area to the south is
to be screened from the view of the Peterson property.
The developers are to work with Mr. Peterson to come up
with a parking area screen that is acceptable to both
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the public
hearing. The developers are to post a bond to cover the costs
of the site grading, retaining wall, and screening
requirements. The retaining wall plans are to be signed off
by an engineer.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing
and asked for comments from the Planning Commission members.
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There being no further comments from the Planning Commission
members, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by
Richard Carlson to approve the preliminary plat contingent on
the following:
1. The preliminary plat should be amended to include
comments made by the City Engineer in his letter of
June 10, 1992. The final plat shall not be granted until
this item is complete.
2. The final plat will be contingent upon the completion of
a development agreement which would include the developer
providing a performance bond in an amount equal to
complete phase I site improvements as defined by the City
3. Final plat approval will be contingent upon preparation
and recording of townhouse association bylaws. Bylaws
must be consistent with the city ordinance governing
planned unit development bylaws.
4. An easement allowing the owner of the adjacent property
to the east to use the Battle Rapids drive area must be
recorded along with the final plat.
Final plat approval is contingent on the developer paying
Ci ty expenses in excess of the preliminary plat fee
(amount not known at this time).
Motion carried unanimously.
3. Consideration of a variance request allowinq development of a
PUD (townhome development) containinq an area of less than 3
acres. Applicant, Investors Toqether.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained that a
planned unit development must contain at least 3 acres. The
City Planner, David Licht, has recommended that the City grant
the variance to this provision and also consider deleting this
requirement from our ordinance.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the public
There being no input from the public, Acting Chairperson,
Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing and opened the
meeting for discussion amongst Planning Commission members.
There being no further discussion, a motion was made by
Richard Martie and seconded by Jon Bogart to grant a variance
which would allow development of a PUD consisting of an area
less than 3 acres and authorize City staff to prepare an
amendment eliminating the requirement. Motion is based on the
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finding that the variance is necessary to allow the use of the
land for townhouse development under the provisions of the R-2
zoning district. The conditional use permit would be valid
and the site plan would be consistent with City requirements.
Motion carried unanimously.
Consideration of a conditional use permit request which would
allow development of townhouses in an R-2 zone. Applicant,
Investors Toqether.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained that a
conditional use permit is required in an R-2 (single and two-
family residential) zone to allow development of more than
eight townhouse units. The developers are proposing to build
four separate townhouse buildings consisting of three 4-unit
buildings and one 2-unit building. Townhouse development in
the R-2 zone must meet the standards defined in the PUD
requirement as follows: Comprehensive plan and sanitary sewer
plan consistency, common open space, townhome association,
staging of public and common open space, density, utilities,
roadways, landscaping, urban development and availability of
public service, townhouse, and setbacks.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the public
There being no input from the public, she closed the public
hearing and opened the meeting for discussion amongst Planning
Commission members.
There being no further discussion, a motion was made by
Richard Martie and seconded by Jon Bogart to approve the
conditional use permit application allowing a townhouse
development in an R-2 zone subject to the following
1. A variance must be granted to the requirement that
a pun encompass an area of at least 3 acres.
2. The final plat must be approved and recorded, and
all conditions associated with the final plat must
be complete. Items relating to the final plat as
noted in the previous agenda item are as follows:
a. The preliminary plat should be amended to
include comments made by the City Engineer in
his letter of June IO, 1992. Final plat
approval shall not be granted until this item
is complete.
Final plat approval will be contingent on
completion of a development agreement which
would include the developer providing a
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performance bond in an amount equal to
complete phase I site plan improvements as
defined by the City Engineer.
c. Final plat approval will be contingent on the
preparation and recording of townhouse
association bylaws. Bylaws must be consistent
with the city ordinance governing planned unit
development bylaws.
d. An easement allowing the owner of the adjacent
property to the east to use the Battle Rapids
drive area must be recorded along with the
final plat.
e. Final plat approval is contingent on the
developer paying City expenses in excess of
the preliminary plat fee (amount not known at
this time).
The motion is based on the finding that a townhome development
at this location is consistent with the comprehensive plan and
regulations governing planned unit developments. The
development is consistent with the character and associated
land uses identified in the R-2 zone. The development will
have direct access to a county road; therefore, traffic impact
on adjoining R-l uses will be minimized. Therefore, the
development is consistent with the geography of the area. The
need for this type of use has been sufficiently demonstrated.
Motion carried unanimously.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, requested that items #5 and #6 be
considered at the same time. She stated that she would listen to
comments made during the public hearing of the upcoming agenda
items but would not be voting due to a conflict of interest.
Consideration of a request to amend a condition of a
previously-approved conditional use permit. Applicant,
Hillside Partnership/Sixth Street Annex. AND
Consideration of a variance request to allow less than the
minimum off-street parking spaces. Applicant, Hillside
Partnership/Sixth Street Annex.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the
developer's request to amend a condition of their conditional
use permit which was granted on August 12, 1991. The
condi tion they would like amended is condition #4, which
states that tithe parking requirements are based on retail use
of the structure only. Restaurant uses only allowed with an
amendment to the conditional use permit."
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The example that was used to determine the parking space
shortage was as follows: A 4,000 sq ft restaurant with a
3,000 sq ft eating/dining area and 1,000 sq ft of kitchen/food
preparation area would require a total of 88 off-street
parking spaces. The 88 required restaurant parking spaces
minus the 20 retail parking spaces already provided would
create a variance of 68 off-street parking spaces.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the public
Mr. Greg Mooney, part owner/developer of the Sixth Street
Annex building, explained that the developers and realtors
have received some requests for restaurant space. The
requests have ranged from a l,OOO sq ft take-out restaurant to
a 4,000 sq ft sit-down restaurant. The revised site plan
shows some additional parking spaces but is still be short of
the required number of off-street parking spaces. Mr. Mooney
reminded Planning Commission members that they hope that the
parking lot would be full at all times; but in all reality,
there is a good chance that the parking lot would not be full
during most hours of operation. The developers are proposing
that the operation of the businesses within the Sixth Street
Annex would be very similar to the operations of the Maus
Foods store.
Judy Fleming and Patty Olson of Edina Realty stated that some
of the prospective tenants they have spoken with would be
leasing space for a restaurant. It would most likely be a
2,500 sq ft sit-down restaurant rather than a 4,000 sq ft sit-
down restaurant. The realtors requested that a cap be set on
the maximum number of off-street parking spaces that they
would be allowed to be short.
A 2,500 sq ft restaurant would require a total of 55 off-
street parking spaces, and a 4,000 sq ft restaurant would
require a total of 88 off-street parking spaces.
O'Neill suggested that City staff go back to the consulting
planner and research other communities to see if parking
requirements could be less with these types of businesses
grouped in a common area. Our ordinance currently requires
retail businesses to have one parking space per 200 sq ft of
building area.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing
and opened the meeting for further input from the Planning
Commission members.
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Planning Commission members felt uneasy about the high deficit
of off-street parking spaces with this proposal. It was their
feeling that we should look to our consulting planner for
options that might be available to the City prior to making a
decision on this.
Therefore, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by
Jon Bogart to table item #5, consideration of a request by
Hillside Partnership/Sixth Street Annex to amend a condition
of a previously-approved conditional use permit, and also to
table item #6, consideration of a variance request by Hillside
Partnership/Sixth Street Annex to allow less than the minimum
number of off-street parking spaces, until more information is
received from the consulting planner, hopefully by the next
regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting on July 7,
1992, at 7 p.m. Voting in favor: Richard Martie, Richard
Carlson, Jon Bogart. Abstaining: Cindy Lemm.
7. Consideration of a zoninq ordinance amendment which would
allow certain commercial buildinqs located in a PZM zone to
qualify to follow siqn requirements pertaininq to buildinqs in
commercial zones. Applicant, Hillside Partnership. AND
Consideration of a conditional use request to allow a siqn
system for a buildinq with 3 or more business uses but which,
by qenerally understood and accepted definitions, is not
considered a shoppinq center or shoppinq mall. Applicant,
Hillside Partnership. AND
9. Consideration of a variance request to allow more than the
100 sq ft maximum wall siqn square footaqe. Consideration of
a variance request to allow more than the 25 sq ft maximum
pylon siqn square footage, and to allow more than the maximum
16-ft pylon siqn heiqht. Applicant, Hillside Partnership.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the proposed
zoning ordinance amendment which would allow buildings in a
PZM zone to qualify for the same sign requirements as in the
B-2, B-3, B-4, I-I, and I-2 zoning districts. The sign
options that are available in these zones are wall signs up to
300 sq ft in area or 20%, whichever is less, and a pylon sign
with a maximum square footage of 25 sq ft and maximum height
of 16 ft.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the public
Judy Fleming and Patty Olson of Edina Realty indicated that
there are Maple Grove business owners that are now seriously
considering locating in Monticello and that we should amend
our sign regulations to reflect the changes within the
businesses as they exist today.
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Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing
and asked for further comments from the Planning Commission
Planning Commission members were very uncomfortable with
amending the square footage and height requirements of the
sign ordinance.
A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Jon Bogart
A. amend the zoning ordinance to allow certain
commercial buildings located in the PZM zone to
qualify to follow sign requirements pertaining to
buildings in commercial zones. The motion is based
on the finding that the PZM zone is a transition
area between commercial and residential uses.
Allowing intensification of sign systems in the PZM
zone along the perimeter of commercial areas is
consistent with the purpose and is consistent with
the geography and character of the area. The
amendment as proposed will not result in
proliferation of business signs within residential
approve the conditional use permit request subject
to the revision of the sign plan to meet the
requirements of the ordinance. Motion is based on
the finding that the sign system as proposed is
consistent with the requirements set forth by
ordinance. The signs are oriented toward a
commercial area and are away from residential
areas; therefore, the sign system is consistent
with the geography and character of the area;
C. deny the variance request allowing both a pylon
sign and a 300 sq ft sign area based on the finding
that a hardship has not been demonstrated;
therefore, to grant the variance would impair the
intent of the ordinance and set a negative
D. deny a 25-ft variance to the sign area requirement
and deny a 2-ft variance to the sign height
requirement. This motion is based on the finding
that a hardship has not been demonstrated;
therefore, to grant the variance would impair the
intent of the ordinance and set a negative
Voting in favor: Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Richard
Carlson. Abstaining: Cindy Lemm.
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Due to the topography of the area, there is little
exposure of the proposed signage to any residential use.
A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Jon Bogart
to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Zoning Administrator
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