HRA Agenda 08-02-2006 . . . AGEN A MONTICELLO HOUSING AND RE EVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, August 2, 2006 ~ 6:00 p.m. Bridge Room ~ Co unity Center Commissioners: Chair Brad Barger, Vice Cha' Steve Andrews, Dan Frie, Darrin Lahr, and Bill Fair. Council Liaison: Wayne Mayer. Staff: Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak, and Ang la Shumann. 1. Call to Order. 2. Consideration to approve the June 7,2006 RA minutes. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items om the agenda. 4. Consent Agenda. A. Consideration to ratify the Amendm nt to the Contract for Private Development between the HRA and Master's Fi Avenue, Inc. B. Consideration to approve the Amen ment to the Contract for Private Development between the HRA and 8L Real Estat Holdings LLC. 5. Consideration to approve entering into a Pr liminary Development Agreement with Walker Instore, Inc. 6. Consideration to discuss follow-up items fr m HRA Workshop. A. Block 53 - B. Other properties - Dan Frie. 7. Consideration to authorize payment of H bills. 8. Consideration of HRA Executive Report. 9. Committee Reports: Marketing Fiber Optics 10. Next regular HRA meeting - Wednesday, S, tember 6,2006. 11. Adjournment. . . . MINUT S MONTICELLO HOUSING AND RE ~ EVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, Ju e 7, 2006 Commissioners Present: Chair Brad Barge, Bill Fair, Darrin Lahr, Dan Frie Commissioners Absent: Steve Andrews Council Liaison Absent: Wayne Mayer Staff Present: Rick W olfsteller, llie Koropchak, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. Chairman Barger called the meeting to rder at 6:00 PM, noting the absence of the Council Liaison and Commissioner drews. 2. Consideration to a rove the Ma 3 20 6 HRA minutes MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FAIR TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 300, 2006. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISS ONER FRIE. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 3. Consideration of addin or removin it s from the a enda. NONE. 4. Consent agenda. A. Consideration to approve amend. ng the Contract for Private development between the HRA and Master's ifth Avenue, Inc. Fluth provided an update regard ng the project, indicating that he still intended to move forward with e project. However, at this time, potential tenants had backed out which altered the timeline for starting the project. Koropchak reported that the H doesn't need to certify until July 1 st 2006. Koropchak pointed out t at amending the contract doesn't affect the amount of years the HRA c collect increment. Koropchak noted that there had been a $7,500 deposit oward administration costs. The I preliminary agreement was signed in 2004, with the private development . contract signed this year. Koropchak asked if the HRA wanted her to check on the expenses to-date in comparison to the deposit. Administrative costs includes redevelopment inspection, Ehlers, and Kennedy & Graven expenses. Lahr and Barger stated that if contract says $7,500, and final expenses determined at the time of certificate of completion, it doesn't need to change as the developer will need to pay overages in any case. However, Barger inquired if Fluth is interested in knowing expenses to-date. Fluth stated that he is. Fluth asked about the sharing cost for the inspector, as he thought that had been the arrangement. Koropchak stated that she will check the minutes. Fair noted that the commencement date is the latest date that construction can start. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAHR TO APPROVE AMENDING THE CONTACT FOR PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT AMONG MASTER'S FIFTH AVENUE, INC. AND THE HRA AS FOLLOWS: THE DEVELOPER SHALL COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MINIMUM IMPROVEMENTS BY MAY 31st, 2007. SUBJECT TO UNAVOIDABLE DELAYS, THE DEVELOPER SHALL COMPELTE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MINIMUM IMPROVEMENTS BY DECEMBER 31St, 2009. . MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FRIE. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 5. Consideration to apProve a resolution adopting the modifications to the TIF Plans for TIF District Nos. 1-2 (redevelopment district) and 1-24 (qualified housing district). Koropchak stated that the modification has been recommended by Ehlers to maximize the HRA's ability to spend the tax increment revenues generated by the districts. Koropchak stated that District 1-2 originated for the Metcalf/Larson project. Based on Ehlers' projections of revenue and expenditures, with a district life to year 2010, there are projected revenues of$175,000. Koropchak reported that because it is pre-1990 redevelopment district, the tax increment is available budget expenditures in the district or project area. Koropchak indicated that District 1-24 was created for the St. Benedict's project. The HRA authorized the use ofTIF to help St. Benedict's buy land and complete some improvements. Ehlers' projections show uncommitted revenues of $600,000, based on the district running through 2026. . 2 . Koropchak stated that the HRA has met 11 requirements in terms of the modification process. Fair asked how long the modifications ar good for. Koropchak stated that the HRA only has to complete the modificatiJ n process once. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FAIR 0 APPROVE A RESOLUTION. ADOPTING THE MODIFICATIONS T THE TIF PLANS FOR TIF DISTRICT NOS. 1-2 (REDEVELOP ME T DISTRICT) AND 1-24 (QUALIFIED HOUSING DISTRICT). Koropchak reported that she had visited is company. They are currently leasing in Albertville. The company designs an assemble store displays. The company does qualify for the incentive rates beca se of the assembly and the floor space used for that purpose. It is a small proje tat 10,000 square feet, with 8 full-time employees. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSI NER FRIE. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 6. Consideration to a rove enterin with Walker Instore. Inc. . Koropchak stated that the proposal that $1 per square foot plus ~ acre at market that the HRA had suggested a minimum that the company hasn't committed to 1 Koropchak will be meeting with the co as sent allows them to buy one acre at alue plus trunk fees. Koropchak noted acre lot benchmark. Koropchak stated 2 acres. The City Engineer and any on a site plan. Fair asked if the land is platted. Koropc ak stated that the City plats as it sells land. Koropchak stated that they would ike to start this year. Lahr asked if the business understands e requirements of the property. Koropchak stated that they had been giv n a copy of the covenants and criteria. Barger asked if the 2 acres is in the cove ants. Koropchak responded that it is not required by covenants, but is listed as p of the criteria. Lahr inquired if the company couldn't a end the meeting this evening. Koropchak noted that they could not as e owner was scheduled to be out of town. As the HRA does not meet in Jul , it was her suggestion to place it on the June agenda. . Barger asked ifthere is a good piece on d that could be used based on their requirement of only 1 acre. Korophak s. ated that it may depend on their site plan. She noted they would be meeting on the 21 st to work on a site plan and configuration. 3 Fair asked if we the HRA should talk about a preliminary development agreement when the site plan is unresolved. Koropchak stated that we typically don't have a . site plan at this point. Fair stated that as this buyer doesn't fit our criteria, he'd like to see the site. Lahr noted that there is an offer out there at I 12 acres. Barger clarified that the building would meet the criteria requirements. Koropchak stated that it fit what the HRA discussed last time. Lahr asked if the 2 acres is written somewhere. Koropchak stated that it is mentioned on the criteria sheet, but it is not included as part of the required formula. Barger suggested changing policy so that they match. Frie asked if there are smaller lots in other parks. Koropchak stated that she was unaware of any smaller lots. Lahr asked if they would have more definition on the site plan on the 21 st if the HRA decides not to do enter into the agreement. Koropchak clarified this is only a preliminary agreement. Barger and Frie indicated they don't have a problem with the company, but believed that the HRA should try to stay within the criteria. Lahr stated that he would rather wait until there is more information about the acreage. Fair asked if we can enter into the agreement with a contingency to negotiate after the site plan. Lahr noted that the original offer expired June I. Barger recommended tabling the discussion until August. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FAIR TO TABLE APPROVING ENTERING INTO A PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH W ALKET INSTORE, INC. FOR MORE INPPUT AND CLARIFICATION. . MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LAHR. Lahr stated if there is a need to move forward, the HRA can possibly look at a meeting in July. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 7. Consideration to review the Transformation Home Loan Application Package for possible amending: Designation of a title company. Koropchak stated that given the experience at closings, designating a title company could smooth the process. She noted that the Peterson loan has not closed yet, as they are still working with the mortgage company. She also explained that with the Breiwick loan, the mortgage company did not want to close on the same day as the HRA loans, because if the loans close on same day, the applicant will have a higher interest rate. The delay at closing results I n the HRA's mortgage being recorded. Frie had suggested that the HRA put in the guidelines that the applicant has to close at a specified title company and that they all close simultaneously. Koropchak stated that the HRA could modify the application package to include a specific local company. Frie indicated that they would be experienced in this type ofloan program and closing. . 4 . MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FRIE 0 AMEND THE TRANSFORMATION HOME LOAN P CAKGE TO DESIGNATE A LOCAL TITLE COMPANY. KOROPCHAK T INTERIVEW AND SELECT THE APPROPRIATE REPRESENTATIVE. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISS ONER LAHR. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Koropchak stated that the Peterson's ne addition increased the property's taxable value by $67,000. 8. Consideration to define" ualified busi ss" and "non- ualified business" as it relates to marketin the Monticello Bus'ness Center. Based on last month's discussion, Koro chak stated that the City was only marketing to those who qualified for th $1 per square foot pricing. During the HRA's last meeting, accepting applican s at market rate was deemed acceptable. Koropchak inquired that for marketing,. erhaps we want to change tactics to be consistent with that decision. . Lahr stated that it might be best to just 1 ave it and focus on marketing to qualified businesses. If non-qualified b sinesses do seek information, than we can provide them with what they need. Lahr recommended advertising to qualified businesses only, pointing out e difference between advertising and allowing. Barger stated that his point i to fill it up as soon as possible. The HRA Commissioners briefly discu sed A VR and purchasing additional land for the business park. Lahr asked ifD lheimers met the criteria. Koropchak stated that they are a little short on jobs Koropchak stated that Karlsburger had been informed throughout the process t at A VR may locate in the park. Lahr stated that until the cement plant come , not in favor of changing the criteria. Barger asked if qualified business com in that don't meet the criteria, could they buy land. Lahr stated that the differenc is between the criteria for preferred pricing and the covenants. All potenti ' buyers have to meet the covenants. Only those seeking the $1 per square foot ne d to meet the criteria. 9. Consideration to authorize a Koropchak indicated that she had addit onal bills, totaling about $8000 and distributed copies. Fair asked if we co ld say no. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LA R TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF BILLS. . MOTION SECONDED BY COMMIS lONER FAIR. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 5 10. Consideration of Executive Director's Report Koropchak reported that she had been working on preparations for the City's breakfast honoring Sunny Fresh Foods as the receipient of the 2005 Malcolm Baldridge Award. . As noted previously, the HRA had closed on the Breiwick Transformation Home Loan, Koropchak briefly noted updates on the A VR site and purchase of additional Otter Creek property, as also discussed previously. Koropchak stated that she had included in the Commissioner's packets a response sent in a request for location on a 60,000 steel building. 11. Committee Reports Marketing Lahr reported that marketing was continuing for the business center through the web site, brochure, and sign. The HRA will be entering into a contract for billboards. Fiber Optics . Koropchak reported that the consultant was completing survey calls to businesses as part of their feasibility study, which will be completed in August. 12. ADJOURN MOTION BY COMMISSION LAHR TO ADJOURN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FAIR. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. . 6 . . . II BRA Agenda - 08/02/06 4. Consent A2enda: A. Consideration to ratif the Amend ent to the Contract for Private Develo ment between the BRA an Master's Fifth Avenue Inc. At the HRA meeting in June, the commissio ers approved amending the Contract with Master's changing the construction commen ement date from October 1, 2005 to May 31, 2007 and the completion date for constructi n of the minimum improvements from December 31,2006 to December 31,2007. This asso iated with the Landmark Square II project. At the last meeting, Koropchak asked the co issioners since the completion date is extended whether administrative costs should be tabu ated for cost over-runs and invoiced. The commissioners said to hold-off and not coll ct "administration costs" dating back to 2004 but instead wait until the certificate of comp1eti n is issued per the Contract. Since the Contract is an executed document the HRA legal firm recommends the HRA ratify the attached Amendment. You will note th attorney also deferred the reimbursement payment date by one year from 2008 to commencing 009. Mr. F1uth already executed the document. Recommendation: 1. A motion to ratifying the Amendme t to the Contract for Private Development between the HRA and Master's Fifth Avenu , Inc. Supportin~ Data: Copy of amendment. 1 . . . AMENDMENTTOCONTRACTFO PIDVATEDEVELOPMENT TIlls agreement is made as of June l, REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR politic and corporate (the "Authority") and MAS corporation (the "Developer"). 006, by and between the HOUSING AND E CITY OF MONTICELLO, a public body RS FIFTH AVENUE, INC., a Minnesota WHEREAS, the Authority and Developer tered into that certain Contract for Private Development dated September 7, 2005 (the "ContIi ct") providing, among other things, for the construction of certain improvements (the "Minim Improvements") on the property legally described within the Contract (the "Development Pro. erty")~ and 1. dates of commencement and WHEREAS, the parties have determined completion of construction of the Minimum Improv WHEREAS, the parties have further dete increment as a result of extending the dates of co the Minimum Improvements. ed to modify the date of first receipt of tax encement and completion of construction of NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of e premises and the mutual obligations of the parties hereto, each of them does hereby covenant an agree with the other as follows: Section 4.3 ofthe Contract is amend (c) Commencement and Com letion of Co struction. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Developer shall commence construction of the Mi . urn Improvements by May 31, 2007. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Developer shall c mplete the construction of the Minimum Improvements by December 31, 2007. All work w' respect to the Minimum Improvements to be constructed or provided by the Developer on the D elopment Property shall be in conformity with the Construction Plans as submitted by the Develop r and approved by the Authority. 2. Section 3.4(a) of the Contract is am (a) Subject to the terms and conditions of .s agreement, the Land Acquisition Costs will be reimbursed to the Developer with simple . terest thereon at 6.50% per annum, interest commencing to accrue on the date that the D veloper complies with the cost certification requirement described in paragraph (f) of this ection. The Land Acquisition Costs will be reimbursed by the Authority to the Developer in s i-annual installments payable on each February 1 and August 1 ("Payment Dates") commencing ugust 1, 2009 and concluding no later than the Termination Date. These payments will be made om Available Tax Increment as defined in this Section 3.4 and from no other source. 3. All other terms of the Contract rem in the same. (Remainder of this page' tentionally left blank.) 292753vl MNI MNl90-115 . . . ~ Dated this ~ day of June, 2006. Masters Fifth Avenue, Inc. ousing and Redevelopment Authority in and or the City of Monticello ~ y: Its President By: Its Executive Director THIS DOCUMENT DRAFTED BY: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 Pillsbury Center 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, Mn 55402 (612) 337-9300 292753vl MN! MN190-115 . . . r HRA Agenda - 08/02/06 B. Consideration to a rove the Arne dment to the Contract for Private Develo ment between the HRA an SL Real Estate Holdin s LLC As reported in the Executive Director's repo ,the HRA Attorney has received the title work from Commercial Partners and according to he Attorney there appeared only one item to be investigated. Weare expecting the closing t take place by the end of July. The closing is subject to the site and building plan approva and receiving evidences of construction financing and permanent financing and an estimated c sts ofthe proposed project. To provide adequate time, the Attorney amended the closing date from June 30, 2006 to no later than August 15, 2006. Recommendation: 1. A motion to approve the Amendme t to the Contract for Private Development between the HRA and SL Real Estate Holdin s LLC. SUPDortin2 Data: Copy of amendment. . . . AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AND TIris agreement is made as of July _, REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR politic and corporate (the "Authority") and SL RE limited liability company (the "Redeveloper"). DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT 006, by and between the HOUSING AND HE CITY OF MONTICELLO, a public body L ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC, a Minnesota WHEREAS, the Authority and Redevelo er entered into that certain Purchase and Redevelopment Contract dated April 12, 2006 (the ~ Contract") providing, among other things, for the sale of property located in the City of Monticell , Minnesota, legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 2nd Addition, Wright County by the Authority to the Redeveloper; and WHEREAS, the parties have determined to tend the closing date for such transaction. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of e premises and the mutual obligations of the parties hereto, each of them does hereby covenant an agree with the other as follows: 1. Section 3.3(b) of the Contract is ame ded as follows: (c) The closing on conveyance of the Red velopment Property from the Authority to the Redeveloper shall occur upon satisfaction of the c nditions specified in this Section, but no later than JURe 30, 2006 August 15, 2006 or at such e lier date as the parties hereto agree in writing ("Closing"). 2. All other terms of the Contract rem . the same. Dated this _ day of July, 2006. SL Real Estate Holdings, LLC By: Its THIS DOCUMENT DRAFTED BY: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, Mn 55402 (612) 337-9300 292756vl MNI MNI90-123 Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello By: Its President By: Its Executive Director . . . 'II BRA Agenda - 08/02/06 6. Consideration to discuss followu items f om BRA W orksho . A. Block 53 - At the workshop of June , the commissioners requested an appointment among the HRA Chair, one commiss'oner, the Executive Director and Allied Properties and Management be sche uled for an update on the potential redevelopment of Block 53. Attached is myemail d their response which was forwarded to the commissioners. Thereafter, the H Chair requested I invite them to the August meeting. I have done so but have no heard a response. B. Other properties - At the workshop, e commissioners also asked Commissioner Frie to explore potential properties for th HRA consideration to purchase. These were: Muller, Anderson, Garden Center, S ringborg, Wolff, restaurants at Broadway/Cedar and Broadway /Walnut. I talked wi h Dan yesterday and he will give a report at the meeting. 1 page 1 or 1. Ollie Koropchak . ---_................~--------~. From: Michael Van Heel [MVanHeel@APMCommerciaL om) Sent: Monday, June 19, 200612:18 PM To: Ollie Koropchak Subject: RE: Potential Monticello downtown redevelopme t project Ollie _ at this time we have decided not to further pursue the redevelopment of Block 53, The reason being is that the risk is too great for this project to be a developer driven p oject. At this time, we feel that the best prospect for this block to b redeveloped is if the City takes the lead in acquiring the properties and providing a pad ready site and prepare to work with a developer on the next stages, We may be interested in selling our properties if the City would like to begin the acquisition process for the redevelopment of the block. If you still feel that a meeting is necessary please let me kno Thank you, Michael J. Van Heel Allied Properties & Management, LLC 20600 Co. Rd, 81 Rogers, MN 55374 763 428 6163 - Direct 7634288395 - Fax rnvanhElcl@SiJLrDCOmmercial,com ~-~----.~~--,....-"....---..--+'-, . From: Ollie Koropchak [mailto:Ollie.Koropchak@ci.montice lo.mn.us] sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 2:07 PM To: Michael Van Heel Subject: RE: Potential Monticello downtown redevelopme t project Thanks, Mike, Look forward to hearing from you, Ollie From: Michael Van Heel [mailto:MVanHeel@APMCommer lal.com] sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 1:00 PM To: Ollie Koropchak Subject: RE: Potential Monticello downtown redevelopme t project Ollie _ It's good to hear from you I hope all is well. I will di cuss your request with Chuck and get back to you on this early next week. Thank you, Michael J. Van Heel Allied Properties & Management, LLC 20600 Co, Rd. 81 Rogers, MN 55374 763 428 6163 - Direct 763 428 8395 ~ Fax rnvanheel@apmcommercial,com . From: Ollie Koropchak [mailto:Ollie.Koropchak@cLmonti ello.mn.us] sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 4:29 PM To: mvanheel@apmcommercial.com; chuckv@icmplastic .com 6/20/2006 Page 20[2 Subject: Potential Monticello downtown redevelopment proj ct . Mike and Chuck - It's been some time since the Monticello H using and Redevelopment Authority has heard from your team relative to the potential redevelopment of Blo k 53. At the HRA meeting in June, the commissioners requested I make an appointment with you at your office for the HRA Chair, one commissioner, and myself to hear an update and revisit the redevelopment otential. Please advice of your acceptance and suggest a meeting date. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Ollie . . 6/20/2006 . . . II HRA Agenda - 08/02/06 7. bills. Since the HRA did not meet in July, there e more bills than normal. Steve Bubul discussed with me the costs to prepare the Transform tion Home Loan documents: Mortgage, promissory note, and Transformation Home Loan Escr w Agreement. These initial documents have fill-in- blanks for future use by HRA. Because the Petersen's work was completed and paid-for,. a Request for Payment and Certification as to Costs was prepared and executed in place of the Escrow Agreement.. Working with Ehlers and the Finance Dep ent a new coding system is in-place consistent with State Auditor requirements for TIF re orting. A portion of my time will be allocated for management of appropriate districts as ad inistration costs. Otter Creek land sales, earnest money, deposits will be coded to the HRA eneral Fund as revenues and not to individual TIF Districts. Initial administration costs will b expenditures of the HRA General Fund to off-set the deposit. RECOMMENDATION IS TO AUTHOR E PAYMENT OF HRA BILLS. 1 . Kennedy & Grav n, Chartered 200 South Sixt Street Suite 47 Minneapolis, M 55402 (612) 337- 300 Tax 10 No. 41- 225694 City of Monticello Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Throuah June 30. 2006 MN190-00101 General HRA Matters MN190-00115 Landmark Square (Commercial Developmen) ~ MN190-00116 Transformation Home Loan Program ~ MN190-00123 Economic Development TIF 1-37 (Karlsburge Foods) .J.,..- MN190-00124 Park Acquisition Financing ~ '< '- ~ MN190-00125 Economic Development TIF (Walker Design) ~ . Signature of Claimant ~\ ,.,-"\ ii:: I I \(_, .-- U i ,. ,I i 7 I : I !""--, . Lil' "~.," ,~,-,....,. Total Current Billing: 325.00 207.50 2,401.50 492.00 2,376.14 352.00 6,154.14 -)0 b4 D c;. o~ . -;'-:,0 '-\0 '-\ ~ c:;. ?- u.., \ ')0\,:>. u.v !j.\0. Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 41-1225694 July 13, 2006 Invoice # 72591 City of Monticello Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 MN190.00101 General HRA Matters ~~~ Through June 30, 2006 For All Legal Services As Follows: 5/11/2006 MNI Review TIF modification documents for Dist 1-2 and 1-24. ...... - 5/22/2006 SJB Phone call with 0 Koropchak re AVR Redi-Mix site; impact on finance of Otter Creek 5/23/2006 MNI Review of resolutions for TIF 1-2 and 1-24.... 6/5/2006 MNI Review TIF plan modifications and resolution for TfF districts 1-2 and 1-2-1. ~ 6/7/2006 SJB Phone call with 0 Koropchak re use of TIF 6/21/2006 SJB Email to/from O. Koropchak re: abatement as alternate financing tool .\~^. \l~'~ (:)~ CJ 0 '-\ () L-\~ 'be\ ., ?-\~. Total Services: Total Services and Disbursements:$ u..". c:;. 0 eO ~Cf;. . ~O u.:'l. . O~< TO P.AY? Code: Hours 0.80 0.25 0.10 0.30 . 0.20 38.00 0.25 47.50 $ 325.00 325.00 o U.e.- initial ~ f( -?~~. . . . City of Monticello June 30, 2006 Page: Kennedy & Grav n, Chartered 200 South Sixt Street Suite 47 Minneapolis, M 55402 --- MN 190-00115 Landmark Square (Commercial Develop ent) jJ...-. Through June 30, 2006 For All Legal Services As Follows: 6/21/2006 SJB Email O. Koropchak re: ch nge in schedule, contract modification; review CPO 6/22/2006 6/23/2006 ~)\r~ . Hours 0.25 Amount 47.50 MNI Draft First Amendment to c ntract. MNI Revise amendment and se d to Ollie. 0.70 0.30 112.00 48.00 $ 207.50 207.50 T tal Services and Disbursements:$ ""? 0 Y'D C:,. ~\$'V--1p '07 o ~ I o 1I1'l , OK TO PAY? Code: Initial ~ ').-"')~ ..0\0 Page: 6 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 . City of Monticello l~'.\ ~./ TO.} iC'A\(? DIl,~ , '1'\ J ... . .- . ..-;2... ,'{ ., 0 1.f-6 ('\ ode: ? \ 3 . lie, s ~ . v ___ Initinl ._ ~ C) -?J., ~ 0 le I ~ <L- 00 1'\ June 30, 2006 MN190-00123 Economic Development TIF 1-37 (Karlsburger Foods) Through June 30, 2006 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 5/2/2006 MNI Review of plat from Ollie, insert into CPo. 0.20 32.00 5/3/2006 MNI Phone call from Ollie K. regarding Purchase and 0.30 48.00 Redevelopment Contract. 5/9/2006 MNI Temporary easement language added to Purchase and 0.50 80.00 Redevelopment Contract. 5/10/2006 SJB Review cpo change re easement 0.20 38.00 . 5/10/2006 MNI Temporary easement language for Contract. 0.60 96.00 5/10/2006 MNI Phone call from Ollie regarding temporary easement. 0.10 16.00 5/12/2006 MNI Call to Karen Knoll at title company 0.10 16.00 5/22/2006 MNI Revise Karlsburger contract - date of closing changed to 0.20 32.00 June 30. 6/12/2006 MNI Phone call from Ollie regarding lack of evidence of 0.10 16.00 financing from developer on Karlsburger deal. 6/12/2006 MNI Email to Ollie regarding permanent financing for 0.10 16.00 Karlsburger 6/21/2006 SJB Email O. Koropchak re: change in closing date, contract 0.20 38.00 changes 6/22/2006 MNI Draft Amendment to Contract extending closing. 0040 64.00 Total Services: $ 492.00 Total Services and Disbursements:$ 492.00 . OK TO PAY? oll,~ _....4K C':;ode: ~\ '? . Li~c.o(9t .3oLm ~ Initial ~ ..f) ~ A;2~ ' 0 Cp ll\~ ...)\ otoQ.... - MN 190-00125 Ec~omic Development TIF (Walker V~~ Q< r:$\.~1 Through June 30, 2006 For All Legal Services As Follows: 5/8/2006 MNI Call to Ollie K. concerning . alker Design preliminary application. . City of Monticello June 30, 2006 5/8/2006 5/9/2006 . 5/12/2006 5/12/2006 5/16/2006 5/16/2006 5/17/2006 5/23/2006 . Page: Kennedy & Grav n, Chartered 200 South Sixt Street Suite 47 Minneapolis, M 55402 MNI Voicemail to Steve Thorson concerning comments on preliminary development a reement. MNI Voicemail to Steve Thorso concerning comments on Preliminary Deve!. Agreem nt. MNI Call to Steve Thorson, Wal er attorney, to discuss PDA. MNI Phone call from Ollie regar ing Walker ~ informed her of failure to talk with Steve Th rson MNI Email to Ollie regarding fail re to reach Steve Thorson regarding Walker In-Store, rental vs. homestead issue for Antionette Breiwick loan. MNI Conversation with Steve T orson regarding preliminary development agreement. egotiated his comments and will email him a revised vesion, and will copy Ollie. MNI Revise PDA consistent wit conversation of 5-16 with Steve Thorson. MNI Finalize PDA and send ex cution copy to Ollie K. Hours Amount 0.10 16.00 0.10 16.00 0.10 16.00 0.10 16.00 0.20 32.00 0.30 48.00 0.20 32.00 0.70 112.00 0.40 $ 64.00 352.00 otal Services and Disbursements:$ 352.00 City of Monticello June 30, 2006 Page: 3 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 . CJK TO PAY? otllL Code:? \ ~ .. ltlo S::2 ~ ,;oYO Initia! ~ QO'\-~ ~ \ - Y).. '"l- MN 190-00 116 ~ Transformation Home Loan Program ,?-O/O \>~ ~~ 'L~ '\J~<7T t\) 0 Through June 30, 2006 For All Legal Services As Follows: 5/4/2006 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchak re: docs needed for home loan 5/5/2006 5/5/2006 5/9/2006 5/9/2006 5/10/2006 5/10/2006 5/11/2006 5/12/2006 5/15/2006 5/15/2006 5/15/2006 5/15/2006 5/15/2006 5/17/2006 Call to Ollie K. regarding her email on property closing 0.20 today. Phone call to Karen Knoll regarding HRA loan closing; 0.50 review of fax from Ollie regarding Brewick title information; email to Ollie in response to her status report on bank closing. SJB Intraoffice conference with M Ingram re loan documents; review/revise same SJB Review home loan policy; review authority for use of pooled TIF to fund; conference with M Ingram re: docs Consultation with S Bubul regarding Home Loan program and details of drafting needs. Conference with M Ingram re: loan docs Draft note and mortgage for Transformation Home Loan. Discussion of program with Ollie K; draft note and mortgage as far as possible and email to Ollie for her reference. MNI SJB MNI MNI MNI MNI MNI Revise note and mortgage as per comments by S Bubul. MNI Voicemail from Ollie telling us not to take out title insurance for Transformation Home Loan. MNI Call to Karen Knoll informing her not to take out policy. MN I Phone call from Ollie K. requesting completed note and mortgage for Antoinette Brewick. MNI Complete note and mortgage for Antoinette Brewick. SJB Intraoffice conference with M Ingram re dissbursment of loan ~")..-~ Hours Amount 0.60 114.00 0.30 57.00 0.10 16.00 0.20 38.00 . 0.70 112.00 2.70 432.00 32.00 80.00 0.60 114.00 1.70 272.00 0.10 16.00 0.10 16.00 0.10 16.00 0.50 80.00 . 0.50 95.00 . Page: Kennedy & Grav n, Chartered 200 South SiXi h Street Suite 4 0 Minneapolis, N 55402 City of Monticello June 30, 2006 5/17/2006 MNI Voicemail to Ollie K. regar ing question about how to 0.20 32.00 provide mechanism for dis ursement of loan funds, issue of loan availability for rental property, and revised contract for Walker Instore. 5/17 /2006 MNI Finalize mortgage and not for Breiwick loan. 0.30 48.00 5/17/2006 MNI Call to Ollie concerning Br iwick loan and the fact that 0.60 96.00 there is a rental insurance olicy on the address. Also discussed need for escro agreement. Called Angie at Quality Title re: escrow ag eements. 5/17/2006 MNI Call from Ollie K. to discus Ms. Breiwick's rental policy. 0.10 16.00 5/18/2006 SJB Review escrow agreemen 0.25 47.50 . 5/18/2006 MNI Draft escrow agreement f r Breiwick home loan. 1.00 160.00 5/18/2006 MNI Finalize escrow agreemen as per S Bubul comments, 0.10 16.00 email to Ollie. 5/18/2006 MNI Call from Ollie confirming eceipt of escrow agreement. 0.10 16.00 5/22/2006 MNI Revise escrow agreement to create form document, 0.50 80.00 adding language requiring disbursement of loan funds within six months of loan losing date. 5/22/2006 MNI Voicemail to Ollie regardi g desired remedy if borrower 0.10 16.00 does not request disburse ent of loan funds from escrow within six months after clo' ing. 5/23/2006 MNI Call to Ollie regarding re edies if loan funds are not 0.20 32.00 disbursed within 6 month . 5/23/2006 MNI Revision of escrow agree ent, send all form documents 0.50 80.00 to Ollie K. 6/7/2006 MNI Email to Ollie regarding n ed for disbursement agreement 0.10 16.00 between HRA and Borro er. 6/8/2006 MNI Draft disbursement agree ent for Transformation Home 0.50 80.00 Loan closing. 6/23/2006 MNI Draft draw request for Pe erson closing. 0.60 96.00 . 6/23/2006 MNI Finalize draw request an email to Ollie. 0.50 80.00 Page: 5 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello June 30, 2006 Total Services: Total Services and Disbursements:$ $ 2,401.50 2,401.50 - -I - . Kennedy & Grave! , Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337.9 00 Tax 10 No. 41-1 25694 May 30,2 06 City of Monticello Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Throuah AoM130.2006 MN 190-001 01 General HRA Matters MN 190-00121 Economic Development TIF (Dahlheimer Distr buting) MN 190-00123 Economic Development TIF 1-37 (Karlsburger oods) MN 190-00124 Park Acquisition Financing '< I.f'l.-\c:... ~ - Q:,\ 'I ~l,),"\ ~ 'R ~ MN190-00125 Economic Development TIF (Walker Design) 1,058.50 240.09 6,591.00 1,508.00 48.00 . Total Current Billing: 9,445.59 I declare, under penalty of law, that this account, claim or demand is just and correct aod that O~hrmid Signature of Claimant S-o-o..., ..~ .-..a . -r' t.} !(\ ! ~"..) o \\, <L --, ,"",. ri vOt.e: i ~"" l't;;')1 I! l ..1..-1,. . ii li\' \! '.j I Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 41-1225694 May 30, 2006 Invoice # 71832 City of Monticello Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 MN190-00101 General HRA Matters Through April 30, 2006 For All Legal Services As Follows: 3/14/2006 MNI Review schedule of events and resolutions for modifications of TIF districts. Hours 0.30 3/15/2006 SJB 3/15/2006 MNI . Amount 48.00 Review subsidy policies 0.50 95.00 Review of Ehlers corresppndence,r.egarding modification of 0.10 ~ TIF Dist. 1-6. '?t ~. L:\ lJ c:;. C!) \D . ::. a \....l () . Voicemail to Nikki Shannon regarding TIF District 1-2 and 0.10<; p.l ,Ie' c.~ I 1-24 resolutions, requesting more information. ? t ~ . L.\ \... S? L.\" ~ 0 3/15/2006 MNI \ 'b , 1......\ \.Q. ~ ~ ';\... __.2l 0 ~ IJ 4/5/2006 MNI Review Walker In-Store previous work for record of any 0.10 development agreement. SJB Emails to/from O. Koropchak re: business subsidy policy 0.20 change SJB Email to/from O. Koropchak re: proposed 0.30 repairs/warehouse business SJB Email to/from O. Koropchak re: proposed user of industrial 0.30 park (computer service/repair) SJB Meet with Ehlers, City staff re: Otter Creek financing; 3.75 accounting issues 4/6/2006 4/11/2006 4/11/2006 4/12/2006 Total Services: $ For All Disbursements As Follows: Fax Total Disbursements: 16.00 38.00 57.00 57.00 712.50 1,055.50 $ 3.00 3.00 . . Page: 2 Kennedy & Grave! , Chartered 200 South Sixt Street Suite 47 Minneapolis, M 55402 City of Monticello April 30, 2006 T tal Services and Disbursements: $ 1,058.50 ""&'7 . C> 0 t{l 'O-;~.'S't) , . . r;... \ ~ . 0'''-\ 0 L \ \...0 ""::> 0 \ .'? ~,'d.~O~ ~ Page: 3 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello . April 30, 2006 t-::2 \ '"3> . '--l C c;. 3 ~ . ~ d Y 0 ~ ~ . ~ - O\a MN190-00121 Economic Development TIF (Dahlheimer Distributing) Through April 30. 2006 For All Legal Services As Follows: 2/8/2006 NKE Email with O. Koropchak re recorded documents; search Wright County website; phone call to title company 2/9/2006 NKE Obtain recorded documents from title company; email to O. Koropchak; prepare certificate of completion NKE Email O. Koropchak with expiration date of easement Total Services: 2/23/2006 For All Disbursements As Follows: 3/23/2006 Photocopies Postage Wright County Recorder; Recording Fee Total Disbursements: Total Services and Disbursements:$ Hours Amount 0.50 55.00 1.00 110.00 0.25 27.50 $ 192.50 . $ 1.20 0.39 46.00 47.59 240.09 . . City of Monticello April 30, 2006 MN190-00123 Page: 4 Kennedy & Grave , Chartered 200 South Sixt Street Suite 47 Minneapolis, M ~"rl0. ~ l ~. L~ ~ '3 (!) 1 . ~ Q 1....( 0 Lu L.- ""\ 0 QIIS\" \-~Il ~ '-..,,"")..--ov Economic Development TIF 1-37 (Karlsbur er Foods) Through April 30, 2006 For All Legal Services As Follows: 2/20/2006 SJB Emails from O. Koropchak r : new land sale; check on status on access 2/21/2006 2/22/2006 . 2/22/2006 2/23/2006 2/24/2006 2/24/2006 2/24/2006 2/24/2006 2/27/2006 2/27/2006 2/28/2006 3/1/2006 3/2/2006 . 3/3/2006 3/3/2006 3/3/2006 Hours 0.20 SJB Phone call with O. Koropch k re: new TIF District/Karlsburger SJB Review Ehlers schedule; co ference with M Ingram re: Plan 0.50 0.30 1.50 1.00 MNI Review of Monticello TIF di t modification documents. MNI Begin drafting business sub idy agreement for Karlsburger. MNI Phone call to Nikki Shan no at Ehlers reo resolutions. 0.20 MNI Review of business points nd Dahlheimer file - email to S 1.00 Bubul reo next steps. MNI Conference reo Monticello 0.30 MNI Voicemail to Ollie Koropchak reo public hearing on land 0.10 sale. MNI Consultation w/ S Bubul reo land sale; phone call to Ollie 0.50 K. reo same. MNI Documentreview. 1.40 SJB Emails with O. Koropchak; hone call with same re: 0.60 status, terms, grading MNI Call to Nikki Shannon reo p blic hearing notices. 0.10 SJB Emails to and from Koropc ak et al re: terms; phone call 0.75 with Koropchak re: same; r search term of road easement MNI Review contract points, dra t CPD. OAO MNI Draft CPO. 1.00 0.50 MNI Draft notice of public heari 9 for land sale, business subsidy. Amount 38.00 95.00 57.00 240.00 160.00 32.00 160.00 48.00 16.00 80.00 224.00 114.00 16.00 142.50 64.00 160.00 80.00 Page: 5 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 . City of Monticello April 30, 2006 3/6/2006 MNI Draft CPO. 1.00 160.00 3/6/2006 MNI Revise notice and send to Nikki Shannon at Ehlers. 0.40 64.00 3/7/2006 SJB Emails with Ehlers re: resolutions 0.25 47.50 3/7/2006 MNI Draft CPO. 1.00 160.00 3/7/2006 MNI Reviewing schedule and resolutions for Karlsburger. 0.30 48.00 3/8/2006 MNI Review resolutions sent by Ehlers, finalize CPO. 1.40 224.00 3/8/2006 MNI Resolutions. 0.70 112.00 3/9/2006 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchak 0.50 95.00 3/10/2006 MNI Revision of HRA resolution approving purchase and 0.40 64.00 . redevelopment contract and business subsidy, and city council resolutions approving land sale and business subsidy. 3/21/2006 MNI Revisions to Karlslburger purchase and redevelopment 0.40 64.00 contract. 3/22/2006 SJB Conference with M Ingram re: easement questions 0.25 47.50 3/22/2006 MNI Revise purchase and redevelopment contract. 1.00 160.00 3/22/2006 MNI Voicemail to Todd Hagen concerning assessed value of 0.10 16.00 improvements for assessment agreement. 3/22/2006 MNI Voicemail to Rick Wolfsteller concerning developer 0.10 16.00 contact information, status of ponding easement 3/22/2006 MNI Voicemail to Bret Weiss concerning general grading 0.10 16.00 (definition for purposes of contract) and facts for ponding easemenUcontract. 3/22/2006 MNI Call from Angela with city of Monticello. Gave contact info 0.10 16.00 for Michael Maher of Karlsburger, also informed me that plat shows an easement so no need for separate easement agreement. 3/22/2006 MNI Consultation with B Johnson regarding easement for 0.20 32.00 Karlsburger contract. . 3/23/2006 SJB Conference with M Ingram re: contract; easement 0.75 142.50 3/23/2006 MNI Phone call from Todd Hagen at Ehlers regarding minimum 0.10 16.00 . Page: Kennedy & Grav n, Chartered 200 South Sixt Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, M 55402 City of Monticello April 30, 2006 assessed value 3/23/2006 MNI Finalize contract. 1.50 240.00 3/23/2006 MNI Voicemail to Shabani at WSB regarding her message to 0.10 16.00 me to clarify additional pon easement questions. 3/23/2006 MNI Conversation with Shibani t WSB regarding general 0.20 32.00 grading and easement issu s. She suggested definition substantially the same as 0 hlheimer contract, clarified that city has maintenance r sponsibility for pond. 3/23/2006 MNI Call to Todd Hagen verifyin assessed value as $1 million. 0.10 16.00 3/24/2006 SJB Conference with Ehlers. Cit re: revised hearing schedule 0.50 95.00 . for subsidy 3/24/2006 MNI Call to Nikki at Ehlers regar ing notice of public hearing 0.10 16.00 (HRA) and possibility of sp cial meeting. 3/24/2006 MNI Call to Rick Wolfsteller at C ty regarding possibility of 0.10 16.00 changing public hearing to pril 12 (special meeting of HRA) due to failure to publi h hearing notice. 3/24/2006 MNI Review of revised public he, ring notice; em ail outlining OAO 64.00 change to all parties; revisi n of resolutions. 3/24/2006 MNI Review TIF Plan for Dis!. 1-37. 0.90 144.00 3/24/2006 MNI Phone call to Nikki at Ehler regarding language missing 0.10 16.00 from business subsidy porti n of notice of public hearing. 3/24/2006 MNI Revise notice of public hea ing to include required 0.20 32.00 business subsidy language 3/27/2006 MNI Review TIF plan. 0.30 48.00 3/28/2006 MNI Review TIF plan for District 1-37, Karlsburger. 1.50 240.00 3/29/2006 MNI Call to Ollie at HRA - had s veral suggested changes to OAO 64.00 Purchase and Redevelopm nt Contract, which I noted and will insert. Also discussed n cessary resolutions for HRA meeting on the 12th. 3/29/2006 MNI Finalize HRA resolutions a d send to Ollie. 0.50 80.00 . 3/29/2006 MNI Revisions to Contract as p r Ollie's suggested changes. 0.80 128.00 4/5/2006 MNI Email to Nikki regarding bu iness subsidy meeting. 0.10 16.00 Page: 7 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 . City of Monticello April 30, 2006 4/5/2006 MNI Review letter from Todd Hagen containing District 1-37 0.10 16.00 map. 4/5/2006 MNI Phone call to Ollie regarding Karlsburger (acreage of land 0.20 32.00 sold to developer will decrease somewhat because size of drainage easement has increased). 4/5/2006 MNI Clarification email to Nikki at Ehiers regarding business 0.10 16.00 subsidy resolutions - both HRA and city must approve, and both resolutions have been drafted. 4/6/2006 SJB Conference with M Ingram, O. Koropchak re: easement 0.75 142.50 area, revised price, effect on contract 4/6/2006 MNI Finalize second draft of contract, including updated 1.00 160.00 . acreage of conveyance and easement, and send to Ollie and Karlsburger. 4/6/2006 MNI Revise Assessment Agreement to remove reference to 0.20 32.00 townhomes; send to Ollie. 4/12/2006 MNI Meeting with Ollie, City, Ehlers regarding accounting 3.80 608.00 related to industrial park. 4/1 3/2006 SJB Conference with M Ingram re: contract 0.30 57.00 4/13/2006 MNI Revisions to Karlsburger contract as per email from Ollie. 1.30 208.00 4/13/2006 MNI Phone call to Ollie K. regarding status of plat. County is 0.10 16.00 still reviewing so WSB does not want to release it yet, in case there are changes. Will call Steven Ische regarding schedule for recording. Also discussed need for Mike Maher to involve his attorney as we proceed to closing. 4/13/2006 MNI Call to Steven Ische at WSB regarding status of plat. 0.10 16.00 4/17/2006 SJB Review TIF resolution 0.50 95.00 4/17/2006 MNI Review of City Council resolution establishing TIF District 1.50 240.00 1-37; revisions to findings and Walser analysis. 4/18/2006 SJB Conference with M Ingram re: City resolution 0.25 47.50 4/18/2006 MNI Revise City Council resolution adopting TIF Plan as per 040 64.00 comments by S Bubul. . 4/18/2006 MNI Email to Nikki, Ollie with revised resolution and suggested 0.30 48.00 change to TIF summary. . Page: Kennedy & Grav n, Chartered 200 South Sixt Street Suite 47 Minneapolis, M 55402 City of Monticello April 30, 2006 4/20/2006 SJB Emails to/from O. Koropcha re: grading cost 0.25 4/24/2006 MNI Review TIF Plan for Dis!. 1- 7. 0.70 4/26/2006 SJB Emails re: CPO 0.25 4/26/2006 MNI Email reply to Ollie's update on Karlsburger: Verify closing 0.60 date, grading costs. Tot I Services: $ To al Services and Disbursements:$ . . 47.50 112.00 47.50 96.00 6,591.00 6,591.00 Page: 9 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello c- :\i '\vy\ G 't\ - April 30, 2006 MN190-00124 Park Acquisition Financing Through April 30, 2006 For All Legal Services As Follows: 4/10/2006 SJB Phone call with T. Hagen re: park acquisition financing options Hours 0.30 4/11/2006 SJB Begin resolution on financing; conference with M Ingram 0.50 re: research needs 4/13/2006 MNI Research possibility of assessing all residents of City to 0.80 partially finance acquisition of park land under theory that park benefits everyone. 4/14/2006 MNI Research on assessment for park acquisition purposes. 0.50 4/18/2006 MNI Research into general assessment for park acquisition. 1.00 4/19/2006 SJB Phone call with S. Kvilvang re: LOI; find model 0.50 4/24/2006 SJB Draft LOI; phone call with S. Kvilvang re: same 1.00 4/25/2006 SJB Emails re: LOI, revise same 0.50 4/25/2006 MNI Research on use of special assessments for park 0.50 acquisition. 4/27/2006 MNI Research on assessments for park acquisition. 0.70 4/28/2006 MNI Draft memo regarding use of special assessments for 1.30 park acquisition; Westlaw case law research. 4/28/2006 MNI Library research (Dunnell) for Minnesota case law on OAO assessment proceedings. 4/30/2006 MNI Draft park acquisition memo. 0.90 Total Services: $ Total Services and Disbursements:$ . Amount 57.00 95.00 128.00 80.00 .' 160.00 95.00 190.00 95.00 80.00 112.00 208.00 64.00 144.00 1,508.00 1,508.00 . . . . Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixt Street Suite 47 Minneapolis, M 55402 City of Monticello '0- \. -:, · April 30, 2006 MN190-00125 Economic Development TIF (Walker Desi n) ~o Ll b Llla- ~() \ ' "\ ~ ';- ~~~~ l~~ ~~~ \(Q.\ \{\D ~ Through April 30, 2006 For All Legal Services As Follows: 4/24/2006 MNI Call to Ollie regarding com ents on PDA with Walker. Hours 0.10 MNI Request to Ollie for form P A to be sent to Walker 0.20 att,9rney, Steve Thorson; e ail document to Mr. Thorson. -<<~7 To .1 Services: $ 4/26/2006 T tal Services and Disbursements:$ Amount 16.00 32.00 48.00 48.00 Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Leaders in Public Finance 3060 Centre POinte Drive Roseville,MN 55113 (651) 697-8500 .! Financial Advisory Services Invoice Monticello Housing And Redevelopment Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 S ~ ~ ~"t- .Jl-b t) (;a.. \ \ 'I ~ V~. '-\ \... C; o?. . ?, l <\ <;. "A \ ~ · '-l~s ")..'-\ . ? \ q ~ Invoice #: 332861 Invoice Date: June 9, 2006 ~ \.o-\~ ~OlQ Project: 2006 Modification of District 1-2 and 1-24 Date Worked k Descriotion of Services Hours Amount 03-09-2006 NS Prepared Schedule of Events, Distribution List, HRA Call 1.50 232.50 Resolution and City Call Resolution 03-15~2006 NS Updated Call Resolutions .25 38.75 04~19-2006 NS Drafted County Commissioner Notice .75 116.25 04-20-2006 NS Updated TIF Plans 1.00 155.00 . 04-28~2006 NS Faxed and Mailed County Commissioner Notice .50 77.50 05~03-2006 NS Drafted Fiscal Implications Notice .75 116.25 05-10-2006 NS Drafted Planning Resolution .25 38.75 05~1 0-2006 NS Faxed and Mailed Fiscal Implications Notice .50 77.50 05-11-2006 NS Drafted the HRAAdopting Resolution .50 77.50 05-11-2006 NS Drafted Public Hearing Notice .50 77.50 05-11-2006- NS Drafted City Council Adopting Resolution .75 116.25 05-17-2006 NS Updated the City Council and HRA adopting resolutions .75 116.25 8.00 $1,240.00 [ ._-~.-._-----_."-_._~-,-_._.._... ----.-J Amount Due This Invoice $1,240.00 -_.~--~-.,,-, ."'._-'-'-'_."._._-_."-._-'-".__.._-,.,._~..~_.,~~- (Detach at perforation and return lower portion to Ehlers & Associates, Inc,) Monticello Housing And Redevelopment Authority Invoice #: 332861 Invoice Date: June 9, 2006 r Amou'~tD~--;-This '~;~~e---------------$1,240.o01 .........~'-'-~~._."-~~_...."._~-_.,',._-_.,"-_.._.,---,~--,,~.._~._~._-,. I. ". -.----.--------------"~--..-'-"-------"-----'---"'-----~ Please remit payment to: Ehlers & Associates, Inc./ I Attn: Accounts Receivable Due Upon Receipt 3060 Centre POinte Drive ! Roseville, MN 55113 J L____,~______ ____._m__._ "'-~"---'--.---._._..".__.m____,____.._____ .____..,,___,______"__ . Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Leaders in Public Finance . Financial Advisory Services Invoice City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street. Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Project: QuickTIF Software QuickTIF 9.0 Upgrade SJE QuickTIF 9.0 Software Upgrad Expense Passwthrough: Sales ax @ 6.5% . . \ ~O~ \ L\~~~() . Q- \ ~ . C4-.J \tJ ~ .,., <:::& _ 0 \.0 - 'd 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 697-8500 Invoice #: Invoice Date: 332949 June 20, 2006 325.00 11.38 $336.38 [~rnount Due This Invoice "'==--..__~_~~!6.38] (Detach at perforation and return lower portion to Ehlers & Associ tes, Inc.) City of Monticello Arno nt Due This Invoice . I Please remil paymentto: - Ehlers & ASSOci~tes, I c. Attn: Accounts Receiva Ie 3060 Centre Pointe Driv Roseville, MN 55113 -- Invoice #: Invoice Date: Due Upon Receipt 332949 June 20, 2006 _ $336.381 ] ., ./' . ..... . ".... Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Leaders in Public Finance 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 697 ~8500 . Financial Advisory Services Invoice Monticello Housing And Redevelopment Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Invoice #: Invoice Date: 333071 July 10, 2006 Project: General Date Worked k DescriDtion of Services Hours Amount 06-28-2006 ED Attended Meeting: TIF reporting help~convert database and enter information and e~mail to staff _II -. I . So ~C(C,.lk. '3;; .~ 0 3.00 $450.00 ~.. --..- .._--_...__._"~._.__._..._-_._.__. Amount Due This Invoice $450.001 -~.~- -.'-~-'.'--_._'-_..' ._-"."""_._--._-~.'.__.".._--' ..----.... 3.00 450.00 0-;'" Os, D\.o \q ")0 . ?- \ . ?-'-. ? '3 . ?. 4 . ~S. d-~ . 'dcg. ?-~. ~. "0 r; \.. :, \., o.}\ ? \ -:'. lJ.. t..Q CS . ()K TO PAY? Dlll~ ." Code: l n itia,' __~"' - (Detach at perforation and return lower portion to Ehlers & Associates. Inc.) Monticello Housing And Redevelopment Authority Invoice #: 333071 Invoice Date: July 10, 2006 [~m~unt-D~-e T~iS ~~~_Oi~:e ___=::~=~_~=--_=_~_---$4.~0.~~J l Please remit pay~~;t;~- ~::i~~~i~~~~~~~~~--=-uponR.ce~~---~ . Roseville, MN 55113 , -.---___._.___._n.____ ..--------.,.-----.-~--..-, --------_... ... .______..______. __._.____..__...__ .____. .___...._____ .n_.J . Ehlers & Associates, In Leaders in Public Finance 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 697-8500 Financial Advisory Services Invoice Monticello Housing And Redevelopment Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Invoice #: 333070 Invoice Date: July 10, 2006 Project: 2006 Modification of District 1-2 and 1-24 -~ Date Worked ~ Description of Services Hours Amount 06-13-2006 NS Prepared Document Request emo .50 77.50 Ii?,.l\ S ?,Cb.\'\S ? \ :.,. \....\ ~ OS 0 d . ? \. '). \ '?:>. '--\ \" s ~ '-\ . [ q ,,~,-,-,---------""-'--'-'---- -.....------.......------------J ~~e T~i,~_.!!!~~ice _________". ,____~_~7 .50 .. .50 $77.50 O~< Te) PAY? O\he. ---' Code: r")'I~-O(o I n iti a.! ~ (Detach at perforation and return lower portion to Ehlers & Associ tes, Inc.) Monticello Housing And Redevelopment Authority Invoice #: Invoice Date: 333070 July 10,2006 r'--'.- i__~~~_~t D ue !.~J~_~ nvoice_..__________.,_____________J~7 .5~__: . I---------_.._--------~...,---- -...---.-.---"..--".- --- ,,--.--'---" ----.----------.--..-.-----.--------------.- .---------.""---.---" ! Please remit payment to: Ehlers & Associates, I c. I Attn: Accounts Receiva Ie Due Upon Receipt I 3060 Centre Pointe Driv l.... . _..__________,______ Ro:evi~~,~~_~5 :_~:.._ ______....__________,___________ __________._._ .___________. . . . HRA Agenda - 08/02/06 8. Consideration of Executive Director's Re ort. A. Karlsburger Foods, Inc. - According to WSB, the trunk line installation is completed According to the HRA attorney, Ian conveyance (closing) should take place by end of July. Site review comments were gi en to the contractor/developer on July 5 for revisions to be submitted along with the building permit application which was submitted late Friday, July 14. The Assessme t Agreement was recorded at the County stating a minimum market value of$1 millio on January 2,2007. B. Washburn Computer Group - Paul einwachter, Ron Hoglund and myself visited this St. Louis Park company on July 19th The company plans to close on the purchase of the 31,000 sq ft Clow Stamping buH ing by the end of July (Actual closing July 26). After improvements are made to the building, they hope for a October move-in date. The company is a third party mainte ance service company with a national customer base such as Target and Home Depo. Forty to fifty employees (skilled [technicians] and unskilled). The company hopes to grow and expand the facility by 20,000 sq ft in the future (within two years.). C. Precision Technologies - Completio of 10,000 sq. ft. of the 25,000 sq ft Blue Chip building along Dundas Road is mov' ngalong with Precision expected to relocate from Rogers near the end of August. Ele en full-time jobs and with future growth of additional 5-7 jobs. The IDC/City ill host a welcome reception. 1 attended groundbreaking. The company spec alizes in CNC turning & milling, quality assured through SPC. Jim and Connie Hood, owners. D. Dahlheimer's Distribution - I contac ed Greg before the 4th and he was looking to hold one Open House. But since has ch ged his mind and encouraged the IDC/HRNCity to arrange a date to tour the new faci ity. August 17,3:30 p.m.. E. Albertville Company - Preliminary uilding permit fees and time-frame requested by company. Was submitted end of J e. The Preliminary Development Agreement was on the HRA agenda on June 7; hower, the HRA tabled any action as they felt the application was premature. The co pany was unable to attend the HRA meeting as were on business travel and they did not have preliminary design concept. F. Leads: Fabricated Glass Product Co pany - Requires 1-2 Zone, no decisions. - 48,000 sq ft warehouse/distributio - also looking at JobZ in Little Falls. - Carlson Real Estate Company look ng at potential future park development. - Local industrial business - I'm 100 ing forward to working with company on future expanSlOn. - Landscape restoration/seed comp y - 90,000 sq ft building. 15 full time and 15 part time. Looking for 3 acres. Mailed i fo. - Extrusion company -looking for 6 ,000 sq ft existing building. 30 employees. May build. - Plymouth Landscape company - re erral Chuck Van Heel. Owner lives in 1 G. H. 1. J. K. L. l... . BRA Agenda - 08/02/06 e Monticello. Haven't called yet. Attended Open House for Premier Bank in June. - Hosted Recognition Breakfast for Sunny Fresh in June. Thanks to those who participated and attended. Photo booklet sent to company. - Attended the Retail Trade Analysis for Monticello sponsored by the Chamber. - Made an appearance at the Manufacturing and Food Processing Seminar hosted by the County Partnership. -Was asked to facilitate round-table discussions on economic development at the Workshop on Regional Collaboration and Land Use. - WSB working on Ribbon Cutting Event for new interchange scheduled to open by August 31,2006. - Wright County Economic Development Partnership Board meeting, July 21,2006. - Attended the BRE meeting at UMC on presentation by Jeff O'Neill- City Commitment to Service. A VR - The city is moving forward with the purchase of an additional 53 acres from Chadwick. Fourteen acres (12 developable) are planned for conveyance to A YR. The agreement between the City and A VR is subject to approved sitelbui1ding plans. Dalton Avenue will be extended southerly to property line and Dalton Court will be constructed to the west allowing entrance into the A VR site. A portion of Dalton Way is included as an Alternate Bid. This gives the City another 40 acres to market with infrastructure improvements completed by summer 2007. Transformation Home Loans - Breiwick closed and recorded mortgage document returned to HRA. $20,000 payment to title company for disbursement on behalf of the HRA. - Petersen loan closed on June 26, 2006. American Quality Title Company recording HRA mortgage. Original not returned yet. The $19,846 paid to title company who reimbursed the property owners. Recording and attorney fees responsibility of the HRA. Annual TIF District Reports to the State Auditors Office due August 1, 2006. Semi-annual TIF pay-as-you-go disbursement payments due August 1,2006. See attached. Marketing Committee to meet August 3, 7:30 a.m, to determine budget request for 2007. Fliers were mailed to local banks and Chamber office. Billboard will be up again this fall for four months beginning in September. Advertised in County Partnership membership directory and donated toward the West Metro Fringe Enterprise Network Systems Analysis. Broadway Square and River Park View Apartments (affordable senior/disabled housing units) located in TIF District No. 1-2 has been sold to Metro Plains Development Properties Management. They are applying for prepayment of its USDA el 2 e . M. . . BRA Agenda - 08/02/06 N. Rental Housing Loan for River Par. Prepayment will give them three options: continue as affordable rental, operate as mar et rate housing, or sell to new owner. I'm aware Metro is looking to do improvemen s at Broadway Square. Fiber Optics Task Force met July 1 with the consultants to review the results ofthe residential and business surveys. T ey discussed options and strategies to begin formulating recommendations for ity Council action September 11. Presentations will be given by Mayer and Dahl-Flemi g at Rotary and Chamber meetings and a Council workshop will proceed the Septem er Council meeting. EDA Loans - The EDA loan with E 'c, Carl, and Joe Bondhus has been paid-off and the balloon payment on the EDMA oan is due September 1, 2006. Economic Development Departrne t Report was given to the Council at their meeting of June 26 (however didn't receive imes front-page story). The Council did ok proceeding with research and explo "ng policies for an alternative financial tool known as Tax Abatement (Rebate). I've r ceived copy of policies from the Cities of Tracy and Burnsville. Otter Creek Crossing - I've called meeting on July 25 for the city development staff and consultants to discuss plans an funding for aesthetic improvements to the city owned industrial park. We market he property as an investment and the city, as the developer, requires the businesses t landscape and irrigate through recorded covenants. Things that will be dis ussed is lighting along pathway for safety and boulevard tree plantings. How will the public wetland/pond areas be maintained? What has happened to the boulev grass? What are the city's plans to landscape, irrigate, and hard surface/curb the arking area at the lift station along Chelsea Road? Comp Plan Update - Please note u coming neighborhood and business community meetings. It is important for busin sses to provide information. SEE ATTACHED. O. P. Q. 3 //~". ,.,.-'/ .",".. >1 / ! "L--,.-----r---- .... :z .. '" ~'" :rZ F 1>- <,2 "'x ) <: W~_~ "~a,..- /~O ~ B I.~;~~~ W .. ..,'" '" ~6 ~ I ~u :J: ,~ !;loll I \~~\ .. ..........~9J~ ~r~ /' --" ~'ti .... w ~ >=' Ul .. ~Z ", ~~,,5 g!.~ ~ ...:JXQ "w~ . N o ~ o~ N .... Z .. '" .~ :r '" ~.' '" Ul j2 ~ : 0. is ~'ro'ro o "-'w UlZ ~~ 0.... g:g 1:: ;::l e 0 "0; U E ~ B ca .;. 0 ~ ~ ;;; Z ~ 0) 0) ;::l C/) c:: C ~ ~ <r: .~ == a .9 VJ "'Ol o i ~ " ~ n ~ ~~ f ~! ! ~I ~ ~ B i~ J ! CQII~ I~ ~ ..~ ! I ~ ( ("\ The answers to these questlOns affect every person in Monticello. In seeking these answers, the planning process allows~ the community to define a vision for the future of Monticello andto create a guide to achieve that vision. The result '.ill be a Comprehensive Plan that contains the goals, policies and strategies for reaching the vision for Monticello. ~e Comprehensive Plan will be used by the City Council, City S aff and advisory boards in all aspects of community ~velopment . How Will the Plan be Updated? Updating the Comprehensive Plan is a process that begins with g "hering information to understand what currently exists in the community and identify community issues that need to be ddressed. By learning about the community's aspirations for the future, we can start to explore alternatives that achieve a 'sion and respond to current issues. These alternatives are then used to develop a preferred concept which becomes the cen erpiece of a draft comprehensive plan. The draft plan is then reviewed by the community and revised until a final plan is proved. You can continue to be a part of the information gathering process by attending one of the upcoming neighborhoo meetings in August. Neighborhood Meetings The conversation about the future of Monticello continues in Au ust with a series of neighborhood meetings. These meetings will help us focus on the unique issues and concerns of 'fferent parts of the community. Each meeting will be from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Please plan to attend one of the followin : "N orth" neighborhoods - Thursday, August 3, Monticello Middle School "South" neighborhoods - Thursday, August 1 0, Monticell High School ~. Business community - Wednesday, August 16, Monticell Community Center .. Monticello Township - Thursday, August 24, Monticello ownship Hall . Information Online and Contacts You can find more information about the Com rehensive Plan l pdate on the City of Monticello's web page - ~ ci.monticello.mn.us. Currently, the Comprehensive Plan page ontains genera rmation about the planning process and a schedule of upcoming meetings. New information will be adde to the page in the coming weeks. The Comprehensive Plan page will contain the results of community and neighborhood m etings. In addition, you can send questions and comments directly to the consultants directly via mail at 11 m. City Staff JeU 0' Neill Deputy City Administrator / Community Development Directo jeEf. oneill@ci.monticello.mn.us 763.271.3215 Angela Schumann Community Development Coordinator angela.schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us .3.271.3224 Consultants (Hoisington Koegler Group Inc.) Rusty Fifield Strategic Planner monticello@hkgi.com 612.252.7133 Rita Trapp Planner monticello@hkgi.com 612.252.7135 " Mf 'ELLa .- SIX THOUSAND CITY OF MaN ICELLO ACCOUNTS P YABLE 505 WALNUT STREE . SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, M 55362 763-295-27 1 1/., 910' NO. 86051 WELLS FARGO BANK MONTICELI...O, MtNP\l.ESOTA 58362 . (7831 295.2290 DATE CHECK NO. AMOUNT 07/20/2006 86051 SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY EIGHT AND 00/100 DOLLARS $6,768.00 PAY TO THE ORDER OF BBF PROPERTIES 19577 180TH AVE BIG LAKE MN 55309 ;:;~.~:~~~~:~.:;::.wr.:. .-.:.:.:~:.~:;:~:,~, . :;~>:~:r>;:,/:::: ............ __". "".h~ ..t.... I"h.. . ...~''"i:.....~ , ..~....:......~...' . ",:' ...,. . /, J .on '.nO, ~. [,!{./t '.:.:.:.:{:.:.:::...:i::..u~ ~.",.F. ... 1I'08!;O 5 .11' 1:09 .0000 .91: 7 !; 0 00. 7111 IENDOR 001295 BBF PROPERTIES 07/20/2006 CHECK 86051 ;'>:' ';:/(:, ,'.'. I,:'" . ;;'JThJD <& n3 "46522.6511 TIF 1-22 PAYBACK INSTALLMENT 6,768.00 TOTAL 6,768.00 . . CITY OF MONTICELLO. MON leELLO. MN 55362 M( 'eno CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET' SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 763-295-2711 DATE 07/20/2006 SIX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED ELEVEN AND 00/100 DOLLARS PAY TO THE ORDER OF BLUE CHIP DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 105 MISSISSIPPI DRIVE MONTICELLO MN 55362 1110 B b 0 5 b III I: 09 .0000 . 91: 17,\ '~ NO. 86056 CHECK NO WELLS FARGO BANK MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA S5$~ . 1763) ~". AMOUNT $6,311.00 86056 ;:.:~::~~~~~;~.w.:~;..,.:.:.::,-,.:::~~:... . :~/~f;'.:~::?,:;.\, ...._. ......t." /...... ...... ...." 1.~..1"'..:." ..}....../.~...'..._' 7bo 00. 7111 ENDOR 000172 BLUE CHIP DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 07/20/2006 WP,k: 13.46525.6511 TIF 1-25 CITY OF MONTICEllO. MONTICEL.LO. MN 55362 CHECK 86056 PAYBACK INSTALLMENT 6,311.00 TOTAL 6,311.00 CITY OF MON ICELLO ACCOUNTS P Y ABLE 505 WALNUT STRE T. SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, N 55362 763c295-2711 17-1 \ ----gw- NO. 86069 07 20/2006 86069 FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE AND 00/100 DOLLARS .~ CHECK NO. WELLS FARGO BANK MC'fTlCELLQ, MINNESOTA 55~6" '176~1 "95-2290 AMOUNT $5,285.00 PAY TO THE ORDER OF CEDRUS CREEK CRAFTSMAN, INC ATTN: JOHN KONAREK 12420 ARMITAGE AVE NW MONTICELLO MN 55362 11'08 bO b gll' 1:0 g .0000 I. gl: ? bOO 0 I. ? /I' IENDOR 001114 CEDRUS CREEK CRAFTSMAN, INC ;,.tJNb 07/20/2006 CHECK 86069 213.46520.6511 TIF 1-20 PAYBACK INSTALLMENT 5,285.00 TOTAL 5 , 2 85 . 0 0 . . -----) CITY OF MONTICELLO. MON ICELL.O. MN 53362 M ELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET. SUITE 1 MONTICEllO, MN 55362 763.295.2711 DATE 17-1 > -----g,o NO. 86086 CHECK NO WELL.S FARGO BANK MONTICElLO. MINNESQTA 55362 . (76,11 29..' AMOUNT $11,957.00 07/20/2006 86086 ELEVEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FIFTY SEVEN AND 00/100 DOLLARS PAY TO THE ORDER OF FIRST NAT'L BANK OF ELK RIVER ATTN KEVIN WEERS 729 MAIN ST ELK RIVER MN 55330 ;:.:~:~~.t~};//1;/:'J'~:: -:i;/ /,1 :=nH;'.:;:.F}) ..~.............~~I.'~4'..("."""'." :: :~~it~..~1.<:' . ~ IIi" ~ tl:.:.:~/~::. ......: i .. " I ....' ';.:.:.,:,,:;;=-,:~ ::..:.: ::'+:.~ j) IIIOB bOB bill ':0 g 1.0000 I. g.: 7 bOO 0 I. 7111 rENDOR 002790 FIRST NAT'L BANK OF ELK RIVER 07/20/2006 CHECK 86086 'm,ri .&li$~~~~!\;iljl!;~!?;ll;i;ifA:;i! i';M,~Ji!~9,#;,'r'!iW!~,!2E;{ . .i;;,!ill~~&~fu~1<i~~I: .. ",W~~~~~I!~~l1B'~~i', ......, " I 13.46529.6511 TIF 29 PAYBACK INSTALLMEN 11,957.00 TOTAL 11,957.00 . . CITY OF MO~iTICEI.LO' MONTICELLO MN 55362 CITY OF MO TICELLO ACCOUNTS AYABLE 505 WALNUT STRE T' SUITE 1 MONTICELLO. N 55362 763-295-2 11 DATE 20/2006 LARS M'" '":ELLO 'E~ THOUSAND TWENTY THREE AND 00/100 PAY TO THE ORDER OF INTEGRATED RECYCL TECH, INC. C/O STEVE BUDD 9696 FALLON AVE NE MONTICELLO MN 55362 II'OB b ~ ~ 511' 1:0 9 ~OOOO ~ 111: vENDOR 002091 INTEGRATED RECYCL TECH, INC. 17-1 -9i()'- NO. 86115 CHECK NO 86115 WEllS FARGO BANK MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ,,3"> .(763) ~%-~2g0 AMOUNT $3,023.00 :).~x~}rffl':~~:{0:{t~?:':?': 7 bOO 0 ~ 7 II' 07/20/2006 CHECK 86115 .,:,~ o. .: ,', ' . PUND& 213.46528.6511 TIF 28 . . CiTY OF MONTICELLO' MON, ICELLO. M~I 55362 PAYBACK INSTALLMENT 3,023.00 TOTAL 3,023.00 j CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET. SUITE 1 MONTICEllO, MN 55362 763-295-2711 17.' -9iQ NO. 86127 07/20/2006 SIX THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS 86127 WELLS FARGO BANK MONTICELLO. MI....ESOTA 55J6~ . (7S') 29.- AMOUNT $6,830.00 M ELLO DATE CHECK NO. PAY TO THE ORDER OF MASTER'S FIFTH AVENUE, INC 204 LOCUST STR SUITE 209 MONTICELLO MN 55362 j 11'08 b . 27111 ':0 g .0000 . t:j,: 7 baa O. 711' 'ENDOR 002731 MASTER'S FIFTH AVENUE, INC '1JND.&Ae8d~~:j!i\~';",~):~:.;.~i:}(i':' "" /';';'i~ :,1 ~:.'.,', :. ;..' ; ~ '~"O ;.'#.,. . ~;6 I CE 07/20/2006 CHECK 86127 ..........:,..,,\r,;!f)~.~:8~:~'~;~@~~~~1~i:jtti~~;)~(',:~\r:~j':i\:!t'i~;Jf({{fJ~@~T..:.. . .~ 13.46585.6511 TIF 22.5 PAYBACK INSTALLMENT 6,830.00 TOTAL 6,830.00 . .: , I I I i i ) CITY OF MONTICEI.L.o. MONiICELLO. MN 55362 _ELLl! CITY OF MO TICELLO ACCOUNTS P YABLE 505 WALNUT STAE T' SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, N 55362 763.295-2 11 17-1 9"i'iJ'" " NO. 86160 THIRTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY WELLS FARGO BANK MONTtCELLO, MtNNESOtA 553(;2: t (7631 295-n90 CHECK NO 20/2006 86160 E AND 63/100 DOLLARS AMOUNT $13,839.63 PAY TO THE ORDER OF PRESBYTERIAN HOMES HOUSING AND ASSISTED LIVING, INC 2845 HAMLINE AVE NO ROSEVILLE MN 55113 R'...........-......'.'.. . -..~.......~ .... ..... ........ ........ "''fUL4' .,.. ."~" ........., . . :~:~.::!:.:i:;.:::~,.~/J .../- ."~' . ::~.~~.:t/::::~....::.:~.. i &1f!j~~I<;i ...... ...... ......' ...... ...~... -.... 'II..J\.Ut_It....A...r:h.~.... :~.) .. . d '" .. .....;..,,; 11108 b 1. b01l1 1:0 g 1.0000 1. gl: 7 bOO 0 1. 7111 TENDOR 001217 PRESBYTERIAN HOMES HOUSING 07/20/2006 CHECK 86160 ~13. 46519.6511 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMEN 13,839.63 TOTAL 13,839.63 . . CITY OF MO~ITICEI.LO' MONTI "ELLO. MN 35362. ---......./ MI 'ELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET' SUITE I MONTICELLO, MN 55362 763.295.2711 DATE 17 t --fi"J- NO. 8 6184 CHECK NO WELLS FARGO BANK. MONflCELlO, MINN~50'rA 5-5362. i7i;:]~ 29.;' AMOUNT $21,588.00 07/20/2006 86184 TWENTY ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY EIGHT AND 00/100 DOLLARS PAY TO THE ORDER OF ST CLOUD HOSPITAL C/O ST BENEDICT'S CENTER 1810 MINNESOTA BLVD. SE ST CLOUD MN 56304-2416 ';;0i?'~:~:'?1f3 III 0 B b ~ B 4 III I: 0 9 ~ 0 0 0 0 ~ 9 I: 7 bOO 0 l. 711' 'ENDOR 000411 ST CLOUD HOSPITAL 07/20/2006 CHECK 86184 'u1Jri:,',~>;~;~~~~iM~~i""f'...,:'. INVOICE AMOUNT 13.46524.6511 TIF 1-24 PAYBACK INSTALLMEN 21,588.00 TOTAL 21,588.00 . CITY OF MONTICELLO' MONTICELLO M~I 5536; 17-1 \ ---g-;-o- CITY OF MO TICELLO ACCOUNTS P YABLE 505 WALNUT STRE T' SUITE 1 MONTICELLO N 55362 763-295-2 11 .'ELLO 07 SIX HUNDRED SEVENTEEN AND 00/100 DOLLARS PAY TO THE ORDER OF TAPPER'S HOLDINGS LLC ATTN: WILLIAM R TAPPER 3935 WALDEN LANE WAYZATA MN 55391 II"OB b . B 711" 1:09 .0000 .91: JENDOR 003581 TAPPER'S HOLDINGS LLC P.O.# INVOICE 213.46533.6511 TIF 1-3 . . NO. 86187 WELLS FA.RGO BANK MONTICl::.!,.LO. MINNE"SQTA 55362" (7631295'22~1O CHECK NO AMOUNT 86187 $617.00 :~;;i~1.~t~W.~::;!t~~~~~{/(:::t.:'~ 'j i .i ".... :.Y 7 bOO O. 7 III 07/20/2006 CHECK 86187 PAYBACK INSTALLMENT 617.00 TOTAL 617.00 _~_J CITY OF MONTICEl.LO' MONTCFLl..O MN 55362 CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET' SUITE 1 MONTICEllO, MN 55362 763.295.2711 -~-- 910 NO. 86191 07/20/2006 THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND 00/100 DOLLARS 86191 WELLS FARGO BANK MOl"rnCELLO, MINNESCTA S53t12. (7f);1I 2(." . AMOUNT $34,200.00 /.0' ~ELLO DATE CHECK NO PAY TO THE ORDER OF TERRANCE & MARY TOMANN FLP C/O UMC 4022 TOMAHAWK TRAIL MEDINA MN 55340 ~.. ._. ".. ..' ._....... _... ,_ _.~' '" "" 0-_ ." .-...r.... ,. . ...... -...M.... (t;..... ..~.. ...... .... ~/:;::/(~;./l/: -/~;" . /.::::'.(:.:..i:.:) - }ZL!(~ ?:filii}?:' -l?:::/\.:...:::::"",;:.0:;.. ...-:':..:~..:..;:,.:~~::::::/:::'J 11108 b ~ g ~ III I: 0 g ~ 0 000 ~ 91: 7 bOO 0 ~ 7111 'ENDOR 002658 TERRANCE & MARY TOMANN FLP 07/20/2006 CHECK 86191 'ui-1H",~)':!:~~&:.', i-':~,.,-," (, ".;'" '..::" 'DESCRIPTIoN 13.46531.6511 TIF 1-31 PAYBACK INSTALLMEN 34,200.00 TOTAL 34,200,00 . ~ CITY OF MONTICELLO' MONTICELL.O MN SS:1IV CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAY BLE 505 WALNUT STREET' SUITE 1 MOI\ITICELLO, MN 5362 763-295-2711 ~, ~ELLO .- SEVENTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SIXTY PAYTO THE ORDER OF TWIN CITY DIE CASTINGS CO. ATTN: DOUG HARMON 1070 SE 33RD AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS MN 55414 III 0 B b * 9 3 Itl I : 0 9 * 0 0 0 0 * 9 I: 'ENDOR 000456 TWIN CITY DIE CASTINGS CO. :13.46526.6511 TIF 1-26 . . 17 I ---910' NO. 86193 WELLS FARGO BANK MONiICE.LLO, M'INNESOTp: 5;.362. (76::1) 2%''27~HJ CHECK NO. AMOUNT /2006 86193 05/100 DOLLARS $17,161.05 ;:,:,:::~~:!.~~rj1;/;/:: -~/ / /I ;-::.'::~f:::',:::,:::, ...-..-.. ~ ~~I'....,.,....,.,-,.,. ~: :..~l~t':.,..~<; r. . .~. - ...-:. <':':.~ . , ;' 7 bOO 0 * 7111 07/20/2006 CHECK 86193 AMOUNT PAYBACK INSTALLMEN 17,161.05 TOTAL 17,161.05 CITy.oF MONTICELLO . MO~iT""F:L! O. MN 55,,;'2