Planning Commission Minutes 11-04-2019MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, November 4th, 2019 - 6:15 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, John Alstad, and Paul Konsor Commissioners Absent: Alison Zimpfer Council Liaison Present: Charlotte Gabler Staff Present: Steve Grittman (NAC), Matt Leonard, Jim Thares, and Ron Hackenmueller 1. General Business A. Call to Order Sam Murdoff called the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission to order at 6:15 p.m. B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Regular Meeting Minutes — October 1st, 2019 MARC SIMPSON APPROVED THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES — OCTOBER 1 ST, 2019. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. b. Special/Joint Meeting Minutes — August 12', 2019 MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE SPECIAL/JOINT MEETING MINUTES — AUGUST 12TH, 2019. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. C. Citizen Comments None. D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None. E. Consideration to approve agenda MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 2. Public Hearings A. Public Hearing — Reauest for Amendment to the Rivertown Suites Planned Unit Development for site and building amendments Applicant: RiverTown Residential Suites, LLC Steve Grittman introduced the item and noted that the applicant was seeking an adjustment to Planned Unit Development. The project was approved for Planned Unit Development in 2018 due to the density of the project. Since construction of the site, several issues have come up and need review by the City. Ground water was encountered on the site, requiring the site to be raised one foot in height. The applicant also was seeking the following changes, reapportioning the building Planning Commission Minutes — November 4th, 2019 Page 1 110 materials, removal of wall features above the roofline, retaining wall addition, changes to buffer screening and removal of the fence along the east portion of the site. Staff recommended keeping the fence, but recommended approval of the application with conditions. Sam Murdoff asked for clarification on the ground water issue. Matt Leonard explained that the water was perched water, but the applicant decided to move forward with revised plans. Murdoff also asked about the grade. It was noted that the applicant had to install a retaining wall to support the sidewalk. Architectural and building materials were discussed. Exhibit Z of the staff report indicated that it was staff's recommendation to retain the fence as originally approved. In the alternative that the fence would be removed, staff would recommend dense evergreen shrubs in the area over lilacs. Murdoff asked for the length of the fence. Grittman estimated that it was 160 feet. John Alstad asked what the intent of the fence was. Grittman explained that there was concern that parking would spill over to the commercial site to the east. The fence would serve as a buffer. Alstad asked for clarification on the monument sign. Grittman explained that it was a 4 x 6 foot sign. The location would be along Locust Street. Staff recommended moving the sign as close to the building as possible. Murdoff asked if there would be enough space for an evergreen planting along the east portion of the site. Grittman explained that there is four feet, six inches of separation from the curb and adequate space would be available. Paul Konsor asked if there were any concerns with drainage with the height addition. Grittman noted that the total impervious surface coverage was not changing. Leonard stated that the drainage plan was reviewed and acceptable. Sam Murdoff opened the public hearing. Lloyd Hilgart, 6413 82nd Street NE, noted that he was a member of the EDA and recommended no changes from the original plans due to the infusion of money from the EDA to the applicant. Charlotte Gabler asked if the application would also need to be reviewed by the EDA. Jim Thares explained that it would need to be approved by the EDA. Hilgart asked if the sign was asked for in the original PUD agreement. Grittman noted that in the original PUD, the applicant was to specify sign requirements. Clarence McCarty, 319 W. 3rd Street, explained that he no longer has tv reception due to the height of the building. Discussion between the Planning Commission and staff continued. Planning Commission Minutes — November 4th, 2019 Page 2 1 10 Murdoff asked if the sign that they were proposing was large for the project. Grittman explained that in a typical suburban site, the sign would be small, but since it is located in the downtown, he thought the sign was acceptable. SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-0335 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED PUD AMENDMENT, BUT WITH CHANGES REFLECTED IN THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION BELOW, AND AS REFLECTED IN EXHIBIT Z WITH THE EXCEPTION CONDITION B, IT SHOULD STATE "RETAINING ORIGINAL MASONRY/STEEL MATERIALS REFLECTED IN ORIGINAL PLAN". MARC SIMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 3-1 WITH PAUL KONSOR VOTING IN OPPOSITION OF THE MOTION AND REQUESTED TABLING OF ACTION. EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval Rivertown Suites PUD Amendment 2133 d Street West Lotsl-3, Block 36, Original Plat 1. Compliance with each of the original requirements of PUD approval, with the modifications only as specified below: a. Exterior masonry wall treatment similar to the proposed stone used elsewhere extending to the ground elevation b. Retention of the masonry/steel materials and pattern to reflect the plans approved as a part of the original PUD. c. Retention of the vertical "wing -wall" extensions above the roof line as proposed and approved with the original PUD. d. Retention of the required fence per the original PUD condition. e. Addition of the monument sign as proposed, but shifted in location as far from the right of way as possible. f. Detail specification of the materials and color of the proposed modular block retaining walls to match the color of the masonry on the building. g. Comments and requirements of the City Engineer. h. Comments and requirements of other staff and Planning Commission. B. Public Hearing - Request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Places to Shop to Places to Live, Rezoning from B-4 (Regional Business) to Planned Planning Commission Minutes — November 4th, 2019 Page 3 110 Unit Development, Development Stage Planned Unit Development, and Preliminary Plat for a proposed multi -story, multi -family, apartment complex (3 buildings) with approximately 165 units Applicant: Dale Buchholz Construction (Mark Buchholz) Steve Grittman introduced the item. He noted that the applicant was applying for several land use approvals. Grittman explained that the applicant proposed amending the Comprehensive Plan from Places to Shop to Places to Live. For a total of 8 acres of the subject parcel (16 acres total). Grittman showed the Planning Commission the site plan. He said that the proposal was to construct three separate buildings of a total of 165 residential units. Grittman explained that a PUD is required because the proposal was for three separate buildings on one parcel. A plat would also be required. It was noted that the final plat may appear different than the preliminary plat. The applicant may demonstrate the commercial parcels as Outlots until future development is ready to proceed. Grittman explained that the applicant had sought Concept Stage PUD and received feedback from the Planning Commission and City Council. Discussion has also occurred with Staff and Boards to discuss an overall concept for the area that would include common stormwater, open space, and public sidewalks. Grittman noted that the apartment complexes would have under building parking. The first floor would be dedicated for such parking, and the end through the 4th floor would be residential units. Grittman also went into detail about the circulation plan and noted that access would occur on Edmonson and Cedar. It would be a phased development and based on the market. Grittman also reviewed the building materials and site lighting. Staff recommended approval of the application, with conditions as indicated in Exhibit Z. Sam Murdoff asked about having the trash dumpsters inside the building per the Exhibit Z conditions. Grittman explained that typically staff or the trash handler handle it. The underground parking has adequate space to accommodate. Murdoff also asked about access to Edmonson. Grittman explained that it is the intent to always limit access for collector routes, but it was not always possible. This allows for a safer roadway conditions. Paul Konsor asked for clarification on the phasing system. Konsor asked about connection into the future commercial development sites for better traffic flow and access. Grittman explained the phasing system and noted that it was an important consideration. Planning Commission Minutes — November 4th, 2019 Page 4 110 John Alstad asked why it was important to have a shared access agreement. Grittman explained that the driveway would squeeze between two commercial lots. There would be a lot of shared access for properties which necessitates the easement agreement. Charlotte Gabler asked if in previous plans the driveway separated the residential from commercial. Grittman explained that it could have been, but that the plans have changed several times. Grittman explained that the driveway was pushed to the south to help with safety and pushed it away from the Chelsea and Edmonson intersection. Buffering between commercial and residential uses was discussed. It was noted that the buffering requirement would be shared between users. Gabler asked about the stormwater management for the area. Grittman explained that it was noted in Exhibit Z that the applicant would work together to create a regional pond. Sam Murdoff opened the public hearing. Mark Buchholz, developer, introduced himself and thanked staff and the Planning Commission. He explained his excitement for the project and noted that they were letting the City guide them through the development. Murdoff asked if there were any concerns with the Exhibit Z conditions. Buchholz stated that everything seemed reasonable. Murdoff asked when the second access to Cedar would be installed. Buchholz noted that it would be constructed with the second building construction. Konsor asked for clarification on the phasing plan. Buchholz noted that phase one would begin in the spring or summer. Phase two would begin the following year. Phase three would begin in three years. The third phase will be market driven and could be flexible. Hearing no further comments from the public, the public hearing was closed. Decision 1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment — Places to Shop to Places to Live SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-029 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, REGUIDING AN APPROXIMATELY 8.06 ACRE PARCEL (LOT 7, BLOCK 1 OF THE DEEPHAVEN ADDITION) FROM "PLACES TO SHOP" TO "PLACES TO LIVE", BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION THAT THE PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DIRECTION FOR THE CONVERSION OF COMMERCIAL LAND TO MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL, SUBJECT TO COMPLETION OF THE PUD REZONING, PUD AND PRELIMINARY PLAT PROCESSES. MARC SIMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Planning Commission Minutes — November 4th, 2019 Page 5 110 Decision 2. Rezoning to "PUD", Planned Unit Development SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-030 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE A REZONING FROM B-4, REGIONAL BUSINESS TO PUD, DEEPHAVEN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION THAT THE PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DIRECTION FOR THE CONVERSION OF COMMERCIAL LAND TO MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL, AND CONSISTENT WITH THE EXPECTATIONS OF BOTH MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AND PUD DESIGN, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT, COMPLETION OF THE PUD AND PRELIMINARY PLAT PROCESSES, AND THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHIBIT Z. MARC SIMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Decision 3. Development Stage PUD SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-031 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE A DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD FOR THE DEEPHAVEN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION THAT THE PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DIRECTION FOR THE CONVERSION OF COMMERCIAL LAND TO MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL, AND CONSISTENT WITH THE EXPECTATIONS OF BOTH MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AND PUD DESIGN, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT, COMPLETION OF THE PUD AND PRELIMINARY PLAT PROCESSES, AND THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHIBIT Z. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Decision 4. Preliminary Plat for Deephaven SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-032 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE DEEPHAVEN ADDITION, BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION THAT THE PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DIRECTION AND THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF EXHIBIT Z, AND TO THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT, REZONING TO PUD AND PUD PROCESSES. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. EXHIBIT Z Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Development Stage PUD and Preliminary Plat Planning Commission Minutes — November 4th, 2019 Page 6 110 Deephaven Addition PID 155-500-142104 1. The City approves the flexibility incorporated into the plans cited in the staff comments for parking count, setback, shared access, multiple buildings on a single -parcel, unit size, and site landscaping, subject to the modifications required by Exhibit Z. 2. Shift the west building farther to the west and south to open up views into the site from the northwest corner. 3. The applicant continues to cooperate with the City's efforts to expand the site planning and common stormwater and open space improvements to the south, including dedications and final improvements, and construction access as necessary, among other requirements. 4. The applicant supplies the required traffic study and stormwater management plans and complies with the comments in response to the review of those documents. 5. The applicant revises the plan to show all pathways noted in the report, and constructs pathways for private use as a part of the PUD approval, and pathways for public use as a credit against the required park dedication. 6. The applicant enters into an agreement to manage shared access across the commercial lots to the west. 7. The applicant shifts the Edmonson Avenue access point to abut the property line, and agrees to accommodate shared access at the time of redevelopment of the adjoining parcel. 8. The applicant dedicates the right of way areas as recommended by the City Engineer and participates in the required improvements for that roadway to ensure its capacity for increased development, including pathway construction. 9. The City accepts the parking lot design and quantities as proposed, with the following exception: a. Redesign on the west building parking lot to accommodate a flow for exiting vehicles, including emergency service access and egress. An example of this design is illustrated in this report. 10. The applicant improves the private open spaces, and develops a phasing plan for private open space improvements, for consideration by the City and incorporation into the PUD development agreement. This shall include consideration of a playground facility on- site. 11. The applicant modifies the landscape plan to add shrub plant materials along the foundation areas of the building where the garage level is exposed. This modification Planning Commission Minutes — November 4th, 2019 Page 7 110 may result in lower tree planting quantities, but shall not drop below minimum requirements. 12. The applicant provides landscape irrigation to all landscaped areas. 13. The landscaping plans are modified to add the required buffer plantings at the north and west perimeter of the site. 14. The landscaping plans are modified to add the required landscaped island delineator spaces in the parking lot areas. 15. The plan is revised to incorporate trash handling within the garage areas of the building. 16. Brick or cultured stone is added to the building facing consistent with the comments in this report, or to at least 20% of the building face. 17. The EFIS base material is enhanced to add architectural pilaster components to the corners of the building base to emphasize the corners and de-emphasize the flat -wall impression of the ground floor. 18. The applicant adds window openings to the ground floor wall. 19. Commercial lighting areas are designed to avoid any glare or lighting impacts on the residential property. 20. The applicant complies with the recommendations of the Parks Commission as approved by the City Council for park dedication. 21. Final signage plans are provided and subject to review prior to final PUD consideration. 22. The Plat is modified to include easement dimensions consistent with Subdivision Ordinance requirements. 23. The preliminary plat is revised to reflect the outlot configuration described for the commercial area. 24. The Plat is modified to include an outlot for public space at Cedar and Chelsea of approximately 50 feet by 50 feet. The City will work with the applicant to create an appropriate plaza design and maintenance agreement that enhances access and development of the adjoining commercial land. 25. The applicant complies with the requirements of the City Engineer's report, including requirements for stormwater, right-of-way, and easements, dated October X, 2019. 26. Should compliance with final stormwater analysis require a substantive change to the lots or site plan layout for the PUD, the applicant will be required to submit an amended application to the City for review. Planning Commission Minutes — November 4th, 2019 Page 8 1 10 27. The applicant proceeds to Final PUD and Final Plat within the timelines addressed in the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, and prepares revised development stage PUD and Preliminary Plat documents consistent with the conditions approved by the City Council. 28. The applicant enters into a development and PUD agreement for the plat and PUD. 29. Comments and conditions of other staff and Planning Commission. 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration to find acquisition of 300 East 4t' Street in conformance with the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. Jim Thares introduced the topic and noted that the EDA would be considering entering into a purchase agreement at their Regular Meeting on November 14tH The parcel is located at 300 East 4th Street and is guided as "Places to Live" in the Comprehensive Plan. The site is a half of an acre and adjacent to a vacant right of way (Palm Street). To the west of the right of way, is an EDA acquired property. The purchase of 300 East 4th Street would be marketed for redevelopment. Discussion regarding the type of redevelopment occurred. Thares indicated that it could be affordable townhomes or apartment. It was noted that future land use applications would be likely. Paul Konsor asked what would happen to the exiting structure if the EDA purchased the property. Thares indicated it would be destroyed. MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION PC -2019-034 FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LAND AT 300 EAST 4TH STREET BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY OF MONTICELLO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. B. Consideration of comment on the 2019 Planning Commission Workplan for 2020 Workplan Preparation Steve Grittman noted that the Community Development Department is looking for items to focus on for the 2020 year. Comments should be sent via email to Angela Schumann by the end of the month. C. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report The Community Development Director's Report was provided in the packet. 4. Added Items None. Planning Commission Minutes — November 4th, 2019 Page 9 1 10 5. Adjournment MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:07 P.M. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander PT Approved: December 3rd, 20A Attest: Angela Schur f lnnLVommunity Development Director Planning Commission Minutes — November 4th, 2019 Page 10 110