EDA Agenda 10-09-2019AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, October 9th, 2019 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — September 11, 2019 b. Consideration of approving Workshop Meeting Minutes — September 11, 2019 c. Consideration of approving payment of bills Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of approving funding for 2019 Manufacturer's Appreciation Breakfast Event in the amount of $1,000 6. Director's Report 7. Adj ourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, September llth, 2019 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: 1. Call to Order Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Steve Johnson and Tracy Hinz Jim Thares Bill Tapper called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 6 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items None. � 4. Consent A�enda JON MORPHEW MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF 4C. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. a. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — Au�ust 14, 2019 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — August 14, 2019 b. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — Au�ust 28, 2019 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — August 28, 2019 c. Consideration of approvin� pavment of Available TIF Grant funds to Kopp Concrete and Kraemer Excavatin�, contractor vendors of Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC, in the amount of $204,010 and $25,124.65 respectivelv for under�round parkin� structure expenses in support of a multi-familv development in TIF District #1-40 -REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA- d. Consideration of authorizin� transfer of previouslv approved fa�ade fundin� for TriCambra Foods, Inc. dba Cornerstone Cafe to escrow a�ent, Riverwood Bank, in the amount of $100,0001ess buildin� permit fees Recommendation: Authorize the transfer of Fa�ade Improvement Grant funds for the TriCambra Foods, Inc. dba Cornerstone Cafe project to the escrow agent, Riverwood Bank, in the amount of $100,0001ess building permit fees. e. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills Recommendation: Approve payment of bills through August, 2019 Re�ular A�enda 4D. Consideration of approving payment of Available TIF Grant funds to Kopp Economic Development Authority Minutes — September l lth, 2019 Page 1 � 3 Concrete and Kraemer Excavating, contractor vendors of Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC, in the amount of $204,010 and $25,124.65 respectively for underground parking structure expenses in support of a multi-family development in TIF District #1-40 Jim Thares indicated that the first disbursement of funds was in the amount of $170,865.35. The total was paid to Wells Concrete in February. This request would complete the funding total of $400,000 that was used to fund the underground parking. The payment would be funded through TIF I-19 and I- 24. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO AUTHORIZE A TIF GRANT PROGRESS PAYMENT TO RIVERTOWN RESIDENTIAL SUITES, LLC' S CONTRACTOR VENDORS, KOPP CONCRETE AND KRAEMER EXCAVATING, FOR UNDERGROUND PARKING MATERIALS EXPENSES IN THE AMOLTNT OF $204,010 AND $25,124.65 RESPECTIVELY. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 5. Consideration of Resolution #2019-09 approvin� GMEF Loan to Ausco Desi�n and Marketin�, LLC in the amount of $23,850 -REMOVED FROM AGENDA- � � 6. Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Director's Report. Thares indicated that W SB submitted their quarterly report. He reviewed that document with the EDA. Thares also reviewed the Prospect List. He noted that Proj ect Novus is the proposed UMC expansion. Thares explained that the expansion was expected to occur adj acent to their existing location at 500 Chelsea Road East. He indicated that the EDA would be involved as TIF is being requested by UMC for the purchase of the land. The added twist is that the EDA is being asked to acquire privately owned property and then convey it to UMC and use TIF to repay itself back over the allowed 9 years of the life of the TIF District. Thares also provided an update regarding the fa�ade improvement project. He provided the final elevation drawing and noted the IOOF sign would not appear on the final renovations. Jon Morphew asked for an update on other interest in the program. He noted the Mason's are interested, but are working through the grant guidelines. He also indicated that Jill Agosto is very interested. She is working with her contractors on getting revised quotes for transom windows. Economic Development Authority Minutes — September l lth, 2019 Page 2 � 3 7. Closed Session — Consideration of recessin� to closed session to develop or consider offers or counter-offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal propertv pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). Propertv Address: 300 4TH ST E— PID #155-019-008010 8. Adiourn OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:38 P.M. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: October 9, 2019 '` Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — September l lth, 2019 Page 3 � 3 MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, September 11, 2019 — 4:30 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: 1. Call to Order Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Steve Johnson and Tracy Hinz Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, and Matt Leonard Bill Tapper called the workshop meeting of the EDA to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Otter Creek Stormwater Draina�e Update — Matt Leonard, Citv En�ineer and Public Works Director Jim Thares stated that W SB had created a stormwater management plan for Otter Creek Business Park several years back. He introduced Matt Leonard to the EDA. Leonard stated that staff went back to the plan to review in further detail. He noted that ponding is sufficient for the area currently. It was noted once full build out of the park occurs, additional ponding will be necessary. These ponds would occur along Chelsea Road and on the Dahlheimer Beverage parcel. 4. Fund Balance Review, Proiect Updates and Proiected Fund Impacts Jim Thares provided the fund balance review of the various EDA FUNDS and projected impact analysis from usage of the dollars in each FUND for various purposes over the next 18 months. Discussions regarding the possible expansion of UMC occurred along with land transfers to make the project a reality. The EDA also discussed the possibility of a new public works facility in Otter Creek. Thares noted that Bondhus Corporation is seeking additional gap financing funds. He noted that the expansion would be to add a new line of hand held hex tool products. It was noted that the City Council recently adopted the preliminary HRA budget that the EDA recommended. Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meeting) — September l lth, 2019 Page 1 � 2 5. Adiournment JON MORPHEW MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 5:16 P.M OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: October 9, 2019 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meeting) — September l lth, 2019 Page 2 � 2 EDA Agenda: 10/09/19 4e. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve payment of bills through September, 2019. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through September, 2019 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements 0 z 0 4 C 'f' O � � C O .� L c� a L �r�. C , O O O O O O O C O O O O O O V'� V'� O O O O C O O O O V'1 O M M �/'� O �n O C O O V'1 �n M O N N �� L'7 O C 'V 'V O O �n m o m -� � � �n �� �ri �ri o m m - - � �t o �� �� � � �� �� � � N N N N N N N N N N N N M N � � � � � � � � � O O O O O O O � N N j N N � N C N j N � � 0 0 � o 0 0 � m � m � m ,o 0 0 ^ � � a� a� � a a � o� � a� � a rt « 0 0 � o o � o � o � a � o Ca C] a Ca C] � � •w �+�. a : �w �+�. y y i V G4 <u y G4 � y r] � O O C 'J O 4"�i J p Q] L � � p L C � � G !/] �'.7 C/] p U � ✓] C/] '� i. ,-. �. !V � • �. x❑ o � o c o 0 ,� � � c=s . �? � J� C � � � � W � Q' � � �i C � � 2 `� z a `" � OlJ O � O CL y O � J � � Fr '� y p W � W:J �, CG 07 a. � � '� d, � - � W O.7 Q y V] U` .--i � � � ��-' � a � a � y � Q� U v i-wr y Gz. y a o CO F R F C7 W R � � z z � z � � � � � � zz WW z z � � � � � � x x w� � � J J � �- '� '� rWn rWn '? O W ° ° z `' � > �� aa Q � W F F � � O �i �i O O .�r � U .-�-i � O O N N O O o - 0 0 O O � �. � � N N O O O O N N O O 0 0 0 0 O O � � m m cv cv O � O � G M � � N c 0 .� �i J � y A N y b1J :C � � � N � O � O L". � 'J J J � h � S: ', J � L7 :G H � city nf �lont�cello J�uly 31, 2p1J ��g�: 2 ��I'1P1�[��► t� �';�V��'1, .��►�'lc���f�� ��Q ��ut� �ix;h �treet ��a.te �7tJ . , ., , Nlinr�e�p� �s, fui� 554[i2 _ -� � .,,�, � � ' :� . �6k� "y�;i = ;�v'�_�� i� � 1 ��� �� _ : ��;�� � 4. ., ti� ,� � � I�fN1�D-S]Q1�9 B�G�r,�Vc �Z Re�i�veloprn�n# �hrough July 3 � ��}� 5 For ,411 L���I �en+iv�� As Fplls�ws 7J"J�+J19 1�+1N1 Finali�e r�uis�d PL?A l��sed �n c€�mrt�renEs frc�r'n d2velDper°s Couns�l; circ�l�te 7t�,`2�}19 NfNI �e+�ie�v E�.� �or�nments t[� �[�A �r�d r�spo!`id regardins� s�m� 7131�019 MNI Fo:nal ch�r�ges to PC�A �nd circula�e appro�r�P dr�ft. Haurs Amc�unt C1.7� 1�4.�JU 0,5(J 1f7C1.�i�i Q.3(1 Tot�l S�r�+ices: � ��►t�l ��rrrices an� Di��ur�err��nts; � ����� ����� � Juli� �her�ey Frc�m: ��r�'`7 R�?f� i�t�ery�r Sen#= 11Vednesd�y, 5ept�rnb�r �#, Z019 5-37 Ahr1 To� Julae Chene;� Subj�ct: F'�N� I�ennedy & �raven (3� ��ard Grc�u� it�rr�s f�r B1oek 5� shauld �e� to �13-�]iw00C1-�2�11�. R�o praj��t cade, but �a��se� put B���rd �rt�u� E�cr��+ in� th+� [i�seription_ �1#viG/TI � 1-41 �hou Id �Iso go to 21�-C�O�]C](1-22(�11� wit� project {ade TI F141-ESCR�4N, Tk��nk y��a! Sar�h RathlMs��r�er, c��c� �irt�rrc� IVlar}��er [ity c7f f+.�lc�r�tleell+�: N1N f�;: �`63-�71.3�01 Ft�x: 7#i.3-��35-44{]� lV�DTF: T�a.e �c�rr[�r��ts c�f [h;s �-�ra�ail rr�o� c�or�tnrr� ir�{c��r�rcr�+�ar� 1�a��� +s ��gc���y prrvrP�g�r� r�rrc�/p� er�rr}�1r�er���ar ro r�ae r�aa�e�! re[i�7rer7f_ i�hrS rr7,fo�rn�trc��i rs r��t f�3 b� ��.4�� �y �ar7y� �[}�er �t���[rf7 or7d/o�' a.rg[�,�tzn'tior�. Th� vrebvs �x,�r�sseu� r�r £�7rs �c�cdr�rr�rrt cica rins �»�`e�srrri�y re€leet ���ase a,�f ���e Crty �r�'� �47vr�trc��r�, Errruit corres��r��1�r?c� ta� �'r�c� frr�rx� CrCy �+f �4�I�r�trceP�o �cverrrrr��rr� r�jfi��s ;s s�abje�t tca t�i� Mrr,r�c�s[,t� Cr�v�rnrr�a�r�C L�r�rr� �'r-e�ft��ees crnr! rr��ry be cirsc.�r�se+� tca t�irci,��rrti�s. �rarn; Jirn Th�r�s ��ir��eTh�r�s[�a ce.�riontie�IGa.mn.us� 5ertix: Tuesday� September 3, 2C�19 4-�1 Rhll To: Julie �h�n�y �Julie,�hen�+yC�7�i.mc�r�ticel�a.rrin:us� Cc: �arah F�athlisberg�er �Sarah,Rath,i��erg�r��i.rra�pnti�e�lo.r�n.us� 5ubj��t: RE: K�r'�n��fy F, Gr�u�n (3j Julie, the�e �r� c�k�y tC� p�y. F'le+��e 5ee [odir�g and rornrr��ents �elowe From; Juli� �heney �I�.I��.i�17�r7���,;�.���<::�.r����:, ��- . ��.�; ��ve ._�s> 5�nt: �u�s�ay. '�ep�emb�r 3, �01� 4_�5 RM TOa Jirr1 Th1�r�5 <�i;ri Th��ir:��'[i i'i�.:+�lt ., �,:: �,ar io�� 5ubject: F',N: Kennedy � �r�v�n �3� IFrt�rrt� lulie Cher�ey 5ent: Thursd�y, Augus[ �9. ��19 1_5� PMI T�r: Jim Thar�� �Jwr��.� I•:-.��_�c��,.:: ,rro��.����r,.it:�•II�).r��'� t�ti> �ubject: �4enn��y $� GraverrY�3� ------ Jir11 1 �,tt�ched �re the ��Ilvwir��; ir�v�i�es fr�rrr Ker�netly & �rawen� Ir�v# fv1N1�L-pOX�1 Geru�ral Ei?,4 - ��pp�_Of� �o�liiti� _ �13-453(11-43fi14f� Inv# �'1N1��1-0�015� Block 52 -$3Q�.00 C�din� _�13-�63U1-43�i14 Nc�x�e: T�is bifl should ukt�mately be c€�ver�d k�y td�� Escr�uw Acct, for 61�aCk S� {Bcard Gr+�up, Ine. �eposited $�5,�6[1� int� �r� escr�vu aceaur,t. E�ave the e,h�ck �o Sa�ah s�o si�e prabably set up the ccaal� f€�r th�t aeco�nt. L�t me kn�v� if y�u ha�e any q uestions �bout that. In+�# f1+1Pl190-�fi� UM� Aev TCF -$3,C123.5� �L�dir��= 233-�63t�1-4�0�400 �1€�te; Thi� bill is �xpect�d tn �wentually h��e coverec� by an es�r,�►+� deposit by i�M�. Ir�c. f�r exp2nse rela#�d t� drafton� of the �r�eliminary De,vc��rpment A�reer��nt �P�,4� and ��i'twng the Le#ter �f Inte�t �L[�I�. The funds haue not beea� ret�ived ye�. I v�il� let y�u kr�ow as so�n as they c€�me in, ,4g�in, �e# me know if yt�u haw� any �rya�esti�ns. Q�Cay tc� p,�y? Please pro�ide �cc�dir��, If prrssrk�le, �ale�se ret�urn by W�dr��sd�y morr�ing to be in�luded in the check b�tch. Tha n k,5, ���.�. l f�4���4� � FI►1�rIC� /�S515tQ�lt Citp vf M�nt+cello 76.3-�71-3205 T_.I � ,..�',.CY'.::w"."°;' ""it'h"oY �C��C�.�'rlfl �J1 �6+��c� rnvntic�IFa.r�n.us �� i � �i: F _�� ��������� � �_, �'rna�i cor�res�+r�denc� io r�r�d fr-o�n tFr� C�ty �af A+�or�t�ceflc� �ov�r�r��rr�er�t offace� is ��rb�ieci to t�e A�li�a,�esata �o+r�r�rrn��r�t Data P'r�ctrc�� A�t rrr�d may be d�s��o��ed to �l�fr�d �rt�es_ a ��ty �� n���t���ii� ��,iy ��: zo�� Pag�: 3 �et�r���l�► �& Cra�ven, �h�r't�r�d 2�Q ��u:h �i�rth ��reet. Sui#e �1�� h+lir�ne�pQlis. Mhl 55�0� _. - �: .i�`:'�I y� �" `�'y� SI ;I � �� �# _���� i � �,���� �,� � �'i�� ._, : ':'_'�i ti � �� �„ + �; •� s��,,� P,�1N190-C10160 2Q�� UIVIC Econorr�ic Dev�3Qpmen# TI� Thr�ough Juf� 3�, 2C11� For All Le�a! S�nrices A,s ��sll�ws H�ur� 7�2l7�19 hANI PrePirninary di5�u�s9oris wmth E�� �taff reg�rding UM� (l.�Cl e�ot�c�mi� tl�+��l�pm��rt �e�l; revi2u+ ��elimir*2�+ rnat�rials 7.l�1201 � MNI Be�in draft PQA ��r LJM� TIF p�oject Q,4�1 7!$�20�9 M�ll Revi�v� pr�pc�s� busin�ss poA.�ws fnr P�11�; �mail correspc�r��d�r��� Writh J Th�res reg�rdin� same 7l15l2�19 �t1�11 Review �r�d r�vise ED� r��r� r�c�u�sking c�Nl for pube�c h��ring '11612�1� N1N1 f�lontic��,?o �r4j��# Nc�vus ph�ne �all w�rith EL�A �#aff Q.�� 0 � (J 1 0�+ 7�1712�19 Mh�l �vnferen�� call a�ikh EL�A staff reg�rd�ng �anc� sal� terms °�.�� f+�r Pr� ect h'o+rus 7��71�499 fVtN1 Dr�#t fle�w �hart c�f fund� f�r cc�nv�y�n�e !o Proje�t Nc�uu� 0.80 7�? 9��019 M N I ���rferen�� c� w wikh J Th�re� an[� D�ED ree��r�ing M1�11F 1.�0 f�rr�ing fr�r UM� �a�ojec#; follokn+-up w��'h J Thar�s r���rding sarne 7��2d2{�19 �+1�11 [�raft PpA fc�r Uh+'1C d�veloprrrenk 2.�C� 7f23�2�" � MtUI f�onli��llt� phone ca�nvers�tion with J TI^�r�� �egard�n� U.B� 4JM� PDA �nd q�.es�ionn�ir�. �ue�tio�n to �D�ED reg�rding �u�il�b.i'�ty of hAIF f�nds �# closing 7l�4J2C�19 MNI Phone con�e.r5�#��n with J Th�r�s r�g�rding title wor�C f�r G 57 r+�rr+��� pr�perkie� in�+t��veti in Uh+1G deal; offi�� c�r�feren�� vai[h 1�1 H�rre�r r�egarding s�r�e 7�+2��2Q 1� M�H �rd�red tikle carnrr-ri#m�n#s for ��r�p��rties �n Wright 0 5t7 �Counry ir��?�r�1� Mf�l Er'n�il corre�pondenee wikh D�ED ��� EDA st�lf 0,7� re��rding MIF fur�ds for U�IC Arriount 7 ��.Of} � D0. Ot] 125. C�0 5�].�b 2�{7 �l� 35C�.t�f] 2i��. �0 3�}�.t�0 5�b.O17 2 �QO. �D� � ��. a� i3.50 '175.�C} Page; 4 �Cer�n�dy► 8� C�r�ven, ��ar�er�d ��1� �t�uth Sixth �tr�e!, Suit� A70 �dlir�neap[�lis, h,r1N 5�4Q2 �ity �f �rlc�nti�ella July 31. 2Q�9 �J3if�[}19 MNI f�l�an�icello UM� c�n�+eyance ma##er5 - pl2rtnin� 1.�C1 3��.�{l c�mrroiSSlOn �k�ff rep�rt re+�i�1�+. p��r�� conver��ki�n wlth �I��A st��f r�gardirg pro�os�d co�ue�ance m�ech��n�srns�. �r��t p�a�r�ing �c��mm r�s�aluti�►n Total Servri�es; $ 3,QF3.�4 Total Ser+rices �nd Disbursement�: � �,0�3.'�{} � ��� . ����t� �T� � � � # � ����-�su� Julie Ch+er��y Frorn: ��r�h �.at*�I�sb�rger Sent: 1Nedne�da�, Se�ternk�e� �, �Ci19 8-37 Ah� Tv: lulie Cheney 5€�bject: FU'u", Kenr�r�dy & G�raven (3} �eard �roup iterns for 81[aek 5� sht�uld �[� t€� 213-QC�O{l�-2�031Q. �la pr�j€�ct eode, but pl��s� put Beard Grnup �scrnw in th� descrip�€vn. E1f+�C,1TIF 1.-41 sh�uld alsv go t� 213-�D��CI-���llf} w�th ,�rc����t c4�e TdF14�-ESCF��W_ Thankyau! �arah R�ithli�f�erger, �P�t� Fir��aic�' rv���n.���r �Cit�+caf P�I�n[icell�, N1�1 Tcl: a b� ��'1-�2C}1 Fax: 7ta3-��5-44C14 �+�TF. T��� [`C�r�t€�r�ts €af thrs €-mc�r! �rrcry corr�cair� irrf�rr�rx��atrt�r� tf��it r5 �egcrlfy ,�rivrl� c�E c� €�r��l��r e�rafrc��ntia�l t� C�r� !a��7�d re�eiprenr. �nr°s �rrfc�,rr�r�t;�r� i� r�c�t tv i�e �se�' f�y c�ny e�ih��r t��rsc�r� �r�d/or c�r�e�r�rarl��r�r�. T�� ure�vs �}x�i�cssed ir� this c��r�'�rrrr�r�t �'v rrot r���eess�rr�y r�eflect r�as� cf [h� �rFv �j�'�Rc�rai'r���l�c�. E+ncarJ �cr�rres�ronc�er�c� t�� and fr�rra �i�y of �L?c�r�ticeJi�a r��verfrrx��r}� n,f�r��� is 5i.r�,��ae r��a ±i,�= �.�rF�r,+�sc+tcr Go�ier,�«7�,�r L7c��a �ra�rr,-r�s ��rrd rricay �ic, �rsc�vsec� �o thJrc! �+�rt;es. Fresirn: Jirn Thare� cJim.Thare� c�ci.ma�ti��ll�i.mn_us� Sent: Tu��d�y, �ept�rn%�r 3, �0�13 4;-0�1 PM Tc�:luli� �heney �J�lie,�hen�y[ �i.rr�or��i��llo,mn,u�� C[: 5ar��3 R2�thli�berger �S�r�t�,�,�thlisb�r��r c,�ii c�,manticel�o.mn_us> �ubject: f��_ K�ennedy� Graven �3� Ju�ie, these are okay to pay. PIe�Se see e�[�ing �nr� ��mrnents belo�n+, �ri7�T7::�LJ�l��il�fl��C....I'li, ,'_I�.° I�.`",�°r���'+"I i"It�t'l.l �c�'��l:�.P7'ef'l.l.>�? �ent: Tuesday, Sep�tember3, 20�194:�� Ph�+l _._�� T�t Jir'n Th�r25 [:iir� T��.ir=�•:: �:: .r� G;r.::i,�o� l:t: 'r•r'.��_;� ��ubject: F'W: Kennedy & �r�ver� ��) From:Julie Cheney �ent: Thursday, A��ust 2'4, 201� i:5� F'M Tc�; Jim Thar�S �_i�r�.T��.�r�:� .,.V�-.r� �tr r,i� ��ll4o.•rr ;;°,� ��bj�tt; K�n,nedy & Grat+er� (�) _ Jim ,4ttacFred' �re the following inv€sic�s fr�am K�en�edy &�raven: Inv# Md��JC�-[�i�1�1 G�eneral EaA -$�{�O.C1Q Codin� = 2�3-46301-�3L�40� In�r# h+'I�'J19C�-��159 E31ock 52 -$�Q�Q_p0' +Ccsding =�1�-463D1-43C}�LDU I��te; This bill sl�c�ul�l �Itirrdazely b� tC�v2�ed by the E�crow A�c�#, for E31a�k 5� {�eard �rou�. Inc. d�p+�site�i $5.{l0(7 into arr esc�v+�r ac�c�unt. I gave th� check t4 Sarah so she pr�b�bly �et �p the code far th�t ��cc��nk. �et me kn,�w �f y[�u h�v� a�►y question� ak��u# that. Inv# M1�190-1b0 UN1� C�ev TIF - 53,�23.5{9 Cading = 21�-4�53�144��4Q� �late: Th�s bill is expected to e�renxually be cc�vered b+� �n ���resw d�p[r5it �y I,IFti7�, le��C. for expenS�e rel�#ed k4 dr�##ing C�� th� Prel�rnin�ry ��+vel�pment ,4gre�rr�enx �P�A� and e�itin� th� Letter of Intent �L�Ij. The fur�ds Ma�re a�ot �een r�ee�iued yet. I wifl let yyesu kcnow �s socsn as they carnc in. fiagain, I�# �rn� I�n�w If you have any qu�sti�xi�. �kay to pay? F'I�ase provide cc��ing, If possibl�, please retufn b}r Wednesday m�rrnir�� t� be inrlud�ed in th+� �herl� batch, Thank�; �ii�!. l '!� . �''s ���Ifl�10E �SSIStfl�Yt �!#�+ O� Ji�4�1#ICE��� i�73-�7�-3�Cl�J ,; �I ��,.G'��neyC' ci.mantKc�ll�.mn.us A��ci r-��ntic��lc�.re�n.us � � �� �.�� � -�� ,��r�� ��.`��1� � ���. ��twi� cor�resporr�d�r��ce to ��d fr�or�n the City o� �+le�r�t��e�lo �overr�rnerrt o�Ffices �s sub,�ert t� the M��r�r�e�c�t� fao►�err�rner�t �3at� �r-actrces �ct ar�d rtw�+ be disc��sed ta t�hrrd ��t�+es_ z N�r�hland Secu_�ities. Ir7e 15f] S�uti: F-ft:�x 9tre�t �u� ve 33��� €�7Snr:��p�1is, Nl� 55��� Tj S;, '�'t�ICL'; 5��-$51'S900 �e3\; �12-E�1,-�951 Sr,lc� �l-{�: l . r:.o� �f t��nticello ., il�'.+T$dI-�S, Y:COIlOif11C [1�It [l��' SC�� walnu� Stxee`�, �tibi�� 1 �i�rtticell�, t�N v53�2 1���THLAI�JI�' � �EC'URITIES --- ['u�ti�a�7�r I}(�� � 1'��°t��ei�� I�rm�; �ale� Etc� 1C) T�13�'_s' :Zc - �ic�r;�k 52 -- -- �;,c.,l. 3G� 7d1+S � . � i)�w�rit�ti��e� ---- _ -�-_ ��er servic�s Y�elaLcc t� ��_a�= _.�,� �c�� alc7ek 52. �ew Fe�3evelr;�xment '�2F District �Please se� �n�l�sed deta��. �� �u. i�g ��* - �' ('I�ec�: 1�"c�, ���� � �`��� � 4� • ��� �'�� � � � � �-��.� # . ���'�.,�T� .�- - _ __ — Inv�i�e En���}i�� 1'�lu�T�Fre�-: [p�! � �n►��c>icr: []are: }�+r- °�c, �i���: 1 f)ue I)at� ,�� — ,��n�rue�i 19�,QQ � �;t�l�tc,t��l = s � _ o � �;�I��; T�x Tc,la] It��'�ice .�ir,�un� 1�'.��' f'��'iY}�iit ���;tivLd TC}'TAL Yi�dlll i}1L-��?..�47�`i/ I �4:_L-_'flt: �.�"L��J��1'i�f.!.I � � i!l �l I�_i�.l I_37��5%. 1�O Suuth I-iFth 5tr�t, �uik� 3,Q[.7 ��1ilt�eaprslis. lh�t� 5v�tlp� �i,�c�il:danci�ipiueitf� s.t-nm T.9r.udx�r �d.`�'� �sf��f SrnC, R�qisi��n��t?NtPa S�Ca�ud,445rK3 ��� 1 ����� PUQLJC FIfi�AI��E iN'►f�]CE SCJ�["LE:4�EfVT C'lient. Cltx' c�f �,��cte�ti�ellc� Prtsject; Planr�in� fnr $Idxk .��2, *�l��t- Pcc�ek��lnp�r7��7t TIF Distr�ct C"untaek: Ji� T����r��w Ecunt�mic L)e� eli�prnent �.�1ana�er Ci�a' of �t4l,ntieellca 5�"?� l�'�lnut 5treet 5uii� i ��Innticele�i, \4� 5�:��2 Brllin� f'�riad= 1��:e. ?i]] 9 Serwac�s �'erfurmer� # F{7��C}L�''Ll}.�- }}'If�4 Stc�.�E {1Ch � T{7�L`Cf arraBvsi� ae�c] u}��at��c] T]F �,rcrjectit�ns Skaff Tim.e £xpcnses Totai This Perin�d 1'�tsiko��n 4eniirr ['rtsf��4�i4,nal PCII'�i_'tiS][kR.�a Sup},c,r� T�r�a] S�at: ['rnjeet Sumr�ary T„ta] R�sa��r�` �Sl��i`�� ��'}1S.S �'a�r�a��j �I�JI`i� i3T13�`]{'16:�. B��d�et fterrw�inin�• °�r��i•cP urr h[rua��i,+ ��rt;is prars¢rrr�rf tc� ug��{�r�a�ac•�at: 1 �f54LT5 1.tlQ � � 518�,Q0 �Ivrthland Se�.ariti�s, 1n�, S'a�e � f,f � aul�� Ch�r�ey- l�rorn: ��ia� Rath�lisb�r�er S�nt� 4'l1�dr��5d�y, 5�pt�rnber �, 2019 8_38 A,N1 To: JuGe �h�n�� Ssa�ajec#: RE- Nc�rthland S�euritie�� (2} Same as �&� in�+piC�S' Beard �roup iterr�s for �lo�k 52 sh�ul�d �o �n 21�-O�p�-�,�Q7�Q_ N� proj�tt code, but �lease put E���rd Grc�up Escrovt+ in [h�} description. U1�1�,�31F 1-�1 sl��uld alsc� gc� t� �13-��7C]CJO-��dJ11�0 with Rroj�ect �cade TIF1�i1-ESCRf]�'�,+. Th�nkyvu! ��rah Rathhisber�er, c��o r;r-��3r7r� nr1��7a�,er �iiy c,f M�,nki�:ellc�, 11���41 �e�: df�3-�71-��CJ1 F«�x: 7�3-�95•44�4 !�"QTE: Th� c�,�rter7rs �f �r�is f-rr�r�a� rnayr �nr�[�rra ir7f�rrrant.r�r� #hr�t is 1��a!!'w {�rr�r����d €�rrc�/csr �-orr�r�'err�rr�! to ��ie r��rar�e�� r�cr���rr�. T17r.5 ir�j�rrra[��rr�n rs rrot t� be usec! b}+ r�rry r�r��r ���r.sorr ��rr�'%crr �arc��nrzc��ro��. TJhe ��,e�+�s e����+��scd rn t�rs c�bCur���rrt c�o rr�a� r�eeessc,r��y r�f���� ���C�.�e c�f th� Crty of �'v1'crr�trce�ia_ �rrr�ri� cc�rr�:��or�c��ra[:e to arr�i frorra Cr�y �af fv�nrrti���l� ��verrrr��er�r �ffrc�s r� ���t���ct t� t�re �rnnesota Governrrr�rrr ���o Pr[i�-tr[es �r�d rr�cr� b� d"r'selosed r� [fi�rrrl �c��-tres, Frnrn; Jirn `Thares cJirn.Th�r�s��ei.monCicello,rnn.us> 5ent. Tuesd�y, ��pt�rnk�er ,�. 201'� 4-47 Pful To: Jufie �heney <Julie.�herrey�ci_montic�llo.mn,us> �C�c: Sarah F�atf�lis��r�er eSarah,F�aihlisber�er c�, ci.r��r€�nti�ello,rron_us> Subjeet: F1N; hJarthland 5ecuritie5 ��� ��1 �= s Ii.:,EaL �L .' �sIS.L�.��> .��r��rnent�, t�a tf�}i� �rae re��r�iir�� E31��ek 5� �x�er3,rJit+�r� cr�din� {see gre�n highbi�htsj. Fr�rn: Jirn, TF�art�s Sent: UVednes�day, Aug�st �8. �f�l� 11;51 APv'1 TO� J�li� Ch�r��y ea�.l _ wl�.e�7�: .;'',i rr-.t.�r�'b�-:�I ��7i: .� Subject: �E� �Jor[hfand ��ecurities ��� _ _ . Julie. these are Lptl� �+k�y_ Ple�se s�e todin�, From: JUlie �hen�y �.t., i�.:.: f�� .�t_,,'��:��=i i,.�r-,�7:ic�IR:,•.mn.us> �ent: Wedn�s�ay, Augu�t 1�, ��1� 3:�1 �M io. Jim Thares �Jirqi.TP��;ir.��;;'=::t �.rr.:snCii :� li7.rfir� u�> S�hject: NprChl�nd Set�urit��s (�j —_ . _ JGm Attach�d ar� [M�e f�llowin$ i�voic�s frpm t��rkhland Se�[urities; anv# 5848 -$1,�8D,C10 — TIF C�istriet 1-41 Tv be �et up with � sp�cific �scrow ��[ourrt �ED- i�st. #1-4i- UM�, In�,� in the nexx 15 #o �0 da�r� upon r�cc�pt of depo�it fr�rn LINIC [ur�0ess T�F applEtation fee i� w�aiwed by Epl�}, Ir� tl�e interirt� periqd, p�e��� use Z13-46�Q1-43199'0. Inv4; 5847 -$185.�1� —�I�Ck 5� 21�-4�341-43199�_ This shoule� ultim�tQly b� cc�uered by th� �5,00� Escraw il�p�osit t���t Be�rit �,raup, In�. �rouid��i �r�r Bl�ck 52 �egal an�d finaraci�l aduisor er�penses. I}�rr�uid�cl th� ct�e�k th�# �eard sent i n tv S�rah�, scs she prc�b� bly s�t u� th�e ac��urei [c�dc for t�is. C}kay to pay� Pl��se provi�e eoding. �h�nks, �i�itl' l ii:�rjt"�f Fir1C�r1�G� +�455i�t�nt City of �o�r#i��llo 7�3-�71-3�C]� wri.Y��L i.t14�:'lE;.''r;_='vi.rp�J�ltl�k;��u Ff1"I.LI� �?�e�.mont� cel lo_rr�rr,us �� , ., :� �5 • = y ;; � ��r�����ll� ���. �►ncri� c��r�e��r�den�+e �a a��d fr'�rt� th� �i�y � f M�rrtr����o ga�err�m��t e��f+��s r'� sub,�ect to �he M�nr���vtu +�av�er�rrm+er�t D�ta Pr�n�tices .4ct �n�d rrwy �be �is�Iosed tv t#�i,r�d �rtr��. z r:�ar`Ct".idrx� ��cux-itie" In� , 150 SC�,�Ch �if�h ��re�r_ �u�L� 33vL� Mir�[":���,C;,li�, �� ���o�� �'�� - �+'!?IC�; C;���B�= _9��,] I'��; 6� �.85i-55�i '��~�Icl �I�c�: °."i'.y' �7° f�lpnt�ce'_lo �� i -�, T:�s�r�s, Ec��.onn�c �ev L`ir SC�� �d�`-'�',:C atre�t� ���_t� 1 b'10�'[M��''ml�, h1V �'_���� �������.�� �FCIJR �lE� . . ( LI�ht4}IT�iI �'{) � I'z:��m�nt T'treri� _ 4a1�� I�e�r €C) Clu� I]�te . ;TIr , ..�r..i:�r 1-4� �:;.,. :��7 D��'s � �;`�f�1 , ' � C?��tirx¢inn =v i � ,�rt��ru�t �- lP�x� �e��vi�es �elatec �c� Ta.a: IC�C;�'em�nt l�inar�ci�i9 District Nc., _ 4_ 4�'��ject 1,��.�.:;; I uv�,�;�;�} . pleaa� see encl�sed det;ai&_ �Y������� ��� �, i ` � ! ��� �� � ��, . ����,�--, ��p � � ; � U l� �� " = �� �� `� � � ; i� ��� � � T ��� �� �� �l�.�� �i�.C� � _�-� �f (�;�-� � , �� � � � � -� � C'h�c:k 1��,: ����t�t�i LL, ����.��� ����� �s�� TCh}'c?l� jllb'{�IC� ,'�1TliL)Ltllt lr��''-�-��f7 F'���rYlei7t ��e��iv�il '1_�[]'I' �,L 'tl:,i-+i�?-��'-'�9lli:� I I�:II I'rt,s.ti�ll]-�i71.�70��� I Ia,ki�li-'��1-79� t�f] �uth riFth �atee�t. Suit� �3�70 f h�[uuicia}'�olis�. h�1� ���i(13 'ticar�r �r� trdSc•rta r i+. i i s.cn�7� �41rrr,�'r F1�V�E.r# �r�x�! tiif'{`, JZ��grsPr�n�o! t��f�a 5€C:"�r��l.+Li�RE ��������� �I,J�LI� FIhJ,�NCE �� ��c��c� s������tE�vr c����t; c:r���,�n�i�,�t«������ Project; Tas. 1n�:rcm4r�� Firt�rti��irt�* Ui*triek \Io, i-�1 (�"r�]ject ��a��us� Corita�lo Jim Thares Eci�nc,mic De�-�lc�per7�nt �,1��ra�cr Cit�� ��[ h'[irntieelln �i�7�i k'�°alr�ul SteCx:1 S�itei 1 A�4ranii��3lt�, ��9� ;�a��a: Billin� Pcrind: Isil��' �i1l�i Ser�ices i'erformed • L}i�c�u�5ic,n and ?c,llt}���-u�3 },�ath c�aff tar-t }�rnjr��t � Cc�a�feren�c ��ll ���ii17 �taf f �s3d dt:���:l��per • T`re},ar� TIF cash f&c��r- ��trr��ai�� � Pec�,:ark� ti raft r����I�Es�,n ra1lir��; $k�r hearin�; � :ldicnd FfJ.A ine��tir�� Staff 'r�irt�e E�€penses T�dt�1 This Perivd I'c,*�ticm 5e�i��r Prc�i��sit�nsl �'7-�fessiirnal Su��s43rt T�3tal Sta#f \4il�a��;�� T'ri�ti�ti�; (lther T"�_a�t�l Ex�en�e� Projerrt S�rnmrar�' Ta:�tal F�u[i,�el" Ri1l�.�c� �I'his I'ericrcf �iilCt� f'rek°iUu: Bud�;et Remainin�' 'l�ifJa�,t oa� )tcr�ar�i�k�e�sr+�,rarsrra�rf ta� �cf�er rr{flkrc'�'t��e'raf, �1,�A�i_QO c _ fS1,�lgL�,�C�J ��,00 $ { 1..4,��7.410 j �s�r�hl����i �i•c4��riti�5, lrtc, Pa�e 2 t�f '° lulie Chen� Frorn: J�m Tt��res 5ent: Wedne�day, Au€�ust ��, 2�i19 11:51 Ah�i To: Julie �h�eney aubject; RE� Narth�l�nd �ecuriti�s ��� l�alie+ the5� are b�kM c�kay. Please see coding. Frorn: Julie C��rrey �Julie.Ch�n�y[�ci,man#icell�.mn�us� Sent; Wednesday, August 14, �01� 3_�71 PN1 To; Jirrr Th�res <1irr�.Tl��r�s�ci,monticella_rnn.us� �ub�eef: Nc�rthl�nd 5e�urities (�} J i r� t�t�ached are �he f�ll�wing ina+vi�e� fr`vrn �orthland Securi#��s; In+r# 58�8 -$1.48[},Oi� —Tlf C7i5tri�t 1�1 To be s�t up with a specific ��crow �tt�unt �E�- fst. #1-4�- IJMC, Inc.} krs th� next 1� tca �Q clays �pc�r� reeei�t �f c6�pr�sit frortiM l�M� �ut��ess TIF appli€.atian fe�e �s vvaived b�r E[�Aj. Ir� t�e int�rim p�ri�d, pl�ase use �23-463i�1-431���}. In+r# 5847 - $185.f}� — Blo�k 52 ��3-4fi3�1-43199[l Qkay t+� pay? F�lease proaride �oding- Tha n k�, ,�!,��!e.' l , .�r;.: lr Fi�ance Rss�s#ant ��ty c�f MorttiC�llo 7G3-�i1-3��� ?:J'�f'.';,E'i�'.lc:'vl:_,� F,����•'irt. l�.,rjrl IJS f}.h�l.'"F v I .iTiL}I�}T+IC2ilb.filil .115_�:,_� �S� ,. :t, �?r �* ����1�����J ����.�.�__ ��►rrnri� cvrr���rr�er��e �o urt�f from t�e City e�f A�or�trce��cr gc�verr�merrt ca�fr`ce�s is �u���e�t to th� ,Mi�++n�so��r +5�a+r�r�rrr+�nt �t� Practr"c�s �4ct �r�d m�o� t� dr"sc�vsed tv �hir�f �ar�i�s. 1u�f ie Ch�ney Frotn: �ar�h R�t�ili�b�rg�r Sent_ 1,V�dnesci��. Sep#errrber 4, 2019 8;38 Ah�1 �v� Ju6ie Che��e� Sub,�ect: RE: h�art�rlan� Se�udities �2j Sarr�e as �C&� inv�+�ices: Beard �r�aup itgms for �lock 52 should go to �13-{]{l€�0�-���py10. No �rc�j�ct cc�de. t�ut ple�se pu# ���rd Group Es�row in Ch� G?�SCr'ipCian. �Ih��JTIF 1-41 s�tould also ga to �13-170f717i7-i��7110 �Gth pre�ject code TIF��l1-E�CIt01�,+. Tharlk yt5u! ��r�h F��thl��b�r�err �PFt7 f,r�,t�rti�:=_ :�wl,�rr���g�r Caty of P�+:orrtic�lka, Mhl Te1:763 �7i 32+�1 F�x: 7Fs�-��J5-�4�4 fu'C�TF: T�7e Cont�°rrts �f �F7r5 �-rr�[�J� rric�y C�ir�t�rr, rr�,+`[��rr',�trra�i th�1 rs �e�e��Iy,vrr��i�ee�erJ caradfor ec�rafid�,�atiol tcs [h� n�fr��d recl�ie,�rt. �his �nf�rr��a�cr��� is r�o� ra be r�ser� by �r�y ati��r �€�rs�n fir�dfr7r or��r�it o�rr�ra. TB�e vr�ws � x�ar�ssec� i+� #h�s c�crc{rrxi�°r�t ci� r�vi r��ces�r�rr��+ refl�ex t�rc�se c�,� t�e �`rty vf f�7c�ntic�e��o. �rraai�rorrespo�rd�nce to �nd frnrr� �i;y ��,r �'�Pt�r�treelPr� f]C?Jt?� +7!77t'.rq: Z�fi!�P{ �S .�!l_'Tf?.f.t �O f�?t? I�s.��f7f`�E'SfJCU .�aOI+P.�"{]f77PYd� �1�}�O �ff]f'�'�LE'� �'fTL� �i�C�}+ �L' {��S��USC'C7� �`C] �,�PJfl� �C7�"fsES. Frvm: Jim Th��es <Jirn,Th��e.5�ci,monti[�Ilv,rnn,us> Ser�t: iuesda�, Se�ternber 3, 2�1� 4:A�7 f�M 1'O:luli� �h�r��+� <Juli�,Ch�n�yiC Ci.mpn[iG211c],.rrt�,u9� ��: S�rah Fs,athlisberger��arah.Rathlisbee�er[�ci.rr�s�nticellc�.mn_u�> Subj�tt: FW: fVorthl�n�1 �e�uritie5 ��} lll��� �-,'l..':.L.` �L.f. �.:�o:.jt.:�-��(j :'.�e?f'li�.lt'I.i`.'� ��.1 �f'I�.. .:I':' ft �;i!:11f� � k��,':�:Y ��e �,�•ii.1Lf':�1=tJ�v L,L74.� I'I;:�, �SQ� �!'��fl �11�T,f1�I.��1t5�. Frpm: Jirn Th�re� S�nt; 4lVedn�sd�y, A�g�St ��, �019 11;5i AM T�: Julie �he��y �. i��� _ 4_f � ir �:-�� i rroc`�_�� t�.rl`�:��.ri�r�.ta��� Sutsject: RE; Nc�rthl�nd Securities �2� — J�I�e, these are bath nkay, Rlease s�ee coding, FC�II"17:�L1�1� ��i�'rY��+�al.���.L.P14�flc�j ��.:� . � �!�!'E�I�[�.f1117..15� �ent: ",��dn�sd�y, August 14. 2c]19 3:�11 PP�1 i�:Jim 7hares�� r���."1 ,�-s;;::;;�;_i.t;������: �� 1,::.�7•r.�.L� Sui�j�ct: �larth�an� 5eeu�aties (�� 1 i rr� A,tta�h�d ar� the #ollowing inu�oic�� fir€�m �J�rkhland S�curities; Inv� 5848 -$�,48(}_�1� — TIF Di�tri�t 1-�1 7v �� ��t up vari#9� a spe�ific escr�v�r account �ED- i;�t, �1-41- 4�f'�C, In�.� �n the n�s�t 15 to �p d�y� upc�n re�eipx �f depdsit frc�rn I�MC �unless TI� applieation fi�e is vv�ai�ed h� EDA�. In the inte�im p�eriad, �Slease use �13-��i�[l1-�131�9I�. Inv# 5�47 -�185,0{] —�loek 52 213-�63�1�43�1990, TF�is shaanld +�Itimat�ly b� tbv�r�d k�y the $S.�OQ Escraw �peposit �h�C f�eard Grr���,p. I�ce �r�vid�:d it�r BI��lc 5� I�g;�l �nd fin�nti�l ��Jvisor €xpE:�is��. 1 pr¢�ri�l�tt the che�k �Et�� B��rd Sen� in tcr S��r:�h, 5[? Sil� �fC7�3�iJty §�C Uj} i�1� 8CC'4U�1C {S7�f' �df ��715, �k�y Ct� ��y? Pl��se �rc��+id� c�dir�g. iha nks, �!fi�i_' I. 1�.'d. '�; F�rranee A55i5i�nt ��ty of Mcsm#i�eilo ���-��'i-3�05 � ,Iu �E_..i'.�,_:r7k-.•��ti,.�u�.i.rla�n,t���.! ❑.axtrM.uS APC?c .r,zc�r7t�cebla.rryr�_us �� , „ �, �.�n�����1�� �-- ��_. . �mai� �orres�or��'�nce tcr and fr'a�m t��e �it}r of Nt�r�t�eelio g�verr�rr�e�t vf�i��s r`� sut�,�eet ta t,he ll�r`r�rr�s�vtr� Grrver�nrr��r�t Data �rxrctr`ces Aet �r�d rtw�r be �isc#osed to t�hird �ar-tres. � �a�e: 9 l��r�ne�dy & �rav�r�, �harter�d 240 �+�ukh �ixth �tree#, Sui�e 4�0 f�inne�pQlis: �v9N 5�4�� �ity s�f Monticell+� ���� ��, �a7s M N 1�(]-D41 Q 1 �Gen�r�� EQA �l�tter� Thrc�ugh J�ly 3�, 2019 Fc�r,��6 ��gal �ervi��s ,�s Follows: �- - , �x ! i� ��,� . �.� ., 7J15fZU? 9 MhJI Review meetirrg �g�nd� ar�d aktachrn�nts fc�r i��� �neet �g 7l1512{!" 9 f1�N I Monthly finanee call with ED,� and �ity st�ff, �J�rthl2rt�d R�J �iours Am�unt � 3� ��.4� 1.8� 3�{].0� 7,+1���'�+"9 �1hll C2ue5#e�n frorn E�A �k�ff re�ar�'ing need for Q 40 �b�t��lerlt-sp�eCMfi�G pot ��r v�. �dd�ti�i�; [yf I�rlgU�ge k� g�r�eral business subs�dy �olicy; discussivn +�+i�h A 5ch�m�n� �nd J T��r�s re��rdir�g s�m�. Ta#al ��rvic�s�: � T�t�l �etvi�e� and []isbur��menx:�' � SO.C]Q 5�]O.Q� aulie Ch�ne� Frc�ml: air�l 'fhare5 �ent: fiues�.�y, Septem�er 3, 2�}19 4-�1 PM To: lulie Cheney �co S�r�h Rathlisberg�r ��+b�ect: �tE_ Ken��dy 3� C�r�ven f�') Juli�: th�se are akay to p�y, Pd�ase s�ee cc�ding �nd ��+mrnents belauv. Frarn: 1u�lie �heney �1�li�e_�h�n�y�ci.monttc�l�o.mn.us� Sent: �uesday. S�pt�mb�r �, 2419 �:15 �'Mr1 T�o. Jirn Th�r�s �1im.7hares[c�ei_m�nti�e4lo.mn_us� Subj�ct: FV4i: K�nnedy �. Grav�e� (�} Frorn: 1�rlie Chene� Ser�t: T��ursd�y, �ugust 2�, �0�19 1:53 Pf�l �i?: �im Thare� �1 r� .T��,l!: � _: i I1"•::I'[Ir,�;,��r': �'fif'..I��? Suhje�t: Ker���e�dy & Graver7 ��� i_ Jtrn A�t�ched �re� the fiollou�uing inv�ice5 fr�rrr Kennedy � Gr�v�r�: �nv# h,+1N19�D-OC�101 G�ener�l EDA - �50�,f][7 Coding = �7,3-��30i-4�[}4�D Inu# MhJ19(}-�1�7153 BIaCk 52 -$3�]O,JC7 ��di�g= �1�-4��p1-4344[}{] hic�te: This bi�l sFro�ld ultimat�ly be ��vered !ay the Escr�w Acct. fa�r Blvck 52 (Bear� �r��,p, In�, dcp�site�d $5,�10i? in�a an +�scr�ow a�c�unt, I gav� �he che�ek t�, �ar�h so she pr�bably set up th�e eod� for that ae�o�rrt. L�# rr�e knaw if you haue �ny c�uestiasns about th�t. In�r# N1f�190-16CJ Ul�JiC C7ev TIF -$�.���_50 Codir�g = 213-4�i301-�3Q��0(� Note: This bill i� ex�xectec� t� ew�ntua�ly be �+�vereci by an es�rc+w d�p�sst by+ U�r'ICy Inc. for �x�ens� r�la#e� ta drafting crf tFr� Prelir-nin�ry DevelvprrMent Agreem�nt ��C�,A� and edit�n� the �etter �f M�t+�nt [L�I). Th� funds hav+e not be2n r�teived y�t. I w�ll let you kn�v� as svon as they com� �n. ,Agai�, det rr�� k�naw if y�u h�v� any questions. Ok�y to pay� Pl���� pro�rir�� co�ing. Ef possible, pfease r�[urr� by Wedraesday �ofnin� t� b� inela�ded in the �he�k batch�, Th�nk�, ,T!��'!�. i. ��t'!is"�r �I�i�MCE ASSr$#�Il'� �It1� �f �I�}4nI�IC��IC1 7�3-�Ti-3�05 Ju la�.�: `ri;-�r�.�;;,�} t i,r�,vnti e el lo.rnn,us ����,e�t ��t�= � ' �`� � � �1 �h�ck t�= Harry 1�_ Lant€� 9�i �"� �,,r� S B�rffal�, �'IN 553�3 h�l�etin�s 1�M1lork�d� � hvl�e�i�� �HE�K REQUE�i` �heck Arrb�unt- � ��'� . C� V'end�r #; Date Tir� Amc�ur�t E�u�e �-- � - —� . _� PJanning �or�rnissi�n ; � . �' ` � � ����rc���,��� � ° 4� ° �l�i � . �� ��� �.��.�� Ci�y co�ncil !� �j � �� - �� i T��al ��e; � �-�'� . �� �fanning C�rr�rr�issi�n_ E DA_ c�ty c��,�,��i: � � autn�r���� ��r- 1C11.� 191{�.� ] 9'�Cl �13_4b3D1_4�199C] Z��.�Zl�o.���.��o � � � � �+" � �} � �� � �� � �. �� � �� � �..�� � ��c� �� TCME SHEET A,TT+4CHED ��t�: S � �'� � � °I City of ful�rrti�eE�o U�dat�d ��t€rb�r ��118 c:i�� ciF -�� �.�I 1�1��,� T1ME �HEET hJA,M�: H,�F�RY LAfVT�I P��IT1�Of�, �lJ6Ll� ivl€ETlN� RE��JRC��R - CC�NT��C:1 HC7i1�#S bArE rinn� irw TIME �ur NlEErir�� WOR�{ED � ��� ��_ .p ��� =����,�.� .I�: . � �— � _ .._ ___,. ._ _ ' �` 2.��� ' ��3��.�1 ; ��`'�-- �� l � � ��P.�� �`�� ����� �':���� _�°��.�� ;_� � , � � � --- --- ___. � ----- n�EErir�� ���r�r.�,T: ��� ��� F��s�r � H���� $1Ci PER HJIJR F�R �V'�F�Y I��]4JI�,�FTEF� �1E�TIN� RE�{�RU�6�'7H�RRY LAf�T��� , � � :^��` .�: ��.- _��'� SI�hIATU�tC: �" .� . , , ' � .~ I��TE: � �� ��:�# � r �- r r �,u�Eio�i��� ��: �, o�aT� : � - '�'] - I �"i ;� � �, Chase�i Valley Testing, Inc. ,�' Y� ;' '� ,`�' 1410 7th Street NW � � f � Rochester, MN 55901 _,�� „ `('iwseyt ��aLley Testing_i PhOt1E # 507-251-09C8 www.chosenvalleytesting.cam Biil To City of Monticello 505 W alnut S t# 1 Manticello, MN 55362 Jacot�.Thunander r7ci.monticello,mn.us PurcF�ase Order Terms Ue�e on receipt Description Ut�lity Clearance Private Locator Staking Borii3gs and Access Recon Vehrcke Trip Char�e Drilling Services �rill Ttig, mo6ldemob per day Borings, 30 feet or refus�l, including abandotunent MDH Pez�nit and Processing Piezo�neters 30-�'oot f'iezometer: Permit, Mat'ls., and Installatioi� Laboratory Testing Ivloisttire Content and Pocket Pen., lump sum �rganic Conient Engineering Services Logging, Analysis and Report � � �� �,� � �J 'i � 1 ��i �����' ''�'. ! �y � ` � �1V41Ce Date Invoice # $/16/20i9 26232 Project Descriptiort Design Phase Geotechnical Services Block 52 Development Monticello, MN Project Mgr Project No. CTV 8-15043-19MNS Qty Rate i 400.00 3 b0.00 l 44.04 1 300.00 4 340.00 1 200.00 1 1,285.00 � ] 00.04 0 40.00 1 ! sac�.00 Date Compfeted Amount 4�0.00 iso.ao � 4t�.00 300.00 �,2ao.oa zoo.ao 1,285.�0 IOO.QO 0.00 8oaoo Totai Paymen�s/Credits Balance Que � I�� `�i�.���� � C� $4,545.00 $4.00 ��,sus.�a Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August Z8, 2019 12:06 PM To: Julie Cheney 5ubject: RE: NT In�oice 26232 - Block 52 Development Attachments: Fully Signed Autharization to Proceed - NT, Inc. v2.pdf; Item 5. Consideration of Quotes - Soil Borings in Block 52.doc; 050819 EDA Minutes.pdf Julie, this one is okay. I am nat familiar with a vendar quote farm; where da we get that from? Please see supporting documentation (EDA report, EDA mtg minutes [5-8-19] and fully signed contract with CVT. Please code to 213-46301- 461500. From: Julie Cheney �Julie.Cheney@ci.monticeilo.mn.us> Sent: Friday, August 16, 2019 2:49 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.manticeilo.mn.us> Subjett: FW: CUT Invoice 26232 - Block 52 De�elopment S�e attacheci invoice. Okay tc� pay $4,505? Wer� quotes received for this? ,se complete a �endar quote form +rvith sig�atures Thar�ks JuEie Fram: Jacob Thunander 5ent: Friday, August 16, 2019 2:32 PM To: Julie Cheney <�uI;E�_Cf�er7e�_�,�ci.n7o��rir_r:ll��.me�_�.�,> _ _.�. ____ Subject: FW: CVT Invoice 26232 - Block 52 DeWelapment j �c�?b "Ch�����3ndei• C'oillm�si�ittr a��d E«�n��r��i� I�e��e1c���tne�lt Coc�rc�in�tor Cit�,� uf Mc�nticello 1i'���"['1.'.�1.171(.711t1�t��C),Il'Y11.U5 7(�3-?71-�2i�b E�yrr�i[ cnrr•c�s���oyrr�e�rce t-v c��zc� froa�7 t7ie Czt��� c�f Mo�iiicello ��,>averr��zr���xt office is suE�ject ta the �L�ifrnesntr� C�a�c�t�t�ra�nc�tzt Dr�t� P�•r��ctices'let r�t�tc� i�rr�n�� bc� c��isclosc�� �v thirc� ��r�r•fies. From: Peggy Hommerding [n��ilto:pho�-nmerdin�[�chosenvallevtestir��.cnrn] Sent: Friday, August 16, 2019 2:29 PM To: Jacob Thunander <1a�oh.7hunar�der�ci.m�nficellcs.mr�.us> Subject: CVT In�oice 2623Z - Block 52 De�elopment Gaod Afternoon, Attached please find our in�oice for geotechnical services regarding Block 52 Qevelopment, Monticello, Minnesota. Thank you. Peb�Y Chosen Valley Testing, Inc. Phone (320j7743500 ��� This erraail has been checked for viruses by AVG antivirus software. .. www. av�.co m n������r�s REG��LATt '11EET1\G - ECOI�(��'�TIC DE�'E1.OP1�'IE'VT AUTHQRITY' (EDA} VI'ednesdar,', I11a�' 8th, 2U19 — fi;[}Q p.m, illississip�i Roors�, 117onticclio Community Cente�• Cim�t��issio��ers Prese�ji Coan�liissic�ners A��sen€ St�i�1� Presc:�it: Stcve .rohc�so��, Jc�n Mor}�he���. White, Lloyc� Hi]�art, and Jirn �ill ��a���er Ji»� Thares Tracy Hinr, 011ic Koropchak- Davidsc�n 1 . Ca�l ta Order Stct•c. J�,9���s�rn c�lle� the n�eetin� of thc EDA tc� c�rd��� at 6:�)0 p.m. 2. Roli Call .>. C'onsic�eration of add�ti�nal a�:enc�a itcn3s �1��nc. � �.�_ -�. Cortscrst .4�encia Tl2AC'l' Fill�!7._ 19C)1�'Ep'I'C3 AI'PR01�'E `I�1-iE CO'�SE1�'T AGENDt�..fQ?� I��QRPy���V SEC'UNDED T'H�: �70�E�lOh. tit�T10N C,aRRfED. (i-(}. a. Co��sideration of����r���i��4,� ReQular :��lcctin� Plinutes — April �t}, 2I119 Recc>i�lmcnejati�n: Appro� e R���ular Me�etitl� Nlii�utes — A��ril l l). ?{)1 t�. � h. C'onsideration of a rv��in S ecial A'�eetin�� 1Tinutes —.� ril 10, 2019 I�eco���menc3�tioa�: Apprc�ti�e Special Meetir��! Mi�rutes — April 1�}. ?0 !�). c. Consideration of a� ru��in = S ccial 1�'orksho !��ectin �[17inutes — A ril 25 2019 Rtcc��Ynm�.z�tltiti��n: Appr����c Spetial W��rksi7c�p M�eti��� 1��Iinute�s — Apri[ ?5, '?(}a�). d. Consic�er-atian of a z-or�in ar�ment of hills Recumi���i��ation: .��rpri7l�� E��y���ea�t �yt� bills tk�rou�h .APril, 2(119. fi.c�ulai• ;��c:�cia 5. Cansideratian of Slock 52 Soil Borin� Quotes Jim Thares cxplained that the �DA authc3ri«cl �taff to solicit hids for s�il bc�rings on f3lt�ck 5?. The bnnn�� ���ould be I�e]ptul f��r asay redeve]�pinent etft�rts especially as it rclates to wlderstanc�ing the: pc�tentiat fc�r c�r �imitatic?��s of unc�crgrnund parkin�. Chosen V�alley Testin�� out c�f �dcn Va�lc}� «'as th� ]o�� hidcicr at $S,G.�S. Jc,« ��l��rpf�e��- �isked it there v��err any cc�nce�-��s ���ith this cc�mpany ce�mpletin� tl�e ��ork. Thares declined statii�� ihat tlZey cnn�p��ted t11�: borings at the tire st�tion site rLcentiv �G-ith all r����rk sati�fact«rily �erfat�r�ccl. �c��nc�mie lle�e3«}�e�ititt Au�ii��ritti :�7inute; —'��1a�� 8��'.'{llc) Page I' 3 OLLIE KOROt'C'E-IAK-1�4'HITE MOVED "�O AUTHOR]Z� TN� l.t�«'EST QUAI.IFIFD QU[�TE (CH(3��:N VALLE�' TESTI:�G, FDE\� VAC.LE�', MN) �OR GEO-TECHNICAL ��RVICES FOR BLOCK 5?. ,inN N1�RPH�W 5ECC3NDED THE MQTION. Mi�TION CARRIEv. [,-0. b, Cansideration of Ae�tharirin Ne Yotiations %r Lease of �DA O�i�ned Pro ert�� - PID #�55033900�1t1 Jin� Tl�ares int��-oduced thc item to the EDA. He explainc�§ tl�at staff ��eceiti�ed a inc�uiry regar�ing a}�ossil�le leasi: of'an EDA c��i��7ed ��arcel, knc����ii �s Cou3�try t'lu� Manor, l��cated alon� 7`�' Sirect 11�est an��J adjacc;nt r�� I-94, tt� be used an an i�ltcri�tt basis for a batch plant anc] sta�i�ag area ti�r corztraetc7rs �1 c�rkine on the U��eoming I-9�1 ii��prc�ve��ent E7rciject. The pr•ojcct ���i11 incrcasc I-94 to t�l-c�in t��ro [and t�� th�'ee fr�m IVt�nTic�;llo t�� C'lear��ater. Cu�7-ently, the usc is n��t allc����ed hy t1�e Zo«i�� Orc�ina�7ee a��d v�-ould r�yuire Cih� C'c}uncil ap}?ro��al. Cit}� StaYf ernnpiled a]ist �f�questit�ns t� a5k tl�e cnntractt�r inlere�ted i�1 the site. "Th� c�7€�h�act�rs �����uld usc the �ite fi�om Marel�, 2(7�f� il7rough Dece�riher, ?f)2 f frc�E�� �i a.�n. to n p.�n. Initial site ��re�aratic�t7s u�os�lcl consist of�rt�rtcnin� sc�En� tc�psc>il a��d trees anc� re�al�cirzc that �vifh t�n aggrc�;ate b<<sc. F�,]]c�t�-i�i� c�n�plctiE�n �fthe �a���je�t, the a�;gre�ate �vn�Ic� b� reil3c�ved and the sc�i] rvc�uld l�� seede�I h�ick fo �ras1. Darly tiise of the site durii�� thc constetictioc� si;aso«s �vc�uld cc�n;ist c�f approxiit�ately 4()0 l��adti ��r�r�aterials bc brou�ht to the site ���ia CSAH ��, 7'�' Strcct. C`�witv lZi�ad ��), anc� Ch�lsea Roact. A��ortiou of thc ��raject �ti�il] allo��� dirict a�ccss tc7 I-9�3 w�st hound la�les tu�� th��t stretch �t`�vurk. The cor�tracto�� ��t�iiltcrc�t, I1�iicl�els C��nstructi��n. WI, pr��vide ai3s«�crs to alI c�Ucsti�»s ie�clucEin�: noisc. dust emissic�ns, li�;litin�, and siie s��fety. I_.l��yc� f�il�art expressed �uncerns ���ith t�he with ��otenkial for a disru��tivc im����t ta th� l��c.al r�eis�.l7l�or'hou�i. He nc}ted tllat the �ef>��ii�ed icrise �am��unt of��30_�}f)(1 to S�[1,000 j�cr vcar is rclativcly ]t���� ���hez� n��a�urcci a�ainst tllc various ��t-oblcit�� that Inay arist u�ith tl�e u se. J��a7 N1��r��l�e�� exE�resscd 4hat the EDA ifintertsted at all i�� this p�'a��osal �houlc3 consider it fi°c�m its �nission i�1� Ec��nosnic []e� s:lop�nent a�lc3 l�i�ci e�4��ner. ��:rsus as a fanc� use bociv ���kai�;h is ti�e r�jle c7f t�c �'lannin� C`c�minission. He st�ted ti�dt it'the EDf1 ir�c�i��tes �i ��•illin�ness to consider �� �ease agre,c«en1 ���ith Mielaels. ihe Plannin� C��mmis�ion shoulc� tllei7 ]�cald the reyuired public heari»�(s) fi7ll�wcd hy tE�e City C�Lincil's actio�� aEid tl��i� tll� ED� would be in a��sitic�n t� rcti•ic��- a possible, lease agree���ent. JON MORPH���� ��10VED TO TABLE AI���HC)RIZATION OF NEGO�'IAT[ONS FOR L�1�S� OF EDA 01�1�'.�IED PROI'EEZ"I�Y ALONG 7TH STREET W'EST (P1D � ] S�U�i3900010) W'[TH INTERESTED CONTRACTORS A]VD,'OR N1N-�O�' AS A TEMf'ORAE2Y CC]NSTRUCTION IZELA�`�D ACTIVIT�' OR STAGING SIT�E DUR[]\�G THE I-94 IMPfZOVEMET�T PRQJECT FO�t �'URTHER RESEARC'H ANU-(�R DISCt�SSION. LLC)Y� H]LGART SECO\'DED THE MOTI{�N. MOT10N C'ARK[EU. (�-{). ��nnon�ic Ele��elnpment Authoriiv ��Einutes i�7a�� 8��,. ?{� l9 Pa�e 2� 3 EDA Agenda — 05/08/19 �. Consideration of B[ock 52 Sail Borin uotes (J'T) A. REFERENCE & BACKGRUUND T1�e EI7A authorized the solicitation of quotes for soil borings in Block S2 a� its ApriI 10, 2019 �neeting. Quotes have been submitted by the following firms in the ainoui�ts shown b�low: Name af Firm Amount af uote Chosen Valley Testing, Eden Valley, MN $ 5,65�.00 WSB, Goldei� ValIey, MN $ 9,9�0.0� AE'1,, Minnea}�olis, MN $ 7,700.00 Braun Intertec, Bloomington, MI'�T $ 7,210.00 Pinnacle En�ineering, Minneapolis, MN $10,70a.p0 The low quote «�as submitted by Cho�en Valley Testing, Inc. A. review of the submittal by staff confirms that it meets the requirements of the RFP. As a reminder, the EDA is seeking the sail baring quotes to reliably assess �ih�ther Block 52 soil-geotechnical canditions-qe�alities are acceptable for developm�nt of unclergrouild parking structures as part af fi�ture redeveloprne��t consid�;rations. A1. STAFF IMYACT: The staff impact from solicitin� quotes involv�d communicating ���ith potential qualitied engineering tirms, sending th�m the Req�aest for Praposal (RFF} packet and reviewing the submitted Proposals. The approairnate amount of tim� involved by skaff is 6 hours +l-. The RFP fornlat ���as completed by Che City Cn�ineering Departm�nt. All other tasks described above have been handled by the Community Development Department staff. A2. �3UDGET IMPACT: At this point the costs to coniplete tasks related ta the Soil Boring quote process is minimal. The expec�ed future budget im�act is tied to the EDA decision relatec! to selection of an acceptable quote. Since this is professional service, the EDA has the leeway to se�ect the most c�ualified firm regardless af the quote amqunt if it so chc�oses. Funds to pav for th� gec�-technical services ��vill be drawn from the E�A Ge��era� fund budget and speciiically the ``Redevelopment Activities" line item. The 2019 �DA buc�get set aside �123,250 in this line. Ther� have been no eapenditures coded this line vet in 2019. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to autharize the lowest qualified quote for g�o-technical services for Block 52. 2. Motion to deny authorization of low�st qualified quote for geo-technical serviees for Block 52. EDA Agenda — p5/08/i 9 Motion to table authorization of the Block �2 geo-#echnical services wark per the RFP far furth�r res�arch andlor discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staf� recommends that the EDA select the lowest qualified quate among the submitted proposals. Completing the �ea-technical work will provid� the EDA with information regarding the possibilit}� af developing underground parking structures in Block 52. The cocicept of underground }�arking has been discussed with developers in recent weeks and has been a lin�erin� question as to bein� realistic. Information from the soil borings will help clarify this question and aid in cantinuing discussions re�ardin� redevelopment proposals and planning steps. D. SUPPORT'1N� DATA A. Chosen Valley Testing, Inc. 1�P Submittal B. WSB Engineering, Inc. R� P Submittal C. AET, Inc. RFF' Subnlit�al D. Braun Intentec Corporatian RFP Submittal E. Pirulacle En�ineering, 1tic. R�'P Submittal F'. RFP Fomlat appro�ed by EDA 4- I 0-19 2 Chosen Valley Testing Proposal for DesEgn Phase Geotechnical Evaluation And Pieza�neter lnstallation: Proposed Mc�r�ticello Blocic S2 DeveCo�ment SW quatiraa�t of River St. E and Pine St. M�alticeflo, MN Prepared for: JaGoYr Thunandc�r City of Mo�lticell� ,Api•il ?y, ?{}19 {.� � ,,�_,: �.,: _. __ _.,:-,�, .._. \]ur�Eitrllu Block >? :���ril 29, 2019 Pa�c 2 of 5 h1 ! fV N� S C? 'I A I fJ W A W I S C O N 5 I N ��osen V�tley Testi�g, fnc. �il� .s7'�� :�venue Nnrth. S[. Cluud, Nfinnesc�t� S{�303 F��t���e: 1-32Q-774-35U(� I�as: 1-32(1-774-;5�� Limail: �z��l<�u�l �r �h���enti<,llc��i�:�tii����.cu�n _.. ___.. »�--��� �—__ �w4r..laco�� 1`hun�titder Cumu�wiity and ki�.onontic 17e��elc7p�nciit Cnordinator �E�114 Cit� of Mcrnticello Jac�b.'Thunan��r�f`ci.montic� Il�.uan.us ,�1pri 1 ? 9, 2() ] 9 'I Kc: P�'o�ocai t��r Yrriiminar� Geotechiiical Eti�aluation and Piezameler � lnstal�atian Prcaposed 13i�7rk �"' De�•elopn�ent 511� (}uadran�t of ]ti��cr ��. E ancl I'ine SC. Nlor�tic�lIc?, MN Diar �.4r. "['hunand�a�. r�s r�quest�d_ t��c ar� pra��idiir� this prn��c�s,il loi- ��cotechni�;�l e��alua�ion 10�� tl�e prapnscd project in Me,nzic�lfi�. �9\'. This �xoposa] sutnmari�es utir essimatcc� �osts 1pr the pr�ject. GcUtcclinic�l Sco��c 4ai1 13orin��: �� total oi� tijur bori�7�s ar� rcquestcd as ioc�tio��s aelecleci hy the cliejit. The hcarin��s ���ould b� cx[inded Fo 3U fect nj- aus�er rcl�ustil, �ihichc�er occur, lir5t. lf hnrincs termii�atu in uissuitable soals, they �4�oulci h� �ttendzd tii suitahl� se�ils. Thc borines ���S13 be sampled ir� acc�rciance �,�itl� the Amerscan Socicty i��r �I"�stitt� �iiid Materials (AS"'d'v[) M�tlioti of 7'est D]iR(i ani� [315�7 prncedures. f�ue tc> a re�e��t ri�le chan�e i�rom i�ie legislat�rc, all bc�rin�s th�t �xtend 1� leet or deeE�ir below thc Lr��ui�d surta�c ntust �7� �ealed �+ith bentnnite ��rnvt, and �ore hole sealing records inus[ be (i�ed ti�ith the i'[sn�icsota Uep�rtu7ent c�f l��alt9r (1�LjHj xntl a lilint fee �ls�o rnust he p3id to tl�e staie. Anotlier side cffect i raf tllis la.� is tFrat ��ileti c�f sc�il �uttin�s ��ill ❑ecessarily remain at ihc bc,rin� locatic�ns, h�c��us� we can nn long�i' put a)l t��� i'u[[in�.;s b��ck done thc borc l�oies. Our proposa] i��cludes z�ie casts for �r�utin�, , prep�rir��, scalin� re�:ords ant3 tt�e filia�� f'e:c to th� state. .� 3U-foot piezouzeter w�ill be: installed at Soring PB-2. 7his is considered to b� a mouitorin� �ti°ell by the i11DH, �isld reyuires a spcci�:l �ennit and assoi;i<�ted m��erials. l��e llave included ]ump sw�i cosis for ilte �ermi�, marerials anci insrallatic�n. �s 1v�c11 as a se}�aE-ate lu�np sui7t cr�st f<�r the �n��ual ��ermii. subset�ue��t remozai and removal }�ermit. Tc� obtain tlie initial E�ermit. the clscnt ���ill need to signify res}�c�i�sibility for the �ti�el] and �ayii�ent for its ren��atial. . in sc�t7�e case,, tl�e State �+il! �a-aive �ermit #ees far public entities, ttiough ��ur uiiderstanding is ti•�ould r�ot ��3ply in Ihis case. 1f tlie f�ees can be ���aii�ed our cc�sts ���iil E�e reduced. �✓� I N N E S CJ `�" A i J W.y W I S C p f�t S� N 1lcfntir;e•Ilu Bloch �2 April 29. ZEI14 Pake 3 nF 5 Lahoi•ator�� T'esting: ���c hace iil�ltidzd rersts f�r r��oisturc <snd;��r ��rgaii�ie c-untcnt tests on selecr san�pleti. If n7ore �pe��aliz4d �ests a��e deen��d �.��t���•an[�d, you �vc�ulci br co��tactc'd 1`or ��dditional authnri�.atic��� betor� pruc��t�iiac. l2cpurt: Tl�e preliminary engineering a�e�o�1 u�il� incducie lhc be,ring Iocations anr� ele��atic���s, �eolc�gica] hackgrc�uz�d of lhe �s.ork site, a summary of t��i: results of tt�e borings and Ihe peneiration test r�sults from the boric�g;, and ceotecgYati�al analysis of thc soil strzngth and seedetnent pr�pertie� as rel�tes lo the prnposed prc�jert includinu discussiun of� deep a��d sltallo�' fnund.�tions, reuse uf� o�7-sitc soils, etc. 1�lte be�rii�r�s are nn� ii7tendzd far e�t��irc�i7m�ntal E�u�poSes, hut z�'e ��ill iac7te unusual odors if detected. 7�he repc�rt ���ould he issued elecn�onically. :�cce�s an� �ichedule: A��hedule fnr the drilling tuid piezc�nieter instaliation ���as i�ot provided. l'��e are ; t�'pic.slly aihle to c�mplete drillir�g finr pt�ajecis such �;� this ���ithin ? to 3 u�e�ks of auCl�c�x'Ezatic�n and � �om��lctc. tt�� report ���ithi�� au ac�tjiCic7nal x�ee1�. Tl�e tirillin�� ��•ould ��ot take place tuitil utilit�ies are , le7eatecl (iFsuall�� requir�s Z days}. C'��"l' would eni7t�ct Ut�pl�er C}nt ahead t�fdrilling. 'v1f'e ui�derstartct tllat , th� C'ity �tc�uld Iike us to include cosis tE�r ��rivttt� locator. "1-he piezou�eter pe�7�it, pubiic ai7d pi-i�•�te '� I��catc we7u�d likcly require I�v�ck. TI�� fina� ccot�:�hnica] r�port ���ould typt�ally be �om�leted wsthis� 1 , ����� xl�t�r clrillirr�; ha, i3e�i� ��im�lete�i. ti��i sl7o�sld bc cnntacted it� a>pecific sehedule is ne�d�d. 'E'he piczomc�cr r�mo��a] �ti�«uld likely r�quir� l tu 2 �t�eeks' siotite diae �c7 retular sche�3ul�c esl�li[:�tions aild c�bi�iinin� thc rcmrnal permit. F'ees e�id P���ntent; Services ���ould he pr���id�d u❑ a wtit cast vasis an a�;cordance u�ath rhe tabulatirn� hcl��i�. �s shc�n�n ou tl�es tahuiatiti�n, the estinlaiee� total cost is �S,(�55 � _._ _ ___.. --- --_ Unit QTY. I TI EM DESCRIPTION , UNI7 COST AM�UtVT � Utility Clearance Ivmp sum 1 Prfvate Locatar $400.00 �400.00 hour 3 Staking Borings and Access Recon 56a.D0 5180.DD trip 1 Vet�icle Trip Charge �4D.OD $40.00 Driliing Sevices lump sum 1 Drill Rig, rr�obldemab per cfay boring 4 Borings, 34 feet or re(usa�, includ�ng abandonmeni lump s�m 1 Mt7H Permit and Prac�;ssing Piezon�eters _ump Sum 1 30-fo[�t Piezomeier: Permit, Mat'Is and Installation _urtip Sum 1 Annua! and Sealing Permit, and Removal Lahpratory Testing lump surn � Moisture Content and Pocket Pen., lump sum test 0 Organ€c Gontent Engineering Services sum 1 Loaaina. Analvsis and f �3d0.00 $30Q.00 $3D0.00 a1,20�.00 �20Q.00 $200.OD 51,285.00I $1,285.00 S 1,15(l. [l0 �'i ,15fl. (}Cl $100.Q0 $10�.00 �40.00 $8Q0.00 $$QC}.00 Tatal �S,fi55.0(� M I N N E S Q T A I C� 1N A W I S C O N S I f+1 �1lonticellu I31A�ck �2 Apri! 29, 2p19 }���� a or{ An inti�c�ice 'le�r Ihe initial ����rk �i�ill be mailed to t1�e cli�nt after tl�t; explc7ratic�n is c��n�pleted. R�tna��al cost; ti�'ould Me ii��oiced 1s��ten that ��ccurs. Payment to�- scr�ices is �xpecte.d ��ithin 3(] clays. l�iter�s� will be added to in���ices o�e7� 30 days. The service� ���oulc� be �rc>vitl�d i�l �ccorc�auce t��it1� CV�"I"s attached C;cncr�il C'ondition;, ���l�icl} are a��art c3f this contc-act. Rcntarks 1�'e apprz4iatc tl�� c�p�c�rtunity 10 propase ��eotech�3ica] e-ngi�icerin� �er�.�ices to yc�u on this �rc�jeet. Please fe�) f�ree to cal! us at (�O7) ?R1-09b}�_ if�you have ai�y c�ueslrot�s or desire fur;her intinrmation. 4incerelv, Chuscn \"alle�� Testin�, I�i�. ' r El�nnal� l�ische�' Graduate E�i�ineer � �;�.� ��.-;�-.-- � C'alby �l'. Vcrdc��t�n, PF. I'residenUSenio�-1�m�i�inecr n� i rv r� E 5 0�r a i o�v A w� s c a rv s i r� 1lunticrllo #31ack 5? f�U1�10I'1"L7i10t1 t0 PCOC�t;C� April Z9, 2�19 f :t�;t' S of S Propos�l f`or llesi�n Phase Ceoterhnic�l Eraluation ar�d �'ibration Studv 1'rajcrt Pre�j�3red h�: Pru�oscd Montice�llrx E3���ck 52 D��eluE�ntent S1�v' Qiiadraitt c�t�Ri��er St t_ and Yiiie St. Mo»tiecll��, Mit7ncsota C��osen 1'allcy Tcstin�, Ir3c. Comn�enccrucnl of tl�c abo��c Projcct or 1Vork PacE:a�;e, as c�utlinec� in tih� attachcd proposal document t'rort� C'hosen Valle� TcstinK, Ijir., is tzerehti ai�tfiorizec�. .�uttiorizin� 1'crs�nn(s): '�.� � :���r �---�.��. _ _ �j � � �, I' � - - - - S i �riat�rc ; ' �Y� �` 'Y_ Y � � ✓ � �_t�- . _ � � �'.S 2" :�ame r '� itle � — j f�ai�� / �c�r.�-c�vwLt�. ��!_ i�l�.r.l �x,c��-�� ��.. .b �� r--e �-�r �P� �v1 I N i� � S O�1- A I Q�+V A 1N I S C O N S I N GF:\li12:11.Cd)1IIt.-\Cl PE2(31'Itilfl\ti �Itl'ICI.F: I --1'LEtFOR\1:1tit'F:OF7'IIF: N"ORK C�hu,;cn �'ulle�� �I�c;trn__ Inr i`('1�T"j shziil F�rilbin� thc �rrvic ��isdcr d�» .��rccment in .reciar�ixn�c w��tli itir care �uidskiil i'�rdinarilv r�rerci�ed i��� u�ar��her� of C1�1�-s pn�f�rs.i�jn ��ricuciE�v� u€idcr iiini�ar �ir�•junst�iocc, a� lhc s;imi� tiin�• a�id in ��r .amr IucuGtp�. Sant�7ling pr<xedur��,, cu�pinycd by (��.,f dm'iu� zh� 11'ork c:u� i�s�{fcatr actual �:nu�iitiwu i�nlr al �h F�rccr �� l�x�adceat� li��m ti�'hirit, smd ui�lv �it thc lititc� �.nmplc� ;trr uike-��. C'1`'i �u�t� ituike mfar�'tacea b:a�c�! iqxsrt dh i�sulls of samphi�e or t'eialt£t [eslim� io inn�� :i p�c�fc,sini��l n�>ink,n o4�condii�wns in sreas Mcyun<i tho.c flt�ni rvhic}i sam��te: tis•crc takcn I�I<>isecer. Lccausc a cam��hn� �n�et�n� �arziarn �irnv� the n�u�-�xistence ur norr}�re.e�acr al�rondilii�n, ,,r� inal�ritil.. f'�` 1� ina�krs nn W�a�t;mGes, e�prc.� nr iit��iliul. under th�a ,AF��e�n�ent n1� otherw�se, u� cuisn � tz��ti wilh els scr`���C�s. Ai27�ICE_I; ? -- hDDl7 14)\',\[, tiF:RI'1Ch_ti If llic i'lirnt c�yucst� tlt�i thr ['\'I p�'i lnrnt ajnl srr�'iccs �s'Ivch arc l�c�tmt{ liic c�c>pe as sel finth in d7e Prc�ptupl, �r il changi•d ni unli�r.��ecn cunditinns reqciirc Ihr [\'1 1�+ �r�rtbnn ,crvia'e, uui.ide nt Ihe s+rsruaail s� o}�ti, thcn. l'�'T .I�;ill prumptl}� nnlil�� thr C'licnl i�f tfius�• anti nsnur� tai�t�e adt3itrcm�l 5�ertiiees rcquired L I�sr�ia nolilicA[iun, (�' d;i�:�dl he eoutle•d tn xn eqtul:ihle acl,iu.lment isi �ith rnmpensation ait� tunc is, pertbnn �H71['1J{:i—S( liF�)17.f'- l�nlrss ;p�ci}l� per�uda�af usneerdxteti liar ��iirvidi:ie ticr��i���. szrc w�xciti.r�3 fn �a>epsrnlc l=thihiL, l'b'l's ��hlE��at��7n to rtnder tier��ireti hefcun+Jcr ticill hc lirr a�ennd s�`hiCh m,n' rea.onahly i�e rcyuircd fi�r ifrr Cinn��lctiun i�fi said sCrriGG.s. �Ih�' (']icnt s_rcc� ihat CV'7 in n�ri rc'S�x�it�tEalc li�r danta�c� �etsi��, ciirettly or tndircCtiv ��rrnti m3y dclu��s Inr r;uur, bevuncl C�'V'T�5 c�ntra� I�or pur��c�;es uf �Iz3 A�rctinenl. su�h cuuse, iE��.ludr, but �te nnt IimurJ to, sinl,ts nr olhrr lahur d�spulrs, se�cre weudGcrdisn��ttions, ar niiicr n�lural di.<i.irr: u� .ictn uf{�od: 1i[�c, rwl.. wa� ur ocher r¢ncrgcio� ics: any ;icUim nr Failurc En u�•i m u tiiaizh m;innci h}' any go�crnmcm tl�ei�ey; .icUon� ur fa�lmc la atl h�� lht l IE�iinl oi [ht Cli� nt'; coniraclar or t'1" 1,; or�hs�ov�-n o( any h;�zurdittis ,aik�sL�occ oi differin� sitc cuntiiuons, II th� �icla�s uutsidc ��f ('�'.0 s cant�ol incrcasc thc �u�l ur tiR tini�' rci�uiied by ('1`I In perG�rm it..en'i:c5 in aei�n�lanc� 4�llh piuf�>sional skill and uirr, tii��n ( �'T Shall bc entiticd tn a rcasoqable ndju�iiucrt! m sihcchGle an(1 ti�mpcn�uunn �k21'IC'1JC .f — t'Cl\"f E2ACTUR 1tF:til'U1tiiEi1l.l I IF:ti � 1'1 ne3llier �uetr:intues �he rci li�nnance �if anc Cs�itlranui ictain�•il l�y l licnl nor �siuntc� �ccpnnsib�E�ty Gn am C'nn�ruiior s failur'c tu fii:�iish ;mr3 jri�rftuiu tLc «-ork m accuid:ince wvilh thc cuie��u��iiim docaiue�ns C lic�al t+ckn�tiu�led�c� i'l� S will nut diree[. �tiu�x�n-ise or �e�ntrUl Ll�e u'ork nF cuntractor5 pr thcir suhcrnuraclors, nor .vhall CV I� Irs��e AulLprii)� uti�cr or rr5ponc�h�ltg' tix tltC cnntr:ittoiti n7c;lnti, inethutiv, Ur prurcdures ol�cun,inicli�m (\'l s sci��iccs ;3u nui 3i7cludc rcti ic�c ot Cr�aluauuit n(Ihe Clicn� �� rnr3li;�rloi ti.ri suE�cnam3ck5r�> <a�i•tY ntcasures, oi �nL ti0.' y�Ii«� loh ti�lr �;�fci�,� shall he thr s�il� res�son,<ih[iitt 1al�If�c c�intraeizar u�ho is per�onning dse wc>rk_ A}Cll('[.I' 4— C'I Ih.\ i HFSP4}.\.SIIiILI'fIF_S l I�tni €: roy�oncihlc t�i �aroi�iilc (�1' I+si4h acc.c.s tt� diC sfl�'- 1.��IicuF shE�ll alti« provsde ('1'� �w�iii u¢t� nth�r prcvious gc��t��chniC��l or oth�rt� rcporis, mres4�gaUpnz, np�c'illc;iuun>, �d:uu and o�ii�� inFiirznauotl sbnut dyC tii[C to rvht�h (7ient hati ae�ctiti. C'han�ca in �IutU anti errli�rnr;tl.inn alk'�uL thC +uc cantd�uon_a di�z htemfteti knu�cn :Illl•E t1111 iCp�(11l fl7:d4 ;lltrc'I ���1�1��41,�111Ylillk:; I1nIGnv. ,.��npline. ;3nd ��Ihrr ,ulr:u�t;icc ��ork u ill cau�z� d�niupnon t�� thc .�Ir �md tn Fz:ut�iula� tu a�ip pavtn� nr nllia strterturr. in ��I,scc ntcr Shc ccicclCd 5�iutpim� L�ceuon, ('�'�I �4 ill ux icatinn:ihlc. urc ia, nnnunit.-: il�uuugc ln �h��aue, bul [�V'T h;�, no� �ncludcti i17�• cti�c� �if'r�•szonn�, n�etit�al dsis7aoc in �h�� c;�im�lad cl3urgeti ninwincA u it62n u. �in��,i�:�l !'li��� �i_L'rcrs tc� cym�;�blr a�djiici �h�• enntr.�'� �inun�rii ut �hc c.ent rhat ( i�eiii sre'ksxcpair nSlhc sile �i� a manncr ntqr� thun is eusta�mary us dac induslrY. U171C'E.E. fi— Rk l�l.:t\D Dltii"(ltil 1701 UM I\ti fRl �1F\'Tti t3F Sh:li\'ICE VII clos inucru., wclut{ni� rrpuiu. �Itau��si��. c'al�:uldi�nn�, 5pc��ilivai�nns, (':lDL) matcnal>. ta�nptil�•ra suflµ�:�rc or hurd�aarc ur i�Lhcr �ti�nrk �n`odtici prc;�ar�d b}, (�1' f pur�uam tn tlti. •\cir4mcnl arr Cl' I-`s htalrumcnis ul ticia n:c' a�id G-1'�f reFamn all ciwncrslnp i:�irrcwt. ioi lu;truiucnl.� nf Scn�icc. mcludmg �up1'rt�lrts. I��lic tnstrumcnts uf tirrcice ;trc nsii ml�.�n�icJ or i�•E�rc,cat���i lO hc• �unalrle I�or reusa� hy Ihr ('Ifenl +,r ollier� im cxtc�s,<ions o1� thc �'rojc�l ur un ��ny uthr� p�'njrcl f'opiv� nf dui�rin�tiils lliai mup ht ielic�l uFam [�u (li 7�t tu�c finii➢�tl to thc �rtnlcd copzr, (sl,o kniru�n t�s har�i rt��ne�� I Ihal air signui ur s�ealed bp C�1 1�. I�ilcs in cl�•clronic ii�nnul fumishal t� C'heeii nrr ��n1F' lirr ion�cnicn�c of C itcnt :\ciy ctmclu.ican ot inti�ri3iauon atxaincd �� dr.ri�rd liorn suc6 cl�'cironie fllcs u ill hc at Ihc uscr , u�ic tisk ('\�'I makcti izu rqireseiil:wom ns tu long t�i�n cn�n��aiihility, us.thiliF} or rcac3:ihil�ty uielcruocrie filcs. il�reyur.tcd. at thr uuu o1 caiu��l�����iy.n�tcmii¢ialii�si nl thc tisark. ILc ('F�i nt[iy m,ikr� arailahlc io Uir ('Lrni Ihc Inshui.iteuts �>I S�r��icc uqx3n li) puy'incn[ nf �miiunL. duc umi nu�in� lix rs���G; ��rrfiarmcd �md �ayr��5c. incun��Yl tu ihc; dale anJ t3mr r,! ic�niii3aua�n. ��id {ii] �'ulfillmonl n1�d�c C'1�cnt's oLilo�*t�fi�7ns uirdrv this Arrtio�enl ����� usr ur a�t-u�e a1�;v�:h fntih'umrnCS �i S.rr� ice b�� lire ('li�•nl t�r �.adters w�idioul a�a�llen �'unsrnf, cenlirauun or adapwGou 1�y thr (�l'T rxcepl fur thc ;p�^tiifie purpusc iFiSuided ��iil bc ne Shr Clienl 5 iuk �utJ lull le�:ul re.ponsila�lit� and ('Iirni expie„!F iclt•a.rs n!] cl.s�n�s againsi C'1'1 ar�sing Ir��m rr-u�r uf tltr Insir'urnents ol' Scn�icr N�iilinut il� I; u'nttrn cnnie�li, vrnfie�iwti ur t�daplu(iun `ih� ['hen� a'ill, t�,� di� liillest cstcnt parmittcd hy liiw. in.i �nin�h� und ho]d �he ['1"1� liortnlest lioin ;my claiiu. lia3�iki1� or tnst (including raa+on;tblr a�tomrvti' fecs. aitd dcicn;c ca�ls I annnE ur allcecdh' arising out of �m unni�lhurizcd rru:c c�r miiditic3uan uY Ih�se In:tnimcut; nf Scrvicc hv lhr ('licnt or �np' persou ur cnutv thal acyuirro- ur uhi�un�, Azc re;x�ns, plan� aucl spcciiic �t3<ms frorri i�r thrnu�h ihc ('I�cat l;�iiloi�in the wriilen aud�nnraunn ni' lhc l\' i. Undcr nt� circwnstancc+ shall transfrr ul' I�u[riim �tit� c�i tirrv�ee he d�rmcd a,:ilt h} ['\' f, azid ('1'T nsal:c. rin warr�uurs. �idi z cs��resscd ur implircl, t�l��iirrehariisl,iliit� and filncsti fo� anh� partiieular puiposc. l k"f sh�a11 br tnulleil an coi�iycrt,as�em IE,� any cunsrnt, vcnf iCat�n23 or ada�xiou oi" t}tc InstSwnrn2s c�f� Scr+�icr �nr cxtcn;ii�n,: i>f thr Prnjct[ ur �ny uthrr prc+jcet. :�it rici.i: 7 - i°:�ti �ir_� � s i'ayititini tn f'�" I drali Uc �7n a luirip ,i3�n ur Izoi�rl} basiti �ix sct oul in tiic :t��rrcm��ni. ('1'T is ��nt�U�J to p>n}'merit ��f;m�ourus duc plus reiint�urstahlc exprnccs. C'lient will pa}' lhi` haltuitic �laicd siu €ht� iti�nic� un'las, (�Iitnt ni�4f��ie� (�1' f n� �vtriin� uf anp di�p�Fled ilemv �i�4iin PS da}�s lit�ui Sdic d¢te Rrf tnvn�ee_ In thc cvenl of Any dasputa, ['I�cni �. �II pa}� all undi�ptii�d mnnurrti in thr ardir��ry cour.r, .inJ il�ti Parties will en�3uiv,r to resut��e al! dispt�red items, ;tll accnuots unpai�i uftcr ?fi dev, i�c,m lhe date f�f nn�in�l in�Ei3re .h�ll bc ,uli}cct [o a;�rvice th;�rec c�l l-I'2"-o �r monrh, nr llte rnaxunum aniai3nt �u[horiz�d b�� lax-, whirlie��cr is less. C`�'l rescrves thc ri�ht to r.tauo producSs of �cn-icc unlil at! r�zt�otc'r.s arc }zsitl m iuil ["Y1 will nnl br lieihle Cor any clumts [�f Ic»s, dcla}', or darn,ige by Clfent (i�r ravson oi'withhoidiug serv�ccs .�i �arnduri: c�f <c� � icc until ;tll it�vi�rrc �rr {3sad tn tull {'\' I slzall he enl�zled lo rcco�er all rcason;ihlc co5t< anJ ciisburSCnienS�, mcluding reasunahle �Ini�rncy I'ceti, mcuircd in umnecuon with c�3ltucun�, un3aunl,�, �fµ�e<i hV ("iienl. In +iddiu<a�t. ('1'T mav, afler gnin¢ szvcn da�'s� ��tilien notie� 1� ('liritt. su5�N:nd s�rvices lua�li'r Ihis tgrccmcnl unli! it rercires Iull �rrymrnl Tbr all aviuunl, ihen tluc ti?r scrvi cs. �s�aen,.. and :liarets Nti}incni izicihod;. ex}tenic's tsnd raleti may be mure fully descrihcd iii P.xhihil l- and I:altihn I.�. ,\R"i [C[.E: 8 — Il:i"/.;11{DOL S �1.1"i I:It1:�L5 Notwilhsiandrne die S�o�a� of tien�ie�s tu I�c pnrkiticd ��ur�wu�l lu this .��s�ceiricitL rt w un�l�r.t�x�d and a�rced tha[ ('VT is n��t a usar, Irandlcr, generaior, uperatnr, Ircaic�r, armisg�r. viorcr, ir;�ritipun��r nr disposcs of hur_ariluus ur lu.eic .uhst:inc�_, p��lliitan�y oa� cuu�aininaitta as eny of the t��r���ain� itcin5 arc dcfincd 6y I�cderal, Statc anti'or lnc:il ka+�•, rulcs nr reetilatinn�, n�nc Cx�stiug or h�retifter nmcnd�d, and which m�7v hd iai3itd or idcniiticzl un any I'rnjecl u�hieh is iandcrtakrn bp f'��'f. I hc {'lienl aerees lo ni[ii•mnilt C 1' I�ti2�l it5 i�i�lieerc, clib('\'TI�1, em�>Ir�yrc an�l agent; fi��nf and a€<iii3ct any� Tn�1aP1 � 3�iimc. Ic�ssrs, c3amag�s, I�.�hili�y and ccrst�, incIur�ing but ni3{ Gntit�d ln Cosls oY dcf�°nctr, arlanlg uul E�!'ur iti ;iny waiti� i'onnc�lecl witJi. Ihe pretia�ct. elischar�e, relcasc, or esc�Fn� uf hazfirdnu� or toxic suh�tan�e>, pc�iluf:mla tsi i�on€:iminani� uf a�z}� kind_ cx:ept 11��1 thi; ciriuxe shnil not apply �o saiclz Ifability as i��ay ari+c <�ut i�l (��"� s�nlc ir���loeenre 7n d�r prrRrrn�anec isl�;cn-ices undcr tlras Aerreir�riu ui i;in!s liu�n or re€ziuns� t<> Isarartic�us �r foxte siihstatii�,, ��ollttttm[s, or cie�itaminants ,�prciticall�� idcntifi�d hy ihe CL�nt and mcludrei wiihin ('1'i".ti sarr�ees t�� br �rrav uicd un�tcr ihas �1�r�•�menl. Ui'[7C7.1,. U - [\ll �2:1.lC'F. l'1' { lix> pro, iucci t�rnera] sin�i prnf�s+ional liabilin� iu,urancc (}n r���ur.i. C1' I u�ill 11F�nish i licui titi ith a c�nii`icate nf in,�iran��e cletailing ihe prccu4 iau�ur�e and q�e of' �ns�arancc, alor�g ti���tl� :Fppti��iblc poliey li�nits_ AR1li�l.t', lli—T!?il\itS:\TIO\ Oi2 tilSl'F.Vtii[)�1 II C'\'�i��. scn ires are dcl;qed ai >us�x•3iCid In titihnit• ��r �n }��rt E��� CIIcnI, ui i��i'�' I�ti sri� �ces orc Jcl<it'cd hti� �rlwns ur inar�iaolti o3�othrrs Yi�r mure Ihtin b�'� dats Ihruueh ni� L�uh o(("V' I. C'1 �E ,6all hc� rnlitled lo cflh�r Icntxnptt zt: agrccmcr7t upon 7 days wfiit�u noucr c�r. Fit il� o��lion, acc�^k�l 4q tquitahlc acjjusCmuni o1 t51�5 ar�d aaiaowiis ��f cnm��rnanEiun }}ro5 idcd fix cl:scH Ilere in Ihis A�rcenie�if lo re17cc1 ri•;isnnahl� cosl. mcurrcd hy ('1' ] i:i cunnccuon �ciFl�. ai3�ong iHL4r lh�n_L+s. �uch delai nr su��nn.ion aiiei rear.u1��li�.n and th�� 1he� tL;�t fitr� Imic ft�r ptrSoritt.ince under liis. ;lgireini�ni di.j. txcn re��iscil. Ihi� \�'rc��tn�'ni m.�)' br irnninate<i h) t�ther parcy upnn scvcn da�':.rroltczi nu�ii� shuuicl Ihe olhcs p�trly I'sil suhctanualiy' i,� perfrrnn in atcordance wnti iis [cnns thrnu�h nu Iault p� 11�r party ii�ivating ihr tc�rtnin;iiian. In Iloe rccut ul trnt�noau�m t � l sha➢I he �otnpcntial�J fnr �er�icrs p��rlbrine�i jniar lu tennmaunn d:itc, inciudwr� chaigts lirr e.c�e��u5c, and equipr3nrnF co,ts Ihen dnc and all I�munali��ri ��.cpen.es. ('\'"f i. rmillcd lu ��,3ysnr�u ct eii if Ih� proj�cl ci�,cs nol ea, li,iward ��r i; iint innstruele�i. I'17a4 rl�recmci�l nta� hr Ierntiitisled h�� e�lhcr �art� u��m tliirly da�. «nllen noucc �+ithoul caw;e ('���f shall iqxm tc7znina1irnz nnly be cnt�iled tn p,iVmcnl Inr Ilic work perfnnncd i�p io �iie I)ua oY tcnninati�in. ht tttc r�-cnt i�l LcnninaLiun, eu��aes ��I'�rl,�q,, reporis, snctilicutioni, cicc.iauni�� dr,lk�m2�d:LLa lile> (('AD'[)}, licld d.�ta, upics, antl erlh�:rJocumcalti �sliatt��^r i�riEien. piinlcd ut rca�rd�d un ;tn� inediuni uhaFsoc�cr, tnvshcd orunliuisheci, pr�parcd hv lhc S'l` � pursieunl tD this Aqrcenteril ond periainm� w�he �so�k �n� ��, the Pro�ue�, Iht•refnaftes °hisulsnti•nts nl ticrvicc�.� shall hr m�id� av;til��bl� tti� dyt C-lirnt upon paiymcnt oF all antount4 duc as n1`the d��te of`I�nniusl.ion- 111 pro+i.inn; nf Ihi, :\�iccmcnt e�llocalaz�� r���on5ib�lil� or liabilit� henvren [he ('lscn[ and ('\'T ,i�all tiurvitir Ihe �untplcuoa oi� lh services hereundcr ar�itor ihe i�•nninaucxi ufthi.:l��recmcnL - . �f27'ICI.I�: I1 - 11nE\1\iF'dC -\TfCI\ The i'1 1�grees tn inilentni�� and hold lh� S'I�rni h�nnlec: #inm atR� dutnaee, li�ii>iirly �n �nst iu tf�. rsluail caEued bc �hc {\•T.v ne�9i_cnce nr cull(ul misclmJuei Ihr (liem u�nrc, �o mde�miift anri lanitl Ihc ("+,' I hannlcss lix�ol am dama�c, liahditt rn cntii la ihc o�ttnt c;ltrscd Mn �hc l'llenl�s ne��Ii��ence t�r x�lll�ul nsis[Di�ducl 1it-TECL.F ]2-\IAE\'E:H i)F C(1\tiFO['F:�7'LU. D,11t:�(;F:ti Thi C\' f aii� ('licnt �ti,iEv�• claun. ati;un.t c��ch olhor li,r ��insrqutnhnl d:sni.j�cs :ui�vic t�ul uf ur r�laten�� to th�. rinuracL Fiuti mutua! waivcr mcludes dam�ic4 tncurc�A br thi- (�Lenl I[,r r�ne�1 i•xpcnx �, ibr Itiss uf u�c. It�as ul inrunz�•, lusl �irnlit. �iny�41 drl:t}i, �it��iiriue. i�ri»incs� and iepulalion si3d fix iotis u[' managcmcnl �ir' empluyer protiutiiv�Is ui ol' Ihc n�ivi«s ��I such perse�ns: and {ZI lJa�nn�r: enrurr`td hy Lhc 1'1'l' fur prmci�yxt t�fiice c.�pen�cs includinr? Ihe cump4nsatiiin Ibr �.cr,onncl �tatiuned Ih�:ri�, lut I�r,:r. n( lirinn�:�n��., husin�sti tirid ri�pulaliun and li+r Inss c�f ��E��}Ivl i^xcu{ri asill�ipulce# prc���il ansittr d3rr�cde fio�u lhc 11br1,. lli� (�\'T and ('Gcnt 1iirliier u�;rce tu ��hlu�n u�inule� w�,n�ci (iiim �siih nfihcir ���idliattor�, wuhat�nir;ttlur� c�r ��ii�ipl�crs. �1k7�fC`LC�_ l3-:�ti114�\�1L\7- �'ritlirr f':utc li� Ih�s �ie�e�in�tiil >ki:iEl :issi�u itc inleresl in tfiu a�retnoena. a�i} ��rneral> dtre undrr thr .lerei �n�it1 Izt�r anv Cl�aitiis [h;�t mtjp arsse fiom scre�Cea in' pa}mc�ils tlu�• ii�uin th�• A�nrc�enrul �silhnin tltc ti�inl�'u rnus�°n[ ��f Uor alhcz Party. ,Any FttisrciZntcnl io� violat�nn ��f tht.;�nrvuiuii sh:ill hc nuli und eu3(i. Nolhinn cuntarncd m lhis 1w�rrrinrnt tih.�ll erealc 1 �unuunu:yl rclulit�uwlnp s� illi ur a�:wac ul aili�,n in fai���r ,�f a Ih�rd purty ui�iin.� ���lh�•r lhc ( 1'"! or ( licnt flti� .\er:entrn[ is lin the re[lusive I,rn�li0. 0l f�l� I;�nd ('licnt uad il3crc �re no iithc� ir�irn<Srd bt¢trSiii:�ric� �+fthis �Am�ccm�•Fi1_ - �k'I'ICLh la-('l)\Fi.{CI Kk:ti{)l,l 17(.1\ In an rll<in i�, rc,oh�c aity runllic¢s Eitu an�r tliinn�� tfic <I��,i�n or n,n��iroclron c�l�thc pro���ci c,r 1i�llo�� rn� the c��iii�I4U�3n t+f the prt�}crt. She (1icnt and ('E`1 agrie d3a� nll di;;�ulr� I�ci�'�tn Lhcm mism� �,ut of ur rrt;iling tu lhis �1_*�resiicul .hall h� stihanill�sl lu nnnhindin� iuc'tliaiu�n ati a�ticr�mdnion tu auy fonnal Iceal prnc:ecclingti. IKllf'I.L: IS-C{}]f IUl�:\iLU.i'f►' Ihr ('t' I.a�ires Iti krep cnnfi�icnuul .mh nol io diselusc to ,m�� person �,r �nlq��. �+ihrr ihan IMe (''�"I �s emplo�c.�;, aad lhe gcuer�l conUbclornnd yu�unkaciors, if :q�prRi��naFr.;m} �aL.� �nd 3nlimn.ilion lumi;lauil io IJrc {.1.1 .ind rnaikrJ C'UNhIDI�h' 1�1:1L bv 1he (.'Gtii�t. �I�hcsc pm��i,�nizv .hn]I rioi applv tn inli7nnauon in a�l3�tzvcr li�nn Ihul io�nc� intn tlic publac dum:un, nur �hall il restricL Ihv ('\�T frimi ��r�n� nouccs icquircd hy lasr� or cumplyin� u-ilh xti i�rdrr lu pr� vide iuli�m�Tlinn or duta wlie�t +udi ufdc� u i»ucd h� ,i cuutt. athniitisn:rti��,� a�!c�34�- nr nlhcr £iuihoiit� u�il3� pm�cr.9uri,dicu�n, o� if �l �s r�as�m;�Iti1v nrccssary liu thc (.' VT C�r ttrrnplcic scr��ccs undcr lhc rl�rccm�nt or �irf�nd ii;4H fion3 xn1' >uil �.�r �I:iire VifIC'1-1�_ 1(�—l.l\Ill a'{li)\ (II� 1,1.1R![.I'i5 lr� t3rc nrotthm�uin c���cm pennnird hp� Inx�, d��� i`afcnt a�r�es �ii limri �hc C 1� I�s laabikit� loi ai�5 cieini� h1� nr [hrou�h the l'1�Cnt �zi the sun� 01 'rlttt''fiiousand I)uElars 11�U,OOt7}_ Thi; I�misuiiun shxll appi�� reg�ir�dlc;. nf'thc causc ol`a.nc,ii ur ]cgal thcnr�� pled <x assenr�l In addiG�zn_ C'Genl an�3 C'�'T e�cl� acrcr that ndtlier u�ilf bc rc�pcmtiit7li� f�ir ari�- in�iil�ntal, �nciirtti�t, or �con.�yu�niia] �iamagr, jmcitiding ioss i�f uie or luss oCE�roiiic} yuti�in�d h� lhe ollt�r, its succcsscin or atitiagn.ti. i�iiis mutuat �;aiYcr �hall applF' eFirr if lii� d:una�ts wrxe 1[ir�stc;iblc and ree��sdlra5 E�I' lhe ihco��� ol'rccnv�n- �il�a[S or a5scttc[i. :�R IICLF: l7 -CO�`C'ROLLf\'G L:1��' I Eaa� ;tgreua�m �s i[3 b�- �naemtd h��� the 1,3wc nf'thr St;n� u( tl7c lucslli�n ol II��� Pro�4et. �1ny comrnarrs'y or cl3iitt arismg nus ot�u�' rc9uStn�, to tllis :1�rbemca�, or Ihr Irrc:�ch thcrenl�. ���clu[lin� hui mn F�roiled in claiu�s for itti�eli�estc� i'�r i�rcacii of u�an�ai�tY. that i5 n�t ,aticd I�y «oohiadn3g ntcdfatinn Shsil I he sctticd by the 3atv nf Lhr ;latc ��f [hc incalinn of thc S'ro�'x L .\Ft'f IC'l.t', lK - LUC:.1llO\ OE l\I3F:RGltU[ \U I�Sk'N{}1 E�11.\'I S Cl�rni 4i��ill pr�sti ide f��'�T� ald iiili�ri�rAu��n �h�u ('licni h�i� �il�n�ii t�uri��l ob�ecl at ih. ;�te tC}i�•ie r�eyue;t��d b�� Ciic�ti. (' Vl� H ill peiioim eustom�iz�• resrar�h t� tissist CGei7t in Iruuung aiad idciktilyiu� subterr�u��an ;tru�lurrs rrr ulil�tics. H��wc�cr, C\-'! ine�}� r�asnn.ihf}� rrl}' rfn iiifc�nnfition i�r�m dir i'9ient an<! mfi�rxn:�ti�n prnvidccl h} ]ocal wiliYzci: seL-fle�l m suuauir� or uhliuc; an,i µ��ll �3ci1 I�c IiEibIc fut c3tnnugc; mcunrd u�lseir (�L` I' liaa unnplied �cit}i dic �[�nclaid of ��u�� and aeted iu reiitaucc on tliat inliYrtt�t�i�o�t. 'ilie i'f��ntaigiccti to ��tiis�c:ifl clai�o�s and cuu�rs<+I aaion acainrt thu C,'V°�I� Ibrclanns}+�� �C'licni or i[sinntrticiors reIa�in� w thc t�9cYit�ticauon_ r�muval, r�i��e�itinu. orrestoration uf lililrtics, or damuc��., to umlc3gruunil imp�urctn���in re5ultisiE �inia ai�h.;uitacc pcn�irai�on Inetitiuns` rstablishCd bv� lhe C'V�l- Ret�uest far Proposal �RFP} Block 52 Soi� Borings Block 52, Monticeflo, Min�resota April 17, 2019 This Request for Proposal (RFP} is for soi� borings, graundwater depths, and preliminary site recommendations for pvrtions of Block 52 (see at#ached map). Th� site is being cansidere� for redevelopment to patentially inclu�e a maximum 5-story residentia! / mixed use building(s), und�rgro�nd parkir�g, and parking fots. ihe City of fV[onticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) would like ta request four (4) standard penetration soi! borings to depths of 30 feet �ach as noted on the attached site map. At Baring PB-2, a piezometer shall be installed for monitnring of gr�undwater depth up until the time of construckian. The City of Montic�llo staff wiEi cornplete groundwater monitoring readings. The proposal shall include a cost to �isit the site in June c�fi 2020 to remove and seal the piezorr�eter. The drilli�g campany wifl be responsible for calling the Gopher State One Call and for private locates on the proposed sites. The drilling company shall follow all Minnesata Department of Health regulatians for drilling and sealing the �orings. The City will secure acces� to the sites from the pro�aerty owners. Proposals should incl�de the prapnsed cost ar�d schedule fQr the geotechnical investigation and preliminary geotechnical repart. The prelimin�ry geotechnicai report shall include the borings logs, a discussian on subsurface soil and grouncivvater conditians and how they may affect construction of foundations, subsurface walEs, slabs �nd pavements. The report should afso provide an estimated range of allowabfe bearing pressure for footing design, discussion of shaliow andlor deep foundations, and a discussion of soiis for use as structurallsite fill. A PDF of the preliminary report shail be erx�aiied to the City. Baring eievations shall be located and elevated via surveying Global Pasitioning System {G�S). Th� RFP does not include a request for environmental drilling, however; if odors ar environme�ta! contarnination are encountered duri�g the drilling pracess this iraformation should b� nated on the baring logs and within the pr�lirrzinary geatechnical repart. The cleadline for submittal of Bfo�k 52 Soil Baring R�Ps is Thursday, May 2, 2(719 at 4;Q0 p.m. Questions about the RFP or the general boring site cart be directed ta: Matt Leonard, City �ngineer, phane 763-271-3271; email matt.leonard�cuci.rnanticella.mr� u� andfor Jim Thares, Economic Qeve�lapment Manager, phone 763-271-3254; email � jim.thar�s@ci.monticello.mn.us. 117arcl� 2z, 2oi� �• . . � , - , r . _ � .� � i. �` , � , ^ �.�., ,�. , + . �t. a. . � i ♦ . �, �� . j .,, . 'kti`�.� ��� �' �n} .. �..��� ; '~' ._�,� � �1 a.�� .�_� � �'�' . A. ,� • , � ' .� • . t� - � ', x� �� ��. ' •��i► t ��{� •""' . F t a � .1'�i+k ' r. .� • 4�x' • - � ' . } - � � �,� , � ��- �� t'�'4� h . � ����� � . /f..��'• ' if, . � x , Y 1 . � ` O f•'Gj K �I� � . . . .. . ,]r' �.:.. 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Afap F�werrd bc� LlataLink trom iti � B F.� ,l..wreiatc� ���� �� ���������� v����i�.,rw�ir�r�r� c�uo�� �v����� sx���' '49i��in3um `? k:c•r�ka�.l rar �}�ri;tc•7 q�otes rer{uir�r� i�c�r ;�c:::s;'seek�ice� r��-a��i�7�a ,�.1 ]�:��e�:� �1,C�GC7 ����t dc.�� t}7�n �2.50(�, 1�7inin-�urri 3 u^�°it[.t-rj y��r�tc.s rcr�uir+�d fr�r item.s;'ser��i�cs c�siin� at ]e��t ���;5[3(J I}�ai lc�ss �han �1�1,{]C)(j- 'Vo (lun[es are re�{utr�c� f[�r i[ems purcha�d fihra���F� ���tt ct�c�p�rati��e pureha�;tn� �'�rtR4arc: LT�e #his %r� to �urnnnari�e �uotes received a�xd t� �elect veador f�r ���r+i. Naine: Jim T��Tes D+ept: C�xmmunity and F.��nomic T�ev�l[�pmeat Pht���: 7�3-�71=3�54 �igr��tx�r� caf F'ersoa €�b#�t���g C�uo#�s; _ .. IEern/'�eruyc� I..equ�s#�d: 81�ack S� 5ail �oring Nn#e: �f you �►xe un�ble ta ob'tain req�sired �umb�r ��' yuotes, pravid� �►u �x�la�sation belta�►r in n�kesf et�mr��nts. � .�.? a,r z�i i � V'era�lvr Name �antacx F�ersoa ' Phon� Nurnt�e� "�otal $ Amuunt o . . �Quv�e�l �l�o�e� �la�l�y �c�lb�,' 'I`. �C�7-�� � -[��6$ ���5�� T��ta_n � ��rde��r� '�1�� �VIa�'k C��b��r� � �5�-��'7-���i� �,'90{� . A�'�' . K��herine � ��draznv � s�:�;���� Brati.�n Ir�t�rt�� Br�tt �r�ab�r � ° �;�°�>��n�� Pinn��le i �n�ineerir�� �.�rit� S�� �loward �elecred'��r��d�r: �ha��:� i1'a11+��F 'I`�stin� �� I -���-��7� 7,7�i� ;� ��(�-���-�5�� �,2 � [� ���`� � �-��V 1 ��y f �V �If you ar� s�le�tin� other than ]csw �qu4te, y��s ��e ttq�ired to provide +o�rltt�n ju�ti�catir�n as taa why ao�+► qu�tt vr�� asot selec#e$ in the r�o#e6lt�mmen#s se�kioa��. �raL�s,Pc�ammel3t�' Ap�pr����l A�.l�nc����le�gemei3t: C,�uer[� Suvnrnicry° S�ICCk Ifl:�"!�lll + ��ate : C O .� L u O L � a j T�f� � O O O O O O O O O O U l� l� O O O O 'V 'V O O O O �O O V'1 V'1 00 00 .� .� O O V'� V'� m �n o 0 0 0 � N m o0 00 -. -. � � l� l� m m ..'7 ..'7 00 ..'� l� � ..'7 'U M l� M M M N N N � � � � � � � O O O O O O O �� O N O � O N O N O N O �� o � o � m � m � m � m N N p N p N � N � N � N � O� O� O �T `-� Q� 7 Q. 7 Q� 7 Q. 7 O O � O � O � O � O Q O � Q Q Q Q Q Q '�+ '+�. 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A��F1D�41�'[T f]F Pi��i�LI��T�[�N STAT� �OF IVII�I�I�S�T�4 ;I �� C�JL.'1i"I�Y OF '4�I�,�C'f�IT Elisc 5t�reckcr being duL,� sv.'orn on au �2►th, s��tes c3r ailirott� t1��t h��sh� is dhe. Publisher's i>t:sigr�ated Agent of thc n�spa�er(sj knc�wt� }i5; h'iot�ticello Time� vr14� �h� knc�wp pt�ioe oC iS�Ue ��in� ]�G�G�d in iire counCp� vf; �VR1Gt�`� tvsth �ddi[ie�nal circ.ul�ti�n in thc+�uuitties �f: SfiERSLr�'.�E and has full know�lcd�te nf thc fs,�4s sta[cci taelo�.v, (A} ThG r�ew.'�pap�r h�s complied with all of` ih� requir�men[s rons�it�atire� qu�li�lr:�i- ti�sp� a� a c�uu�li#�ed ncw°spap�r �s praL�ided ba� �tinn, St�I, �331r�,OZ, {8) •I:FiiS Pu�tie �foti�c w�s �7rinlccj a��d pub- lishc� in sai� n�:w�spa�r(s� �nc� �acfn w��ck, for 1 su��sshti�� w�cck(�j; th� firs[ ins�rtir�n being on i19�05��01� �nd thc la3i insertinn �ci�� «n �1'�lO5I�019_ MIOI�Ti;.4�GE F�t�6:CLO�I.�RF; *V�1T['�`� ��uaat to nn���o�� �t$�. �s�cr.rr�� rclhting 4o Ck�� pub�li��#in� of rnc�r�g�� i`€�re�clnsurc outices: Thr rieu��spaper ����ti�lics �vith t�ie �+�r�ditions describcci in �5#30_433, suLd. I, �I�use (1] c�r �2j. If ihe n��sp�prrs know�n �.�t'�c� �f issue is lac:�ict1 in s c4unty a�ljvining thc Lc�u�ty where C91e �nor��s��ed prerni.s�s or sott�e �ar� of thc mort�.ged �re�sis�s des€�rib�d in ihe [x�t�cc are lc��ted, � subs�t�nla�tl rtion e�f th� newspap�er's circ: ���r� is ia he l�tate r caun[ps _ --� gjp': Ucsigua#cd ;4gec,i �ubscribcd at�d swrarn t� �r a�ffuz�ed ks�f€�re me on �9�'lSfi��19 by �lise 5�secke�'_ � F w� [ /,}7I� +-�' I � ;�� _���i . I 4�..1 .. I Y l l���lf A .���.�_'. I�In[ar}' P`L�bl9C ,+d��,•�y,h+�h,,,''.'�"'�i�n+�`"V*+^dti . ��� � L�l�G 441, 1Y�Y�UT1��� `�� $, 1�U��IG 4��iff49�L]'� � V,� ��� �Cik2��l €Y.� ye�+,,,: 31. �� Y� �J .^, My� � ,,.,�nM^.1' Rate Inf°or��#iot}_ (1) Ian�es� classi#"ierl rate �aid by eoro�ercaat �ssers foe �oCtlp�r�ble sgai�e: 51 fi.54 p�et �olumn it�cl� �d �L} 97��ti 6 Ct�Y 0�'�c�r+�ic��.�o MOTIC� dF PiJ9LIC FMEAf�IN.fa N4kic� +s hr�reb4° 9iv� th�t o� a+�and3+f� �ember �kh, 2019 �t t�e Mor�#�&Ilo �c�r-�Fflu+�ity Cen�r he Cit{ 0� Mc+n�icellD will hqld a 3ukstic heari�g COncerrp+nQ SUk�miY- ;�I of �rr a�l�8kiqn to the M��ne- Sp� p�,arimBn; Uf Emplay�eni and Eeon4mic de��lUpmsni Pc* � �rart urk]� the h�lirwie��ti� Invesk- men' Fur�d (�I�j P�fl9�"'�� �e City crf M�e=tscello IS � q�u�gting app+Kaxire+ately $3!00.4(1CI t�s �Ssist witn tF+B e%par�Wan o1 LWkf� Maclt��ling Comp�iry i�1Ms.j_ ThB Run�� wdl be ured t� 3�+3�st in the �+�isi9i4n 4fi fand �Y� r1E�p- mgnfi a� � +ieiw �7A,��1 sqar�r� faot p,�isi�n rt�Ghiranq fxility, U�� ir%ends ta cre21� eP��axirn�kSly 6� n�'.' FTE lffhs o+ler me rvexk 1llree yea�, hll I�i��steC parl�es � irn,^it� �d � attt�nd the pn,il�liC I�ring ak which tirnG y4u uuit h�c g+�n Ihe p�portur�tgr to �xPnes� Comments on th� pivje�k, Wr;tten 6esY�rncny will sl� �e �ocePted a^, yhe puhlic 11t�+�9- y�r.t��n c�ammarlks must h� h: c�;i�+ea ksY �urday� �ptember 9�fh, 20*9 �t S�S 'NalYk✓k 57��� S�:ik� 1. h1orvC�cella. M�J 55357. �'-apeci�iC queskiohs C� b� dirr,�tew7 m..ir�+ Thares, �C4rro-nic �e+fiel4pment luEanag�rr �k i�-27'.-325A or jirn- ltteres�ci_rr�4nticell�.r-�En. us, �e G+.ty o� M€�RtrcQllo r'�kes rea3cs�eble �Cc4mmadakiGn f4F ��y kr:�wn a1iS�bilit{ flnd 7o inQet � n�s a1 �n-F!-n31 sh sp��k;�g r�air,ts thaa map �nter�eres wilh +a �qeg�n'9 abiliry to participata in 1Ftiis pu�:C hearing. Pe�S�r� need�ng �n acCrt�mmpdatio� must nofrfy Jim ''�arCs, E�corxar-,.� C�+elopr-,c�1 Mana�er �t 783-273 •3254 ar jir�1. ihar�s�Ci,mo�iceilB r'nr�,us na Wjtar tl5�fl Fnday, 9epkC+�t�r dth, 2a19 t6 �n�ws adoquate �ir�e ic� meke rs�AeO a�rarggr.�nkg. �W��shed in kF+� }110"�l�G�ia —imcS sa�s�m�ed �, ��ys �r26i� Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 12:10 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: ECM (2) Julie, these are both okay to pay. Please code to UMC Escrow Account. Expect funding for account in near future. Sarah set this account code up I believe. Thank you. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 3:06 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: ECM (2) Jim Attached are the following invoices from ECM: Inv# 722284 - $230.75 —TIF 1-41 Inv# 722285 - $119.99 — Grant PH Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Thanks, JuCie C(�eney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('7ii' t�F _:��� ��1�1�1���C� Emnil correspondence to nnd from the City of Monticelin government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Dntn Prnctices Act and mny be disclosed to third parties. i ���l�.�h���, I��. 44�5 �oor� i�,�pi�� �,v�d. ��c�r� R�pi�ds, h�r1�1 5543� . _ . _ �.L �'�� ���f4�7�:'w' �s€"i ytiJt3S���1ri �ITI' C�F MONTiCELL� # ATTRI. A:�CG�UNT� F�A'�A�3LE ��05l+VALhlUT �T Si� 1 f'�t7NTI�ELLC�. f4��J 55��2 _ F��.�FrwtC�tec�xo� .i:;���SwfHAiyi.itL' s ir�aiC�.TE .y�wa.a�ess Pa�e # 1 Irrar�vice Dat� �+5l� � 19 Irnroice Number Ad Numb�r 7222�8�1 96?'8�5 T�rms Wet ;s(] CheckNurnt�er Am�untPaid ,�cca�unk# 4�52Q4 5�?�.75 ,�CC�IJFIT NCIMB�R STAR� I?ATE S��!P �ATE �DIT3C3N dATE ACCd]UNfi REPRES�NTAiIVE A29204 O�rfi5�'19 Q9+''�5�'15 ��'Sr�p',� h�9arr:cellc L�qals 7�3-�v9-�6[l' P'e.3s=_ -a,•�im ;he t�qot�� pc�Lon with xni�i �:Gymnret. a� paf -.y _-ah l;t3iL. Flease =�11 i'S3 r' it�£dv�i r� 5"-�2E :#F(}fJ ' PL�9LI�AFI(3M , — pATE ManticelloTir7�es 09105+'2C�1� 7��28d A�7# ; �LAS� ; .i C'tE�Cf�IPTIONFi'A�G L�ih1E _---- �- - 967��s� 150 TIF 1�1 - IYPE � . SFZE - .QT1f� � TIME� LD i 2.{i?C6.1�: _ 1 _ ARIFOU F�T 23t] ?� � � � � ��� �� � _ ��, �� �� � I' �� '_ r�",,J�� �L�� ��� h � 1��_ 5 !_ �y���~ lNet Arna�nt 230.7� �hipping 0 �0 iax 4 wLi Amcrunt �t�e �36.75 �� � :' �� � � � $30 charge as � ssecf €ar returrrer[ �h�cks, � � � � � � � � '��.! �2�pc�r# erresrs w�thrn 5 €fa s tr� errsur� cansidera�ext.. �-.'` _ ;.� i.� F� iJr��raf,� 6a�a���e� cr�r�r 3� d�y� p�st d�re wr�� rnc�r a�_�� I''� 17i..;r�f>:. [!:.. :'�`�+ - ' _. . C4C VE3C � fr�anC2 C�h�P�� �5�r m4fJ�h (�I�Ift3i1?1�rm .S�' j��f �TiOrtfhl- AFF�I��41�'I�' f}F PC,`BI�I�r�T[�� �'f`��TE CoF'tirll.f�:VES[�'I�A � ss COUNT'4' [�� 1�'I�ICx13T �lise Stre���r b�ing dul}� sa,�peq on ao oa#1�. st��es crr a?�rratro that he�she is th� �ukrlisher'� i}��gna[e� .�g�nt of the ncvrspape��s) kna�vn �5; Manti�il� Tiuucs u�ith lhc knawn �lFi� o� wssue being lo��icd in [!ic county �xf; �ItIG�T wzth �dd�[ianal �atcu[ati«n irt t;hc: �auntie3 vf_ S�I ERBL`R fti E and lta,s F�all kn�w�cd�c oi tt� fae�� stat�d bc] v�': (Aj Tlt� new�p�;�p�� h�ts �s�ertp�i��l �rzth all �s�� �h� rec�uircment;; cun�[ituCta�g qua]iF�- [i�n as a �u�ified n�wvspa�rer ;�s �rmvid�d }�y �firts5, 5�at_ §3.�1r'�.02_ I.�3) T�is Publi� Natic� x�as pri�ted �ud pub� lish�erl in said n�w���ap�r(s) Qnce ra�h +�'eek, fcrr I��c�cssi��e w�cek{s�; tN� First inserti�an b�eirs� c�� 0'�lO51�[}19 and �17� last iuserCi�n bcing 4�n 4�j10�1�{1j�1. !41�ItTC.�►GE FI�R1�;�L[?�L°1tF: I� OT7C F 4 �'ursuant tn :1�finnesola �tat, y�80.�33 rcla[in�e �o ttti.e �vblicd4a�an saf n��;,rt�age foe�cl�sui-c nn#ice�s; The r�e��sp�per �om�lics with lite eandrti�as �d�scri�ieci in �S�f1,433, subd_ lo cf�usc (11 4xr (�j. If tfs� p�ws�r�per'y }[]1C'+WII []f�4CC �F 9SSl1e ].S �OC3'[4'l� in a cnuts�.�,� a�j�iniu� thr sour�ty wh�rc th� rnvrtg�ged pre�iscs +ar s€�mc parC t7f the mor[gagc,� premis�s des�rib�€� in the �atic� are It��tcd, a�nbstentia] pci iion af i}t� newsp�lper's �ircula " n is in t ��tter cnu�ty, _— �� Bv, De�i;�nstcd AgeQ� Subscttit�4d and sv�vorn t�t �e aFFr�ne,i b�lvr� me on E19f�1151?[}19 by Elise Str��kcr_ ��1 y'-� ' , � ��'��,��'�: not� r����� ���� � , �„�,�,�. i�����E�� M!, fV�i�f��i��� � � , xti � �. ' `a�'r� ,��t�ry Publi�-kl4n�n�t;�ta ; . ; ,-�.rt x,qV � ornm�vss�ea� Expirea .�n 31. 2+]�24 , � � � . , , , t .. .. -.r+- .. � n,rr �.St£� �.IS�{kif113CLC?i5' {lj .L.owow�cSt c]assifioef �ate paid hp� c��5linercaal users for �umparabl�: sp��cea S1II_SQ ger �s�lwien ertcb Ad ILl 96784� CiTY O�F MO�lTICEL�C� N1p�ECE {}F RU�LI� HEA�IffVG ��OTICE IS M�:�E6*° i�f�:�N kr��,t in� �ic; ����: of thg �i4� �i hiar- t�te��a, f�1ir��sUia. vn II �o �d a F��t=lic hearing .�r. Morddap, 5epsemh�er 23, 2Q t+�. �6 �ppr4xim3t�l� H�:3� p.m, in the �.ty H8U CvUncii �h�m �rs, 5�5 VJ�I�.uS Stneet, MqntrGello, r�tiat�ng io the �ro�se�d establi�hr;�ni of Tax 1�1�rernertt F�rv�nG�ng distriM h��, 1-q 1;th� "TIF Distri�t'j wikHn �ente�l MonTres�lro Ret�i�velo�am�n7 Pro�ect Na. 1, ��d itre prg�iase� �pRro481 �f a Tax In�t�� Finar��rsg Plen rEls!:r�� to ti�e TjF pegsr€:t, p�r�U- ant ko MiranOScrfa SSa�uteS, .`.-�ecliors AS9.I�91d Eo 4fi9.10�8t and Seetiean5 4��.17d Ihr�augh dfi�.l �34, � arrrend�d. Gopi� �i �hp prapcse3J T�x Pneiem�nt � iranetr� F�Bt� w+ll �e or �ile 3nd amailB.�Fv ir�r public ingp�. Fian a! khe �Ffrce cf th� �{y �letk �k ��ky �lall. T'�� p�P�'� in�.��yed wiEhin ��altraa M[xnti��H¢ Redewglqpme�nt �mr�k �l�a. 1 i� ��rit�� in tn� p��,�efapm�rvk Plan �n fiE� In the ot- fjfi� �1 the Criy Cl�rk_ The ora�g�;y io be i�ls�xl�d withrn the prn:nased TI� �7istnct �g p�gt.rihed in th� 1�x Vn��mgn� t�inancir�g PI2� crn File ir: khe �]fFrce o9 Ch� �}y �lelk. TF�� ��yunda�ag� �i �entral Mp�1�G�llo Re�jp- v�slepmaen! Pr4j4ct hl�. 1 a�Q Che i�F�e4 71F �dis€er..^t ar� s�ic�,t�n ie. itr„ i�llowinr, ma�. I'r�;v � �'.,,��. I.�w. �L!'I:is4xi r:. �w .o.. _ , _ . .� �� '• _'_• `' . ,-a- . , � . _' e � . ` ,�¢ F:.. r� � r C,. ��F�k a�, i z � x � �r •'� `. y'"�- S „ f - `� "_ e ,=� � , �ri , F �' � '. All int�eskad perse�ns maY aPPear �1 khe haarng �r�d preservt t��:�r u�iews ar�lly �f in �Nrilir� �ric� ta the hs�yririg tn City H�li� 545 Wsl��i ss�r, r4r„rr:G�iio. r�n, �sssz. �Y THE sJRGE�i 4F THE CIT1P C.qVNC!L lsl,Ignn�Ter Schreitagr (:i1y Clerk Pub�isnc:� ir'�e NApn#ic¢ 6o Tmes S�splember 5, 2C' g 9E7E4� Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 12:10 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: ECM (2) Julie, these are both okay to pay. Please code to UMC Escrow Account. Expect funding for account in near future. Sarah set this account code up I believe. Thank you. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 3:06 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: ECM (2) Jim Attached are the following invoices from ECM: Inv# 722284 - $230.75 —TIF 1-41 Inv# 722285 - $119.99 — Grant PH Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Thanks, JuCie C(�eney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('7ii' t�F _:��� ��1�1�1���C� Emnil correspondence to nnd from the City of Monticelin government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Dntn Prnctices Act and mny be disclosed to third parties. i i�lc+rkl7[�n�iSec4irities, Onc, �5�7 SoutEti 1=ifttt �rEr��k S4sit�:�:?�t7t3 '�9ir�rti����«li�,'.11'� ��t�� L!� �� �aic�: ���-�5t•�ano F�xt Es�l'_-�+��.I-�9�1 Sc�ld °1'ca: C=ih� c,t �.•�t�rikiCellt� [im �llt�tres, Cec�r��.,n�ic f�t:�� C�i�� �S]� 11•'e1Crr 4tk Skri� t, ��iitc: 1 h�Jc}ntice[C�e�l�lhx! ���x�h� �'u�lc�i���r T�{� I.�l €,{ T[F l�ist�--�1 1 �Il V������� ';F�=lJklfl�� I'���•ment `�'�rr��� � t k :�dl 9 )ati'� - — i7e�cri�rts�n �rot'�:rL�€ce� reEak+�1i Fu L�k�7k�`,clrrtis-r�t:�f f:i� �n�r�:��.����1 k�inanti«.; �C�'t�irtrd'�?c�. rt-��le I'l+��� 5�*� i���c-I��+���i �t��ail. Ci���i-�: �:Iir: In�r�i�� In�oice I�u�iber: �!? I�troice i);�t�� �,+ ii;? 79 I'a�;�: � ��le� l�cp IL7 ����e �ak� [l7 '��: @ti Afn�unk �,1 D.�. [kl �u�stc�t�l ���1[��.� �iC�� T��� T�i��i11T14'C�1C� �m�lurtt �.7(}5�� P�������nt I���ei�'ec� T�TA�� .,�:,�-�s]Z-S�1-�9(,�? � r,��� ��t���ri{�?ll-ri�7���2G� � .�t,�fa1?-f��1-;9�i' 15ci �ouath I-ifth St�t�t, �uit� 3.3C41 � h•tuu�ea�s�l"ss, P+1fti �5�11� \ �ti rklr la�ixf � ls r"sk'i es,i s�m ,a]rr�itur Ff��fCai rriziJ $PF��, ,Rr�rtiJr.n4P taritla 5€C���i@ h�i5128 �������� � Pl1BLl� FI�IANC� ��r�°�[�� sur�}i.�'��iL�`1' Client= �it�� i,r �;1cmk:tell« 'Project: fsta�+lisl�menk cif �a?� lncet��3'�e�t E�in�r+cin� L]s5tr�ct �ci. l•�l Cnntact; jir�lThae�s Lc�7nnmYic L�4°e1c��r¢x��r�t :4�1ao���;r; r Cit�� f3f'��1c�nti��llc� q0� �,�'�Inuk StY�et �tiike ] `v74}ntGei'�Vi1, "L9➢'V 'j?3b2 8illing ��riocl; :i�a�4A�# �(�19 5ervices G'erformQd � ��sa�3[efen�k' tk-ith atkrrrne�� cin c�t��umer�sts ft}e cu41nt �l mre►in� • ���,nferenrt• c�ll v��ith l)FEL� � ,'r� �,aee k.�x it�cremea�t anc� tax �k��t�me�lk e3sh r�+a4t�s • Pre}rare dr�Et rtF '���ra kc3r st�ff �r��i at�oxrtc�±.' re��iew#' * °4ireEin�Jrc,ntercnre Lvs#h �tafF, ��+�'eli7per, ����i i7L1�:[) � F�nalit.r drark �I`lF f'l�n iiistribute t�i'��unkr� �nd Schc}sal • ,l.ieetin�, }a�ith E•:1 ��� an�i �it�� c��uneil �taff Tirnr� Ex�aen5es Total T�ais P+��i€�d C'n:�itic5n S��rtinr Prc�#e��ir�nal ['i[ }{l`451.i7�Y�17 5kip����rt Total �t�ti V1�Veagc i'r�ntir�� �lther 1't�tal E��ef��es Projec# �iumm�r}' Ti,tal Eiv�i�,ek �L�I�� L I i63 Pgf1144: R�lled 1'r�'k's�ru� Bud�;et I�c�rnairrin�* Nt�rkhf�'�nd ���rities, Ir��. F�ate Billzebl �l�s[1 5�,�0�_UQ �1�� S17.40 �11; ��.QO �3,1��_Q[] Pa�� ? ��f � Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 1227 PM To: Julie Cheney �c: Sarah Rathlisberger Subject: RE: Northland Securities $3,105.00 Julie, this is okay to pay. Please code to: UMC escrow account for TIF #1-41. Again, I believe Sarah set this account up. Expecting funding deposit into escrow in the near future. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 3:08 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Northland Securities $3,105.00 Jim Attached is Inv# 5872 from Northland Securities regarding the establishment for TIF 1-41. Okay to pay $3,105.0? Please provide coding. Tha n ks, .JuCie Cf�eney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us i'1T5' t.7F ��� ���'1����� EmQil correspondence to nnd from the City of Monticelin government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Dntn Prnctices Act and mny be disclosed to third parties. i Fi31 7{CNI� A�PEHs,E S SU'TE ;iD[I MIAINCAC•Lll l�, MN 7SA1(� r�, w"? 4'. � l� �I_ �� F� `� Y 1� I i 1 I� r- _ ����� _�� '� I I � I . _ :� �`�1� � '; �� � Ciky of Mc�ntieell� Au�ust ��'. 2[�19 A[ln: Wayn� C�tr�r�, Finance air�clr�r Praj�cUlnvc�i�e; R�013�2�"-OOC� � 7 �0� Walr�ut Street, Suile 1 Reui�v��d by; Br�t ��+eiss MOnkic�,llcr, MfV 55��2-8831 Prc�ject Man�ger: .James �romberg 2019 Econamic []eveiopment S�rv�ces City 5taff R�viewer - Jirt1 Th�r�� ��Ck # 21 �,46�0"I _4319�0 Profession�l Servic�� fr4m J.�J� 1� ZU19 to July 31. 2,0"R9 Phas� JD7 2019 E�onc�mic [�ev�dop�nent SeruiG�s Mar�thly Retainer F�ee To#al Fee �.�]�C�.00 Perr�nt Cc�mplete �8,33�� `Total ��r��d �25�J.(l4 Previr�us Fee Bdlir�� Currerst Fe2 gillin� r�t�� ��� �p�cial Pr���Cts h�l�a�s, �ric 7l��12E�19 C�rr�m�r��al �r�operty map updaC� Tot�ls T�kal Lab�ar Billings ka� C>ate 4,��c�,�7(k ��a.00 T�tal thi� Task Haurs R�te Amount ��(l 116�OQ �$.�0 . �0 �$.{}[l Tvtal this Task �urrenk �ri[�� F�e 7�0.00 4,5b0.C►[] L�bcsr 5�.�0 1,12fi.50 t�taRs 84E�.t14 �,626.50 Total this I��ra�e �°�o.o� �75b.#JO 58.Q(� $���.40 $8�$.00 �o�l thl�5 �f�V+?IC@ ��+D$.UO �� fiota l �G� 5,2�4.0� �Y�� �L�r 9 ,184. 5CM �`'� � �r,+S3�.5� �ulie Cheney From: Bu'Ise�e �rc�p�rty M1Aanagement & Realty� �irra,�IC�rrtianagebui�din�.��rn> Sent: 4hlednesd�y, Sept�mber 11, �019 3:14 Af�1 To� �4P �ubaect: Le�s� statement for B�oadway Parking Easernent -��MMERCIAL -��5 �f �}' 112Q1� I �ullseye F'ro��Kty �vlanageme�t � f�ealty k'f.L;��;E T�I[�`0'k=_ @7{) R'�]T RCPLY T4i'l�lil� [���;�[L _1D1�]tE:�4 �I�his t.ma�i] rr7E4�,ai�e zkai� S�ro� !'r�rm a nr,�ilicaii��n-�fiily� �,i�ir�rc4; tlra� ���sir��es �c�c��t iitis;iornir�� �rnail. ��aS� S��t�T�l��lt ;�� �f ��'� l ��� 1'� �i#y� c�f Mrnt�cello Eca�r�c�mic Dev�lc�pm�nt A�t�rority 3� La�c� S�t �uit� �0�0 Bi� L�k�, N1F+J ��3�0� Date fV��mc� Priar balanc+� ��ymen# �ornrnon �e��� hw+9aint�nar��� Payr�ent �om�nor� a4r�� h��inten�nce Pa�rr�ent �o�r�rmor� Area Mairrt�r�ara�e �[]111��019 �ommon �,r�a 1�laint�n�nce �- ��� ,��� �, ���� � �� � Account �; 0�4��914 Bal�nce du�e: $�12i„�� �'��� n���}� i:� ciu� ot} thc �'��h nf th�e tn�r�th. I1' �a�� ��i�nt i�n'� rec.ei��e�i. a onc-tim� Ice e�ua1 �a� 1, �°'� nf c►utstanc�in� b�lEtnct� ��.°iil I�e c�i�r�,e�l c}rs �h� ?7tli of�ach n���nt]i. l�'i�t���;� �'uue ���rxur�k �nline; ht#�: �,��rull��•�����r�w�crtic�.��i�M�4N��k�uilclin�.4c�n� F3ullse��c Yr�}�ert�- ����;na�,etncr�t �. ftealt�� 7�6,_��15-��C��i Fi�ildit�tr�:c�'�ual��e�e�l l,�on� i D�kT�; �epternber 1�", �i�1� T�, Jufi� � y, Fin �isxa t, Sar�Fa R�thlisber�er. Finance Manager � F�01�+1; li �, cnr�o ' opm�nt Manag�r �CJB1��T: yad. im�rov�ement Gra�t Pr�,�rarn E�crQw Dep�s'rt Transfer tc� Riverw�i�n� B�nk, PrograGm �sc Agerrt Please process the tr�nsf�r oi �4Tp921.�6 tv Riverwc�€�d �ankr ESCf01M ���"IT, for the City �,f Mpnticell€� EDA F���d2 Imprvvement �rar�t Pro�ram. Attach�d �s docu�t��ntati�n relat�d t� the EDA auth�rizatia� vf the spetifir fa�ade irnpraverr7ent projeet fcsr �ri Car�nbra F�I�sl�iings, le��., dba Crrrr�rstone Fo�ads and the �uth�rrization of th€ tr�nsfer �f 4unds frdm TIF #1•6 tc� the Eserow A��ent. �iv�rw�ad E�a nk's paper w��rk i� �Iso ��t���e�d far your revi�w. let me kr,o�v i� pa�u ha+�e a n+y q uest�ons. T�hank you. �� ,. �@ V`'' � I � � � ! ' � � cx° � � . '� �./ � �'� . ��r � ,,,� �+� �� � �° � � � �. r �. +���a �� �����c� � ��t��l.�� lulie ��ie�n�e Fr�m� ��r�h I��thdisberger Sert#: Tu�sda�, S�pt�m�er 1�7, ��t9M �:14 PM T�: Jim fih�res, Jul�e Cheney Cer W�yne �]berg; �r�gela Scl�um��n Subjec#: RE= Transf�er of �ac�de Impr�vemernt �r�ro# Fun�is tv Escrow A��nt - River�uu��d ��nk I haue creat�d �c��unt 213-4���5-44�991 f�r' �u�lifying red�v�l�r�r��r�t �xpendit�res in TIF 1-6, f�'ly urrd�r�t�nding i� t�i�t th� �herk ta fti�erv�rot�d sh�uld be as follows: $97,5�1.75 �13-4�5[]5-4439�f R�devel[r,pment � 40�_�1� � T3-4�30�-443�9� N1isc Prof 5�+cs (f�r 4 pa�+ d raws, v�e sh�uulcl just p�y this o�t in our nwn AP pro�ess in the future lik� we did f�r t�e BTi��s proje�# in 1-1� �& 1-�4 �n�1 n�t ev��n �et �r� es�r�w a�eni invol�+ec�.� $97,�� 1,76 Then wh�rr th�e buiading �aerrr�it is taken out, the $�,478,�4 will gv against �1�-46561�s�443991 �o th� e�itir� balane� in that a���ur�� is th� $100k_ Sar�h R�thlisb�rg�r, ���C� FFn�r�C.e f���mag�r City of M�nti�.ello, Na� Tel; 76�-271-3�[]1 F�x= 763 2�5-4404 �'�OT�: Th� eor� fe��s �f th�5 �-�me�d� �raay c�rr�c�rFf rr,f�rrr�ct#icrr� thcrt fs ��gpfly priv���ged �rrd/`or cnrtf��er��ra� �to t��� rr�rr�e� r�ti�i�nt, Th�s ir�fcrrrr�aCrnr� �s r�ot tr� be use�dby car�y �fl��,� �S�rsor� c�rad/�r orgarf��c�t�crr�. �h� �rie�vs ex,�r�ss�e� rra this c��rurn�r�t r�n r��C r�ee�ssarrly r�f��r.� th�s� c�� t�� ��ty of �dor���c��l�r�. �rt�cr+� c�rr�s,�ora�err�� tr� [�r��' frorr� Criy �f �r��ilac�e�lr� �t]���"��eP7� r�f fiCe� i5 Si��7j�G�1 t0 th� fb'�tn�7�SO�G GCJv�'ff7r�7��7� jj��Q ��(#��fCPS �f�C� �IC�y �7� C}�SC��S�f� �C? �[}T��'C� �7���J�5. From: Jirr� Thares �Jim_Ti�� res�ci.rn€�rrti�elio_mn_us> Se�r#; Tu�sday, ��pkember 17, ��7�,9 3:4� PM To: Juli�e Cheney �Juli�_�h,�ney�o �i.m�r�ticello.mn.u5�; ��rah R�atF�li�berger <S�r�h.Rathlisherg�r�ci.r�anti�ellp_rrrn_us� �c: W�yne Ob�rg �Wayne.Ober�[u�ti.meanti�rello_mn.us>; Ang.�l� Schumann �cA�gel�,S�l�umann�ci.n�prl�i�:�ll�.mn.u�> �uksject: FIN� Tr�nsfer c►f Facad� Irrrpr�avement Gr�nt Funds ts� Eser�w l#gent - Fti�erwp�d B�nk Every+t�n�, ft�rg€�t pro�ect quote �sl�o, Cri�plete packet ne�+�+ I hop�. Fram: J�m Thar�s Ser�#: Tu�sday. ;�ptember 17, 2019 3042 PM To: JuJie Ch�ney<1ul�e.�S7rnQh�°�C:.�(.i friUrlfiCEII�;.ITIPI.L°1a.5�r�h RdChdisb�erger c;ar�h.RijCf`:I14f1��f��ri�'�-i.r�7r�r��i�e�llr� rr���.�vs> Ct: Wayne C�h�rg �cilS�s��xr7e,C�be���c�ci.monti�:�il�z.rz7.�7 us>; Aer�ela ���um�nn �3�r�,;ela.�;s���.�r��,�nr��_�;i rr7�ntic��l n.r§��7..,�� 5ub�je�t: FW; Transf�r vf �,��,��e Imprc�verr7�nt �r�nt Funds t� Escraw Agen# - Riv�rwoo�d Bank Forgot ta attaeh tf�� Es�:ro�n+ A�;err# Rrc��ced�re5 suranmary, Fr[�rn; Jim Thares Sent: Tues��y, :5e�t��nber 17, �rJ19 3=33 P�+1 ��: �ulie Cheney �Juki�.Cfx�en�r��ti,��•�r�ticello_rnn.us�; Sar�h Rathlisberger �Sarar7.RathPisbe��er�r�c.�.rTit�nticeEl�.�r�r7.us� �[. Wayn� Ober� <"uhl�yr��e�ber.�� ��.i.rY�c�r��iC:�ll:; n�r��.4:s>; Ar�gela �ch�urnann �,�n �Isa_St�f,��i�i�nr��ci�ci.rx�c�n�ic:�llo.�rin,��s� �uhj�[i: Tr�nsf�r of F�c�de Ir!�p�r4vem�nt �r�n[ FundS to Es�r�vw A�ent - Ri�erwcrod B�nk __ _. . Julie, ple�5e Rra�ess this transf�r pf F�rtds by tk��r.k tc� R�iv�rwoad �ank �5 p2rt ofi�he nexk �€�uncil meeting p�ck�t, Tl�e memc� on the �h�ck 5hould indi��#e that this i5 ft�r tE�� C�r�er�tar��e Cafe Fa�ade Proj���_ Let rrae kns�v�+ if you }��ve �ny que�tians, Thank y�u. �����'���� ��� � � �'1� R C��',�,� � � � � � �.�� �1 � �� c� r �- �. -�,`� 4.5 +�I � � , �1 � � �� rv`� � � .� i �� � � �� �`,�� ����� �� �d:iC��C�UG•uU(�Ci ' � ti J �� � ,-` la �i ��.� � ��� ' 'l * 5 2 1 • 'f F.17 {] t U•�. 'rs��l'ft.4.`U C�`e� �Y� �- �--, � -�' _.��, � �': � # 0 �) :� C� �� ,�, � �,,�,� �� _ -- � . �+ . �: � �� -, r ���������� . ��� � . ��� � ��:i>.� �4genda �1.� i l � l � �d. ('onsk�er��i�rn uf :�utt�nri�in� Trans�er of Fs�cad� Im�rc�►���eyent [rrant f�nds for Tric��hra Holdi�n s Iac, dba �C'ornerst�n�e [;�Ce r�"�ct to e�cr+u�� a en l�iv��r��t►od Barr�kk itt the arrr�un� af�l��l [Fi}[F l��s i�uiisisn ermit f�e� (J�'} A�. R�FI�.��;N[�E �4,1��1 B.�C.i�G�i�C]���'Il� 'fhe F�,� is b�is��, �sk� tca autho�i�e ftye transf`�r c�f }�re�Fanus]}` a�pr���cd �'a�ac�� ltnpr���c�rn�nt �'irant funds �`�r the `i'�ic�rnbra H+nlding:�, ]i�c., db� Cc�rnerstc�ne Cafe �r�+je�l #c� the escrov�� ���nt, Ri��e��i�cr� Bank, in the �m�unt �af`S 14f�,0�1� less t��il��n� p�nmit 1e�s_ 7�� FL��� �pprc�v�d th� Cornerstcszse fa�ade impr��r�m�nt pr�pc��al a� a spe�cia� m��ting �n M�y� 2�, ?i�l �. C'c�rnefstone pre�c�ted it� irn�r��a�eaner�ts �s b�in� ne�riy� �� 5�t1,[l�}[1 in lcatal fr�r t��c� �`a�a�es {n�srth �nd ���s� sides). The EDA $�pprav� a�r���t nf � I f?O,ElO(J ����,�1[�{� per fa��d�} r�lat�d tr� a spe�ifi� as°c�iit���ur�! }�lan tha# ��t t��e EI�A ��aals ��d standarc�s, �nrn�rsta�n� nu�� indica�es that th� t�,tal prc�j��t c�rst is �Imc,�t $1(�7,(��}� �i-, l�c�u� that Curn�r�t�ne and th�e cnntractor arc u����ppin� u� #�nal adrrrirai�#rati��e sicps �nd ready tn rnc���� t`nr��ard ��.�it�i th� �Pc�rk, fi,nc�in� ��i1� n�eci �o k�c tr�nsierre� xc� Ri��er�a���� �3arik, �ctiri� as #he �r+�,��m's �scicrk� �gent. ��. �T�FF lA'1PA��.T: � he stsff ir�p�ct d�e to preparin� the transfer ��Fa�.�de [�r'i}�rcpvem�er�� f�r�nt fu��l� t� R��'et�=�e�d Bank acting �� #he escrc�u� ��e�zt i� minint��_ A�. BUD�E'I` t��1PA�[:T: Th� �ud�;�� iral�act f3�tC�I15��1'P]t3�. �1�1C�,�[�C� te�� buildi�� �r��r�it fe�� tc� Ri��crw��c,ci Bar►k i� �,�irnaril�� i+� thc F�'D �hat �� kh� �ur��e rrf s�c��l�rs ftrr the Pa�:ad� Irnprca�°ei��ent �rarst Prc��'�7r'i. Th� EI�A has pre��ieru�ly� cornmitted tc] ��et a�id� �250,f7�(l f�r the Progr�m. Ti�is �vill k�e the firsi tran�f`r�r s�f i'uo�ci� frn��� T't?= # 1-6 t� the ��es��� a�enr for a sp�cifi�. �ra�e�t. �.i���r�+°o��c] B�nk i� c.h�ar�;i��� ap���xirrtatel�r �7�.�0 ta� adi�ninist�� �acM pr�jec:t. This a��nur�t �v�ill b� ��id ticrrn tlte EI}A g�ner�l fu�3d tanc�cr � �cpar�tc in��•o�ce_ �'he ac�ua] Fa�ade [m�rn�����,�r,x �C�r�r�t ��lla�r� u�ill be dr��,�n fr�ai�r �x�ra ur►r,eed�d fund� in T1F' #1-6. 'i`here is suf#y�icrzt fundsn� in t:hi� FlJ1V[} tra a�l�u�� th� tfan�fer of �,l Ufl,(��1fJ +{- ic� 1�'s��er-4���s��i F��nk t� ��:�ur, B. ALTERNA�TI'4�FE ��`TI�N�: l_ [�4ntion t� �ut}�e�n�e ih� tra��s#`er- 4��` Fa�adc irnpr���+�rr,eflt �'ira��# funds for 1}�e Tr�C�mbra Htaldisrygs, 1�7�, t�k�� �C'cirr�er�tc�n�e �"af� �r�p���� 1c� t}S� �:sc:r€�w' :�g�.nt, 1�i�•e���nnd Ba�ek, i�n [h� �art�i�ant �f S1Gi�1,0�]�l less lauildin� p�a�it fees_ '�, I��1�+ti��i tc� den�� aukl��ri�wati�n r�f t�e trar�sf�r c�f ��a�ade jrz�pm�,��rnent firani fun�s f�ar tl�e Tric�mF�ra F��]din�s. ����._ �ba ["orne��tc�r��e �:afe pr��e�c tc� the e_scrn��� a�e�7t. Ri��er��ood E�ank, in the ar�nunt �f�i0�i,�0(] ]e�s builciin,� �ermit fees. ;�. Mat���ti t� ta��e auth�n�.atin� �f tra�tis�cr o� F���d�. Ins�rrnr��mer�t Grani fu�nds fc�a th�: 7"ri�ambr� H�alciin�s, jr��. dt�� �'[,rn�r�tc��,� �'�fe proj��t #� t�ie e�cr�vw�' ���nt, Rive��ond �3artk, in thc am�unt nf $1(�(),��?f� 3e�s �uildir�� �ermi� fee:�. r � �n .��en�� - �s, � � :� i �i C�. �T.�FF ��,�'t]1��]���NDA1"I�N: StaFf're�c�mn�et�r�� A�l�rn�tive �l .'T'he pr���rty �nv��ne�' �t��d th�: i:�ntraet�ir- �re �+r��pirr� up fs�at detai�� and re.�d�` �o :�i�nn tl�c �r�n� A�reerrtient. The v��ir�d�v�� nftim�.lin�e to �c�m�lete th�, i�nprc���e9�er�ts will uancl�ade ir� ��#e. ��r�a�e,`mi��r, 2�1 ]�, unl�ss � cha�ge ar€1�r is ap�rn�a��d ka}� t�y� L•D�. Ace.tsfdi�giv, t�ic transfer nf pre�ri��us9y a��r+nvec� �DA �rant fund� t� t�h�e es�rc�va� a��nt is the ��xt st�p tc� a�lc�+�r thc� fir�t fa���e impr��crn�t prc�je+�t tc� ty��i��c 1�,rt��ar�. D. ��1�P+�I�T1I�� ,�]A,TA�; A. �s�rr.�vw� .��rreerne�t B , �ran#. A,��'�me�it h�i � lti �; T E'� �P��`I,�I, I�'IEETII�TG - E�:�"�01��iC U�:���:L�:l��"4�if�:'�T AUTti[II�IT'l� (EI�A) 1'��'�dne��a�', 14'�av �9th, �01'9 — �.'3Q p.an. .4�c�dem►� R�rom, "�'Ion�tieetlo ['ammunih� Ca�nfier C'��n�rroi�siot��rs Prr��n�, �cc��c J�,linsraro, Bill Ta���er. J{�� h�1i�r�l�����, Tr���� Hir�z, C�11i�: I�c�ro�e:��a�:-i�'��i1e. Ll�v�� F�il�,�rl. �n� Jirn FJ���i�1s€�n �t�ff� Prc;�e:rrl: An�?ela *�chur�7ar�E� arlci ��i�i3 Thar�� l , �'�lE tt� Ord�r �t��r� J€r�-�ns��n �:a�t�ci t�e ���:cial �7tie�tit�� crftitie ED� t�+ �,,r��r �t �:�(� �.m. ?. I��oll C'all �. �_un�i�icrxteon crf 1}o��nda�►�n M`a�ad� a��prov��Yxen# (;t�nt Pr���-wr�a �rc���ei stat�s re�nrt. autlaorizir�� �SO.I}D{I in a�ic�itio�,s�l f�ndin� for�,f�"���de Ir�sRro��e��en� �rant Pr� r:�trt :�nd �mend�n thr 1�a ad� l�n ri���e�rtien# �r�nt Prtr rart� ���id+�linrs An�ela icI11t17i�Cil3 �31`�r��'1CICd &i1 U�}dt�t� c}�7 �h� hz�l[�ry [�f lhe fa�:ude ��1i�1�[�k�e�rseolt ��r��,r�ri�. �hc �Zi���:c� ���h�:re �a�h c�f �hc: }�rc}��ert}� c�v���lers �re a� ii� t}�e pr��ratrY, S�hK�m�nn �rc���ic�c:d a �}�r�a�ishe�k ifi�t �,ri>����cc� u,itt� t}�� ��rc�'r�kag+� �i[' i"�r�a�� irf d��ienniii�ci �Il+�catic�t�. fii�] Ta�Caer als� F��� br��u�ht ii����ri{ �n ide� c�f �11c�c�ticxn_ �k..'�C'�`' �Jl!*�r' h�7+[��`�L� T�� 7'r�►i�L� A�Td�01�� [�N �LI.C�C`r�T�l*!�'� $�[i,(}fif� li� �'�DDITiO�T�'�'tL FL1�ND1�1�_ Jt�1� 1wr�ClI�P�iF�?4' S��:C��1DEL� T�l�'�70T1C};*�;. l��1��I�IC�h" C.'r'�f�I�]F[] 7-(1, .�4ddttit��tt�� EI�� c�i�r��ssicm �}cc;urrec� r�e��ardir}� the f`uir�3ir�,� al�ncation tc� ���ric�Kas �rc]��rties;`�r�-c,je�.ts_ ��f�e FT].A di��t�,�e� Yt��'ir��, sh� �a��tl� im}�rc4���r�it�n[ pr�}�ra�n k��: a n�ulti-e'�s�i" ���111�. TI7C}' ��SC1 �IS�.USS� ��t4'. 1911�3E}L't�i17(;� {1�[}�l�l1k114�' ll�l i! I[l�jt7 �"IYC7�#'iiTIl �[�F ���cliti�����] i�nprc>�,•em�nts in th� dcar4��titc,���r�. l7�ecision 2: �rar�# Fufld B11�1, Tr�PP�R ��i�t'ED TL1.�,�;THC}�1�E A� r��][�ITIf_7�'�!Ai� ��C7,�?C�CI F�t�[�� TiF ]-6 TO TH� 1,���l�I`IC'�1_I.{) [�{)��'i�T'C���°'*! �',��'�1�C �Mf�I�i�VEM���T 1�F�.UGft.�h�. l�l_I_fE IC�]RCiPC'��1�I{�G'4�7�1TE ���"�1�;IJ�:D T1�E ��'I�J�t'1(.��. :'�rr1{7�1�1�)I� C'ARC#iF�. ?- 0� �. P#�BL��. HEAf�I�I� — C=a���de�ati�n �f.4�dot�t'rrn� Res�elut�c�n #2lll�-�4 a�ar-v��in� .fa�ad� �r���rcvvem+ent �Granf �i�r�+emcnt ►��it� "T`ricani�rra li�ld�n�s. Inc. dha C'�rr�ier�te��� ��fe A.11�,��5� SCtiUSriBriri liidi��[�3 L�i�fE T�rica�lti�ra i-9��ICIin�S 1"l�� �1��?�71tt�{� c� CC��i�}1ete F.��c�t��in�i� t�ex�e�apsr��r�t A4at�t[�riEy {S�Stci�1 :ivie�ti:n�) t�+lir,utcs A3av ?4"`.'?I]l9 �'��e 1 � A Jran "I`iaa��e� J��tae�i�i�:€� #he s��ff`r�pc�r� t�t�t hi�hl��hted c:ac.h ��f th� f�aur �����el���r���nt �r���ai�s�1� fi}r �lc,c� 52_ �taf��created a�a,z�kiG�� acti��•it�� %�r ��yc ED.� �� c���n}�i�.te c�uri��� th� r�Yeetit��, r{� ���t� c�n t}7�ir fav�r�t� �rrc��scks�l. T'he ��A c�i�;c�u�s�d eac,h �t`the d��•�1�per's }�r�pt�s��s: Thc EDe"4 ��c����i t]Ze hi�k-�esi prisT�aryr �e��cic�p�r t�s t}�c Bcard �rc��,}� ���i�h se�:���c��ry �:c�in� tc+ �3ri�;�s C'c�t�r�panius. �I�� �:�t�F[C��[�1ti MU�'FL� �°� I7��r�'T :STAF� T� Fi�FEI� INT� ��Gf�"I�IATIf��l� FC�F� C[���PLC�I��N €�F �► �RELJl4�Jl'�1�.��r' L�Ei+�.L�)I'�v1h:�17- ,4C�1��=�'��IENT ��4�'ITH T�iE DEA�D ��,4�1P, �LLI� KO�RC�P�"�{f'1K-1�`l-�I`�H 4�.C"C�1�JC]E:I7 T�iL i��i(�T��TJ, �ILL TA�A�R .aM�°�'I]�a� '1"H� �9c�Tl���a TO �:��'LL��E }� `�C��'� +C�F T�IEIR FAC']I,T"r[F.S.'v1i�T1[_�1� CARF���.I�. �-0. C'f]:'dSE�'7' AGE�U:�1 (.��1D�,i�� BwI_l�']'.4E'�'E� 1�4�t�'CIl �1�� }�' PF'RO�rE I°TEA��S fi-� ,�� A C`(]�S�°1�1�I' .�C.g�1�lI�A, �3LLlE �:c�R�P�'HAF4.-�4��-I1T� SE�'[]I��NI� �[-E3�� h���`1`I�,��;, A��DTI�t� C�F�RIF�I], i- ��. �a� �C'�ar�saderatic►n �,f A�ut{�uri�in ��ticitrtion �af u�nte� ��r 1�'�R�2 Bo�undar�° 'Sur��ex� f�r ee�lirc �lo�ck �� Ar�a i���.�C]iT1tT'1�P7��ljl)t7; l�Llt}�c?I']GC: St}L�C=1t�l1�1�5 [i� [�11[�t�S f�CMT �, �'`5�1� �un��}' of ti}�c �cntirc Bi��ck �? area, 7_ ['��si�tera�ion +af Au#h�rizan� Parks De� rtn�ent t� �lace ��Ew�cnt" si�na�c a�n EDA Pr�per°t�� - y[k� Pine �Str��t -- R��n�xtt�3�rk����ti��: r�.uihc�}ri��. c���:nl ai�*n��� ��� h� �1a�.ed ��t� ��.f].A €���,��3�1 p�'�pert�� lc�cat�d al l�� Pine �tr�et_ �+. C'c�ns�der�ti�n �f r�uthoricin� �c�tf �c� attend �Ul� f��ll�� 4um�ner �`onBe�-e��ce in I�ululh, �"I�; {,�unc 1.� and i4]� � R.l;l;{3j11171�11[�r7T14Ftl= I'�ll�FY�[7TIT.� i'.CC}]Yi�ftil� f}�k��:�c:��ri17.i:��t "��1�i�t�i�,�r ii} �ltc�nd th+� ?{] ] rl ��:��r'���1 S�i��r����� C'�o}t�r�n�e, �, Ee�tturnt`t Dc3��lcrpntcnt Diecctor`s l�teport .isi�a �I-I�are� ie�dicai�:�i tl7ar tl��. l'olurYt�et' F'i�nic r�;��ruld h� J�n� ��`�, �t f� p.n3_ T;��Gsan�ic �ex��topment .�sGthcrrit;� (5p�t.i�] '��i�etin�} I�•iinutes h4a�' ?g'r'. ��1 ] 4 Yagc 3 � E�]A 1�E5�[}L�TTIOI�' NCI. �41�-�i4 I��SOd.U'�'1Q'lti1 AP�'R(IVII�'G A �R.,43�PT A�F�E�h'i�_'�`�' SE°�'V4'E�1� 7'H� �ITY �F h�iQ1�T�C�LL(? E�{�N�i4��+C D�'47EL+�P14'I�.NT �►U7"�flRITY Al� '1'I�ICA,�iBR.h F"[30D5 �1�T�.� D$A ��IRI�'E��TU1►�� �CAF� A�,ND �A���k�N� �E IT 1�S4�L��D Bi' tl,e B��rd �f �vrnrnission�er� {"�oard"') of t�e ��ty +a�' Iv�or,ticei��a �con�ainic Devel�pr�t�i�l �►uth�rity {ihe "�1uth�r�ty") �.� f�li�aws. �ecti�n l , e�itals. l.�1. 'Tl�i� �x�kha�ri#y is a grau���r e� defineei i� l�Iit3nesota �tat�tt�, Sec#i�ans 1 1 bJ.��33 t� ] 1��.9�5, as �endeed (th� "Susiness �u�ssr°d� Act"), and is s�uth�rized ta �rsnt f�ar��al �ssista�e� f�r F�rivate derrelvpment, in�ludtng grants, l.�i�. Ti�e Authori#y �nd Tricarnbrr� �'�ds ln�. db� �:�r�erston� �f� �nd �'at�g (the "Cir�te.�") d�sire �n �ter is�t� a�-a�t a�re��t (the "�rant Agre�met�t"} fc�r a��wrs}t.ca� ��„ie �mpro���rnent C;asnt (t�e "�r�nt"} �o be u��e�cl tt� �a� � porti�� �#` t�e +c:a�sts of e�r�tair� f�de irnprc�v�e�t�, incl�ding r�ep�a�rnent wit�d�o�avs and s'�c�a v►�nrk {tttie "lmp�v�rrbeni �os1[s�'� �n �ir� r�l pr�+pe:�y li�c�.ted at i�4 ��, �r�dw�,� St3`�e�t in the t'`iiy uf lU��nti�ellc� �(the "�'rt�p�t ty�'j, in cor�fcrrrmit}+ to t�e +�it �ai�ie�ir,►c�_ ]_0�. Pursu�nt to t�re Gr�n� A�recrn�t� �lhe r'�uth�rity ��rill �—ent ta the .�C�'ir�tt� the sum of � ;b,CfO€� �the "C�rranf'� 'an reimbw-s� a �artion c�f #�e lmgmrrv�mer�t Costs. 7.4�4, P�.r�u�r tc� ��cfia�, 11 GJ.�I�3, S�k��diui�ic�n 3�] } c�f the Busin��� �ubsidy .�c.t, the �.�ihr�r�ty 9� nat required tn ha�lci $ pu#�li� he�t'ing ��t th� �i�r�nt h�cause the �rant �s i� as� �nt�ur�t �es� ti�s $1�0,€]t?�1, �nd is t��rcf�re �c�t a k�usis�ess su�sidy�. �inu�ever, t�e Au�h�t�ty hss held a �duly r�atic�sd �u4�2ic� h�aring c�r�ccrr►ing t�,e �Grant �n th� date �er�f, an� hereh� fir�d�, �ursuant to �ec:liorx � 1+�J.9��#, subd. 4, th�i the pur��e of t�e �xrar�t is n�t th� �r�e�tion or re�et�ti+�n �f jt�bs. 7�eref�re, r�c�twit�st�ndir�� th� r�q�:irer�r�ts af �e�tion ] 16J.99�, �ubd, � vf th�e Bus�r�ess �u�si�lv �4ct, t1�e Auth�snty h�reh�r �det�sTaines thei the t�rms of t%� Grar�t msy deui$te �'xc�m the Au��crr�t}�'s ��ri�+en busir�ess sub�ic��r criter�a, and her�cby �et� the 3ob a�nd wa,�e ��als �f the Grar�t �t x�rca, S��cti�sz� 2. t eement.� r�vt�d, 2.45 , Th� �4�ut�c��ity h�reby a�pr�ves the� �rant Agr�ement in su�sstanti�ll�r the f�r� pres�ited ta tl�� �o�ard. 7he At�t�oraty 1`i,�rtl�er auth+�ri�es ex�e�ti�n �f the ��i �►gt`��rn�t �n�i �11 docurnents pr�raied in �rrate�ti�n #he�v►�it1�, s�tibj�� i� rn�o�ifir.�tio�s th�t do rta# alter th� sul�stt�nc� �� th� tr�srsacti�n �r,d t�t �re appro�+ed �y th� �r�sid�nt and Exec�utiv'e D�re�ct�r, prrrr��id� i�at �x��ution �f q�e �'irant t���ri�nt '�}� such officials sh�.il l�e c�nclusi��� e.viden� of ap�rc�val. 58337�Yw ] h9N3�5�4 .�g�sr�ved tJtis �9xh d�}r �f �vlsy, �€l l �, by the �3oard af �omrni�sic�ncrs �f #he City �#` Ivlos�ti�ella E�cor�omic i�ea��lc�p�n��t .�t��h€�nt�. Pre,aid�t A'i`l`�ST � 563374a � M1ti`325.�4 ���,��� rr���������+���r�T�r ��rv�r ���v���� ��c��� .�������rr�r This ��reet�e�at �� en�erec� �rato this _ dsy �,� , �{�_, h}• �nd ��tv��een {it�e ..�r�n�eG"�, _ _ , a hfiin�n�sota (t�ie :;�scro��� A�ent"�� �nd the �C'it�r �f ;�c�nkicello �c�r�nc�mi� I�ev�l��rrieni A�ith�nt�', � pu�lic. br�d�' uar�i�s�te ��d }�c�litic tar�dcr ttz�: la+a�s of�Min�nesota (the "Aut�orit}�"}, Purt�ose The �u�o��: �sft}��e �s��`ca��� ����h�i�t��d �ursu�r�t t� t�i� .4�ee�iner�t i� tn �r�o��ide a��urail�e le� t?ze Authunty� tl��� �r�ntee ���ll c�rn�iet� ihc pfopc�sed impro���rr��r�ts (.,Itnpru�r�m+�ntc") dcs�r�b� in the Crrant Agreem�nt het���een the Authnnt}� a�nd th� Cirante� d�ieci _�th� .;�Cirant .��re��n�nt"), which is in�:carp�rals,�1 �er�in b}� refcr�:n�+�. �,scra�v The E�c:ra�� .���nt hczc:t�.�� a�;knc���l�c���s� rc��.ipt frorr� t�ze �4utii�ri��,° c7�- � ____ irY �a�,�de Irs��r���e�i�en1 Ci��a�lt 1'vnd� {tl�e '"Car�iit F�un�ls"} i� b� clisburs+�3 in �;r�nn�cii�n with the �anstru�tian b�� �rar�t�� of t�r�e �rr�pr���errrer�#s. �'rr�nt Hu�s�is ��'ill h� di�hur:��d tc> th� �'ara�t�� irr c�ne c�r rnor� payrn�:n�s as �r�icien�:�d by the prc�visic�ns �af- this sccti�on, ��fiore dis�urser�et�t c�f anv �rant Pur�d� de�n�it�d hereun�ier, ��rar�tee r�lu,�x suhmit tn il�e A,�thon�� and �s�:rr�e�� A�;�nt � u��nil�.n �traicment t;xmt�i�ir�� evic��nce sha�'it�g t9�at �sts for t�te I����+rn�.�ern�rats ha��� �eer� ���d c�r incurred �r�r the �rantee ir� at �e�st t}te arnc�um r�uest�d. Fri�r tn �h�: �nal c�isburscrn�r�t �t` Crant Funds, !h� �rantee rnu�i s��rni� tc� the r'�uthnrit�' and �a�cr�,��� �gent Ei�� w�ai�+er� ir�m �11 uaniractors �r s��a-c�nira�t��s p�rf�rmin� �4�c�rk �r �u�ply'1r1,� 1ri�t�ri�ti5 iTl COi1Tl�C#i�ri w]t�7 tl�� �a3lffr�r�+�7�#1#s. TFd� Ak�fl�c�r�t�+ �na��r if nnt s�t�sf�e�3 �•ith t1�e ���idera�e �ro��ideri, r�q�est �uch further d�a�umentati�n �r �la�i��a�ion as the Authv�it}+ �i��� reas�n�hly� re�uire. 7'he Autk�c�rit}�� wil] �utl���rir�: +�isbuxs��cnt �ay th� E��r��u� �gent crf the �rant Fund� upca� r�c�ip� anc� appr€�r�°ai �f` thc +Grantee's ���ritte�� stat�rr�c�t e��ic��ai�ir�� ltti�p���emer�t �'t�sts J13 �� ,��75� t'}1� ai��un1 �f t�ie F�U�St�C' �15�'1l,�FS��'STY�IlC. �'1113� disb�xrsem�rat �f+�rasat Fur�ds nnust t�� rnacie no ]ater �}�a� �ix rri�ntk�s at�er th� date �rere.�f. 29CBi3ti�s h.��`1!++ft�E9t)-��b lnd��n�it�: ��dnie� a�re�e� tn ir�de�nnif)� and h�ld h�rml�:�s the Authv�ity frorr� �tt�d ����nst �ny �laim, d�rr����. liability, lc�s� c�r ex��nse, inc�uciin� re�sot��k�l+� attc�an��r's f�es, mad� ka�� a��y party° �n �onnection v��ith �he p�rfarm�zic� c��-ubli�ati�n�; un�ier thi� ,��r�eni�t�t, Tiil� and Escr���� �}��r e� r�t��� es�.�rc,k��� f�es. u�il1 he psi� �� �t�thorit�r- "1`�rmina#ic�er This .��,�-�em�nt v��i�] tcrrninat� upc�n the �earli�r tc� nc�.�rar esf +�r�c �1' t�i� foll�vrir��: i� m�tu�l �rritt�n a�r�m�nt n�f the �arties; �i) ci�sburs�ent of all Grant �und� #o �r�r�t��; or ii1} - [da�#� six rnonths after ex�cutic�n �,f,�gre�rr���#], �n�+ hal�nce a�T�rant ��nd� aei7iaining i� e:�cr�a+�� as c�f __ ���ill be r�turn�� tc� the Auth��r��y. ��0��3�� h�*;rr+ir,���rai� � [+�r1"1iT3lec] � L}���= �'IT4' [7F ��C?N'1'�IC�.LLO EC"+C)1�I[3M1� DEi+�L.UPME.i�1T �U�`HORIi�r' DM�t�, E�xec�tik�e �'ir����� �Es+�rn�� .��;cnt� ,rti�lk��,� �11\Ite�.+3�i���i� ,� City c�f �111€�nticello EaA Far��d� Irnprt�vem�nt Pro�rarn Praject #1 `Tri �ambra H�Idin�s, C�BA Corn�r�tane Cafe 1. Tri C�rr7k�a Fioldi��s DBA Cc�rnerst�ane C�fe wwill m�lce a draw request t� The City of Montieello EDA �with suppor�ing dacumenis_ �, J�co� TY�unander wi91 review req�uest ��d ec�rnpb'ete ,� site visit to rriake s�re w�rk h�s k�een corr�pl�ted.. 3. Jir�i Th�res or An�ela S�humann w�ill �pprov� the r�quest an� ser�d it to RiverV4+'�od f��nk, �, RiverW�o� �ank �Brad Kwallek ar K�vin SteFferismeier� will pr�c�ss the re�q�est_ RiverWoc�d B�r�k +n�ill charge �1�D{lfdrava request a� � pr�cessir�g f�eee 5_ F�,nds wi�l be di�burs�ed dire�tly to the eontactQr �cash�i�er'� cheek made payak�le ta the cr�ntr��t�r� �n�i � li�n w.�+�i�r �rill be ca�ll���e�. �_ �t t�e �r��d �f il�� pr���ct all supportrng do�urrr�r�t� w�ill be sent to 1�tob Thuna�rder. Juli� +�hene �r�rn: Jirn T`�ares 5ent. Tuesday; Se�Cer�it�er 17, �O1 � 3-�� P�,r1 T�. Julie �her�ey; ��r;�h, Rathlis�erger Cc; t�+�yr�e �b��g; A�gela Schusnarrn �u�j�ec#: F1+�J- Transfer �f Facade Impr�i�+erraerrt Grant F�r�ds ta �serc��ti� A��nt - Ri�+er��ros�� 6�r�k Atta�chrneMts: Fund Trarrsf�r to Es�ro�v 1��ent [��eurr�erat Paeket 9-77-1�,pdf; €�i�erwood Bank E��raw ,�ccour�t P��erw�rk Parket 9•j7-1�.pdf; Escrow Ag��t Prc��ed�res frr P�oj��t #1 f00�}-dotx: Praject Quat� frarn PbFt fc�r Escrovw Trarsfer to Ri�rera�roc�� ��ra� �p17-19.pdf �v�ryor�e, fc�r�ot pr�j�ct qu�te al��_ �ornpl�t� pack�t n�w I h�p�. Fram: Jirr� 7har�s SenC: Tuesd�Y, Sept�mber i7, 2(J1'� 3�4� PM T�s; Jul�e Chene�+ <J�li�_Chen�y[a�ci,rnontirellc�.�nn.�s�:'��r��i Ra#hlisk��r��r ��arah_F�athlis�berg�r�ei,rnonti�ello.mn,us� Ct�'��+�+�r�� ��er� cWayne_Oberg�a ci.��n[i��llt�,mn.�s>; Arrgela. ��hu�rn�nn eAr�g�Cs,Sch�mann[�i_r�onti��llc�,mn.u�� 5ubaecx: FW: T��r��fer �af F�cade Im�rov�r��nt Gr�r�t F�n�15 t�r Escrow �gent - Ri�+er�+o�d �B�nk Forg�t tq� �tt�ch �h� EStro��r Agent proc�du��s 5umm�ry�, Frorr�: Jim 1'#�ares 5ent: TU��d�y, �eptemb�er �7, 2{�19 3:33 PM To: Ju�i� Cheney �_� I�t-_�a.fi�i�r���'r i �r=,�rrt�c�4-11;�, �,,�i .,r,>; Sarah Rathlist�erger<;�,�r{�f�,f��;th!i•fe,�=r�er;oi; i.rt�d�r7iic��llc�.r��n.us> �C�: U11�yr�� (��erg < ti� _]�; �7�_ �f��r,� :t;��-i r7�r�r��tir,��_I... ��� ,, �; ,�ng�la 5churnann c:jrs��l�3.i[ f'�i.l}It3Flf}� ci,mont�cellrts_rnr�.4«� �ubject: Trar,s��r pf F���de Impr�werner�t Grant Funds tt� ES�rr�� �p�nt • Rivee�v�a�d �ank Juli�e, plea�� proc�ss this tr�r�sfe� af funds by chefk t� Ra�+er+woc�d B�nl� as park €rf the next Cc�un�il meetin� paek�t. Th� mem�o pn [��� �h��k sF��auld �ndicate ihat kh�s is fc�r the �Co�nerskt�ne Cafe Fa�ade Praje�t. ��t me kn€�vv if you haue �rry t�uestions, Thank yc�u. .. r�-� y'� '��� �� '%'�. . �} � �� � `'� '. � �� �� '� � 3f31 xEhl,� Avf h�l,J{ 5 ��� }�'�� �UI1L 3u0 �4�� � 3 � 4''� h91NNI +�P�7L15, RA?J �� y r� ` � �',j 4 5J.7��F1- �� � ;'�'ti � - t �ti�, __ � 5 �ity pF Mar�ticell�a - -�-"" A�agust C7, �41 � Attn: Wayne Qberg, FiRance C��re�tor " Projeet+7nvoice: R-�11��1'i-0�0 - 1 '�p5 VL+�Inut �treet, Suite 1 F�euiewed by: Bret'k+Vers� Mt�nticefl�, MN ���6��8�1 F'roject Manager� Penr��r Ralf Dvvdr�town Rede+r. Pr�ject - Mt�nticell[� �ity ��afF R��rie4ve� - J�m Thares �L Ac�1 i� Pr�f �.�ional �er�rices from .lu�v `l. �07� to Jul�+ 31. �O�i9 Phase 4Oi �o+rrnt�wr� R�d�v. Pr€�ject Pr�ajeC# Mana��mer�t iHours liate +�d�gard, Erie� T124�2019 .��3 ��k_�O(� Prc�j��ct IV�anag�ment �olf. Penny 7±�3.��019 .5i7 17B.OQ �et �rp project �n Delt�k F�to�f, Penny 7J24.�2p19 3.7� '�76.QQ F�r�nt�d out rela does f�r mt�, dr+ve fo M�nti�erlq �n�l back., mtg �rr�th Pref�erred title otiwner �r��l Ceiy T�#als 4_7� fiot�l L�b�r Billin� Limits �vt�f Billirrgs Limit I�emaining Curr�nt 7�5_{}p � #� _ ����� � � ����� �� � �lrnount �7.[l{} 8$.QO 66Q.Oa 795.DQ 7'�5.0� T�rt�l this Ta��s T�at�� #hi5 �'h��e Prfnr Tca-Dat� 0_OQ 7��:(]{1 9 (],2{�B.�J�1 �,473aQ� �7��_OQ �7��.Oi} Tatal this Irtw[rice �795.(}0 �� �� o��i������ �-� _ - •I L ` /+ '' ` �, � � ��,r i� °� _ � i �i`J��r� I � � i �I � �� � 4,� $, � ,� �, � �a�� � ,�; �3 ���� 5 ;�, s�, ;, �f'i�i �� � �'� F�� �C�l�'����� i I�!'� � °� ! r� �1 C� I�� ���� ����d sfi���� ', a��rc��, r�rv ���o� �—� - o�� �n���� CJFFICE: {7�63]2�i3-9�471 �'����19 1�4�3 E•IUL41L.� bilr�€qpP�$p�R��nr.+�te.c�f T�iE 3�ai1GG5 CO�.��Mf36S b37 �PL14�JD AL'�.NL'E Si]IT� � EGi: R[4'�F[Y h7T;' 553;+0 lke� �'�7T f: Faa�;4 �,+ails e€ Foa:ingg ��+uecd x311a !C F'a�rir�.s Fourc�1+,��IJslc Fna;i�.�s � �d�u3a5�3 i`�14�zCii {�°5��y� Fncrlinys I"��G�e�s �ou�ing s Fnviing5 Foa�,�g:; �ifsuii ��F Puu�cd r1�11� � I'oolin� s koudrd 14r�1ls ur �B�triptiitn CnnC�GGt ECci�BF {'[anx9s�tiid�n �Qi" i�`�r�rr�ev�on�in$ fnr SlturSure�d lT�.dergr�un�l F`�rii:� �;�ragi 5od' . P�IkEhl��P t9t S4'+LL1.� 29' W b'ENT V4'tlC_LS 3l �p' - 5 Tt7�) F" fi�a' f� G Va',� LL� a J' - ['+a7 f �.7C]T JNf 1k'�i!_ f I• 1 a' Pqf�� � - 7"�` f'AL}S 1 - 8'6" ph!] � , d`b" µAl7S 15-3'P�C�ti rL1��'n��i1t Pnla ����� ��ft������ 'k�ih'I �.�3*RE]C'�T' IT+�CF �' 1 �� � C� �{ v � ������I 4 T��al �. C3 �Fa. Amount g 1,t�-�8.04 a 4?4.{�U `s3.6�J.OG i.`3�_u� 7 �i�1^.00 ��_3�3.tPG 3,fr:8.tlli 760. �Q ��fi3OU �,��� �� �,$09_OQ �?.OSR7.d?p �8�9��.[ru S i 87, ] �,q►.pp B���n�� Du� sis�,��.00 ���� �� N�. ��--���`I�# � �i � �L��•� �� 3 . +� �..� � �� �-# �--� .� ��`? � I l.c�� � •c�� JuJre �h� Frv►ra: ��r'�h Ratf�iosberger Ser�t: �vlor�day, ��ept�rr��e� 16. 20�9 12,18 pN1 T°": aim Thares; Julre �heney Cc: �w'�J��n,� �]berg; An�ela �churn�nn ��bject; RE: Bri�gs .�pt bev Ursdergro��d �arking Ex�enses - 5ecor��i Payment Pack�t #or TtF Gra,��t Ti�e �xpers�fiture:s�an car�e from TIF 1-19 (N155h�re�j �rTIF 1-�4 (St. 8en'S), and at p�+�er$���k� they ne�d ta c��me from �oth. T-1'� eurrerrtly has $98k �nd 1�24 h�s a k�alar��e of �1�Ok, 1'he fPr�� �ayment of $17Q,86� cam� frcam 1-19. +�m n�r [ a�� rt r f�ny reast�ns to code �r�y m€�r� of the cost tc� e�n� drstrict c��rer th� other. I 5u�gest cp�lar�g � t�;�,{�(,y� t,� �-24 �nd $�,9,164.b5 t� 1-19. Tl��t v�r�y, ��t�h �istrict� ha�+e a b�l�nce of r�s�ghly $3�Ik eaeh after th� �ayrm+�nt� 5�ra� RathNisber�g�r, cp�� Fi�7�r�ce �+larra��r �ity �f fV1�r-Eticell�, P�1N Te�: �6�-�71-:3�C11 Fttx� 7Ei3-�95 =�4Q�9. .NDTf: i�,�� C�o�fi[Pr�ts o� this �-rrr��d r���y rora��irr� a`,����-rr��r�tiorr tf�cr�t �5 degcfJfy prrvr�e��cf Qrrc1/�r cr�r�frd�ntreal to �fr� r��rr�e� re��r,p�er�t, ��ts5 ��r�fc�rrrr�ti�arr rs r��at [� �e �.�e�' !�y c�nyr r�ther ��:•s�r� ar��l,for c�r��r�rratrora, �h� vr�v�.s ex,�r�ss��' �rr 1�tiis �fae:lrner�� �{� rac�� net�ssori�y r�fFe�rt [#rr��e �,F �h� C�t}� ��{ �°Trrr�tir�Jde�, £rr,�rri c«rres,VC�raderr�re i�(� Qr-r�P frc+rx� �'r�� t�f NTcarr�rr.�l�o �;�; ��!�rrr�aer?� ��f{ir.e� �`s 5��2jref t ta [+�e A�rTrr7r�esC��[7 �c?f��rr�r1��,�� 1�7cxta P.F�ctr�`�}s �,kr� rr7��� NT , �e G�rsc�r�.�t•d �� t�irrl p�rr-ti�s� Frorn: Jirr� 7h�res elerr�_TYtare��ci_monticeUa.mn,u5> Serr�: fvl�nday, Septemberl6, 2C}19 11,41 Alv9 70: S�rah �at��lisb�rg�r �Sarah�,Ra�hli�berger�ati,�n�nticell�orrEn,us�; J�ulie CF��ney�luli�.�F�eneyczci.�mon�i��ll�.mn.�as> ��. 'JU�+�ne �ber� �W�yne_C�berg c[��i.m�n#c��Jl€�.mn.us�; Ang�la St't�e�r�anr� �Ar�gela,�chumarrn��i,mc�nti��ll[�,rnr�,u�> 5r�bjec�: �rigg� Apt [�ev {Je�dergr�wund IParking �x,p�ens�s - 5�corrd Paymen� Packet far TI�F G r�nt 5ar�h an�i lulie, inu�oice� #3 ar�[t #4 �r� a�t�checi in the payrn�nt paek�t. JU.st li�� the first ��yment t��Ck in February� �019, the ��yrrrents frr this subro�iktal sh+�ufd b� rr�ade t�ut t� t�e v�ndt�rs so nated an�i s�nt tt� t�ern. The �+endor names and arna�nts �re: K[�pp �oncr�ete (���1�,p1�D� anc� d[r�ern�er Ex��v�tirrg, In�.. (���,124.65)_ Tf�e �EDA r��iewed and approved t�e p�yrr�ents �t its r�gs�lar m�etin� on S�p�emb�r 1I, ��019_ Tharsk you �nd ��t rr�e krr��,v rf yc�u h,�ve � ny qutstia�is. �� �� � �� � �� ���� � �e�pt�nrber 9, ��i19 }lan Th���s, �Cctrae�n�l� �pevel�,�r�t�e�t Mdn�ger h{,�r�ti€ell0 E��anp�lic [��veloprnent AUthmrity ��Ae�bers Cify of hw9ontrCe��o 5�151h+�lnut 5tree�, 5u�te 1 Mpniic�lfa, hall� 5536� FiE: R�quest for �nd gr�rrt payr'nent #� h� released �ear t�f,�_ i�V��f�s an�! E�arsti�elJcs, �eonamlt �D�v�lo�r��en# Authtrrity Memb�rs- Att2e�h�ci �re inuoi�tesCo �e p�id directiy#rorr; €C�rltta �end�rf�+r Proj��i 20]$-tJ�B. �2Qd,�a1G,OG K�op� �,�rticr�Ye {Invaices i.��]A3 d� 1i344� ����,1�4.�a� I{r��rTser Ex'C.dVa��r�g (Prpr�Ct #19-3611� y1 ���{�}+, +1 I �1+ � �'� +--�-� � � Tf 4 5 � 9�� � 4 � � ��'71 � � I arrr sskin,� that pau bring tn�s requ�est f�r raymeni to xhe att�e�tJc�r� of ��e �[}A at �+�ur earf�est y , ct�nvenit�n�e, T�aan�k ��ou for ynur tirn� ir� tl?i5 fC��rd_ SPnCerelY, Pat E�r#gg5 F�r€�sl�ent; The 8ri�gs Cam�anl�s . � i": i� . . • � .. _� �:� + '" � .. � � kd 9 .. " i , ... l, � J. ( r ��1 �,�.� � � � � �I� � � � V � iF 'rJ � � � � .' ; • . ' ' � '��4 � � ��� � �� � [ `��' .� �'�`� , �� :� � � + � �+� � �u �� C���` �.�,..��� � � - . � o �� + �,� . . • c � �,�i � l.� �'Q r� �� � �� � _y� � (�1 d�li���rccj E<s t}i� .4�tfsc��ily� c�itie c�r e����� ccrri£`ic�tc:� si�ra�c� l�o� th� �e�tc��cJ�,�+�:r s �iui�� �uttec��aec� r{���:s�.°�¢�tie�e. �c�rnl:�ini�i�; �he ti�l�c?s;`ir7�,; (t} a ��a[�r�i�ttt i}ial �:,��:}r i:�+st i�c�lti?i�cl cn tptr �ert��c�t� ic ;� ]'uhl�c R�c�c:velo�siyycrn C'�tst �s d�fin�ci in this ��;rccf���n� ar�� �h�iq ��t� ��n �,t'�u�l� �s�[ l�d� h�:�;9i i�tciuded �n �c��' pre��ic}us c�,r[iFie�tic���; (ii� ���i�itr7�c �17�Y! 4'i1CI1 EL�tRfltJl�Lj I}ut�li� E�edc�}•�l��E�si;nl C'c,wt ��a:� htci� �r�ici oi� is�cvrr�ci k��� �e nry t�eE�al[ c�f ah�: F��tiCt'CIC1�j�.�; �pt(j (�il� a�tate����i�t tf7at ay� un�:ur�d E4����t c}f� I)�,lauft h�� I}y� R�.cle�,��lc��+er }i�� c��cu��ci ���e3 is �.rantin�tin� under the .��;reeman[, �]�c ,4uthnrit�� irr�g�. if nc�t s�tG�fieci ih;�t tPtic c��nditic.+rrs c�e�criE�ed f�erer,t }�a�'� frc��7 117Ct, fC[13rT1 �fYy' c�f!]fi�:�t� �ti�1k}3 8 sta��'mea�t n�' th�. r�:�tscsn� ���h}� i� i§ nni ��c+�}�I�hle artd re�yu�ilin�, :�uc� 4iartR�er cCc�cuit�arntaticar� c�r �;�a��i frcatirrr� as �lte ,qu@�tn�itrr rna►i t�a�nnak���� r�c��ire; Ckl} eSlJt7f17CC[�C9 �iid w�Ert�eti�d ;�1ut��ifriPy a�,�ee�4•aC 4at fin�n�itt� in �ecordanc� r�ilh 4�c�ti�n 7_l::u�cf (iii� dcCi���r�d [c_� 1�ie .��uRf�4�rit}� ��r� �t1�������3�rst ���#�r ie� a t�rrm rr����na�ily �ati�f`ac�t�r�� �{f �h�..�u�hc�n���- .C�17c i�R��c �tid`th� 1���:r��: �e�ill �� �u�r�l�ytiall�` tf7s,�� set fc�rtl� i�t tnc t�srni ��1-th� ���i+� �}tc�+��n i�� 5��1��4'4�2c !�, ai3ci th� ��}�e w�iil �e �uhje�ct ec} �lf t�n�7s s,F C�e .1�t}g���°i:�ii�� f��sa�lut�i���, �4�l�iwfr i� ir,4'�,�-��i,E-.�[i.'d li�rt�itti t��� ri:fer°e1i��. ��} I'c�r-���lddufrr�rt ���+ r�r,i,r��1 fr� :1'r�f€' ,4RP c��i�ciia,it�e�� t's,r d�lix�cr�� t>� sky� i�'t,�e a3�usl h{ r�lei I�y� nca I�j��i� ttr,�n tEtt cl�t� ��hi�.h is �i:�� t}n��7 fi,��� �51 �„����* �i1�:a� tf�� 4iatc c�f c�r�ifrc��ic.�n nt� tlie `I'1]-� I]��Iti�e 1��� t}7� (`s�urbi}� ,tnd ��i��ipli�ti sk°ith tf7� w��-��Jl�;�i !i�°�-�°�.ar rul� uncE�r,�.��t;1ic��3 4fi{),17�3.?_ �uhc1. ;(�? �:,t�4hc �I'EF- ��{t. ��Y1�7� Ldr��tji#i[rrY� f�r �ieli���:r�� c+f'ti�c hJc7tr �sr� ncat �.isi�+ti�el h�.� t}�c: cf�iL r��;��nbe� J17 Zlllti �}ti['�E�i'�9�1f, EJ�c A�tfit�rit�� M��w nt� furt��cr c�hlc�atic,ns u�7�l�r this ����ic,n .�. �- {�„1� :-i.�.3+�,-��r��re��t� r�J :'�°���. 'a'1�� r�ulhc�esl}� a�1:93e�4��14d�;tx that thc R�ii�.��c;]�uF�s�r �ndy a�ti�i��� Ih� �Ir��� Ic� :� third r�.�rtk�. T�� �,utfi��rit�^ ���Fn���.t7�s I�r su�fa �n aa�G�,n����nt, ct�Fri�iti4�����3 uy��ar� r��;.�.ei��i c}fi��n in�����irti�.nl ]�.ltcr 1�r�,��1 su�f� litirt� ��art;�� iea ;� f��-i� r�asc,:n;g�lr,� �ric�:�,tabl� t�� t�ar A�uthrsritv. �rY�i +��^ill fC�1�c�n;ii+i�, C�a�{`4EtE ri1�}` �[a�ur11�`I]C �:t�1C��r3Cin�, ��r��l aw�i�li1]lenl ��t[�3l[1 �1:1 c�;���; �Ftar r��.�i�r� �irt�t� r�k���t�� h�� r�ut}s��r�t�'� ]*�;�,1 �:t,ue�s�t_ 4c,' ��rtc�lr}'lc�c�rrr�r�.,-. 'f�� k���c��;lc��r�r u,�ci�rst��ic�; aerc� �c�i��7crurl�ri�e� �i�ai all F'���.i�ic f#ac€c} �.a����n�:r�t �,"cxstc mu�„ h�; �aais� b±�� li�c T��•ci����;:lr��cr anr� ���i]] h� rciar�hursa;� frc�i�y .�1k���l�hf� i�;�� Ev�dr.ir«rn �ur�r�,���t �t� thlc tcr�ns �rfj�a% T�°crt�.. Z-he AuRl�cf�isy� �sa;�k�a �t�, r��,resc.nt���it,r�;� or u��i�raT�tie,� r���ar�in�. �I�u a�nr�ur�� r�t-Ta� ]���rcrra�i7t; ��r �liee rcvenus:� pled�ed �c� t'h�: �!�}t� };�il] k,e sul'ti�i�.a7A t�� ��}� th� p��iti�ij�zs] :�n�i int�:rest ���� the `�t�9e, :�ny� �.s�irtlai�a c�t� T�x 1�3ir��rnen� J�rerxar�� b�� ��7� .Ar�i��taril+,' �a� it� �i�a7t�i�l ;�d��i���,rs i�7 ��xn»ecti4�n tir��i�i� the T]!= L�r;�trict c+r t�is .A�rccEti��r�t ar� fc�t� th� herrc:fi! c�l' �a�e .��atE�e�d°it�,. �r7d s�r� etic�� inq�ndecl a, ��c�,re�,�.a,�E�ti�i�t� �,n ���hi�h th� i�ed��°e]€���;r rrti�y. r�J�. F'uhli�; �2ccl�r�;l�.�pi73,�n4 Ct:��as ex�:�4.di���, rl�� pr°i��ei�a� amou��� «t- �h� ;�Jc�tt �re t�rc k��lc r�:��>i�rr�ihiltt� c,f't�ee����]�p�r. ��c:tii,n ;..4. C�th�r ,�ssic�ae��e. fn addit3��i sc3 thc rcittth�rs�rnent ��f ����rtic��� �,f }����:Y ��{,,�er'w �'ut�lie l�,ed�e��l��3rr7c:n� �'ca;,tw thrnu�h is���nc� a7f� the 'J�.�te. tEt�. �uth�rr�cy v���ll n�y a ;�Ir,ltis}'S1til s,�lu;�-15r� F���rdic�,� t�f ti�e w���;ts rri� c�caks:�tit.,n eT,�i ��i�t�ri�fs ����c`5�ary !� ca�tst�uct [11t sxr�ucturc�d �aaekii�� Teqrtiri:c� ii� e�,na�,ecti�,n u�ith �.c}'jwtr�c�ic}n d�f l}ie. ?�1i�im��� I�ngr4�k�c'ments {tit�e ".�ul�artt�r �rattf'"}, pur������� tc} 2i11� J17 [�L1C1�C117�11�Y' ��`]!�7 li�e �4ulh4�srity'�; l�oiic�+ �t�sert��nts fnr f�ar�a�em�tt� crfA�F�i��bl� T�x Irtcre€nertt i=inary�ir�� Funs�a. ���c,}�sc� h�• th� .+�uthc�rity ��n J�i�uar}° ] f}, �(11 �_ `1�he r1��t17n�at1� Gr�rfE 5�1$I1 ��L ft7 t�1�L` iiFtl{1iU11t C1�S'��OO.U�J{J �y�1C: AIIf}]�CyI7�rof �}72i,� �IS�141fS� I�it". abllll�y�?flt�' C�ra�7t tc� the ��.'Gj�l`��[J�?�F '4X'![hl�l t�►=��i�}° (�?6�� ci��'S 3?iLI f�L'.�T�?t �j� I}l� A,llI}3CprJt}� Cti� C�'ide��c ��l�rnitt�xi hy tha� F�ed���e[[��er [��'stru��ured �r�rki�� e�p��7dit€�r�s paa�i ��r in�curr�ti I�v ihe ReC3�r�el+��a*'r, in xl leasz ih� ��nvui�t raf the .�ulho�it}� �rai3�. S��.licr.n :3_5. I'a T1yc�3t c�+� .�ldrnt��i��r.�ti��e L'c7sts_ T€ys �aatl�c�rit}� a�kr�c����l���,es tlEal 1��°dc��l{��S�r� ha4 �i���r�sitc�l ��sth �hc; r��t}ri�rily S1(1.£1�1C]_ "1�he ,4ut�i�}ra��� ulil] use s4.Gci� dc�x?sit kcw �a�y, „A�Rtii�3i�tc��ti►c �C'�,.���,". u��i�k� ��rrti mc:�r�s {,u! c}f p��ek�R cns[a orrcurrc�! b�° the .�ulh[�tZt�� ti}�e!l�er u�i[h stat{ cc]st� 4-,f �a�c- �^4uihc�nr}�, r�]] a'lttClElLLtiitl]C` I[7 {}f 111CY]fTi4:L� pfl Clbf]RiCCII€lTl R'i6�7 '��]� t1��C1Tha11lY�, r�rti€i r�r���ar��tie,n ��t' tftii�; .��r�p���;n�_ thc �Z']C' ]�l�n_ �na:3 c>il��r ��tcurr�cnt� �nc� a�r��;E���:nss in c:��pirau�lk��i� e��iti1 tfyr. �fcv�l�l,rt�cnt €�f tf�c f�,ed����lc�}�t7ti�.n� P��a��r:r1;��_ ,�! I��dce°r.������.�'� r�qu��t. but t��s �ryc}r� c�?ir» �h�rt T�t�����171��, th�r f'�utlr«�ii�� ���ill �rc��ici� Redex�cli���r �a�ilh u}a•nt#�r� rc���� ira�iudin� ir���uic.��, t�riaa. sc�Gc;�.�; c}r c�9}acr ���ir]��e�l��� ���i[ier��°c [rf �::�r��.r�dit��r�� ��ii� i�r�[Tklt]l:�Ir�Ii��c [_'��st� �n�i s�ac cr�sta=�nd��:�; hal�i�ct ��1' fur��3s ci��rc�c�t��i, !f �t �G��' t117SC che Auqf���it�� �1�;�enniTacs ttia; Ihe de��usit is i���ufFi�.ie«i ic, ���� .��rtii�ustrttt��� C'c,st:�, Ihc F�e�i����lo��er ia ohli�t�t�si tct p�5{ wuch :�h4►rti�a9] }��sti�in «,•cri�y i?s�� �1a�•s at"t�r rec.ciPs t.rf ���ris�cn r�ca���e trc,�n s�� ..�u�ht}ritv �a7t�t�ir�i�s� �x�oc9�nc� c�f she ur7�,�icl c��sts. ]f� as�4� kaxJt�i�r.�: t}1� f�ut��� iie���s:it4�[ r�mEiin� uxi4sn is�uaa�c�. i�l- Gk�e C'�ri�tic�t� o�. C'n�f��l�ti€�et �aur�uaa�t ��+ Sccii�i� �#.�} eaf thi� :��r��:nte��t, t��� Au9hi�,�l�,° .�]7�pI� �riyiri�]t�1� r�.�urri �uc;h h:��son�� �t� 1�e�l�e�c.lc}ner; �rrn�°ideci th:�t J{cadc}Llc,}�c�� rcm;���7ti c�hli�,r�t�.c� tf� �a��° �;�h�equc��t ,�4tii77i�ii�ir.��ti��� f'c�s#:: m�rJ{iit� tr� a��e� artat�ic�me��ts tc, this :��;re�rrr�:n� reyu�s��ri h�,� f$c{fa;}+clrs�r�r, L!�ss,n i<°rr7�ii��i�,��ti „±� tl�r� ,��rc�cn�e�yt a�n �i�:�c,rci�n�e ���i�h it� ks:��. the R�.tt���ka�r�r ���:ms�it�� [S��i�,�sc•c� u,�il�w� t}ki� s�;��it��i li,r .�c�oniiy��Cr�i�ti•� �'c��tw incr�rred ��rc���}-i tk�c ctfe�ii�� da1� o�� t�;nr�ul�iti�rn. �i`�114i1Y ?.4�i. �t1 �3lJwhClCtiS �y��5�;9�4�. I�11'. �i�rtt�w �-��rr:�. ��c! uititi�r:lartri Ilit�k t�3c �,nrr��r�� �►ur��ti,;�: �}f� �n� t�t1�7�i�1 ���i�rancc tcs th� RCC���k�I�r�srt' �m4��.�� tE1�� .��;f�'�]t�T51 e�; �te ir�c�1i�,�i� r�e��lcs}�rrtcn� sr�. ]�c,uwu7� �n�1 i� t����r��i}rc a7��t �� '°busdrYc:�a sul,sir��,�" u��tl�ir� th� r�3�x,r�in�. ��f ^��Ji�i�cticsats Statule:�:, �c.csiiyns l?�,,�.�a��:� t�s f I{i.�_�P{!�, T7�� �e�ie��lcrypce r�l�=a��.� ar�c� u�,iiee� adiv �:lairn ��:iin�i t}ir° Au�lyc,r�i��� ac��i i��; s��y��rn�i�a� k�c,d�� ii��r��l�er�, caF`t�c�a°w. �,��.�yt�. wcra�ar3t.ti ;�nd �t�i�,lc,y€:e, i�r�:rc��t-ari�iei� fr�.�a�-s a���;ic�ciran c,t� t13i }iu�incs� ���ks�i��° r��t tc� +1�:� :'��recin�n[, i�ti�kuciin� ����Rl�s�ut �t,;��t�tinJ� �sn+�• �laGm aiy�� �h� �.u�hc�rity lail�� l47 ����r��l� �x�itf� Ila� f3w�;�n�•s� �uhwi[i� .4cC v.�iil� rcw��:ct i�� if�is ,�gr���te�ft. {� I'IG fL931�.u����f CF� S�➢3S ��i�?� Gw iiit�:i�lic�iia!]�° icft bl:�nk. l �l ���Id�l4,'i lqhl "�1^.I".+�=� I:�n EI7rl ,�,��+� — �}4r'I 1� ��' �4°, ����i��ratir,rr o�`.�,�itheariai� � T�[•` �rHnt Pa��x��enc to Rir�ertn►#n R�s���nti�l �utte�.. LLC: cnntr��t�ar �ex4�lvrs iri ti�� ��nu�rn� �f "��9 I:�4.f�� fvr ur�dcr r�und �arkin stru�tua�c rrt��c.a�iaJ� �x; �n��s (�1T) .�. �Lr���:���� _�;�� .�:�,�������:�r�: ���tis iteet� i� [n �is�; [he �U.�l t�� autli�rize a T1�` fira�� �'r�a,�r�e.�s ��v�n�tdt 1�� I�i���rtr��,+�•�j i�usi�enta,�] �ut#es, L1�C:'s �Bt���� A�art�t3ent} c�nt�tr`�sc;tc�r kx�.r�dc�r�, �Cl�j�7 ��tlii�j'C�� �tnd i�r�ei��er �:x�a�£atin�, for kirtd�r�,rc�u��d paekirf� stru��ur�. t��at�nal� �^��ei���:s ii1 th� �mnua�[ c'►�'�`�C9�,01€},p���� �25,t?�.�i5 resp�cti+�e�]}�. Tl�c: �r�t pd}�ti3ertt of �� 7C},i�C��_�5, F�aid ic, 1'4�'�11� C'�.+�7�r�t�. �w�a� �y,p}�rc�+����i ��' tE�� �l7.� i� F�hr�a�r�,�, ?�Dt �. �'h�� ��}�m�nt r����e�l +��nu��[ u:;e ��� #hc� ��7[ire ��C�l).flO�J +l�If� �;rant ��+��rci�d r�� Iii��crl��wn R��ir��Ey[is! ��it�s. �I_�', �1"]�� �r�t�7t fc�r �l�e ua�d�:r��°c�unci ��x�;in� �x�.ti��ati�� �tnd rr�at�.rials cx�ense� vv�s authori�ed h}• tit� ��:7.� �� � ca�mp�,nerat c,i"tt1� f�nanci�l as�e�q�,nr.e fr3r [i�e r����eln�mr:nt. Thc {'�ntra�t f{lE" �rl��'r7i� �{C��'4'�'ICI�}]71��i� VL',��; 8�'1�7Ti1�+�(j �7t tFYe F.�.'� d� !�§ 1U�4� If), ?f)�� []7�c;1:111�'. A�;�s����- [�tt�r �r�d Ch� in�•«ic�s retlectin� t��r: ���at�rials v����rk tnr �i�c: �ruj�c;t ac��. �t�a�}�c�1 fc�r re�,�ic����. .�11 ile:�r�s in the I�ts}��� �it��c�ice� ar� cl��;ihlc �r;���t �:r:����[�itur°�� :'�1. *;'�'.�I►FF' [11•rF,��:T: Tl�e :�t;�tlJtm��c:s s�u� t4� rt:��=i�eaa°on� �r�c� �+r�e.r��in� ti��: pa}°rr���irt eey��°�t itert�s {tt3��a�:c�.� tr��rn ]�c��� �c�ncr�.l�:} is r�:��l���el�� mi�litr��y. .•��. Fil`1)f�F;.E. 1�1'1�:�►('7-: �l�he huc��.�.t �rt����ct i�f�prE.�e��iin� tl�c i+.��c� itt���ai�e� tc+ the �L]� t4� ��[hc,:-i�c r�;l���� ui'�rdr�G f�ar��js i�: «��!wi�il�l�.. Tf�i: cn�;� ift'r���i�:}��in�, t�n�J R�re��ntio��, �he }�a��ment r�y���;st ��7 lhe F:�r'�, ir�tl�aciin�! ]�:�ai �.c�uns�.] �ci��ic�, �4�h][ h�� �a����rt�d �v [he ti����l�a�,�:r,c e�crcr��� ii��c>�iA, �'t�e �'I}r� �re��iat���]}� ci�mrr�itt�� tr� [tye 'i-IF �;rt�t�t i��r��a�-rer�l �c3r ui�d�r�rcfus�d �+�r�:irl� ���,������ t��Eiee� it �i��}�rut°�4� �i�cl ca�lc�s;�l i��tr� tlie i��r�tra�t fiar I'd�iv�le L�����1c7��nc:r�t ��oth F3n�.��` }�i�.�er-tn�e�n f���icj��i�li�! Suit��, L1.C', i'11e �;�tr� uft�.c.���nnitt�c� in�.m��incr7t ir� �I�]}� �1-l�� k�a�i�; us�t� lc� t���� th4. Itrst in5[�11��7�n1 �aym�nt tc, f3ri�;�"s ��}r�ti•acsibr ���r�cl��r_ 1�G'�li* {'�arscr��e, i��.��7ai�jir�� C�ranl }�aJ�rr��nt� u� ili al;�a �i� 4akcn tT"i�fiTl I�IF �F ]-] �} �ryj�il � f-��, �1� C1 f� ALL�„Util �1, ?f119, tE�c FL;�L� l��ilar,�.� ��t TfF ��l-l�1 is �5��,#�7� �,=I�ii� ti�e av�ilal�i� f���:��d� b�l�rr�c in-TIF��]-?� i��l[�{�.��1?- 13. _�►1.7"�:l�,�ti�7'I'4'F :ieCTfQTtiS: ]. ���'t�tic}ty t�� �cut���,ri;re � T1�' f�r�r71 prc��r��.� }��}.cr�cnt ta f�i��es�ti+�+�°n l�e�iclenti�l �uGt�;:�. l.LC"� cnr�tractr]r,��;nd����,, l���a�a (=E>»cr�tu �n� Tti,.r���37tr �xc����tin�;, fi.�r u�7c��'r�rt�ur�ci f'�a�eki�1� �r�,�t�n�ls �:���ig��� in tf�� ��rrr��urr� c�i`��';�•1.Uli) a���t �?:�, 1?�_l:i5 respE��i�el��, ����,tic�yr sc, de���� �tutht�ri�:at6r�r� ir!'a T[F �.irant }�n€ygr�;�� p�}+sr�ents_ _. :��1�►lic�n tt� t��t+lc. c�.�n�ider:�tic,n t�i`,�ulhi,ri�in� � T�}� Gealtit �rt��r��� ��y�sr���lt�_ E[?.� ft,�cnd'a - �9;'� 1,�19 C. S7'.��'f�' R��=C�;4�1R1��tiIl�T1��; �t�f�rec;c�mn��rtc�� All�r�ria�i+:�c � I,`I�l�� �i�� �;�c�r�,�r h;�� s�hmit;�;d tl�c. cf�rre4t cic�curnent�tri}n saskin� #i�r �aaym�t7� ��fc�,n�ralete�i �l��i�le isei�-�s �e� zh� ['c}�ztr��:t f�}r Pris��te f�ecic�,���opm�nl. S�aft:d�:i���t t�utiii� ar� ��<<�ilahl t in 7'�� �-! �J and t� ]-?�, Tftis �ravr��e»t r�.c�u�:�t ���i!] �c�n�}��c•tc tl�e: C�ra�7t pii�f77�11�5 fi}]' Ifl� �����C'rt�"}�;�j i{�,y]i�C?]Iiid� �J412�k,'.C, I.i.C' ii����lc��?E�ierit_ . �r �1..'Jrl iJ� J �jAiL3 �.+1'[':3. A, L.��ter �i-c,rr� f'�C B�i��4 !�, li�e�ni��: F:n�a� �°�,��crc�le C_ 1�7���ai�:� fr�arn I�ramer �x����atin�, I�, {.-'c��itr�;���t fi�rPri;��;e ��dex�elnp�Ij�t�t t��i�fy Ri�°erCc���ry f2e�l�ieryti�! S��i���, L!_�' � $'' $ $ � � � �� i f � � �Fry N ieS w N � . � � � J'�ri� CJ��n� Frc�rn: S�rah Ratfilisb�r�er 5ent: fvl�r�d�yi, SeRt�ernber 16. ��119 12:18 PM �4�; Jir�n Thar�es; tu.ie �f��ney Cc: W�yrre �ber�; Angela Sehum�a�n Subject. �E= Br�ggs Apt C�e�r Underg�rc�und Parking Ex�enses - Sec�pr�q Payment R�tk�t f�sr T� F �r�nt Ti�e ex�+�ndiiures e�n ��,rr�� frorn TIF 1-19 �MS Sha�resJ or TIF 1-24 {5t_ Ber�'sp, and �t c��er $229k, they need tr� c[�me from bc�th�_ 1-l� e�urr�ntly has �9$k �nd 1w2� has � b�l�rrce of �19{1k, The first ,�ayrr��r�t of �17{],��5 t�me fr�arn 1-19, I ar�� nc�[ �v�are csf any re�soa�� t� ccs�'e an+� mor� of the c�st ta one �distri�t c7t+er the nth�er. I 5uggest cod�n� � 16�1,[J[]� t� 1-24 and �fi9,164.b5 ta 1-�9_ Th�t +�r�y, both �listri�k5 hav� � bal�nce of rc�ughly �30I� each after the �saymer�t5. ��r�h RathVisb����r, �PFO �iEi�in�� h+1�r�r���€ �.IT�r`{lf �C7f1iICt��L1� j�'j�J T�I: ���i�-�71-��f7� Fax: 7�i3-2�5_�4L}� F�fOTF: Tf�� ��r7�,�,nrs �,f [his � r��orr m+�y C`[�r�t[�r,� rr�forrY��t+o� t�tt�# r3 �e�[��1y �irrv�i���r� �n�',/(�r cc�n}rt�err�rc�� �p :h� r�c;r77�a� recr�ar�r�r. T��rS r,�fcarm��ior� i.s r+�f ter be r�se�f �y �ir:y �atf�erper�.sr�r� �ira�'fc�r �rgnr,r�rslit�rr, T�e �+�e�v.s �x�iressed fr� t�rs �'�e«rt�e€at �o rrnf ra����sc�rr��: re fd���f th[as� of rhe Cr�}� r,� 1�R�ntree�}cr. �m[�id c�arrespo.�r��nCe tu rrnd frorr� �ity o,f N�r�ri fi�el�€� G{7b'P'f'i�l1'��C'�!� C1��frCE`S aS 5.1i�),i'C'Ci iC� �ii'� i�V:i!f7�'7PSC�;CI �i�VE'fF]F77�f7� �C7jC1,��{iCt��P.S fi'l1l�fT��C7� �7E' C��SC,�i�SF'L� �O r�Ydf��}C1f'�iLsS. �rorn:�irn Th�res�Jom.Thar�S�ci,rnvnti�elF�p_mn,us� Sent: Nl�r�dayr, �,ept�rr�b�r 1b, �C�19 11'41 ,�Nl To; �arah �athlisber�er ��ar��i.R��'t�li�berger��i.r�onticelle�.rrin.�s�; Julie Ct�eney <J�,lie��heney[�cp,m�n�icello_mn.�,�> �Cc: +�+��yne C�b�rg c'��yn�.pk�e�g�ci.r�nor�ki�elfo,rnn..us�; An��la ScFrurn�nn e�ng,ela.���um�r�r��ci.m�r�t��e�Jo.rnn_us> Subject: eriggs Apt Dc�+ L�n�der�r�ru�€1 F�arking Expens�s - Sec�r�d ��yr��nt Paek�t fior TI�F �ra r�t S�rah ar7d Jufie, invai�es tf3 ��d #4 �r� attached i� the payment �r.��k€t, Just Jik� tf7e first �ayrrGen� b�ck in Fet�ru�ry �Q1�, the pa��rrent� fo�r this submitt�l sh�uld b�e �nad� �ut to the vend�r� s� not�d and sent to them_ The vendar nam�s an� am�pur�t5 ar�- K�app Ctan�r�t� ��2(}2,C11p� �nd ICraerr�er Exc�v�tia�g, In�_, {$��,1.�4.65j. fih� Ep�k review�d �r�d 2��prc�tred �i�e ��yrrs�riks at its regul�r rn�etin�g on �epterRp�er �1, 201�. �h�nk y4u and let me kno� if �rc�u hav� �ny que�tic�ns. �`��` �'�,� �, �,4,..�, ���►�c,� � � ��� ������ ������ �� Sep#e�titl�er 9, �019 Jlm Thar�s. EC�nomlC �e+�2�apm�ra M��,ager M�e�tl�cell[� �c�nor"il� D�velapmer�t huthority Pwternbe�5 Ciky o� %+��nt�ee�N� 5L�5 +��f�lnut Sire�:, S�i#� 1 h±4ontirello, �V!N 553f�� RE� Rgq�lSt Par 2n�! gFdflt paymeryt t0 be r�I�e�SBd D��r l�r_ a h��fES �hd �u1R�tIC�IVQ, ��cn�ntilC bev�oaprrleni Authari#y �q�erYib�rs; Aktarhed �r� Inv�ybces to be pal� directly from E�A t�'��ndor far FroJ�ect 2Q38-�O8. $204,014_L10 �opp �oner€te � Invoiees 12043 8z 1��4�1j �o��,lz4,�5� Kra�m�f fx�ava��r,g �Projec� �19-3i�l�j --� �+�..� � V'� � � l'% ,�7�. � � ��,t.�,2.�� !�ni asking ;has y��, brin� l�hss request f�r G•ay�ne r�t t� �he �ttentlon c�f the �[7A at yv�+r eat�iiest c�sr7venien��_ T�ank ��ou f�r +�e�ur tin3� i+� t�is reg�a rd_ �II�C�!fE��', pat 6riggs Pr�slder�,t, The Br���i C�rrnpanl�s i . . _ � „ i f1 U �F � . ' • C w ti C� + � � • i_ . u [� + . . ;- , �.�.t,,� , � " t . � [` ;J�� � � � '�t �y 4 V V � i/ "--^ � � . . . • �. � P _ �I I. I .� 4 � � '�*"-'�' ��� � od�i � � I � � � � � -.. , i? ci . e r�}� t �P1 �� 1 � ��. �'�'wL� �+w����r L * � ?` � ' : � �J �- + �' � . - � 4 -`1 �m �K ���� ��� � ���µ� � (i) d�li���rc.7ii �c� the ,�u�hcxrity osi� sar rT7a�rc� �.crtift�.�sc� sigttie�i bv th� ]�,cd��el��acr's c�uly �ui�ori�c:d r�:}presentati��e, rc�z�l�inin� �l�e fd�llnu�in�; (ij � wt�tei�aen[ tl�a� c��:h �.cx3! LCI�Gi7l]fl�f� iri �h� terti�icate� is � i'ubli� f�ede�:��lc��smcnt �'ns� �� def�7�ed �ss this r'���ecer�7ent arrcj s'�a� �'t� }7�irt t?�� cuCE1 CCrSt �1��5 ��e13 iT1�I�1(��t� rn �C�� }�C��•IOus �ert1�c�EiiiDi3� {Gj� ��'idei��.e. �hat t:��'1� tdetYtifi� �'ubli� }�e�e�{el���nCni C'o�t ]3�� �i�i.�ti p�id oi� t�a�:ur�ed hv r�r c�n }r�.htt1f a�fi s13e kc��icr�e[t�}��r, aitd �iii} � statement tE�at nc� uncrar�d ��+en1 t�f Defaulx �r�� the f���#���elcr�er° }�aw �rcc�rred a��d i� �c�ntinuin� ut�der ihe �L�reei��en�_ T17e .�r�tkfc7rit}° n�a;��. il nc�� �atiti�iG�3 ahat th� c��nditi��a7s c��sc.ibed }t�rein 17�k�e been rr�ct, rcru�r3 an�� �i:rtific�te vrilh � stat�ment �it�tc r�.as�rrt� u=hy i� �s t�c7� ���e����+:l� �rld r[:r�u�st�n� su�c:f� fueth�r €iocurr�erl#stinr� nr clarif�catitan as ll�e Authnrit}r t'��y reas�r���i1�+ rcy�ir��; (ii�j �ub�r�ittcxi at��d c,t��ai�cd fk�fia7a�ntr�� a�a�irc}��aE ��` fir��ric�n� irs accard�o���� with ���liur� 7_]; an�] i �ii} d�li�,��r�i Io ti�� �4utl�t�r�t�° an in��e�trncnt letti�x �n � fnmy re.�i�c�i��hly �ati��°,�cti��� ta ��� .�uii�o�r��. T}ie t�rms ��#' �he �'cat� ���il� k�c �ubstaatiti���v s�c}s� sct fnn}i in t17� fonji �f� thc 'vote �hc�k��e� iri ���l��ciulc L�, a"e17� �I3e '�c�t4 v.•a�l b� suk�jr�i t�� �11 t�.nn� i,f thG �utl��ri�i�in� Tt���,lutic�ra, u'�79C33 is �Ts��xe�4frs4iC� �1Cri°�n hy� r�fere��ce. l�:} !'��•f������rdre�r� r�,f r�r,��f� ��� :'1�`ure°. ,�If �t�r�diiie}a�� fi�r dtli�.��r;�� nd'ify� i�a�tc m��ss h� mei �y. i7c� f�tr;r il�;�n if}e date �•l�e�}� is 1c:�w tl3a�i ii��� �.�? }`�:ars a1��cr tt�� d�te �f certifi��tin1� ��f� t�i� 1-if E)isanct �}�� tl�c C'r�u�7t�� �nci cc}mt��alie� x+�i��� th� ��x-c�ill�.d fi���-��c��r �4Gle ut7€i�r ��4tii}n 4[}�.1 7fi3, s�h�_ �[4'i Lit L}ll' TIF 1'1�:[, I� illC ti.u)J3iil[itlllti �d`1C {��Ilk'�9�� Ca� 4}1G N[1C+� iiF� t71�'l ti�ill4:']�� �1�� C�lk:� i�a�l� �j�.!;4.7`It'1ff� ]li tlll� �fdra�r:��I], tha .4�.�t1��7rit}� hati �c� f�trther ohliga�i�.�n� �and�r �hi� �cc�;��n �.�. {c�j ,�.,�is��:r�:c�tf� r�� ;'1"nz��e T��� .AuShc�ritv ��ckr�nt��le�i�c� th:�t th� R��i�:�•�I���r tr��}� assi�i� tE1C �lc�t� i�o � thirci �ar1}�. T3�e f�ui}xarii�� c;4�a�s�n�� ��� �u�cl� a�a ���i�7r�le��t, �.d�n�iitic�ned u�c�� rec:ei��t t'f'an in�+c;��n��:nE Ectic�� fTt,n� suctf t�iirci �art}' ir7 �r fisr�n rcz�s�t�r�al�]_}� �cc�.�tabl� tn �la� �iutk�nrirv, a»ci ;;�ill reas�;iti:�hl}� �:��c�ate a��}� dc�cumcnt evid���Lin� cu��i a����nr3�cn1 u°i9hin �(1 day�, aftef rec�ipt �nd rs.:x�ieti�� h�° .���Ihct�it��.s le�p e:cfuns�k. i�j ������/rcaflc�rrs. T��e �a�ci����l��pe: ���c�cr���nd� ��tici utik:�it}w°leci�,es I��? a�l] f'ukal9� I�cdevc.Y�,��n�nl C'i�sts �zust h� �ait� ��� I}�� f�€�d�k�tEc��,�r ar7d wil� hc r�ianhursed frnn� ,�x°ai]aYrl� �i'�x lr7�r�ntie�r� �ur�r�ai�t �t� the d�nn� �sf Rhe'�lc,t�. �7�hc A�athuri��� �n�kus n�r r�pe���rf��,ii�rns c��° u�arr�niees. r���r�i1T1� tlle a1i74�u�1i t�f �I�ax Ir�crei77�:6tit. c�� that r�ve�sues �I���,�d ��a 1he IV�aI� wiE] t+e su�'tic:ie��t to ���� ih� p�inciF�a] �inc9 inserest €�r7 �lr� '����e. ,'����' �stin�;�lcs c,f Tax Incrr�m�na prc}�ara;� t��+ t��� Aulhisrii�� 4,r it� fin�,���:ial dri��iwar� ira c���ii��ctd�rr u�it}t th� 'a„]F Dis[ri�t �r 4hi� Agr���l�eril i��'� f[�t' tlh� he�rlcfit ��i� tf7�. Aul�csril}�, arid �rt eid�i i�7��ndec� a� r��rc:;'�cGt[atintt� ��r� +.vh���s t}7e Rcd��.��lc�per �r�;��� r�l�°. Puh,lic ���de�•e[upnti�nt �'{�sss c�ce��ii7�; lli�: princ4�a4 arrr;�u�it t�?� t}7� :�nt� are �h� �crle resp�i�isihi l et�� c�1� C��de��el�rp�r. 5�c�i�i,�� �_�, �th�� :+��;�istanc�. 1+3 �etditicxi� to th� rcarr�burscr€�e�it c�f s� p�,rti��n nf' F�ed�.�°eln�acr's I'ul�lie fiede�'elar�mr�nl �'c�5t� tht'c1��1� iSSu�17Ce €�f Cl�� ,'�t�le. ih� Aut�l�]Cil}"ul��ill �a�y � �_ i �. i M�, � �i �: i .� �; i M, ; ��, }xj�ttc�r7 ���` tf�� t��wts r�� c;xc:�sx��t�crrr �nd rnatej�eats rt�;�ssar}� l� cc�nstrucl th�. s;ru�tutc� �r�rki��, r�q�ir�d ir7 c�rnr�ectinn v��ish �c�t�s���.ti�sn c}f`t}�� �inirnum Irx�prnv�iT�ents (�}�� ",�ulh�eit� C3ran!"�. pur�uat�l tu a�rci it7 �.�ilfc�rrxii�y� w�itlti �i�e r�r�tf74rril��"� P�slic St�t�r��nt� fisr h'la�n��etnei�t ��`�v�ila$��e T�� Irrcre�nc��t F�na�ti�in� Fur1d�� adr��,te�� b}� i�c Auth �R}� c�n Jar�uar� !i}� `� Gran� shalJ be in th� agtl�unt [�f S��O,OC1(�. �h� ,q��th��i C� sh�Jl disksur�e ti�� Auth�rity' �rar�tt o h� F�ec�e��elt�pe� �•it}�in t��+�nty (?�i} c���}�� �ftet rece� p# b�v t��e �ut}��rit�r c3�` ev�d�.n�e s�abrnitt�ci b}� 1he f�ede��eln�r�r rsf s�ru�.t�ared }�arkin� �x�relYdifures �aaic� or in�urr�� t�y the f�e��ve��aper, in a1 lea�1 the an�c�ui�t ��f�the A�tk�€�ntv �iranl, ��:�:tirar� ;_5. �'q�iei3t c+f .�dr�Yitii�trari���. C'cr�ts_ T]3� Ar��hnrify �c�.e�����a�d�es tlla� R+��x�cic}�er h��s r�t�},n�it��i x��+,lri thc Au�h�nrity � �(�eCi�7{�. Thc ,�u�hnr�t�� v,rill uwe s�rc�� dep�rsit tu ��y� ,.,�di��irai�tr,yti��e C'�rs�s." ���}ticl� Cc;ntl ri�ean� �ui t}t� p��cke� ��ct� i�curre�i �i�° �h-� !� �t��pni}� I���ther ;��iti� staff��st� �f ihc .A�thc,�;t��. reld �ttr�krutahjc tn ,r �r�c�rrcd �n ��,ryncctir7n �e�it�� tf�� r�c;�nri�tinn a��c� r�re��ra�i�sn �sf tl�i� .+��re�ei���r�t_ ih� �`iF �'iun, �n� utlier �{r��.um�.nt:� and ��re�mcnts �n uari����t�ui� �a�a�3� th� dev�e�c��,me�gt �,t- tl�� �r�devrlc}pm��t T''ro�re�ty. �1,1 R�dc�;•c�€��,4r's r�,c�u�.st, �q�t n<F tttc,rc. ��f1�:�-� than �7��ta�1.}����, th� rluthir,r�lv u�il] �rrs,xic�� R��e���loper with a�x�ntter� re�c7rt includin�, ir�t�,ic�:s. di��7e she�t� ��r tatl�er Lr�iy���r�E�lc ee�i�l,e�3�r nf� c�;�enci�tures #�nr A,cin�ityi+dr�ti��e C'c�sts �nd th� outsl�ndiri�; ksel�tnce t:rf t�r��s d��ositl�d. IT�11 �nv Crrne t}�c .4utharit�� ���e.r���ines Ih{�t the dep�sit is insufFi�.i�r�t ��-r �a�� I�C]CTaa177Ste�,�j1�2 �C:o�ls, thc Recfa��elr,pet ps nhli�,�red tct �a}r suc:i� shc}rt1a11 �.�sthin txe�cnty (?€�j d;�1's �f2er r���i�ai: r��`� �e�ritten �an��c� frcxn� ��e .4�,[hori��� s:�rnt:�inin� e+�eder��:c �sf [hc unp7��d ctFsRs. �f art�,� t�alanc:e �f funclw d��n.�itG�{ ���n�irr4 u�caa i�s�a���ce of tl�� C'ertifica�c� �o-f- L'����pl�t���rs pursu�u� ��, S�es�on �1,� c,i �;�i:; ,4�rs;�me.��1, ��t4 ,�udhari�v sl��,lt �+rs,7m�tl;� r�t�rr� s�ch h�1r,Fx�.�: i�� Rcd�velc��er, pr�r��i�fed th�t Eier�c��elrti�a reni�sir�s ��b�i���ed tt} p�3y� �ut�w�q�tn! Ad�z�i�7istrat���e C'c��i� r�]�Ced ic7 �rr�� ;��a7��ldtt�c�3t3 sc} thi� A�rce�rf�tt� r�:qu�.sx�d k,y �d�d€:}•�elr}�6r. �L��t,ri rcnnin��icsrro r,� ah;:� ,q�.�eent+etlt �n �cc�rrd�r�ce rs�eth its icn�7�. [h� �ecJ��.�eJ�p�er r�rrrain� c,hii�:�[�c1 unc[�r dhi� w�c.tii��i ti3r r'�d�nE�tistr��E��r C't�sls in�.airr�d thr�ugf� tfte �effrcfi��c dsle c+f t�:nnins�li��n, Sr�si�tt �,G_ ir2�.� Busin��s 5��,�idv. �'f�e �r�Erties a�rr�e �u�d unc7rr�;t�ncj tf�i,1 t}�c �arir��r�' �aur��c�,�� ��-;�n�� fin�ercia] a�s�s�at��t tc� lM�e �����-�;f�}���e ��ndc:r �hi� A�r�.��ne�# i� 1c� f�ic�li��a�c de��{n�,m�u� r7f" fa��usi���; an� �� therrf`�+r� ne�t �"b��ir�e�� s�bsic�y�" ��lt]]l11 iiiC i�7L'3i7iF�� il{� h�Ilri����iri �t#1lr�[fS, S�ctic�l�s i lf,.�.4�9� Is� E 1�`iJ_��)�_ �'h� �ig;ds�•tio�r�.r r�l�a�es �n�d u�;i+��e� �n}� �lairan a�a�nsl ihc: 1'e�il�nril}' an�i i� �,�>��rr��i1�� bcyd�r merxaF����s, crf�ic�r:;, ��enRs. sc;i��anls �ra�i e�nplc�_����s th�r�crf ��srn� ffirm a�pl�c�tion t�f tlgc �31���necs Suh��d�• A�I t[} tE�i� r'���in�nt. ir��ludi�,� u�i�hnut lamst,�si��t art�� clai�r� �h�t th� Au��c}nly f;aaC� t�� �t,���},I+r ex�Gti� t}�c Busines� .�,u��i�iy .��r �4�ith res�rC:� l�� 11�i.� ��;x'ecs��eati. �7'hc r�rrf��n�iee c�f'o�s�� pa�c i� intet�tinna!]�� 1t#t bl:�n4l.l ?�1�5:4t�}�.ql's:J41h1^I1��-i.5�y , � �f� .��cnt�� - 09r"] i,�l � 4c. L'c,��i��ratir,r� of .�lr�tlrar-i�in 7'I�� f;rt�nt Pa 'nte�rt to� Ri�•�crtu�►��a �csi�enti�! 5�ites LI.C' cflliCra�tvr ��endUrs in ihp �tnl[aunt U� 2�9 I��#.i�� far und�r r�run�d �riciu st�uetu�c r����er��ls ex ���ses [�)7'} .�. l�E�'�R�;l�r�'E .41�'1] F3A��i;�(]��:*r�: �iti� itern i� tc� �,sk G�e �DA tu au�hc�riz� a TI� CCrar�t �'rc,gres� �a���rier�t ir� Riv�e�tc��v� ft�sic�c:nt�aJ. Suites, L:L�C"s (13ri�gs �1���m�ntj c�nErac�c�r �ren��rrs, K�p�, �:or�r.re#� �n,� l�ra�ri�r �xcak��tir��;, inr tand�rgrc�ut�d parkin�, srr�,ctur� rrYateri�iw e�pc;n�es irr ihe ��ric�t�t �f ��04,Qt� c�r�d �2�,]2�.65 r�s�r��ti��e���, °f�t��; frst p�y�nent o#' �� 7f�,8�5.35, �aid to ��r'ell� n C'�t��rete. +��a� :��,�rn�.�ed b}� #}1� �I�A �n Fehruarv. 2U] �. Thi� �a��r��c;nt rec�u�sl �a�nuld u�� u� the ���tir� ��1�MfD,C1C}[� �d� ����nt �t4ai�ciec� t�r �iti��rtc���=n R��ic�entia] �uites, LI.C'- �I'37t +�irant fc�r the under�resund ��;�rkitt� e�c�r=a�"i�'►r� artd m�tceials expen�es v�aas autharE��d b�' the FJ�.� �s ��.�rrn�c�n�nt ���`t}��; fr�;�r�ciai ��ssist�nec f�ir t�ie deveY�,pr�ent. Th+e C'c�nt�r��.t f�-�r f'eir��[e �c:�t.x��f�,��rt�c�7t ���iis a��r�n���;�i }��.� ��� �:!?.,� �� �Xy J[�iy� 1(1. �{)] � »�e2tin�;, ��u���r lc:tt�r �nc] tl�e it���ai�,cs r�fie�tir�� ti��. materials wc�rl� fc�r ihe prc�je�t �ere attac�ed fc�r re�•�e��. r�i] ilcm� in �h�> fCc,�r� I����c�ic�� are cli2i�1� �t�rrt �x�enditv�r�;s. :'� 1. �;`]'AFF �:��P�C�7'; T7y�. ����'f �n�pact due �c7 revi�°uria��; �p�j �r�,�:t•ssir�� t11� }aa�meltj r�{�aest it�:rr7� (i����s��ce� ��rc�:en iCc>p�� C�rtcrete'1 i� ��lati�•e�� mi�iitrid]_ .42. !il'��r� �� l�a�,��ry�; Th� n4,c���� ��„r,�cr ��t��re�entir3� t��. iv,:�� ir�t�crice� t[s th� EDr'� ti� ����h��ri�r r�!€�.�s� �,�'�ritnz #-4i�}d� i� E�e�ii�?ihl�.. 7he ����� cF�reti°ie�4�irt�; �«d pr���i�ting ihc: Fa'�'r��et3z requ�.�t t�r th� �D.�, ir�cludir�� 1���� L�ti�»�c1 advi�.e, e}filr b� c.�}v�r�d l�y� ta�e �i+e��a:l�p�r'ti e��rcr�4� cj��ns�l. -ihe ��.� ��r��������y� ����,��t�� �� t�� �r�rr• �r�n� �av�-3en� f�,r ��n��r�r��unc� ���rk[��; e�c��nse� ti��h�i� it s},pre���c�d �ri� e��t�r�d intn th� C'crn�r�,�.t �nr f'Ci��af� IJe��eic���r��n� x�riti� P�n��;s' �iv�rtr+��r� Rc�tr�ent��i Suit�:�, l.��'. "�`he a�tr�� ui1e����ai�i[�� �ncremerst in T�F� ���1�) �,ta� u�ed [� m�ke the firs� ia�st�]]n��t-st �ay�me�5t tn �e���'s ��}ntr�ct�r �r��7di�r, �'4'�kas {.'oncr�te_ �{,�1778117.1fl� �'jr�l]I ��3�'i17C]]tc +,4�i!] alst� �� L%1�4L.ft CrL]113 �IF' �I-�� ;i97[� {����'}_ AS t}� �iLL�,USI �1, ?[}��, th� FL1N� �r�ian+�e c�fTIF �]-]9 is �9�,�73 w�il�e th� a���ilahl� FL�'.`�'i3 balar�ce in `�`I� �1-2�4 is �1�C?,;1 1. �, .�LTEf�I�Ai'i'�'�; .�,+�:"1"iCllti�� 1. l�n�i�}n ��r �ut�.��riz�. � TI� �r�nA �rt��t��5 ����m�t�! t�a F�i�'er�ouFt� 1�'e���lential 5�ites. LL�"s �cc��trac:lc�r s��n�i�rs. l�:C}�R [��ancret�; an�! �'tr�a�rter Ex����atin�, f�r utz��r��ouryd �a�-k�n}; trk�teei�f� ex��n��s in tla� ar�ou�� c�f�2[1�#,i71U �t�ci �?5, 1?�.�,5 f�s���tio��ly. ?. '��fosac�n 1t� d�r,y� aut}�i,r[��taon crfa T'IF C'ir���� pr��res� payinent�. �. ,'vfc3tie�n 1c� ��ble �r}n�ider�tii}r� �#�auth�,ri:�iri� a �`!N Gr�i3! }�ra��;res� pa�+mc»t�. �.IJA :��;carc�a - {?!�f� ]: ! 9 C. S"�-,�iFF RE�����f�'1�`tii)A`!'�(]�+: St�itt�ri�;4�1n,Tl�:rsd:� :�1fC�rnali�•t� ��, �I ttc d����lci���r ��� s��mi�te�� t}it.: C�}rr���.t cic���rne�7tatic�rr askin� F�� �aa��z7�a�r �bF��a�rr�rf+�teci �1i 7 R��ev�lop�ai�rrt. �uf�cierttl Fur�c�s �r��b��aii�� e cn�TlF ] � ��,ndi�� �����'��� request u���Jl �o��igi��e tlie (;�r��nt pa}����nts fc�r th� Eti���.rte�►��t� ��si���ki�' �u t�� �L��,t e� �e�°r�� n},r�� �rt! . �. ��J��c��rr�� �.��r.�: A, L�.TGcr frc��ri i'�t F�ri�s iB. l�ioF��ice f�c�p� �'�ncrc.t� �', l�i�'�ic� frorr� �►ram�r F��.��•�tin� �, �'isniraet f�r P�iw��te Fte�e��el��ar��,�r}t ��+�th �ti���r��,w� �e�ide��ti�l �t�at��, Li�.�: I�C��'� G����t�T� �h�� �e��� 7z�na �r���r ���FC�f�, i�1�i�r ���c�$ (}FFfCE. (7�sj �63�7� E�+h+�AIL: tsillkopp�k�opp�encteCe.t� �m r� �HE f�RlGGS Ci]i�PAN�ES Cr3� UFL,41�.D,4VF.T211� 5L'2TE C Fl.�( Rl+lf.li. [�{v 35;3[J lier-� P4sur�ts ,s�ll3 d Fn•:scin�a ....— .—'" i ���ti r `';3 �. � . - ; _.� � � iy '�,� � ��� ,. � � �� ;�� _ _- - ti,�� ��,,u ', ,. ��l�l� ��,���r� ;�; �� Inv�c�`r�� - - - _ - �7�te Ira�aioa � 8r8o203� E2i4d �esc�riptiars �-�a'xa-a"x 13" CCrNGRI:Tf 1�FT+�[?�E`JG S4'n.[.] � i4'7�Bnk F'C;Et .`s7"3t1!i CL�1�AL UE:DF3{C.iR�1LP;hli} PAFLkfVfi [��kf'tAGF. ���dt'tC� E1Ue ?.!�, No hmau ni I 6.1i' G�.4Cr � 1 b.SyU �ip � «,eso.o�:� ���.����,�����'� Julie CJ�ene From: �arah Ftathfisk�erger Ser�#: fvlonday, 5�,pte.mber y�,, �014 ���1$ Rhll To: Join Th���s; aul�e Ch�n�y �c� Wayr��e +D��rg; A��eia �chum�nrr �ubj��t; R�: �riggs e��t Dev lJnder��c��nd Parkin� Exper�s�s -$ecor�d Payment Packet for TIF +�,rant The expenditu�r�s e�n carr�e frprro Tl F 1-19 {hf1� 5h�ares} �r TI� 1-24 (St. Ber�'sj, and at r�v�r �22�k, th�y ne�d tc� c�ame from both. �-19 �urrently h�s �98k �nd 1-�4 I��s a balan�e af 5190k_ The first paym�nt of �,27Q.865 came from 1���_ I am t�ot �war� c�f �ny re2sons to evde an�r more of the cost tt� one d�strict c�v�r the ��her, � sugg�st codin� $16�,Q�04 to 1-�4 aa7d $�6�,1f�4,�5 t� 1-19. That way, br�kh �i�tri�t� ha�e a bal�nce of roughly $3C�k ea�eh �ft�r the payments, �2�rah R�ti�ldsl�ef��r, �PFO Fir7�r,[e fWl�r�7��tr Cit}�c�f Mc�r�ticello, P�1hJ i�l: 1�b�-�7"1-3�0�1 Fax: 763 29�5-4�C34 f�id7T€; T�h� ��r7��a�d5 �of th�s �-rr�c�if ,�rery c�rtC�Rir7 ir�,�orra�o�i�ara t��crt rs �egc��ly �ri�rleg�d (Jr�,(i/�r r�r�frc��r�tr�J to �h� r�c�rr�ec! r�er.;ar��r�t. T,�rs;ra,#orrr���rr�rr rs �ro� �c� i�t� rJ52t� �+� �17y �x����72f_5Clr7 ���J�p� ��"�prPi,�L?i��f7_ T�TP ur�;4N� �X�11�25��p' �fT tf7�5 c�€���urr7�r�r �� rar�� raeces�r�ri�y i�f�ect �hc�s� t�f the C�ry �f �1c�r�tre����. �rr�[pi� eorr�s�c�n�� race to crr��7 frcar� �'ity pf ,�r1�r,t+c�1�� �'�[]'Jf f:e7,t�7Ef7I �3��ri-t'S !} �',iJdJ;C'�i tO i�Tt' J�iJf�f7�'�t?t0 �f`]U�'!"f�'71�!'�f i�C!{(7 ��'iiC:ii#'S CId](� �'?7C7�+ :Jf' f;d4l"'�C15€� C�0 ��17�'CJ �}RJ�iP�S. F�om: Jirn Tl��res �Jirn.Th�res[�ci.r��ntic�llo,mn_us� Sent; Monday, S�ptember �.6� ��]i9 11:41 A�el To: 5�r�h R�thli�berg�r �S���h,��thliSk�2r,��r��i.r�t�ntie�fla_mn.us�; Julie Ch�ney <Juli�_Cheney�ci,rn�ar�ti�ellt�,mn.us> �C; �'4'�yne �]berg �Vti±�yne.Oh�rg�a r.i,monii��llo.mn.us�; An��l� Sehumann �Angela_5�chumann��i_rnanti�el�o.rr�n,�s> Swbject: Brigg� Apt aew 4Jr��i�rgr+�urad P�rkin� �xpen�es - Se��nd P��merrt �a�k�t fqr TIF �rant Sarah an� Julie, inuoices #� and #4 are �ttached in the �a+�meret p�c�et, �us# like t�t� first �a'yt'nent back in F�bra�ary ��19. the pa�rr�errts for this SUbmiktal shpuld b� mad�e ��� �o t�e ver�d�rs �o nated �r�tl ��nf t� tF��rfi�. The v�r�dc�r narnes and �mounts are: K�pp Cancrete ($�I��,01f}� ar�� Kr��mer Ex��v�tiri�, Ine., ($�5,1�4_6�}_ The EDA reviev,+ed and �pproved the p�ym�nts �t its r��ular rr�e��irag on Se�atember 1�, �Q19� Thank �pu �r�t! let me kn�+,v if you h��e �ny questit�ris. �� � ��.� � � �� �� �`�i� ���C��� �C���`,�i.� �� 5��ten7ber�,�019 Jlm Thares, Econo�lc be�+elap�rnent Manag2r ��a�ti��E9i� ECC��1Omic d�V��Upment Au[ilority M�rnbe�s Ci[y 4f iVl�alti[e11�r 5fl5 L'Va�nu[ S#ree:, �uite 1 h4r�n#ic�il�a, h+�N 55�(� RE, Req�uest f�r �rrd �r�r�t payment t� b� r�l�ased C�ear 5+" r, Thar�s �n� h�4�rr;ti�eJlo, ECp�prril� peyepo�ment aquth�ri�y IVlemlb�rs: A#tac#�ed a.re In+vosc�s tv �e pald dtrectlp from €oA ta vend❑r for Prrafe�t ��18-��. $3�A,O10.Q4 !€r��pp Cian�er�te {Ia��oiees 12iy43 8c f2344j $�25,��4,�5 Kr��rngr E�t�vating ��►o�ect #119-3Cd11� � � ��-, fJ � � � M % � ��1 '� ` �a � �� � -� d�, I a m asking that yo� �ring th�s reque�t f��r payrrresri t� the attentdan �i Che EC�A at your �arliest ���venien��, fihank y�ou f�ar yc�ur tir73e in this ��gatd, 5in�ereJ+�, Fat 9riggs Ff�F!l4,I�YI4F I�FGf���S�.�}�T�I���IE�3 �. - . ��fi� + i - . : , ' C �1 :J Ci ♦ . . r . e iJ 'U � .. i- : �' , l � u� �� �. - l ` � C _ U {.r�k ��� � ���o.�e�± �+� � � �, . r . . i:.� � � � � �en.�� �, �r� ��14�z� - _, � �ta-:��U + � �` 'J 1 t� �,� �1i� �,wv��� . , � • � �, ' i � � Cl [1 + ��' r�� �- . . _' • � C C� G �t � ���� ���� 4 ___ =�~� {i} �Gli�•ere�f trF the �u�R�crri��� c�a�c nr n�c�r�:� ��rri�ic�,t�::� si�,sacc� h�� 11��: F��cic��el���rer`� dulv �uths�r�z�:d repre��nt�sir e, c€�ritai�iti�, t�r�: l���3oxkin�; (i} a statevrr�ni iha� �a�.Ei �.�c� i�d�c�tif�ed in t}7e certi#ieatc� is a Pt�hl�c R�ed���ea�}p����r7� C�+st a� defi��r�{ iri this �4�r�•�ment �nd th�t ftin �i�rt �,f c�ct� +��.3�t f7�� becn ir,clur��d En �na� ,�re��i��as c�rti���linr�: {ei) c�x�i€�e�3cc ��i;�t e��c�ti i��n�i fi�d f'ub�ie R��le��tio�tt�c:��t �C'csst ia�� heen pa�r�' crr i�tcurred br� ar nr� beJi�@f c�fii�e F�c�ct•+clo�r�r� and {it9} � s�t�ter�n�nt that n�� un��rre�t L.xFer�t «i De�aul! h}� th� ��:dc��elc��,�r }�as �ccurr�� �i1�i i� rc}9�[s��uin�; und�r t}tc .��reei�e��t, 'T}7� ��ur�tc�rity �rM�y, if ��st sati:�ii�ci th�t Cftc Cc3n�ilid�n� descril�ec9 hereitl }ta�v� �een rne�, re��,rn a�y cc:�lifi�.a�� wiYh a stat�m�r�t �f thc ��;�so�s ti�h�� ix rs r»,I ���ex���tsle and rer�uesti���. ruc� iurt't��r dacunl�niaiic�n n� �larifi�.��i�m �s ti�e ,4�ihorit}� ett��' fea�c�nab]}� re�uirc; (�i� �ub�nitt� �rid ohtai�k�ci .�utl�i�rrty' ��anrt►v�l �t` �r��,i��rng �n a�c€�or�iat��e �,��i�i SeC�iDli �_1 ;. �1�}� (�i�j d�l�v�•,ed tn th�cJ�utlts-�riA�� an ir�k��.atrr�cnt «ttcr in �a fe�rrrr rea��a,�biy salisfa�t�r�� fn thc ,�,ut}7nr���. 'i"he t�.rar��; c�t'tl�� �`��ix. �o'il] �a�: su�startiti�Jly th��i. sc[ fe�r�}� in the �nm� c�f� th� ��r�e sihr��,+n it� ���icaiule F3. �n� the h'c�te �.�itl �e suhje�K t�o a11 tenn� �?f the Ak�t}rc�nr�n�, i�c;��7ivlinr5, ��ftich is inc:orPnrt�t�c3 hc:r�ir, hy° r�f�rencc (�} f��r•���la�rrrr���, nf+°i�;i�t 1��,'��c,rt�. ,�li cnndi�iis�� fe��� �eli���rg�� c.�f�th� ;�+nt� �rust �i� mei l�y l�n I��Ic�r ��a�r� shc� date +.��h�ch ss ]�;s:� �h�n fiti•� (5} 3��ar� atier kh4 d�t� c�f ceirtif��ti�rr� �5f th� T!E-� E)a�;srict t�v Zhc C�s�u����� an�1 c�nip�lic� �ti�3[}� tk�e �[�-c�]]e�i �`ive-}'�:�r rt�l� unt��r S�;,ti{wn �4�r�7_ I��i3, su��+, �1+�'i �wl th� T3F :'���. 3f thc �:��nd�tac�tys �a,r c3�9i���r�� e�f th� iVc,«,yF� Cldst �;i1J5Iir;� E7�,� [�5+� ��it� �j�w�;n��� i�n tlrk� p���ra��.��h, tl�� Au�l��,�i�}� has �tic� further c�hla�;ations a�ncder thiy �ecti�st i,�, {d) t�.ksi�rrr:ac,,�� erf �'r,r{�, The Aut�rc�ri��r d�krac�u���d�%� shat thi: R�de���.l�.��er ��a��= �ssi�� Ml�c Ne,t�. lo � third �ar�y Th� ,��:�hcarii�• c�,u�s�nlr. ���r �uch an �ss����rnent, conditicsned u�r3n rec.ci�t c}t"a�.�y ir7k��sEm�.r�t leticr ff��a�t ,uc:r� t�rir{� ��rtk� irt � ft}rm re�,;�c,n�bl}� ���:a�tabl� �o ���e r�ulhori���, a�ad v.ill rc��¢;�7�b1}� ex�ck�te a,5}� c�ucurn�,nt cF��ider�cin� 5uch �s�i��ai��er�t u�itt�ir� it_i d�y�: aft�r re�,�ipt and 1�["4�11'�5' by Authc��ia��'s Ce�1 c��un���. �,�1 �'rrr���,{icarr�oa.��. Ti�� I��r�����lc�p�r under��ar�c!� a�}ci ��:1u�ov�7�cl�es tt�a� �i] �'u�lic Resiev�l�p�t�eltl (.`t}st� n7r��� [�c �aid h�� �}YL R€t�t��4�C��b�C �I�t� ���1�� Y�� fC]]77�111r�G� �t�0i71 .�,x��il�h�c 7nx IS�creF��:nt f�urau�nt t�� tkle t�m�s nf xhe �!c�te. `���� 1'�uthcrrity° an�k�s na r���rasev�tati�+r�� oa u�arr�nties r�:�:�,r�in� tlfc: �Rri�u�7� tt�'"T�ax Inc.r�eneir�, ClT L�l'ai� 1'�"�'t'.EIUC'� FS����d:C� t0 E}1� N{lj� tA�al] be su1'fic,iet�t cr� ��y� t17c pnr�cip�l anc3 iiyteresA asn t�ye i�'rste.. A���� cs[in3st�;� c7f T�� l�icrerncni �r�px�i�€� t�y t�� l��dhr,rit�,° c�r ia� firi�n�:i�r[ ada°i:�c,rs in a.r��li�cctio�r �s�i� th� `T1F I�isiric[ c�r I��i� A,,���e�n7ent ar� ft�r th� t��nefit crf' s�ae Au�h��rii��. anc� �src a��3t in��r�ded ak rre�r���nl�Riort� ctn �}�htc� the Red��cln�er ma�r° reir. Pu�lic R��c�el�+prreent C���t� cxc:�:edi�y� tE�e pri��c�}�al �rr�c►unt nt thc ;��n�c are the sale res},t+nsihi}ity c3f 1�ectc��el��,�r. ��eqi�,�� �_�4. [�t�ier �ssisiar���. In �e�ditiott tia d#�e rci�nksurs�m���t of Fl �F[1iCi{3T! nf ��e�ii.r�e�{���.e`s �'..hl�c Red�ti�lc��sr��;;rit �'c�sls t�r�ugh �ssu�r�c:� erf�t�i Nc�te, [ftk. r�ut�3�rikv w�ill ��y � �����iw�.; w�ni+,itil�:;,-i�� lac7rtic�n �a�' li�e cnsEs �af e�c:etir�t���r, �r�d �na�eri�is ne��ss�ry� tc� �.on�ra�cl thc strucrured ��srkin� re�qr�ired ��� e�nn�.��tin� uri�r C€+ri�lruc:f��n �rf t}s� ?�}inimum I1n�+[°[�ve��et�l� (��� `,q�l��r�l�� CTra�f"). �ur�u�i�� t� and iai �.tra�fi�arrt7�ty k�•it3� tlrc Au�ljr�nt;�°`� Pc�l�c�{ Stateanents far f�9�na � • Tax l���r�r��rlt �sr��n�in� 1=�n�ts ��d�,pr�� }��' t}k� .�4I�t}]L7FI[� l)pl J�,nu��y �[}, �{11S �The A�tt�n�ity CTf,�iSC 5�i3fI �y !!] j�@ }�iT➢OC!]�i (}�S°��CJ,�lQ�D_ T7�� ,4u�F��rrrty sE7af! �i��aursc t}�e .��at�iori�y Granl t{� the F�cde�el�p�r ��esh�n t�r�acnt}� (2{Ij d��� afi�r re�ei�t hy [�tc; Auth�artit� nf �e,,�i€f�;ncc s�,brn�ttc�i h the ked+�;�clap�r nf struetur+ed pae�ir��; e.� pendi l► � r e� p a i d n r i r� c��`� d br�r � he �edee�eio���r� ie� al ��� t dt�e af��unt c�fth� Auth�eity� �irant. ��xicxFti ."a.�. F�_ ��.rr���3t of� f°��r�ill�ste�tit�� C'�sta�. T]r� Auth�}ril�° �i;knowl�c�geti �}�at R��cx��l��r�er h�� ul��,e?site� �4�i�1� t}a� 14�Cf���rjt�1 S�I}.Q�}i1. 'f'he P'��t�,��t�r +��ill u�� �u��3 �e�,�,sit [n pay ..Iti�Rltr�iStr�y�j���; C�}SIS,., ���hic�� ice�n rrr�ans ��u� �f �ac�4k:c� �i�sts t��:�rr�d h�� the A�th�ri�y tn eif� ,. �{�ifh slaff c��ls 4�F t��e Auth�,rit�, t�]] t�nrfb�,l�hlc t� �r ir7currc�' i17 C�1Ri1CCiF1'Fi7 Lb'i��l t17� rl�, � �r aa5�� �re�x�r�ticpn nr !l�i� .4green�ent, the �d'1F Plar�. ��� r��l�l�,r ci�.�cum�r�t� a�� e,- �`�s�atic}n ��,r�rE�:��,��rf v.�ptl� [!ye de�.•e�n��jr�tr.nt cff t�e �e�cvelc��ener�t Pr���ert}°. �t R��e��cic��er'� tr:q��;�t. bul �2 eerttt�tt� ir7 nc, rne�r� �flw�� [h�ry ory,�k»Ihl��, th� Auti��rit� ��,•�I� �arefk•ide f;�de���lo�,er ��r�t}r s� �k�nttc;rt rc�rz�r! inePudin� in��uic�s. kinae sla�,�,i�; �}r Er�h�r ��1a»�s�rah�e ��=iefcrr�.c c�� ex��nciitur+�s for .4dmirristrati��c. C'asts �nd tt7c �utsta�d�r,� halance c�?' f�unds �ja�,osi��d_ Tf;�# an}° time I�i� Aus}tnn��,� ci�eenrri�ie3 tl��t the [�e >usit rs ,nsuf�ici��na �c} �rr�y I�d�nini�le�ti��� �C����, �lie Rcc�e��cl� e� is�, ��k�li �• � ���ithi�� t��entyr [:{]) dati�s �f1er r�c�i�s� itf :� writtcn i�oi�c;c frt}m �he At�t}��ris ��;���t�i�n� ehi�der�� tt�' Rh� u��}�ar�' ccFsts. �f' an�� ba]��rrc� c�fi fuR��ia d��r�s�it�� r�dnain� u�c�n rssua�i�e r�f tl�� �`ertifi�.• C'c�rnpletii}iro ��r�u�ast ��, Se4ti�n �.�1 �af lhi� A�,�ccm�nt, [Ptt Autharil�r �}�a�i �rc��r�pl?r�= retur�i�s��h balar�c.c tti F�e�i��r���p�r; prc���E��,d thal R�dcvelc��es� rcn��ins c�h�ig�3e�i 4c� ��d � sa�h;�e ���T17Iri]S�res1�°t C:c�stw T�lalecf tn ar,o�� �t�ycrtclm�n[s 1�s tF�i� f� } qu�eiae L'�c3�r r�:nninz�tic�n r,! tf�i.�; .q�reenqe��� In ���4�rd�r�ce v.�ilh �s �m-tt�s;� hc���,���e,4��'c��eCc�per. c'hli�.��rd s�����9� �hi� ���tii��3 fiaT Abdmin3�tr�t��+e C'r,�is �r,currr,� �hrc�u � ��r r�em�i«� tGnn�natic��. �,i� thr e1'fec�i��� a,��� �, f- *.�'e��io:� �.��, Nr� B�,s�ncss :�ut�,."d�.. T'h� �,�rti,�� ��,ree �rrr� unri�rstand #}Za,� f}�c� �nmd �?f �t���� fie�aricia] a�s�clan�e t�� th� R�cE��,��j�p�7 uni�t;� Il�is ��c��I�cn� i� �ir �a�ilit�9e ��I��•cl �� �nl �r�' P ��� fr�u��n� �r�d �. ti��,°refcrfe nc�t �� ''i�usirr�s� suhsidp�" w�i��ira thc ��7c;�r�in�. crf ��nn�sner� S1�tu�es, Se��ine�s [ a[,J.��]� t� ] I l�J.��iS, `��. R�:�+:�e�a�,�.r r�l�.ac�� a�� �,��i�:e� ,��v cl�,im ��;air�st sf�� �1�rtk��nt}� artc� its ��]�'Lr���ri�, b�}d}� rt�r��t�ees. ���«;c���, a��ents. ��n�;��ls �rfd er���lc}V�s th�rec�f$n�rn� frc�rr� �r��,licatinn of the F3utiin�.�;� �uh�;�y,: ,��.� ti7 �}�is A�rce���enl, nacludiry� �,���thnut fi�nit�ti�n dnv �.ia�s� a?��t thc Auth�7rit�r �ai�ed Rc7 cs�m�al� ��aiti� Ihc }�u:;ir�csw �uk�si�l±�� Aet 4���t1� re�}�ct Rn t13is ��cc�ri�r7t. " {7'irr r��t�:���i��ci �����tl���s p��a�.�: i4 inae�tlia�n�IE�� Pef� b��n�C.1 S� i h 14ro3 4�?ti [,11� !i I+'.+:i. � x��, � �c, L �F t;r�nt P �r� .4ge��a — (}9r{! �l19 sElru��ur� rr��t�ri��s �x eBc�s �,�T)..V•••�, �, ��� ;sa.b5 for ur�t�er rqu .�� l���'�l�t,�f�C`E. A'.�'1] B�i�C:ltiC;R�7C,i�T!]: �"his itern is to a�k the EI�r� t�,, ��t�c�rize �; 7l� Gr�nt }�rc��ress p�}Fm�nt [� F�i�rer2o���n Resid�err[i�� �ujtes, LLC's (i�ri��s ,�l�s�rt���;�,�) ��yritr�c[�r �fe�ic�nrs 1�,�r hCrae�n�r Fxc.��•atin�, fnr �rider�r��u�rc� p�r�in�, strucfur� ���teri�l:� �xp�r�SeF irn tfi� at#ri �r�t c���2€}4,0� C} anr� ��5,➢��,�}5 r�s���ti��el;��. TJ7e fir�t }���'m�nt c�f �17D,�b�o.��, p�i�l tn� �'�li� C"€+wtcrete, v���as a�igsrc����;� h�' thc� FY�.� rn F�e�ru� � �a� i1�e �ntire �4{7{�,f�(��p �'!� �r�r�t a��,��rd�� [�r F�i �rtn�wn fZesi�fe�nt� �� ;�uites�Lls���`�uld use �'h� �r�at fiar th� ur�der�ra7r�r�d �drkin� c;x�a�r�ticsn and mat�ria]s �;xp�nses r��•�s �r�tl��rezed b��' the EI].�, �� a com��mc�t �rf �he fiananci�! assis����c;e for the c���.•��o�����t, T'he , fc�r f}Pi 1�at� Rc�d�+�������y��er�l �,�r�5 ��� f�V�� �y' the ��r� el i�5 Ju�u � f�, �f) j� IT����lli �{��T�r]C� �- � c���rr lett�r �r�� t}�� in��piees �-ef�e�tir�� t�ti�: m�tenal� +��r�r� fi�r tPt� ���rjec� �re att��c}7�d fc�r eet�ieu�, �,�1 rl��rr� irt th�. hca��a Tr����rc;e� a�� cl��i�ale �,�raryt expertdit�ue�es_ A1. �T:��'F fA•r�'A�T: 777c.sr�t�`im�,�ct clue t� reviev��i�z� �t��{' �aroc��:s�irz� the �,3yr��f�t re�juest item:� (irt��srit:e.� frc�m Kr��p �o��,��tc) is �elat���el�;� ���inima], .�1�_ B�?C]�+GE.T� li►7P.�C`-!�; -i�Yie ���i = � � [L, �tathcfrir� r�le.a�;�. �rf'��rat�t fund� i:� ne��fr ��ihle {�T���c��� ��,�ft�� ie��r tiin��c�ic�s t�+ th�. E.L�.� p�}�mer�t riyu�st Ro dhe EDA, inc�u�iir� _ ���� i�r��et'iie,� t�� d��������r's e��rc��s� d��n�it. `l�he E�A �, ���i a�]}���on7miit � f� t��{Tl� �'ur�n# �a � �� ��� u�ld���r��u��ci },;�rkin�� cx��;a�s�.s x��i���� i� ��3pr�},,�+.� ;�t�ci enter€.d ieatc� t}z� C'c�i7ir���f��r Priv�te ��}'e�ca�3�n�nt x�rith l3ri�,�s' �i�.;���a��,•ry �e�i�l��nt�a] S�ti�r�, l.T�C, `T}�e �xtr� une���r�����te fr7�e�ment in TfF u1-]9 ����s �,�ec� tc� rriak�? the fir�i i�st�ilr���nt ��ay�i�e;nr ;c, �3� x d c.{�i�te�cxnr ���nd��r, Vv'ef�� C'c,r�cr��e. ��, f��snainin�, C�rai�l ��a}�iTr�eT��s �t�it] als�� h� �aker� frE�i�7 '�'f�' #�-19 at�d t+�-��_ �� o( Au�,t��t �1, �(ll��, '�i}� ��7hl� �,�Yance �,f"�`!F #]=1� is $��.�7� u�hi�� tt�e �vaa��hl� F�.�1�1I7 b���r , F� T1F t� 1=��# i s� 1 il{�1,3 j], l�e B. _��.1'��'�kr1��'1�=�"' .�1�-�7 1��4�l.'; 1. 1�'Io[in�t t�� ��Ihc�ri�e � T�1F C�1'�t�1 �r���ress ��y�r�ier�i t�� F�i��er'lc�u�n i�e���e��tia] Suifi�s. !�f_C"s �c�rxtr��tcpr ���rt�dnrs. i�:4�pp C��r�cr�ee ar�� �r;�e�rxee �x�a� �tii��, fc�r und�:r �rr� �ark�ai� �ra�Eeria.ls cxper7s�s in [h� �rnt�urrt nf �a20�.UI(J anr� �?5. 't � ��d i�.4.��� r�spes�tive��r- ?� 'v1�:�t3c�n ia� �f�r,y� auC�hc�ri:��ti�rn c5f �-rI1=� Cfrant ��rc������ p,�yrrlent.s, �. '�fatie�n tc, t:�b�e cnnsi�er�[in� r�{'auth�aeirirt� r� T!F ��-anl: �rn,gres:� ����r���rtts_ �Di'� .A,�errda - i]}; ] 1: ] � �'• �'�':�F�"I���:��]����I�A"1"Ii}?��: S�afi"��.u�nt�n�en�s A�ie�riali��� � P . 'Fhe ����elc���c�r ha� �uhrr�itte� �h� ccxrrcx�� �oc ��k�n� f�ir �ay����t �,�c�n7�Jeted elt�i�a�e iterrys ��r s}s� C:'�717�FdCI {�C]I' �}Il�'i`���,' F��t�eu�Ri� n��n¢, um�:r�t�tlon � 5�ffic�ert� fut��{�;�r,�ax��ilab�eir� TZ,FF:-��J anc� t�P-?4_ �i'his r�q�e�t ��il] ,:orxlpi+�t� tky� C'rr�.n� ��ymei�ts ft�r th� F�i^��ertnw�r� ���i�cniiaa S�itcs, LLC deve��,��ment. l�a'�����er�t U� S[!�'F��T'fNG �A`���, �l. L�t�er t���� I'�I Bri��;� B. �n��i,i�;e �4n�p C'�,n�r�le C°. Ir�vuiee fr�rm }�,ramet� E�c�,�.•�tirry� �, Cc�ntrr�c� Fnr Pri���te f��qle���l�o��n,�,�� �,��ilh Ri��ertc��rr� �,�s�,�enti�! �uit �s, L.i�C" 0 C J � I � � I � O N N I � I M I I M �., N � � ��� � _ � � ��� � ; � ; � ;;; o � V� m V'1 M �A �A �!1 m ,p •--� 'J •--• 'V •--• •--• •--• �D E" O� � �.T � O� O� �.T � CS O � O � O O O � Q � �J :J aJ � A Q � Q � y .y? .? o V] CC y � � � o � o 0 p pp A Q, � V7 Y ;I] '� ,� CI] i" � C� �L l" � 0. � a o 3 � �' � � � W > �, �, J � �' L%: y � � L �.l i > � 0. C 0. LY �7 � O M N `) 'n � � � U 6 � � r � C p(� O O O '7 pp O O O � � � � � � � � � � � r r r � � ~✓' T � � F E- � � GL 0. L a O O O rQ�.' cC � � U U U � y F F F cG U L� � � � ,'� :1 � C�. C�. C�. 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Pr€�f Servi�es Pc�sta�� Tr�velJTr'�ining fx�ens� L�u�s Membership & Sutascrip �i�enses �r�d P�fmi#s NaiSc. C�th�r E�cpense Atut��an.c��n� - i�rdcr I I 1-�>�a�8i-?�)79��1`? ���Z�D�.��i71" �ir��l [�eta�Js fc�r �rcier #111-���i���1-�9�'��0� P"rirr this � e f r our r�tor�s. Ord�r pla�ed: ,�ugust �6, 201� Ama��n.cc�m �r�i�er nurtib�r: 111-5563381-2�a�4C72 �irder T�taN� �14f.26 �hipp�d ort �4��ust ��, �01� �'a�� � �f 1 I�em� �rdered Pric� 1 vf: 1�C�,'V �l�r'���L�. kIA�C� �1rd B�cJc T�sk �h�ir - Fa�brrc �orr�{��+�e� Cfi��r �vr'��r �i��,�� �4rrrTs �For �Off��� �esk, 6i�c�: �'�lVL�2�7) Sffl� by: �mdzon,�crrn Seru��c:�. �r�c C4nditi�n: New $f'11��71�7� ,A����SS; Trac�/ Ergen Ciky� �af f�1�nt�cell� ��15 Walnut ��reet, Suit� 1 �l�ntic�llo, h�1N 55��6� Uni��d States SF�ipping Speed: FREE Shipping It�m�s} �ubt�k�l: 514�r.�6 Shr�rp�ng &. H�ndling: $��.7� F�ee �hi�pin,�; �$��.�� Tot�l b�fc�re tax; $146.�6 Sal�*s T�x: �O,OQ Tota� far This Ship�rnent:�14�.Z� ���it'rl�i1� 1[if�f"I'Y1c'��ICIFl Payrr��nt M�t���l: item(s� �ubt�+t��; �1�6.�� Visa � LaSt digits; 192� �hip��ng �, H�rtdling: ���.79 Billin�g addr�ss Fre�e Sl��pping: -$Z�.7� irac� Erc�en Total befor� ��x; $146,�6 CITY C�F MQNT���LLOM Estim�ted t��c to �� cc�ll�et�d; SC7,00 ��5 WA�NVT �T ST� 1 M��1TI��LLO, M�1 ��36�-8$�� ----- United �tat�s �r�nd T�tal:$�4G.i6 �redit �C�rd tran�ac#ions ��s� e��ing irt i��7; Au�u�t 2�, ��19:�14�i.�6 To viewv t�r�e st�tu� of yc�ur order, r�turn ta +�r�der Surr�rn�rv, C��3dikiar.s €sf Use � Prru��.�� N�ti�� 'J 199�-7019, Arnaaon.cpr�p In�, or its affili�tes t�lt�s:l.!v������.an�a�c�z�.c�ml�pl��s!sun�n��rr��lprint.htn�l'lr�f=�ap�c }��� dt l� in���i�e �O1`?i�=i1T.__ �i;'�;�'?f�1� Veri�i�r � �;(�, �' �� (� � 0. � L�ate of T'ransa�#ion � I � � � °� �IfiY C�F f�l1�]f�TICEELt] �ity H��i �Gaf+� ir�nsaction Pl�ase �ttach th� inv�ice/reeeipt and ar�y other aWailable docurn�r�tati�n ta tF�1s f�fm. fip �� corx�pleted b�r purchaser; �--, �J iJ �4rnount � �ifCde p�trtha5er n�me: luEf� �hene+� Tracy �r�en Vick� L�eerh�ff F���hel LeQnard JefF +�'h��i�� 1Nayn� Ober� Sarah Rathlisberger Jenni�er��hr�ei�er �ngel� �ch�,mann � __��_a � ___ __ r� Tr����� a���,����d�� � �� '- - ,�`'y , � Em t��+��•5igrt re t: !,�� �,, �4' ae '�_.�r1�p2rvi5C�r 5� � at�lr 4 s � 1 fi, �� i� [�ate pprc�v�d � 5�eciel Frnjett ## ar Qescriptie�n Gir�c�e dep�r�rr�en� ec�de; �If��� ��€�iE��'I5� Cp(�Ey: 4�1'�90 43i95� �4�1��}C1 43�2�D0 �3310�1 4d33�D 4�4370�? 44�'�� Q� �th�r �ity C��ncil �dm inistratNc�n City �I�rk Finar�ce Humar� R�so�ur�e� Planning and �c�n�ng Data Pr�c�e���ng �ity H�II E�ancam�c Devet�aprn�ent C,e�eral Ciper�tir�g Su��plies Me+n'sle#ter Servi��s Pb+iiscel��n��us Pr�f S+ervi{e� Pr�sta��e Trau�IfTr�ining Ea��en�e Dues f�le�bershi� & Subscrip L�t�nS�es an� Perm�#� iV1is�, L�ther Exp�nse i�i-�e.s:�IF� .,ini�� �� I+, � � �: IVi; ' �i �. ��. 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Firat t�rw� fvtr •�ieal-Llfi� �imuiat�on of an �rtusl RFI �������� ���� Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Tuesday, August 6, 2019 8:27 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 8119WEBINSERT.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RES Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 9/1/2019 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-004 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 130 BROADWAY E 7/1/2019 to 7/31/2019 (31 days) 8/S/2019 9/1/2019 Current Reading Date Reading Cons ($1.00) ($0.50) $7.00 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $ 0.00 $5.50 $5.50 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Tuesday, August 6, 2019 8:27 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 8119WEBINSERT.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RES Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 9/1/2019 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-007 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 103 PINE ST 7/1/2019 to 7/31/2019 (31 days) 8/S/2019 9/1/2019 Current Reading Date Reading To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Cons $0.00 $7.10 ($1.00) ($0.50) $9.00 $0.18 $7.00 $21.78 $21.78 $21.78 $ 0.00 $21.78 $21.78 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Tuesday, August 6, 2019 8:27 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 8119WEBINSERT.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 68621907 6/30/2019 40819 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Consumption Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Consumption Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Consumption Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RES Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 9/1/2019 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. � 007256-008 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 112 RIVER ST W 7/1/2019 to 7/31/2019 (31 days) 8/S/2019 9/1/2019 Current Reading Date Reading 8/1/2019 41115 Cons 296 $0.00 $0.00 $7.10 ($1.00) ($0.50) $0.00 $9.00 $0.00 $0.18 $7.00 $21.78 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $0.00 $21.78 $21.78 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. EDA Agenda - 10/09/19 5. Consideration of approvin� fundin� for 2019 Manufacturer's Appreciation Breakfast Event in the amount of $1,000 (JaT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Manufacturers' Appreciation Breakfast, formerly Industry of the Year, event is a business retention effort sponsored by the Industrial and Economic Development Committee (IEDC) and the EDA. The event is an opportunity to focus on and celebrate the contributions of the Monticello manufacturing and industrial community. It is held each year in conjunction with Minnesota Manufacturer's Week (typically the first week in October). This year due to scheduling considerations, the event is being held on Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at the Monticello Community Center (MCC) 7:00 a.m. until 8:15 a.m. Event planning began in early August and ramped up through September. The event elements consist of the following. • 7:00 a.m. Breakfast and networking • Recognition of the economic impacts of local Manufacturers in the City of Monticello • Event Speaker, Traci Tapani, Wyoming Machine, Wyoming MN (see attached Bio) • 8:30 a.m. tour of Bondhus Corporation's production facility located at 1400 East Broadway Attendance has typically been in the range of 60 to 90 people. An estimated 70 people have provided rsvp confirmation of attendance for the event. In the past, the EDA has funded a portion of the costs associated with event, with city staff completing the planning and organizing. Staff also secured commitments for event sponsorships in the amount of $300 each from WSB & Associates and Xcel Energy ($600 total) to help defray both the costs. Expenses for the event include the complimentary breakfast and table preparation, estimated at $ 1,600 +/-. Invitations and promotions for the event are completed in house at minimal cost. It should be noted that supporting the IEDC in its lead role of Business Retention & Expansion of which Manufacturers' Week events is a small part is identified in the EDA's adopted 2019 Work Plan. The EDA is asked to consider funding $1,000 for the event. Al. Budget Impact: The estimated expenses for the event are about $1,600. The EDA has sufficient funds in its Marketing line item to cover $1,000 of the estimated costs. This item was noted as an intended marketing expense in the annual Marketing Plan review provided to the EDA on August 8, 2018. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff coordination is estimated at 11-14 hours. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve $1,000 in funding for the 2019 Manufacturers' Appreciation event. 2. Motion to deny funding of the 2019 Manufacturers' Appreciation event. Motion to table consideration of funding for Manufacturers' Appreciation event for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. This event is Monticello's opportunity to thank its existing manufacturers and industries and support business retention and expansion. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Event Flyer with Speaker Bio B. 2019 EDA Workplan C. 2019 Marketing Plan 2 Jim Thares From: City of Monticello <info@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Friday, September 13, 2019 3:53 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Manufacturing Appreciation Breakfast (�ITY C)1= � Montice o � � ,� �� ° �. �r� f �� `. ' �, " � � ���� � " � ��� . "� - Manufacturing Appreciation Breakfast The Industrial & Economic Development Committee invites you to show your support for local manufacturing and industry! The event features breakfast and a presentation from Traci Tapani, co-president of Wyoming Machine. Join us after the breakfast for a tour of Bondhus Corporation to see their newly expanded facility in Monticello! Wednesday, October 9, 2019 7:00-8:30a.m. Monticello Community Center Mississippi Room Please RSVP at the bottom of this email. � A � Traci Tapani is Co-President of Wyoming Machine, Inc. In 201�F Traci was honored by The Manufacturing Institute with the Women in Manufacturing 57EP Award for demonstrating excellence and lead�ership in Manufacturing and in April 2015 Traci participated in the Upskill America Summit hosted by the White House. She has made many trips to Washington, D.C. advocating for strong workforce development policy and has testified on this topic before �ongress. Minnesota National Association of Women Business Owners awarded Traci and her sister, Lori, with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Traci currently serves as Board Chair at the Initiative Foundatian, serves on the board of the Minnesota Chamber �f �Commerce, and recently completed a 3-year term as an appointee to the Minnesota +Governor's Workforce Development Council. Attend the breakfast and tour � � Xce/Energy� � City of Monticello � 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 Unsubscribe jim.thares@ci.monticello.mn.us Update Profile � About Constant Contact Sent by info@ci.monticello.mn.us in collaboration with \.� 67l[�f� �JI JIiJ�. i s,r s,� Try email marketing for free todayl ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2019 ANNUAL ECUNOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK PLAN EDA Purpose: The EDA is charged with coordinating and administering the City of Monticello's economic development and redevelopment plans and programs. The EDA is also responsible for housing and housing redevelopinent. EDA Work Plan Mission Statement: The EDA's work plan is adopted in support of achieving the goals of the Monticello Coinprehensive Plan and the 2017/2018 City Strategic Plan. The EDA will be proactive by developing and undertaking actions for achievement of the Comprehensive Plan's Economic Development goals and will be reactive in responding to economic development opportunities as they arise in the inost timely and effective manner possible. The EDA shall utilize the economic development strategies of the Cornprehensive Plan, including the Downtown Small Area Plan as a guide for action. Comprehensive Plan Goals: Attracting & Retaining Jobs Expanding Tax Base Enhancing Downtown Facilitating Redevelopment Housing Choice for Life-Cycle EDA Objectives: 1. Continue to support redevelopment efforts for publicly-owned properties in Block 52. a. Continue to focus on site control for a potential future targeted redevelopment in Block 52. b. Resolve the parking issues that relate to potential future redevelopment of Block 52. c. Engage with the wider development community to test concept ideas and explore the marketability of Block 52 as well as the opportunities for possible partnerships in redevelopment plans/efforts. d. Support as needed the completion of transportation improvements as envisioned in the Downtown Small Area Study Plan. 2. Implement the recommendations of the Downtown Small Area Plan a. Support and advocate for improvements to the downtown as envisioned in the Small Area Plan. b. Develop and support the appropriate policies, programs, and incentives that enable the type of development described in the Plan. c. Continue to build a funding base for use in property acquisition and redevelopment efforts in targeted areas. d. Implement a fa�ade improvement program for desired revitalization areas. e. Meet with downtown property owners either in a group setting or individually to understand their concerns with traffic, parking, land use and possible reinvestment in their property as well as willingness to sell, partner, price, etc. f. Support opportunities for park and trail development as consistent with the Downtown Small Area Plan. g. Encourage the redesign of the pathway connection under the MN TH #25 bridge to incorporate safety elements and improved lighting. 3. Engage as a partner in local and regional development opportunities as they arise and also the Comprehensive Planning process as it relates to strategic visioning, land use, transportation, housing and economic development components. a. Encourage and support coordinated planning and development of parks, trails in or near business districts. b. Support the development of the pathway connecting Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park and the City limits. c. Continue discussion on use of tax reimbursement/abatement, including development of criteria. d. Consider funding and/or completing studies that provide policy and strategy framework for desired land uses/or projects in the downtown and for other programs. e. Monitor commuter rail development in and around the Twin Cities metro region for potential benefits and opportunities to serve Monticello. 4. Support new multi-famiiy housing development through the use of financing tools such as new TIF Districts or use of excess T1F dollars as identified in the 2016 TIF Management Plan and per the adopted Policy Statement for Avaitable TIF Funds. a. Develop marketing packets illustrating financial tools and available sites. b. Dialogue with multi-family housing developers and inform them of available resources to support MF development. c. Sponsor a multi-family housing developer expo providing site and financial assistance information facilitating relationship building. d. Continue to explore a 30 to 36-unit workforce housing development on EDA owned land along East 4th Street or at other suitable sites in the City. 5. Market industrial development at the Monticello Business Center (Otter Creek Business Park) to a broad variety of prospects. a. Ramp up multi-channel marketing efforts (including a familiarization tour); establish a formal plan and appropriate evaluation metrics. b. As guided by the Comprehensive Plan, target the following prospect areas: i. Businesses which will be a supplier, customer or collaborative partner to existing businesses within the comrnunity. ii. Businesses which would benefit from Monticello's utility and communications infrastructure. iii. Work with the CentraCare Health System to ensure the retention of and to promote the expansion of health care services in Monticello. c. Focus on prospects which serve or rely on the St. Cloud and Twin Cities markets. d. Work with the Monticello Times to do a business spotlight or profile article two times per year. e. Actively participate/network with current businesses to help establish external relationships. 6. Market EDA incentive programs in a more proactive manner, both within the community and beyond, beginning with the education on such resources at the EDA level. a. Continue to foster external networking opportunities. b. Present existing and new incentive programs to smaller community groups, local banks, realtors, and local businesses. c. Develop and communicate a"complete" development package progam which provides support and assistance to prospects and developers from inquiry to construction. d. Update multi-format (print, digital) summary resource piece. e. Explore the opportunity to develop an incubator building or pre-designed building (shell plans) with contractors ready for development. Actively (aggressively) market for sale and development the EDA-owned properties at Cedar Street and Outlot A. a. ldentify types of businesses sought for specific properties and market to these sectors accordingly. b. Develop marketing materials for the fonner Fair Garden site along East Broadway. c. Identify commercial properties wl�ich should be held for larger redevelopment potential. 8. Encourage more proactive lead development and response in all market segments to support a diversified tax base. a. Develop relationships with local realtors and banks. b. Explore agent/broker relationships; evaluate the opportunity to engage a development facilitator. c. Develop a list of target properties and share with realtors and bankers. d. Research and communicate state and federal incentive programs for bringing businesses into community. 9. Examine housing stock for aging or blighted properties and research development of programs for redevelopment and/or revitalization. a. Understand the state of the current housing stock/inventory and areas of need. b. Identify and prioritize potential programs, such as: i. Program for acquisition for redevelopment ii. Program for revitalization iii. Program to encourage new development in in-fill areas c. Exarnine use of available housing TIF dollars per the 2016 TIF Management Plan and the adopted Policy Statements for Available TIF Funds d. Establish clear criteria for "blighY' and "cluster areas" for focus of programs. e. ldentify and communicate state and regional programs which could be leveraged to support identified properties; identify programs applicable to each property. 10. Support the development of an economic development brand and implement in economic development activities. a. Work with Communications Manager to develop coordinated economic development (including amenities such as technology and recreation) marketing message(s) and plan. b. Create and/or enhance economic development materials for the website. c. Build value in development resources reference materials and communications pieces. 11. Support the IEDC in its lead role in Business Retention and Expansion efforts and in workforce engagement and development efforts. a. Continue to engage and support the IEDC as the priinary partner and lead in the Business Retention and Expansion Pro�-am. b. Continue to support the WCEDP sponsored workforce development efforts. Appendix: Monticello Comprehei:sive Plan, 2008 — Economic Development .-� G W � � a O cc a .. H W � � � m � Z Q J a V Z r W ��/ 1.1� Q G � W � r-I N J Q � N � 0 z +� � o � o o M � � a � 0 0 0 ri � U � +� N N = � Q L � � N � 0 � - L �� �U � � � VI � m -� � 'n � � L � (6 � C +, U � � � � � O � � � ^ � � � 3 � � � v � O � _ � N �' N � > vi f�6 G/ N � � p Q � � U � �-+ ++ U � f6 � U � � N � N � � � � 0 � •Q � a�i � Q- v� � � � � � N +� m a +� �; c� � o � a�i s o Q- U V U v�l � N .� ` V � +, � � � � � � Q 7 � � � � � C t H C7 cn � Q c� Cm — G C }, c Y v i � 0 0 � N � U (6 � 7 C fC6 C N 0 � U � a� � N Q- � � °� y � �n c� +' N CA � a o � Q � � � O C� i N N � i m y a +, � � N � H � � � � o � � o � o N N o N � r; � � � � �-+ U O 0 N U � C +�+ O 'N � O 'N � � � N � C — 'N L � O � � L � � � � � � � 'v, � �-+ �� ti�o c`o � s � c� a a +� J Q" s w o � � � � � 3 � � v � i O � ,+`�� � '� >0 ++ � VI � m > � � � N N � � � N � m � z W 0 N W � w Q V � �C C � o � o � o � N � N N � .� � � � � C vf (6 � N U N � •Q- L � � O � � � Nc f6 c (6 . � N � C � � � � � 0 � a N � � a a � c f6 f6 Rs �, ao � � •� U �C � L O U � a U � � � U a m i 'a � � � Z N � 0 2 � � U N .Q (6 c 0 0 E 0 a � a� s �-+ � � � � � .y � O CR Q G Q O � N +� > N i � Cm G � � � {= Oi0 � o � a 0 0 N c-I i/� N � � a� 3 0 + 0 a vi (6 L � � � O � Q Y L iC N y1 � m O N y > � � �3 m i N Q O N > N 0 � a� a 0 a� > a� � L � � .� � Q � Q N N C O 7 U O � J Q � W Z W C7 0 0 O N i/� � � ai > W 0 0 0 o �n o � m o i/� i/� � i/� CA C � � 0 s vi � C a� > a� � c � E � 0 U � CA � O � +� C �n N C � O L � � •> o C m � � C N N � � O �6 +' �i C � 3 ++ CR � C m � O ar O O a � � f6 N L � i 0 s � a� _ U L N O _ � Q � � > c6 O a� s L y � U U � �� N 6 N s +� � '� �3� 0 E � ai � > a� � � s � � N � C � CA N O N U � � Q � � � U N 6 Q '� W � � N t 0 0 0 LfI i/� � 0 �-+ f6 7 (6 i N N (6 U � � N f6 U O � ^ r-I N � EDA Agenda: 10/09/19 6. Economic Development Report (JT) A. CMHP — Low Income Housing Tax Credit Concept — Recent discussions with Central Minnesota Housing Partnership (CM�Il') staff (occurred on August 28, 2019) indicate that they are still very interested in moving forward with a 2020 LIHTC application to MHFA (Minnesota Housing Finance Agency). The 2020 applications are due in June. CM�Il' asked for information about potential sites and since that meeting staff have provided them with four potential sites that may work for such a development. Their goal is to develop at a minimum 36 units in preferably an attached townhome style project. The ideal site is 4 or 5 acres in size. A smaller site could work if they go in the direction of developing an apartment style housing project. Staff are awaiting CM�Il''s next step to further activate the process. We will stay in touch with them during the next several months for updates and bring any new information or specific action items to the EDA and/or City Council for consideration at the appropriate time. B. Google Update — Staff continue to monitor the proposed (and pending) Google data center facility for Becker; 300,000 square foot +/- facility; total investment of $600,000,000 and become more the development timeline and also learn more about the potential spin-off development that could impact neighboring communities. C. Workforce Development Update: A verbal update will be provided at the meeting. See attached custom developed "web online interactive wheel" resource and reference tool. The "wheel" is expected to be activated and go live in early November 2019. See Exhibit A. D. Block 52 - Proposed EDA Tour of Beard Group, Inc.'s recent redevelopment project in Robbinsdale, MN — Staff will review potential dates and itinerary of tour and take feedback from EDA members. Beard Group, Inc. has offered to provide the EDA members a tour of the redevelopment project in Robbinsdale, MN. Members can take photos and ask Beard Group staff questions of how the project came to be and what challenges they have dealt with as they moved from the concept stage to the wrap of development. Staff is asking that the EDA consider a motion to post a tour event on the best suited day and time for the EDA members. E. Prospects — See attached A spread sheet with the concept stage and active search prospects is attached as Exhibit B. � �' Wnc�ra i.ou�x�, . . . . ,. _ .. , .r b rr�. , . � T i�,'�u � i�+ .�� �� +4;, -� . « . � � �i� � . �s ��•- , • Mc�king Success �9appen Duane Northagen �>.,_,:t., n��. �; ��; ;���� •:��.��,F;�, �� r:� .��,,_;r�a�, G�'�_��"1 .� . Wrignl counry E�Ans�mic L'��:wclppnicrst F�arts��rsftip Partnar,ng rq� ppportunit+cs G�BOU E�tctrs� Dnve ! 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