EDA Agenda 11-13-2019AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, November 13th, 2019 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — October 9, 2019 b. Consideration of approving Special Meeting Minutes — October 30, 2019 c. Consideration of approving payment of bills Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of Resolution #2019-09 authorizing entering into Purchase Agreement with George and Maureen Larson for acquisition of residential lot located at 300 East 4tn Street (PID #155019008010) in the amount of $92,500 6. Consideration of Resolution #2019-10 authorizing entering into Purchase Agreement with Monticello Industrial Park, LLC for acquisition of 7.39-acre light industrial parcel along Chelsea Road East (PID #155143001020) in the amount of $1,031,000 7. Consideration of quotes for TIF Blighted and Substandard Buildings and Properties Inspection Services and awarding Contract to lowest qualified quote provider 8. UMC Expansion Status Update and Schedule of Action Items 9. Director's Report 10. Closed Session — Consideration of recessing to closed session to develop or consider offers or counter-offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). Property Address: 107 Cedar Street, PID #155010053111 11. Adj ourn AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, October 9th, 2019 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: 1. Call to Order Davidson Bill Tapper and 011ie Koropchak-White Jim Thares Steve Johnson called Regular Meeting of the Economic Development Authority to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items None. � 4. Consent A�enda LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. a. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — September 11, 2019 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — September 11, 2019. b. Consideration of approvin� Workshop Meetin� Minutes — September 11, 2019 Recommendation: Approve Workshop Meeting Minutes — September 11, 2019. c. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills Recommendation: Approve payment of bills through September, 2019. Re�ular A�enda Consideration of approvin� fundin� for 2019 Manufacturer's Appreciation Breakfast Event in the amount of $1,000 Jim Thares explained that the Manufacturer's Appreciation Breakfast was held today, October 9th. There was an estimated 70 people in attendance. Traci Tapani, Wyoming Machine, Inc., spoke about thinking outside of the box when hiring. There was also a tour of the Bondhus Corporation facility located at 1400 Broadway Street East that was held right after the presentation. Thares asked the EDA to support the breakfast in the amount of $1,000. It was noted that this amount was previously identified in the adopted 2019 EDA marketing budget. Economic Development Authority Minutes — October 9, 2019 Page 1 � 2 LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE $1,000 1N FUNDING FOR THE 2019 MAN UFACTURERS' APPRECIATION EVENT. TRACY H1NZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 6. Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Director's Report. He noted in detail Project Novus (UMC). He explained that they are progressing and intending to apply for state funding opportunities. It was expected that construction will most likely begins in the April-June, 2020 timeframe. Thares explained that Proj ect Shepard, Panda, Nutt, and Jaguar are still in the works and interested in sites in Monticello. The EDA discussed holding a special meeting (open to the public to attend) to tour one of the Beard Groups recent development proj ects that was completed in Robbinsdale. TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO POST NOTICE FOR A SPECIAL MEETING ON OCTOBER 30TH, 2019 AT 3:30 AT BIRDTOWN SUITES (3730 WEST BROADWAY, ROBBINSDALE, MN). JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 7. Adiourn TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:25 P.M JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: November 13, 2019 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director � Economic Development Authority Minutes — October 9, 2019 Page 2 � 2 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, October 30, 2019 — 3:30 p.m. BirdTown Flats, 3730 West Broadway, Robbinsdale, MN Commissioners Present Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Tracy Hinz Jim Thares 1. Tour of the Beard Group Development Site The EDA members traveled to 3730 West Broadway Avenue, Robbinsdale, MN for a tour of Birdtown Flats, a multi-family redevelopment proj ect under construction. The Beard Group, Inc., Hopkins, MN, is the sole developer of the project. The Special Meeting notice, duly posted and available to the general public, indicated the location of the tour and starting time as 3:30 p.m. Outside of the visual and information tour as a recent example of the Beard Group's project quality and capabilities, no business items of any kind were discussed or transacted. 2. Adiournment The tour ended at 5:05 p.m. Members traveled back to Monticello in their own vehicle. Recorder: Jim Thares Approved: November 13, 2019 , , Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director �� Economic Development Authority Minutes (Special Meeting) — October 30, 2019 Page 1 � 1 EDA Agenda: 11/13/19 4c. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve payment of bills through October, 2019. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through October, 2019 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements 0 z 0 4 � C � � � � I � ? cMn � a� I M o I o � I `` � I � ..'7 O � ..'7 ..'7 ..'7 O ..'7 �O 7 �M'F 7 7 7 7 �'F N N N N N N N � � T � � � � � � O O O O O O O O O \ � \ \ N N N � \ � N � \ � V� � V'1 V'1 V'1 V'1 V� M �!1 m V� m 4'1 M � � � � � � O � O � O O O � O rt O � O rt .-y '«+�' _. .-, .-y .-y .-y 'y�' _. � .-y 'y�' _. 'y�' Q Q Q Q Q ,�, ,�, ,O .,�, ,O � .ro ,� � �,. � ;? aJ � :y N � � � c� ,-. � �, o `� o o " o .`�.. 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T Cirnd�l �7.��] �e��rd��g adding �b��e�'nent to finar.cial p����c�e MNI i�r�ft Ni�n°icellc� resolutican C�Iling fc�r �t��#e�'n�nt �ublic 0.�0 h�arir�g MN� R�uie� TIF p�n; �evie�v ab�Cemer't p�li�y: reuiew 2.�'0 r�quir�ti tamelir�� `or v�ric�us ��.�blic nearirrg� r�l�ted #� ��ntract apj�r�v�l �n�1 email E�A s#�ff reg�rdir�g �ame �u'1N I Rh�n� �conuers�#ion ',�iti� A Sehu�nan�n r�g�rding� ��� p�rch��� �gre�:m�a��s f�r Uf�i� d��l fU1Nl Revie+� s#�ff r�pt�rt f�r EDA �neeiing or� I�MC tr�ns��tiar�� t� 3Ck $���1�0'19 MNI Finahae h+l�nti�;ell� T�F P��r: re++i�w ��nd s��d cornrnerts ko 0.8f� �l�rkhl�nd Si�1��Q�19 Mhll P�one �nd ern�il ��nvers�kians witli A�chumann O.�J reg�rdin� req�ired publi� heari�g f�r N11F �pp����tic�r� �+��i�U'9 EG�', Irtr�c�ffa�e �+�nference ws#h h�+l Ir�gr�m. dr�ft�d �ity ��Q r�s�lut�csn appr��ring 71F Pl�r� ar.d EDA resolut�,�n a�prc�vin� TI� P=.�r� �3;�61�L 19 N4hfl Prep�r�ti�r� for me�tin� reg�r���g UM� � 3C1 �i?26I20�� MNI Tr���l and meetin� on UM� TI� ��ikh C}EE[�, #�+f�nt���llp EC�J� StBff 8i�d12�'19 Mh�l Phe�ne dis�us�,pn ���t'� � T�ar�s re�ar�ing u�d�t�d D��D gr�nt pr�ptssal �nd �ffect an ��rious I�n�i �c�r+v�*y�rices. 4. ��1 0.40 Arr�punt 1�5.001 �4�Q.(l{} 1 �+� C�0 15�.Ub 5f50� 15t�. b0 7�.{]0 �4�.0� � �� �+� 73. �� 7�.C}0 � 4�kJ4J 41'al ' D� �1�� �ity t�f Mor�#,:cell� Augu�t �1, �01� $JZ8f2'[719 �J�$f2�r' � ar30;2r�15 �a�e 3 Kenne�y & �ra�en, �h�r�er��d �J+� ��utn �ixth '�tr��t, S�ite �70 MS�n��pDliS, MN �540� EGw� �qn[inued d�'aftir�� r�solutic�rss a�pr�ving TIF Pl�n `�'1�V1 Tr�v�l �nd joint EDA �nci ���ncil rr��etirg reg�r�inc� assiskanC� ko UM� EG� �2ecr�ft�d r��5o �'.i�an� ap�r�vin� TIF Pl�r L�.3C1 d410 �.f�{! 5(]0.00 O.�i] `132 3t1 T€�tal ��r�i���: � �,849_�� Fpr,�Il Disb;�rsements r�s ��Ilt�ws 8;'14l�Q19 F'referr�� Trtle, Ir�� f�bstr�ctin� and exam 8,`15�2L�`9 Pr�ferr�t� Tikle, Inc; Abs#racti�g �r�d �xam, $�99JZC�1 � Pr�ferre�i Ti[le, Inc; Absir�cting �nd ex�m fe� T�tal Dis�u�emen#�: $ T�t�l �er+,pic�� �nd [�isbursements: $ �,049.'�4 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 2:09 PM To: Julie Cheney �c: Sarah Rathlisberger Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) �ategories: Red Category Julie, these are all okay. Please code to: 213-46301-430400. The invoice for $5,049.90 will eventually be coded to a escrow deposit account to cover fees related to the UMC expansion project. Cannot say for sure when the deposit will be submitted (hope saon). From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 12:48 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these. Please submit by end of day tomorrow so they can be included in our check run on Wednesday. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 2:54 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00040 - $80.00 Inv# MN325-00042 - $1,331.50 I nv# M N 190-00101 -$ 540.00 Inv# MN190-000160 - $5,049.90 Inv# MN190-00161 - $920.00 I nv# M N 190-00162 -$480.00 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Tha n ks, Julie CFieney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 1 P�g� 1 F�+�r�n���r � �r��r�n, �h�r#�red 2Qf� ��u�h Sixth �tree'. Suit� 470 Min��2pC�l�� MN �5d�2 Monticello El7A ,august �", 24i� MN��S-�D040 Business F��c�d� �i�n# Pro��a�-r �fhr+�ugh ,4u��sC 31, 2019 �or ,A,II L�g�l Serv��es As Fc�ll�ws: �f5��41 � �11N1 D�aft r�so9u�i[ar� ��iprc�ving b�sirsess f�cas�� qrarrt to �A�c�r� La�v Off�ce Total �errric�� H�urs Am�unk Q.�C 3�} 00 � Bi�.(iU Total S�ervices and Disburs�r5�ents: � � ��`'����.��...� � ��� ; _ ?�1� , Bb.�C} Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 2:09 PM To: Julie Cheney �c: Sarah Rathlisberger Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) �ategories: Red Category Julie, these are all okay. Please code to: 213-46301-430400. The invoice for $5,049.90 will eventually be coded to a escrow deposit account to cover fees related to the UMC expansion project. Cannot say for sure when the deposit will be submitted (hope saon). From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 12:48 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these. Please submit by end of day tomorrow so they can be included in our check run on Wednesday. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 2:54 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00040 - $80.00 Inv# MN325-00042 - $1,331.50 I nv# M N 190-00101 -$ 540.00 Inv# MN190-000160 - $5,049.90 Inv# MN190-00161 - $920.00 I nv# M N 190-00162 -$480.00 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Tha n ks, Julie CFieney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 1 �ag�� � ��erlFl�d� � �r����, �h�i��ei�ti 2Q� �out� �i�cth �?reet, �u�te 47Q Min�e�pc�li6 MN 5�4t�2 Monticello E�� �August 37 2�3`�9 �+If��25-��1�42 101, `�Q7, and 1�7 Br�ad�.vay ThroJgh Aug�st 31. 2C119 For All L�.g�l 5e�ri�es �s F�I�[�ws: - - - — -� [ =� ' _�,�� ~� '� ��,,' ���yyy , �� � �.� � � L9 �:l .. .,�: � � 1�. r ! I I �!��' �Fr � � 2�19 O ' I � �� I � � Hours Amc�unt $i����1�' �r1hJl �r�fit �ur�h.�s� �gr���me�t f+�r W. E4ro��lw�y pr�sperti�5 1 QQ 8±�?201 � 8�`9i20�19 �;9i201 � �r13?2Q1�3 �� 1312 �l 19 f.�m �. J�hns�rr fw'If�l C?r�ft resol�t:�n a�prpving PA, for '�L'est Brcadw�� � Op pro�ert�e�. dr�fk pl�r�ning c�rnrr°t resoluth�n r�e��r�l�ng s�m�; ern�il questio�s t�s J Thares �If�l �rr�ail k� ���. �[af� re��rdmg �����s w�th ,l��r�sca� �'A 0 �� cornr�n�nts from �ell�r �J1N1 D,scus�i�n rf J�rhn�son F'�t +nrith J Thares and A 1.�10 �ch�rnar�n ��R I�[�r�ffiG� CDnfer��Ge va+��� f'�'1 Ingr�rrl: ��m�il5',�ith Cld ��5 R�pub�i�; r��riew r��l �st�te do�urn�nts, �ra�t let[er t� ti[le c�mpany h+l�la Revi�e PA p�r �omments �nd dis��ssipn ir�rn ��A �taff. �.4f] 8;'1�12C11 � f�1N1 R�v�ievr titl� m�t�rials for V,�. Bro�d+r��y properti��, rffic�+ �.70 �,�pnfere�nc�� wi#h C F�oeklitz regardirm� ��me ,���3J2�19 CBF� Er=`�ail fr�rr°� Tit�� int�roffice con`�r�nce wi[h hJl Ingr�rn �,2� $?�3f��'�9 f�hNl Monti��ll� reviev� title corr�m±trr�enx f+�r Jol�nsor p�r�els: 1.{�(} �ffi�� Go`�`�ren;,� v�� �h 1 R�Cklit� eegar� �� sarne To�a� �enrices: F�� All L�iSbu�5�mB�tS AS Fpllc��vs� 8?�312C1'? Pl�ttnum �ourier ��rurier senrice Total Disbursernents: 2C�0. �1Q 2�0. t?b 1 pQ l�0 2L�J.�+O � 58 7� $� �D 14�}.��J 3� 75 20[l.Ot7 � 1,.'r1p.�{9 21.�1C1 S 21,00 �o�al �ervi�e� ar�d Disburs�ments: � 1,3��.5� Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 2:09 PM To: Julie Cheney �c: Sarah Rathlisberger Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) �ategories: Red Category Julie, these are all okay. Please code to: 213-46301-430400. The invoice for $5,049.90 will eventually be coded to a escrow deposit account to cover fees related to the UMC expansion project. Cannot say for sure when the deposit will be submitted (hope saon). From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 12:48 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these. Please submit by end of day tomorrow so they can be included in our check run on Wednesday. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 2:54 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00040 - $80.00 Inv# MN325-00042 - $1,331.50 I nv# M N 190-00101 -$ 540.00 Inv# MN190-000160 - $5,049.90 Inv# MN190-00161 - $920.00 I nv# M N 190-00162 -$480.00 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Tha n ks, Julie CFieney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 1 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC`�ci.monticel lo.mn.us C'1iY d7F ��� . ��'I'1�I��� Emnil correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data PrQctices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 �i#y �f Mon:ticello AU�USt �1, 2CJ'i� ��g�: 1 �[�rrn�ed� � �ra�r�r�, �Chart�r�� 20� ��su#h �ix[h Stree". �Ui#e 470 �liirlr�e�pc�li� MN 5�4C1� - -- _-: - , � �.,~,. - �� � �r � i �rr ,� �.�� '�� � i� ��i _�, � ,'. � �ti , � ,, �_� I��. , �; ����1� �,�� j'' �S ���, � ��� ' ��� ", i , ' . l I I i4��1�i�r(]�}'��� ��f1EP��E��:�4'i�['��f� 7hr0Ugh Augusk 31, �'{}19 Far All �eg�l �eruice5 A5 Follt�ws: 8f'�?�D19 I`v"MNI �raft NRA I�vy resblution for ${�I4 ��nsrder�,i�n S?6,r��1 � $f7i� � 1 � 8�19F2�1 � Hc�urs Amour�t 0.4�; ${} �%� M#�I R�vie�+v rri�teeials on �DA bu�sget from J TF��r�s; fin�li�e �.�� ��1C� 5�nd EDA. ��SOluki�rl �+1N1 R�vi�u�� propo�ed �hanges'.p ��A byl�ws fram .� Thti2����; �.�p dr�ft prop�s��i am��c�d byl�u�s and cir�W��te �n+ith ��mrr��nts MNI Mc�nthly fin�nce cafl v�ikh N�rthl�nd ar�d Ci#y��D,� staff 1 7Q �f1?;�01� M�1� F�ev'�evr pr�p�s�d �b�tern�nt poli�cy. Tot�l �ervice�: T�►t�l �erv�c�s �rnd Llisbursements: � ��O.Of� Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 2:09 PM To: Julie Cheney �c: Sarah Rathlisberger Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) �ategories: Red Category Julie, these are all okay. Please code to: 213-46301-430400. The invoice for $5,049.90 will eventually be coded to a escrow deposit account to cover fees related to the UMC expansion project. Cannot say for sure when the deposit will be submitted (hope saon). From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 12:48 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these. Please submit by end of day tomorrow so they can be included in our check run on Wednesday. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 2:54 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00040 - $80.00 Inv# MN325-00042 - $1,331.50 I nv# M N 190-00101 -$ 540.00 Inv# MN190-000160 - $5,049.90 Inv# MN190-00161 - $920.00 I nv# M N 190-00162 -$480.00 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Tha n ks, Julie CFieney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 1 Page� 4 Kenr��dy $� �r��r�r�, �I�art�r��1 2�[J �ou!h �ixt�r �tr�ee#, �uit� �7(l Minne��oli5, MN �5�}�2 �i#y �f �ll+o�kicells� A�U�u�t ��, 2(J19 N1N190-�}0161 �{�6� �h�els�a F�oad �"J Th�c�u�h Au�ust 31, 2019 F�r F�II L�g�l ��n+ices ,�s Fc�llo�wrs 8113r2C.9 MNI Dfa�t PA for �h�lsea R.aad �r€�perty " .. P. . r �' i� 3 ��+ •..-t � � �4 �.l -a� __ 'ti y�} ' s �� tii'� ,���+�{y y� 9 � . ti [ _ �'til Y 9 I" �� 1 , �4 � L— � ... . ,+1'4�d . j.��J- , Nc�urs 1 00 $;14,'2C119 MhJI Res�ar�h PA� f�rms f�r purcha�e of �Ci#y-�wn��i pr�per[y. ��Q ph�ne ,c+�nuersa�ion with J,J�rrnik c���rding s�:m�; dra�t P,� 8J1�f��J19 f��Nl #�e�rie� tit!e �om�niCrrs�en# for �hel�e�, vrai�ern�il ��s J fJ.7Q T'h�r�s reg�rdir�g wrc�ng p�rcel; �€��kir�u� arafting FA $l1�1�i�1 � Iu1Nl Reui��u P�1. pl�t�ne �[snerers�tion 5�+itt� J Th�r�s reg�rding Q�C� sar�e. T'otal �eruEce�: ��ou�# �Ol7.Qf} 46[7.�� ��� �0 12�1. C�t7 $ 920.t70 Total �er+rices an�J Di�bur�ements; � 92�,[�0 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 2:09 PM To: Julie Cheney �c: Sarah Rathlisberger Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) �ategories: Red Category Julie, these are all okay. Please code to: 213-46301-430400. The invoice for $5,049.90 will eventually be coded to a escrow deposit account to cover fees related to the UMC expansion project. Cannot say for sure when the deposit will be submitted (hope saon). From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 12:48 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these. Please submit by end of day tomorrow so they can be included in our check run on Wednesday. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 2:54 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00040 - $80.00 Inv# MN325-00042 - $1,331.50 I nv# M N 190-00101 -$ 540.00 Inv# MN190-000160 - $5,049.90 Inv# MN190-00161 - $920.00 I nv# M N 190-00162 -$480.00 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Tha n ks, Julie CFieney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 1 �IE� [�� �C��1tIC�w�Q .AkU��St 31, 2[}"�9 P�ge: S �{�r�r�ec�}r � �r�uen, ���r�er�d 2QC� 5�ukl� 5ixth Stre�t: �uit� 47� �� -� •, • �+1ir�neapolis, M1A�I �5dQ2 _ _ � ' _-� 1�� `��'.�' . ' } 4 � '� � ~� S �� '� ,7 �_� � .,5� •� °���� � �I '�� `4 � � ��� .,. - 1r . ��'y, .1� � 4 , L � r � `'I � M�11�D-001B� 86���dmonsc�nAve l�h�rc�ugh Aug��t 3�, 2019 Fc�r All Leg�l ��rv�i��s As �ol�o�vs: Hvurs �?�3?2Q19 M�ll ��gin; dr�ft of PA ior ��Im�onson �lwenue prcr�er� �.�� ��1 �?201� MNI f�e++ieut+ t�tle �omrriikm�nt f�rr Edrnons4n prcper*.�r; cortenue 0.8� dr�f",ing PA �I19d�0�� MNI Re�i�w� �A; phone ccrnversati�n with J Th�r�s r�gardir�g D.60 s a rrye Tot�l S�rvi��s; Arrg�u�# �OL� QO � 647 0�0 120 D(l � 4BU.�iO Total �ervir�� �nd a��bursem�nts: � 4€#�D.�00 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 2:09 PM To: Julie Cheney �c: Sarah Rathlisberger Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) �ategories: Red Category Julie, these are all okay. Please code to: 213-46301-430400. The invoice for $5,049.90 will eventually be coded to a escrow deposit account to cover fees related to the UMC expansion project. Cannot say for sure when the deposit will be submitted (hope saon). From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 12:48 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these. Please submit by end of day tomorrow so they can be included in our check run on Wednesday. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 2:54 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00040 - $80.00 Inv# MN325-00042 - $1,331.50 I nv# M N 190-00101 -$ 540.00 Inv# MN190-000160 - $5,049.90 Inv# MN190-00161 - $920.00 I nv# M N 190-00162 -$480.00 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Tha n ks, Julie CFieney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 1 �€�t xiihi� nv�ruui � S�. I i F:� � U �r,ra�,�nr����. �,�v s5n�6 City af Manti�ell� �tkn: l►�layn� (]b��rg, Finane� Dir�ctor 505 VVa�nui �tree#, �uit� 1 �+1�nticello, A+1N 55362-8831 m __� .... _�� �'� � ��F � `;�` �� �� ��_.__-__.�__�_ _,� , �; � 1 �, ��y � ���1 � �oi�� � �, i � �epterr�b�r 3(7, �C�19 Pr4�ecUlrrt�oice� R-r�1��2�-0t�0-8� Reviewe� �y: �r�k Weiss P�q���i Manager: James �r�pmb�rg 2C11� Ecc�nomic Deu�l�qpmen�: ��n+�ces �ity S#afF FCevie�v€�r - Jirr7 Th�re� +4�Ct # �'rt 3.463[l7 _4319� F�PU��55101'i�I ��fVjG@S �PC7IT7 �IU�LISt 'I . ��'I � #4 AW�USL .�1. �t}1� Phase ��1 2019 Econarxrie [�evel��m�nk Se�+ices 6Glonti�ly Retafner F�ees T��al Fee Rer�en# �am�l�#� Billings t� Date �,13(}O.OD 68.��67 To#�I E�rned 6�OC14.f7G Pre�+ious Fee BiPl�n� 5,25Q.�D0 C��rrerst Fee Billirrg 75{�.p[� T�ntal Fee 7�0_�D Tot�l thi� T�sk �7�{},{1Q Tqtal t#�is Phase �75�D.�1[i Curr�nt Rrior Fe� 7�0_�D 5,� ;{l C}0 Labcsr (J Q� 1,984.�0 To#als 75[��0� �,43�4.60 Tc�tal #his I��+�ic� �7�O.Of� T�t,�l �6,�0�}.p0 1 � 1$�I 5�1 7,184.50 ��q��st Date: �� ' I • a °� Ch�ek to: Harry T_ ��nto 90i �`'� �,ve � Buffala, Nlf� 55313 hrie�t��g� 1N�arked: CHE�IC REC�l1EST �heck A.m�aurs�; �'end�r #t: � - — Me�ting Dat� Ti rne j _ _ Planning �s�mrr�issiorr I � - � • � +� 9 � � r Ci�y �our��i� �, . ,� , I � � • � ��� � �� �� � � City Council I p�i ' � .� ' � � �' � � T�tal bu�: ���� �i�����,� �������s��, C�ty �oun�il: �Arn�ur�� L�u� � �� �4uthoriz�d ��_ � _ [3�te; � � ' � ' � I TIME �H�ET ATTACi�EC� � � �ity of �+w9�r�t`r�ello L�pda#ed Uetvber �018 c��rr c�F r� ����ic��� �� �. 7�1 h�1 E SH E ET NAiVIE; N�4�RY LI�f�T� F'O�ITkC��J: PUC�LI� f�1EETIN� R���R�ER - ��IVTf�A�T I��u�ts DATE TIME IN TIN1� �UT ������ MEETIN�G _ ��� , r_�.�� v s �� - � ��� �"`� ��= � s�, .�-�,� f`'� � - .� � 1�,�' __._.. ; ���� �� �; �. _ �� _ -. � � _ __ _ NIEETING PAYMENT: �60 F�R FI�S� 3 i��7UR� �10 F'FR HC�U� F�}R E1l�f�Y i��UR AF � rR F' h�E�TING RECC}R�7Ef�' �iARf�y� L�lTC� �.y�� , � I: ��.�' , ��, a.� `�IGNP,1LVRE; ' .r�`����� � � "�� �"i `�'. � �, � E ; � 1�.,�' � .� `� r°�1 � � �UTF�Ql�IZE4 I�'�. DATE: �'� ' , ` i � � � � � � � � 13E�:; 7s� r,v�: f°v r,ifl�l alvn�:,:'h. rw1iU 55441. p r6'i �I� ar�°0 , F rai =1:< a�.�I� � ae-mn,�r,rr� CITY {�F Ms�N'�I�EzLO 5�5 �J1+ALNUT STREET Mp�ITICELLC]. f�i�l $$��� �rtfe�ssi�n�l Serui�ces fc�rth� Peri�d: 8f11�i}1� to 8.'31F�D19 C7es��t�tifl� Bl�oc�t �2 B�und��ry ;ur�+ey A�ing �urr2mary In�roi�� FJumb�r 1��]SQ Inw�ice D�t� {J91181�019 Tot�l Tc�ta� f}uisk�ndir�g 4 92[1.0�0 �.9�0.0�0 In�+oice nurn4er 1�4�0 Da1e {]911$���719 Pro�e�# 15567 �ITY C)F F�1rJP�TICELLI] - BL�C�G �r2 gOU�J�]ARY SUF�'JEY C.�ntr�Ct P�rcer�C Am�u�i �vmpleCe 4,�2�7.�0 14� �i] a.�s�o.�o �a�a.00 Gurrent pv�r �Q 4,��� 4Q �4.92{].�C� 0.(��] ������� �.� �. . � ���' " - ''�n'�'� � . �. � Tc�tal Pritar �;:�rrrerti �iled Biil�d B�Iled d.9�[7 :7Q 0.(lG d.��0 �iQ a,��c�.00 o.�� a,��a �o t��,�o�� tata� a,��o.o� Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 220 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Anderson $4,920.00 Julie, this is okay to pay. Please code to: 213-46301-461500 "Redevelopment Activities" From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 12:49 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Anderson $4,920.00 Following up on this invoice also. Want to include in the check run Wednesday. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, September 23, 2019 2:14 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.TharesC�ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Anderson $4,92Q.00 Jim Attached is Inv# 14050 from Anderson for Block 52 survey. okay to pay $4,920.00? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie CFieney Finance Assistant City of Monticella 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us � i���t��}�11� :�� . Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act nnd may be disclosed to third parties. i 0 z 0 4 � C � � � a 0 .� L U a L �r�. C , m I m � I � 0 0 � .a O O N N � N M� 11 �!1 N N M N � � � O O � O � N � N � � � � O � M ,� Q O � O � ;.j `L •-~ 'y�'' -• 'y�' � � ]J :J Q � � y V] C� '� '} � aJ ' � O Q O p � A !17 C ;I] y� rC � �i y � � � � w � H w � � .� � o„ � � W a � > z � z � w h � .� v w � C� z � ¢ .� a .� o w z o � N 0 0 0 � � N :J1 7 � 0 M �'i N l�tsrtl3land �-+c�4 uriki��, lr��, 7 5�i1 �{suth �if�17 tikr��*k ��iiEt :3?.00 �[iniz£ ��-+rsli.s. T�T1�+1 �r��U? L:S,� 11I�?i,Ce: ��1* �51-5�0(} �'�7C, a}1=��1-5c];l �oId Tt�: E.it}� a7r'4���rati[�e]li} j�i�� T17<7r,�w, L��.}i�c+rnic L���- I�i�� �[?� li�'e3ln�ik�tre�t,�uite 1 n.�i{��,�;�-��n{,, ���� ��:�,� ��������� SEC�IRITIES C�ustorn�r P� C'ayrnent Tex�ns Sales Iie�� iD E:�t_ �,r �1�EE- ��� � Ptic�t �C� L>t�� � I?escryz�tior� �J-�}r u�r��-iri�w r4�li�t���l t�x l��t�tE;aowk�.rn��ttt a-�f 1�7x irrc�rah�lt�nE ]�inxncin�; �i�tri�•k �lc�, ]� ], --- -- -- f Ita�� ��: �n4lc�s���1 tle�ii�. �� : `, ��' , � � �i -' � �'�. ' � _ _�' �i '� ' r .i �� �: � - - y���s 7 � � - � l,�y ��� - �' � � ��: �� ti� � . , ��4; ', � �" � � �' �� �� �, � ,�, ��: � C']i � k � c�: ��� ���roi�e In��s�ice Nurnb�e�r: �ti9C �nuoi�e D�t�: IU+'sr']� F�y �'�, [ L�ue []a#� 11,�'1'l� .4n�ou.r�k [ �I.)�.17�1� � � , ��. �, ���� � Su b t�� t�l �� .��:�� �x� ��1�� T��x �[� 4� �:� l I l� V oiC e r'� n1 c a��r� k 1,:3(15. {?l1 I'�.�'t�Y�l� k ,i���ei�.� ��i TC7��'�L ."Neen€�i�-�i�1-59� � =.�'sl.::.-:�,.�t'{ill]-�i3]-?s3�0 � Fa�Erl�-t'i�i-���r ]�[l S�it�iC� i=�f th �tr�et. 5ui te :�3i?I I� P�Ti�t[�e�p�tis. h�t� 3�.�I1; :`�'r� i lll I�] rt� x��€� r�tit�_i nm hi�hulwr �l.r+.'i4t1 ur�i� S�!'�C. T�e qisti+rref a+rtle ,Sf_ C: Qird ��95RE �li�nt: Projeci: ����� ��� � PLIB�IC FtlNA�IC� II��'(l[CE SU�P[_Fh•rE�hl�°` ��it�� �,Y'�lc}ntrcel�n LStabli�hment af Tax �5��r�m,ent Fin�r��irr� distric4 ha'c�_ 1-�1 Cnnt�rk: Jim Thar�� Fc4�i�«iti�ic �k?1���upm�ent i�4�n3�er �'it�� oF h��t��ntirelJc� �[)� �1^{zlnut Street Suite Z 141{.,ntice[lca, h°f'� �5ab2 Billin� �'�ri�,d; Se�t�mt�er 21119 �,ew�tr�s F'erformed � Ct}r�Y�r�::3rr� tt•it8�,.�i;� �k,at; t}n calen�iara��� fuT��;ir��; �c}urce� • �.��ac��te r�rs�fk �1'I�� !'fan ba�e,i cxr� di�ru�.fialrrt ti��ikh �Ea�f • C.�,rrFcr��a�� ���,I1 �e�ith �t�ff �nd att�rrn[��� cs� �r�,j�ect f�Vn�ing st�ur�cs • C;.a,nf�reer�e ���ith �kaf! c�rr T]F �raii t;�x �ba�ement scensrit�� • I'ri }�rP�r�� 4�.}�i��tec� t�indu7� �cc n�rie� tlriti �eesent kir Cit�' stafF +� I�c�lv�,ti��-up �s+��ith e9t�' �t�fF �nci ��#keFme3• c3� f�ans�in� sec n�ei¢i� Si�Ff "f�irne Expenses �uta1 T1xis Period G'��sitic�n �en�t�r 1'r�7t�yw�0�,nt�l f'r��fes�i��nsil �v�+�4x�t I t�tf�l titaft ��7 a deta �e ]'rir�ting C.JMkher Ti}ta] E+�pensL; Praj ect Su�ttimary� l i)ficil E7L14�'�'.C'C ]�iljei� This f'�ric3� 13i1]e�i Pr;�u•ec+us Bt�d�et B��n3au�sn� lluues T{at� Billable 7.�� $313(! 41, ��1 +.�J17 w]�� Sl"1.�.`�l 511� �0_�'�4? . . "� � �41, 3U �.lit� 1�inrthlar�d S�cwriki€��. lnc. ]�a�e 2 r�f 2 Jufi� �h�ene�r ���rn: Sa�rah R�thlisk�er��r 5ent: h�lan�ay. C�Cts�ber �1, 201� �:2$ AM To: �im Tf��res; Julie Ch�en�y S��ject: RE: Ne�r-Ch:lar�d �e�uriti�s $1.3L�5.QC] Jim, TYie ����c�unt far E�A e��ra��s is �1�-OQQ�0-��0110, 'While there is r�o rrEoney depo5ited i� �trer� fr€�m U�+11C yet, th� �x���ndi[ur�s are �t�ld �etng ���l�d th�re fo� when t}7� money dc��� �qrx�e in, AJI esrro��+ invcri�es 5hn�uld stay aut c7f C��e E�,�'s exper��dit��re accounts frr�rn [h� v��ery begi�irrir�g �5 we rraay mi�s so�e vwhen adjusting �a#�r �rsd then the Eb�i ��uld end u� t�verirag th�sQ eost� vahe�n th�y 5h�uldn"t be. Th�rwk y��� �ar�k� Rathl��b�rger, c��o� Finan�e I�ar�a��r City c�f Monticello, MN T�el� i63-�71-3��1 �ax: 763-2�5-���4 f��}T�� �"fae �'r�r��er7ts v,f ef�rs E-arar�a� raapy �pratar,� rrrforrrr�rr�'�rr tf�[�t i� �e��r�f,� �rivr"�ege� �r�c�/arr corrfr�deFlf+"��� io t�ae r�amed r'�cr�iera#� Thrs rr�fprrn�tro�r rs rrc�t to f�� trse�f by �aray other persr�n r�r��!fDr org�r�trotr�n. T�e vie�vs expressed �rr ��r� dn��arr���# d� r�o� �aecesscrr��y ��f�ect tFaose +�f �h� C�ty of Montiee��c�. fm�r� e'c�rre�p�ndenr� to ��nd,�rc�rn C'rty .e,f 19✓��rr�ticedJ[� governrr�ent +�,ffre�s is sa�bf�rt to th� �t�i��5c�t� Gc�v�r�rrrrer�� �J[�fe� fire�ct�ces r�n� ra�[ry be �'rsc�crsed �� rd�rr�} ��,rties. Fram: Jim Thar�S �Jim.Th�res�a �i_man�i�2lpo,�rr�n.us> Sent; Friday, U�t€�b�r 18; 2�19 11:�T,4h+1 To; J�rlie �Fi�n�y �Jufie.����ney c�i �i,manti��llp_mn.us� ��: S�rah R�thlisber��r�Sar�h�.F��thPisber�er�ci.monti�ello_rr��.us> Subject; R�� �i�rrthl�nd Se�cur�ties $1,3Q5.QiJ Juli�, th�is inv�a�[e i� okay tp p�y. Ple�s� [ode to UMC E��r�v�+ ACCour�t fund �r��y[hiC�l ��Count r thir�kj. ff you r�e��i � re�l accaunt, .iA c�n �a� ��d�d ta ��3-4��01-43�4Q�S f�r tFre tim� beir�g �,wi�h ih� un€ie�stan�Jing tf��t it vsrall need to �e recr�ded to the L!N]C es�rr w����unt in the fut�ure (�s[wr��te �rf �i(} to 1��7 day� for [h� �5�rorrr set upj� Fr�m; lulee Ch�r�2y �l�ilis�_C��� re��k°;�r_ i.�7,�nti��!Ira.r•r7r,��,�� Sent: Frid�y. �?Ctn��r 18, 2C71� 11:�6 AM ��: J�rrr Th���S <�irT'e,T#ic�res(� CI�R`�i��ir.�IlCr.�71r�.�iS> Subject: F�+: Ns�rthP�nd Securities $1,�05_{lC� Foltcs�aing up �n th,is inv�i�e. Thanks' Fr�m; Julie �h�r��y 5errt; fvlo�d�y, Qrtob�r 7, ��1� 1'1� Phr1 Tca:Jim Thares �Jirr�.Ti��rf����c.i,n�r�rrtieelwc�,rnr��.u�> '��bje�tt: h�orthlartd Se�urities �1.��J5_�C} Ji�7 �tt�ch�ti i� N�rthland Sec�r�tie5 Inv# 5��C1. pk��{ to p�y �1,305.C}�? Please prc�+vid� c�d�r�g, Thanks, .}it�"ri' ( {it'12i-'L�# F�nance As���tar�t �ity �f �,anti���lv i63-271�32�5 Ju'i�. �h,�_r��y���.�nan'icel€o.�n.�.is ��C�ci_rr��n#ic�llo.mri.us s .-�:�� ��r���a���� �rr�ar`! �or-r-�s�rrar��{er�ce to a�d fr�orrr tfre C�ty c�� 1C�or�t�c�llo gov�err�rne�rt vffr`ce� �s scr�r,�ect io t�re �ir�n�sot�a �ov�rrrrtrerr� Data �*rc�et�e�s A�� a€�d m�}r �e dis��crse�f to thr'r�d �rr��re�. � �� Ju�i� �h�ney �rarn: B�,Ils�ye ?rt�p�rty h���r��r��rr�erit & R��Ity <rrra�IC�n�aragebui ding.cerm� 5,�nt: Sat�rda�, C7ctober 12, ��11 � 3:11 �M T o�; A P 5�abjec#; Le43se stat�rnenC fc�r Bro�dy�r�y P�rking �2�e�rrer�t - CC�fUh��ERCIAL - 2 as �f 1�172/2�11� � Bulls�+�e Proper#y A+lanageme�t & Real�y PLL-rlSE �c�T'E.: DQ �iC�T REPL"�� TCl THTS G��r�T[, .�,I��R!'.SS �I�his ess�ail mc�sa�c ����s s�nt �i��rm a no�i2icatic+er-t�nl�� ti�i$res4 ��i�� ��u�noi �c�:�p� inc��iTiai7� �r�i;til. ����� �t�t��r��n� �s ��` ��} 1 �3-1 �-1 � �ity� �f ��nti�ell� Econ€�rr�ic [����loprrr�r�t P,�athcrrity 3� L�k�e �t ��i#� 5fl� B�g La�k�, fVlf� 553�� D�t� Pri�r balan�e M�;m� 7f25��4719 P�}rm�n� 8J1���1� �v�man A�r�;a M�int�n�nc� �f�8��01 � P�y�men# �I����1� Common Are� N��irrten�rrce 9I2612�7�� P�yment 1{}I1 J�Q'f 9 Cornrnon ►�r�� M�int��r� nce 1 �11��019 C�ommar� A�re� h�lair�t�r��ne� ���.����. ��`��C� Acce�ur�t #: 044��9�4 �rrr�unt Bafar�ce (�1�1.��) �,5121_��j 51�1,�� ��.��0 �1�1.�6� �121_6� Bal�n�e due: '�'1�1.�6�0 Fr���rn�.11t ]�; C�LIt i±[5 l�l�: ��i}l t�t�[�1�. 111C7C71E�, lf ��1��[31�I1i lti.il'i res�ei����i_ a�ar��-4int�~ T`�e �qt��°�1 t�� l�"f� L�I'i,tlt�t.�t�t�i���4� !,;�lb�r�ces �e-al] k►e cl��r�e�l cm �l}� �iti� 4}t e.��l} m�nttl, :�la��a�e �•�ur acc��unk c�nline: httJ�:��h��l:�e�c5�,rn�aertie�.rtyar�a�e�u�lciing.c�rn f���ll�i����.� �'ri�}�crt�.- ����������err��nt � �{e;�l[�� ��.�-`���-(i�{��i f�uirili���t� c�::bull��°}���1 �.�c�ar� � 0 z 0 4 � C � � � C O .� L U a 0 J ~ I � � N N I � o� o� I O� I � I I � � ��� o000 M N O� Ol '.h O� 01 O� Ol Ol � � O O O O O O O O � N `-' N\ N `-' N N N N ^ u" '' O� �v�j Ol T� `J` M 01 O� Ol Ol � ,p '."j N �p N N N � N N N N � O O � O � O � G O O O rt ;j `� .-y '«+�' _. .-, .-y '«+�' .-. .-. _. _. 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Fi�ance Hum�n R�e�vur[e5 Plarrnin� �nd Zc�r�ing [7�t� Pra���sing Economi� DeveEopme HRA Circle �xp�ns� �cvde: 421�90 �aeneral Operati�rg �uppli�s 43195Q �lew�lett�� Servi�es 4�1��p Nlise�ellane�us Pr�pfS�r�+i�es 43��iJ� P+�st��e ��3310L]__-�-_ . —��`Tra+�elfTrainpngExper�Se ---� 44 du�� Membe�r5hi� $c SubStri�. 4437{J�J Li�ens�5 �nd Perrr�it� 443��� Mis�, Clther Ex�rer�5e C)ther Jim Thare� S�u�rJ+�ct: �a�cation: �t� rt; End: Recurren�[e; M�eeting 5tatu,; �rganix�r; R�quir�d A#ten�ees: Meetin,� with J�sien� Fc�S�, Exe�a�4iv� Di�e[to�r Qowntowr� Couneil, ��_ CI�a��1 ��. Cl��d TBD F�i 1��4{�p 19 12=0� P�1 Fri 101�f�'0�19 1;�0 PM1 (none} h�leetirug or�anizer Jii~n Th��r�5 Jc�l�n���t�lour��lc��h+�t�wn,tc�m; Jeff �]'�leill; 1�ngela Schum�nn Nleeti ng #o di5�u�s mod�I dowvr�t�wn vibr�n�yr ar�d acti+ritie� ide��. i�f�K:i� i ri � ft71���i; ��:��� ;;�, �rt,���• ;�:�;_t !':r�:r::J' l.liNi4: A�',dl.' i 1 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Friday, September 6, 2019 9:41 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 9119WEBINSERTS2.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RES Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 10/1/2019 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-004 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 130 BROADWAY E S/1/2019 to 8/31/2019 (31 days) 9/S/2019 10/1/2019 Current Reading Date Reading Cons ($1.00) ($0.50) $7.00 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $ 0.00 $5.50 $5.50 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Friday, September 6, 2019 9:41 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 9119WEBINSERTS2.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RES Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 10/1/2019 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-007 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 103 PINE ST S/1/2019 to 8/31/2019 (31 days) 9/S/2019 10/1/2019 Current Reading Date Reading To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Cons $0.00 $7.10 ($1.00) ($0.50) $9.00 $0.18 $7.00 $21.78 $21.78 $21.78 $ 0.00 $21.78 $21.78 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Friday, September 6, 2019 9:41 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 9119WEBINSERTS2.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 68621907 8/1/2019 41115 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Consumption Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Consumption Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Consumption Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RES Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 10/1/2019 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. � 007256-008 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 112 RIVER ST W S/1/2019 to 8/31/2019 (31 days) 9/S/2019 10/1/2019 Current Reading Date Reading 9/1/2019 41118 Cons 3 $0.00 $0.00 $7.10 ($1.00) ($0.50) $0.00 $9.00 $0.00 $0.18 $7.00 $21.78 $21.78 $21.78 $0.00 $21.78 $21.78 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. �Ien€��r����.f'�''� � D�t� c�f Tr$nsact�on � �� crr�r �� r�orw��rc���� ���s# ��rd TransackJ�n I�i�ase �tt��c#� the inv�ice,f rec�i�rt �n� ar�y ot�her a��sl�b�e d�cur�rer�tation to �hi� #orrnP i�+ � �or�npl�eted b�+ rw.rc#�as�r: �knnourtt $ �� -� CirCfe p�1rCh�5�� 11�me: I��ka�i�. id5�n _. _� .�uiie �Ci�erre� Expen�� ��od� � . � � .'�-��� �'7 (�' � �' � , � � � �! 141ontieello �ham#rer vf �Comm�rca and Indk�stry �t}5 Pinv '�tr�et PC� Box "�� Mvn#i�ello. fv1�J ��382 (7v3� �9�-�iDG � f�x. �;7��} ��5.27G'S info�monticellc�ct� c�m Monki�llo �ity �f A�ourrts Payable �[�5 V4ra3+�uk St•eet SUii� #1 �florkic�llo. r,�N ��,�52 �Je aPpreciaCe yuur pr��np# payrry�nt. �es�.rip#ion C:h�m��r �U��ch. Men`�ef -F �" �� � r'wt- � � ' i� _ � �. =+ �-'_"-J � t5 Y+ I � . ... --� � �� � _�— _ <<� �: s`�,ti�� ,�i��� � � �(�19 d � 'R ��1ti1�IC� Involce [7ate' $!2�l1� IFFYOIC£ FiWfil�}�F: ����� �ccoun# ID; Te�rns N�: 9 � Quantity Rate 1 $' S_ JO Subto#aE� Tax; Tot� I = Payrr��nt}Credit Ap�l'ied_ g��ance; Q�xe bat� ���` 1:�,+ 19 Amt��un# $95 C� a1�.00 $4_Ua S15_�� �O.OQ y15.Ud Ju[i� �h�ne�y Frc�m: 5ent: Tv: Subject: At#ac�rrrients: �Cf1C f 1I31: M�r�y,�nderson �rr��re�r�mc�nticellc����.corn� TFrursdd�', ,�lugust �C9, �D19 11�23 ACw1 AP Inuoiee frorn hAt�nti��llp �h�mb�r of Carnmer�e and �ndustry 5���.ptif Y`c�ur in��cai��� fi�r t�ie �'h�tnlher lun�hec�n i� �ttacl�ed, �`I�:�s�. r�t�lit }��r�°rtgt:r�! tit �'i�u�-earlie5l �c�r����ni�nc�. '�'�u ��ill tinc� a lin� �t th� �c�tlt�ixr c�i�thi� �t��ail t� �a�� �ilEs �rilir��:, �i��cerel��. �'(i�ntis:�llc� C'llat��ber of �'�niroi�ece ar�d Ittidu��r� {7�iaj �9�-?iC1�1 Tc� ��i����1pa�- }�ilLs c��Y1it��, p1�:�s�: �.lic� i�cr�. -7 � . e . . , _ � .. . , . ., . �a+sl._ 4:P:�r,.._`r.., �_;..�:rr i..�..�. ,� i.l I��r:.islry� U'r L.rr..y'hr��r� �A?' C��rinty R's.3d r? t+l���°rs°�i ra'�V ��r,�X��;�: Tc� :,r��,�a�,�:.r��,� �I�k here It yo�� have �ue�iic�ns or cort�mentis �onoern�ng sl��s �re�a�l ar �r�tiulh�csr�e ���w��� �r, generai. pl�as� c�r*.[act u� byr e�na�l el SL��J_:�ill.,.c:.l.i�. ..._ . .. ..".E' Julie Ch�ney Fratr�: �irn Thares 5�nt: Fris�ay, .4ugu�t 3�}, �U19 9:07 AN1 ��; Julie C��ney �ubjec#: RE: Ir7v�i�e fr�orr� h,+lontic�il� C�ar�rber �f �s�mr�erc€� �r��d Industry Julie, t�os is ok�y tt� pay. From: Julie �heney <J�Iie,Chers�y�ei_mqn#�cell�,mn,us� �ent: T�rurSd��, +�u��st �9, 2t�1� 2:�i6 PI'� T�: Jirri Thares �Jirn_Th�res�+a ci,mo�nticello_mn_us> Subjeet: �1N= Ir�wqie� �rt�m Mvntic,ell� �Ch�mf��r r�f C+�mrnere� �nd Industry Jirrr O�ay t[� ��y �15 for you� Ch���Y7E��r I�rnch� T��drtiks J�ili� �r+�m: MarcyAn[l���r�n [m�ilt��i7i�rey[�rr�onta�[�Ilo�ci.�om] '�ent: Tf��rsd�y, �ku�ust 29, �pl� 11;��6 Af�l Ta;,�P �AP��ci_rr�pr�6iC�IIC�,rnn,us� 5u�bje[t. Ir�w�oi�� frorri Mont��el�o Ch�rr,ber of �ommerc� 3n�' Industry ��;it" ��C)I'lllll� : 4�c�tu- ir7��c�i�� k���' t}le �C'}1�►�1tk��.r lu�ticl��c.?t� i5 ��ttt��h�c�_ f'i����� �'�tt�it pa��m�.ni at ��c�a�r ��`�t'li�.st cc�n�,°enie�lc�.. �'c�u ���il] lin�i � lit��: �t th�. ki��kti��rt3 �7i'�his et7���i1 tc� }�a�= hill� c���lin�. �i��r�r�l�. ;��ic��l�ic�llc� �`i�ai��ber c.�f`C'c�����r�er-ce aiid ln�ustrv � (7�i3) �.9�+-�'7[1C1 "I"c� ���G����p�} k�ifls �anlini, }��ea�� clic� hc.r� p, ,.; .. 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[�•:J $1�.p0 $O,bb $7 5.04 $4.Od $7 �.00 �ulie C�ene�+ Frrt�rn: .ii�r� Thares Sent; h�l�rnday, 5ept�mber 23, 2019 8:42 A'v1 To: ,��.,lie �her�ey' Subj�ect: f�E: Ir��r�i�e fresm Munkirella Charnber �f C�rnrrie��e �r�d Ir�dustry Y�S� Tf7�k iS �]k��r [C� p�y� �f�3Ff�; �4o�i� ��t��l�y �jU�j�,��1��1��f�Cl.rT'i4�1[i��d�0-�7'I�1.�15> S�nt: Nlo��day, 5ept�r�rher 23, 2{]19 8:1{� AI1A Te�: �im Th�r�s �Jirro.T�rar�s=�ci.m�nticell4.mn.u�> Subject; F�,"4; Invoi�e fr�rm f+llnnti�ell[� �h�mber�f Cc+rnmer�e �n� Industr+y 5ee atta�hed �nv€�i�ee frorrk the �hambe�, �k�y tt� p�+�'? Fr,�m; I`�,�1�rcy An�fers�n [rnaiEt�=rx�af��+��nontGcellc��ci,e�rr�] �er�t: Frid�y, ��pt2mber �0, ��1�9 11=�74 AI�1 Tt�: A.R �AP[�7Ci.�r��nticella.nnn�us> 5�bject; In�roi�� frorn P��1o�rti[ellt� Ch�mber �f C:c�rr�rr��r�e ��+� I��duStry 1.����[�.1ir��: 1''s.�ur in, c�i�� li�r �h� �'l�ar�,htr ttin�iie��i is att.����e�1, Please r����it ���'i�7�nt �t �,'���ir ��r�ie�t cc�n����i�itr�c�. �r°c�u ��-ill Ei��ii ,� lir�1� �l �11e }�c�itc�rn �]f-thi� r�t�r�il t�� }�a��` bills �7r�lirt�., :�i�ti�cri;]e. �1c,�1�i�cllc, ["l�a�t���r �}1��`�rr�rn�r�e an�� li�ci�astrti- (7Crij 4i7,�-��(��.1 ' T�$ ��ie���'�ra�' hills c]nl�r�c, pl�ase c€ie� h�r�e Thi� ernai w�s s��; ;:r. b�half �,i tu4c�rtic�ila �hamb�r c�f Camrn�rc� and induskiy t�y �arawk�iZo7e, A#�37 Caun;y �oar� 77. N��sw� P4lN �64fi� Ta uns�,hsr,r,h� h� �k ,h� I€ ytru haw� quesi�on� ar co�nme�rR� c4ncerni:�g tY��� �r*�.ad or GrawshZan� ser+rice� nn gener�l. pl��se cor�kaek us by �ernai+ a[ " .:;.,.,.. .Mr7ri1 5_4l���4�;u:!:.� , i.�r,:.or, Juli� �hertey� - Frcm: Sent: T�: 5ubjec#: Aut€�-R�ceipt <�c�reply�c�rn�ai .��thorize.net> Nionday, Septerr��er .��, ��1.4 1 �3�? P�+1 AP Transaction R���ipt frorn '�1�nt�celio �harrob�r c�f �om^ner�e �t I�dUst�y for 515,[]� (,1�5�� �}i�Cil�}91[}Il T�tlki-�f��'.' 1�1'�i �[54s}di: ri4�� �;��i.'o�-'14.�I�a7 {_'il� SII� . 4�7i]L'7�I�'LF Q_S.IIIl�. 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Mernb�r �1 �.Of}(G12Ss: � $1:a.00 pf� � Crand Total, $15 0� T�i�is f��a�t�el �� t�� tilltC�l�7�1[I�t7jj'� ��[lLrt�t�ii. Ft)r i�U�StfL�T1S �7C f�C�i9l�t«�k, �l�ase cc�ntact 4�s �t: 14�i��»ticcl�o �"t��rryl�er e,f �'�s��m�e•cc :�a�cl lr��l�str�� �ll� f'iilc �1r��.t i��� f�c>�; l�J? O1t�i�1i��Clc�. it1:�l j� i�ii ( �i �� �3 ) � {) � -? 7 C}�J it�f����� �t���nti�.�.11c��:ci_�c]�rr i7tt�?:';`��`I".'1�'.Tllt?[3ll('�� ��SCCI,�C?Tll l��nd�r �_._ — D�t� af Tran�acti�n � � � ! � i �J �ir� c�� nno�vr���«.+� �City Hall �arc� Tran�act��n �le�se �t��ei� the invaic�ej'receipt �nrd any �th�er a+ra�labl� d��urr�e�tatiar� ts� �hi� #�rm. T� be corrxp�ete�d by purtlh�ser: Ar1�loun# $ �''^` Cfrcle purchas�r narne; Tr� Vi�ki Le�r�rof� Ftach� Je#F �'hfeill 'UVdyn� Q�erg S�r�h� Rat�lisberger 1�ennifer S�f�reib�r A�€�g�la Schumann 1im Th�res ,�a�ob Thur�an�J�*r Err�Qloyee 5ig�rat @Nl5{if � 1 L! � � �� �� �� aa�� pv�d �� - - Spe�la� �roject t� cr �escrfptfo�s C�rci� dep��trn�nt c�dl�: Cir�l� �exp�n�e cad�: 421��� 43195� ��1��� ������ 4331�U 843�Op 443700 43990 �#her City �o��nci I Atfmi r�i5t�r�tibn Elections F�nar��e Mur�rar� Fdesources Pl�nr�ing �rad �oning D�t� Prc�c��s�rwg City Fiall Ecc�nc,rr�ir D�velc�pment HR� �ien�ral C}p�e�a�ing Su��rlies Mewsl�##er Servic�s N1i�ce�lan���as �'raf Servite�s Postag� Tra+�el/Trair�ing �s��ens� Dues M�rrrt�ers�rip & Substrip Li�en��5 �nd Permit5 MiSC_ �7'#her' Ex�enS� ������ ��r no� r� �� � MGNTTGE�_L�' - 76�-271-i10£� 0�l111�Oi;! �':3:2� F�M EMF���S 1�/.Uf19 �11I � �II����I I�� I��I .I���� ����� �7�13L���� � ��R�PAREa FN ��4.99 �JBFOT�L $�0.98 Id0 tiU{ $�D.�O T(ITAL $3G . 38 =1C�45 b I5A CHflF�G� �� . �$ A k a = .AC�O�]�C��031Q1 �lp 1 1�IS� ::F�EQI�i .RLLRI.-3l..A�—C1�lJ—��� / � ` 1 #���—i Y4a4AR /�4%-4J.7—' 1 �� H�lp make v��ur T�gat Run �sett�r, Ta�ke � 2�nir,ute sWr�w�+� �I�aut tc�d�y�s t�i�a: USe���4��7'�5��2�A� Pa� sr►or`d : 5�8 195 CI�N �f I��S £N E�PAr�O�. F�le�se taMca t�is s�rv�,+ within 7 d�yr�. EDA: 11/13/19 5. Consideration of adoptin� Resolution #2019-09 authorizin� enterin� into a Purchase Agreement between the EDA and George and Maureen Larson in the amount of $92,500 for the acquisition of a residential propertv located at 300 East 4th Street, rTn #issoi9oosoio�JT� A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is to ask the EDA to consider adopting Resolution #2019-09 authorizing entering into a purchase agreement between the EDA and George and Maureen Larson for the acquisition of a residential property located at 300 East 4th Street. The property is located in a residential neighborhood and is adjacent to an undeveloped City street right of way (Palm Street). The property is flat and approximately 22,138 square feet in size. It backs up to the BNSF Rail line to the south. Wright County has a 2019 assessed valuation of $141,400 for the property. Of that amount, the land is valued at $55,000 while the house, built in 1910, has a value of $86,400. The home has been a rental property for a number of years and has some deferred maintenance. Staff recently confirmed with the seller that the house is now vacant and that relocation benefit payments would not be a part of the EDA purchase offer. The property also has a concrete block garage that may be partially encroaching onto the Palm Street right of way. The proposed purchase price is $92,500. If the EDA approves the purchase agreement, staff would recommend that the house and the garage be demolished in 2020. As a reminder, the EDA purchased a 22,108 square foot lot (224 - 4th Street East) on the west side of the Palm Street right of way in January 2018. If the EDA approves the purchase agreement, the total consolidated City and EDA owned land would be 1.60 acres (70,646 +/- square feet). If the EDA acquires this lot, it could begin to market the combined City and EDA owned property as a site for a multi-family development. The exact timeline of such proactive steps has not yet been determined. The purchase agreement and Resolution #2019-09 are attached for the EDA's review and consideration. Per State Statutes, the Planning Commission considered the proposed acquisition of the property in the context of conformity to the Comprehensive Plan and approved its resolution unanimously at their regular November 4, 2019 meeting. The PC resolution is also attached for your review. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The staff impact from acquiring the residential lot is expected to be short-term and involve work related to obtaining hazardous materials survey quotes followed by any required materials removal and structure demolition quotes. Each of those quote processes would most likely be followed by entering into and managing contracts for the specific work product. The EDA recently directed demolition activities to occur for a single-family home, located at 255 East Broadway, that it acquired in early 2018. With that familiarity, staff is well versed in the process and time commitment to carry out similar work activities. EDA: 11/13/19 A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The funding source required to purchase 300 4th Street East will be the EDA General Fund. The impact of the expenditure will be a direct reduction in the General Fund Balance in amount equal to the purchase price and closing costs estimated to be about $1,100 (total of $93,600 +/-). As of September 30, 2019, the General Fund Balance stood at approximately $1,680,000. There is currently sufficient funding to consummate the purchase of the property as well as pursue other mid to long- term EDA obj ectives related to housing and redevelopment activities. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve Resolution #2019-09 authorizing the purchase of a residential property located at 300 East Street. 2. Motion to deny approval of Resolution #2019-09 authorizing the purchase of a residential property located at 300 East 4th Street. Motion to table consideration of the purchase and direct staff accordingly. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The EDA has a unique opportunity to consolidate an additional lot into two other parcels under the control of the EDA and City, thereby forming a land tract area of about 70,646 +/- square feet. The EDA should establish a public purpose when purchasing property which has been identified in the draft resolution as a potential community revitalization proj ect site. Per the City Strategic Plan completed in 2017 and updated in 2018, Goal #1. "Create and Preserve Sustainable Livability" specifically relates to obj ectives supporting the development of a diverse mix of housing, including affordable units. The consolidated 4th Street area may be an effective and functional future workforce housing development site. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Resolution #2019-09 b. Purchase Agreement c. County Property Information and Aerial Photo of Property d. Zoning Map e. Planning Commission Resolution #2019-34 2 EDA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-XX RESOLUTION APPROVING PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR THE ACQUISITION OF 300 EAST 4TH STREET BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Commissioners ("Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The Authority and George E. Larson and Maureen F. Larson (together, the "Seller") desire to enter into a purchase agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") pursuant to which the Authority will acquire certain property located at 300 East 4th Street (the "Property") in the City of Monticello (the "City") from the Seller for redevelopment purposes. The Property is described in Exhibit A attached hereto. 1.02. Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, the Authority will purchase the Properry from the Seller for a total purchase price of $92,500 plus related closing costs. 1.03. The Authority finds that acquisition of the Property conforms to the City's comprehensive plan and Small Area Study, as approved by the City and Authority, and will facilitate the economic redevelopment and revitalization of this portion of the City. 1.04. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.356, subd. 2, the Planning Commission of the City met on November 4, 2019, to review the proposed acquisition and found that such acquisition conforms to the City's Comprehensive Plan. Section 2. Purchase A�reement A�roved. 2.01. The Authority hereby approves the Purchase Agreement in substantially the form presented to the Authority, subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by the President and Executive Director, provided that execution of the Purchase Agreement by those officials shall be conclusive evidence of their approval. 2.02. Authority staff and officials are authorized to take all actions necessary to perform the Authority's obligations under the Purchase Agreement as a whole, including without limitation execution of any documents to which the Authority is a party referenced in or attached to the Purchase Agreement, and any other documents necessary to acquire the Property from the Seller, all as described in the Purchase Agreement. 1 619493v1MN325-44 Approved this 13th day of November, 2019, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. President ATTEST: Executive Director 619493v1MN325-44 EXHIBIT A PROPERTY Lots One and Ten of Block "H" in A. C. Riggs Addition to Town of Lower Monticello, according to the plat on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds in and for Wright County, Minnesota. A-1 619493v1MN325-44 PURCHASE AGREEMENT 300 East 4th Street, Monticello, MN 1. PARTIES. This purchase agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") is made this _ day of November, 2019 (the "Effective Date"), by and between George E. and Maureen F. Larson, married to each other (together, the "Seller") and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota (the "Buyer"). 2. SUBJECT PROPERTY. The Seller is the owner of that certain real estate (the "Property") located at 300 East 4m Street in Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota and legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto. 3. OFFER/ACCEPTANCE. In consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained, the Buyer offers and agrees to purchase and the Seller agrees to sell the Properry pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Purchase Agreement. 4. CONTINGENCIES. This Purchase Agreement is contingent upon the following: A. Approval of this Purchase Agreement by the Buyer's governing body; B. Written findings by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello that the acquisition of the Property conforms to the City Comprehensive Plan; C. The Buyer conducting an investigation on the Property and receiving a report that is satisfactory to the Buyer as provided in Section 8 of this Purchase Agreement; D. Condition of title being satisfactory to the Buyer following the Buyer's examination of title as provided in Section 11 of this Purchase Agreement. The Buyer shall have until the Closing Date (as defined in Section 7 of this Purchase Agreement) to remove the foregoing contingencies. The contingencies are solely for the benefit of the Buyer and Contingencies C and D may be waived by the Buyer. If the contingencies are duly satisfied or waived, then the Buyer and the Seller shall proceed to close the transaction as contemplated herein. If, however, if one or more of the contingencies is not satisfied, or is not satisfied on time, and is not waived by the Buyer, this Purchase Agreement shall thereupon be void, at the option of the Buyer. If this Purchase Agreement is voided by the Buyer, the Buyer and the Seller shall execute and deliver to each other a termination of this Purchase Agreement. 5. NO PERSONAL PROPERTY INCLUDED IN SALE. There are no items of personal property included in this sale. Seller shall remove all personal property prior to the Closing Date. 6. PURCHASE PRICE AND TERMS: A. CONSIDERATION: The Buyer shall pay the Seller $92,500.00 for the Property. 1 617427v1MN325-6 B. TERMS: Earnest Money. No earnest money is payable under this Purchase Agreement. 2. Balance of Payment. The entire purchase price of $92,500.00, as adjusted for closing pro-rations and adjustments as hereinafter provided, shall be paid to the Seller by the Buyer on the Closing Date. 7. CLOSING DATE. The closing of the sale of the Property shall take place on or before December 6, 2019 (the "Closing Date"), unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties. The closing shall take place at Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN or such other location as mutually agreed upon by the parties. 8. DUE DILIGENCE; ACCESS AND INSPECTION. Promptly upon execution of this Purchase Agreement, the Seller shall deliver to Buyer copies of any available environmental reports or studies on the Property known to Seller. Seller grants to Buyer a license to enter onto the Real Property at any time after the Effective Date, upon reasonable prior notice to Seller, at Buyer's sole cost, expense and risk, to conduct such investigations of the Property as Buyer in its sole discretion may desire. Buyer shall have a period of twenty (20) days after the Effective Date (the "Inspection Period") to complete such inspections and examine the Records and to notify Seller that Buyer, in its sole discretion, has found the condition of the Property to be unsatisfactory. In the event that Buyer gives such notice prior to the expiration of the Inspection Period, then this Agreement shall terminate. Buyer shall promptly restore the Property to substantially the same condition in which it existed immediately prior to any physical tests conducted by or on behalf of Buyer. Buyer shall indemnify and hold Seller and Property harmless from all loss, cost, damage and expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees, which Seller or the Property may suffer or incur as a result of such entry by Buyer, including without limitation the cost of defending against any claim for a statutory lien against the Real Property resulting from labor, materials, equipment, skill or services furnished with respect to the Property at the request of Buyer. This indemnification provision shall survive any termination of this Agreement. 9. DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED AT CLOSING. The Seller agrees to deliver the following documents to the Buyer at closing and to Buyer's attorney for review at least five business days prior to closing: A. A duly recordable warranty deed conveying fee simple title to the Property to the B. C. 617427v1MN325-6 Buyer, free and clear of any mortgages, liens or encumbrances other than matters created by or acceptable to the Buyer; An affidavit from the Seller sufficient to remove any exception in the Buyer's policy of title insurance for mechanics' and materialmens' liens and rights of parties in possession; A non-foreign affidavit, properly executed, containing such information as is required by the Internal Revenue Code Section 1445 and its regulations; � D. A Minnesota Well Disclosure Certificate delivered with this Purchase Agreement, or, if there is no well on the Property, this Purchase Agreement and the warranty deed must include the following statement "the Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real Properry;" and E. Any notices, certificates, and affidavits regarding any private sewage systems, underground storage tanks, and environmental conditions as may be required by Minnesota statutes, rules or ordinances. F. Any other documents reasonable required by the Buyer's title insurance company or attorney to evidence that title to the Property is marketable and that Seller has complied with the terms of this Purchase Agreement. 10. REAL ESTATE TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. A. The Seller shall be responsible for all real estate taxes, including any deferred real estate taxes, penalties or interest, for the years prior to the year in which closing occurs. The Buyer and the Seller shall prorate as of the Closing Date the real estate taxes for the Property that are due and payable in the year of closing. B. The Seller shall pay all special assessments levied or pending against the Property as of the Closing Date, including special assessments certified for payment with the real estate taxes and all deferred assessments. 11. EXAMINATION OF TITLE. The Buyer's examination of title to the Property shall be conducted as follows: A. SELLERS' TITLE EVIDENCE. Promptly after execution of this Purchase Agreement by the Buyer's governing body, the Seller shall provide the abstract of title and/or any prior title policy covering the Property. Upon receipt of such title evidence, Buyer shall order a title commitment for title insurance, at Buyer's sole expense, from Preferred Title Co, Monticello, Minnesota. B. BUYER'S OBJECTIONS. The Buyer shall make written objections (the "Objections") to the form or contents of the title commitment or condition of title within 10 business days after receipt of the title commitment and this executed Purchase Agreement. The Buyer's failure to make Obj ections within such time period shall constitute waiver of the Objections. The Seller shall have 30 days after receipt of the Objections to cure the Objections, during which period the closing will be postponed, if necessary. The Seller shall use good faith efforts to correct any Objections. If the Objections are not cured within such 30-day period, the Buyer will have the option to do either of the following: 1. Terminate this Purchase Agreement; or 2. Cure the Objections at the Buyer's expense and proceed to Closing. 617427v1MN325-6 12. CLOSING COSTS AND RELATED ITEMS. The Seller shall be responsible for the following closing costs and related items: (1) all recording fees and charges relating to the filing of any instrument required to make title marketable; (2) recording fee for the Warranty Deed; (3) state deed tax, conservation fee or other federal, state or local documentary or revenue stamps or transfer tax with respect to the deed to be delivered by the Seller, (4) one-half of the closing fees charged by the title company engaged in connection with this Purchase Agreement; (5) Sellers' own legal and accounting fees associated with this transaction. The Buyer shall be responsible for the following closing costs and related items: (1) the cost of any survey of the Property required by the Buyer, (2) any fees incurred for the title commitment; (3) the cost of all premiums required for issuance of the title insurance policy, (4) the fees for any soil tests, environmental assessments, inspection reports, appraisals, or other tests or reports ordered by the Buyer, (5) one-half of the closing fees charged by the title company engaged in connection with this Purchase Agreement (6) Buyer's own legal and accounting fees associated with this transaction. 13. POSSESSION/CONDITION OF PROPERTY. The Seller shall deliver possession of the Properry to the Buyer on the Closing Date in the condition as the Property e�sted on the date of execution of this Purchase Agreement. 14. DISCLOSURE; INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM. The Seller represents that there is no individual sewage treatment system on or serving the Property. 15. WELL DISCLOSURE. ❑x Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property. OR ❑ A completed Well Disclosure Certificate accompanies this Purchase Agreement as Exhibit B. OR ❑ A completed Well Disclosure Certificate has been electronically filed as WDC number: . 16. SELLERS' REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. The Seller hereby represents and warrants to the Buyer as of the Closing Date that: A. Title. The Seller has good, indefeasible and marketable fee simple title to the Property. B. Intentionally left blank. C. Defects. The Seller is unaware of any latent or patent defects in the Property, such as sinkholes, weak soils, unrecorded easements and restrictions. D. Le�al Compliance. The Seller has complied with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, statutes, rules and restrictions pertaining to and affecting the Property � 617427v1MN325-6 and the Seller shall continue to comply with such laws, ordinances, regulations, statutes, rules and restrictions. E. Le�al Proceedings. There are no legal actions, suits or other legal or administrative proceedings, pending or threatened, that affect the Property or any portion thereof; and the Seller has no knowledge that any such action is presently contemplated. F. Refuse and Hazardous Materials. The Seller has not performed and has no actual knowledge of any excavation, dumping or burial of any refuse materials or debris of any nature whatsoever on the Property, other than those disclosed by the Seller to the Buyer as of the date of this Purchase Agreement. The Seller has not received any notice or advice from any governmental agency or any prior owner of the Property or any tenant, subtenant, occupant, prior tenant, prior subtenant, prior occupant or person with regard to Hazardous Materials on, from or affecting the Property. The term "Hazardous Materials" as used herein includes, without limitation, gasoline, petroleum products, explosives, radioactive materials, hazardous materials, hazardous wastes, hazardous or toxic substances, polychlorinated biphenyls or related or similar materials, asbestos or any material containing asbestos, or any other substance or material as may be defined as a hazardous or toxic substance by any federal, state or local environmental law, ordinance, rule, or regulation including, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended (42 U.S.C. Section 9601, et seq.), the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. Section 1801, et seq.), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended (42 U. S. C. Section 1251, et seq.), the Clean Air Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. Section 7401, et seq.) and in the regulations adopted and publications promulgated pursuant thereto. G. Le�al Capacity. The Seller has the legal capacity to enter into this Agreement. The Seller has not filed, voluntarily or involuntarily, for bankruptcy relief within the last year under the United States Bankruptcy Code, nor has any petition for bankruptcy or receivership been filed against the Seller within the last year. H. Leases. There are no third parties in possession of the Property, or any part thereof; and there are no leases, oral or written, affecting the Property or any part thereof. L Forei�n Status. The Seller is not a"foreign entity" as such term is defined in the Internal Revenue Code. J. Methamphetamine Production. To the best of the Sellers' knowledge, methamphetamine production has not occurred on the Property. The Sellers' representations and warranties set forth in this Section shall be continuing and are deemed to be material to the Buyer's execution of this Purchase Agreement and the Buyer's performance of its obligations hereunder. All such representations and warranties E 617427v1MN325-6 shall be true and correct on and as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as if made at that time; and all of such representations and warranties shall survive the closing and any cancellation or termination of this Purchase Agreement, and shall not be affected by any investigation, verification or approval by any party hereto or by anyone on behalf of any party hereto. The Seller agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the Buyer harmless for, from, and against any loss, costs, damages, expenses, obligations and attorneys' fees incurred should an assertion, claim, demand, action or cause of action be instituted, made or taken, which is contrary to or inconsistent with the representations or warranties contained herein. 17. RELOCATION BENEFITS; INDEMNIFICATION. The Seller acknowledges that Seller is not being displaced from the Property as a result of the transaction contemplated by this Purchase Agreement and that Seller is not eligible for relocation assistance and benefits and that the Purchase Price includes compensation for any and all relocation assistance and benefits for which they may be eligible. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive closing of the transaction contemplated by this Purchase Agreement. 18. TENANTS. The Seller warrants that there are no tenants on the Property with a lawful leasehold interest. In the event any tenant comes forward and claims an interest in the Property at the time of or following the purchase, the Seller agree to fully indemnify the Buyer for any and all costs associated with terminating such tenancy and for any and all relocation assistance and benefits that may be due to such tenant together with attorneys' fees that the Buyer would have to incur in connection with legal action required to resolve any relocation assistance or benefits dispute with such tenant. For Sections 17 and 18 of this Purchase Agreement, "relocation assistance and benefits" shall have the meaning ascribed to them by the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, 42 U.S.C. Sections 4601-4655 (the federal URA) and the regulations implementing the federal URA, 49 CF.R. Sections 24.1-24.603. 19. BROKER COMMISSIONS. Seller and Purchaser hereby represent and warrant to the other party that, in connection with this transaction, no third-party broker or finder has been engaged or consulted by it or through such party's actions (or claiming through such party) and is entitled to compensation as a consequence of this transaction. Seller and Purchaser agree to indemnify, defend, and hold the other party harmless against any and all claims of brokers, finders, or the like, and against the claims of all third parties, claiming any right to commission or compensation by or through acts of the indemnifying party or its partners, agents, or affiliates in connection with this Agreement. The indemnifying party's indemnity obligations shall include all damages, losses, costs, liabilities, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and litigation costs, which may be incurred by the other party. 20. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Purchase Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and no other agreement prior to this Purchase Agreement or contemporaneous herewith shall be effective except as expressly set forth or incorporated herein. 21. AMENDMENT AND MODIFICATION. No amendment, modification or waiver of any condition, provision or term of this Purchase Agreement shall be valid or have any effect unless made in writing is signed by the party to be bound and specifies with particularity the extent and nature of � 617427v1MN325-6 such amendment, modification or waiver. Any waiver by either party of any default by the other party shall not affect or impair any right arising from any previous or subsequent default. 22. BINDING EFFECT. This Purchase Agreement binds and benefits the parties and their successors and assigns. 23. NOTICES. Any notice, demand, request or other communication which may or shall be given or served by the Seller on the Buyer or by the Buyer on the Seller, shall be deemed has been given or served on the date the same is hand delivered or the date of receipt or the date of delivery if deposited in the United States mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid, and addressed as follows: A. If to Seller: George E. Larson and Maureen F. Larson 606 East River Street Monticello, MN 55362 B. If to Buyer: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority Attention: Executive Director 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 With a copy to: Martha Ingram Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Si�h St., Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 or such other address as either party may give to another party in accordance with this Section. 24. NO PARTNERSHIP OR JOINT VENTURE. Nothing in this Purchase Agreement shall be construed or interpreted as creating a partnership or j oint venture between the Seller and the Buyer relative to the Property. 25. CUMULATIVE RIGHTS. Except as may otherwise be provided herein, no right or remedy herein conferred on or reserved by either party is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy provided by law, but such rights and remedies shall be cumulative in and in addition to every other right or remedy given herein or elsewhere or existing at law, equity or by statute. 26. ATTORNEYS' FEES. If either party commences an action against the other to enforce any of the terms of this Purchase Agreement, or because of the breach by either party of the terms hereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to its costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred in connection with the prosecution or defense of such matter. 27. DEFAULT; REMEDIES; SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. If the Buyer defaults in any of the agreements herein, the Seller may terminate this Purchase Agreement. If this Purchase Agreement is not so terminated, the Buyer or the Seller may seek actual damages for breach of this Purchase Agreement or specific performance of this Purchase Agreement; provided that any action for specific enforcement must be brought within six months after the date of the alleged breach. 7 617427v1MN325-6 617427v1MN325-6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Purchase Agreement as of the date written above. SELLER: George E. Larson Maureen F. Larson BUYER: CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Its: President By: Its: Executive Director � 617427v1MN325-6 EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the Property Lots One and Ten of Block "H" in A. C. Riggs Addition to Town of Lower Monticello, according to the plat on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds in and for Wright County, Minnesota. PID: 155019008010 A-1 617427v1MN325-6 fN1fClf���S� Beacon - Wright County, MN TM ,�" B�r�CQI'1 Wright County, MN Summary ParcellD Property Address Sec/Twp/Rng Brief Tax Description Deeded Acres Qass District School District Creation Date 155019008010 " 300 4TH ST E � ��''= MONTICELLO 11-121-025 Sect-1lTwp-121 Range-025 AC RIGGS'ADDN LOWER MONTI Lot-001 Block-OOH Y � ` LTS1&10 �"' " (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) ��- _, ` i, .� ,v 0.00 ''« �, — — — 201- (NON-HSTD) RESIDENTIAL (1101) 1101CITYOFMONTICELL0882H � �=, � � . „r; , 0882 01/01/0001 �� � _ _..�. Owner Prima ry Taxpayer George E & Maureen Larson 606 River St E Monticello, MN 55362 GIS Acreage Parcel: 155019008010 Acres: 0.51 Acres USAB: 0.51 Acres WATE:0.00 Acres ROW:0.00 Sq Ft:22,138.28 Land Seq Description 1 RES F Total Buildings Building 1 Year Built Architecture Gross Living Area Finished Basement Sq Ft Construction Quality Foundation Type Fra me Type Size/Shape Exterior Walls Windows Roof Structure Roof Cover I nterior Wal Is FloorCover Heat AirConditioning Bedrooms Bathrooms Kitchen Vd�Udtl011 Dim 1 Dim 2 Dim 3 0 0 0 1910 11/2 STY 1146 D 6.5 ROC K/POU R WOOD FRAME SLIGHTIRR ALUMINUM DOUBLEHNG GABLE ASPHALT PLASTER HARDWOOD; CARPET GAS F AI R N/A 3 1 N/A + Estimated Land Value + Estimated Building Value + EstimatedMachineryValue = TotalEstimated MarketValue Units UT 1.000 LT 1.000 2019 Assessment $55,000 $86,400 $0 $141,400 unic Price 55,000.000 2018 Assessment $50,000 $70,100 $0 $120,100 � ,�"� =��r�`���s���� Eff Adj 1 Adj 2 Adj 3 Adj 4 Rate 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 55,000.000 2017 Assessment $47,000 $66,700 $0 $113,700 2016 Assessment $40,000 $63,400 $0 $103,400 Div% Value 1.000 55,000 55,000 2015 Assessment $34,000 $61,600 $0 $95,600 https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?Appl D=187&Layerl D=2505&PageTypelD=4&PageID=1310&KeyValue=155019008010 1 /3 10/ 14/2019 Valuation (Working 2020 Assessment) + LandValue + BuildingValue + Extra Features Value = Total Value % Change Taxation Estimated Market Value - Excluded Value - Homestead Exclusion = Taxable MarketValue NetTaxes Due + Special Assessments = TotalTaxes Due Taxes Paid Receipt # Receipt Print Date 1547492 5/15/2019 1501067 10/15/2018 1468972 5/16/2018 1425734 10/17/2017 1383995 5/12/2017 1328513 10/14/2016 1290849 5/17/2016 1238598 10/15/2015 1205078 5/20/2015 1153539 10/20/2014 1112668 5/16/2014 1060280 10/15/2013 1024558 5/16/2013 968934 10/18/2012 932559 5/17/2012 PI10t05 Bill Pay Year 2019 2018 2018 2017 2017 2016 2016 2015 2015 2014 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 Beacon - Wright County, MN 2019 Payable $120,100 $0 $0 $120,100 $1,425.24 $594J6 $2,020.00 Amt Adj $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2018 Payable $113,700 $0 $0 $113,700 $1,245.21 $612J9 $1,858.00 Amt Write Off $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2020 $55,000 $86,443 $0 $141,443 0.00 % 2017 Payable $103,400 $0 $0 $103,400 $1,151.12 $664.88 $1,816.00 Amt Charge $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 �{ ����_ ,� ,�?� � � �j _,�± ��.���� � - Sketches 2019 $55,000 $86,443 $0 $141,443 17J6 % 2016 Payable $95,600 $0 $0 $95,600 $1,090.00 $0.00 $1,090.00 Amt Payment ($1,010.00) ($929.00) ($929.00) ($908.00) ($908.00) ($545.00) ($545.00) ($538.00) ($538.00) ($577.00) ($577.00) ($560.00) ($560.00) ($816.00) ($816.00) https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?AppID=187&LayerID=2505&PageTypelD=4&PageID=1310&KeyValue=155019008010 2/3 fN1fClf���S� o�,�i��a 815.0 sf Map � � � � , �_ :,►; � , <r�tl � � �~' � � � .� r ' - ��� ' ` �� �� �I � y�_ I � /r�� ' f � . 1� 'K�M �.. 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CI7Y Of � Monticello 1 in=188ft N A October 30, 2019 Map Powered By DataLink wsb � � � � � �.% � � �� � _ � N � � O Ri � •— ._ � W V Q Z �, � � � L' � T �` (� r �� d i� �;�� ..A"� rd : ;� S , � �`�p� �� � F �- -- � ��� �<�, � �<"i ���� �v� l�/�y �', �iF , r , ,�r�:� �� ���r �y��� - --- � ' .;. _ _' -�x�?�� `i�, � 1 �� � � i s� ��� �'� a � � i------ r� �% ji , - ---- , � �� _, � ��Z ���� � ?� ---' ,: � --- � .� ,� '. ��''�ii -a � c w rn . J , �;�;i�' �I�`�__1_,��1 ����,�-; /1��� y > � / / l,1 � � /;. /� ��k ���/r� / �� e .� ��. � � :t � ..� �I - w� _ , r� ° „,� � n .. � ��, � , 1�� � _ - �� � --`/��.,,�;� _ rir, � / / ��� �i/L� e _ � � ;, e -� e; I - s LL = a � m m m m � � m__ > d o= 3 �� q � � a a m' '�� ..—�I �" 9 __. 1 1 3 F' f ne a E a a' � I III — - ��-.�y - r�-v�� �u � C aG�l'b G�I������ � I '_'' .J � J I__� �,_� �_' !"' '_J � y �� .� o li � � � � � � ` N � „ i c � � - � T � �,n = N N � 9 � N i N � � = G°' b 3 0� I a� o � � � � �- a m � � H � T � N � c c � ��. � E A .� u 3 Z 0 c .. ,n .. Z� a O ¢ .� C Z � a �.n v S , �'C a '^ N °di o q �, < � � E � � � ,� � � $ � g � � f ` � , m � 31 I_J � _ �__'I �l � 1 s� � ' '__' __' _ _, O W O � '_� CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-034 A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LAND FOR REDEVELOPMENT PURPOSES BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY OF MONTICELLO'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") proposes to purchase certain property (the "Property") located at 300 East 4th Street in the City of Monticello (the "City"), legally described as Lots One and Ten of Block "H" in A. C. Riggs Addition to Town of Lower Monticello, according to the plat on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds in and for Wright County, Minnesota; PID: 155019008010; for the purposes of redevelopment; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.356, subd. 2 requires the City Planning Commission to review the proposed acquisition or disposal of publicly-owned real property within the City prior to its acquisition or disposal, to determine whether in the opinion of the Planning Commission, such acquisition or disposal is consistent with the comprehensive municipal plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed acquisition of the Property, and has determined that the Property is guided and zoned R-2 residential, and is designated for residential use within the City's comprehensive plan, that the Authority's purpose is to redevelop the Property consistent with these uses, and that the proposed acquisition is therefore consistent with the City's comprehensive plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, that the acquisition of the Property by the Authority is consistent with the City's comprehensive municipal plan, and will promote the redevelopment of a portion of a residential area adj acent to the downtown area of the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be communicated to the Board of Commissioners of the Authority. Adopted this 4th day of November, 2019, by the Monticello Planning Commission. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: Sam Murdoff, Chair CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-034 ATTEST: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director EDA: 11/13/19 6. Consideration of adoptin� Resolution #2019-10 authorizin� enterin� into a Purchase Agreement between the EDA and Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. in the amount of $1,031,000 for the acquisition of a 7.39-acre li�ht industrial parcel on Chelsea Road rTn #issia3ooiozo�JT� A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is to ask the EDA to consider adopting Resolution #2019-10 authorizing entering into a purchase agreement between the EDA and Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. (Shawn Wienand) for the acquisition of a 7.39-acre light industrial parcel located along Chelsea Road. The purchase of the property would facilitate an expansion proposal by UMC, Inc. in which it would build a new 52,000 square foot building and create 60 new FTE jobs. UMC already employs 200 FTE at its 72,000 square foot facility located at 500 Chelsea Road. The total project investment is expected to surpass $9,000,000. UMC is a precision machining company with a history in medical and aerospace parts. The property is zoned IBC and has been pre-graded for development. City utilities serve the site from Chelsea Road. Wright County has a 2019 assessed valuation of $416,500 for the property. The site also has very good access to I-94 at two separate locations, County Road 18 and MNTH#25. Under an informal agreement with the current landowner, a local farmer has been removing the hay crop and treating the property for weeds. Commercial Realty Solutions, Inc. (CRS) is serving as the real estate broker and has the parcel listed at $4.50 per square foot. At 321,908 square feet, that places the total ask price at $1,448,588. The negotiated purchase price of $1,031,000 is a reduction of $417,588; equivalent to a 29 percent discount from the listed asking amount. The EDA's mission is to facilitate and assist sound economic and community development projects, especially those that create new high wage jobs. The added twist in this case is that the EDA is being asked to acquire land and then convey it to the ultimate user, UMC. To that end, a variety of tools are proposed to make the project feasible. An economic development TIF District (#1-41) is proposed to be created allowing the EDA to capture increment and repay itself for its land write down. An estimate of increment captured by the EDA is $640,000 +/-. A TIF District Public Hearing has already been opened and continued, giving UMC more time to further refine its building and site design along with the necessary project financing. Minnesota DEED has also indicated that it will accept a Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) application in the amount of $300,000 to assist UMC with new equipment purchases as well as a Job Creation Fund (JCF) Grant application in the amount of $175,000 to offset fixed capital investment costs. The total amount of public assistance is expected to be exceed $1,600,000. Resolution #2019-10 and the Purchase Agreement are attached for the EDA's review and consideration. It should be noted that the purchase agreement is contin�ent on UMC moving forward and entering into a Purchase and Development Agreement with the EDA, and in so doing pursuing the above described expansion project. The EDA should also be aware of the negotiated language making the $40,000 in earnest money non- 1 EDA: 11/13/19 refundable after February 15, 2020. After that point in time, if UMC has not prior to that date entered into a Purchase and Development Agreement with the EDA, then the earnest money is no longer recoverable, and could become a significant write off for the EDA. The attached proj ect action-item timeline suggests that it is possible to have a Purchase and Development Agreement approved and entered into with UMC by the February 15, 2020 date. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The staff impact from acquiring the 7.39-acre industrial parcel is rolled into the much more complicated and multi-faceted UMC expansion proposal. The complexity and size of the project requires collaboration and coordination with several entities that can help make the proposal a reality. Each entity offers its own special tool and approval step. Besides UMC, the parties include: the City of Monticello, the City of Monticello EDA, the State of Minnesota (DEED) and, finally, the current land owner of the 7.39-acre parcel, Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. Discussions about the concept began with UMC back in early July 2019. The concepting and structuring of a workable financial package has continued into early November. The current level of staff and consultant time and resources is sufficient to complete the work tasks related to the UMC expansion proposal. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The funding source required to purchase the 7.39-acre light industrial parcel along Chelsea Road is TIF District #1-6 and EDA General Fund. The purchase price, large as it is, will be a complete drawdown of TIF District #1-6 FLTND which has extra available funds. Using this FUND will allow the district to be closed out and end the annual reporting requirements. The FUND balance by the projected closing date is expected to be $723,000 +/-. Proceeds in the amount of $293,000 from the City's sale of the 20-acre Edmonson development property and advanced to the EDA for future land consideration in Otter Creek Business Park will also be used to fund the purchase. A small amount from the EDA General Fund will also be needed to round out the purchase amount. As a final land cost recovery element, UMC will be required to pay $300,000 to the EDA for the property after it receives the MIF funding which is estimated to occur in early 2021. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve Resolution #2019-10 authorizing the purchase of a 7.39-acre light industrial parcel along Chelsea Road in the amount of $1,031,000 and further authorizing the placement of the earnest money deposit in the amount of $40,000 with Registered Abstractors, Anoka, MN, Title for the transaction. 2. Motion to deny approval of Resolution #2019-10 authorizing the purchase of a 7.39-acre light industrial property located at Chelsea Road. Motion to table consideration of the purchase and direct staff accordingly. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIO Staff recommends Alternative #1. Although the UMC project is complex and challenging it brings numerous desired outcomes in the form of new tax base and jobs 2 EDA: 11/13/19 which line up with the City Comprehensive Plan goals. The EDA Workplan also encourages proactive marketing and use of the EDA's available economic development tools in working with local industrial businesses to foster and support new capital investment and expansion of facilities and the creation new jobs in the community. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Resolution #2019-10 b. Purchase Agreement c. County Property Information and Aerial Photo of Property d. UMC Expansion Proposal Action Steps Timeline d. EDA 2019 Workplan e. CRS Property Marketing Packet EDA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-10 RESOLUTION APPROVING PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR THE ACQUISITION OF CHELSEA ROAD PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Commissioners ("Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The Authority and Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. (the "Seller") desire to enter into a purchase agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") pursuant to which the Authority will acquire certain property located on Chelsea Road (the "Property") in the City of Monticello (the "City") from the Seller. The Property is described as Lot 2, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center Sixth Addition, Wright County, Minnesota. 1.02. Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, the Authority will purchase the Properry from the Seller for a total purchase price of $1,031,000.00 plus related closing costs. 1.03. The Authority finds that acquisition of the Property conforms to the City's comprehensive plan and Small Area Study, as approved by the City and Authority, and will facilitate the economic development and revitalization of this portion of the City, in that the Authority intends to convey the Property to a third party for economic development purposes. 1.04. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.356, subd. 2, the Planning Commission of the City met on August 6, 2019, to review the proposed acquisition and found that such acquisition conforms to the City's Comprehensive Plan. Section 2. Purchase A�reement A�proved. 2.01. The Authority hereby approves the Purchase Agreement in substantially the form presented to the Authority, subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by the President and Executive Director, provided that execution of the Purchase Agreement by those officials shall be conclusive evidence of their approval. 2.02. Authority staff and officials are authorized to take all actions necessary to perform the Authority's obligations under the Purchase Agreement as a whole, including without limitation execution of any documents to which the Authority is a party referenced in or attached to the Purchase Agreement, and any other documents necessary to acquire the Property from the Seller, all as described in the Purchase Agreement. 620872v1MN190-161 Approved this 13th day of November, 2019, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. President ATTEST: Executive Director 620872v1MN190-161 PURCHASE AGREEMENT This Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") is made this day of , 2019, by and between Monticello Industrial Park, Inc., a Minnesota corporation ("Seller") and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("Buyer"). 1. PROPERTY. Seller is the owner of property located in the City of Monticello, Minnesota, which is legally described on the attached Exhibit A("Property"). 2. OFFER/ACCEPTANCE. In consideration of and subject to the terms and provisions of this Agreement, Buyer offers and agrees to purchase and Seller agrees to sell and hereby grants to Buyer the exclusive right to purchase the Property and all improvements thereon, together with all appurtenances. All fixtures located on the Property on the date of this Agreement are included in the purchase of the Property. Personal property is not included in the sale of the Property. 3. PURCHASE PRICE FOR PROPERTY AND TERMS. a. PURCHASE PRICE: The total purchase price for the Property is: One Million Thirty-One Thousand and 00/100ths Dollars ($1,031,000.00) ("Purchase Price"). b. TERMS: 1. EARNEST MONEY: Earnest money ("Earnest Money") in the amount of Forty Thousand and 00/100ths Dollars ($40,000.00) shall be deposited by Buyer to Seller into escrow with Registered Abstracters, Inc., Anoka, Minnesota ("Title") upon execution of this Agreement. The Earnest Money shall be applied to the Purchase Price at Closing. The Earnest Money shall be refundable upon the terms and conditions provided in this Agreement, provided that such Earnest Money shall be nonrefundable after February 15, 2020. 2. BALANCE DLJE SELLER: Buyer agrees to pay the balance of the Purchase Price by check or wire transfer on the Closing Date according to the terms of this Agreement. 3. DEED/MARI�ETABLE TITLE: Subject to performance by Buyer, Seller agrees to execute and deliver to Buyer a Warranty Deed conveying marketable fee simple title to the Property, free and clear of any mortgages, liens or encumbrances other than matters created by or acceptable to Buyer, subj ect only to the following exceptions: i. Building and zoning laws, ordinances, state and federal regulations; 1 607370v4MN190-161 ii. Reservation of minerals or mineral rights to the State of Minnesota, if any; and iii. Public utility and drainage easements of record which will not interfere with Buyer's intended use of the Property. 4. DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED AT CLOSING BY SELLER In addition to the Warranty Deed required at paragraph 3.b.3. above, Seller shall deliver to Buyer at closing: a. An affidavit from Seller sufficient to remove any exception in Buyer's policy of title insurance for mechanics' and materialmens' liens and rights of parties in possession; b. A"bring-down" certificate, certifying that all of the warranties made by Seller in this Agreement remain true as of the Closing Date; c. Affidavit of Seller confirming that Seller is not a foreign person within the meaning of Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code; d. Well disclosure certification, if required, or, if there is no well on the Property, the Warranty Deed given pursuant to paragraph 3B(3) above must include the following statement: "The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property," e. Any notices, certificates, and affidavits regarding any private sewage systems, underground storage tanks, and environmental conditions as may be required by state or federal statutes, rules or regulations; and £ Any other documents reasonably required by Buyer's title insurance company or attorney to evidence that title to the Property is marketable and that Seller has complied with the terms of this Purchase Agreement. 5. CONTINGENCIES. Buyer's obligation to purchase the Property is contingent upon the following: a. Approval of this Purchase Agreement by Buyer's governing body; b. Written findings by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello that the acquisition of the Property conforms to the City Comprehensive Plan; c. Buyer conducting environmental investigations on the Property and receiving reports that are satisfactory to Buyer; d. Buyer having approved and executed a Purchase and Development Contract with U.MC., Inc.; and 2 607370v4MN190-161 e. Buyer's determination of marketable title pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Agreement. Buyer shall have until February 15, 2020 to remove or waive the foregoing contingencies (the "Due Diligence Period"). These contingencies are solely for the benefit of Buyer and may be waived by Buyer. If Buyer or its attorney gives written notice to Seller that all contingencies are duly satisfied or waived, Buyer and Seller shall proceed to close the transaction as contemplated herein. If one or more of the contingencies is not satisfied, or is not satisfied within the Due Diligence Period, and is not waived by Buyer, this Agreement shall thereupon be void at the written option of Buyer, the Seller shall refund the Earnest Money to the Buyer, and Buyer and Seller shall execute and deliver to each other documentation effecting the termination of this Agreement. Buyer shall also deliver to Seller copies of all documentation gathered during the Due Diligence Period, including without limitation all survey, environmental or soil tests. As a contingent Purchase Agreement, the termination of this Agreement is not required pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 559.21, et. seq. 6. TITLE EXAMINATION/CURING TITLE DEFECTS. Buyer shall, at Seller's expense and within a reasonable time after Seller's acceptance of this Agreement, obtain a commitment for title insurance ("Commitment") for the Property from Title. Buyer shall have 15 business days after the later of receipt of the Commitment and execution in full of the Purchase Agreement to examine the Commitment and to deliver written objections to Title, if any, to Seller, or Buyer's right to do so shall be deemed waived. Seller shall have until the end of the Due Diligence Period (or such later date as the parties may agree upon) to make title marketable, at Seller's cost. In the event that title to the Property cannot be made marketable or is not made marketable by Seller within the Due Diligence Period, then this Agreement may be terminated at the option of Buyer and the Seller shall refund the Earnest Money to the Buyer. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS. Buyer acknowledges that it has been authorized by Seller to enter the Property and conduct environmental investigations of the Property. 8. REAL ESTATE TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. Seller shall pay all real estate taxes, interest and penalties, if any, relating to the Property for the years prior to the year of closing. Provided that this transaction shall close as provided herein, Buyer agrees to pay taxes for the year following the year of closing and all taxes for years thereafter. Property taxes for the year of closing shall be prorated between Seller and Buyer as of the Closing Date. Seller shall pay all special assessments regarding the Property which are levied or pending as of the Closing Date, including portions which would otherwise have been payable in future installments. 9. CLOSING DATE. The date of closing shall be on the earlier of (a) seven (7) days following the satisfaction or waiver of all contingencies; or (b) April 1, 2020 ("Closing Date"). Delivery of all papers and the closing shall be made at the offices of Buyer, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 or at such other location as is mutually agreed upon by the parties. All deliveries and notices to Buyer shall be made as provided in Section 17 of this 3 607370v4MN190-161 Agreement. 10. POSSESSION/UTILITIES. a. Possession. Seller agrees to deliver possession of the Property to Buyer on the Closing Date. Seller shall remove all personal property, junk, barrels, and debris prior to the Closing Date. Any personal property remaining on the Property after the Closing Date shall become the property of the Buyer. b. Utilities. No later than ten days prior to the Closing Date, Seller shall pay all actual utility charges, along with estimated utility charges through the Closing Date. Buyer shall refund any overpayment of estimated utility charges to Seller upon receipt of utility bills evidencing actual utility usage through the Closing Date. 11. SELLER'S WARRANTIES. Seller hereby represents and warrants to Buyer and Seller will represent and warrant to Buyer as of the Closing Date that: a. Sewer and water. Seller warrants that to the best of Seller's knowledge, the Property is connected to City sewer and water. b. Mechanics' Liens. Seller warrants that, prior to the closing, Seller shall pay in full all amounts due for labor, materials, machinery, fixtures or tools furnished within the 120 days immediately preceding the closing in connection with construction, alteration or repair of any structure upon or improvement to the Property caused by or resulting from any action of Seller. c. Notices. Seller warrants that Seller has not received any notice from any governmental authority as to violation of any law, ordinance or regulation in connection with the Property, except if any violations are noted in the Certificate of Property Maintenance. d. Tenants. Seller warrants that there are no tenants on the Property. e. Condemnation. Seller warrants that there is no pending or, to the actual knowledge of Seller, threatened condemnation or similar proceeding affecting the Property or any portion thereof, and Seller has no actual knowledge that any such action is contemplated. £ Legal Proceedings. There are no legal actions, suits or other legal or administrative proceedings, pending or threatened, that affect the Property or any portion thereof, and Seller has no knowledge that any such action is presently contemplated. g. Legal Capacity. Seller has the legal capacity to enter into this Agreement. Seller has not filed, voluntarily or involuntarily, for bankruptcy relief within the last year 4 607370v4MN190-161 under the United States Bankruptcy Code, nor has any petition for bankruptcy or receivership been filed against Seller within the last year. h. Methamphetamine Production. To the best of Seller's knowledge, methamphetamine production has not occurred on the Property. i. Broker Commissions. Seller warrants and represents to Buyer that it has retained Wayne Elam of Commercial Realty Solutions as its agent or broker in connection with this transaction; and that it will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Buyer against any claim made by an agent or broker for a commission or fee based on Seller's acts or agreements. Seller' representations and warranties set forth in this paragraph shall be continuing and are deemed to be material to Buyer's execution of this Agreement and Buyer's performance of its obligations hereunder. All such representations and warranties shall be true and correct on or as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as if made at that time; and all of such representations and warranties shall survive closing and any cancellation or termination of this Agreement, and shall not be affected by any investigation, verification or approval by any part hereto or by anyone on behalf of any party hereto. Seller agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold Buyer harmless for, from and against any loss, costs, damages, expenses, obligations and attorneys' fees incurred should an assertion, claim, demand or cause of action be instituted, made or taken, which is contrary to or inconsistent with the representations or warranties contained herein. 12. CLOSING COSTS/RECORDING FEES/DEED TAX. Seller shall pay. (a) prorated property taxes through the Closing Date; (b) any special assessments levied against the Property and due and payable in the year of Closing (c) the cost of an initial title commitment; (d) the cost of any documents required to clear title or to evidence marketable title, including fees and charges to record such documents; (e) any operating costs of the Property up to the Closing Date; (f) the brokerage commission of Seller's real estate broker; and (g) one-half of the closing fees customarily charged by the title company. Buyer shall pay. (a) any environmental investigation costs; (b) costs of title insurance and endorsements; (c) any transfer or deed taxes due as a result of this transaction; (d) prorated property taxes after the Closing Date; and (e) one-half of the closing fees customarily charged by the title company. Each party shall pay its respective attorneys' fees. 13. INSPECTIONS. From the date of this Agreement to the Closing Date, Buyer, its employees and agents, shall be entitled to enter upon the Property to conduct such surveying inspections, investigations, soil borings and testing, and drilling monitoring sampling and testing of groundwater monitoring wells, as Buyer shall elect. Buyer shall also be entitled to a general walkthrough inspection within five days of the Closing Date. 14. RISK OF LOSS. If there is any loss or damage to the Property between the date hereof and the Closing Date, for any reason including fire, vandalism, flood, earthquake or act of God, the risk of loss shall be on Seller. If the Property is destroyed or substantially damaged before the Closing Date, this Agreement shall become null and void, at Buyer's option. At the request 5 607370v4MN190-161 of Buyer, Seller agrees to sign a cancellation of Purchase Agreement and to refund the Earnest Money to Buyer. 15. DEFAULT/REMEDIES. If Buyer defaults under this Agreement, Seller has the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice of such election to Buyer, which notice shall specify the default. If Buyer fails to cure such default within 15 days of the date of such notice, Seller may terminate this Agreement, time being of the essence of this Agreement. The termination of this Agreement and retention of the Earnest Money by Seller will be the sole remedy available to Seller for such default by Buyer, and Buyer will not be further liable for damages. If Seller defaults under this Agreement, Buyer shall have the right (i) to terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of all Earnest Money from the Seller, or (ii) to enforce and recover from Seller specific performance of this Agreement. The termination of this Agreement and refund of Earnest Money or the enforcement and recovery from Seller of specific performance of this Agreement, shall be the sole remedies available to Buyer for such default by Seller, and Seller shall not be further liable for damages. 16. RELOCATION BENEFITS; INDEMNIFICATION. Seller acknowledges that in the event that Seller is eligible for relocation assistance and benefits, the Purchase Price includes compensation for any and all relocation assistance and benefits for which Seller may be eligible, including benefits for loss of going concern. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive closing of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, "relocation assistance and benefits" shall have the meanings ascribed to them by the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, 42 U.S.C. Sections 4601-4655 (the federal URA) and the regulations implementing the federal URA, 49 CF.R. Sections 24.1-24.603. 17. NOTICE. Any notice, demand, request or other communication which may or shall be given or served by the parties, shall be deemed to have been given or served on the date the same is personally served upon one of the following indicated recipients for notices or is deposited in the United States Mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: SELLER Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. 4065 Chelsea Road West Monticello, MN 55362 6 607370v4MN190-161 BUYER: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority Attn: Executive Director 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 With a copy to: Martha Ingram, Esq. Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, including exhibits attached hereto, and any amendments hereto signed by the parties, shall constitute the entire agreement between Seller and Buyer and supersedes any other written or oral agreements between the parties relating to the Property. This Agreement can be modified only in a writing properly signed on behalf of Seller and Buyer. 19. SURVIVAL. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law or court decision to the contrary, the provisions of this Agreement shall survive closing. 20. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement binds and benefits the parties and their successors and assigns. (the remainder of this page intentionally left blank) 7 607370v4MN190-161 IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement on the date and year first written above. Buyer: Seller: City of Monticello Economic Development Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. Authority By: Its: President By: Its: Executive Director 8 607370v4MN190-161 : Its: EXHIBIT A Le�al Description of PropertX Lot 2, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center Sixth Addition, Wright County, Minnesota. A-1 607370v4MN190-161 11 /7/2019 Beacon - Wright County, MN - Report: 155143001020 i r✓ ,��, Beacon Wright County, MN Summary ParcellD 155143001020 Property Address Sec/Twp/Rng 13-121-025 Brief Tax Description Sect-13 Twp-121 Range-025 MONTI COMMERCE CENTER bTH ADDN Lot-002 Block-0017.39 AC (Note� Not to be used or legal documents) Deeded Acres 7.39 Class 101-(NON-HSTD)AGRICULTURAL District (1101) 1101 CITYOF MONTICELL0882 H School District 0882 Creation Date 10/16/2002 Owner Primary Taxpayer Monticello Industrial Park Inc 4065 Chelsea Rd W Monticello, MN 55362 GIS Acreage Parce1:155143001020 Acres: 7.25 Acres USAB: 7.25 Acres WATE: 0.00 Acres ROW: 0.00 Sq ft: 315,829.90 Land Unit Seq Description Dim 1 Dim 2 Dim 3 Units UT Price Adj 1 Adj 2 Adj 3 Adj 4 1 TILL B PROD 0 0 0 1.000 AC 15,000.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.08 2 TILL B PROD 0 0 0 1.000 AC 15,000.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.63 3 TILL B PROD 0 0 0 5.250 AC 15,000.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.63 4 ROADS-PROD 0 0 0 0.140 AC 0.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total 7.390 Valuation 2019 Assessment + Estimated Land Value $416,500 + EstimatedBuildingValue $0 + EstimatedMachineryValue $0 = Total Estimated Market Value $416,500 Valuation (Working 2020 Assessment) + Land Value + Building Value + Extra Features Value = Total Value % Change 2018 Assessment $416,500 $0 $0 $416,500 2017 Assessment $416,200 $0 $0 $416,200 Eff Rate Div % Value 76,200.000 1.000 76,200 54,450.000 1.000 54,450 54,449.905 1.000 285,862 0.000 1.000 0 416,512 2016 Assessment $416,200 $0 $0 $416,200 2020 $416,512 $0 $0 $416,512 0.00 % 2015 Assessment $416,200 $0 $0 $416,200 Taxation 2019 Payable 2018 Payable 2017 Payable Estimated Market Value $416,500 $416.200 $416,200 - Excluded Value $0 $0 $0 - Homestead Exclusion $0 $0 $0 = Taxable Market Value $416,500 $416,200 $416,200 Net Taxes Due $3,876.00 $3,570.00 $3,746.00 + Special Assessments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 = Total Taxes Due $3,876.00 $3,570.00 $3,746:00 Taxes Paid Receipt # Receipt Print Date Bill Pay Vear Amt Adj Amt Write Off Amt Charge 1580298 10/16/2019 2019 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1543874 5/14/2019 2019 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?Appl D=187&Layerl D=25058�PageTypel D=4&Pagel D=1310&KeyValue=155143001020 2019 $416,512 $0 $0 $416,512 0.00 % 2016 Payable $416,200 $0 $0 $416,200 $4,012.00 $o.00 $4,012.W Amt Payment ($1,938.00) ($1,938.00) ifi�lf'Z�i�] Receipt # 1497544 1449599 1424558 1381892 1336345 1280726 1224588 1195794 1143663 1114436 1060352 1024043 970128 923474 Map �-. � i; � �9 Receipt Print Date 10/12/2018 5/3/2018 10/17/2017 5/15/2017 10/20/2016 5/11/2016 9/29/2015 5/14/2015 10/14/2014 5/16/2014 10/16/2013 5/16/2013 10/19/2012 5/15/2012 Beacon - Wright County, MN - Report: 155143001020 Bill Pay Year 2018 2018 2017 2017 2016 2016 2015 2015 2014 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 ;� ---- _ �,� �� �'`-�.. jr,T,tik,�1l{�ti�C��l'1 ! �� � I •! � - C�f . . : ,y� � , , �.. 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' �'.p � _ J 4'� � 1��J � � 10-23-19 UMC Expansion Project Timeline of Events and Milestones Calendar Year 2019 — Actual Activities-Milestones 7-31-19 - EDA recommends City Council call for a TIF Public Hearing (Resolution #2019- 06) 8-12-19 - City Council calls for TIF PH (Resolution # 2019-55) 8-14-19 - Non-Binding Letter of Intent between EDA and UMC, Inc. approved by EDA 8-14-19 - EDA accepts TIF application in concept 8-14-19 - EDA recommends City Council approval of MIF application to MN-DEED 8-14-19 - EDA recommends City Council approval of JCF application to MN-DEED 8-26-19 - City Council authorizing MIF Community Needs Public Hearing by Resolution 8-28-19 - Joint EDA and City Council Mtg to discuss global UMC project elements and Tax Abatement 08-30-19 - Last day to provide MIF PH Notice to Official Newspaper 09-OS-19 — MIF PH Notice Published in Official Newspaper 09-OS-19 - TIF PH Notice to Newspaper 09-09-19 - City Council - MIF PH opened and continued to 09-23-19 09-12-19 - TIF PH Notice Published in Newspaper 09-23-19 - City Council — MIF PH; continued to 10-14-19 09-23-19 - City Council - TIF PH; opened and continued to 10-14-19 10-14-19 - City Council - MIF PH; continued to 10-28-19 10-14-19 - City Council — TIF PH; continued to 10-28-19 Calendar Year 2019 — Proiected Activities-Milestones 10-28-19 - City Council — MIF PH; continued to 11-12-19 10-28-19 - City Council — TIF PH; continued to 11-12-19 11-05-19 - Desired Application Turn In date to City (MIF, TIF and JCF, EDA-SCDP Loan and Business Subsidy Applications) 11-06-19 - Begin formatting and completing MIF and JCF Applications 11-06-19 - Begin Review of EDA-SCDP Loan Application 11-06-19 - Distribute TIF application submittal to Tammy O. and Martha I. 11-12-19 - City Council — MIF PH; Council considers MIF app submittal b�� 11-12-19 - City Council — TIF PH; Council considers establishing ED TIF Dist. #1-41 by Resolution 11-12-19 - City Council considers JCF application submittal by Resolution 11-13-19 — EDA considers Purchase Agreement for acquisition of 7.39-acre parcel of land from SW — Monticello Ind. Park, LLC by Resolution 11-15-19 — Submit MIF and JCF Application Packets w CC Resolutions to MN-DEED 11-25-19 — Back up date for CC TIF PH and Consideration of Establishing ED TIF Dist. #1-41 by Resolution 11-22-19 — Last Day for Notice to newspaper for Business Subsidy Hearing 10-23-19 11-27-19 — Business Subsidy Hearing Notice published in newspaper 12-11-19 — EDA Business Subsidy PH opened Calendar Year 2020 — Proiected Activities-Milestones 01-15-20 — MIF and JCF Award Letters-Notices arrive �20 — EDA considers TIF-District #1 EDA and UMC by Resolution �-20 - EDA considers EDA-SCDP Lo 01-23-20 — Environmental Review process for EDA-SCDP funds commences for 45 days 01-27-20 — Last day for Land Sale PH Notice to be provided to Official Newspaper 01-30-20 — EDA Land Sale PH Notice published in Official Newspaper 02-10-20 — City Council considers MN-DEED MIF Grant Agreement by Resolution 02-12 20 — EDA Land Sale PH opened 02-12-20 - EDA considers Purchase & Development Agreement w UMC, Inc. for 7.39- acre parcel of land with 2"d Mortgage for $300,000 by Resolution 20 — EDA considers MIF Forgivable Loan Agreement w UMC by Resolu, � w 02-13-20 - Purchase and Development Agreement Executed between UMC and EDA (recorded if need be) 02-15-20 - EDA Land Purchase (7.39-acre parcel) Closing Transaction Title conveyed to EDA 03-20-20 - Environmental Review Record files for ED-SCDP provided to MN-DEED 04-06-20 - MN-DEED Release of Funds for EDA-SCDP $$ for e ui ment 04-28-20 - Construction of 42,000 square foot UMC facility begins (lasting 7 to 8 months) 09-10-20 - Equipment purchases commence 09-12-20 - Closing on EDA-SCDP Loan and Disbursement of Loan Funds 12-31-20 — City requests MIF funding draw from MN-DEED for $300,000 w equipment Proof of payment receipts 02-12-21— UMC makes payment to EDA for Land (repayment of $300,000 secured by Mortgage = matches the MN-DEED MIF forgivable loan amount that must be used for equipment instead of land) Color code = Critical Submittal date to keep the projected Timeline of Action Items in place ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2019 ANNUAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK PLAN EDA Purpose: The EDA is charged with coordinating and administering the City of Monticello's economic development and redevelopinent plans and programs. The EDA is also responsible for housing and housing redevelopment. EDA Work Plan Mission Statement: The EDA's work plan is adopted in support of achieving the goals of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan and the 2017/2018 City Strategic Plan. The EDA will be proactive by developing and undertaking actions for achievement of the Comprehensive Plan's Economic Development goals and will be reactive in responding to economic development opportunities as they arise in the most timely and effective manner possible. The EDA shall utilize the economic development strategies of the Comprehensive Plan, including the Downtown Small Area Plan as a guide for action. Comprehensive Plan Goals: Attracting & Retaining Jobs Expanding Tax Base Enhancing Downtown Facilitating Redevelopinent Housing Choice for Life-Cycle EDA Objectives: 1. Continue to support redevelopment efforts for publicly-owned properties in Block 52. a. Continue to focus on site control for a potential future targeted redevelopment in Block 52. b. Resolve the parking issues that relate to potential future redevelopment of Block 52. c. Engage with the wider development coinmunity to test concept ideas and explore the marketability of Block 52 as well as the opportunities for possible partnerships in redevelopment plans/efforts. d. Support as needed the completion of transportation improvements as envisioned in the Downtown Small Area Study Plan. 2. Implement the recommendations of the Downtown Small Area Plan a. Support and advocate for improvements to the downtown as envisioned in the Small Area Plan. b. Develop and support the appropriate policies, programs, and incentives that enable the type of development described in the Plan. c. Continue to build a funding base for use in property acquisition and redevelopment efforts in targeted areas. d. Implement a fa�ade improvement program for desired revitalization areas. e. Meet with downtown property owners either in a group setting or individually to understand their concerns with traffic, parking, land use and possible reinvestment in their property as well as willingness to sell, partner, price, etc. f. Support opportunities for park and trail development as consistent with the Downtown Small Area Plan. g. Encourage the redesign of the pathway connection under the MN TH #25 bridge to incorporate safety elements and improved lighting. 3. Engage as a partner in local and regional development opportunities as they arise and also the Comprehensive Planning process as it relates to strategic visioning, land use, transportation, housing and economic development components. a. Encourage and support coordinated planning and development of parks, trails in or near business districts. b. Support the developinent of the pathway connecting Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park and the City limits. c. Continue discussion on use of tax reimbursement/abatement, including development of criteria. d. Consider funding and/or completing studies that provide policy and strategy framework for desired land uses/or projects in the downtown and for other programs. e. Monitor commuter rail development in and around the Twin Cities metro region for potential benefits and opportunities to serve Monticello. 4. Support new multi-family housing development through the use of financing tools such as new TIF Districts or use of excess TIF dollars as identified in the 2016 TIF Management Plan and per the adopted Policy Statement for Available TIF Funds. a. Develop marketing packets illustrating financial tools and available sites. b. Dialogue with multi-family housing developers and inform them of available resources to support MF development. c. Sponsor a multi-family housing developer expo providing site and financial assistance information facilitating relationship building. d. Continue to explore a 30 to 36-unit workforce housing development on EDA owned land along East 4t�' Street or at other suitable sites in the City. 5. Market industrial development at the Monticello Business Center (Otter Creek Business Park) to a broad variety of prospects. a. Ramp up multi-channel marketing efforts (including a familiarization tour); establish a formal plan and appropriate evaluation metrics. b. As guided by the Comprehensive Plan, target the following prospect areas: i. Businesses which will be a supplier, customer or collaborative partner to existing businesses within the community. ii. Businesses which would benefit from Monticello's utility and communications infrastructure. iii. Work with the CentraCare Health System to ensure the retention of and to promote the expansion of health care services in Monticello. c. Focus on prospects which serve or rely on the St. Cloud and Twin Cities markets. d. Work with the Monticello Times to do a business spotlight or profile article two times per year. e. Actively participate/network with current businesses to help establish external relationships. 6. Market EDA incentive programs in a more proactive manner, both within the community and beyond, beginning with the education on such resources at the EDA level. a. Continue to foster external networking opportunities. b. Present existing and new incentive programs to smaller community groups, local banks, realtors, and local businesses. c. Develop and communicate a"complete" development package prograin which provides support and assistance to prospects and developers from inquiry to construction. d. Update multi-format (print, digital) suinmary resource piece. e. Explore the opportunity to develop an incubator building or pre-designed building (shell plans) with contractors ready for development. 7. Actively (aggressively) market for sale and development the EDA-owned properties at Cedar Street and Outlot A. a. Identify types of businesses sought for specific properties and market to these sectors accordingly. b. Develop marketing materials for the fonner Fair Garden site along East Broadway. c. Identify coinmercial properties which should be held for larger redevelopment potential. 8. Encourage more proactive lead development and response in all market segments to support a diversified tax base. a. Develop relationships with local realtors and banks. b. Explore agent/broker relationships; evaluate the opportunity to engage a development facilitator. c. Develop a list of target properties and share with realtors and bankers. d. Research and communicate state and federal incentive programs for bringing businesses into community. 9. Examine housing stock for aging or blighted properties and research development of programs for redevelopment and/or revitalization. a. Understand the state of the current housing stock/inventory and areas of need. b. Identify and prioritize potential programs, such as: i. Program for acquisition for redevelopment ii. Program for revitalization iii. Program to encourage new development in in-fill areas c. Exa�nine use of available housing TIF dollars per the 2016 TIF Management Plan and the adopted Policy Stateinents for Available TIF Funds d. Establish clear criteria for "blight" and "cluster areas" for focus of programs. e. Identify and communicate state and regional programs which could be leveraged to support identified properties; identify programs applicable to each property. 10. Support the development of an economic development brand and implement in economic development activities. a. Work with Communications Manager to develop coordinated economic development (including amenities such as technology and recreation) marketing message(s) and plan. b. Create and/or enhance economic development materials for the website. c. Build value in development resources reference materials and communications pieces. 11. Support the IEDC in its lead role in Business Retention and Expansion efforts and in workforce engagement and development efforts. a. Continue to engage and support the IEDC as the primary partner and lead in the Business Retention and Expansion Program. b. Continue to support the WCEDP sponsored workforce development efforts. Appendiac: Monticello Comprehensive Plan, 2008 — Econonzic Development COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS Monticello - Industrial Land FOR SALE xxx Chelsea Road E., Monticello, MN 55362 �'_.` �� ' � �Fl7k::, ���; .a._1 .� �; I-94 - ���-�� ;: R� �, .. � ✓ffi` ��� �. �,. � .:. . - . . � g":� ��� �� Great Visibility and . , ���, �,� `' fii > , - i arC�.3x,��� rdt � � �e � � � d- Easy Access! �_� ` i i � �4 .. �3'di,+iC_fiY,��.E ..�:� � � :,. W 1 ... � -i.�l 4 � � :.� "�.� "� � � ,:_ �� � �, � �.. ,_�� ... - - - - - -�`�:., '� .-�-� . �� , ._ �. � ' �_ _.._.� . 5iiale'i3� .� •� N7 �. � e ,..,.e� �,`�-�```�� S � ,: ., b ;� � � � � „i- ,� � _ . � � ,�- � �r •.� Cjl ra � � `.'#.: ''}� �IS�a 1�0 -- � � � �n�� ir:�,i,i�� � -- aCj Ailhi1F L�. .. • '�a . � m . .. �`� i .. } a,�,• . ¢ � � � � =� 1 � �t d ��� 4 � RST1 � \' .. ,.Y..,..�_ .,,... '...,, + �r . . � _ - � '� � ' � � , r . . � .. , 3L� � ��� �L iy�l4� � �'� * Sales Price 4.50/ sf * Parcel is 7.39 Acres * Wright County PID * 155-143-001020 2019 Taxes $3,876.00 * Zoned: IBC-Industrial Business Campus * City fiber optics network providing high-speed internet, telephone and cable. * Growing and progressive community! * Businesses in the area include: Home Depot, Pet SMart, Of�ce Max, GNC, Von Hanson Meat, Target, Kwik Trip, Caribou Coffee, Liberty Bank, Marshall's, WalMart, Monticello Hospital and more! St f rancas � MONTICELLO� t-��{�r Cree� ��O�i���4 ei.� �e��ei * [v�nserv�Aian �1vf�{7 Af€'d �� r� ffl z�]� ,�ndnuer �� Machael I�u�C�lv �`��� ���I�.� � e+°a �: `e' I,fS:;"j ����t�� P�r� Shorevi�w '� �� Minneapc�lis �rnneso�a hk�pkin ; �-�.Il[Jf�iir��ae� ��r������ ,yrF;.r�r�l�vi,r:� Frii�i::a � Contact: WAYNE ELAM (763) 229-4982 WElam@commrealtysolutions.com The information contained herein was obtained from souroes believed to be reliable, but Commeroial Realty Solutions, LLC has not verified nor has any knowledge regarding the accuracy of information and makes no representation or warranty concerning the same. Therefore, Commeroial Realty Solutions, LLC disclaims all liabilities in connection with any inaccuracies or incompleteness. � �. Monticello - Industrial Land FOR SALE xxx Chelsea Road E., Monticello, MN 55362 -- � TRAFFIC �'� ; �� �� * I-94 - 53,000 VPD Easy . a� L , 3 ;t —.�.,� �;�,-'.�s — . �" � fd ��;,��c - —,,,.�s 1. �"-�� ; - � ; r = `�v �� ., ,``�: • q��.. ; , � ��,- Access! ; -pLSlf� k b�r .. �� � �• i J���iM1,�4�; � ,�1;. • f ,'�,�s .,� ��FSiF .. 1��- �'.'�."� R ?, � ..-0. � 4� j_' �''� .... �i ii .. � �Y � . '�.�. , f p3 ' �'-Y e� '�is� . IR� ' . � �I �, � i n i AR7_ '��'isa G�",. � � ; a ��''�-l. � , �- 1 ..* a1 c. � � . � _': ��: � . - � � �. " ��',r'�Yi.,;� t � , � .., �� f'�'�`t � - a _ � �ti� t�,.i OfficeMax �, � � ,` �:'� r� f �` � -+� .�.. �.` ' `` '! _ � '"'� g'¢v�� '�i,_a,i3fi I ihu�i` � � � ' �Ti� "u � - ` . .,� :'-```� ` t,�y�31 � .� 1 .�, i;.cnw,r, ��,i�.o�i � ���Z� �MF.��>,�, . . �. . , - � �..'�,( �` �` �'', � '* a. _ r � L I;GE Ip� � � ~ �` 't`+�. ' l�`W �F .���l�S � !N `� §�.-1+. 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'" �q m�'-.`�°"'�y%�:1� -l+��• � •`�ti �'`��`�,+b,f ,���"%� 1R AIF ��J4HV0� �,� JL.I6�.lL1L ���� ' �,�� ..�����w��'�"�,' �� ���4� f . 1 � � � " '°� Aa� �'� f�,u����l �j�s��.,�°hea � �� � � . �� �{ti'� ,��. � �.,�?.�` :. , .� ''^"_- ��+ne �' � ��� , 'I i *-+*� �- .t � � �` T� � � � ��� A� r - � � . _� +� �+pa �� �.� �, ` � �';'� - � `� , . "�y� ,�,�, .-,! ,, «„ , _. s L� . . . 3�.�: . � . � ' � . . . '. �{ .¢! �. y s �2ha: � �^'�'1+: � r� 1 i� �iR°R'�11�7 . � . 5 , � � f - . �I c a ;:�:-'�';,' �. _ 1 -�+ ` `� . ��f ' 1552150�101�0 �� . �'ROPERTY INFORMATIQN � � �� � � � _ � Ifii2f9G000t0 e .� /� � .` , .__ _ _... e. C.CL. \._ f 0` '.y�... W11+�_ `-.. * Located West of Fenning Avenue on Chelsea Road East. * South side of I-94 * Just 20 Minutes from Maple Grove * Across from Super Target, Home Depot, Pet '�"�;1� Smart, Caribou, Office Depot, Verizon, � Mattress Firm and more. . . �_ °� �Contact: ��-- _ I���s WAYNE ELAM (763) 229-4982 WElam@commrealtysolutions.com �,��. ,' . N,�� - w �.�__. _ The information contained herein was obtained from souroes believed to be reliable, but Commeroial Realty Solutions, LLC has not verified nor has any knowledge regarding the accuracy of information and makes no representation or warranty concerning the same. Therefore, Commeroial Realty Solutions, LLC disclaims all liabilities in connection with any inaccuracies or incompleteness. EDA Agenda - 11/06/19 7. Consideration of Block 52 TIF Bli�ht and Substandard Inspections Quotes and authorizing entering into a contract with the lowest aualified auote (JT) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND The EDA is being asked to review and select the lowest qualified quote for Blighted and Substandard Property Inspections to qualify the establishment of a new Redevelopment TIF District in Block 52 and further authorize entering into a contract for services with selected vendor. Quotes have been submitted by the following firms in the amounts shown below: Name of Firm Amount of Quote LHB Architects, Minneapolis, MN $18,900.00 CR-BPS, Minneapolis, MN $23,040.00 The low quote was submitted by LHB Architects. A review of the LHB Architects submittal by staff confirms that it meets the requirements of the RFP. By way of background, the Blighted and Substandard Property inspections are recommended to be completed to determine if Block 52 in its entirety, or in component portions, will qualify as a Redevelopment TIF District. The Redevelopment TIF District eligibility is crucial in creating the most effective financing plan for redevelopment efforts in Block 52 as it allows an increment capture time period of 25 years versus a shorter period with other types of districts. At this point in time, it doesn't matter if property in Block 52 is controlled or owned by the EDA. The consultant has been apprised of the property ownership status for the entire Block via the RFP packet. There are several methods in determining blighted and substandard conditions, including document searches with the City and County along with e�terior visual inspections. Of course, the best method is being allowed access into each building and/or property to complete a more accurate and detailed inspection. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The staff activities in this crucial TIF prequalifying step include: creating a descriptive Request for Proposal (RFP) packet, soliciting quote submittals by prospective qualified firms, sending them the RFP packet, reviewing RFP submittals and preparing the staff report for EDA consideration. To date the approximate amount of time involved by staff is 10 to 12 hours +/-. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The expected future budget impact is tied to the EDA decision related to selection of an acceptable quote. Since this is professional service, the EDA has the leeway to select the most qualified firm regardless of the quote amount if it so chooses. The source of the funds to pay for the Blighted and Substandard Property Inspections-Assessments will be the EDA General fund budget. The specific line item will be the "Redevelopment Activities" line item. The adopted 2019 EDA budget set 1 EDA Agenda — 11/06/19 aside $123,250 in the Redevelopment activities line item for these types of expenses. As of the most recent financial update, there is sufficient funding available in this line item. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to select the lowest qualified quote for Blighted and Substandard Building Inspections-Assessments for Block 52 and authorize entering into a contract for services with the selected vendor. 2. Motion to deny selection of the lowest qualified quote and authorization to enter into a contract for services for Blighted and Substandard Building Inspections- Assessments in Block 52. 3. Motion to table action on the item for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the EDA select the lowest qualified quote among the submitted proposals. Completing the Blighted and Substandard Inspection-Assessment is an important step for the EDA to have the knowledge that the most desirable type of TIF District, a Redevelopment District, will actually work in Block 52. Property does not need to be owned or controlled by the EDA to have a satisfactory assessment process completed. Although, it is definitely more helpful if the consultant can gain access to each building in the Block, there are other methods by which it can determine blight and substandard conditions. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. LHB Architects RFP Submittal B. CR-BPS RFP Submittal C. RFP Format � PERF�I�MANCE DRIVEN ❑ESIGh1, LHBcvrp.eam October 14, 2019 Jacob Thunander Community Economic Development Coordinator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 MONTICELLO BLOCK 52 TIF ANALYSIS Dear Jacob, Thank you for the opportunity to submit a proposal for the Block 52 TIF analysis in Monticello, Minnesota. LHB is a full-service architecture, planning and engineering firm with 250 employees in our Minneapolis, Duluth, Cambridge, and Superior, Wisconsin offices. Our Government studio has extensive experience working with local governments on their planning, design, architectural and engineering needs. Having been personally involved on various city councils and planning commissions, I understand how cities function and the importance of maintaining the support of your appointed and elected officials and community throughout the process. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE LHB has significant experience with a variety of inspection and facility assessment projects, including the analysis of over 290 TIF Districts. Examples include: • City of Columbia Heights TIF inspection services • City of St. Paul TIF inspection services • City of St. Anthony Village, NW Quadrant TIF inspection services • City of St. Louis Park TIF District inspection services • City of Mound TIF District "1-2" inspection services • City of Osseo TIF inspection services • City of New Richmond, WI TIF inspection services • Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system facility assessments • State of Minnesota Facility Assessments • Property Condition Assessments for the St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development (Franklin/Emerald Neighborhood) • Condition surveys for every DNR facility in the State of Minnesota, 2014 .� i `s � �:i�:: i , �ili�:.e' ,� il, ,,,;,_i � I_' li.i' . , ' J . �i_iz � . . '� �;i '.. I01 `'V«shir3r;t .nn i��rr�u� hr,rtn, 5uit�� 1Ut) fvlinnt�;ipnlis, NYN Sh�iU1 I a11.338.2[]�� 2flfl �hird Avenue Nartheast, 5uite 1 QO I Cam6rid�e, MN 550�8 I 763.�89.9�142 63 East Secnnd Street, Suite 'f5Q I 5uperior, WI 54884 I 715.392.2902 Page: 2 Monricello Block 52 TIF Analysis — October 14, 2019 TEAM CREDENTIALS MJchael A. Fischer, AI� LEED AP - Project Prtncipal/TIFAnalpst Michael has 32 years of experience as project principal, project manager, project designer and project architect on planning, urban design, educational, commercial and governmental projects. He has become an expert on Tax Increment Finance District analysis assisting over 150 cities with strategic planning for TIF Districts. He is an Architectural Principal at LHB and currently leads the Minneapolis office and the 105-person Integrative Design Team. Michael completed a two-year Bush Fellowship, studying at MIT and Harvard in 1999, earning Masters degrees in City Planning and Real Estate Development from MIT. He has served on more than 50 committees, boards and community task forces, including a term as a City Council President and as Chair of a Metropolitan Planning Organization. Most recendy, he served as Chair of the Edina, Minnesota planning commission and is currendy a member of the Edina city council. Michael has also managed and designed several award-winning architectural projects, and was one of four architects in the Country to receive the AIA Young Architects Citation in 1997. Phil Waugh —Pro�ectManager/T7F�lnalyst Philip is a project manager with 13 years of experience in historic preservation, building investigations, material research, and construction methods. He previously worked as a historic preservationist and also served as the preservation specialist at the St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. Currendy, Phil sits on the Board of Directors for the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota. His current responsibilities include project management of historic preservation projects, performing building condition surveys and analysis, TIF analysis, writing preservation specifications, historic design reviews, writing Historic Preservation Tax Credit applications, preservation planning, and grant writing. Jona than Pet�grew, AIA — Inspector Jonathan Pettigrew has worked in architecture and construction for the last twenty years in Minnesota, California and Washington. His experience includes a variety of commercial and residential project types and scales, from single-family homes to a 300,000 square foot multi-building office complex. He has significant experience in code reviews and building systems inspections and analysis. Jonathan received his Minnesota architect's license in 2004. He brings a strong interest in sustainability and an eye for detail to his work. He enjoys working with clients, consultants and contractors to bring projects together successfully. Phil FJsher — �nspector For 35 years, Phil Fisher worked in the field of Building Operations in Minnesota including White Bear Lake Area Schools. At the University of Minnesota, he earned his Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology. He is a Certified Playground Safety Inspector, Certified Plant Engineer, and is trained in Minnesota Enterprise Real Properties (MERP) Facility Condition Assessment (FCA). His FCA training was recendy applied to the Minnesota Depart�nent of Natural Resources Facilities Condition Assessment project involving over 2,000 buildings. Page: 3 Monricello Block 52 TIF Analysis — October 14, 2019 SCOPE OF SERVICES LHB will provide the following services based upon the terms and conditions described below. 1. Survey the TIF District to determine if it meets applicable coverage test. A. To meet the coverage test, parcels consisting of 70 percent of the area of the district must be "occupied" by buildings, streets, utilities, or paved or gravel parking lots. B. A parcel is not considered "occupied" unless at least 15% of its total area contains improvements. 2. Conduct a visual review of building(s) interior and exterior: A. Obtain property owner's consent for inspection. B. Document property conditions relative to Minnesota Statutes Section 469.174 Subdivision 10. 3. Estimate building(s) replacement cost: A. Replacement cost is the cost of constructing a new structure of the same square footage and type on the site. B. A base cost will be calculated by establishing the building class, type and construction quality. C. Identify amenities, which increase the value of the building over the standard construction quality level. D. Review building permits for each parcel. E. The base cost and cost of amenities will be totaled to determine the replacement cost for the property. 4. Evaluate building(s) existing condition: A. "Structurally substandard shall mean containing defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions, or similar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance." 5. Determine Building(s) Code Deficiencies: A. Determine technical conditions, which are not in compliance with current building code applicable to new buildings. B. Provide opinion of probable cost to correct identified deficiencies. C. Compare cost of deficiency corrections to replacement value of building. 6. Prepare and deliver report: A. Prepare a written narrative analysis of the District describing why the property within the District does or does not meet the criteria as "structurally substandard" as established in Minnesota Statutes Section 469.174, subdivision 10. B. Deliver final reports via email PDF. Page: 4 Monricello Block 52 TIF Analysis — October 14, 2019 ASSUMPTIONS LHB will inspect up to ten buildings on sixteen parcels. We will inspect both the interior and exterior of the buildings and evaluate the coverage of the parcel(s). The Client will provide the following: • A scalable parcel map and/or aerial photo of the area to be inspected, including GIS information with specific parcel data, including parcel area measured in square feet. • A list of all parcels affected including name of owner, current known business or resident name and address. • Available information regarding the condition of the structures, including past building permit information, and known code violations. STANDARD OF CARE LHB shall perform services consistent with the professional skill and care ordinarily provided by other professionals practicing in the same or similar locality under the same or similar circumstances. Any report prepared by LHB represents a professional opinion based upon information available and arrived at in accordance with generally accepted professional standards. Other than as contained in the report, LHB makes no express or implied warranty. Short of complete deconstruction to examine every element at every location, no assessment can reveal all conditions which may exist. Additional testing, assessment, or demolition, may uncover conditions which would make it necessary to modify LHB's conclusions or recommendations. Any report prepared for the purpose described in this Agreement is for the exclusive use by those to whom the report is addressed. LHB will not and cannot be held liable for the unauthorized reliance upon this report by any third party. COMPENSATION We propose to work on an hourly basis with the following key staf£ Project Principal, Michael Fischer (TIF analysis) $280/hour Project Manager $165�hour Project Architect/Inspector $145/hour Project Administrator $85/hour We will work on an hourly basis not to exceed Eighteen Thousand Nine Hundred dollars ($18,900) including reimbursable expenses for the inspection of the properties, including a full report outlining the findings for the proposed TIF District. Payments are due and payable upon receipt of our invoice. Unpaid balances 60-days after invoice date shall bear interest at the rate of 8% annually. Failure to make timely payment to LHB is a material breach of this Agreement and may, at LHB's sole discretion, result in a suspension or termination of services, and may, at LHB's sole discretion, result in the termination of the Client's limited license authorization to use LHB's copyrighted Instruments of Service. Page: 5 Monricello Block 52 TIF Analysis — October 14, 2019 ADDITIONAL SERVICES If there is a material change in the circumstances or conditions that affect the scope of work, schedule, allocation of risks or other material terms, LHB shall notify the Client The Client and LHB shall promptly and in good faith enter into negotiation to address the changed conditions including equitable adjustment to compensation. The fees and costs for any additional services will be based upon LHB's Standard Hourly Rates and Standard Reimbursable Schedule. SCHEDULE The final report typically requires 30-45 days to complete from the time we are authorized to start. We can make preliminary conclusions prior to our full report being completed if necessary to allow other consultants and the client to begin their work. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES LHB and Client waive consequential damages for claims, disputes or other matters in question arising out of or relating to this Agreement. LIMIT OF LIABILIT'Y To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Client agrees to limit LHB's liability for the Client's damages to the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) or the amount of fee paid to LHB, whichever is greater. This limitation shall apply regardless of the cause of action or legal theory pled or asserted. USE OF LHB'S DOCUMENTS The documents prepared by LHB are solely for use with respect to this project. All documents prepared by LHB pursuant to this Agreement are the instruments of services to the Project and LHB shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including copyright. LHB grants to Client a nonexclusive limited license solely for the purposes of evaluating and executing the Project The Client shall not assign, delegate, sublicense, or otherwise transfer any license granted herein to another party. To the extent the documents are transferred or are modified, supplemented or otherwise altered by the Client, subsequent design professional, or any other party, the Client agrees to indemnify, defend and hold LHB harmless for any claims, demands, damages or causes of action arising out of such transfer or modification, supplementation or alteration. OTHER CONDITIONS The laws of the State of Minnesota shall govern this Agreement. Any provision of this agreement later held to violate a law or regulation shall be deemed void. All remaining provisions shall continue in force. The Client recognizes that materials prepared by others may be subj ect to copyright protection and warrants to LHB that any documents provided by the Client do not infringe upon the copyright held by another. Unless the parties mutually agree otherwise, the parties shall endeavor to setde disputes by mediation. A demand for mediation shall be filed, in writing, within a reasonable period of time after a claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen. Page: 6 Monricello Block 52 TIF Analysis — October 14, 2019 LHB and the Client, acting through the Client's legal representative, will, to the fullest reasonable extent, cooperate and coordinate efforts in preparing necessary responses to any third party challenges to the inspections. The Client agrees to pay LHB its regular hourly rates for time spent as a result of a third party legal challenge If the terms and conditions of this Agreement are acceptable, please sign and return a copy to LHB. CLIENT NAME LHB INC. By: By: ► �Signature� �Signature� ItS: ItS: PYll7C1�� �'rr�e) �r�r�e� Name: Name: Michael A. Pz'schev�. AIA (Printed Name� (Printed Name� C:AUsers\MAFTSCH\Documents\MII�+ DOCUIV�NTS\LHB\TTF\TTF tlgceements\2019 tlgceements\Monticello Block 52 TTF Analysis 1Q1419.docx ►�' � . I , `'-:. BLIILDI�NG RERFORNiAhiCE SPEGIALISTS October 14, 2019 Mr. Jacob Thunander Community & Economic Development Coordinator City of Monticello 505 Walnut St, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Thunander, RE: TIF Eligibility Assessment Block 52 City of Monticello On behalf of CR-Building Performance Specialists, GBC (CR-BPS), I want to thank you for considering our team of architects and facility professionals to provide assessment services for your TIF eligibility study project. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to work with you. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Monticello requests a TIF Eligibility Study in association with the proposed development of Block 52 in Monticello, MN. We understand the TIF assessment is to include the following properties (16 Parcels with 9 Buildings/35,193 SF): • ParcelID:155010052150 • ParcelID:155010052140 • Parcel ID:155010052131- Building: 3.342 SF • Parcel ID:155010052110 - Building: 5,140 SF • ParcelID:155010052120 • Parcel ID:155010052130 - Building: 3,250 SF • ParcelID:155010052132 • Parcel ID:155010052010 - Building: 7,335 SF • Parcel ID:155010052030 - Building: 2,400 SF • Parcel ID:155010052031- Building: 5,360 SF • Parcel ID:155010052060 - Building: 4,896 SF • ParcelID:155010052071 • Parcel ID:155010052070 - Building:1,530 SF • Parcel ID:155010052090 - Building:1,850 SF • ParcelID:155010052101 • ParcelID:155010052102 APPROACH CR-BPS will conduct a TIF Eligibility Study in compliance with the Minnesota State Statutes (as defined in 469.174, subdivisions 10 a-10 b). We will conduct the research, fieldwork and testing to determine if the site qualifies for TIF District eligibility. And if so, CR-BPS will determine what type of TIF District the site is eligible for, 'Renewal & Renovatiori TIF District or 'Redevelopment' TIF District. In the best interest of the Client, CR-BPS uniquely proposes a two-Phase approach to this particular TIF assessment. PHASE 1: Initial site visit, data entry and testing. Depending on if the results of Phase 1, do not meet TIF District eligibility standards, Phase 2 services will not be needed. If Phase 1 outcomes suggest that the site will qualify for TIF District eligibility, CR-BPS will move forward with Phase 2 services. PHASE 2: Further develop reports and documentation to determine that the site does in fact qualify for TIF District eligibility, and to determine what standard this site complies with: 'Renewal & Renovatiori or'Redevelopment' TIF District. CR-BPS'S 2-PHASE APPROACH TO TIF DISTRICT ELIGIBILITY STUDIES N� YES The structure(s}fsite will nat meet I�light staf us. WWW.CR-BPS.COM SCOPE OF WORK PHASE 1 Preliminary testing to determine the number of substandard buildings, and to determine if the site is eligible to qualify for a TIF District (either a'Renewal & Renovatiori or 'Redevelopment' TIF Districts) or not. Task 1: Initial Site Visit Conduct a physical inspection of the site. Task 2: Initial Data Entry Document all findings in CR-BPS TIF District Study templates. Task 3: Preliminary Testing: Conduct Area Coverage Analysis Test and Building Conditions Test Test 1: Area Coverage Anal�usis Test At first, each parcel will be evaluated for coverage to see if they meet the required 15% coverage. Next, all parcels are evaluated to see if 70 percent of all parcels are deemed as meeting the 15% coverage. If these requirements are met the district will meet the Area Coverage Analysis Test. Note: The coverage required by the parcel to be considered occupied is defined under Minnesota Statute Section 469.174, Subdivision 10, clause (e) which states "For purposes of this subdivision, a parcel is not occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots or other similar structures unless 15% of the area of the parcel contains buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots or other similar structures." Additionally, "parcels consisting of 70 percent of the area of the district are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots or similar structures ..." Test 2: Building Conditions Test The Building Conditions Test is a two-part test therefore, the findings of each step are independent of each other and both steps must be satisfied in order for a building to be found structurally substandard. 1. The Building Conditions Test (a subjective test): Conditions Test, Renewal F� Renovation: Under the tax increment law, specifically, Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10a, (1) dause (iii), 30 % of the other buildings (those deemed not structurally substandard) require substantial renovation or dearance to remove existing conditions if "inadequate street layout, incompatible uses or land use relationships, overcrowding of buildings on the land, excessive dwelling unit density, obsolete buildings not suitable for improvement or conversion, or other identified hazards to the health, safety, and general well-being of the community". 2. The Code Test (an objective, quantifiable test): Code Test: Noturithstanding the foregoing, the tax increment law, specifically, Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10, dause (c) also provides that a building may not be considered structurally substandard if it: ". .. is in compliance with building code applicable to new buildings or could be modified to satisfy the building code at a cost of less than 15 WWW.CR-BPS.COM percent of the cost of constructing a new structure of the same square footage and type on the site. " Task 4: Preliminary TIF District Eligibility Determination: Determine if the site will meet the eligibility standards for a'Renewal & Renovatiori or 'Redevelopment' TIF District or not. PHASE 2 CR-BPS will have determined that the site qualifies for TIF District eligibility; however, CR-BPS will provide further documentation to determine if it meets a'Renewal & Renovatiori TIF District or 'Redevelopment' TIF District standards. Task 5: Final Data Entry To increase efficiency and accuracy, CR-BPS uses the most up-to-date and accurate facility information using a Facility Asset Management software and web portal program called VFA. facility; a facility data resource, collection and documentation tool. Updated in real-time, our software tool populates current R. S. Means Cost Data and follows industry standards such as BOMA, etc. Task 6: Final TIF District Determination: Determine what TIF District do the structures/site qualify for? a) Renewal & Renovation TIF District: In order to pass the Building Conditions Test for a Renewal and Renovation TIF District the following must be true: 0 20 percent of the building(s), not including outbuildings, must be deemed structurally substandard (code test); and 0 30 percent of the other building(s), not including outbuildings, must require substantial renovation or dearance to remove existing conditions (conditions test). b) Redevelopment TIF District: In order to pass the Building Conditions Test for a Redevelopment TIF District, the following must be true: 0 50 percent of the buildings must be deemed structurally substandard buildings (code test), and 0 50 percent of the buildings must require substantial renovation or dearance to remove existing conditions (conditions test). Task 7: Delivery of Final TIF District Qualification Report SCHEDULE The proposed schedule is for CR-BPS to work with the City of Monticello and developers to complete the work as expeditiously as the work allows. Upon Notice to Proceed, CR-BPS will confirm a schedule with the Client. WWW.CR-BPS.COM 4 �� � BUILDING PERFORMANCE SPECIALISTS 1. Substandard TIF Assessment Facility & Site Condition Inspections St. Paul Port Authority, Multiple Locations, MN MDS Site: 529,026 SF � 1 Building � 1 Parcel Date of Service: 2017 2. Substandard TIF Assessment Facility & Site Condition Inspections St Paul Planning & Economic Development Department Ford Plant Site: 2.1 Million SF � 10 Buildings � 2 Parcels Date of Service: 2014 3. Substandard TIF Assessment Facility & Site Condition Inspections St. Paul Port Authority, St. Paul, MN Eric's Bar Site: 4,050 SF � 1 Building � 1 Parcel Bldg 20 Site: 478,815 SF � 1 Building � 1 Parcel Date of Service: 2013 to 2017 4. Substandard TIF Assessment Facility & Site Condition Inspections City of Minnetonka, MN Minnetonka Blvd Site: 38,714 SF � 1 Building � 1 Parcel Shady Oak Rd: 65,603 SF � 3 Buildings � 3 Parcels (4 acres) Date of Service: 2013-2015 5. Substandard TIF Assessment Facility & Site Condition Inspections City of Minnetonka, MN Red Circle Dr Site: 183,845 SF � 3 Buildings � 3 Parcels Bren Rd: 223,660 SF � 1 Building � 1 Parcel Date of Service: 2016-2018 6. Substandard TIF Assessment Facility & Site Condition Inspections City of Hastings, MN Hudson Manufacturing Site: 155,363 SF � 1 Building � 7 Parcels Date of Service: 2013 7. Substandard TIF Assessment Facility & Site Condition Inspections Duluth Economic Development Authority, City of Duluth, MN Woodland Ave Site: 172,787 SF � 12 Buildings � 22 Parcels Date of Service: 2012 8. Substandard TIF Assessment Facility & Site Condition Inspections City of Minnetonka, MN Oak Dr Site: 28,476 SF � 2 Buildings � 2 Parcels Date of Service: 2016 9. Substandard TIF Assessment Facility & Site Condition Inspections Duluth Economic Development Authority, City of Duluth, MN Pier B Site: 49,381 SF � 4 Buildings � 13 Parcels Date of Service: 2012 � Qualifications -� � �$� � � s ; �° , a,�'� x � ��.,� , � � � City of Monticello EDA - Blighted-Substandard TIF Qualifying Building Inspections �� � BUILDING PERFORMANCE SPECIALISTS - i� - --�- � � ��, i, :-�► P�iMARY LOCATItrov Minneapolis, MN LICENSES Minnesota # 20488 Wisconsin # 8353 — 005 Michigan # 1301042256 Colorado # 306423 Wyoming # C-2272 South Dakota # 7412 NCARB # 71040 EDUCATION Masters of Architecture, Montana State University (1986) Bachelor of Science Bemidji State University (1978) LEED Accreditation Training Life Cycle Assessment Training Energy & Daylight Modeling Training SDIC Public Involvement Training - CPO and CPO 2 Technology of Participation - Group Facilitation Methods YEARS EXPERIENCE This Firm: 10 Other Firms: 23 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Institute of Architects US Green Building Council Member International Facility Management Association Passive House Minnesota Facilitators Network American Public Works Association Energy Services Coalition Urban Land Institute TENURE Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH), St. Pa u I, M N PROJECT TEAM NANCY SCHULTZ, AIA, LEED AP BD+C PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE - SENIOR ARCHITECT GENERAL BACKGROUND Nancy is an Architect registered in the State of Minnesota. She has almost 30 years of experience working with public and private clients in support of As- set/Facility Condition Assessments (ACA), Tax Increment Financing (TIF) As- sessments, Facility Asset + Energy Management Programs, high performance design of new buildings and existing remodels, advanced building science and energy efficiency projects for CR-BPS. Nancy has extensive experience successfully completing building evaluations and ACA projects for State and Local Government, Tribal Agencies, Universi- ties, and Private clients. Leading teams on such projects, Nancy brings strong technical delivery, attention to detail and seamless project coordination for top quality reports and implementation strategies that inform capital planning and budgets long-term. Nancy became President of CR-BPS in 2008 after 23 yrs at SEH, where her most recent position was Director of Architecture. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES Oversees overall FCA and TIF project execution and final deliverable, Sr Archi- tect, QA/QC Manager, assessments, recommendations and corrective actions, budgets, capital plans and budgets, integrative pre-design, energy conserva- tion opportunities, and project development. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE • Comprehensive, multi-facility, Asset/Facilty Condition Assessments, inclu- sive of ADA/Regulatory Evaluations of hundreds of City/County buildings (including Transportation, Water & Wastewater Treatment, Parks Mainte- nance, Office, Aquatic, Rec Centers, Restroom, Ice Arena, etc. building types) and Asset + Energy Management Programs for the following Local Government Units: - City of Bloomington, MN — Project Manager, Sr. Architect - City of Edina, MN — Project Manager, PIC - City of Red Wing, MN — Project Manager, PIC - City of Willmar, MN — Project Manager, PIC - St. Louis County, MN — Project Manager, Sr. Architect - City of River Falls, MN — Project Manager, PIC - City of Duluth, MN Polk County, WI — Sr Architect, PIC - City of Silver Bay, MN - Sr Architect, PIC Substandard TIF Regulatory Evaluations — for multiply public agencies such as: - City of Minnetonka, MN - Saint Paul Port Authority, MN - City of Saint Paul Planning and Economic Development, MN - Duluth Economic Development Authority, City of Duluth, MN - City of Hastings, St. Paul, MN - City of Duluth, MN City of Monticello EDA - Blighted-Substandard TIF Qualifying Building Inspections �� � BUILDING PERFORMANCE SPECIALISTS � . \\� � �` �, PRIMARY LOCATION: Minneapolis, MN EDUCATION Bachelor of Architecture University of Minnesota (2003) Associate of Arts Central Lakes College (2000) VFA Facility Assessment Training (2004) IBC 2006 Code Training YEARS EXPERIENCE CR-BPS: 8 Other Firms: 8 REGISTRATIONS Certified Accessibility Specialist LEED GA OSHA PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Institute of Architects US Green Building Council Member BOMA ASHRAE IM FA Minnesota Facilitators Network Energy Services Coalition Urban Land Institute Minneapolis, MN Association Passive House Minnesota Facilitators Network American Public Works Association Energy Services Coalition Urban Land Institute TENURE Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH), St. Pa u I, M N CHAD KRAEMER, LEED GA SENIOR TIF ASSESSOR PROJECT TEAM GENERAL BACKGROUND Chad has extensive experience providing Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and life safety regulatory evaluations, asset condition assessments (ACA) and Facil- ity Asset + Energy Management Programs. He ofFers credible, reliable facility and energy data in support of Assessments, as well as for Multi-Building As- set + Energy Management Programs for State and Local Governments, Tribal Agencies, Universities, Non Profits, and Private Clients. In the past 6 years alone, Chad has assessed, analyzed and evaluated over 15 million SF of MN and WI facilities with a strong attention to detail and the most advanced levels of building science technology and regulatory compliance to date. Experience includes the following buildings types: waste water treatment, transit/transportation, administration, parks, rec centers, golf, municipal service buildings, public works, government, community, aquatic, ice, maintenance, of- fice, power plant, headquarters, visitor, storage, salt/sand, park, warehouses, parking ramps and many others for government clients. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES Managing all facility assessment teams and outcomes, TIF regulatory evalu- ations, data entry and software system manager on-site assessment results, system identification and documentation, system analysis and evaluation, sys- tem prioritization and categorization, cost estimating, recommendations and corrective actions and budgeting RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE • Facility & Site Condition Assessment, multi-facility, ACA - Metropolitan Council, Metro Transit Sites and Buildings • Comprehensive, multi-facility, Asset Condition Assessments, inclusive of ADA/Regulatory Evaluations of hundreds of City/County buildings (includ- ing Transportation, Water & Wastewater Treatment, Parks Maintenance, Office, Aquatic, Rec Centers, Restroom, Ice Arena, etc. building types) and Asset + Energy Management Programs for the following Local Government Units: - City of Bloomington, MN — Senior Assessor, QAQC Manager - City of Edina, MN — Senior Assessor, QAQC Manager - City of Red Wing, MN — Senior Assessor, QAQC Manager - City of Willmar, MN — Senior Assessor, QAQC Manager - St. Louis County, MN — Senior Assessor, QAQC Manager - City of River Falls, MN — Sr Assessor - City of Duluth, MN — Sr Assessor Substandard TIF Regulatory Evaluations — for multiply projects for public agencies such as: - City of Minnetonka, MN - Saint Paul Port Authority, MN - City of Saint Paul Planning and Economic Development, MN - Duluth Economic Development Authority, City of Duluth, MN - City of Hastings, St. Paul, MN - City of Duluth, MN Metropolitan Council Facility ADA Self-Evaluations (Council-wide) �� � BUILDING PERFORMANCE SPECIALISTS � _ �< ,l _ . � PRIMARY LOCATION: Minneapolis, MN EDUCATION: BS in Engineering Technology Minor in Business University of Wisconsin-Stout (2016) YEARS EXPERIENCE This Firm: 4 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS International Facility Management Association American Public Works Association Urban Land Institute REGISTRATIONS MN Certified Accessibility Specialists PROJECT TEAM RYAN ROMAN ACCESSIBILITY SPECIALIST - BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING SPECIALIST GENERAL BACKGROUND Ryan is experienced in developing electronic 3D Building Information Modeling (BIM) systems for CR-BPS to assist in making it easier for our clients to track the buildings/sites systems, deficiencies, barriers and other life safety regula- tory issues. This is tremendously helpful when planning, designing construct- ing, operating and maintaining a diverse physical infrastructure. PDF 3D mod- els along with electronic Excel worksheets from the BMI models are created for ease of communication and managing the condition of respective assets. In the past two years, Ryan has analyzed and assessed over 2 million SF of Minnesota and Wisconsin facilities with strong attention to detail. Ryan's expe- rience includes the following buildings types: waste water treatment, transit/ transportation, administration, parks, rec centers, golf, municipal service build- ings, public works, government, community, aquatic, ice, maintenance, office, power plant, headquarters, visitor, , storage, salt/sand, park, warehouses, parking ramps and many others for government clients. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES Creates BIM models for all assets being evaluated/assessed and then uses this model to conduct the on site assessment of regulatory deficiencies. Conducts building evaluations, system identification and documentation, system analysis and evaluation, data entry and production of reports and presentations. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Facility & Site Condition Assessment, multi-facility, ACA - Metropolitan Council, Metro Transit Sites and Buildings Comprehensive, multi-facility, Asset Condition Assessments, inclusive of Regulatory Evaluations of hundreds of City/County buildings (including Transportation, Water & Wastewater Treatment, Parks Maintenance, Of- fice, Aquatic, Rec Centers, Restroom, Ice Arena, etc. building types) and Asset + Energy Management Programs for the following Local Government Units: - City of Bloomington, MN — Assessor, Accessibility & BIM Specialist - City of Edina, MN — Assessor Accessibility/Regulatory & BIM Specialist - City of Red Wing, MN — Assessor, Accessibility & BIM Specialist - City of Willmar, MN — Assessor, Accessibility & BIM Specialist - St. Louis County, MN — Assessor, Accessibility & BIM Specialist - City of River Falls, MN — Assessor, Accessibility & BIM Specialist - City of Duluth, MN — Jr Assessor, Accessibility & BIM Specialist - Polk County, WI — Jr Assessor, Accessibility & BIM Specialist - City of Superior, WI — Jr Assessor, Accessibility & BIM Specialist - St. Croix Cty, WI — Jr Assessor, Accessibility & BIM Specialist - Pepin County, WI — Jr Assessor, Accessibility & BIM Specialist - City of Marshfield, WI — Jr Assessor, Accessibility & BIM Specialist City of Monticello EDA - Blighted-Substandard TIF Qualifying Building Inspections �� � BUILDING PERFORMANCE SPECIALISTS PRIMARY LOCATION Minneapolis, MN EDUCATION Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering University of Minnesota-Minneapolis (1974) Bachelor of Science Engineering Technologies Southwest State University - Marshall, MN (1972) REGISTRATIONS/ CERTIFICATIONS Professional Engineer in MI (#45832, 1999) Professional Engineer in MN (#13983, 1978) Professional Engineer in WI (#E-19494, 1980) YEARS EXPERIENCE This Firm: 2 Other Firms: 43 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Council of Engineering Companies, Member (2000-present) American Public Works Association, Member (2004-present) Minnesota Public Works Association, Member (2004-present) Engineering Society of St. Paul, Member (2010 — present) President 2018 TENURE Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH), St. Pa u I, M N MICHAEL (MIKE) R. KRAEMER, PE CIVIL ENGINEER PROJECT TEAM GENERAL BACKGROUND Mike is a Civil Engineer with decades of project management and design experience on a variety of civil engineering projects. Projects types in- clude comprehensive site civil planning and rehabilitation; downtown and commercial area redevelopments; and transportation and infrastructure evalu- ation and upgrades. Mike has special expertise in implementation, design and management of commercial area infrastructure rehabilitation and redevelopment, from devel- opment of concepts and financing options through design and construction management. His detailed project management experience is highlighted by successful trend setting stakeholder engagement programs and coordination of public, private and governmental communications. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES Oversees all site civil assessments & evaluations, recommendations and cor- rective actions, budgets, capital plans and budgets, integrative pre-design, and project development. With Mikes Site Civil Assessor he will provide the expertise needed for all site regulatory evaluations for this project. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE • Facility & Site Condition Assessment, multi-facility, ACA - Metropolitan Council, Metro Transit Sites and Buildings • Comprehensive, multi-facility, Asset Condition Assessments, inclusive of ADA/Regulatory Evaluations of hundreds of City/County buildings (includ- ing Transportation, Water & Wastewater Treatment, Parks Maintenance, Office, Aquatic, Rec Centers, Restroom, Ice Arena, etc. building types) and Asset + Energy Management Programs for the following Local Government Units: - City of Bloomington, MN — Civil Engineer - City of Edina, MN — Civil Engineer - City of Red Wing, MN — Civil Engineer - City of Willmar, MN — Civil Engineer - St. Louis County, MN — Civil Engineer - City of River Falls, MN — Civil Engineer - City of Duluth, MN — Site Civil Assessor - Polk County, WI — Site Civil Assessor - City of Superior, WI — Site Civil Assessor - St. Croix Cty, WI — Site Civil Assessor - Pepin County, WI — Site Civil Assessor - City of Marshfield, WI — Site Civil Assessor City of Monticello EDA - Blighted-Substandard TIF Qualifying Building Inspections ADDITIONAL SERVICES If the project requires additional services, such as needs for an Electrical or Mechanical Engineer or Urban Planning Specialist; or if additional structures are added to the structures proposed, these services will be considered Additional Services. Payment for additional services shall be based on the time required to perform the services at the billable rates for the principals and employees engaged directly on the project, plus charges for expenses and equipment. Prior to performance of any additional work, the Client and CR-BPS must approve such additional services in writing. COMPENSATION CR-BPS proposes a compensation structure based on each Phase outlined in the Scope of Work. Each fee is based on a lump sum fee in which all reimbursable expenses are included. Phase 1: Including all reimbursable expenses (mileage, reproductions, etc.) $17,280.00 Compensation shall be on a lump sum basis. Phase 2: Including all reimbursable expenses (mileage, reproductions, etc.) $ 5,760.00 Compensation shall be on a lump sum basis. TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 23,040.00 ASSUMPTIONS The following will be provided to the Client to assist with the building assessment, as is available: 1. A list of building related permits/public reports issued for each building over the life of the building from the City. 2. Verification of correspondence authorizing our entry to building(s). We recommend that any correspondence explain the purpose of the building inspections (to be distributed to the occupants and owners). 3. Copies of any related building or land use studies, reports, previous inspections and, if available, building floor plans. 4. Access to county taxpayer information available in GIS database format (parcel shapes, building shapes, aerial photography, as is available). Occasionally, a third party agreement is required between CR-BPS and a participating County. This is easily accomplished by having the City write a request to the County. CR-BPS will assist with this process if it is requested. The estimated fee assumes the City, or it's designate, will be responsible for all scheduling and providing access to each building and the surrounding site. Access to all common and secure areas of the buildings and general site will be required. CR-BPS will bill the Client monthly for services, expenses, and equipment. The estimated fee assumes prompt payment of our bills and the orderly and continuous progress of the project through completion. If there are delays in the payment of our invoices, it is agreed we are WWW.CR-BPS.COM entitled to collect, and you will pay interest at the rate of 1% per month for all amounts unpaid for thirty (30) days or more. • Additionally, if the project is delayed and we encounter additional costs as the result of the delays, it is agreed we are entitled to additional fees upon submission of the appropriate documentation of extra costs. • CR-BPS will, through the City's legal representative, to the fullest reasonable extent, cooperate and coordinate efforts in preparing responses to any third party challenges to the assessment at an additional cost. • If conflicts arise during the performance of these services, CR-BPS agrees that these conflicts shall be submitted to non-binding mediation unless we have mutually agreed otherwise. • This letter represents the entire understanding between the Client and CR-BPS in respect of the Project, and this agreement may only be modified if set forth in writing and signed by both parties. WWW.CR-BPS.COM If this Proposal satisfactorily sets forth our understanding of your Project, please sign the enclosed copy of this letter in the space provided below and return one copy to us. Or, if you require different contracting documents, please email contracts to the following for processing: Chad Kraemer Vice President Email: ckraemer@cr-bps.com Phone: 612-203-3163 We look forward to working with you and the City of Monticello on this project. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact at any time at the above referenced contact information. Sincerely, Chad Kraemer, Vice President CR-BUILDING PERFORMANCE SPECIALISTS, GBC Accepted By: City of Monticello (Signature) (Title) WWW.CR-BPS.COM (Printed Name) (Date) F�e�quest far Proposal �RFP� �tighted-5ubsfiandard TIF Quafifying Building inspectivns Block 5�, Monticello, Minnesota 5eptember 27, 2019 The City �f M�nticella Ecvnamic Develapment Autharity (E�A� is releasing the R�quest �or P"ra�osal �RFP) regardin� p�rfarming bligh�e� and substandard Tax Ir�crement Financ�ng (TIF} q�alifying bu�lding ir�spectiQns and �om{�leting the assr�ciat�d repvrt dvcuments - as reiated to Bfack 52 in dawntawn Monticelfa. 6lock 5� is cu�rently beir�g cansidered far redevelo,�ment which would patentiaily consist af a maxim�rrt 4 stary mixed-use residen#ial-commercial d�velapmer�t wi#h underground parking, caurtyard parking areas and public pfaza and green spa�e arnenitie�. The subst�r�dard building inspe�tiQn will help City stafF anti the �DA de#ermin� i� t�e canceptual use of Redev�lopment TIF fs a �alid path and ta F�elp inform t�e nexi steps in wc�rking an a plan to provide fiinanc�al assistan�e in the gaal of redeveioping Blc�ck 52 in the core dowrrtawn area, Per Minn�sata 5tat� Statutes, in order to �e create � Redevelo�ment TIF dis#r�ct, the su�ject �re� mus# have a minimurr� threshold �f biighted and s�kastandard buil�ing stru�tures. F�r more infnrmatian abaut the rules �nd rec�ulations #'ar TI F Reci�velc�pm�nt Districts, p�e�se see hii�s:llwww.revi�or.mn.�avlstatut��Icit�l459.174. RFP r+��pvnders s'�Quld in�lude all cr�sts assaciated with s#aff time (includ�ng tra�rel} and materials te� perf�rm t�e inspectic�ns and complete appropriat� r���rks-studies. Respvnders s�auld alsa include e�idenGe o# creden#��Is to perF�rm de�ired w�rk campar�ents and a sample list of past similar ir�spection prajects ��mplet�d in Minnesota. At#ach�d Exhibits A., B. and C. pra�ide a�ditianal infQrmativn about t�re Block 52 l�cation, parcel irtfr�rmat�an and c�wn�rship as well as City staff's best estirnate as to gaining access t� buifdings to canduc# inspections. The deadline for su�mittal ot the RFP is Monday Qctober 14th a# 4:00 p.m. RFP Questions abc�ut the RFP can be directed ta either .7im Thares, Economic Qevelapment Manager, phone # T63-271-3�54 or emai4 at I��.thares��ci.r��onticelGa.rnn.�as ar Jac�ab Th�nander, +�ommunity Economi� Develapmer�t Caordinator, phon� # 7fi3��71-320�i or email at iacab.t�iur��ndercc�ci.me�nirc�llc�.mn.us. RFP submitta�is shauld be submitted ta t1�e aftentian af: Ja�vb Thunander, Camm�nity & E�on�mic Development Caordinator via email: J�ct�b,tYrunander ci.rnanticello.mn.us or by regular mail at City af Mant�cello, 505 Wa1n�t 5treef. S�ite 1, MOI��IC�I4D, MN 5536�. � �� +� � _, � . _ . ' '� � .'� . ,� - � EXHIBITA ,� . � � • � ' �_ r i ' � _ � Y'F � y y� �� ' �- �. 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Parce� �D — 155flI�05? 150 C}��►�ner — C1TY (7T M41�iTiC�LLQ E1�A B�uilding Access - Yes ?. Parc�l ID — l �5(} 1 �Q52140 a►��n��- — CITY �F M�NTICELL[] E�3A �uilding Access - Yes 3. Parcei IQ - 155�14t152131 Address -� 1? W RIVER ST �wner - CITI' +DF MQNT�CELL+D EDA Buildi�g Access - �'es �}, Pareel II� - I 55� 1 Q�5? 1 l 4 Address - �[]3 PINE ST Q�r�ner - �'ITY CJF M�NTICELLfl EDA �uildi�g Access - Y�s 5. Pa�-cel IQ r 155D1OQ521?� Address: l Q3 PII�IE 5T O��rner — CITY QF M�3NTICELLC� �DA Building Access - Ye� �. P�rcel IQ - 15541 G1�52130 Address - l45 11VALl�II.]T S� flwner - K]ELLBERG, KEITH Suilding Ac�ess - L�riknc�wn 7. Parcei ID —� SSfl 140�5? 13? �wn�r � C'ITY C7F M�NTICELLC] Buildi�g Acc�ss - Yes S. l�arcel 1D -� 55414052D 1 U Address - � 55 �R�AD11�A�' V�J C�r�vner -.I c'�:, L PR�PERTIES LLC Build�n� �lccess - L]nknown �. Parcel ID - 155914(]S?�]3U Address - 149 �RQADWAY W awrter - TH�RU�],.117�N Building Acces� - []nknc�wn ] 0. Parcel II;1- l SS(] 10�52�31 Address - 121 BRQAI�WAY W C)��►ner - J(�HNSfl�1,STEVEN C �uildin� Access — Y�� 1 1. Parcel I� - i SSU 1005?06Q Address - l 13 SRO�ADWAY W +Dr��ne�- - KC � TI�E B��'� LLC B�uilding .Ac�ess — Yes 1?.Parcel ID - 155Q1t]QS�Q71 Address - l 1 1 BRC]�ADWAY W Qrvi�er — C�TY flF M(7NTICELLC) EQA Bvildin� Aeress — Ye� 13. Pai•cel ID - 155� � ODS?07[] .Address - i �7 W BROAI]WAY ST �rvr�er - JU�-fNSf�l'�,STEV�N C Buildir�� Access — Yes I �. Parce� [1� — 155010[l5?Qg0 Add�-ess - l01 BRQAIJWAY W []wner - JQ1-�NS()N,STEVEI'� C ge�ilding Access � �'�s iS.P�rce1 TR- 15��1Dt}S�1�I Dwner - CITY GF 1VIC�hITICELL{J EDA I�u�ldin� Arfiess -- Y�s 1�i. Farcel 1D - 155014[�5? 102 (3wner A CITY �F M(JNTICELLC� E�A Buiidir�g Acc�ss — Yes E�CH I BIT C. IlVrigh# +�+�un�ty k3�acan ��� Inf�rm��ivr� Ir�f�►rmat��vn p�cl��ts �or all parcels in Blv�k �� F3eacor� - Wright County. MN �g�c"�CC31'1F� Wright Gaunty, M N Su�nmary ParcellD Prvperty Address SetlTwplRng BrieF Tax Q�scription preded Acres Class Disfri�t 5chool Oistrict Creatlon pate Dwner Primary Taxpayer [-�Iy4lMprrtir.clln 505 Walnut 5[ 5[e 1 Mon[i�ello. MN 55352 is5oioos2rsa Page l of 2 �� � � � � � � � � �� � � �� � 1]-121�025 S��t-y 1 Twp-121 Range-D25 QR I�GI NA L P LAT Mp NT IC E L L O I o[ �[7 i 5 B I ock-OS�? N L Y 30D FT flF LOT 15 6LK 52 & WLK 34 FT OF N SUO FT OF LOT id •.N�...r Nr.� q:.i•��:.,...,. ��..;IAotui �. n... D.OD. 958-�NDN-HST�IMUNICIPAL PU9-OTHER f1301} 17(]3 CIiYOF MDNTICELLD882 H 0882 oiroi�ooa� GC5 Acreage Parcml: 1SSOSOD52156 Aeres: t7.23 Aeres VSA6:0.23 A�res WATE:O.L� Acres kOW:0.d7 Sq Ft: i{Y.037. TO � Land Un�s EN Seq DesEription Slim 1 6im 2 pim 3 lJnits UT Price Adj 1 AdJ 2 Adj 3 Adj4 kate Div°k Vafue 1 HWY 25 N III Q 0 L� 1p.438.04(1 SF a.750 f.Ot7 i.00 ].i50 1:Cfl 4.750 ].000 47,h80 2 COMM BT SDSF 0� 8 D Iq�38.W4 SF R500 E.UG 1.00 4.W Y.CU O.SDD ].OQO 5,�19 Total 20.076.�OD 52,(94 Valuatian (Working 2(}20 Assessmentj zoza aoiv � �a� Value 552.699 552.899 • BuildungValue ��D �� Extra Feaiures Value 50 50 = 7otalVa9ue $53.599 $52,694 � Change 0.00% 000 � Taxation 2q19 paya6le 2D1B Payeble 3417 Payablc 2016 Paya6[e Estimated Marketi Value 552.7�4 552.7Us7 552.700 552.7fl0 � Exeluded Value SO 5� 5� 54 � Homes[ead Ext�usion $0 50 SO 5� • Taxa6leMarkeSValue SU $0 56 50 Net Taxes {�ue Sd�dD So-C.�7� Sfl.Ot} 50.40 + SpeCial A55essmen[s SO.OD 50-D4 50.04 56.U0 = Ta4aI Taxes Oue go•� $�-� � � $��� Pho#as ,. , •� r. � . n a s r-. � n-r n r .■ rti � r r5 t a in -- --r- - n�� ^r �n n i n Beacan - Wri�ht Co�nty; IVIN Map Na data available }or the following modules: Land GAIRP, Buildkregs. Extra Features, SaYes, Transfe� Histary. VeluaSion. Taxes Paid, Sketches. jhti..`o�i��a,�. i��r.:��l�,.:.ntl�i ��,i.-.�ir:[*..:l:;l:p�reler[�ntepurptlse5only.Thein(ormationisr,e�tsuit.,i;l�.•n:.�y,�l.r����ie-�r�...[:.arsur-�yiu� �:�f9lfi:p'. �F4��.f,'Ili L+yUfii'y'{:UC51"fa{;jLiJ�,i`1LE:C U'E'. CtLll"lCy Oi lhe inFormation centaPned hrrcin Use r P ri�acy Pali�y G DPR Privacy Not iee Last �a[a Uplaad: 9/27/2019 2:d5:38 RM Versipn 2.i.4 ['age 2 c�f 2 Cac . c I:�;,c: d L'r ���,�� httns:Ifheaenn.5c�ineidercnrn.crnnlAnniir.atinn.asnx?IannI�7�1 R7rer.I.at�eriT7=75f15�Pa�PT�• g17717[114 Eeact�n - Wri�ilt Countti'. Mh1 Page 1 ��f2 � ��� � � �� �E�ec�C(��1 � Wright County, MN '4 �` J� � �,, i �.-�- . U ��'1 '��� �j ���� �'� 5urnma�ry Par€e11O ProperlyAddress SetlTwplR.ng BNef 7ax bexcrlpllon Gceded Acres Cfass Ristrist Schaal �istri�t C reat I on DaSe owner P�ima ry 7axpayer 41:y� i}� r._iCii�l-.�.ti��r�: Sq5 Walnu� St StG 1 "�Iranlicrilo, MN 55382 I55�1Da52.F40 ]l-121-D25 Ser[-I17wp-321 Ras�ge�250RIGIt�AI PLA1f MONTiCELLO Lot�9ia Blo�k-052 E 32 F7 �i NLY IOdFTDF La7 34 BLK 52f� NLY 14(}F7O�F LD313€X EfSFTTF4�� AL �6 E7( 515 Fl O� E 45FT 9F M 3 CYQFT Of 5 p LT 13 Ex 7 R bE5 oN U�C 61a424 �l�.:r. .�� . i.�- „ .....I��,.�I...�.��i�,.r ., Q,C-0. Y59 -�NON �H$T Cl] M 11 hJ {C8 PA L P 11t3• OT FI E R i 11L71 Y 1 i� 1 C d TY Of Mp N71 [f LLO B82 ii 0B82 6Y101£UW 1 G15 R�reage Par�eIr15541Cx7521�G Ac ees: �. I8 Acres USAB: U.16 q�rct WATE:0.�70 Ac �es R D W: O.fk+ 5q Ft: � 85�4.7r l,and Unit Eff Seq 6escription Pim 1 Olm i� pim 3 Uniss 11T Price Adj f Adj 2 Adj 3 Adj 4 Ra[c i7iv % Va{ue 1 HWY25tilll 6 D � '.BSS.d.�C1 $F •1750 L.Of] 1.€70 1.� 1.(J6 4.750 l�[197 .',7.311 2 C�MM B7 .5p �F Q D 0 ?.855 r.i0t".+ SF C�.500 1.ilq 1.00 1.00 1.�0 �.Sf7Q 1.£l�}� 3.927 FoYal 15,716.OW 41,238 $aICS Multi Parcel IN Q Sale pate Y Wp V 11iUS11996 V Wp V 0513C�/1986 Valuation {Working 2020 Assessmentj 6uyrr 5elle� Sale Prire ddj PAre cCRV SPRlNGBuRG 1pHN5oN 535.57� 535.40�? 1OHNSDSJ 1C7N�N50N 524..$Ol] $24,500 There ace oeher uarceis invnlved ln vne nr marr ni tl5e ahovr sales: soxo 2ais � LandVaiue Sa;,236 5<i1,238 + 6ui{dirigValce 56 SO Extra Fe�tu•rs Value $0 $D = Tato1 Value $41,238 341,238 .,� Charige d.CK]5�; U.[7p`;� Taxation 2�i9Payahle 70i$Paya6le 2U17PaVahle 201GPayahir EstimateAMa�kpcValue :a1,20n 541.29[] Sc1.ZCN7 Ss1.2D0 - Excluded Val�c 5❑ 50 54 $0 - HomesteadExclusion 50 5U SA $0 = Ta�a6leMa�kefValue $0 SQ SD SO Ne[TazesG�e �O.C10 4G.�C1 Y�.(YO %(7.�p0 • SpecialAysrss�nens: 5(�.�0 5{�i70 56.CN7 5C7.0�� = 7etal Tax� Due i6.4D $��.U6 50.00 $O.QO httnc•IlhPar.nn.rtchi�eir�ercrirn_cs7m1Anc31i�atinn.asn�?Ann! f]= I 47�.:Lat �rID=25(}5&PaUe�l�v... 91?712Q l9 Beacc�n - VV`right Couiity�, MN Ntap •.. �z �_ f' �� 1_`�5(!1u ----. 15$I77 �[7;51'1511 1 •",':r� I fifl�l 1 �E.i: 15 5 L� 1 tilik 51� ��� � � 155111 U051-1 sv . - �i• --- -1_ _ _ 'N.o data availa6lc fpr She f011owing rnodules: Land GPJRP, $uildings. ExLra ieatures. Transler i-tistory, Val�ation, Fexes Paid, PhatoS, SketChps. -7..,.i�t�,i- ci:+�p ��..,.r,f,,.,[� .-i[rl.inu� r{r�If�..,ri�.P...,•r.ptuposesnnl�y.Theinfnrnaat. � i�•:..;.,..,-I�d�.�fr,�l.rc.l� ��,�:r�r�,r�i�vr�,in�� j:u.i:)U;cs.Wl'ij:Ill:a6ntyCLC Il.]i,�wdrn.•,CEthfd[WrdtYUfl3l�:infonlldtioilEpltiBin�Etilef•�C�r� LFser Pr�vatY Policy GUPR Privaty Notice Last Dat a llpload � 412 71201 9 2:�45r38 AM Vers�.on 2.;, i �a�e 2 ❑f 2 �l.c. �Ir. •,r:. L; �-� sch�r ���� https:llbeacon.schneiderc�rp.co�nlAppl ication.aspx?Appl D= l 87�I.ayer1U=25�5&Fa�eTy... 912 712 0 1 9 Beacnn - W'ri�hi Co�u7ty, MN �B�r'�CQI�I� Wright County, M�! 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MN 5aies Mufti Parc+el N h IN q Sa7e 6ate Buyer Seller WCi U 0a11612016 CFTY6F�M17N710E14�ECONp�.4lCG[VIEkQPb1ENT BiFf'SGARAGf,LLC AUTHO W❑ U Oli15J201B 61FF'SGARAG�F,CLC SVRINGBORG�RUCEA.ISWA!350N-SPRINGB�DAG N L� U ]7J22/20Qd BIFF'SGARqfiE N CD U 47/�2f2C762 KILIANMICHAEL V Wn U 'firph�'i996 SPFtINGBORG Y Wb lJ �6.�3011986 JOHId56N Transfer History Grantor B 4F F'S GARAGS L LC BRVC'E A& MARILYNA SPRII+iG6QRG C4N RAD 91 �i-{N SON Rf V F RVSi MARIO�IJ C tOHM50N REV TRt15T dRUCE A6 hnARILVM K 5PRIraG60kG BRUCE A& MA8ILYN K SPRIhGHORG N1ICHAEl.1 F JAN M KILln,rv AKA SPRINGBORG�RUCE SPRI NGBO RG BRUCf lOHNSpN J(3Hh154N - T here are othcr parcels Mve�fved in onz or m�sre al ih� abpve sales: Grantee Da€Oa1e TransFerOa[c LITYOPMOMTICELLOEL'+A A11612a1B 7125/2�38 BIFF•SGARAGE LLG 1/i512018 1i17I2�16 9Rl10E Ab. M,4RIlYN ASPRdfVGBQFtG 1^e11212flQ4 ll�5I2U6' BRVCfAf�MAR�LYNASPf?ItiGF3c]RG 12.�S2r2D06 ll2512007 6JFF'SGARA.f;E LLC 31.i22i200fi 11i281266b M�If HAEt 1& lAf�! M KILiAN dl YSI2DOd f 111512Dd6 TITAN ELFCTRIC �tC 7i2f1l2D(12 9i241200�i Page � of� � Sale Pri[e AdjPrice eCR4 $370.4D0 $37U.Da0 'v6�.i[-�:' 5256DW 5250.9W 7?if3H&+ 8250.40[� §25tl.WD $32Q,003 $32a.001 335.OQCr 835.OfJ4 $24,540 $24,500 [7oc Ty,pe Oo,[ No Sale pnce WARL]EEd .1;A�6y5 8370.p�0 WARl7EFC� l?tJ�'1r:. 8250,[�0 TRS6EEL3 04� b� TRSDEED �1 <(�971 $0 CNTRCT6EE0 1L'343� 8250.WP CANCE1,Cp 1033t3? $0 qGL0EE0 . 50� 56 Valuatinn 20YB,Assessmen[ 2017 Assessment 201h A#Sessment 20i5 Pssessment + EStimatedLrndValur $39,3Gfl� $39.3�J0 539.3[H? �34.3iX1 . 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Taxes due j 1.552.Q0 q2,154.0� S2.7UB.D6 52.h30.00 Taxes Paid keceiptN 1S�YOUB 1447541 0 0 1438385 1797703 13977U4 13d3297 13eg790 12554i0 b lYh8h6-0 11855D1 ]]58h63 ]fb86b2 10�833d i�hat05 Re�eipa Print patc 5.�15�2S;IF 4I26/2U98 NIA MIA L i 712[318 dI21fTU17 612 1120 3 7 A11917fl17 12127Y20�1d ]1Ai201b N7A 31�12015 1/21/2D15 31A,'2�].5 316/2�75 1Q131�013 8 i11 Pay Yea r 2019 2U1� 2�18 2alE� 2Q17 2D17 2916 2�16 2U15 2+315 2015 2a1a 2U1< 2a13 2{112 2012 Ami Adj 50.4(� 50:00 SD:4a So.va Sp:O[J $O.C� 5U.o6 50.p0 50:[30 50. 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MN ``�'�. _ $ - .,, , .� -; �' ,��i a fr ' _ _ y. 1 � � « � � x ,i � a � . ��, � �� � y_ �"� _ a. . r't._ t� :x','� _ �± f � ... ,. :i� - `.' . �, 5ketches aa „ sr�si9as „ 3432 ^ 44 s..a�wmr�.a Map '/ , i.�,snnr} �: t s s U.t t� f� 5 2;1 4., - ,/� � _ , � �'"�. :� e � +,. _ �F. i r155U 1 f1i1�.�-� •y.l; � y` i � ,� ''� . _ - ,�,,��_ � -�:_ . ,s;�,�on��ttn ;�� Na daYa avaifa6le }or tht Fal4owing modules: Land GA� RP. � Pa�e 3 «f 4 }-sffnc�llhnornn C!`}lnPlf"�PY(`(lYT1 rnir�lAnnliratinn a�nx`�AnnIf7=1R7RTT xuPe•IT7-75�15�t.Pas7e I���.__ �]I`�7IZ��� Beacon - Wri�;ht Cc�unty, MN i��.� ��k, . , ,i ...,i;.�,ii�. : I���i: �rs,..i.�. � ii� � i. i� . .�-��.�r�- .�- ciil�r fl � _:.ni.; _ .�. i��:� �.. i,.�. •�i�:,� b�� I , , .. �� . ,. puru� �s.4Vrij;l;e CV�nlydgC�i ruJt guaranirc Illc ai[ufa[yof tflC iIND�hi3IFp11 [Of�i.linc[1 hr�r: in U4er �� rvacy Pvfiry GUPR Privaey NatGre L ast h�ata Uaload: 9f271263 4 2:45;3R AM Vci s�on 2.355 Page 4 oY�4 .� �I.,�.'bti �,,,''� 5�hr � � d � https:llbeacan.schneidercc�rp.cnmlApplicati�n.aspx?�4p�S1U=l $7cYcLayerIU=25D5&PageTy... 9I2712{� 1'9 I�eacnn - Wri�ht C�untr. ]��'iN ���€���C3 Cl � Wright Cvunty, M IV Summary Parcel IQ Praperly Address SeUTwp/Rn� Brief Tax ❑estrfvNon peeded Acres qass Disu�u Scfioal �istri�t Creativn Date QWfIEY P limary Ta xpaycr �itv nr r�n� �:�o �i, eun [.'.+ %Acraun[s Payab{e 5[75 Walnut St Ste 7 �ontieeilb. MN 55367 Pa�e 1 of 4 ����� � � � 15501[h752110 1(13AIN¢ST MO�NTICEILD i�-i2�-oss Sect• 11 Twp•121 Range•Q25 DRIGICJA�. PLAi MOr+ITICfLIC] 81dck-052 LT517612HLK52E7I E32F70F NlYIUOF74F LT 12 ,. � r�i,,. �].c n�.•lr,�.l�:r..nl�.��.�u . . . v.oa 958 - j N 6N-kSTD} M UN IC I M'A L PU64T H ER {I701j I1QtCIfVQFNIONT1�CF".I�8921{ V882 011� 1; Gi>G ] GIS Acreage Parce I: 155C1Y W 51 I 10 Ac res: D.a J A�res 115A6: 0.43 Acres W R7E: 0. W Ac rcs R d W: (1.f10 Sq F4: 18.621 42 �_ - �,��T;11."Y"u ���,,_.��� r }—' -^--�---� - . 1`- w - . z—'�~� - Land Unit EN Seq �c5Crip[falr bim 1 Pim 2 Pim 3 Units VT Prlcc Ad] 1 AdJ 2 Adj 3 RdJ 4 Ra[� ❑iv 96 Value 1 HWY 25 hid fS 0 0 iE.6�21.0�D L7 5,6W i.OLI 1.OP 1.00 1.34 7.594 p.040 5.589 2 H WY` 75 N I 0 Q 0 SB.h21.Q00 LT S,b9Q 1-0a 1.OD 1.00 i.34 7.56E 0.46� 134.1d2 3 COMM6T:SOSF 0 0 � 10.21k7.IX10 SF O.SDO� 1.�36 1.00 1.�0 1.�0 O.SOP b.6=0 2�4 4 CC7MMFST.SOSF 0 Q 0 10,20t1.000 5F i1.`t(H} 1.D0 1.�0 1.00 1.90 �.$00 D969 4.$9B Tvta1 57.642.(109 144,8�37 Buifdings Bulkling 1 Year$uifk {Irchi�lecture Gross LW i ng Are a Finished 6�asrment $q ft Construction puality Founda[ian Typc Frame Typc SiselShape Fxte riar 4Na I is W�ndows RoaFStructure RdoFCover tnteriorWalls RGar C o�er HcaE AI r Cond I Nani ng 6edrooms Baihroom3 Kltthen 19h2 NiA 5140 AVERAGE W�Di7 WOObO WIA FACEBRlCK NIA GABLEIHlP 3+11A NIA CARPE7: SfiT VINY� HW RAbIANT C €��f. E VAP 0 0 Wk Eitins:llE�eacon.sckmeidercarn.comlAnnl Ecati�ra.aspx?�4pt�I ❑=187r� LaverI Q-25d5&Pa�eTy... 912712D 19 Bea�c�n - W'ri�ht Cc�untv, MN e„ibding x Vear6uilt 1962 Ae[hileC[u1e NIA GrassLlvingAr�a SA40 �intshed 6asement Sq Ft ConstructionQuality AVERAGE FaundatianType CONCBLOCN FrameType Wc7QD❑ SlzefShapc NIA ExtcriarWalls CONCBI.00N Windows NIA RaoFStrvcture NIA RoofCt+ver N�IA Interfar Walls NIA FloorCorer NIA F4Edt NIA AirCcendfNoning N!A Bedronms ❑ S;tlNpqrts 6 Kitchtn NIA Extra Features Scq Codc �escr3pHan ] DU0001 CpMMERCIAL 2 [1C�CfpD1 COMhAERCIAL Page 2 of � Dim 1 plm 2 Un4t� VT Unit Pricr Adj 1 Adf x Adf 3 Adj 4 96 Good Di� % Ya9ue Q ❑� 267 �00.000 L1T 1.[7d9 I.0C1 1.OP 1.C7� 1.00 104�.C10 (1.U40 427.52 Q G 2b72L10.IX]D V7 7.09� I.OD 1.C]n 1.!lfi 1lk1 1fx1.00 £].46�1 2<02$3.52 $:�QS MWUParcel IN Q SaleDate 8uyer Se41er S�IePrlce AdjPrice eCRV V WC7 ll 07115/2018 CITYpF Mpt.ETICELLO ECON6MIL �f VELO�PM1iENi AUTHO FROS�IE,I.tiICHAEC W. & KAiH1E�NA. SSI7,20Q $5]7.2D0 ��!.:,eH X WD U �3115120(}S FROSLlE,�v!dCHAfi RfVER57REEt5TRTI0N.Lia 53t?3,48ti $303.48d Y CU f� 021141F447 FROSLlE RIVER STREETSTAT�ON. LLP $303,48h $303,48d - Thpn� arN vther partels rnvoived �n one ar more of [he a[wve sales: Transfer Histary Grantor Grantee Aac pah Transfer �ate Doc Typ� Dac No Sale prl�e MICkp.FI.W&KATHLEENAFRdSLIE CITV�OFMpN�TI[ECLDEGA 3115�3C776 3.'ISi2018 WARCYEE❑ .�'R�r,7;�y �517,�a� Vaivation 20I7 Assessmen�t 2016 AsseSsmCnt 20I5 Assessment t ESl�maled Land Value 5147.8t}� 4lac.&IX] F I44.8[N] + Estimated6uilr�ingVaPu�r 525�i.dG9 5254,d'.]C� $25G,6da + EstimatedMachine=yValue gr� cp Sp = TotalEstima[edMarketVafue $399�.A40 5399,40U �399.40p Valuatian (Working �[l20 Assessmentj �a2a zns� + Larrd Val�e G14R.8J6 $144.83D + BuiluingValue gty gr� + Ex?raFe�turesValue 42e7.2[]� 8247_20b • TatalValue Sai7.fl30 $417.630 :k C I��ang� 6.[N� `r� 3..15 `.s Taxatia� 2679 Paya6le 3D18 P�ayaMe 2017 payahle 241h P�ya6�r EStim�ledMarkeeVaEue �394,4pU $J?44pp 5399.kC3[1 Sg44400 - Ex�ludedValue 5p g0 jp f;,� • Hpmestead�Ex[lusio�r b'� 1524.7U(]} �y24.7a9i �524.39fi} - iaxabieMarketValue §0 ;393,ppU 5393,OQU $393,DW Ne�7ases�ue $4.0(] i9i•41.35 5iG.331.33 51iii328.2a SprrialAsseysnxnls SDIX] Sr4•9.E5 $�SA.di b1.75?.76 - 7otalTaxcsQue SO.C1U $9,690.G0 $1.p,7p6,0U f12,58d.00 Taxes Paid Receipx N 14C7S33 1433359 1384788 5322286 F277853 I230187 1142411 i1�2154 Receipt Print Datc 4I2h1241& Ia�17�2077 Sf12I2Ut� 70!]iJ201d 31t0120YE.� 10�4.�20f S 5/13/2035 ionor2asa 6iIIPayYear 2o-ia 2D17 2Dl7 3GlG zoza 2(115 2D15 zQia Afnt Adj 5q:� so.00 bo.on $fl-bU En.ua 54.U�i bP-09 Sa.00 Amt Write Ott 5� r�a $6176 saor� ;w.00 Sa.aa 3n.ar� $G-9[} 5a.aa Amt Chargt SQ.Oa $9,00 5o.oa Sr].DD 50.00 So.aa SO.00 Sk o0 AmtPaymcnt 154,89[LpO� [55.398.GOj cs5.34a.o�s {Sd.293.401 {5d 293.Oqj i5ti.262.007y {58.26?.4U1 {57.64�.Odi https:llbeacUn.srhneidercorp.c�mJA�pli�atiorl.aspx?App1�=187&LayerlU=24US�PageT`y... 91271?i719 Beacon - Wri�ht Gount��, MN Recelpt p RaCCIp4 Print Date Bill Pay YBar I0843-01 4i23J301a 2�14 5080572 2l19i2016 2013 506815�2 10�24r2013 2073 1Od8157 101�412013 2013 1061739 10/Sa,+3013 20i3 49751-0 4J2212[]13 2013 10B0573 2ii51201d 2�i2 9d3888 10Y15,2012 2012 9(34183 4i25/2012 2072 PIlO#OS Y��M4 1 �� ` � �' :�`:_^SLl:._' . . '_" -.�`._� .w. T� • 5ketthes 44' Amt Adj g0.00 $D.0!] $O.bQ Sn,oa SO.00 Sa.bO 30.a0 So.00 50.6D AmF W r i Ce 9FF 5o.aa $O.QO 50.ao 54.00 50.00 So.[�a a SO.C�O SO.E70 50.00 Amt Charge SO.aJ $O.f70 555.88 SO.00 $O.IXI 5v.Q0 50.00 �o.aa 59.00 s..w�+w�s�...�. F'age 3 c�f 4 AmtFaymen! [$7,04�.00} b422.00 {5q,2Z1.6c} �$231.23} i55.7S2.01i 15�.149.aoi 'y438.00 cszaa�.vor [57.447.00} httn�•Ilh�ara�n crhneir�c�rr.nrn.cnmfAnniicatir�n_aGnx?AnnlD=l�7&LaG'er1D=25�5&PaveTV... 9127120i9 Beacan - VVright Gc�urtt�•, MN t.c�a.c.-xr.d� Map s � 24' ry Bo' � ' `!..'�� i5`.U1rHs5a14r�;� __ ' i55u3��� K� � . � � ` �� ���� � � �� � �; i.. �f '�,�!!� 155t1�e1fs52110 j� X ` �-� � �� � �f��� � �/� �� i�'� � f � c7,7 ! ---��,,,�- ---a*�r ��; � ��r _ . ►�• ���� — ' Na data avatla6le f4r the followYng mqduln: La�nd GaJRP. 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I•:�p�,'�. h, ���C�"lf ��o� https:llbeacon.schneitiercorp.cc�mlAp}�lieation.aspx?A�pID=1$7&LayerIU-2�(]5&Page`1"y... ]12712019 Beacc�n - G'Vri�ltt Count��, MN Page 1 of 2 .,���a�(�C��� Wright County, MN �� � � � � 5umrmary � Parcellti ]5501CN7521�D Propeft y qdd ress SedTwpiRng iY-S21-025 BrfeFTaxDescriptivn SC41-11Twp-127Range425GRIGiNALFLATMqN710ELL081o�k-{752E32F7OFMlY1[1dFfOFL0T126L1[52 rr:., r,,,���.+,.,�,,,r„�,i..K,,�o�,.�.�,_�t_� peededRcres U.ClO Cta ss. 95$ -[kflN-H SY� I M UN iG IPAL PU B•OT N ER Qistrl[t �I1+3P}1I01CITYDFM�NTICFLLO882H Schpal C]istri�t 96&2 CreaSionDate Uk10d;Ofk�1 Qwner Prlmsry Taxpayer t.-, r n r rv.�.,, �. ,r f �i�. ��., 9i Accounts Payahlc 505 Wa6nue5t Ste 1 Nonticetl�a MN 553F1 GIS Acreage Parccl: p55i11�05212U Arres: U.Q 7 Ac res 175AB: U.� 7 Ac res W AiE: a[56 Aves R� W: U UR Sq Ft: 3.199.49 Land u�rs �tt Seq �¢ser9ptian niml Dim 2 Ptm 3 Ilnits lIT Rri[e Adj 1 Adj 2 Ad13 Adj4 Ratr biv% Value 1 HWY 25 N I ., Q O 3 20�7.OIX; SF 5.6D0 1 fl0 1.i7J 1.Q0 1.3-0 7.504 S.Q06 24,p12 CDMMBT.SpSF 6 0 fl 65D.OU7 SF b.5D0 Y-� 1.00 1.4'f 7.00 6.5[7D 1.eP:] 32S 7otal 3,850.[706 2d,337 Sa�CS MulhAarctl IN R Salebatc Buyer Se3ler Sa4ePrice AdjPrltc aCRy Y Wb U 0�lI512918 CITYOF MOhiTiCELL�EC�NqMIC U'EVELOPMEI�7T At7FH0 FROSLIE NII[HAEL W.6KATHLEEN A. $517 2(3D 5517.20Q '� �1xH. Y W� U 03IISJ20D1 FRbSLI£[�11CHAEL 1�IV€RSTREEPSiATtDN.LLP $303,486 5303,48d 'I Gti 4 6i1id13947 FR45�.tE RIVfRSTR€ETSTATIak,�LP $3D3,d86 8303,38h i here ar� o[fier parre9s irmolved+n one or mnre e� thr atw�e sales: Transfer Histor}+ Grantor Gra�ntec Aoc�ate TransFer�a4e PatType �ocNa SalePri[e MIC4�ACLINl:KA�NLFFNAFRp4lPf. CIFv�Fr.npr�7a{-fLla�FuR ��15;TCi56 3�15l201B WAR[7EEQ� '].r•P•'�Y 5577.�CY.1 Valuation 2UliAsscssmen[ 2Q36Asxessmrnt 2415P,ssessmcr�t . F;s[imated L�nd Vahie 52ti.3(1U $24.3fJ(7 32-0,3(70 • Esti�mated BuildiRg d�lur �� 3� �b f sti niat ed Ma€hinery V a lue SU Sb SL� � Total Est4matM Market Value S�=.30P 524.39Q 524,300 Valuation [Wark'sng 2fl20 Assessmentj 202U 2019 + Lanri Valve 52d.?3? 52d 337 + �uildingValue � g`�� � ExlraFnalnresVal�re -a b� * 7otaYValua E2d.337 524,337 �. Ch'anK� G W ?f [].U:] 95 l,r+.,�•IIhP�„r,n erl�nair�r�rr•nrn rr�irilAnnlirafinn acnor`?AriniT�=1 R7Rrl �uPrlTi4���l�ir�•PaneTv_.. 91�717_i119 Beacon - VVri�ht �County, M�i �'a�e 2 of 2 Taxation 201P Paya6le 2018 Paya6le 2017 Paya6le 2015 Payabke EstimatedMarke[Value $24.300 $24,3(7f} 524.3Q0 y24,34R7 - Exc3udeA Valur� 50 59 SQ S� - Ho�mesrcad Exdasion SO $fl 50 $0 • Taxa6leMarketValur YO 524�,300 E24,3IX3 52A,30U Ne[laxes0uc $D.9� $b95.49 $730$5 $747.71 Speci��lAssessments $U.Op 5144.a3 514415 31$424 = Total Taxes Due �O.D6 $840.00 $'8d0.W 59�02.UO Taxes Paid Receip[k 167$pu7 14233&1 138079lJ 1322284 1277s5I 1230188 1192413 174215b 1064339 F063132 9975f3 9U&SSt. Map Receipt Print Date d/1312018 10�1712017 511212�77 3011 L'20Y6 s��v�zaia 101Yf201S 5173f2415 i0114i20�14 9123I201A 1611h/2�13 4/22/2013 -012S/25712 Bill Pay Year 2D18 2U37 2D37 2016 snza 2015 2015 zvia 2024 2013 20i3 2012 ► t�5ii,}ir � . � � ��,� �15;�U�16D52y9.14 !' 9 r Amt Ad� �O.D6 6 $O.pp $O.IX7 %0.0� �o.aa SO.O�J So.cx� 5D.00 30.00 8�.00 $4.L70 5Q.U6 Nu data availa6le fvr [he fallowing madufes: Lanet GAIRP, &udldings, Ex[ra Featu�Cs. Photos, Sketrhes. Aent Writc Of} $(1,IM7 $ll.00 $� 00 54.00 Sa.oa 50.Q0 50,�4 56.OQ $0.40 50.D0 $0.60 59.f?n Amt Charge $33.66 b0.00 $0,p(1 $O.Oq So.f10 $0.00 50.[10 $O.D� $4.00 iU.00 b0.0+J La.oa Amt Rayment [%873.60} {;A3DOQ} I543��.C14) {Sa$l.aal 1�451.00] I$4e5.001 ($465.D01 (5567.001 ($567.Rpj (8565.4D} (5565.(1pp f b 3.1 SG.t14p ii�, �� i •�_,.; �.����,r �F �•..��,u. ,ti,.,ii�,� ���:•�,.�,t�i.�r�os�so�,lr �r �,r •,�,.,�,. .,.. ..., „i „ i,, i ��r ,.;, ,- �":�,���., r��-: i �v<•<: i,; p�.,��:r .L'JiIlShli. ����rr.e• ..f�i�ur.,•.1 ��rl�F�iir<:uracyoftheinformatinncoViint�dl��i��r���. � UsEr pnvary pnlicy � ���� G C7 PR P r i�a cy idot ice G�as � ast Csa[a Uplaad: 4l27 �2{114 2�45 �38 AM �Y F, ;,��. �.3. ��. f7ttps:llbeacansch��eidercarp.�omfAppl ication.as�x?Ap�si D=187& LaycrIL]=�5Q5$cPa�eTy�... 9f�,712D 19 Beacc�n - Wri�ht Cc�univ. MN ��,: �y`• ���G�I'� Wright County, MiV `►�� � �,� ,�,� �� Summary �aecellD PrpptrtY Addreps Se�l'1'wplRng Bri¢1 Tax Descrl.ption p¢eded Acres Class disYrict Schoo�l 6ft[ric[ Creation Oate I550SQG5�13�7 106 WALIJUT ST MONiICELL� I1-121�tT25 Sec[•11 Twp-121 Rarrge-025 VRIGINAL FIAT MpN71CFL�Lc7 Lo[-013 Ellock-G52 555F 1 �p Lpts 13�,74& 7 5 6LK 42 SN57FT QF LOT$ 7&2 F3( 522F�! E}( E45F 1 Of 565FT OF L7 13 Fk f�RT Tp� V[I I. ;052132) E%TR �ES�hI pOC634249?052131} n�? . : . . � �. .: i,., . . _r�� ,.i..� O.L�O 2!3 -� NON• HSTpJ CO MM L4N0 & B L DGS S 1I01p 11�1 CITY OF MON i ICELL4 &52 H OS61 [51'Gl!UU[]1 Qwner P rimary Taxgayer K,; .!• Hj[ilh•. � rq 7133rd5tW PO Bvxn7E No.�ti�ello, MN 553G2 crs a«�a�� parrei:l$SP76452130 /14Yf5: �.1$ k�ees VSkB:6.18 A��es WA7f:0.D0 qclrs ROW: �.Ch7 Sq Ft: 7.867.27 Pa��e 1 c7f` 7 �� ��� �� � _ _ `=�. �_,� �31iCf tlnit Ett Seq Qesuiplion plm 1 Dlm 2 Olm 3 UniSs UT Pr6ce Adj i AdJ 2 hdj 3 AdJ A Rate 04v % Value 1 f)CSWNiOWN 0 � Cl 7.B67.OIX7 SF fS,25� 1.DC1 1.C�i7 1.6a 0.9D 7.425� I.O[]0 SftG12 2 C�M+.1 EIT .565F U ❑ 0 3.60f7�.4Q0 5F a.500 1.0� 1.b0 1.(1[7 1.(JO 0.500 I.C10a k"oUV Total 21,467.�00 6�2iZ �111��1 f1g5 Buildng 1. Y¢ar 6 u3lt Architecture G ro5s L Ivi ng Arca Fl n I shCd 6asc men[ Sq Ft Construc[ivn Qualloy foundation 7ypc Fra me Typc Sixe/Shape £kterlorWa115 W i ndows Roa15lru[Eur¢ Roof Cover Interior Walls Floo r Caver Wcar AirCanditloning Bedrpvms Bathroams Nitchen 1F52 NIA 325d kV[RkGE CONC 8L4CI( WOQPP NIA 57UCt0 N!A FLA7 NIA NiA LaMC FdNSH FpRCE�ApR LEM.EVAP 0 d NIA httn��llheacnn.sciineidercn�-n.cr�mfAnnli�ation.asnx?Aot�ID=I $7&.LaveriD=Z�05&Pai�eTv'... 91?71?�1 � Beacc�n - W'ri�ht C�unty. Ml� Bu��d�ng 2 Year Bullt 195? Arc'hf[ectu�e h!A Gr4ssLi�ingArca 852 Finished 8asement Sq FS Canstructionquallty LOWCOST Foundati�onType NIA Frame Typc 1"JObD ❑ Size/5ha,pe MIA ExterlorWalls STLlCCO Winduw5 NIA RaalSfructure N.IA RoafCoyer NIA IntcrEor Waqs N1A FioarCvver N1A Hedt NiA AirCo�ndition�ng NIA Bedrovms 6 6athraoms 4 ICitchcn NIA Buflding3 Vear&aik f952 Architect�re k/A GrosxLavingArea 836 Ffnlshed Basement Sq Ft Cor�struetianQualitY� 19WCOST FavndatlanFype C�NCBLOCK FramCTypt WDOL7b SixelShape N/A Exter�pr Walls CDNC 6LOCK Windows ry/A Raof Strurture FI.AT Ranf [ove.r NIA InterlurWalls N,FA FloorCo`+er NIA H�a[ NIA Air Canditiooing N!R Bedrovm5 0 Sathraams % Kltshen NIA Extea Features Srq CCdr �esrriptivn 5 6C10W1 COMM�RCIAI Page 2 af 7 Olml i7am2 Uafls UT 11nlLPrf�e Ad}1 AdJ1 Adf3 Adj4 %Gqad dlr5€ Vslue i� ❑ fid.gpp.pp(y lJT I.�Ls�7 1.�0 1.06 3.[7Q 1.(1(] 106.06 1.000 E4${K7 5al�s Mulp ParC<I IN Q Sate Date Y W6 u f11pd/149(, Y WL] il 06/34l198a fd� Wp Ll 173107f1479 7ransfer Hlstory Grantee CY�.'�}THIl� GI€LHAM I"KA KJELL6FRG M NRTY KJf. L L Rk RG [YNTH4A A GILLHAM Buycr Sellcr SPRIi�1GBD�iG 1fJHV541V 1bHN�S�N JOHN56N KlELL6ERGIfEITH K1ELL9ERGMARTY - there areoiher psrcets inG•olreA m. Dne pr mare of rhe aboye sales: GranSeq Doc Qatr Ttanslcr PaSe KEITHCKJELL6ERG 7i2�2U10 9127:3�1G KEITHt K1ELL$ERG 3r7jti979 91271201b KEI?HLIt3ELLBERG ]2122/2f765 1i14r2006 SalePrice Ad}price eCRV E35.Oft0 E3:.�Of7 524.SD6 524,500 b?5,00a E2s.opv Qoc Tppe �Rx.Na Sale Pri�e QCL9EEC7 :1'. � :.�:_. 89 WAi2D€€� ;1:�-:s? 335.D00 QCL6EE6 0��5:l�.7 84 Valuatian 2019AssGssfnlent 2S3iBkssessmmt 20E7A55essmen[ 2�716Asscssmmt 7015Asxssment + E;timaled Wnd Value ¢60,200 Sd�1.24G 56U.20ti $6p,2Up Sao.2oD +�stirriateciBuiklin"Volue Sdd,8l,�7 S60.EL�b 54U.$;]fi S60,BW 5f.p,gC�7 r Es[imaird IMa�hin+_ry Val.�c cC ;p �0 r�p ��j • TatalEstima[edFlarkctVal�e Si?5,000 512I•pqtl 5121,Q0t7 $121,U00 El2i.P9p Valuation (Warki�g 2020 Assessment] zaza xulv + L�r?dValu� jdU,2i2 560.272 + Bui]AingValue SC� ED t ExtraFeatuersVal�t� SQ�,&{10 +`1f4$[]rJ = TotalVapue E725,012 E325,OY2 96 Change p.005 3.31% l�ttps.11beacc�r�.schneidercorp.comlA�plication.aspx?AppID- l $78cLayer1D=25[l5&PageTy... 9/2712019 Beaeon - W'ri�}�t Cour�E��. I��N Pa�e 3 af 7 Taxation 201P Payahle 7018 Payable 2017 Paya6le 201$ Pay�41c €stim�ateAMarkelValue 5121.W0 7Y?1,OD0 5121,0(xJ EY21,00€1 - Exc4uded Valu�c S� $n 50 Sfl • Hern�rsread Exclus��� Sb "ag Sn 54 = TaxablcMarkctYalue 812Y,00u 3I21,CK10 4121,�Da E121.40Q Ne[TaxesDue 52754.00 S2.OG2.Of] s2.722.Of] $2.844.?9 � Special Assrssments 50.00 5�-00 Sn.l� SI.S73-7'� � TatalTanesQUC $2.154.OD 52.00�.00 SZ,722.60 84.�16.W Taxes Paid IYeceip[!i 1567715 i5465D8 1492982 14452&3 iaioeza 1357�20 1322352 1280855 iaznvi2 1175328 11a3877 i�9P-045 1Od232$ ]0[79185 95h237 p2eaas Photos Receipt Prdnt tlate 6.+2b; 20 S 9 5115.l2019 19.�9�2G16 4117a20i5 1o1a12o17 3/22/2017 Ifl/t1l2tY16 511IJ2plb 1a�si2ois 4f3412015 larta.��oia siv�soia 10117�2U13 511�/2013 iniic�;,�nza $�isiLciz BIII PaY Year 201P 2014 2�J18 2oia 20�� zo�� 2QY6 2016 zois 2[715 2�14 zaia 2013 2D13 z�aiz 361� �� �- �=_-_ Sketches Amt Ad} 54.U0 50.00 �4.00 5n.ao So.ao �a.oa So.s�a So-Ov �0.00 �a.00 Sa.ao sn.00 yo.00 3tl.90 sfl.no 5�.eo Amt W rl [e oft Sl]•00 sa.oa 5a.ao 50.00 $0.00 Sa.00 59.90 So.Oa sa.vo So.ao 5o.r)0 So-� SU.00 Sp.00 50.00 S0 �1a Am[ Ch a rge SU.na :O. W 547.OQ 40.C+Q SO.Q6 $4.Oa $4.OQ Sa.c�n $D.Q6 56.06 40.00 sn.on 39.4a $�.[10 so.ao $O.QO pmt Payment I51.077.00i I51.077.CH]} (51,0(]S.�D} IS1.U471.00} CS1.341.W1 f5Y,361.Q0) fSx.2oa.00� {§2,.?OS.(70y I52,77A.pp� I52.2�aoof I57:a8a.0o} I52.aaa.00� {$7_477.UDy (53 A7T.Opj f 52.543.ODY (52.543.C10} ht�nc•llhParrni erhnPir�pr•rnrn r��aT��lAnnliratinn.a�nx'?Ann1T7= I R7�cI.a��e�-if3=�7{]5&E'a�eT�'... '9�27f2G�19 B��GC�Il - VI�1"],��li COLi11tk�. MN �s iia � m a BA51952 � "' 325Q.0 sf '^ � �2 SIZ19S2 � SSZ.O sf .w 10 22 22 i I m SIZ1952 �o'� 836.0 sf I 22 � sw.w�n..�.-. Pa�e � of` 7 k7ttps:ll�eacon.schneidercorp.cn�nlAppli�ation.aspx?AppIC7=1$7c�cLayerIU=2545&Page'Ty... 912 712 0 1 9 E3eacon -'l�u`right County. MN I'age 5 �,f` 7 �ttr.c�=�I�-.anrr.n crl�i�airl�rnnrnrnmlAnnlrrati�4rf acr�r�r"7AnnIT7=1R7J2i a.��,•il-1=75f15�'rPhvr�T�� . 4f77f`�f}19 �eacot� - V►�'ri�ltt C«ur�ty, l��N � � 55 Pa�e b c�f 7 https:llbeaeaF�.sellneiciersorp.co�1�lAp�licati«t�.as��x`?E1p}�+ID^187&[�ayerll�=��{75c'�p���eTy,,, �12712(]19 Beacon - VVrigllt Cot�nt��. MN Map � ``� . i;;5U10(iS't15t1 � 155i�1 t1 �, ✓ . .1`.+5{f,l�f}$2�1:1� � � fd s =� -_ - , F �... � tf�5fi1{1052�1U �' 1g$L1i�U52C1.'. _ .� �� ; Na data ava I table for the f alipwi ng modules: La nd GAIR P. Pa�e 7 of 7 ..�r �s� I�.. � .r .:.,,.•�� ..���;�op� f����.�rl-.:,•i;r Ti�n.. �r!orn�..tirn;;.�-��r{� rl r�[Y� .. [e i•.��ntrrrl.�c1'n ir�{ri . i;t p�.,�>>r.� , •t�P. Thr �nfnin.nl �. .n._ .. . . .. . p�erposcs.WrightCc��..nryducsnolguara��lFetF.E�hec�rracynfthcinforma[iencvnt.�ins�.[1R��.r�c�n. �� ��{ � User privacy Policy � � GE]Pf2 F'ri�acy riotice G� Q� Las[ Uat a U p Inad: 9l27120i9 2:45:38 Af.k Vc i s io!: 2'i. °: htt��:llbeacc�n.schneidercorp.contlA.p�licatie�n.aspx?Appf U=187&Layerl U=250S&!'a�eTy... 912'71201 �) 9F2il2R19 Beacvn - Wright ��unty. MN �'���c�C�71�1'� 1Nright County, Mhl ���� �� Summary /// (� ParcePlb 755010052132 �� � � � [� �� j� �%� ��� � Property � � f� d ' Address 1� ���J SecfFwplRng 11-12i-425 $rfei Sect-i l Twp-121 Range-�250R1Gfh1AL F1A�' MQHTiCELIC] Lot-013 Block-052 RRT �F LT 53 BLK 52 LYING & BEING W 4F LN PARIW & 18FT E4F W LN TaxDescriptian OFLT]3&LYSaFLNPARIW&85FTNOFS�N�FLT14&PRTOFLTI4$LK52LY&BEINGE�FALNPARIW&A7FTWOFELNqFLTSd&GYS�FLH ppRIW&65FTN�FSLNbF LT14 ., . r.., ;,�„ � ,, . _ � ,..� .-, . ���, � i,:� Oeeded Acres a.60 Class 458 •{NQN-H57 D1 MUNICIPAL Pi18-OTHER pistrict �11D11 i1D1 CITY QF MONTICELLO 882 H S�haol District R882 Cl�eatinn�ate ff11p11flQa1 OW112C Primary Taxpayer Ciry Gf ���niiti•cJlo 5�5 Walnut St Stc 1 MonTi�eilo, MN 55362 GIS Acreage parcel: 15501 fi052132 Acres; c7. i � peres 115AB: il.ia Asres WATE: ffA(] AcreS RQW: 0.60 Sq Ft:4,3i5A3 �,3f1� llnit �ff Seq i]estription Qim 1 Oim 2 pim 3 Units UT Priee adj i Adj2 Adj 3 Adj 4 Rate Piv'.6 Value 1 HWY 25 N I!I 0 i3 D 4.315.a00 SF 4.75Q I.DO 1.OG l.Du i.04 4.75� 1.004 ZO.A9d 2 C�MM9T.5pSF � d G 4,375.000 SF ��.Sf}t3 I.flO 3.0� 1.Q4 1.04 D.500 ].06Ci 2,i57 Tntdl 8.63U.000 22,G53 Valuation {Wprking 202D Assessrraen#j + Land Value - 8uilding Vabuc f ExSra'Feahaecs Valuc � TotalValue % Chartge Taxation Estimated 1Narket Value - Extluded Value - Homestead Exclusion = TaxableMarketValue Net Taxes �ue - Spe�ial Assessmen[s • Total Taxes Due 2019 Payable $Z2,7� Sfl $6 Sv 54.oa so.00 �v.av 2078 Paya6le 522,70d Sa �d so so.ao sa.�a SO.OfS 2020 S22,d53 SC� S6 $22,653 o,ao% 2(Y17 i'ayaple 522.700 SO 50 So $O.QD $+7.�0 $O.QR 2fl14 322,653 54 SU $22,653 a.cx� ss 2D 16 7aya6 ke 522,700 $0 $0 i0 $O.DO 5�,oa 54.U0 htlps:Nbeacon.sehneidercarp.comlAppl'scation.aspx7AppID='V 878LayerIQ=25�5&PageTypel [7= 4&pagel D=13 i�BKeyValue=15501 Qp52132 112 s�z�ia�is Map _ ; ;� . �-� 455(i1[1U51:i3U ` `�` }55l}][1@52t4G , r � � i ,�I ��, ' ^ ���� I 15,`,f;1t�{�51 i s; ��,, 1 'r� r' �.M � 11� �� ���U!(xU5�i31� 155fJ'faU52[ts°1' � ''4 �� _ _�:: — � — — a' — Beacan - Wrighi County, MN Na dataavaflahfetar the Followingmodules. Land GWRP, Buildings. Extra Features, Sales,TransFer History, Valuation, Taxes Paid, Photos, 5#cetches. , . , , . �i. � . , � . , .. ,. : � ... :... . . .. .. �' i �: � �.. � �. _ ,. . �i. - � . . .. .� . i�: ��:�:n �,� . .. . ... �- . � � .c]G+. 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IN Q SafeD.�L¢ Buyt�� Seller 5�9ePrke AdjPrice eCRV N W9 til �2I1812016 1&LMVRRAYPROPERFIFS.lLC GOLD€NVAL�EYPR�PERTIE'S.11JC. $250,OV0 5250,400 �G.hl�•�; N CQ U �SrtY712011 1&LMUftRRYPROPERTkESLfC Gq4R[NVALLEYPR�PERTIE5tNC 5250.060 5256:000 httns �Ilheaec�ri.5cl�neidercorn.camlAool ication.asbx?AppID=187&L�averI U=2505&Pa�e�l`y�... 9127120 l 9 Beaccm - Wri�ht C��unt��. MN Transfer Histvry Granror STANL€Y N �QUGLAS ESFATE G4LDEN VALLEY PROPERTiESIdJC GOL4EN UALkFY PRBPERTIE5IMC f LI2RBE T FI L OOUG LAS� STA kL EY N p0 VG L.AS Grantee GOL�EN VAI,LEY pRQPEf?TI€5 INC J& L R3iOP€ RT I ES L LC 1& L PROPERTIES LLC STANLEY N DOLIGLAS GOIpEN VALLEVi'RC)PERiiE51NC Pa�e 2 af 3 Qoc �ate Transier �aSe bac Type Doc No Sale Price i114,�209G i1�1i12016 DEC DISF �� $D 21t8�20iB .;1:5/2015 WARI]£E❑ ]saSr,22 E250.p00 8,'4r20i1 619120i1 fN7RCTp��p 7t87114 5250,U00 7/20/2010 7123I2U10� kFF5l1RV i15235� $0 $l24r?[RN 6/15/2004 pECI)EST v7 �95:: }0 Valuation 2D19 Assessmrnt 30'1$ Assessment 2U17 Ass�;ment 2016 Jlssessmenl 2015 Assessmenl i Fs[imatedLandValue $63.300 5d3,3(x7 �57,?U� 563.300 563,36� +� Cstimated6ui�dingValu� 51aq,aan $176,400 5176.�Of1 $176,400 ?17CA�h7 i fs�timaiedMachineryValue $D 50 y� 50 $0 � fotalEstimatedMarketValue =244,30Q $299.700 5239,700 5234,70D E239,700 Valuation {Working 2Q2Q Assessmentj Za2a zos9 � LandValue 5d325�2 5ti3,252 + BuildingVal.re� SG $q ExrraFeaturesValtie 518R6D0 $18D,SQ6 • Yotal Value 12-04.052 =244,052 °k Ch.�nRe 0.C1f1'A� 1.8-0 9E �iaxafion 2019 Paya6le 2018 P3Y�ble 2017 Paya6le �fl15 PayaWe EStima[edMarketv�kre $?39:7p(] 5239.700 523P.7pp 5239,7€10 - Exduded Value 80 i0 $0 $0 • Homestead Fxtfusion $0 50 SO $0 = TaxaCle Market Va�ur 5234,7W 3239,70d ;274,]OU g239,7pD NetTaxesilue g5,514.Op $5,208.00 <_A.Dft2.W §6,2g�i.pp + Spe�ialAssessmCntS SD.00 50.6]q SCl.pp $p�_pp = To[alTaxesdue E5.51-0.OQ f5.20&.C16 86.Oa2.6G 56.28h.IX1 Taxes Paid Recelpt q 1523778 1498314 aaerz�a iaiaasa 1365U59 1323505 12844I42 5T29�3& E179747 YIA1177 1095SJ25 1057621 rai�n4 9569P5 4:1638T Phatos Recelp[ Print pate bl18i20i9 1{YI12i217k8 51 Y ll2[316 �vrofzox7 4/25/2017 10ii112C116 5113/2616 1UfB/2U1S 4124l2015 7611m1261A 41712014 1af1Si2413 s�is�2oia ianvizai2 5I412D12 Bill Pay Vear 2U11 2U18 2b38 3017 sai7 2016 201d 2�15 2015 2�14 2014 2�13 2013 xax2 2012 . , ���' � ,,� ��,.f , �r. -- ;-�;���� .; �� �� ���� � -�_� . �. � � � ,-; __ _ � - - �r - -��• �� - ���,. - ����� x _ y . , - 6 "� '� ���� �� Rmt AdJ 30.Q0 $0.[70 Sn.on $0.60 50-IX7 So.f}o 3n,i?� ifl_a] 54.f19 $4-G0 56.Oa �4.00 $Q.W Sa.ao so.ao Amt Write ON $� OS] $C�-DO SO.oa 5a.Q0 Sp.ao 50.d0 Sa.ao sa.00 5o.ao 50.Q0 $�.00 50.0f1 i0.00 54.ao sv.vv ��� � � _ r ��� � �' , + Amt Charge $D.�hO 50.00 80.00 So.Oo So.Oa �o.oa So.DD 80.oa $0.40 Ecs.oa 80.00 io.on SO.Dt1 ao.00 sa.oa prl+t Payrttent {52.757.Da) {S2.t�a:00} iS2.604.Y70j f53.4o1.aa1 i8s.4Pt.001 {53.in3.041 R53,343.pD) f53.3a1.001 583.389.001 i53.863.ao1 R53,8�3.00} �53.822.0[71 f 53.822. WF ISa.166.001 f 54,1b6.0�} https:llbeacon.sch�leidcrcc�rp.ca�nlApplscatian.aspx?App1I]= l $7&LaycrlL}�25QS�cPa�eTy... 912712� 19 I3eaccan - Wri�hi Cc�untr�, h�N 6T s.�nm.�e..a..�r. Map I' — � h 2 �P � ;1 �5lr:i�� � 15505(��5213Q r�" i �,~ ��'n+. ;,'� i, �. .�a�... �� �� � I I�Siii [u�'.;":4�.1i� - � �: f �: /� I�`.51�tiiflr:, � /f f j, �1 1 �' . Y� � No data avalla6le far thc fallowing madules: Lard GA,'RF. I!�. -i� . . �,p� ,?.i.,l•: ii• i. u _ �.d � .r ,J�r�� . .::r�: :.id�: ll� � ,,.:.���. ,n..,[ �s��.�..�s l�. �I��C�� r , . . .. .� rf �� .,ui.. � ... �. �..��i �. r.�n-•iFr....:.,. Llser Fi �ivacy Polic4' GDPR Ari�acy Notir��� Last Uata Upload: 9!2.'� : t�Y o 7:�.:,.::8 l�.,'.% 0 � ....:�I� t, I� :� � '. . . .. . r �.�r. . . ��«.�,_ _.. Pa�e 3 nf 3 i�:,_;�.I:i�-,�... �'� Schr G�DS https:llbeaean.schti�ide�•corp.co�nlAppli�atian.aspx?AppID= l 87&LayerID=25{]S&Pa�eTy... 91Z712019 Beac�Y� - Wri,��7t Count��, MN ,'��E?c��C3� � Wrig#�t County, MN ]�� � � � +L� c T 5ummary P�rcBllp ]55414052030 PropertyAddress 149$ROAI7WAVW MONTIC�ELL� Se[/iwplRng l3•12i�OZ5 fil�ief Se�t-11?w�4211?ange-U25pRiGINALPLATMpNTICELLOLat�q03Block-05?LF36LK51EM Taxbes�rlption E20FTSE?FTOFLT�E%FJ57FT Ti� � . N�: r.,.,�. ., . . _ f:.l rf•��. i� �. �. pt�ded AtrCs 0.00{ Class 23J-4NON-HSTI[7fCOMMLANp&64pG5 6iStrict {F�IO1J 73G] CfTYOf 410NTIC�LLG881F�1 Schar.l pistric[ 0682 CrcatfonDatc Ol�D]'U�����1 Page 1 nf 3 ■ � Dwner P rimary 7axpayer lohn T horuQ 7a17 $v�rd Ave N Sraoklyn Park, MN 55443 Fee Owner Earl 1 Poirier Jr 19487 182nd Ave NW 6ig Lake,MN 553�4 GIS A�reage Parccl: 155S71qQ52Q3Q A� res: L1.Q7 Acres USAB:O.D7 Atrcs WATE� �.00 Acres ROW: {7.UC� Sq Ft: 3 05�.7 < Land Unis EH SN 6escrlptlon Dim 1 O�im 2 Aim 3 UnI1s lJT Price Adj 3 AdJ 2 AdJ 3 Ad} q Rate OW X Value 1 �C7WNFOWN ., [1 t] 3.060.{3IX] SF S.25V 1.�U 1.IXP 1.[]0 1.�0 82�0 1.OIX] 25.2�5 2 C�MMBT.SpSF �i C ❑ AUD.U00 SF D.SIX7 1.�0 1.�7� 1.00 Y.DQ d.500 1.0[b '� Tntal 3.ddk.DOQ 25.4a5 8uildings Bufld4ng 1 Year Built 18?5 Archi;ccturc N.�A Gross Lfving Area 240C] F i nished Basemen t S# Ft CanstrUttloM4uallly AVEftAGE FaundatianType PAUREpCOh} FrameType Wf76❑❑ Si¢e15Aape N;A Exterior Walls C�NC BLpCN Windvws N+A RaaFStruct.urc FLAT RooFCover RD�LLCOMP knterlar Walls N,�A Floar Cavcr NIA Heat FORCEpqIR AlrConditloning CEN.EVAP 6edrooms U 6athraams 1 Kltehen NIA Extra Features Srq CodC �e9criptlan 1 90.'�OOk COMMEF�CfAt �im I Dim 2 Unika UT llnft Pri�e Adj 1 Rdj 2 AdJ 3 Adjd %[rond p3vS5 Val¢e 0 D 72.9Cd].9C10 VT 1.DCk1 7.OG ].00 I.L�O 1.O�i lC%l.ClO 7+7pL7 ?1ii[iD �J3��`t Mult4 Parcel IN Q 5ale DaSe Iiuyer Seller 5ale Price Ad] Prlce eGkV N C� C] {>7�31%2(Y15 THORUDI6HN PDIRIEREARl1R 565.�9Q 56$.(1[X;� s.+il:r:•-A httnc•IlhParnn �;rhnPir�err.nrrr.c.nmlAnn9ic�tinn.asnx?Annl[7=l$7&I,��erIIJ=25Q5&Pa�eT�'... 91`�71Z'�19 Beacon - Wri�ht Cnunty, MN Transfer History Grantor Grantec ELIZABCTii K P03R9ER EARL 1 POIRflRlii AKA EARL1P61RIERJR lOHN7HqRtItY ANNE L POIRI�R FTAI EARL 1 ROIRIERIR �bocOate Transhrpate 7133J2p15 8�2ll2�15 7.�3113015 8/7112015 9f9Ai999 5117l2C713 Pa�e � of 3 Doc Type Doc Na Salr Pr6ce AFFSUfiV : �]�95kS��+ 5b CNTRCT�EE� 27 456yq $65,OD0 QCLDEE❑ ��12f715i $4 Valuation 2619 Assessment 2i118 Assessment Y9Y7 Aisessment 2R35 Assessmen! 2015 Assessment � F.StimatMlL2ndValue §�S,-0pp $25F00 $75.400 525.App b25,4P� + EstimatedBuildingValu„ 572.800 $72.800 j72.8W 572.640� $72.89� � fs[imBt¢f1M,�rhineryValve 50 50 $0 S{1 yq � Total Estimated Market Value 598.2Q0 598.200 $98,2P4 598,20o $98,2{7Q Valuation {Working 2Q2�1 Assessmentj 20,20 2019 + Land Value $25,4�5 g23,445 + Building Value 5(� y,p � ExtraFea�uresValue C72,gp� g72,gpp • TatafValue S9B,245 $98.245 `.� Change} Q.QO% �.00% Taxatinn 2U19 Payahle 2018 Paya6le 2D17 Payable 201b PayaWe �sdimaceA Mar4:ri Valuc $98,�(7[J F9&,2a0 59$.200 $96,2D0 - Excl�ded Val�e 50 Sq $p �fl • Haines[rad E:rl�us;nn 5U $4 SU $� - 7axahle Market Value $98.200 i9B.2W 598,200 $98,2D0 Ne�Taxesl7ue S1,b40.00 $1,Si4.Op $2.214.60 "y2.3i0.00 r Special Assessmeius Sp.CI� $p.pp 5p.pf1 gp p.;7 r TotalTa.e40uC $;,b40,09 $1,514.D0 $2.2ie-OQ $2,310.00 daxes Paid Rece i pt C 153573p 150193$ 746&113 1380734 iza9sx6 1240352 123T133 13P39Q3 7738355 1i00559 Y�65b14 Y012921 952,3$4 964465 P}10L05 r I Receipt Print pa[e 5/912019 IQY1S(2018 513 S� 2BI8 SIt2Y2�017 51 i b1201 d Sf1612015 SO115/2015 511a12035 Ib/71201a sas��zala 1Uf18.+2013 5113l2�33 3ilf313013 4126r 2t71 � Bill Pay Year 2t714 2018 2018 2017 ?D15 201d 2015 201� 2014 2C714 2013 2013 2072 2013 Amt Adj $0.00 ��.�D $0.00 yo.[x� �v.00 50. W 50.�0 5v.ao $0.00 �o.ao $0.00 50.f70 $0.0� �o.no Amt Write OH 54.00 ba.c�o 50.00 b0.U0 So.Qo ;0.06 So.o6 SO.c30 $0.[7Q So.00 SO.oO 50.06 $0.0(k So.Oa 5ke4ches Amt Charge $l1. W So.oa �.� Sa.Da 54.DD b47.00 S0 00 SO.DO b�].fl0 ta.oa b�fl0 Ea.aa 54.OU Sa.oa pmt paymEns f5a2o.on} [§ i 57.()D} f8757.0a} {�x,zxo.00� 53.155.00 ;52,310.W} 1$1,34i.OQ} ;$1,3A3.[1Q1 i5l,sas.00� 551,509.OD�1 ISi.aa2.oa� i51,432.fl01 I51,513.00j 551.513.ita1 https:llbeacon.schneidercarp.cc�mlApplicatic�n.aspx`7AppID=l $7&Layerll� =25D�&Pa�e7'g�... 9127f2019 Beae�n - Vl'ri�ht C�unt}�, MN � O � z� �asl$75 24U0.0 sf �0 �.�.�r�o�---- Map � � m �-: -;�r,� ��� , ,��"; ,:.�, .� No data availahle fvr thC fpllowing modules: L a nd GA+R p. Th�.�:�`m=�.ri�.•rp� .r.l Ici���+. b.�=�-�:c.d�„�rcr��ferc.�ceP��iPaseSonly.Thirinforrnnil, si•,•s. ��Il�i�,�bp.,. �.��r,�.•: . �, .�..r�.r;:��,� p��posc��,. N1ii�;In C� n:t� cioc= au; {,e.��anter RF,e a�•.wrdCyaf ll�s:lnlofmationcvntained h�ere�n � . llser Pr i�a� y Poi ie7e GpPR Pri�a�y Not ce Las[ iData Upfoad� 9f2�F2�i9 2:d5r38 AM ���i'.+�o:� 1.-i �. �age 3 of 3 q�,.:.�4 ,. �..,r �.� Schr a�7�Q'� https:llbeacc�n.sc113�eider�orp,cc�mlAp�lication.aspx?App1I]=I87&La�•eriU=25U58cf ageTy... 912 7120 1 9 �3eac��r1 - Wright C:nu►3h . NIN ,'���'r�.G(]n � Wright Caunty, MN Summary parrell0 Pro,pertyAddress SerJTwplRng BYief 7a x bescr I pt i on preded A�res Cfass olstrict Schoa9 olscrict Creation Dafe Pa�e 1 of 5 ������ � � � 155VSOD52D31 _ _ 12I BRPADWAYW Y��` MONTiCELLfl - ;�. 11-121L�25 —, 3eC[�11Twp•121Range-0250RIG1NALPLATfi.1CJfvTICELLOLot-0036iock-052E2VFTpFEDF � �i -� 3ALSOLOT4SLOi5ExE18FTIflfNCHE50FlOT56LK52 i "� -_ ����� - �:, � 6��-i. r1 b�.., �I�, i.,, _ __ .. 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STEVfNL10HN5ON 612�i�2W7 $!17l2W7 TRSDEEi3 li�r,+�,` b3flF.�24 Valuatian 2D39 A.ssessmcnt 2618 Assesiment Z017 Assessmrnt 2015 Assessmeni 2015 Assesstnent + (s[imate[1LandValuF $43,3(Ml g9s,soo 5V3.3f36 593,3p0 �yA3.J00 � Fstima;c�dR�iildingYaltic• 5232,700 5227.7[� 5227.7C�0� 8227,700 5227.7iaQ � Estima[edMa�nineryVa4uc 50 SO 59 SU y0� • Tnta4Estlm�tedMsrkMCValue �j32d,ppp i321.U0Q $921,009 $331,�00 $327.U�6 Valuation (Warking 2�2� Assessmentj 2a�U 2019 • Land Valuc� 5�Y3.34D 593.3C� + Auilding VaIWr �d $� +� ExtiaFcaluresVatue $232.70G b23:7Pt7 = TotalVal�r b325,090 $�25.040 5� Changc OOSiSE 1.565F 7axatinn 2U19 Payablt 2BI8 Paya6k 2D]7 Payable �a16 Payeblc EstrmatedMark.eiVal�e 5321,OOd 5321,GV(1 5321,i1W a321.60+J - ExcludeCValue Zp �p ryp $,� • Homestead EazYo;��on Sp 5i1 5a $a = Taxa6kMarke[Va{uc 5321,000 5321,GOitY $3I1,090 5321.000 Ne[TixesOuc $?,95M1.Uq $7,536.W 5 �iS.384.41[7 b87fi8.i� + Sppc ial AzsessmeNs. 5{i pp ryq.�7 gp pp y� � = FatalTaKesDu< �7,954.C10 S7.S36,{1(j 58.364,00 $8,786.U0 Tax�s Paid Rceefpt N 15450U3 �s�gew 14v$yW 1454544 1q276d5 I340p55 I33Rii13 124525$ 1240416 iaasaza 1151793 Recelpt PrinS batr Pi24f�01P SII312019 i0/111X418 5fI1J201& 30119.�2fi17 5/17/2017 34l17l�41G 5118f2015 1�IT5:2015 512pl20t5 1o121r�s41n Bi�i Pap Vear 2814 3414 25718 2Q18 zas� 2017 2f77.d 2plb 2015 2�715 2014 Ame qdJ SG.OG 50.0� bo.[w 5�.00 go.r�o 0 50.04 $O.a7 $O.f74 50.00 SQ.Oo SO.RD Amt W ri te 4ff 50.00 SO.C�O So.oO Sa.va 50.00 sv.oa 80.bn 3i].OQ SU.O� 5r).OU SQ-� Amt Charge SO.t%r $O.DO Sv.W b6.[s� C SO.OQ 3o.oa 4�.� SQ.00 St1.tK7 59.n0 3�.�a AmePay�tnt {53.477.OG} IS3,977.001 I5�.768.aa� I$3.it R.QOI ($4.142.OQj {ga.i92.001 {b4.344.001] {$4,39C:OOy iSa.szl.aod 154.521.�0} i55.086.9U} htips:lf 6eacpiS.sclineidercorp.coi»IAppl ieatifln.aspx?AppII3=1878eLa}�erl U=�5i�5cY� Pa�eTy--. 91?712p I 9 Beacon - Wright Caunty. MN Pa�e 3 of 5 Rectip[ R Reeeipt Print Oate Bill PayYtar Amt Adj Amt Write ON Amt Charge Amt Paymeni 11160bd 5l35J2014 2014 $O.�Q $U-�U 50.0(] [55,08ti.�Oj 1p55703 30i18.r�0i3 2013 5�:90 S17-00 b�-[�0 {54,89�.QOj 1021905 5.71612013 2073 $D.OfI $4.[10 $47.D11 {j4.84I.00) 970d62 fC��19,��012 2012 50:[1!7 54.00 50.00 f55,087.0�1 P21533 S,�F-012012 20i2 54.U0 5�.0{] 50�D9 ISS.OS7.00i Photas � � ��----^� [�� -� - �_ `�``�_�—�----'1■1��� � 'a � : I �° f -- 7 '�t - --�– ---- �a �_ _ � _ _ �� �,� ` � � � '"' � _�gr.. _�. _ ' — _ - - , - - ' � � . _ Sketehes 68 0 NI _ . a,�„ _ - . httnc•IlhParnn cr.hnP�r�ercnrn.cnTnlAnn1icatinn_a:snx?Ann1I7=1$7&I.a`�'erIl}=2505&Pa�Je1,�,... 912712�19 Bcacon - '41'ri�k�t Caurity, MN Pa�e � i�!' S IZttps:flbeacan.scllneidercr�rp.coii�lApplicatii�n.aspx?App�U= I $7&La)�erII7=�5U5tYcPageTy... 91271?{� 19 Beacan - Wri,�11t Countv�. I�RN Map — -�; �— ,' 1 5�a10852i34/ r , !i A"j �.� � . % ��: . .�1_ �� y' /f. �' � '•" . Vj�� V: N¢Aala availahle For the folbwing modufas: Lar�d GA/RP, Page 5 ot 5 �,..��. u,r., .. •�i���,� •I�_.,. , y i� r iir� . n7ni n r• . i �;inG:..•. . ir r, ..�r�.�r ���i �.r.�..,t•, i :.. 7..�- Ir...�t . , ni . .i .. , . I:�. .��.I .... . �:Wrf+a. 4V��h1[c��i� rlqesnncEuarar•t•�thc.acc�:a�yoli�iEinlo rr..tioncc..i.`i .�I��en..� � L15er�evatyPoli[y � ��'�r Gpfifi Pr4va�v Notice � � v � La;:�aSaUpload-^rY27i20192:45:38AM ,� ..i.n,,. ... https:llheaeras7.schrreidercorp.cc7�t�lApplicats��n.aspx?AppID=187& Layerl U=25�S &Pa�eTy�... 912 7120 1 9 F3ea�oil - Vliri�ht Count�. MN ����E..'c�C�l�l,�� Wright Cc�unty, MN �/�„ � � � � !- � Summary parcell❑ i5S01Rf]529d0 ' Property 1] 3 BROAGWAY W '—�=" Addrees MpNT10El.io 5ce1TwA��ng 11-F2t-Q25 - BNef Set[-IlTWW121Range-025aRIGIM1IALFLATMONTICEI.Lfl�ot-46dBlo�k-052��166EfBFT � :+5-�'�` - i Tax�45CHptfOn 10�fNLF[ESOfL0756LK52£H7R�ESTHPP.TDF�LiS&66€SC�MMOSiELVC6kOFLThTH `-�,��'1 N64Q5&'26"W ALGI+EELY W 3.D6FT T�DL7510E BLOG LN BEiNG PQBTW..5�24p18'S1"WALG {},ty� ��.� 5�tlWT51[]€ Bl�G LN.371FT TRfi1.17G C6RTH IJBSRti��iO�WALG 5601IT51[3E $L�G lN 44F � ��3:i't TpBLOGCORTHN2-0p185]"EACGSDOlfT51DEBL�GLN.&SFiTpMELVLN�l7FSGLTSTH �"�� y - � 564I158�26"EkLGSdNELY1.NOFLT55&d44FTTOFp6 -:r�� �� ..�....- ....ii,-., .. ..:.,i..�i.:.. _.,.. _ �C,.�.. beeded Acres O.tlO� " CIa5s 233-�NON-HST�iCOMh1LqNQ&6LUG$ - DisSrict {11D3}1gflICITY6FMpNTtCEklOB82H Schoal0istritt U882 [reatlan�Dafe Di?Qll�l -+�� �� r , � ���� ��- i �� �wner Prfmary7sxpaycr Nt 6 ihe Eivys LLt 2ip$2 Franklin R9 Clearwaler, MN 55320 Csl$14CrCdgB parrel: E S�Sti 1OQ52t15iJ� Anes: O.iO Ac res V SAB: lL 24 A�rts WATE:O.W Acres RD W: O.i10 Sq Ft: 8.551.43 Land UNr EH Seq 4es�ripllan �Im 1 D[m 2 bfm 3 Units U7 prlce AdJ 1 Adj � Adj 3 qdj 4 Ratr Olv % Value 1 UCi4VNTOWIti U 0 U 3.SS2.OSi0 SF 825� ].IX7 1.G0 1[ri] 1.{]0 8.25L1 1.IXH} 7U:SSA CO�:MBi� SOSF p C} p 3.1i74.Ci10 SF 0.5[7� 1i70 l.ijp 1C7Q I.U� O.SW 1.W9 i.SSD Total 11.65�.000 72.16-0 Buildings Building 1 Yra� Built Architecture G fvss Livi r1g 17rea Flnlsfied 6asement Sq FS Coasiraetian QW a1}ty Faundatfon Type Feame Type SlrefShape Exterlor Walls W I ndaws R�paFS[ruct�re iiGOi C4YCC ��t2fl�Pf Wd��S Floar Covcr Heat Alr Conditipning 6cdraoms Eaihroams f(ilchen �%�f8 �E'2tLIfE5 1YCI7 H,!A 489d HVERAGE CQh�t 6LOC1C W�OG❑ h1 �A ST UCCO N£A FLA[ NfA N/A NIA FORC E f] AI R CEIV.€VAP 6 4 NfA Seq Code Oesu{ptiv� 7 0(P:1pp� CQMMERCIAL Pim 1 Pim 2 tlnits VT 13nit Pricc Adj i Adj 2 AdJ 3 Ad] 4 56Gaod �iv % Vaiue {] 6 16].90�.09U UT 1.�a7 7..IX7 1.0� 1.�0 1.00 SOO.fXk i.000 16i?CG Sales MuItEParcel IN Q SafeDate Bilykf SelFer SalpPrice AdjPrice cCRV N WG L� ❑5�14�3499 I(C & 7}1E EtiOYS�.LLC M[7N710ELLOCOMMi1NlTY PftpPERTIES.LLC $132.SQ0 5Y33.'SIX] N WiJ lJ �SIlAY144E KCCTH66QYS,LLC BLOOF.ipAHLCARROLL SX20,SQ0 $120,506 Y W6 l7 111�51i9% SPRIplG6�RG lOHN50N 535,0{)0 $35,D06 N Cl7 ❑ 45+'14/1476 MONTYCEI.LpCOMMLiNITYPFOPERTEES,LLC 8L4pM�ANL.CARROII 5320.SC�0 S12U.SDC�� Y WO ll �6l301iP8fi lOH1�SON lONh50N 524.5pq 524,50Q Theeearr olher parcCl6 invplved in one or more a� Ehe a6we sales: ht�ps:llt�eacan,schneidercor�.�or�lApplication.aspx?AppID=187&La��er1 [3=25(}S&Pa�eTy�... 917 7120 1 9 Beacon - Wright Cnuntr�, MN Transfer Histary Gra�tor C ARfYO L�L & V I RGIN f k 6 Ld]4M [5AH L Pa�;e 2 �f `3 Grantee hac bate Transf�r pate ppe Type Doc No Saie Price KC&THEBOYSLLC SiiS.-Za13 ]1.+7��2U13 WARDEE❑ 1257p3`, 5120.5[1D Valuatian �039ASse55ment T018Assessment 2D17RsscssmenT 2814A55¢simmt 20i5Assessment * EstianatedLanBValue $77.1p0 872.1W 5?2.170 572�.A�0 572.100 + Estima[edBuildingValue 51$i,4i]Q yi77.4G7 5!7?�.+�0 5177,4IX] bi77.409 + EStimatedMachineryValue 50 $0 EO $0 SO = Tofal EstlmatedMarket Value 525A,000 y2dy,504 $244.50� E249,5p0 E244,5D0 llaluatian �Warking 2020 pssessment) 2nzo 2v1v t Land Valiee g72.1Pa 472,104 * &uilding Vaiue $0 50 t f�traFes�uresValve 518f.9pf7 $1&1,90D = TatalValve $254,f1b4 ;]54,004 56 ChanKe 0.Cx7�. 1,�0:£ Taxatian 2m1P Payah6e 2Q}�$ payable 2U17 paya6le 201b Paya6le fstimeipclMarketValue 52d9,50C) 5244.50.7 5244,560 S2nq.5W - Ex�ludedVal�e S� �0 SO ED - Hamestead E.tlusivn 5Q 5p �C� gp - TaxaBleMarketValue E249,500 5249,SB0 $249S�D ;24'9,500 Net Trxes Uue $5.$C8.00 55,440.00 $i�.2Rt3.U� $�9,568.0� Spe�ialRssessment5 $O.Op 5�.�10 5fl�-00 80.pP � Tatai TaKes Uue 55.80$.0� 55.44f7.�Of7 36,288.00 $6;585.00 Taxes Paid Re�eipt p 75q5535 1445288 i4593S3 1415458 i8739}0 Y319603 7?8397E7 D22S749 I177840 f129575 Sf02836 306I812 razz�x 956707 43877? Photas Reteip[ P1int �atc 51131207Y 1flfS112018 511if2[716 16Yi112017 5.�'8r 2017 I�Id1201b 5�13l2016 19121?O15 Al2312015 9l412074 SY13f2f714 iQr'15�2013 5f1512013 10l1012�92 5114�2G12 Bill Pay Year 2014 3016 2�16 2017 2017 2016 2016 2015 2015 zoia 2614 zais 2013 2012 2012 —^�, � =--r. �°�Iri� �`��'�'�`— �--yE'�� � Sket�hes Amt Adj SQ.GU $O.�D SO.�D 50.00 50.00 i�.00 5�.0� $0.00 SU.00 SO.�D 50.04 3o.an 5b.0[7 sa.ao b�•IXl Amt Write �tf Sa.4rr SO.Q6 SO.oa 4�.00 $D.06 56.64 SD.00 50.90 So.oq $D.Od SO.na So.aa SO.06 50.4U 4o.aa r � i s � a. �: � I � i i "Z -x�:� �7 � a � � Ami Cha rge Sn no Sa.oa $0.00 30.G0 SL7-0o SO.IX3 sv.ac� S0-� �a.00 $O.W 50.00 5r.oa $O.DO Sa.oQ $0.00 Amt Payment 152.9Gu.aD} [sz.�as.00} {5�,7a5.i]d} {fi3,144.IX7) {53,144.tlU} {�.3,244.00} {5�.294.001 i83,389.901 {$3.384.00j� ii3,4ti5�.061 {53.s65.0a1 15a,tea.4o} {�4.184.001 154,398.aa1 d54.398.tlQ1 11ti�s:llbeacan.schneidercQrp.eomlA��1 ieaticm.aspx?App] D=187&LayerID�2S[]S&Page�I�}�... 91�712419 8eac�c�n - Wribllt Cc��nte•. MN a.wwmM�� I — -- �1----- — - -�- -�� _��-: � �;Ps.. . �. 3 ��' - �L..a�.�'a. ... .. _ __ ' No data availahle far She f011owing moduies: �.and GA.+RP. -non�fn i�h,;�.r�r ,'...Ir.i:N ��.r ��:.n-�� .....i'ri��fr r+�.p.;:.:�s:�i�l�: il. . ..� . ••.��i�.a..•,....-.:1 , -•._ r .� ..����i� .... � .. . . . �. . F����u;�sw.;,:r,�r ���, :-�, , ��:,� ,i;.,:,��� ._ri�.,.:�, ,���,,. � >r�t„...... LFSef Pf1V.�[y AoliC4� GpARPrrva�yt.ot • Last C1ataUpl�nad� 4�; �.:0 i:, �._.��. rrf: vei ti��.� 2.'... Page 3 of 3 '.�.�I.... u.,. �►� ��hr C7 � 0 .�'J 1lttps:Jlbeacnn.sehneidercarp.comlApp� icatie�n.aspx?AppID=187& LayerI D=2S[75c�PageTy... 9127f20 l 9 Beacon - Wri�lit County, MN �F• ,,�. gE.'r�C[3�"1 Wright County, MN �kllli[113�1 Farcel I� PrvpertM Address Secliwp/Rng B ricf 7ax Gesc riptlan Preded Aeres Class p'r6[riet Schoal Distrkt C reaSion S]ate dwner PrimaryTaxpayer [i[-yTH Mnnl��cfllG Ld.� e Aesounts P�rahle SRS Walnu65t Ste 1 trlanti:eEto,l�1N SSJd2 G!5 Acreage Parce1:1550107520J7. Acres: U.'L2 Acrrs 4SAB- 0.22 Acres WAT€� Q.06 Arres ROW: (�.�G 5a F[: 9; 43U.SU� Pa�e 1 nf 2 ������ � � �5j 157i�1W5207i � � � / i 13 W BROAOWAY57 MOWT4C5L.Lp f 1-] 21-425 Sece-11 Twp-121 Range-025 ORIGIkAIPWT MONIICEl.60LTS7&a64K52 EH SE�Y ]6.SOF7 OF 5WLY40F1 �F lT8 �r:.,p.: ...i 1;. t�r. i. . , . c In ,.I �.I..i .i,.i�. . �.W 458• INON�HST�}hqVAICIPAL PUB•OTHER Y11U1] 1101 CITY�F 1.�S4NTiCELLO 862 W 0882 oi�utroo4s � � Land Un4[ Etf Seq Qes�ripSion Dlm i �im 2 dfm 3 Units U7 Price Adj 4 AdJ 2 Adf 3 Ad} A Ra[c Dlv % Valur I DOWN7p�y.y 0 G [] 9A'i].G[Y.1 SF 8.7SL1 1.OE7 LfIO I.�D 1.15 9.487 1.Dlk] 89,471 Total 9A3i.Of10 84.471 Sales MuktiFarcel IN 4 SaleDate h! Wp 11 O51(7t1194d N Wp U Y2�C�1119N6 N W[i LI 07:0111986 Tran56er History BuVcr I fOV51NG 6 REL7EVtiLQF'MkIJT t1UT H Ft.IJTH 16HN56N Gran[or Grantee CITVDfti"ONI7CELl:iHkA CITYqFMON71CF�lOF6A Valuatlon (Working �02L3 Rssessment} Seller SafeP�rkre AdjPrlce rCRN FLVTN <_SdDOL� $�S�,WO 14HNSt7N 5115.090 5715,WQ 1pHN50N 5�05,20Q 51�52L�0 Ooc 4atc Transler pate �a¢ Ty{x �ve No 5alc Pri�e 112;'20Ci8 Zr21i2QQ8 L7CL�E€U � $f1 2azo zax9 • Land�,�in: S�pAa� 5[s�+.s7i • Eiu:Rdi�r� Yai,i�: 5[i �il • Ez[raFcatvresValue SV 8�J = Trreal Value $89 A71 $89,-071 r- Change �+.iH)! l](;J`.+:, Taxation 2p19Paya6le �OSSPaya9le 7Oi7Paya6le 261GPaya6le Esiimated I�1srMet Va1ue $84,500 b&9.SW 589.59G 577,604� � txciudeU Value 5U SG S� 8� - Hr.�ncslead Exdaslon 50 3fl� 5� 80 = Taxa6leMarketValue $0 S� SO SO I.�t Taxes Due SO.S]p SOfn 59 t� S•�1.0�] Spe�iaf Assessmenis $O.flO 3R.�0 50.C1J �O.pC7 = Yotal7axes O�uc SO�.aO SA.OD b4.fl0 4d.06 littps:llbeacan.scl7neidercnrp.cntt�IA�a�lication.asph?AppID=187&La��erID=25C}S�:Pa�eTy... �?I?71�(119 � � � Beacon - Wri�ht County, MN Map � , —�- — ��y „ . f��55oroasz�,�� . �L � '�i' �'� � �. , , ,r� r^' ' �. � �_ - �.� __ �" x �i':_j ��� i�,{t•li:��t7f+'1 � �.-� � _ , z,. !� �� �: _ ' `,F�+y�1[Fra516+iW : _ , � t { �� �L' ; �•. �_�+.+� � p �� � '����'. —. rY� �� , i 5 St1,7 G is. • No data availaWe fw ihe foflowing madules: Land GAIRP, Buildings. Exlra Feawres, Valuatia�. Taxes Paid, PhptDS. SketChes. F'age Z c�f' 2 fh��. n:th:��r�p:,e��i �i�.nl �, It•i,.,,.nrlr�rll�.ri�frr.,.�.���,.rp•�:.;��.r�i,.11�i;.�•r�ar�:�t.� i.e��r,....' f:J�f�,•li; I .,,r�:�ryln;� [7r.� f.., .. �i-�.r.� � � , . r� t;y p,;�p3 �,. Lti'n�hcCr. : rir:r � t,...:u.�i l ..tl�r�� ri�. � nf II»� � . . ..i.i�� . S�. � :r.11�:�,i�. ��. � � �./��� Llser Pa �a�y Poliey GpP� PrivatylJut .r �'�'J��Q.Cr Las; Da;a Upl oad �. 1.:� 7 i,•' 7fi ; 9 7-4 5.:i Ei F. ��+'i V� • i s ia; �[.:i f, hitps:llk�eacan.schneiderc��rp,comlA�pli�ation.aspx?Ap�ID=I $7&LayerIU=25�5�Page7�y... 9f2712019 Beacn�7 - Wriglit Cc�unty, II�tN ����+�C��'1 Wright Cvunty, MN Pa�e 1 c�t` 5 � �'� � � � 1 � � Summary Parcell6 i5501005�3070 Prvpel'typddress i�7W6f26AQWAYST h70N710ELL0 Se�II'wplRng 11•121-025 Brief 5e[t•llTwp•i21 Range-0250RIGINAL FtAT MDNTICELLO Bln�k•U52 SiLY16-SOFTOF TaK�pescrlption SWLY96fTDF�T89LK52 I'J�',I�..,Jp� r,e hc .�.•:•;1 nn I�•�:.:J c..� ui... ..r . 6eeded A�res 6.[k7 Elasx 233-{NON-HSTO}EQ�ryM1ANIS&SL�GS ❑Istrict [SfOli5f07CITY��MpNTVCELL068�H Sehoal0lstrirt 0882 Geallon paFe 01101160G1 � i4'� � i C- . __� � �WilCf P rimary Taxpayer ����.w nC 1�,P+��,..�� PO Box 54& rronti�ello, MN 55�362 G15 Acreage Parre1: 155�10052�741 kcrc�: b [73 q�res 115AB:0.U3 Acres WA7E: 0.00 Acrea ktlW: O.UG Sq Ft: 1 485.0� Larrd EJnit EH Seq Prscription biml [7im2 6im3 Units iIT Pr4ce Ad}1 Adj2 AdJ3 Adj4 Rate Div% Valuc 1 6oWN IavJN U 0 ❑ 1 a85.[]t7D 5i� 8.25il 1.UG i.00 i GG 1.t5 9•�9" 1.UE1[) 1�.U88 To[al 1,485AOU 14.0$9 Buildings Bullding 1 Year B�ilt lylU Architedure hrA GrossLivingqrea 153� Finished Basement Sq Ff CanstrucfkanQuality AVERAGE Foun¢aSlanType CONC6LDCK Framc Type WDOd ❑ Sixe/5hape NIA Extnrinr Wal�s STUCCO Windaws IJ�A RoofStructurc FLA7 Raof [ovcr N.+p Interi�or Walls PRYWALI. FfaorCover NIA 4icat F�RCEf]AIFC AirCv�itVaAing CEIv.EVRP �£[�fOD�S '� Bathroams 0 Kit¢hen N.�A Extra Features Seq Cade bescr�ption Y OOG[K31 C�MMERC6At �]8�C5 6im 1 p+m 2 Vnits UT Unil Prite Adj 1 Adj 2 Adj 3 Rdj 4 %GoaG RiV % Va1u� G 0 �:] 200.D�0 U7 i.Q00 i.�0 lU0 1$U I.U[7 1'.10.Ua I.Od�7 4I2{y:3 M�I[iRarcel !N 4 Safe6ate �vyer v Tp U 06/20/2007 lOHN50N5TEVE� Seller SalePrlce AdjPr�cs cCRV JOViNSON MARIQN iR1751 5344.�2< 53AR.024 Thr,rc arr other parcels invol�ed in one or more oi ihe abov� sales: Transfer History Grantor Grantee pac patr 7ranster Dale bac Typc Pnt No Sa�le Price CONRApOJ�HtJ50NREVYREiAI STEV€NC1OI-�tvSUtv S!20.�.r307 $'17+:007 TRS�E€U - $3+]9:p24 https:llbeacoa�.scii��eidercorp.c��mlApplication.�ti�sx`�AppI�=� $7�LayerlD=2�{�5&I'a�eTy... 912 712 6 1 9 BeaG�n - UVright Cou��t��, A�N Pa�e2ot3 Valuation 201PAssessmmt 2078psses5ment 2U17Asussment 2616Assessment 2035A.s5[xsment + EslimatedLandValue 414,T0[] $I4.iW S74,pOG $1r.]Pf1 514,1W • Est�matetlBuildingValuc Sa1,200 Sa32C10 $�7.20� S�k,2D0 qdi2(h7 Es[imaled Maehincry Val�c SC SQ $� SO $�J = To[alEstima[SdMarkefVdl4! $55,300 555,300 355,30D 155,3D0 $55,34U� Valuatipr� (Working 2020 Assessment} 2020 2419 • Land ValUe $14.0&8 514.fl88 i 8uilding Value j(1 $p t EktraFealurpsValue ;z1,2Qo �i1.200 = TaFalValue $55,286 bS3.2H$ % Change p,pp ;� q.pp 95 Taxation 2019 Parahle 2UF.S Paya6le 2617 Paya6le 2015 Paya4le Esiimared Market Valve �55�,3W� 555,304 5�5,3IX7 y55.3�0 - Excluded Valve SU 59 b0 8C� - Homestead Fxelusiun 5f'. $6 Sp $0 = Taxa6le Market Va1ua E55,3D0� SS5,3R0 b55,3D0 355�,3�0 NetTaxesDue $1.460.U� 81,584.[)C1 E1.d20:00 5].70T.00 + Spe�ialAssessments $�0.00 SO�.DO Sqpp $O.F?0 + 7ata9TaxesOue f1,d60�.(10 j1,564.�0 81.429.D6 51,702.00 Taxes Paid Retc�pt e 1565�D4 ?539b11 14459(73 1459595 3427657 139i70&b 13341D4 3295254 1240917 k295622 115179J 1118057 t066744 k02I4�5 970453 92153c Photos Rece i pt Print [7ate 9124Y2014 5/1312019 161k1r20i8 SIStl2018� 1Q/i9;2417 s�i��aoi� 16/17/2616 511$120id 161F512015 Sf2U(2Q15 10121�Z014 5/35/2014 ia�iarzni� SIid12013 ]�i�19,�2p1� 511A12012 Bili Pay Yrar 2014 20]4 2[718 2018 2ov 20i7 zoie 2Di¢ xo�s zois 2014 xo�a 2073 2083 2012 xo�a 5ketches Rmt AdI �fl: W 5�.� $D.Q� $0.00 SU.�O 34.Bi? So.on Sfl.�4 5a.[w sn.� b[J.UO bU.04 50.00 SG.00 So.oq sa.tw Amt Weite Off SU.00 So.ao 50.00 50.00 50.0� $0.90 5v.00 So.nn 5v.00 so.ao 50.00 So.c�o so.aa S�.D6 50.00 SQ.t�o ro � � � �,��� _ • . J�' � �� � Am[ Cha rge 50 00 Su.00 SU.{]0 $0.9f3 so.ao S6.IX3 54.a0 $O.00 So.ao $0. W SC1.IX7 $CLDo BA.00 $0.(10 $0.00 $o.on Amt Payment {$830.00j iS830.m01 i$792.G0) ss��z.ao� ii8t�.0a1 i881C�.001 j$851.001 i8851.001 i$876.�O) I$876.ao1 {$985.00j 18485.001 S51,o2�.001 �Si.022.001 {51,082.ODj i51,U82.o0i https:Ilk�eacnn.sck7rteidercorp.eo���fApplicatian.aspx?,A�a�a1D= l $7&i�ayer[U=2505&f'a�eTy... 417712� 19 Beacon - W'right Cnu��t}', MN i� q BA5191L+ �, �'" 153d °' 17 s. a aro..x,.d. � d'��. �:. ' i No data ava II a hlr For [he Fo! lowing modu les: L a n d GA1R P. Pa�e 3 nf 3 ih�_ :'.rn �,..r.i,,:i , �.r�r� � i,.;...., r_.�I'-.i�ef�,��,�•�c�purpnsTTSnnly.Thei�fc�n-�:���.... �..n;�ts..i I�i :I�::;;I.. .. - � . . .. . . . . � � u � ..., , �i �.o.�,..�. i ;,_r:. ... ,�. ir.,rpo5 ���. Wrip;i�d Cc�r'�; rl�cs �r E�.u.u.�n[cc. [fiCar�urary ef thc infrrmationconta n:a h�:��-��� �+ llser F'rw�ty Po4ity �� 54h� G�f'R Priva�y Notice �7 � Q .� Last DaCa [J7�load! 9/27/2619 2:A5:38AM 4'rrsi�ar� �..3.5 https:ilheacon.sck�ne�dercorp.co�nlA�,plication.aspx?�pp] D= l 87& La�•es•f U=25�5&F'a�eTy... 9i2712419 Beacc�n - Wri�ht C�����ty. MN I.. �I� �'�,���aCQC� Wri�ht County, I'�'IN � � 5ummary ParceIID 155�10:752890 Praper[yqddress 1�1$R.pA�WAYW � , , " d MON7ICELLO . ,•-# ^ i SesRrv,p7Rng 1 f-121�[}25 �� .' ' - ,. „�. 9rief S�ct•11 Twp 121 Rar ge-U25 pRIGiNAL PLAT MONTECELLO l.a[-Cil9 Stock-052 �,, �' � Tax Descrlptlan LT546106LK52EK BEG NELYCOR OF Li1DTH SLYALG 5EL1'LM`sdF7 TH WLYTOPS-vJM h7Wi� '� L�waF LTLU3bF7DFNWLYCORTkNLVT4NWLYCORTHELYTOROB .� ���� � ': r . <..,•i . . i. ��,i 5 . . � , a Drrded Acrcs O.OQ � � � Class 233-INON•H5T�]�C4MMLANUFBLQGS ��� � � pislritk 11301} 1101 CIdY DF MDNTICf ll4 982 H j SchoalDistrlct 08@2 { II � CreaSionOate �110SIOl?71 ,� �'a�e � c�# 3 -� r Owner Prima+Y Taxpayer >r�..�.,i�.' 1��,1•i:•�•i• PO Bax 548 h+vniicelln. MN F53d2 GIS Acreage Parcei:155�:U0S3�5a Rcees: D�.23 Aaes 115AB: G.22 Acres WATE: d.0i� Acres RPW: i7.[]D SqFt97252$ �d[�i� 41n1[ Eft Seq Descriptlon oiml b[m2 �im3 Units Vi F'r�€r Ad�l Adj7 Adj3 Ad�4 Ratc i71vY6 Vafuc 1 �OWi�1iOWN 0 0 L1 Y.?�S!:xb:l `.F Ii.2S��1 : Gt1 1.G0 1.OG I.35 11.13' 1.i1:1i] )iiE 3il? 2 COhAM1TBT.505F 0 0 L� S.dfi.��::�J+i Sf L�.s6.J :0� le0 1.00 1.G0 GSOi] S.i300 2.s30�J T9tdl 5 5, 325.D0� 111, i07 Buildings 6uiiding i YearBuilt 144C� ArchlE�rcturr N��A GrossLivingArea 1850 Fin4shed Bascment Sq Ft LonserutNonQuality AVERAGE FoundatlonType �CDNC&IOCK Frame Typc MASONICC C 5ixe/5hape NIA Exteriar WalEs S7UCC0 Wirldows NIA RomfStructu�e fLA7 Rw}Cavcr N!A Interfor Walls NIA iloorCa�er NIA Heat Ft7RCEpAIR AirCoMitioning CEN.€VAp Bedraoms 0 6athrooms 1 Kkchen NIA Extra Features SCq Cvde p�3cnip[iaR 7 Of1W(17 COh4h1ERCI,QL $d�@S pim 1 Pim 2 lJniu t1T Unit Pr6ce Rdj i Adj 2 Adj 3 Adj 4 96 Gvod dFY Ye Value [t � B5.4C)0.9t10 VT 1.ppC1 iAD I.U�7 1.[f[7 9.�c] 3(1�.�G 1.O�Q 859�70 MultiParcel IN Q SaleDate Buyer Seller SalePrice AdJRri�e eCR'N v TU V oh�2G�2nU7 10HrJ50NarEVE�! !pF�N50NnnAR16NTRV5T $304.02< 5309.�24 Thcre are arher parce�6s �molved in onc or morc of the atiovc sales: Transfer Nistory Grantnr Grantee Doc Dale Transler Datp Qoc Type Oet Na Sale Prite C4NR.ADG719H1J5[7NREVTRFTAt. STFVENCIOFiNSfl�N 5/20/3007 8117f2G07 TRSGEEQ � :3i�4:424 https:llb�act�n.sch�teidercor�a.c�mlAp�licatinn.asp?:?App1D^ t 87&LayerID=25�5&Pa�eTy... 91?712U l 9 Seacott - W'right County. MN Page 2 nf 3 Valuation 2019 Assessment 201$ Assessment 2U17 Assessment 2�IE Assessmen[ 2035 As5C�s5ment + Es.timatedLandValue 5111,SW 5311.i(70 StIk.3W 8411.IOC7 S1i1,160 � FstimatcAB�ildingValue 585,9�00 $74,900 579,960 $?9900 574.9[3U� Estimated Ma�hincry Val�re 50 SO 5C1 50 $p = TatalEsilmatedMarkr[Vaf�+e q]y7,pp0 ¢191,OOU i141,00I1 3191,6�Q $141,000 Valuation (Working 2�2p Assessmentj zo2p 2oi� + LandValue 5111.1a7 $751,107 � Bull[3ingValue 5� $0 * Extra Fcatvres Value $85,900 565.9C-0 = TatalValue $197.G67 SX97,OQ7 4E Change U,V!)% 3.?45i Taxation 2019 Paya6le 2416 Paya6le 2D17 Payab�c Z6'!d Payabfc Estima4edMarketVal�e 5341,W0 5191.C14C1 5191.900 �191.Go7 - ExcludedValue $O 5� $0 SU - Homestead ExclUsion SO 30 SD $� = Taxa6tleMarkeiValue $141,004� $14i3OG0 $141,d00 �S41,W0 M1etTaxesR�e $4p52.Ui1� 53.81�.UG b4.576.00 $4,7$8.p0 + SpecialAssessments 54.0� SG.QCI $p.p0 50.00 4 TvtaMTaxesbue ¢1,652.DB 83,$1A.00 $4,573.00 $4.768.[10 7axesPaid Rec�ipt N 3 565(>02 isas6iz Y495902 145459d 14236d$ 1394467 1334105 i245250 5740918 1295623 1151742 ISIti068 IOdh7D5 ]025407 476454 927535 PIl�fOS R[[slpt PrVnE Date 4124f2014 SIi3J2v14 1Dl1312�1$ si1 i��o1s 16f14i20i7 S117Y2U17 16117i20ih 5119,r2015 1Of1512015 s��oiz�is zo�z a� 2o�a SYS5f2014 1�11612�i3 5/16/2013 10134i�0i2 i11412p12 6111 Ray Year 2�14 zai� 2U18 sais 2017 2017 2a1d 2ald 2p15 2015 zoim 2o1a 2013 2013 2412 2012 � 5ketches ��a��7 fi � ���` � Amt Adj 5L1.OQ So.00 5�.0a so.ao Sfl.06 50.06 Sfl.C� $D.00 SU.Ud 50.0a so.00 $6.00 SG,#1 $9.D6 Si7.OQ $D:D6 Amt Wrile Dff S�.W �0.0(1 50.00 Sa.ao Sa.00 50.00 50.0d SO.ao bO.OQ $0.00 So.ao 50.vo 50.00 $0.00 SO.ao 50.00 ..- � .,'` f f Am[ Charge So.ao $0.00 $Q.00 sv.vo 8a.aa sv.00 SO.Od So.00 sa.00 80.00 50.00 8v.00 3a.oa $0.00 So.aa 80. W Amt Rdyrr�nt i52.a2s.00] f52.025.Oq1� {bE,907:00] {51.907.06] {52.2as.oaj {$2,386:4Q1 i$2.39d_Qpj {5�.34L.OD} {$2.462.U0) {$2,4d2.QU1 ISz.no.aol 452.77o.t7G1 {$3,054.00j f53,059.901 {$3.219.00) {53.219,5341 https.11beacon.�chneidercor�.eoa�nlApp4 icatian.aspx?App] L7=187&Layer[ D=2505&F�a�eTy... 4127120 l 9 Beacc�n - Wright Cc}uolty, MN �s BR51940 iaso n.,hwro�-� Map 28 Y� / o� a J � � , p �I'r �7lii1j1V�3dj � B' � r..r_ +r._,. - � � t' � � .��„ ����� r�-� � 155i17i]'`, �' i J i_�i� ~� _ ��r? � +��' F.'�% �, � ..r��"� . - . #�. '4 "����I s� � - . ... '__`�_ _— i No data availa6le for the iuliawing modules= LanA GAi RP. ��Pu�. .,��,��..-r�:;i..n��...r.�..�.r•r...��f���iirlr: :�i�.�r:...;�:�:P;.il� .����::,r-,- rn:....d.11�t:,•b.•:I�.�,..,�-„ ��r..��.v��,��i. 7 ����:� . . . . .. �:�I�iU`_C ��i�l�fii� - . ... �1,��•r�.:....<<�.". ...�.'Vv'll�rii:l�'-� �.i_i�.. .. .�!i�:�ri���i USC'� P IVaCy'{�4�FC' Gp�PR Prrvaey No� . Last Data Uploacf: G:'%7� �Ci i4 2-�15.3F..^-'-+ V�.rsi3���� 1.3' Pa�e � of 3 f;:.,�. I .�. :r:� f►� s�h� ��as htips:!Ibeacc�n.schneidercorp.carnlApplicatic�n.aspx?.AppI U- l 87&Lar erl U=25{l5&Pa�e��y�... 912712a l 9 Seacnn - 1Nright Ci��mty, II�N �I� � � ���� ��E'�C�I'1'v Wright County, MN � � � �� � � � Page ] �f 2 �'��� � � Surnmary Par�elt6 i5541tl05216i Property Address SeCITwplRng 11-121-025 BnrF S�erf-S1Tw{r121Rarlge-QZS�RIGINALPLATML7NTICELLOBIock-052iHPFiiOFLT300E5B£GNELY[QRPFSfSLT1fJiH5LYAGGSELYLNOFiT143bFT1H iax0escriptian YJLYTQPTC]NNWLYl1�faF�T1(33dFT5LYOFNWLVCdROFLT1dTiiWLYALGI�7WLYlNT4MWLYC(3R7HE4YALGI��f�YL�hldFLTi0iOP6FlExTR.DESQN oges�oi3z .. . .,• �r. , .:,,: , ,i., , ,. �„ �, deeded Acrcs 0��.[x3 Class 458•{NON•ii5T6}MVPtICIPALhl1B-DSMER 6istrict f136111I0]CITYQFMOr�TICEI.l.C788�H 5choalDistrict c7e��67 [rea[Ionpate �1`u]:nC71 �wner Prl mary ia x payer City i:� rdo���`.�r r�lrr.. 505 Walnut St 5te 1 N.nnF+cellv, AAN 5534�2 GIS A�reage Parce}:155�10052101 Acres: [1.�1 Acres USA6:0.�] Acres. WATE:OAU Acres RpW:O.fli7 iq Ft:324.83 Land Unit Eff Seq L3escrlptlon Dimi OIm2 Dim9 Units 11T Pr6ce Adj1 AAj2 Adj3 Adj4 Rate Oiv% VaWe 1 D�WM1TC]WN p ❑ C 33�.0(k7 SF 825Q 1.CC1 l.Otl l.C1i1 ].00 8250 S.OI]0 2.722 Tatal 330_OOf1 2.722 Valuatian (Wnrking 20�0 Assessmenc} 203U 2�I4 � LanrfVal�ic 5i.722 527I2 a $�ildingVai�ie 50 SC7 EKtr;� Feai�.are•c Value 5�J 5�7 . Total Valuc 52.722 52.727 �, Ciiange R.Q�% C.00'f �axation 24I4 Paya6le 2t}SB Payahlc 2017 Payable 2015 Payable ESt�ma[�•dMarketYaJue 52.70D 52.7W $2,7IXJ St,SOD • Ez.d�Aed VaEue 50 SC� S� 5�� - Homcsti�atl E.�cfus,,ari 4u i4 4��� SO = TaxahleMarkrtVai�c SO S� Sfl 50 Pet Ta.�•sf3i:r 50.�0 ;� x SO.n6 S(7.�J Spp�ialAssessments SQ.O� 5�1 �� ;rO.CN7 50 ih7 = Tvtaf7ax�sDue 50.04 5��.00 5�.� S�.DO ilttps.11beacon.s�hneidercarp.ca�nlA��lieation.aspx?A�pi D=187&LaJ�erl I)-��QS&Page'�'y... 91?71�� 19 �eacot� - Wribht Cnunt�•, MN n�a� No data aVaila6le fOr the follGwi.ng modules: Land GA+'Ri', 6uildings, Extra Featu�res. Sales, Ttansfar Hi5[ory, WaluatiOn, Takes PO�d, RhpqaS.Sketches. liu Irfu � ��::p s r.��J �;�t �.,.:: �.. rd r�rl.,di�.i i?.!r rr•• p:�ii... _snrJ�'.ihr'nfn•ny,�R 7. � J-�I• S„ I�.�y��l �.rdr;in�� . �... .i. . . r F�..• E � � �i� ; . �:wl;p..'t,.y'Jl�i�'I��lf. ..�..-•x;ii� ..._.:.':r'.•x.IP..u<<i.'..�'t•'ie -civilr..ri�I��rnJl•,••.�,pl �..c �• , L15Cf P�'iy3�:y Pq�ic.y GUP R Priv acy Not i cc Last Data Upl oad. U: 2?: 1U'. ��.4 �..3ti A rf V'�.�i�ini�2:i.`� �age 2 of 2 .�7r..C:ln,.rql'C.'Y �-� SCi1� G�DS https:fl�eac«rt.sclYneit�ercorp.cornlApp�icatian.aspx?App1U=l 87�'iLaJ�eri Q=25U5&Pa�eT}�... 9f271201 � Sea�c�r� - W��ight Count��. MN ,�iBE�aCQ�'{�� Wright Cc�unty, MN su�mmarv parecl !P Pr4pert y Address Se�/TwplRng. BrEe} �a�c[7escrlpSion [1C45r�1� i�Cfcs C�i54 OISiI1Li SChPDI PISSffCt Crcatlon Datc Owner Vrlmary Taxpayer _ _,r t 1n�-rticellr, tda k Accou n [s Paya6Pe 505 Walnui 5[ Ste ] Manticello, MN 553de 155010U521�2 ������ �i ,� �. � � � Pa�e l c�f 2 � 1� ����� � 11•121-025 Se�b I S Twp-121 kange-025 QR�GINAL FLAT MQNTICELL� FID[k-q$2 TH PRT �F LT IDQ€5 COM NE CQR TH SLY2bF7� TH WLV TO W Lf¢ TO pT2GFT 5 OF fJW GF7R YH NLY ALG MWLY LfV Tp SL+� NWLY C4R TH ELY ALG MELV LN flF Li107� PD6 BLK ST ;��I,�L� b.r�:!: n. ,....�Jr,r.b.l;:�ldn.im,,. ;i 0.[%7 958 - � N �Y-N 57f]j M U[J�IC I f�Al P41 �•O7H € R { I10111101 CI74� OF MpNTICELL� 6B2 H OBB� 071011�OD1 �15 A�re�ge Partel; 15561GOS�ld12 Acres: D.C2 Anes USkB: 0.�2 Acres WATE: a.�U Ac rcs RO W:-0.{:H7 5qF[:RS7.51 Land Vnit Eff Srq �escription �Iml �Im2 Dim3 �tlnits UT Price ,adJx Adj2 AdJ3 Adj4 Ra4e Clivis VaWc 7 f]QWI;TL�WFJ D 0 0 fS5$!]00 $F 8.250 i.00� 1.0� 1.OU 1.6G 825� 1.00U 7,078 7otal SSB.ODa 7.�78 SaIeS Mul�iParrel IN 4 SaleDate Bvyer Seller SaRePrke AdjpNce eCRY Y WD U p;{I15A'�5718 CITY OF MO1�fT1[ELLO�ECi7N�:r11GbEVtiLC1hMEIJT AUfH¢ FRC+SLIE MIC!-IA[4 W. & KATHLEEN A. 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REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is provided as an effort to provide the EDA with information about the UMC expansion status and outline the schedule of future action items. UMC has indicated to staff that it is getting very close to finalizing its building design and site layout. In its careful and extended review of its production processes and with an eye toward maintaining and enhancing efficiency, it has determined that the building will be about 52,000 +/- square feet instead of the previously announced 40,000 square feet. It will also be connected to the existing 72,000 square foot facility located at 500 Chelsea Road by way of a functional two-story breezeway. There will also be shared parking for the two buildings. The costs of the expansion project, including new construction and equipment purchases, will most likely exceed $9,000,000. The EDA and City Council review and action items are outlined in the attachment. There are 17 action steps that have already been completed. They are significant in that they set the proposal and the timeline in motion. Future dates over the next several months include the Business Subsidy Hearing in December (12-11-19) followed by EDA consideration of the TIF Private Contract for Development at the second January meeting (1-22-20). The next significant date is the February 12, 2020 meeting at which the land sale public hearing must be held along with the Purchase and Development Agreement. Keep in mind that these two action items have to be completed prior to or at the 2-12-20 meeting or the EDA's earnest money deposit of $40,000 may be at risk after 2-15-20. Finally, the projected land sale date (4-17-20) to UMC signals arrival at the much- anticipated proj ect kickoff day. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The staff impact due to the UMC expansion proposal actually began in early July 2019. It is a complicated proposal with multiple parties involved and due to that, a sizeable amount of staff time has been already been allocated to the work tasks to keep it moving forward. Since early July, a rough approximation of staff time commitment for all of the intertwined elements as of this date is about 75 to 80 hours +/-. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact is primarily in the expected future outlays from various EDA FUNDs needed to purchase the development site on Chelsea Road. UMC's recent escrow deposit of $20,000 should help cover the legal and financial advisor consultant billings. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. No Motion — just informational. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: No staff recommendation is needed. This report is provided to the EDA as an effort to Keep the EDA fully updated on the UMC proposal status and the proj ected timeline of future action items. Questions at the EDA meeting about the action items or the schedule are welcomed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. UMC Expansion Proposal Schedule of Action Items 11-07-19 UMC Expansion Project Timeline of Events and Milestones v2 Calendar Year 2019 — Actual Activities-Milestones 7-31-19 - EDA recommends City Council call for a TIF Public Hearing (Resolution #2019- 06) 8-12-19 - City Council calls for TIF PH (Resolution # 2019-55) 8-14-19 - Non-Binding Letter of Intent between EDA and UMC, Inc. approved by EDA 8-14-19 - EDA accepts TIF application in concept 8-14-19 - EDA recommends City Council approval of MIF application to MN-DEED 8-14-19 - EDA recommends City Council approval of JCF application to MN-DEED 8-26-19 - City Council authorizing MIF Community Needs Public Hearing by Resolution 8-28-19 - Joint EDA and City Council Mtg to discuss global UMC project elements and Tax Abatement 08-30-19 - Last day to provide MIF PH Notice to Official Newspaper 09-OS-19 — MIF PH Notice Published in Official Newspaper 09-OS-19 - TIF PH Notice to Newspaper 09-09-19 - City Council - MIF PH opened and continued to 09-23-19 09-12-19 - TIF PH Notice Published in Newspaper 09-23-19 - City Council — MIF PH; continued to 10-14-19 09-23-19 - City Council - TIF PH; opened and continued to 10-14-19 10-14-19 - City Council - MIF PH; continued to 10-28-19 10-14-19 - City Council — TIF PH; continued to 10-28-19 Calendar Year 2019 — Proiected Activities-Milestones 10-28-19 - City Council — MIF PH; continued to 11-12-19 10-28-19 - City Council — TIF PH; continued to 11-12-19 11-08-19 - Desired final Application Turn In date to City (MIF, TIF and JCF, EDA- SCDP Loan and Business Subsidy Applications) 11-12-19 - Begin formatting and completing MIF and JCF Applications 11-12-19 - Begin Review of EDA-SCDP Loan Application 11-12-19 - Distribute TIF application submittal to Tammy O. and Martha I. 11-12-19 - City Council — MIF PH; Continued to 11-25-19 11-12-19 - City Council — TIF PH; Continued to 11-25-19 11-13-19 — EDA considers Purchase Agreement for acquisition of 7.39-acre parcel of land from SW — Monticello Ind. Park, LLC by Resolution 11-22-19 — Last Day for Notice to newspaper for EDA Business Subsidy Hearing 11-25-19 — City Council — MIF PH; Council approves submittal of MIF application by Resolution 11-25-19 — City Council — TIF PH; City Council consideration of establishing ED TIF Dist. #1-41 by Resolution 11-25-19 - City Council considers JCF application submittal by Resolution 11-07-19 11-27-19 — Submit MIF and JCF Application Packets w CC Resolutions to MN-DEED 11-27-19 — Business Subsidy Hearing Notice published in newspaper 12-11-19 — EDA Business Subsidy PH opened Calendar Year 2020 — Proiected Activities-Milestones 01-20-20 — MIF and JCF Award Letters-Notices arrive 01-22-20 — EDA considers TIF-District #1-41 Private Contract for Development between EDA and UMC by Resolution 01-22-20 - EDA considers EDA-SCDP Loan Agreement by Resolution 01-24-20 — Environmental Review process for EDA-SCDP funds commences for 45 days 01-27-20 — Last day for Land Sale PH Notice to be provided to Official Newspaper 01-30-20 — EDA Land Sale PH Notice published in Official Newspaper 02-10-20 — City Council considers MN-DEED MIF Grant Agreement by Resolution 02-12-20 — EDA Land Sale PH opened 02-12-20 - EDA considers Purchase & Development Agreement w UMC, Inc. for 7.39- acre parcel of land with 2"d Mortgage for $300,000 by Resolution 02-12-20 — EDA considers MIF Forgivable Loan Agreement w UMC by Resolution 02-13-20 - Purchase and Development Agreement Executed between UMC and EDA (recorded if need be) 02-15-20 - EDA Land Purchase (7.39-acre parcel) Closing Transaction Title conveyed to EDA 03-20-20 - Environmental Review Record files for ED-SCDP provided to MN-DEED 04-06-20 - MN-DEED Release of Funds for EDA-SCDP $$ for equipment 04-17-20 - Land Sale (7.39-acres) Closing Transaction conveying title to UMC, Inc. 04-28-20 - Construction of 42,000 square foot UMC facility begins (lasting 7 to 8 months) 09-10-20 - Equipment purchases commence 09-12-20 - Closing on EDA-SCDP Loan and Disbursement of Loan Funds 12-31-20 — City requests MIF funding draw from MN-DEED for $300,000 w equipment Proof of payment receipts 02-12-21— UMC makes payment to EDA for Land (repayment of $300,000 secured by Mortgage = matches the MN-DEED MIF forgivable loan amount that must be used for equipment instead of land) Color code = Critical Submittal date to keep the projected Timeline of Action Items in place EDA Agenda: 11/13/19 9. Economic Development Report (JT) A. Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program Update — Cornerstone Cafe is currently working with their consulting accountant and financial advisor on identifying sources of required funding match for the proposed project. Grant Agreement documents have been executed by all parties and EDA grant funds have been provided to the Escrow Agent, Riverwood Bank Staff will continue to monitor this situation and identify future next steps for the EDA based on Cornerstone's final determination and/or feedback regarding moving ahead with its proposed improvement proj ect. B. Urban Land Institute Public Official Education Workshop — Navigating Your Competitive Future — November 14, 2019 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. MCC — See attached postcards as Exhibit A. EDA members are strongly encouraged to attend this workshop. C. Greater MSP Annual Meeting — November 11, 2019, St. Paul, MN — See attached Exhibit B. Economic Development Manager will provide a verbal update at the EDA meeting. D. Prospects — See attached A spread sheet with the concept stage and active search prospects is attached as Exhibit C. ei Np�JEMBER �_ . �.�� �! .�. Navigating Your Competitve Future A ULI Minnesota (ULt MN) Public Officiai Education Workshop PRAIRIF GFNTER Bl11LDING 11P V11 BTH ST . MONTICELLO Navigaiing your Competitive future nvorkshops are two hour, in(eractive diebgues with dty leeders and a partel ot ULI Minnesota real estate indusiry professionals. The undedying purpose of tlrese xrorkshops is to foster a meaningful dialog between public and private secta teaders with respec� to ihe challenges and appor[unitias of development and radevebpment aeat� by today's ecanomic �ealities. In partiwlar, these vrorksMps endeavor to: • Conicect a dtys demograPhic hends, marke[ preferences arM tuNre growlh pattems wiU� fhe reaiif�s at me market prace. • Emphas¢e Me altical imoorlairce � oommunicalion eM paAnerships beMreen dties aml tha developmeni communiy. • IdeMify strategies to positlon cilks to be compet�lve and sustatnaWe by attrxl- ing the best p�sible (�e�evelopment. Since 2fi11, ULI Minnesota has wndu�ied over 80 waksfrops in Minnesota communi�es indudirg Minneapdis, St. Paul, Duluth, Brainerd, Auslin, a� Rahester. � iIC": r� l.^,r!d FOR MORE INFORMATI(}N CALL 763-271-3224 '�ntiaello +�;� in�t:��tc NlrsiHaib � 11 /7/2019 GREATER MSP Partnership 2019 Annual Meeting - Nov 11, 2019 Events Calendar GREATER MSP Partnership 2019 Annual Meeting Date: November 11, 2019 Time: 5:15 PM - 8:00 PM _ ' � GREATER:�TQGETH�R 2014GREATERMSP ANNURL MEETIMG .. . LPF,Ai�R MSP Parenc�xFi p en T019 .'. . . . . � PROGF0.M SPEAI(ERSYO INC4UOG: MON �AY, NOVEMBER 11 pROWRVCENi€RGOk7HE PERFORS�t ING AkfS CONCEfiT HALL REGf57ERkOW G�REATER •MSP MinneaFo� kim raui xegp�ui Ewnemic G[vehFmc*A vaanmhip Event Description Thank you for registering for the GREATER MSP Partnership 2019 Annual Meeting! We are excited to welcome our Investors, partners, and business and civic leaders throughout the region for this very special event. GREATER MSP Partnership leaders will share highlights and aspirational ambitions for our region's future. 5:15 pm - Registration Opens 6:00 pm (sharp) - Annual Meeting Program "IF YOU'RE OUT THERE" Performed by the University of St. Thomas' Cadenza & Summit Singers WELCOME Tim Welsh � U.S. Bancorp THE POWER OF PARTNERSHIP Andrea Walsh � HealthPartners Rick King � Thomson Reuters FOCUS ON THE FUTURE Mayor Melvin Carter � City of Saint Paul Mayor Jacob Frey � City of Minneapolis 2030 AMBITIONS Peter Frosch � GREATER MSP Commissioner Scott Schulte � Anoka County Laysha Ward � Target Event Location Ordway Center for the Performing Arts Concert Hall 345 Washington St St. Paul MN 55102 Click here for parking and directions view a map Date/Time Information Monday, November 11th 5:15pmto8:00pm Contact Information Peter Kaiser, Investor Relations Manager send an email Fees/Admission There is no fee to attend this event. Thank you to GREATER MSP's generous Investors and partners who make Annual Meeting possible. Event Options current weather print this page email to a friend add to Calendar Set a Reminder email to 1 Day � before the event. greatermsp.chambermaster.com/events/details/greater-msp-partnership-2019-annual-meeting-90 1 /2 11 /7/2019 GREATER MSP Partnership 2019 Annual Meeting - Nov 11, 2019 Doug Baker � Ecolab 7:00 pm - Networking Reception with Complimentary Hors D' Oeuvres and Bar Service 8:00 pm - Adjourn greatermsp.chambermaster.com/events/details/greater-msp-partnership-2019-annual-meeting-90 2/2 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � °° � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � N � N N N N N LL � N N N N N N N N N N N N V N v N N N N f0 Gl > > > > > � N N � N � N N N N N � N ln ln N N •0 U � U U U O �� �� � � O �� �� �� O U Q O Q Q O O a ¢ Q ¢ ¢ ¢ � ¢ ¢ ¢ c° � ¢ ¢ ¢ c� ¢ c� c� c� +• c v o � o 0 0 � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � o 0 0 � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � O O O � O O O � O O " 0 O O O 0 O " O O O O � v1 t0 v1 � O� v1 O� I� v1 O m O ti N 0 N � I� � O� � N W I.f1 N I.f1 � M N N M {�j} � c-I c-I {^j} c-I c-I N {�j} I� y,� i/} i/} i/} {/} i/} � i/} i/} i/} i/} �' i/} i/} i/} i/} i/} i/T O F H � O 0 0 t00 W n � r. 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