EDA Agenda 12-11-2019AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, December llth, 2019 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — November 13, 2019 b. Consideration of approving Workshop Meeting Minutes — November 13, 2019 c. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — December 02, 2019 d. Consideration of 2020 Initiative Foundation Contribution in the amount of $2,390.00 e. Consideration of 2019 underpayment in the amount of $587.42 for common area maintenance for EDA owned lot located at 220 West Broadway £ Consideration of approving payment of bills Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of 2020 Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP) Membership Fee — Duane Northagen, Executive Director, WCEDP 6. Consideration of Preliminary Residential Development Concept for 16.5-acre Country Club Addition parcel along 7th Street West (adjacent to I-94) — Michael Hoagberg Headwaters Development, Lakeville, MN 7. Director's Report 8. Adj ourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, November 13th, 2019 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: 1. Call to Order Jon Morphew and Lloyd Hilgart Jim Thares and Angela Schumann Steve Johnson called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 6 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items None. � 4. Consent Agenda BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. a. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — October 9, 2019 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — October 9, 2019. b. Consideration of approvin� Special Meetin� Minutes — October 30, 2019 Recommendation: Approve Special Meeting Minutes — October 30, 2019. c. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills Recommendation: Approve payment of bills through October, 2019. Regular Agenda Consideration of Resolution #2019-09 authorizin� enterin� into Purchase A�reement with Geor�e and Maureen Larson for acquisition of residential lot located at 300 East 4th Street (PID #155019008010) in the amount of $92,500 Jim Thares introduced the item. He explained that the parcel available is located in a residential neighborhood. It is approximately 22,000 square feet. The property is located at 300 East 4th Street and adjacent to the Palm Street right of way. Thares indicated in early 2018, the EDA purchased the property to the west of the Palm Street right of way. If the EDA decided to enter into a purchase agreement for 300 East 4th Street, there would be a combined acreage of 1.6 acres. The area would be marketed for redevelopment opportunities. It was noted that the property is currently vacant. TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION #2019-09 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 300 EAST STREET. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION Economic Development Authority Minutes — November 13, 2019 Page 1 � 4 CARRIED, 4-1 WITH BILL TAPPER VOTING 1N OPPOSITION DUE TO THE PRICE OF THE PROPERTY. 6. Consideration of Resolution #2019-10 authorizin� enterin� into Purchase A�reement with Monticello Industrial Park, LLC for acquisition of 7.39-acre li�ht industrial parcel alon� Chelsea Road East (PID #155143001020) in the amount of $1,031,000 Jim Thares introduced the item and noted that the consideration for entering into a purchase agreement is for the UMC expansion proj ect. The land is currently owned by Shawn Weinand (Monticello Industrial Park, LLC). The property is zoned IBC and is already graded for future development. The estimated Wright County value of the property is $416,500. Thares noted that the property has been listed for several years at $4.50 per square foot. The property owner is willing to sell the property for $1,031,000, which is a 29 percent discount from the list price. Thares provided background information on UMC. LTNIC is a precision machining manufacturer. They expect to create 60 new full times jobs that pay between $22 to $29 per hour. The building would be constructed on the new lot. The expected expansion would be 52,000 square feet and connected to their existing building through a functional two story breezeway. Thares noted that a Planned Unit Development (PUD) would be required as the development proposes common space between the two parcels as well as shared parking. The EDA is asked to purchase the land and establish a TIF District to recover their costs. Thares added the land acquisition would be financed through old TIF District #1-6 and the EDA general fund. Thares also noted that the seller asked that the earnest money be non-refundable after February 15, 2020. Bill Tapper asked who pays for the $40,000 earnest money. Thares responded that the EDA and UMC would eventually enter into a Development Agreement that indicates that UMC would be responsible for the earnest money if the project fell through after that date. Steve Johnson asked if the agreement is in place yet. Thares stated it was not and could not be completed yet due to the requirements that MN-DEED has for consideration of the grant and forgivable loan funding that the City and LJMC are seeking in the total amount of $475,000. Johnson also asked for clarification on the EDA's financing for the project. Thares indicated that TIF District #1-6 was an old TIF District and the funds were basically unrestricted for economic development purposes. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION #2019-10 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A 7.39-ACRE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PARCEL ALONG CHELSEA ROAD 1N THE AMOLJNT OF $1,031,000 AND FURTHER Economic Development Authority Minutes — November 13, 2019 Page 2 � 4 AUTHORIZING THE PLACEMENT OF THE EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT 1N THE AMOLJNT OF $40,000 WITH REGISTERED ABSTRACTORS, ANOKA, MN, TITLE FOR THE TRANSACTION. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 7. Consideration of quotes for TIF Bli�hted and Substandard Buildin�s and Properties Inspection Services and awardin� Contract to lowest qualified quote provider Jim Thares indicated that this service was a required step in the creation of a new redevelopment TIF District. Two qualified quotes were received. Staff recommended tabling action to slow down the process and to have further discussions with Block 52 property owners. Jim Davidson asked about the expected timeline for completing the inspection service. Thares estimated about a month. TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE ITEM FOR FURTHER RESEARCH AND/OR DISCUSSION. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 8. UMC Expansion Status Update and Schedule of Action Items Jim Thares provided an update regarding LJNIC's expansion and a schedule of items as indicated in the staff report. Steve Johnson asked if UMC would be able to fulfill its obligations and meet the proposed schedule as the review process continues moving forward. Thares indicated yes while noting that it will be critical for them to submit their funding applications in a timely manner in order to stay on the outlined schedule. 9. Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Director's Report. Thares explained in detail the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program Cornerstone Cafe update. He noted that they are actively identifying funding sources to complete their portion of the proj ect. Per the grant agreement, Cornerstone has 180 days to complete the construction work on their building from the approval. The agreement would need to be terminated by the EDA effective November 28th or extended into 2020. Thares also explained in detail the Greater MSP Annual Meeting. He noted that he wasn't able to attend, but received a summary. He will be emailing that out the commissioners. Lastly, the prospect list was reviewed. He noted that one new proj ect was recently added to the list — Project Kata. 10. Closed Session — Consideration of recessin� to closed session to develop or consider offers or counter-offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal propertv pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). Economic Development Authority Minutes — November 13, 2019 Page 3 � 4 Propertv Address: 107 Cedar Street, PID #155010053111 11. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:48 P.M. TRACY H1NZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: December 11, 2019 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — November 13, 2019 Page 4 � 4 MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, November 13, 2019 — 5:15 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, and Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: Jon Morphew and Lloyd Hilgart Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, Wayne Oberg 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the Workshop Meeting of the EDA to order at 5:15 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Fund Balance Review, Proiect Updates and Proiected Fund Impacts Jim Thares provided an overview of the fund balance for the EDA. He reviewed several of the TIF Districts and where they stood financially. Thares indicated how money in the TIF Districts could be spent (redevelopment, economic development, etc.). He noted several projects including the Briggs Companies (Rivertown Suites) and UMC expansion were using funds generated from previous TIF funds. Thares discussed in detail the UMC expansion proj ect. He noted that the proj ect is expected to construct a 52,000 square foot facility. UMC has requested the EDA create a TIF District for the land adjacent to their current facility (7.39 acres) for the redevelopment. TIF #1-6 and an interfund loan (general fund and TIF #I-6) could be used to fund the purchase of the land.. Thares provided a handout that illustrated the increment flow once the district was established. Thares provided two general fund flow options indicating cash flow through 2021 as the EDA proceeds with various substantial projects. 4. Adiournment TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:00 P.M OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Approved Jacob Thunander December l lth, 2019 Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meering) — November 13th, 2019 Page 1 � 2 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meering) — November 13th, 2019 Page 2 � 2 MINUTES SPECIAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING (RESCHEDULED REGULAR 2"d NOVEMBER MEETING - FROM 7:00 A.M. ON 11-27-2019; DUE TO BAD WEATHER) Monday, December 2"d, 2019 — 6:00 p.m. Oakwood Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak- White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Bill Tapper Jim Thares ` Steve Johnson called the Meeting of the EDA to order at 6:00 p.m 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items None. � � 4. Consent Agenda OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. 4a. Consideration of Quotes for Phase I Environmental Site Assessment — 1.6252 +/- acre area consistin� of 224 - 4th Street East, Palm Street ROW and 300 - 4th Street East and further authorizin� enterin� into a contract for services with the lowest qualified quote provider Recommendation: Select the lowest qualified quote (WSB) for ESA services and authorize entering into a contract for services with the selected vendor. 4b. Consideration of authorizin� funds in the amount of $600 from the EDA 2020 marketin� bud�et for a downtown visionin� event featurin� John Davis in support of Comprehensive Plan activities in earlv 2020 Recommend: Approve a$600 contribution in support of a 2020 Comprehensive Plan Downtown Booster Event featuring John Davis as the primary speaker from the EDA 2020 Marketing Budget. Regular Agenda 5. Pat Bri��s, Bri��s Companies, Rivertown Residential Suites — Verbal Update Jim Thares indicated that the EDA was invited to tour the building of Rivertown Suites. It was noted that Briggs may ask the EDA for additional financing due to the large cost of construction. Mr. Briggs planned to participate in the meeting and was unable to be in Economic Development Authority Minutes — December 2, 2019 Page 1 � 2 attendance to review the status and completion schedule of Rivertown Residential Suites. 6. Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Director's Report. The report focused only on providing a revised general fund cash flow and TIF District #1-41 financial model. Thares responded to the comments of the workshop meeting on November 13th and provided an updated report. 7. Adiourn TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:21 P.M OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: December 11, 2019 ` Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director � Economic Development Authority Minutes — December 2, 2019 Page 2 � 2 EDA: 12/11/19 4d. Consideration of 2020 Annual Fundraisin� request in the amount of $2,390 from the Initiative Foundation (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to consider a funding contribution to the Initiative Foundation (IF) for its annual fundraising campaign. The Initiative Foundation is again seeking contributions that will be applicable to and payable in calendar year 2020. The amount of the 2020 request is $2,390.00. The Initiative Foundation works with cities to provide favorable opportunities to advance community and economic health. Initiative Foundation programs consist of loan and grant funds for community and economic development activities. As you will note in the funding request, the IF's grant funding contributions to communities and organizations in Wright County during the past few years has amounted to $2,472,666. Loan's provided to Wright County businesses, in a similar time frame, have totaled $4,323,429. Those loan dollars have helped secure 1,056 quality jobs. Over the past year, the Initiative Foundation has funded grant for the Coalition of Utility Cities Xcel Energy Transition Study and the Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership efforts, both of which directly support efforts to keep Monticello's economy strong. It should also be noted for every local dollar invested into the IF's fundraising efforts, they are in turn able to invest an average of $3.83 back into the communities they serve in the form of loans grants and scholarships. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve $2,390 allocation to the Initiative Foundation for its 2020 fundraising efforts. 2. Motion to deny approval of $2,390 allocation to the Initiative Foundation for its 2020 fundraising efforts. Motion to table consideration of the calendar year 2020 funding allocation to the Initiative Foundation and direct staff accordingly. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. The Initiative Foundations grant and loan programs are good programs and often serve as a source of last resort for businesses and organizations pursuing community enhancement and sustainability obj ectives. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Initiative Foundation Letter June 17, 2019 Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut St Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Dear Mayor Stumpf, City Council and Mr. O'Neill, (320) 632-4255 405 First Street SE Little Falls, MN 56345 For 33 years the Initiative Foundation has focused on building strong local economies and vibrant communities. In Wright County, we have contributed a total of $2,472,666 in grants to support nonprofit organizations and local government projects, as well as $4,323,429 in business loans to secure 1,056 quality jobs. City and county partners are vital to our ability to support business growth, and the creation and maintenance of quality jobs in our region. We appreciate your past investment and request continued support in 2020. We respectfully request that you consider allocating $2,390 to the Initiative Foundation in your 2020 budget. This appropriation is essential to our ability to provide a climate for economic success in our region. An Initiative Foundation contribution has historically generated a substantial return on investment, as local contributions make it possible for us to leverage additional resources from a variety of sources outside Central Minnesota. Specifically, for every dollar we raise locally, we are able to invest an average of $3.83 back into the communities we serve in grants, loans and scholarships. Our strategic priorities for 2020 support economic and community development across the region. The Initiative Foundation's grant-making, lending and programmatic activities will continue to support existing for-profit and nonprofit business growth, empower new entrepreneurs, address workforce shortages, and increase access to quality childcare for the region's workforce. These initiatives work in league with cities and counties to make Central Minnesota a destination of choice to live, work, and play. Please contact us if you have any questions or to request a presentation at an upcoming council meeting. If possible, after your budget for 2020 is finalized, please let us know your decision by signing and returning the enclosed confirmation form. Thank you for your consideration. All the best, � ,. Matt Varilek President Enclosures efound.or-g � Powering Possible Equat opportunity lender. provider and employer EDA: 12/11/19 4e. Consideration of 2019 Underpavment for common area maintenance associated with EDA owned lot at 220 West Broadwav in the amount of $587.42The EDA is (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to consider authorizing an additiona12019 payment to cover its share of the common area maintenance costs for the parking lot associated with the EDA owned lot located at 220 West Broadway. As a reminder the EDA purchased this property in late 2017 from Red Rooster Properties (Tom Holthaus). The vacant lot was purchased with the intent of using it as a greenway corridor for pedestrian movement between the commonly owned parking lot in Block 36 and Broadway Street sidewalk. The vision war articulated in the Small Area Study Plan, adopted by the EDA in late 2017. The EDA inherited the easement for the parking lot and the association membership responsible for upkeep and maintenance of the parking lot when it purchased the property. Due to the heavy snowfall in 2019 (January — March 2019) and recent early season snow removal costs in November 2019, expenses incurred for snow removal are nearly twice as much as expected. Bullseye Properties, the property manager, has provided a financial statement and a detailed listing of 2019 expenses. Based on the total funding shortfall and the EDA's percentage of ownership (12.15 percent), the amount that the EDA is being asked to provide now to cover the underpayment is $587.42 When the EDA purchased the property, Red Rooster indicated that the annual maintenance agreement costs were typically running about $750 to $800 per year. Per the financial statements, the cost for the EDA in 2019 will be about $2,320.00 +/-, a 273 percent increase over the amount in 2017. The property manager did indicate that the parking lot was resurfaced and restriped this past summer which also increased the maintenance costs. It should be noted that it is staff's understanding that the easement agreement does not preclude public use of the parking area. So, with that in mind, EDA ownership of the vacant lot is providing 9 parking spaces located within the boundaries of the 220 West Broadway parcel for use by the general public. Al. STAFF IMPACT: There is minimal staff impact in considering the request for an additional $587.42 to cover extra incurred expenses associated with common area maintenance of the parking lot. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The 2019 budget impact from considering the request for additional funds for the common area maintenance is $587.42. Bullseye Properties indicated that the 2020 maintenance budget would also need to be increased to reflect higher levels of ongoing expenses. If the proposed 2020 budget is received prior to the EDA meeting, staff will provide it and review it with this report. Although the annual maintenance costs for the parking area are a relatively small portion of the EDA's overall General Fund budget, 0.65 percent of its entire $360,000 in budgeted EDA: 12/11/19 2020 line items ($2,320 divided by $360,000), the EDA may want to monitor the expenditures each year going forward to ensure that the lot's use relative to its costs are meeting the EDA's expectations. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve the common area maintenance underpayment amount of $587.42 for 2019 associated with the EDA owned parcel located at 220 West Broadway. 2. Motion to deny approval of the underpayment amount of $587.42. Motion to table consideration of the common area maintenance underpayment amount of $587.42 and direct staff accordingly. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The EDA inherited the Easement and the Common Area Parking Lot Agreement when it entered into the purchase of the parcel located at 220 West Broadway. The site does provide 9 parking space that are available for use by the general public. The extremely high snowfall in winter of 2019 and the parking lot and restriping improvements are the main drivers of the cost overrun. While the 2020 proposed common area maintenance budget may also reflect the cost experience of 2019, there is a chance that future years expenditures will be steady or slightly decrease from the 20191evels. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Email from Michelle Twerdy, Bullseye Properties b. 11-30-2019 Common Area Parking Lot Association Financial Statement c. Detailed list of 2019 Common Area Parking Lot Expenses d. Easement Agreement e. Aerial Photo of Property 2 From: AP To: Jim Thares Subject: FW: 2019 shortage in common area maintenance Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 12:51:00 PM Attachments: Budaet vs. Actuals.pdf exnenses to date.ndf Jim Who does this need to go to? Thanks Julie From: Bullseye Property Management & Realty [mailto:mail@managebuilding.com] Sent: Wednesday, December4, 2019 11:48 AM To: AP <AP@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: 2019 shortage in common area maintenance Good Afternoon, Attached you will find the 2019 budget vs actual report. The snow fall was much more than anticipated, so we are short $4832.95 as of today. We have put the charge on your ledger for your percentage of the parking area. Please log into your website and make your payment today. We will be redoing the budget for 2020. We should have the new numbers shortly. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us on your website or call us directly. My direct line is 763 -314-03 99 Michelle B u d et vs. Actu a I s Bullseye Property Management BPM g & Rea��, Cash basis 35 Lake Street S, Suite 500 BULLSEYE BigLake,MN55309 PRIIERIY MAXA6EMENT 8 9G11Y (763) 295-6566 Broadway Parking Easement - COMMERCIAL - 2079 Broadway Parking Easement Accou nt Income Common Area Maintenance Late Fee Income Legal / Eviction Fees Rent Income Total for Income Expenses Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Electricity CAM Grounds Maintenance (Lawn/Snow) CAM Management Fees CAM Parking Lot Maintenance CAM Professional Fees CAM Reserve (Roof, HVAC, Awning, Parking Lot) CAM Total for Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Total for Expenses Net Operating Income Net Income � Actua� 12,157.95 178.85 1,332.34 692.25 $14,367.39 1,200.00 9, 938.00 1,969.00 2,430.00 657.34 3,000.00 $19,794.34 $19,794.34 ($4,832.95) ($4,832.95) 1/1/2019 -12/31/2019 � Budget Over Budget 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $12, 000.00 1,300.00 4,280.00 1,920.00 1,000.00 500.00 3,000.00 $12, 000.00 $12, 000.00 $0.00 $0.00 157.95 178.85 1,332.34 692.25 $2,361.39 (100.00) 5,658.00 49.00 1,430.00 157.34 0.00 $7,194.34 $7,194.34 ($4,832.95) ($4,832.95) % of Budget 92.31 % 232.20 % 102.55 % 243.00 % 131.47 % 100.00 % 159.95 % 159.95 % 0.00 % 0.00 % Generated 1 2/04/201 9 1 1 2924 Page 1 of 1 � � � � C v � vo u.o 0 � � c v � � '� rn �N O L N �!1 4J ,--� �!1 � O 4J z �!1 L y � � � N . �!1 T��'N � � J m � � _ao �o mmmC v .� i--, �, v �N �� � � �, � � U v � � � N v � �J N � �� � � O v " , � � O V � o p o � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o rn `n � o p o � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 00 0 °° °° o o � p o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' o o 'S' 'S' o 'S' 'S' o o �''� � o a � N � � � � � o � � � � � � � � oo pp � Q� N m � m cv m � oo m m m m m m m � � � �''� a M � iR � Q V � W �, � � � Z O � O � Z � � U C � � U � � N W � a� C � � ~ V a� a ° � � 3 � 0 MV W � H C G7 a � W � a� E a� � 7 4 � .� � U U N w c Q � n rn � � � rn � U N U rn 0 N � � � � � 0 0 J Q � � � � � X � � � � � � � � � N a � � v U � � � � xs a� p a� 3 3 a� a� � U U O O U 7 U j � �> � �> d � �> O �> O j E 3 (n � (n � � (n c�o � N � N N N � � � � _ � w Q � U � U U U U U � 3 � � 3 � °� — � c � c � c c c 3 � � o � � o � � o '� 0 3 >a� 3 3 3 � (n (n � (n (n � (n = � � � J > J J J (n � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �> �> �> �> a �> �> �> �> �> �> �> �> �> �> �> �> N N N N J N N N N N N N N N N N N � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � O O O O � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O � O O O O O O O O O O O O � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � O O O O � O O O O O O O O O O O O � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � a � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �, � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � - 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A?=r;�;�;�, �� f � f' .�, �� f�PF� �� �f``4 � � �7 $37.00 CK.�k 4013 MG ReservedfarRecardin Data D/T COPY CTOF� DEED OF DECLARATIDN O� EASEMENTS AND M.A►INTENANCE AGREEIVIENT THIS DECLARA.T�ON, da�ed this 17th day o� Octab�r, 2002, is made by the Master'� Fifth Avenue, Inc. ("Master's"), a Minnesota corporatian, Bruce A. Ha.�nond and Cynthia M. Hamond, alsa kriown as Cinay Hamond, husband arid wife ("Hamond") John D. Koppy a single pErson ("Kop�y"}, and Gerald S. Paulson and .Tarnie Ann Pau�snn, husband and wife ("Paulsans") (Master's, Harnond, Koppy, and Paulsons herein collecti�ely referred ta as "Parties"). RECTTALS: 1. Bruce Harnond and Cindy Hamond, as joint tenants, are the fee ovvners of Parcel 1, as identified ana moxe fully described on Exhi6it "A" attached �ereto and zxxade a part hereaf by reference ("Hamor�d Southeasterly Parce�"}, subject to a Martgage ir� favor ofFirs� Minziesota Bank, N.A. ("Hamond Mortgagee") in ihe o�iginal prirtciple amount of $50,000.00 ("Hamond First Mortgage"), dated I?ecember 28, Zd01, amd filed of recard Tanuary 2, 2002, as �7ocument No. 774033 in the of�ice of tl�e County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota and a Mortgage in favor of First Mi�n.esota Bank, N.A. in the origina� principle arnou�t of $30,aoo.00 {"Hamond Second 1V�ortgage"), dated Febr�.rary 25, 2002, and filed of recard March 4, 2Qa2, as Document No. 780228 in the office of the County Recordez', Wright County, Minnesota {tlZe Hamond Firs� Mortga�e and. th� Hamond Second Mortgage hereinai�er refened to as the "�Iamond Mortgages"). 2. Masier's is the owner o� the tracis of �and identified and more fi�lly described on Exhibit "A" as parcel 2 sub'ect to a Contract for Deed in favor of Bruce A. Hamond and C nthia M. Harnond husband arnd wife Purchaser dated October 17 2002 filed of reco_r_d � , 2002. as Docutnent No. �"Master's Harnond Contract" . ' 3. rohn D. Koppy is the awz�er of the tract oF land identif�ed and rnore fully aescribed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto as Parcel 3("Koppy FarceP'), s�bj�ct to a martgage zn favor of First Natianal Banlc of Monti�ello ("I�oppy First Mortgagee"} dated tlze October 28, � 986, and filed for record �ctober 31, 1956 as Document No. 416927 pA(7P � !►'� 7Tl i , ("Kappy First Mortgage"), and a rnartgage in £avor of Norwest Bank Minnesata South, National Association ("Koppy Second N�ortgagee") dated the October 29, 1999, a,nd filed for recard November �, ]999, as Document No. 694472 ("Koppy Second Mortgage") (the znortgagees under the aforedescribed Koppy First Mortgage and the Kappy Second Mortgage collectzvely here�nafter referred �o as ihe "Koppy Mortgagees"). 9�. Bruce A. Hamand and Cynt�ia Hamond, husbanc� and wife, as joint ten.ants, are the owners of Parce� 4, as identified and are mare fu11y descr�bed on Exhibit "A" ("Hamond Northwesterly Parcel"), subject to a Mortgage in the ariginal pri�ciple amount of $56,400.00 ("Hamond Parcel 4 Martgage") in favor of First Minnesata Bank NA Monticello ("Hamand Parc�l 4 Martgagee"} dated �'ebruary 5, 1999, filed of recorc� February 9, � 999 as Document No. 66967 T(tlae Harnond Southeasterly Parcel and the Hannond Narthvvesterly Parcel collectively herein referred to as the "Hamond Parcels"}. 5, Kenneth D. Larsen is the f�e owner of Parcel5, as identified and ara more fully described �n Exhibit "A" (" Larsen/ Paulson Parcel") subject to a Mortgage in the original pzinciple amoe�nt af $57,004.�0 ("Larsen Mortgage") in favar of Wri�t Gounty �tate Bank ("Larse� Martgagee"� datec� September 10, 1987, filed of record S�ptember 21, 1987, in Book 122 Martgages, page 55 as Document No. 43231b, and a Contract for Deed ir� favor o� Gerald S. Pa�lson and Janue Ann Paulson (collectively t�e "Larsen Vandee") dated November 1, �999 and �i1ed of reco�'d Novennber �9, 1999 as document N�, 696118 {"Larsen-Paulsan Contract"). 6. Masfier's is the owner of the tracts of land ideniified and more fu�ly describad an E�ibit "A" as Par�els 6 7 a�nd 8("collectively referred to as the Mast�r's Northwesterly Parcels"), subject to a Mortgage a.nd an Assignment of Leases and Rents in favor State Bank of Chanhassen, dated June 18, 2042, and June 20, 2p02, respec�ively, and recorded rune 20, 2002, as Document No. 79b242 and 796243, respec�ively (the "Master's Martga�e") (The �vlaster's Northwesterly Parcels together with Parcel 2 axe callectively hereit�a.fter referred to as tk�e "Mas#er's Parcels"). 7. The Hamond Parcels, Koppy Parcel, Larsen/ Paulson Parcel ana the Master's Pareels are callectively hereir�after referred to as the "Parcels." 8. The Parties desxre to establish a nanexclusive perrnanent easement d�scribed an Exhibit "B" attached hereta ("Mutual Easem�nts") over and across the var'rous portions of the Parcels described on Exhibit "A", for the p�rpose af permitting the develapment, constfuctian and maintez�ance thereon of pav�d driveways, pedestrian ways, sidewalks and gark.�ng areas, for the mutual benefit and use of the Parcels, their awners, accupan�s a�d in�itees. (The portions of the Paxcels tha.t are contained within the Mutuai Easements as d�scribed herein are collec#ively referz�ed to as the "Easement Parcels." Each individual Easemeni Parcel will be referired to r�specti�ely as the "Hamond Easeznent Parcels," "Koppy Easement Parcel," "Larsen/ Paulsan Ea�ement P�rcel" or the "Master's Easement 1'arcels".) PacrP '7 nF 7K 9. Parcels 6, 7 and S are presently subject �o the easements described on Exhibit "C" attached hez-eta as the Larsen Easemenis. By tne �xecution of this dacument, the Partzes hereia nwning or having an interest in ara.y property �urdened by ar ben�fting from the Larsen Easements desire and intend fio terminate and release tk�e Larsen Easement and to replace it with the Mutual Easements granted hereby. 10. The Parties further desire to establish respo�sibility �oz the construction of the Improve�nents, as hereinafter defined, on the Easement Parcels, the znainte�ance and management of the Mutual Easements and the structures th�rean, the sharing of the expenses af such rnaintenance and management, and a zz�e#hod for tha allacation and collection of the Costs, as defined herein, amang and fram t�e Parties. NOW THE�tEFORE, the Parties, as the owners of the fee simple interest in the Parcels, for themselves, their successors az�d assigns hereby make the %llowing Declaration and Grarit of easements, and da hereby agree as £ollaws. � . DEFIN�T�iDNS. A. "Assessment" shall meazi and re�er to the billing oi the arn�unts char�ed to the Owners of Parce�s far annual operating costs or pe:riodic expanses incu�-red or estimated by t�e Manager in co3nnection wiih t�e managernent, operation and ma�irxtanance ofthe Improvements and the 1Vlutual Easements throughout the term hereof as hereinprovided. B. "Easemen� Znterest" shall mean and refer to the percentage deiermined by dividing the number o� square feet of each individua.l Easement Parce! by tha total number of square %et included within all af the Easement Parcels carnbined as sat forth o�n Exhibi# "G" attached hereto. C. '"Zr�aprovements" shall mean and refer to the �aved parki�ag areas, curbs, _ landscapxng, walks, lighting, storm drains, storm grates, pipes, tiles, ut�ities and ather structures or eyuipment necessary and appropriate for the aperation of a clean, safe and efficient cammon parking area to be construct�d on the Easemen� Parcels pursuant to the Plan as depicted on Exhibit "D" attached hereta and �nade a part k�ereof by re�erence ("Plan"). D. "Owner" shall rnean ancE re�'er to the record ovcmer, �whether one or mare persons or entities, of the fee sirnple tztle, ar the vendee under any cantac# for deed, to a�arcel or any portion thereof subject ta the Ease�nent, but shall not mean ar refar ta tk�e mortgagee or contract for deed venc�or af any such Farcel unless ar�d until such mortgagee ar vendar l�as acquired title pursuant to �`oreclosure of sai� mortgage and f�e pe�ad vvithin whi.ch the Owner may redeem frozn such fareciosure Y�as terminated., or, in the case of a cantract for deed, th� �ontract for deed has been cancelled in accordazxce with Minnesata Iaw. Pacr� '� nf 7Fi _a ' E. "Parcel" shall mean a�d refer to t�ie individuallots described as Parcels on E�ibit "A" that are subject to anc� the bene�ciaries of the Mutual Easez�ents. �'. Other terms shall have the mearung attributed to them hereiri. 2. GRANT OF EASEMENTS. A. CROSS-PARKING AND ACCESS. Tha Parties hereby grant to each and every person, par�nership, cazpora�ion or other entiiy now or hereafter owning or having an interest in all or any portion of the Parcels, a perma,nent, nonexclusive easen�ent, license, right and privilege of passage and use For utilities, pedestrians and vehicles, zncludizzg, bu� nat limit�d to, the parkiz�g of vehicles, and ingress and egre�s t4 and from the Parcels, in, to, upon, through and over the Easement Parcels, wlvch easemen# shall zun with the land ("Crass-parking Eas�mezxt"). B. C�NSTRUCTION EASEMENT, The Parties hereby g�rant to Manager, its officers, �mploy�es, agen.ts, and cantractors, a temparary, nonexclusiv� easeme�t, license, �igYtt and privzlege of passage, use, ingress anc� egress in, an, over, and across the Parcels, for the purpase of construction of the Irnprovenaen�s on the Easement Parcels as hereinprovided, wk�i.ch easement snall run with the land ("Construction Easernent"). The Construction �aseznent shal� camrnence upon the date of recording hereof and shall temunate an th:e earlier oE one year follovv�ng the date hereaf or upon the issuaz�ce of a Certificate of Qccupa,ncy by t�� City o£Mozxticello co�ering the Easem�nt Parcels. Manager sha11 rep�ir any a.na a�l dannage ta any Parcel caused by the construction of the Irnprovements and shall restara the darnaged portEans a£` #1ae Parcels nat incIuded with�n the Easement Parcels to the condition that they were in immadiately priar ta the commencement of construc�ian of the �mprc�vements, at t�e sole cos� of Manager. Manager shall use the Constructian Ea.sement in a manner that will of FnateriaJ.Iy interfere with the use and enjoyment of the various Parcels outside o£ the Easement Parceps by the resp�ctive Owners and the canduct of their respective businesses thez'eon. C. MAINTENANCE EASEMENT. NQtwithstanding anything to the contrary cn�iained in Sections 2. A. & B. above, the Parties hereby grant to th� Manager a non�e�clusive easement on, over, an� across the Parce�s lying within 5 feet of the bounc�ary of tk�e Mutual Easements cEescribed herein for the purpos� of performing any and a.� ma��tenance required to be perFozmed upon the Easement Parce�s hereby ("Maintenance Easement"); provided, however, that th� ex�rcise af such Mainiena.nce Easemient shaIl not be uti�ized in any mann.�r w�ich will materially interfere with the use Pacrp d. n�F'7 -�, r, and enjoy�nent of �he var�ous Parceis by their r�spective 4wners. Manager shall repair any and all damage to any Parcel caused i�y the any such rnaintenance activities and shall restore the damaged portions af the Parce�s not included within the Easement Parcels that were sa damaged to t�Ze condition t�at they were in iznmediately prior to the commencement af such maintenance activities, at the sole cost of Manager. D. RESTRICTI�NS. Natwithstanding anyttung contained in Paragraph 1 to the cantrary, the Crass-parking Easernent, rights and privileges of parking, passage, ingress and egress for ve�icles (as opposed ta pedestrians) hereinabove granted shal� not extend to or e�st over portians af the Easement Parcels that are zznproved with landscaping, curbs, islands o�r other stnictures intended for the heau�ifzcation, organization, saf'ety or cantr�i of the use of the Easement Parcels, as shown on the Plan �'ar the Easement ParceIs attached hereto as Exhibit "D". No fences, bai-riers or other obstructions sha11 be erected ar main#aaned on any Easement �axcel by any Owner except by Manager to facilitate tf�e smooth a�d safe traffic flovc� between, aver and across the Easement Parcels. 3. TERMINATION OF LAR�EN EASEMENTS. 1Vdaster's, as the owner of tl�e burdened �arceis, and Paulsons, as the Larsen Vendee af �he property entitled to enjoy and be:nefit from the Larsen Easements, do hereby declare and ag�ree that the Larsen Easements are hereby waived, r�leased, discharged, termina�ed, quitclaarz�ed, and forgi�en, naw and fore�e;r, in consid�ration of the Mutua� Easements and agreements created by ihis Agreement. 4. MANAGEMENT. The Qwner(�) o� Parcels 6; 7 and S(hereina#�er sometimes ze�ezred to as "Manager") from time to time s�a11 have the responsibility and the so�e right and obligatian throughou� the e�cistence of the Mutual Easements to pravide the managernent, care and maintenance of the Improvements on the Easement ]Parcels ("Managemen� Dutxes"} Such Management Duties shall include but r�at b� limit�d to all functions and duties neces�ary for the safe and proper maintenance, upkeep, and operation of such Easement Parcels as a parkFng lot, with adequate fighting, c�eaning, snow removal, repairs and replacements (including, but n.ot limited tv, resur�'acing and re-striping) r�aintenance of �ights and light standards, landscaping, and the creation and maintez�ance o� reasonable cash reserves for cantingencies and amortized aepreciatian of Improvennents. 5. INSURANCE. Each �vmer of an Easement Parcel shall purchase and maintain on iis own Parcel co�np;rehensive liabili�y insurance coverzng injuries to person or prmperty witYiin the Easement Parcel and the Parcel awned by such Qwner in the amount of at least $SO�,�pO with respect to injuries to any one person; and i� the annount of at least $i,000,000 vaith respect to any one accident; and "vn the a�ount ofat Ieast $100,000 with resp�ct to aamage to property, and sha,Il indemni£y and hold harrnl.ess to �he PacrP 5 nf 7�, extent cavered by insurance proceeds the Owners of the ather Parcels from damages arising out of any incident occurring o� the Easement ParceI awned by such Owner. 6. DE�IGN AND CoNSTRUCTION QF IlViPRQVEMENTS. Manager sha11, at Manager's so�e expense, desigq obtain al� necessary gavernmental approvals for and complete the construciion of the Tm�rovements to be consiructed an the Easement Parcels in accordance with t�e Plan. Pramptly folZowing the execution hereof by a�I of the parties hereta and their respective vendors, nnortgagees and ath�r interest ho�ders, Manager shall commence construction of tha Improvemenfis �izi accordance with the Plan and the P�a�s and Specifications approved by the City of Monticel�o. Manager shall complete the canstructzon o�'t�e Tmpra�ements witiun 270 days of the date of recording hereof. Manager sha11 indemnify and ho�d the .Parties, their respectzve martgagees and vendors, and their respective Parcels �armless of any and a11 Iiabilities, casts, lie�s ar�d ck�axges related to or arising out of the constructian af the Improvements, except as the same may be caused by the actions, Failr.ues ia act, neg�igence or intentional mFscand�xct of a party hereto aiher thaaa Manager zn the performance of its duties �ereunder, or �heir respective aii�icers, employees, agents or contractcars. � 7. ASSESSMENT QF OPERATING C�STS AND TA�ES. A. P�rpose. The purpose of the Assessments levied pursuant k��reto shall be exclusively to proznate the health, sa�ety and welfar� of �he owners af the Parcels, their tenants, guests and invztees, and for ihe improvement and rnaintenance ofthe Easernent Parcels as a common parking facility. B. The Manager'shall, vvitlun 3Q days foliowing the date her�of anc� withiri 3a days following tlze last da� of each ca�endar year thereafter, submit a writt�n estimated budget %r the cost of maintenance and operation af the Im�rovements upon the Easement Parcels, includi�g #he cost of repair to any Parcel caused by maintenance activities required hereby and reasonable reserv�s for contingencies, cost escalation and depreciation ar replacement, ("Costs") for the ne� year ar portion therea£ {`Budget"), tagether �with a staternen� �or each respective �wner setting forth ��e prarated share o#'the cost shown an the Budget based upan each Owzaer's respective Easement Interest ("Atloc�ted Share"), as hereinafter defin�d. LTnless wzitten objectian to the Estima�e zs received by Manager from Owners of no ]ess than two-thiras (2/3) of the Easemez�t �nterests ("Qualifying Objec�ion") within 10 days af ti�e date of mai�ing ar delivery o£ such Esti�naie (whichever is Iater) ta each Qwner, such Assessment shall become fina2 and each ��vner sha11 pay the amaunt shawn on �he stat�ment �or its respective A1lacated S�are of �he Budget io the Manager within 30 days fQltowing t�e date of the statement. In th� event that the Manager r�ceives a Qualifying dbjectian, Manager sha11 natify each Qwner t�ereof Manager may thereafter rcvise the Est�rzaate and reinitiate the pracess by fallovv�i�zg the Pacra F. nf'iFi , �, above procedure �or the revised Estirnate, or abtain the w�itten cons�nt o� twa-thirds of the Ovv�ers ("Required Percenta�e") ta a revised Estiznate, which, u�oz� mailing to the Owners together with evidence of such written consent by a Raquired Percernage, shal� be t}�e bind�ng Assessment far the appropriate period. S�ecial Assessments far Unexpected or extraordiriary ex�enses not anticipated by the Estimate may be asses�ed by �k�e Manager upan written cansent of �he holders of a Required Percentage. Amounts re�naining unpaid rnore than 30 days %11Qwing the data of the �tatement sha11 accumu�ate i.nierest at the rate of 1.5°10 per manth. Manager shail apply any such interest collected toward the Costs. Within 30 days fallowing tlae ciose of each calendar year following the Effective Date hereof, Manager shaIl create and distribute among the owner's of the Paxcels a statement reco�zciling with the Budget far t4�e priar �year against the actual cost incurred %r the Costs dur�ng the previous per�od. Any a�ounts collected �rorn the Owners in the previaus �eriod irz excess of the actual Costs incurred shall be creaited �o the benefit of the respectiv�e o�ner's �111ocated Share of Costs in the Buc�get for �he next calendar year and s�a�l nat be refunded to the 4wnezs. Any shortfall between tl�e amount charged for Costs for ti�e previous period and the actual Costs incurred shall be allocated by the Manager to the �wners in the same mar�ne�r as the Casts and snall be imm�di�tely due az�d payable. B. Each oumer's pro rata shar� of t�e Casts sha11 be determined by multiplying the Costs by that Owner's Allocated Share. C. Each owner of a Parcel that contains an Easement Parcel shall �imely pay, befnre penalty attaches, ali real estaie taxes and assessrnents, wat�r and sevver charges, if any, levied az� any such Parcel, irrespective of any addecf 2evy, assess�nents or t�able value attributab�e to the Tmpravements or the existence of the Easements. 8. EVENT O�' DEFAULT. In, the event that the Owner of any Parcel, shall fail ta per%rm any action or function required oi suclz Owner hereby ("Defaulting Dwner"}, Manager or any non-defaulting Owner may give wx-�tten Notice af Defauli to s�ch Defaultirtg awner itemizing the obligations that have not been periartz�ed. If tlne De�aulting Owner fails to rernedy the default desc�zbed in t1�e Notice af Default within 30 days following the da�e of such notice ("Event of Default"), tlaen Manager, or any ather Owner giving �uch notice, may take such action as rr�ay b� apprapriate and n�cessazy to remedy the Event af Default d�scribed in the no�ice and to c2aim and enfarce tha Iien created hereby for assessments and obligations, as hereinafier provided, against the Parcel owned by the Defaulting Owner as h�cein provided. In the e�ezat that action must b� taken againsfi an Owner io coilect any arnount due hereunder or ta otherwise enforce any lien ar ot�er obligaiian of such Owner, the prevaiIing party in suck� action sha11 be entitled to collect in addition to the rernedies Pana 7 nf 7F, sought any and all expenses, inciuding a�iorneys' fees, incurred 'rn connection with such actian. 9. LI�NS AND PERSONAL OBLIGA'TIONS F�lt ASSESSMENTS. Each Qwner of a Parcer hereby covenants and agrees, v�rhether or not it sha11 be expresse� in his or her deed or contract for deed, to pay to the Ma.nager a.�l (1) annual assessments or charges, (2} specza� assessments, and (3) any amount billed tQ such O�wner by Manager to reconcile an annual Assessment as herein pravided. The annual and special assessments, together with interest, costs, and reasanable attorneys' fees, sha11 be a charge on the land and shall be a coniinuing �ien in favor of Mar�ager upan t�e Parcet against which each such asses�ment is rnade. Each such assessment, tagether with interest, costs and reasona�le attorneys' fees, shall also be the persona.� obligaiion of a11 persons or entities that w�re the Qwner of such Parcel at the tirne when the assessment fel� due. The persox�al obl�gatio�: for delin.quent assessments shall not pass ta successars in title unless expressly ass�zmed by tl�em. T� the contrary notwithstanding, an�r lien created hereby sha1I be inferiar and subordina�e to any mortgage lien ar vendor's interes� under a contract for deea filed o� recaxd prior to the date of �ling hereof 10. EXCEPTIONS. A. EXCEPT�ON FOR GARAGE. As of the,date har�of there is a garage in existence an Parcel3 as depict�d and identifred as Exception 1 on the Pian attached hereta as E�ibit "D" and the Plat attached hareto as Exhibit "E" �"Garage"), ihe footpz�nt of which is described in detail or� Exhibit "F" aitached hereta. The parties agrae that the Easement created hereby sha�l caver the ax'e� included in Exception 1, but that the �wner af Parcel3 snali have the sole and exclusiva use and control of the Garage for as Zong as such st�uct�are shall continue to exist. The Owr�er of Parcel 3 agrees to rnaintain such Garage in an attractive, safa and respectabl� condition, to comply vvith all applicable laws, regulations and ordinances re�ating ihereta and its us�e, and to use �Che Garage in a manner thai does not inte�-fere witt� or aiherwise obs�r�.ct the use and enjayrnent oi tl�e balance ai the Easement by t�e otk�er C}wners and any persons ar �ntities having rights under this Agreennez�t. B. DESTRUCTION O�' GARAGE. In the event that the Garage shall be removed, destroyed, rendered. unic�habitabie or unusable by fire, windstorm or other casualty, or candeznnea by a goverz�menta� autharity (callectively "Destruction"), Owner sha� remove from Exceptian 1 any and all structures, remains ar debris at such Owner's expense {"Cleanup"), and nei#her the Garage nor any o�her structure may be repaired, z'ebui�t or constructed upan Excepiion 1. Upan the D�structian of the Garage as herein pravided, Exception 1 shall terminate and cease to exis�, any a,nd a11 rights a�'the Owner of Parcel 3, its successors, assi�s, tenants, and other PaoP R nf 7F, perso�s or entities clairning rights in Exce�tion Zunder or th�-oug� such Owner, shall iznrnediaieiy iernunate, ex�ire and be deemed ta be released, azzd t�e area t�ereof sha11 be fir11y available to all zightful users of the Mutual Easements. Further, upon Destruction, Ma.nager shall cause the area of Exceptian 1. to be paved and isnproved �o become a part of the �mpro�rememts as depicted upon th� Plan, at Manager's expense. � 1. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The inva.��aatinn of any of the grants or covenants contained hecein, by order of court or other�se, shall z�ot affect any of the other provisions �ereof, which shall be deemed to �e severable, and suc�i other provisions sha1� remain in full fqrce az�d effec�. B. The easements hereby granied, the restrictions hereby impos�d anc� agreements and covenants herein contained sha,[1 be easements, restrictions and covenants ruxuung witl� the land, and shatl inure to �he benefit o�, and be binding upnn the Parties ar�d all future owners of all ar any partion of ihe P'arce�s, and their respective heirs, succ�ssors and assigns, and a�t persons c�aiming under thezn in perpeiuity, unless t�rzxvnated as set forth herein. C. N�TICES. Any natices or statements �o Ue given �o any Qwner pursuant he�eto may be given by mai�ing or delivering such no�ice or sta�ement, add�essed to the last known�Qwner, at the business loca�ed on each Parcel, or at such other address or location as m�y be c�esignated in writing delivered ta Manager fram t�me to rime at the £allowing address; Masier's Fifth Avenue, rn.c. c/o B ariy Fluth i9S77 180�' Avenue Big La1ce, MN 55309 D. The Ynternal law, without regard to conflicts of laws principles, of the Siate af Minnesota will go�ern a�] questions concerning the constzuctian, va,lidity and interpreta�ian of this Agreement and the perforFnance oiihe obligatiozas imposed by this Agreement. E. This docu�xzent may be executed in counterpart signature pa�es, and, if sa execuied, a11 such signature pages sha�l be d�emed to be an integra� part o� this docu�nent arid incorporated herein as if such signatures thereon a�peared on the ariginal of this docurnent. i7aora U nf'7F, ,L � F. The Recitals at the beginning of this Agreement sha11 be incorporated i�, hecame an integral part o£, and be enforceable with the other terms and conditions of this Agreement. 1N WTTNESS WHERE�F, the Parties have executed this insttum�nt ihe date first written. MASTER' S: Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. ;;' L 1r� !��� l G� It5' ,-�? `� ��. HAM4ND Bruce A. Hamond Cynthia M. Ha�nond, aka, Cindy Hamand PAULSONS Gezald S. Paulson rarnie Ann Paulson Z� r fJ`�'' sTAr� o x�,� � 5S. co�TY o� .� � � KaPPY John D. Koppy ARIANE bOHER�.1f'' Notary Public - Arizona MARIGOPA C�UNTY My Commission ExpEres NOVEMBER 11, 2006 The foregoing instrument vvas acl�owledged before me this�/ �ay of 2pa2, by �f�f �d/(,r^ � , �l � `�-� . , the President of the Mast+er's Fifth Avenue, Inc., an behalf of t�e corporation. p�csa 1 Cl nf 7(� P. The Rccita.ls at the beginning of this Agreement sli�ell bc incocporatec� i��, becozlle an izltegral part of, and Ue enforccable witl� ihe ���I�er terms and condi#ions of tliis Agreement. IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the Pariies have executed th�s instru�nec�t tlze date first written. MAST�R'S: Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. � Its HAMOND KOPPY . � Bruce A. Hamoild Johi� D. Koppy �� �Z�� � � � ' Cynt��ia M. ond, aka, Cindy Hamo PAULSONS GeraId S. Paulson Jamie Ann Paulson STATE OF MINNESOTA ) } ss. coulvTY oF � The foregoing iiisiniment was acknowledged Uefore me tl�is day of 2002, by , the President of ilie Masier's Fi�th Avez�ue, �c., o�i bel�al:f o:f tl�e coiporation. Page 10 of 26 F. The Recitals at the beginnizag o�this Agreemenf shall be incarparaied in, became an intagral part of, and be enforceable with the other terms and condzti�ns o�this Agreement. IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the Pa.z�ties have executed th�s instrument the date first written. MASTER'S: Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. zt� HAMOND Bruce A. Hamond Cyn�hia M. Harnonc�, aka, Cindy Hamond PAULSONS Gerald S. Paulson Jamie Ann Paulson STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF } Th� foregaing instru�nent was ackriowledged before me tkus day af , zao�, by , ihe Presideni of the Master's �'zfth Aver�ue, Inc., on behalf oFthe corporatian. PaesP 1(1 nf'7F, F. The Recitals at the beginning of this Agreement sha11 be rncorporated in, became az� ini�gral gart o� and he enforceabl� with the other terrns and conditior�s of th�s Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Par�ies have executed this instnunent the date first written. MASTER'S: Master's Fifth Avenue, Tnc. Its ��AMaND Bruce A. Hamond Cynthia M. Hamond, aka, Cin�y Hamond I�QPPY John D. KoppY PAULSONS � Geralc� S, Paulson �. ��.-�� -- h� �a.znie Ann Paulsan STATE OF 1VIlNNESOTA ) } S5. coulvT� oF } The foregaing instrurnent was acknowl�dged beiare me this dap af 2002, by __ , the President oF the Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc., on behalf of the corporation. Pacrp � f] nf 7Fi ( �,i' � �; ' � �" _ /J' v�-r� ot�ry Public STATE OF MINNESOTA } } ss. C OUNTY O�'�' 1-, � ) Tl�e foregaing instniinent was acl��owledged before Zne this ���Gj�day of Ccn�a � , 2002, by Bruce A. Hamoz�d azid Cy��.tZ�za A. Han�ond, also know�i as Cindy Hanlond, husband and wife. ��:,����:.r"..�«�-.� -.c:r .=�r.:Gc*'.��.�-,r� �,��'- �..a— ��'?�a �i�T��ih�4`P� Nl. kaME� ��� � �',� ;�� PfOTAF�Y!'l1�LIC-fvilNPlESOIA ;���;���"'tn"� 6� Camn�issiar� Ex ires Jan. 31, 2Ufl5 ^�:,;;::� y A F �c:!�?,_���?� "�.-a,'3s��?-� ;�.�.�-^.'�^;� K>.�_ STATE 4F MINNESOTA ) � 5S. COUNTY OF ) �� - ; � � N tary Public The foregoing instr�.imeilt was acknowledged before me this , 2002, by rolm D. Koppy, a single aduli. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA } ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The %regoing instruine�lt was acknowledged before me this day of day of , 2002, by Gexald S. Pauison and 7amie Ann Paulson, husband and wife. Notary Ptitblic CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE (PARCELS 1& 4) The iindersig�led First M�nnesota Bank, N.A., the holder of those certain Morigages zz� �'avor of First Minriesoia Bank, N.A. and First Minneso�a Ba�lc, N.A. Monticella, dated December 28, 2001, filed Jailuary 2, 2002, as Document No. 774033, Page 11 of 26 � Notary Public STATE OF MINNES�TA ) � SS. COUNTY QF ) The faregoing instrument was acknowledged bcfore me ihis day of , 2002, by Br�ce A. Hamond and Cynthia A. Hamand, also known as Cindy Harnond, husband a.nd wFfe. Notary Public STATE QF NiINNESOTA ) } ss. COUNTY OF �,� � ) The foregoing instrument �vas acknawledged before me tk�is �� da.y of 2002, by Jo�n D. I�oppY, a single aduZt. ��'���"'� SHIRLEY M. HAALAND � •'.�,:.<.,:,,'�,. ,�' . s,�-!*°� ';�u�"�iiY�'�' NQTARYPUBLIC MINNE507A /% `L ,�a�,,l'z,b,4;� MyCnmmis�ionE�cpiresJan 3i,2005 , t/ Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss, GOUNTY 4F ) The foregoing instnxrtten� vvas acknovc�edged before me ihis day of , 2002, by Gerald S. Paulson and 7a�nie Ann Paialson, husband and wife. Notary Public CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE (PARCEL� 1& 4) The undersigned First Minnesota Bank, N.A., the holder of thase certain Mortga,ges in favr�r oi F�rsi Minneso#a Bank, N.A. and First Minnesota Bank, N.A. Manticello, dated Decenaber 28, 20Q1, �led January 2, 20p2, as Dacument No. '774033, Paap 1 1 nf 7Fi Natary Public STATE OF NIlNNES4TA ) � 55. CQUNTY OF } The %regoing instzument was ackna�vledged bet'ore me this day of _____ `__, 2002, by Bruce A Hamond and Cyntiva A. Hazn.ond, also known as Cindy Hamond, husband and wife. Notary Public STATE aF MINNESOTA } } S5. COUNTY OF ) The for�gaing instrument was ackno�riedged before rne this da.y of , 2002, by �ohn I�. X�oppy, a single a�ult. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA } � ) ss. COUNTY OF rT The £oxegoing i stn�rnent was acicnowledged be�ore me this-��� � day of ��,jr , 2002, by Gerald S. Paulson and Jatnie Ann Paulson, husbanc� and wife. ,� , . _��.� ,.,; .. -_ ��,� ' �"��. �R€NQA E. WF�I�FAKE� �', r '," =.:'u� � ARY M�BL1C - MI�SOTA �',' � ��� " �' �0"'�+�n�J�n.3t, zdar Natary Public L' :��-�-c.'�?.,.pF? t C.�""-, CONSENT QF MORTGAGEE (PARCELS 1& 4) The undersigned First Minnesota Bank, N.A., the holder of those certain Mortgages in favor of First Minnesota Bank, N.A. and �irst Miz�nesota Bank, N.A. Monticeuq dated December 28, 2001, �led January 2, 2002, as Docuznent No. 774033, Pacra 1 1 nf �F, dated February 25, 2002, filed March 4, 2002, as Document No. 780228, and dated February 5, 1999, rled February 9, 1999 as Doctunent No. 669671 in the Of�ce of the Wrzght Coiuity Recorder for good and valuable consideration, the sL��.Ciciency ot' which is hereby acknovvledged, does hereby join iii, consez�t to, and agree to t17e creation oF ihe Mutual Easeinents described ul tlie foregaii�.g docun�ent, aiid �1at, except as pro�ided i11 Seciion 9 of the Deed of Declaration o� Easements And Maintenance Agreement, ihe foregoing Mortgage zzxterests are s�.ibject and subordiiiate to the foregoing Deed af Declaration of Easements Ai�� Maznte��ance Agreement. First Mii�lesoia Banl�, N. A., Orgaiiized ai�d e�isting �xlider tl�e laws of the Un.ited States of America �''� ...�..���,. .��,�, By: � ���,,'L���� � � • ����� Its: I�r�r� � `��.. °! STATE OF MINNESOTA } ) ss. COUNTY OF� ,�;�,��" � ) ����G�' , The foregoing ii�stJr/ti���e�t was acknowledged before me tliis day of . anu-�-r � , 2402, by �G���c� ��-�j , the ��'C� ��� �`clev� � , o��irst Minnesoia Bazik, N. A., oi•ganized and exisl,ing under the laws of the United ,States of America, on Uehal� of the corporation. �„•.�:;_�. �::�.,r �:>-�����-�'�'',' .c���„.,, ,� . K�,'��-�E�Yi� �Vf. �C71�Ef� ��"� °�-� FduTA151` PUE�l.IC - MINEVE ��TA '���,,�; ��;r� i��1�r f�omrn�ssfon Expires Jan 31, 2005 •s,..�. A c^�''.cci.'.'.'-"rc::. �':.r5 ^::�^,:�t�.'.�:�;7ta,�.w "1':?c�.�,""� �c� � � ��i� � '1!��.(�, Notary Public CONSENT �F MORTGAGEE OF PARCEL 3 The �uldersiga�ed k'irst National Banlc of Monticello, the halder oi tk�at certain Mortgage rn favor Fixst National Bank of Monticello, dated t11e October 28, 1986, and �Xed �ar record October 31, 1986 as Docurnent No. 416927, for good and valuable cozzszdexation, the sufficiency oi which is hereby acicnowledged, does hereby join in, consen# to, and agree to the creation of the Muttial Easements described in the for�going document, the provisioils of Section IOB tk�ez�eof, and that, except as provided rn Sectzoz� 9 of the Deed oi Declar�tion of Easerz�ents And Maintenance Agreement, the .foregoing Page 12 of 26 Mortgage interests are subject and subordinate to the foregoing Deed a� Declaration of Easements Azxd Maintenance Agreement. First Nationai B of Monticello By: � �� `' � � �.�, �� Its: s STATE QF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY4F �R,,�,�r.. y,�f The �oregoing inst�-ume�t was acknawledged before me this � day of �] �,,7 �t �,�� 20Q�, by �f o.�,,, �n�.' �•� �- the ���;,��( �U� �- , o�First National Bank of Monticello, or� behalf the corparatian. - -�;���vw�,�v�»,����„y�v�v�,�,��s+^��w►ov+�'�� � ,� " r;'7''-�;;Ft�,i��z�r=1 �.i��A E}. P��,?sl�r�i � � � 'J�� `-fi�����`�I"'���lO7��YPU4LIC•h�INNC,�;'. �� �/� ,��_ � �� ',���-- :; ;;�r=�``,���M��',"� My Commisslnn £xpire'� iuri, �1, =�uz r„ NOtai'�7 PI1bI1G � , „`:�i.c�r� ':� u°,:i'i�+�I�A�+R�t+;AMn,��,a.an. . � � ..'�e CONSENT UF MORT�AGEE OF PARCEL 3 The �undersigned Narwest Bank Minnesota south, Natianal Association, the halder of that certa�n mortgage in favor of Norwest Bazik Minnesota. south, National Association dated the �ctober 29, I999, and fi�ed for record November 4, 1999, as Document No. b94472, for gaod and valua�le consideration, the sufficiency of w�ich is hereby acknowledged, does hereby �oin in, cansent to, and agree ta the creation of the Mutual Easernents described in the faregoing document, the pravisions of Section lOB ihereof and that, except as provided. in Section 9 0� the Deed of Declaration of Easements And Maintenance Agreement, the %regaing Mortgage interests are subject and subordinate to the faregaing Deed oiDeclaration of Easements And Maintenance Agreerneni. sTaTE oF Nn�NEsoTa � � 5�. eov�vTY oF �,� r , � ParrP 1 � nf 7F� Norwest Banlc Mintiesota south, National Association By; d � � „�,�.��.t`�-�� Its:����,—._ . .--- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this � day of �,�, ZOQ�� b}' j ["v�, �_ i`c�r'�Qa �x�-S'�- , ti2e ` �c�✓'c��.9n�`- , ��NOIWOSt Bail% Minnesota south, Natiaz� Assoczation, an behalf of the ca�-paration. � ,�,,a�n�vrv+dw������a�+.�',�� � J✓' � ''';r��'�y9,''�s�,. I..i[�r�f�, T�, �'�R��,:�ta�J � � �'�.�1n_r,l�f�"���-�--� , ;�E���;" �,4�.�` ����-nEav Pue�ic-�^�r,f���+;�c� ��a � `--� Notary Public �;; `����','�'�.a ;������ E�y Comrn�ssinn Exp�ras Jan ��, ,'sqUG ;� ` �hcil�''.�"� ,ve�,hMlRtc.nJ4;��,+�.r~r���r�,{+f.•rlt , _ ,.r�,eLr�.��;'1a�,h��Vi1� CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE OF PARCEL S The undersigned, Wright County State Bank, the holder of that certain Mortgage zn favor of Wright County State Bank ("Larsen Mortgagee") dated September I0, 1987, fi1�d of record September 21, �987, in Boaic 122 Mortgages, Page 55 as Document No. 432316, in the Qffice of the Wrignt County Reca�der, for good and valuable cansideration, the su�iciency af whicl� is h�reby acknowiedged, d.oes hereby join in, consent to the waiver, release, discharge, termin.ation and forgiveness, now and forever, of the easements described in th� Declarat�on as the Larsen Easements, anc! agree to the creation of the Mutual Easements describec� in the %regoing dacument, and that, except as provided i�x Section 9 af the Deed of Declaration of Easements And Maintenance Agreemez�t, the �oregoing Mortgage interests are subject and subordinate to the foregaing Deed of Declaration of Easements And Maintenance Agreement. Wrignt County State Bank By: ��� ��,.� �� Its: �. L,� . STATE O� MINNESOTA } t.e3 r`1 c J.� F � 5S' COUNTY OF � ) d, �'i The foregoing instn.�ment was ackna�ledged before me this� day o ��u�,�. ZO�, by _ � 2� ,� - the � �,�cl � �,-� , a�Wright County State Bank, an behalf af t�e c orat�on. ��,h�° M�+1sn1.5e1'� r�.0 n e. r. M1^;� .+�.n��g,'�e/�fy1A A ����rr.L�� - I ��ci; � �r. -• �� �;7�IV a? �'��� � �',��;.�•; , , .�,.;lfd�,CSQiA �,�- � .���,_�a�.31�°G05 .,��G.�'i� � � I '� C'CJ / ��,�.��,,,,s,,,,,�,,,,�,�,,,�,,,,,,,� - Notary Public CONSENT OF CQNTRACT VENDOR OF PARCEL 5 Paaa 1Q nf'7ti The undersigned, Kenneth D. Larsen and Delores A. Lar•set�, husband and wife, the Vendor �ander that certain Contract for Deed in fiavor of Gerald S. PauIson and Jamie Ann Pautson, dated November 1, 1999 a�id filed of record November 29, 1999 as docUment No. b961 Z 8 in the Office of the Wri�ht County Recorder, for good and valuable consid�ration, the sufficiency of which is �ereby acknowIedged, do hereby join in, consent to, the waiver, release, discl�a�rge, termination and forgiveness, now a.r�d farever, of the easements described in th� lleclararion as the Larsen Easernents, and agree to the creation af the M�atual Easements described in the fore�oing document, ar�d that, except as provided in Sectiorx 9 of the Deed of Declaration of Easenzents Anc! Maini�nai7ce Agreement, the foregoing Mortgage interests are subject and subordinate to the foregoin; Deed ofDeclaratian ofEaserne�ts And Maintenance Agreement. /�,,-�`� `"� r } v' f' - .. G'Z���' ���,�� - l-�'-.��tJ Kenneth D. Larsen '✓ Delores A. Larsen � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � 55. COUNTY OF ) 5oflz'�e'uepsa�idx��a�ssiunuo�dy� •,"",w V1DS3NNIN-aI1B�d hl�/lON �� "�, � NOS1Clt/d 'S O�b��9 : , �<<:�� x � , { L_s �„ V'� J:'.�:`.;:! - �.'4.�...w'.-i ��..�+..-.� `" , The foregoing instrument was acknowleaged before me this /� day o� � �'6f �i ,�; Uy Kenneth D. Larsen arid Delores A. Larsen, husband and wife. o�U � �' �.-� Notary Public CONSENT �E' MORTGAGEE OF PARCELS b, 7 Sc S The undersigned, State Bank of Chanhassen, the holder oi that certain Mortgage anc! Assignmen� of Leases atid Rents in favor State Bank of Chalil�assen, dated Jua-►e 18, 2002, and June 20, Z002, respective�y, and recorded June 20, 2002, as Docume�at Nos. 796242 and 79b243 respectively, in th�e Of�ice of the Wri�ht Gounty Recorder, for good and valuable consideration, the suf�cieiicy of whic�i is hereby acknowledged, does hereby join i,�, consent to the waiver, release, �ischar�e, terminat7an and forgiveness, now and forever, of the �asements descri�ed in the Declara�ion as �ne Larsen Easements, and agree to the creation of the Mutual Easernents described ir� tkte foregoing document, and that, excepi as provided in S�ctian 9 of ihe Deed of Declaration of Easements And Maintenance Agraement, the fore�oing Mortgage interests are subject arad subordinate to the foregoing Deed af Dec�aration of Easennents And Mair�tenance Agre�ix�ent.. PanP i S nF�Fi The undexsigned, State Bank of Chaz�hassen, the holder of that certain Mor�gage and Assigmment of Leases and Rents in iavor State Bank of Chanhassen, dated June 18, 2002, and June 20, 2Q02, raspectzvely, azad recorded Jtuie 20, 2002, as Doc�.irnent Nos. 7962�42 and '796243 respectively, in the Office oi the Wright County Recorder, for good and vahiable consideraiion, the sufficiency of wl�ich is hexeby acknowledged, do�s hexeby joi�� in, con.sent to the vvaivex, release, discharge, termination ax�d forgiveness, now and farever, of the easements described in ihe Declaration as the Larsen Easements, and ag�ree to the creation of the Mutual Easem.ents descrzbed in the foregaiz�g document, an.d that, except as pxovided in Saction 9 of the Deed of Declaration of EaseYnents And Maintenance Agreement, the foregoing Mortgage interests are subject and subo�rdinate to the foregoing Deed of Declaraiion of Easeznen�s And Maintenance Agreement.. ,� --- - - - -- - State Ba�t�f Ch ,an ,asse B � ����� f� ,.� �-- Y= " Tts: �i� �r.vf,•v l�c.� ��8 � c� -_�� STATE OF MINNESOTA } } ss. COUNTY 4�' � ) � � -- The foxegoing instnunent was acicnowledged before me this � day oi ` ���.�r 2Q02, by � � C , the f',rpr� 3� �� ��ce_ ;���c��i'o� ��e State Bank of Chanhassen, on behalf o£the corporation. � 5 4 � Notary Public THXS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: �•••w••r•+• I�W�MAIYEW�D�UFF WILLIAM ;f. MILOTA, ESQLTIRE � �„��� 2316 West 50t'' St�eet p�, �y�, ��� � Minneapolis, MN 554] 0-2202 Page 1 G of 26 EXHIBIT A TO DEED OF DECLARATTON OF EASEMENTS DATED: October 10, 2002, DESCRIPTION OF PARCELS PARCEL 1 East 5. 7�eet af Lot Nine (9) and tk�e West 16 feet of Lot Eight {8) iz� Block Thi�ty-six (36) in Townsite af Monticetlo, Wrzght County, Minnesota, according to the plat thereof, on fiie in the Register af Deeds o#�ce. PARCEL 2 The VVest 27,6 feet ofLot Nine (9) in BIock Thirty-six {36), in ihe town or townsite ofMonticello, according to plat afrecard thereof, bein� all af Lot Nine (9) exclusive of the East 5.7 feet thereof owned by Clarence and Qriole Huseth, as joint tenants. PARCEL 3 Lot Ten (10), in Block 36 in the Townsite of Montice�lo, acc�rding to the plat on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wright County, Minnesota. PARCEL � Tne Easter�y 27 feet af Lot 11, Block 36, Townsite af Mor,ticello, Wright Cauniy, Minnesota Further described as: Lot I 1, Block 36, Tawnsite of Mat�ticel�o, Wright County, Minnesota, except the follo��ving. That part �f Lot 11, Block 36, Townsite of Mantice�lq Wright County, Mizinesota, described as :�ollaws: Beginning at the Northvvest corner of Lot � 1, thence Sout��easterly 6 feet along the No�theast line of Lot Z I, thence Southwesterly �arallei to t�e Nortl�west line a�Lot I 1 to the Southwest Iine of Lot � 1, t�ence Northwesterly b feet along the Southwest line of Lot 1�, thence NortheasterIy along the Northwest Eine oiLot 11 to the point nf heginning. PARCEL 5 Lot 12 and that part o�Lot 11 descriUed as beginning at thE Norti3west corner of'Lot 1 1, thence Southeasterly G feet alang the Northeast Iine o�Lot I I, thenc� Soutl�westerly parallel to the Northwest line of Lot 1� to the Southwest ]i�ae of Lat Z I, th�nce Narthwesierly 6 feet a�ong�the Southwest line oi'Lot 11, the�c� Northeasterly along the Northwest tine afLat 11 to the point af beginning, aI1 in Block 36 zn the Townsite ofMonticello, according ta p�at of recard. 13arrP 1 7 nf` 7f, PARCEL 6 Lot 13, Block 3b, in the Towns�te ofMonticello, accarding to the plat thereaf by 7ohn �. Haven an �ile and of record in the Of�'ice oi the Register ofDeeds of Wright Caunty, Minrzesota. PAR.CEL 7 Lot 14, Block 3b, in the Townsite of Manticello, according to the piat on file and of record in the O�ce of the Register of Deeds oi Wright Covnty, Minnesota. PARCEL 8 Lot 15, Blacic 35, in the Townsite of Monticello, accorcling to the p�at on f�le and of record in the Of�'ice ��'the Register of Deeds of Wright Caunty, Niinnesata. PaoP 1 R n�')Fr EXHIBIT B TQ DEED OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS DATED: October 10, 2002. DESCRIPTIQN Ok' EASEMENT PARCELS A perpetual easement for ingress and egress, parking, drainage and utilities, over, under and across those paxts of Lats S, 9, �0, 1 I, l2, 13, 14, and 15, Block 36, TOWNSITE O�' MONTICELLQ, according to t�i� recorded plat thereaf, Wright County, M�nnesota, described as fo��ows: Beginning at the most westerly corner of said Lot 15; thence SaUth 61 degrees S9 minvtes 29 seconds East, assumed bearing, alozig the southwesterly lines of said Lots S, 9, 10, 1 l, 12, 13, i4, ana � 5, a distance of 248.38 feet to the intersection with a line drawn parallel witll and distant 16.40 feet southeasterly from, as �neasured at right angles to, i�e cammon lot line between said Lots 8 and 9; thence Nof-th 28 degrees OS miuutes 06 seconds East, along said paral�el line 95.00 feet; thence No�th 61 de�rees 59 minutes 29 seconds West 248. 4Q feet to the northwesterly line of said Lot 15; thence South 28 degrees 04 minutes 23 seconds West, along said northwesterly line 95.Q0 feet to the point of be�inning. EXCEPT that part described as fo�lows: Commencing at the most westerl� carner af said Lot 15; thence North 28 degrees 04 minutes 23 seconds East, assumed bearing, alc�ng the narthwesterly tine o�saic{ Lat 15, a distance of 10.65 feet to the point of be�inning of the tract to be descr�bed; thence South 62 degrees 59 minutes 29 seconds East 28.00 feet; thence North 28 degrees 0� minutes 31 seconds East 22.00 feet; thence South 6I degrees S9 minutes 29 seconds West 28. l7 feet; thence North 28 degrees 00 minutes 31 seconds East 22.d0 feet; thence Narth 61 degrees 59 rxainut�s 29 seconds West 56.12 feet to the nonhwesterly line of said Lot 15; tfzence South 28 degrees 04 minutes 23 seconds West, along said northwesterlyline 44.p0 feet to the poitrt of beginning. And also EXCEPT that par� aescribed as follows: Commencin�; at the most westerly corner of said Lat � 5; thence South 61 de�rees 59 zninutes 29 secands East, assumed bearing, Pn�rp 1 �} n!� 7(i along the southwesterly lines af said Lots 13, I4, and 1 S, a distance of 81.9� #'eet; thence North 28 degrees �4 minutes 23 secands East 36.24 feet to the point of be�nning af the tract to be described; thence North 28 degree 04 minutes 23 seconds East 16.00 �eet; thenc� South 61 degrees 55 z�inutes 37 seconds East 16.Q0 �eet; thence Sauih 28 degrees 04 rr�inutes 23 seconds West 16.00 feet; thence North 51 degrees 55 minutes 37 secands West 16.00 feet to the point of beginning. PaaP 7C1 nf 7Fi E�BIT C TO DEED OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS DATED: �ctober 10, 2002. DESCRTPTION 4F EASEMENTS TO BE TERMINATED AND RELEASED HEREBY. 1. A non-ehc�usive easement in favor af Lot 12 and tnat part of Lot 11 describe� as beginning at the Nartt�west corner of Lot 11, thence Sautheastarly 6#'�et along �he Northeast iine of Lot 11, thence Saufhwesterly parallel ta the Northwest line of Lot I I to t�e Southwest line of Lot I 1, thence Northwesterly 6 fe�t along the Southwest line of Lot 1 I, thence Northeasterly along the Northwest lizae of Lot X 1 to the point of beginnir�g, all in Block 36 in the Townsite of Montice�Io, according to plat of record, for ingz'ess and egress in, over, and upon, tha� part of the Parcels S and 9 described as follaws: Commenciizg at the Southeast corner of Lot 14, thence Nartheasterly twel�e (�2) feet along the Southeast line of Lot �4; thence 94 degrees Nort�westerly along a �ine parallel to the Sou#.hwest fines of Lats 14 and � S�o ��ie Southwest line of Lot 15; fhezice 90 degrees a distance of #welve {12) feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 15; �lience Sautheasterly along t�ie Southwest Zines of Lots 14 �nd 15 to the point of beginninig a11 in B�ock 36 in the Townsite of Mo�ticello, according t� the plat thereof on file an� of record in the office of the County recorder of Wright County, Mizanesota, cx�eated by Deed of Appurfenant Easement dated the 7`�' day of March, 1985, filed March 13, 1985 in Book $5 Miscellaneous Page 650 as Document No. 394302. 2. A non-exclusive easement in iavor af Lat 12 and that part of Lot 11 described as beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot � 1, thence Southeasterly 6 feet along t�te Nortl�east line of Lot 11, ther�ce So�thwesterly parallel ta the Narthwest line af Lot 11 to the Soutliwest �ir�e of Lot 11, t�ence Northwesterly b feet along the Southwest lit�e �f Lot l I, thenc� Northeasterly along the Northwest line of Lot 11 to the point of beginning, all in Blocic 36 iz� the Towr�site o:FMonticel�o, according to plat of recard, for ingress and egress iz�, over, and npon, thai part of the Parcel7 descriUed as follaws: Commencing at the Sflufiheast corner of Lot 13, fhence Northeasterly forty-six (46) feet along the Southeast luie of Lot I3; tlierice 90 de�n�ees Northwesterly a dYskance of six {6} feet; tlience 90 degrees Sonthwesterly alang a line parallel to the Sou�heast line of Lot 13 a distance af thirty-�our (3�} £e�t; thence 90 de�rees Northwesterly to the Nortnwest line of Lot 13; thence 90 degrees Sorrthwesterly to the Sorrthwest corner af Lat 13; thence 90 degrees Southeast to the point of beginning all i.n Block 36 in tlie Townsi#e of Monticello, accordir�g to the plat thereaf on file and of record in the o�fice o� the County recorder of Wright County, Minnesota, created by Deed o£Appurtenant Easement c�ated the 7'h day of T�acT� 'J1 nf'J(, March, 1985, f led March 13, �.985 in Book 85 Miscellaneous Page 649 as Document No. 394341. (Ttems 1& 2 hereo� he:reinafter sometimes referred to as the "Larsen Easernents". } Aacip 77 nf 7(� 0 p �• f � -�� � 1���5 �nUlp�y{ --- � --'1��--' ---. _._... .�_. ..._� � _—.. �� —. � � �� • -- � � ��ry ` «. �u'nz; 'J—~� .� � I�lI �3 � � JI ;J � I' ii ^� � i i �I � f� I � � m a I �� � 1 G �+ � � r 4�� ' � i� � E , �� � I _ � � � � . .i ' � � i � = i ' i �-- � �r ,—.._.�-�_���T__, � I ;I ` � � i�, — i ��,� �` - . ._� �� ,_�l.�,�. �� � � � � .�.I��_,. � � - �+ `i--'!o �� �E' � � ,/ �i � v i �,, , � + � `\ � _ � _ T, _ �� � "' fi � j --, ---,�-7. r--- . ; ; ' ° �' I � _ . � ------ � a�- � — � �--c+-,� I� Ir i � � � �� �a 1, � � I _� 4 . _� {J�_ -`� - ��I S --_ - . i .�.. _ . I '" _•� I � � � =�- �' � , � .' ' � m ' .i � jjj� I F I� � i . i. ��!- � � - ._.� �IL-I _�I � �� � � �J , �L� � � . - � . ��. - ; ; __ _.` I '��`�� � _ ��r � �;a � �, �� �x .. ...��'HI� fT D �ro D�ED OZ" D�CLARATI(]N DF EAS�11-1��;TS DATED: OctUber � Q, 2Q0? , -.F�,��,--.�.—,—�—,�,�..,�_.�,�_,".r, � ' !' �AeJjS �15'I�?O7 "•. !� .'" . ��� r��b� z3 �r?� � Plaz� oi� Ft�n�,rovelnents. .__ .,�,�,;�,,.r � � i I � � � ,��r , �:�IS.�� �.F � , I V:��' ! .1�7 �i�' • � t y . � �-"� 1?��'"�,'� I - N:.,�1� � S ��Yll �.' .: T I ' 1 � I " � I L�fi` + � I L_J ��'��,' �i ' , , , , {��ti �; _ ^ �'` i �..�_ `� ���,�1� �i �-- -- - - �;a��� ; ---�_ �..� . — :__ �_. _ , — .--- - . �.�---,__, -�_�—._ __. .^ �.�L i t „ , , �rr�i�'�7-�?�vct�-�ac,l �f.-'e� �i=' Cr�r �. o � � �OGv S r �iy� � �'�' s ' � 2B-o4-z3 W �' � -- - _ �� �, v o -- -- � W � � 4 ri d W Q N � Q O � � n`"1 a�OQ a x�'� � � � � �Q oQ w 0 ❑ W W Q � �+" 0 .� U �C � '❑6 cd � � � W � � � w a � a 1 � ti .� _-� ,�_����-�..`� ..- --.... `� ---_ . _---.� � ��i 1 �� ��� nv � � C,. � ! �• � � y. 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LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EXCEPTION 1(GARAGE FOOTPRINT) That part Lot 10, Block 36, TOWNSITE OF M�NTICELLQ, accQrding to #he recor�ed p�at thereoF, Wright County, Minnesota, described as fo�lows: Co�uriencing at the most westeriy corner af Lvt I 5, vf said Btack 36; thence South 51 degrees 59 minutes 29 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the sauthwes#erly lines of Lots T 0, 11, 12, 13, z4 and 1 S, in said Block 36, a distance of 175.67 feet; thence Narth 2& degrees 57 minutes 53 seconds East I0.28 feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence South 63 degrees 02 xninutes 07 seconds East 22.00 feet; thence North 26 degrees 57 minutes 53 seconds East 2�420 feet; thence North 63 de�rees 02 minutes 07 seconds West 22.00 feef; �hence South 26 degrees 57 minutes 53 seconds West 2�,20 £eet to the point ofbeginning. PnirP'75 nf'7F � J EXHIBIT G T,O DEED OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS DATED: October 17, 2002. EASEMENT INTERESTS ALLOCATION BY PARCEL PARCELI PARCEL 2 �'ARCEL 3 PARCEL 4 PARCELS PARCEL 6 PARCEL 7 & S Tatal 9,b %(2,062 sq. feet/21,490 total sq feet) 12.I6 %(2,612 sq. feet121,490 total sq feet) 15.00% (3,153 sq. feet/21,490 total sq Feet) 12.03% (2,584 sq. feet�21,490 total sq feet) 17.33% {3,724 sq. feet/21,49Q total sq feei) 13.50% (2898 sq. feet/21,440 total sq feet) 20.38 %{4,457 sq. feet/2�,490 total s� feet) 100.00°/a Pa cTa ?F� nf 7F, ' ! � *• . TM ,�", ��c�C(31r1 Wright County, MN t - �' � '�, ,� Overview � . � 155�,1 U�51 U2U � � f� � ,.� � r � � � a 'r� �... E � � t � � � J� �;,�:: � � � � � .� '�; �i� t i? � �,���,,` ti �J���;�'U � ,,,,�� 3 r � �°.�° � �; .� �t ��,�4,_s t ° � � • � � �"� a � 4 � 4`'�, � � .: � � , . -� `' ���t�` � Y� r Q � t Legend � � V ,� ; � y��_ - -,�, Q � � �jj � �,� R '4(�� fi - Roads �.�' �� �r �,, — CSAHCL � � / W . , � , � � � i f f � — CTYCL I� ' Jf � C+] _ � � ' � n � ,,' �r �, � • MUNICL . - �. r � ��, 3 . -�� � : . � . � �� � A — PRIVATECL ¢ N� - x a F� �• � ,� ��'�,&�� ' ,Q E r�'`•-.q — TWPCL 3 "' �"_ +' " `� ' . � �' S� , `' v- Highways , ` ' � •a � '' �+R�1 j ` �. Interstate . i r� � . . � �'�!� ��`� v �' �� �� "� '�, — State Hw 155�1��36�3� - — usHwy � � f,�� � ,� 155�1��3G{]41 , `rr+ �;1.� � City/TownshipLimits � .�'l � ' +�': . .. r �'p � C ;� �' ':; � ::��.. � � � t '""� .� f � " ,;i� ❑� Parcels 3'Q� ,� 1,55U1 ��3G04i} �```` �� �, ' , �T � � +n � # '�� .,� � '��.� � �� � � i� �� � � �'`�'1 �, • � �/ 1 �5�1 i]fl35(111 ��. T� lobfc � ° , ,� *� ,��r r Parcel ID 155010036090 Alternate ID n/a Owner Address RED ROOSTER PROPERTIES INC Sec/Twp/Rng 11-121-025 Class 233- COMM LAND& BLDGS 9495 DEEGANAVE NE PropertyAddress Acreage n/a MONTICELLO, MN 55362 District 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H BriefTaxDescription Sect-1lTwp-121Range-0250RIGINALPLATMONTICELLOLot-009BIock-036THPRTOFLT9BLK36LYNWLYOF LN DRWN PAR/W&5.70FT NWLY FR COMMON LT LN BET LTS8&9 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Date created: 6/9/2017 LastData Uploaded:6/9/20172:49:58AM �� Developed by Schneider The Schneider Corporation EDA Agenda: 12/11/19 4f. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve payment of bills through November, 2019. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through November, 2019 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements 0 z 0 4 C '3' O � � L �r�. a j O O O � O O O O O O�f� C O �f� O O O O O � O O O O O N l� v'� O � V'� V'� � � O � O O O 00 00 M O O O O � � � � o0 00 � N � oa l� 'v: 'vJ O� � � 0 o a a l� l� N o0 m U� l� N U� U� N N -� � N N O� N O� N N N N N N N O O � O W W W W W � 00 � ,,, � �� ,� ,� ,� ,� ,� ,� N N N N N N N N N N � � � � � � � � � � � O O O O O O O O C O O � � � � � O � � � � � N � O N O M p M � M m M M M M M M M m M m O � �D � V'J � � � _ � � � � � � � � � � � � �--� � ^ � ^ � �--� �--� �--� �--� �--� � ,� 'y�' ti 'y�' ]J :J aJ aJ ]J Q � Q Q Q .y� .} .� .� .y� o :y N � �e o, v� a, �e y :y 0 0 0 0 -� � o `� o � p N O � � p � A � � Q� N F � � � � p � !/] ;/] ^ U p '�p,� 'S •-• � U J] [I] �:-. � O N y yy-� ~p C � s.. � O ^ O O UI y ry N pp O ❑ O � .� C9 a � a � L1 � � Q a y .� � y y C�J O1 6�J � CI'U � � a'' 6J 0. 6�J 4 y � �i Q � � N a� ,� v� U � o �i ^ � G y ' � � o a, � y ca a" � o a� ��' v.? � � � � � � y � � d � Q � � y � o U ^ O L '� C % -� ', .^�'3 '3. � � y '� y � � ~ O E � Q �+ � `n � Lc. 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DUE EALAN�CE C�] �+J4"��168 U� �Ic�rkers CamR 10P1U11�}-LOILOi�O �15�,71�.17[l ... ��.5�,71$,QEl b$ ���'AL BA�+4NCE �15Z,718.OQ �15�,718.�Q T17�4N�ACTi(]M5 SINCE LAST STATEMENT Tota� Tr��S��#it+n.� C�ee Transactican Det�il Secti+�n� +15�,718_DQ TQTAL HALANCE �1��,718oU�7 TRANSACT [1F� ETAI L POLICY �IUMBER �aJ499�168 UB �forker� G�mP 1(]1YU119 Renewal 1�11[�I19 MN Comp Furr� T�JT,�L TRAN�,4CTION� CC]F�TINL�ED ON NE�4T PAG� `; $ ` _. o � �, �:.' `�'- 146,b80_00 �ix��J�.�� �Y52,718,00 �f��s� ��t�ch t�re �a�yrnen� ca����a!�r� :�r�c� m�r� w�fh €�r�� ��yrr��ra�` ir� ih� c�r,craseci erave�ape �o: 7RAU��EF25 CL R�t�ITTANCE �ENTER, F� B0�4 bf��31T, DALL��, TX 75�66-0317. 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If you �did r��k� �€iowr� P�Yment, alaas� dc�uct tFse arnpun# of y���' d�wn P�Yrn�rrt fram the minimurn �u� �nd t€�tal balan�e_ Make payr�er�t5 on-Xiner 4�ith �ur tan-lin� pavrnent optza�5 yo� ca� mak� �ir�gle paym�nts ar You can sch�dul�s Automatic R��u�`r�ng P�Yments. Itr� #as� and �asyr �n��l;l '�od�y� To l���n rnor`e visit our Mebsite - ht#as_//s�lfse�'vi�e.tr�velers.�c�mfbusin�sse°regi�'kra�iorn. If y�xu �ro rt��vin� �rith a cF��ck from � Personal Che�king A��ount, vou au�F�o�'i�� u5 to �i#h�er u5e infor�natsran from yaur �he�k #� m�k� � rar�e-time EI��C�P4f11C funds transf�?r fr�� �rau� ac�cour�� pr '�c� Pr�t�ss �he Ra�+m�nt �s a che�k _ If y�u �r'�e P�Y��+� �ith a check �ron a Husir��ss Checking accc�unt, we xill pro��ss the paYrnent as a eheck. 64�842H �U19294 9�p4 �GR OGF54� i.��BIL�� e � �'�$A'����'�'��, O�1E TD�i4�8'R �Qtt�,Re H�r°ra��o c�r � � y � 3 �vo�re��s �cc��n���v��a���, ��� EMP�t�'"f�l� LIfl�IL4lY �'�1�.1C1� ���sx� o� ���r �r��sex�vz� �c �o� vo �� € a1 �O�Lk�:1'fUU9NB�F�: vE-4�7�9916��i5-�8-C# I�'SgR�R � TRAVb'L�R,6 PRiDPER'$7t" GA�LfALTY CCl�dp}�iF O� �L�RICA Ik�SUR.�ii # S � , CITY r3F �TI�ELLQ �x�v���r �n��r�c� ��s: �n-���.i� ��i88i�ICA��08T G4�.7g �OC�4TIO�T �pl F&I�P 41611�p53A� �iTIT7C � fl�1 041 �'�l�`i� U2�TE�L�YI+�NT ID$NT�FI�R p4d4079756�5 CI�3F O� k�0A1TI� 505� 9R��1�IVT Sal' 5TT1'C8 1 � ��ITI<:SI� � �7 � S 3 6 � � iQ,AICB� 4$��90 v` 8TR$�T Q3� ROAif CON�TR�fc;��o�� � PAifI��# QR RS�A�7+3 & � �� �RTSr&R8 � '�'f38�R �#ELP�1�3 � �ciC - C��i.�„ - -+�ts�,�'ARY � o,� waTET�r�7R�s �D�81�PiTxoD� s 1� �� FIRE 1�IGp�.'$R3-Vf}�tU�PT�EF!-& T7 �� $�`OR� � RFTAII� bTO�C � c�s�xvt��o�a o� �€x�cr��rr � pER�#�+TSti� 'S�� $,..�� �'i+�tICAL 08F�G$ Ei��3.�SY�E�S I+�O� „ `" BW��# �pOL-�:78LiC- �F�11I�] �� EIII[�i1iNt38 {?@�RATIOM�-AI�� �'1'�ER � �T�4Y��s � ICE-�PC7�TIDT{# Fi�biK OFBR.�'�'�OLi � � � �*.�'ri �Wll iWOJ'i� VR �.n�F �� � rrr��'�`=t��r-a�x� $t��+cnr�s� � � rr - c�,gli�C1� � — �ARi� N�-IELL �LOY`��9 F� � D�� � �GIPAL �[QPLO�� AO�C .� D�A�E OF IS�1JE� 1�-10-1� hII� �o3313A 55G6 7394 '� �9 U 7748 8�I7 e��a 881G 9�I I , '� 1� l,S 9016 �CP�3 9142 9'410 13579=P�4 �a�rs ��ra�a�r �= a�����e��r P�vr� ss�xs g�x�� ��� �� R�SC�FATI� bi�D95�.00 �����,aa �30653.�00 1��7�.04 47397�.0{� ����s.00 ��ea���.00 19�E75.0(� 1�9�94.Q4 ��a�.aa a��as�.�o +174a�4,00 +1�$393.04 ��� ��� S�oa o� RE'3�i�l�ATT�T 3.$3 3.2d} ��I�DCJL� W�C7: 1 (�� � �s���s�� �arro�, ��� 43194 �es 105+1i b3�9 791� 3�r1� ��as 7141 S1fl9 1�� 8424 ES�4� �.474�. ��zw t�ucage� q�lc�pted - ExPEhlo�TURES Work�,rs ��rr��erts�tion �?istribution At�CCa�h�� NU�lpFER �CiUNCaL 1C�1-4111G-41�1�^0 �,"Jor�,�rs C�Enp�ns�ki�� Ins�r�n�e 1J1-�131ti-�"��101� 1+�l��kers C�rr�pe�sati�n Insur�nLe 701-f11r�1�-41�10L� U�'��rk�rs�ompensa#�or Insur�n�g �Qi-41��C1-415"C��� �.�lork�:rs�orr�en�ationlrrsu�anc� 1 D1-4 ��Q[7-4151 C�� Wc��ke�s �ornpen��tio�n insur�n�� 1fi1-41�1L�-�#151�0 'JV�rkers �ocr�p�ns�ti��r Inst�r�r��.� 101-419�+J-��'�100 W[�-kers �C�mper�sat�cn Insur�n;� 'C11-�7��0-4151�� 'J�1c3rker� �ompensation In�ur�r��� 1G'-���+��-415��DC "�1�'ork�r� �prr�persakion �nsu{�nce 1G1-424(]0-4151{}0 'a�Vorkers C�m;�ens�kio:� Insuranc� 1�11-4311C�-���1�f� 'JU�rkers ���,=np�r�s�#ic�n Insura;�r�e 101-�43111-4i510Q YdV�rk�rs �am�e�s�t4t�rs Insur�r7U� i�71�4311�-4151�i� "lVorkers ��rr���nsation �nsur�r�e 1 C�'-�3120-�15 � ��� �Nvrker� ��m��er�satian In�u�ance 1�+1-431��-�11�1�� Wo�ke-s Campen��tior� Irrsur�n�� 1C�-437�7-41;1�0 UU�,++orkers �ompe�s�tican Insur�nc� 1U1-�313�-41�10Q �J�+arker� �ann��nsatPor� I�sur�n�e "01-�13140-�31��1Q4 ��",I�arl�ersCc�rr�pensationJns�r�r�c� ��7,4����1-�15°tp� Vbtorkers ��m��r�sa[i�n In�ur�nce 1�w�1-�4�5�1-41.�1�0 �l+J�r�d�s Ct�rnpen�ati�r� Ir��ura�ce 1�}1-��"Q2-���10�} '�"U�rkers C��pe:�s�tion Insura�c� �(l1-�fi�C��-4151��C� ti.+�'�rkers �or�rp�ns�t�or� Ins�!r�rrce 1(�1-�����i-415''O�i l��lqrk�rs �Corr�:�er�s�#ion In�ur�r,�e Fu�d '101 Ts�ta6 213-��3{}1-4151�Q VU�+rkers �o�npens�tJ[�n In�uran�e 21�-d'�98�-4'!5'�0�9 hNork+�rs Compens�ticsr� Mnsuran�e 2�� 4�"z�-�i�1��r� 'J"�±�rkers �prt�p��t�atiors ls�sur�n;;e �26-4'�124-4�510� 'J�orker5�c��pens�t��r lr�s�.r�n�e ���-45126-�151�1p Warkers Cs�mperrsa�i�n Insurar€ce F�IId z2s TDt�� ���-Y�Y`f��`e������ Y�{}�h��r�i ��'���'�rta�t�{.''f� �`�1a�3�C��ur.,� 601-�94�''-�1�1(JQ '.�"Jerk�rsC�rr� ens�#�or�lns�ranv� Fun�# fi��l Tcst�l ��}2-4��9�-�151�+0 ";;r��or�c��s Cam��n��ki.�-� Ins�r�;��e E�2-d�+4��-�~�1�� �"�±�+{k�rs ��,mpe��ati*�n I�sur�n;� Fund fsf�2 To#�i 6{19-4JT5�1,4151p17 1Norkers ��mpensatit�r� Insurance �52-4�+88�--�'��1��1 '�!�!kers �G�rrrpens�kinn 17suranee 5�Z•4�881-41 �100 Workers ���r�pr �sat cr ln��r�n�e �52-A9�S�3-41�'�fJO �lVcrkers��rn�ensatior In�u`�nc� �u�d ��� Tntal 11l4?2�i 1 "� -15�Q�� �bie Exp�r��e Pr�p�+d 1,�?4.u°0 ��9 C�� �J��.�Q 4(��.C]0 1��1.C�Q 3�3.OG 1 1� Op 2�.�Q 85.OG 4�►� L�(� `����J�e �3".��� 926.C�0 �� L�+� �4.�}0 1�9.�70 �� Qf7 1�7.170 1i?.336.�0 9,�5�.�0 �,564 OC1 4 853. Qs^ �3.�+i7.�+� 8,54L�.C� �,38'�.�JQ �.11� �� �G.r�.�."�0 �,"�� CJO 94.7�Q.00 2,72�,p� 4�5.(�� 7.'�S1 OG� � 3�'.�]� 1��.2��.�� 27}4�1,Q0 ?���� �� 7� C1� 7,519.{?0 ",'�� ��� '� OC� �,833,Q0 �.7�2.�0 41 `1 p p 1 1 ��a7 Q U `` ���.�°:; 3.3�3.{Jf� 1 � �, 7'� 8. 0{] 2,5�4 0� 2,��5 40 1 391 C�Q 1,�1�.C1� �,'��a4 0� �.1 �5 �+� 1 34�. ;0 7.�118.O�b 5, � D� 0� 5� 1.£��] 2�,�13.D0 fi81.{1� 114.[Y� '.w4�.+JQ �,34�.�� 2,572 ��� �5,8§7.(}{1 �.4'�V.V41 2�.�Q 1,880.LMt7 1 �3�.�.'�0 2L�.�0 ����9.00 Z,1 T6.0{i �,7�2.Q0 �,3�4.00 4 173 0� �.64��.��J 17,9�3.�'Q F,.'�4'�J�.Q4J 4 C�3� �G 1 �,�5�13.�0 3 �.9� C�L� 7�,�f87,1�(1 2, 444.+D �1 �41,00 �,��� G0� �,02`.'�(l ?. f � f .SJU 2{1,�74,I1U �1��4J11 �'J 5��.•"� 6,63�.i�� 5.8�� C�� �� QO �,874_�7[] �,S��r,00 411.L�0 1,���.�0 � .'��,��� 3,3��.00 3�.180,�,�7 ���,�3�.�0� Julie Cheney From: Sarah Rathlisberger Sent: Monday, November 4, 2019 8:02 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: FW: Bill for Travelers FYI. I am planning to get the coding breakdown to you today. Thank you! Sarah Rathlisberger, CPFO Finance Manager City of Monticello, MN Tel: 763-271-3201 Fax: 763-295-4404 NOTE: The contents of this E-mail may contain information that is legally privileged and/or confidential to the named recipient. This information is not to be used by any other persan and/or organization. The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect those of the City of Monticello. Email correspondence to and from City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Tracy Ergen <Tracy.Ergen@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Friday, November 1, 2019 2:33 PM To: Sarah Rathlisberger <Sarah.Rathlisberger@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Bill for Travelers Sarah, Tony said it was fine if we didn't get Travelers their check by 11/10/19. Mailing on 11/13/19 will be fine. See below. Thanks, Tracy Ergen Human Resources Manager Phone: 763-271-3235 Fax: 763-295-4404 C'��Y 4iF ��. � �� � ������� � Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may 6e disclosed to third parties. From: Tony Velishek <tonv.velishek@northriskpartners.com> Sent: Friday, November 1, 2019 2:27 PM To: Tracy Ergen <Tracv.Er�en@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Bill for Travelers Hi Tracy! That's ok. Have a great weekend! Tony Tony Velishek, CIC Risk Advisor P: (763) 314-0634 � TF: (888) 331-8684 � F: (855) 927-6655 tony.velishek(c�northriskpartners.com � www.northriskpartners.com 611 Walnut St., Suite 1 � Monticello, MN 55362 �' N�RTH RISK PARTNERS�' �t3hlFl(7ERITIALITY NOTICE: The information contained with this transmission are the private, confidential property of the sender, and the material is privileged communication intended solely for the individual(s) indicated. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any other action relevant to the contents of this transmission are strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING INSURANCE COVERAGE: North Risk Partners will not be deemed to have accepted any electronic communication unless North Risk Partners provides the sender with an affirmative acknowledgement verifying receipt and action upon the communication. Insurance coverage requested via electronic mail or text message is NOT legally binding until you have received direct confirmation from North Risk Partners. As a result, insurance coverage cannot be added, deleted or otherwise changed using the email and/or text message system unless and until it is confirmed in writing by North Risk Partners or your insurance carrier. From: Tracy Ergen [mailto:Tracy.Er�en@ci.monticello.mn.us] Sent: Friday, November 1, 2019 2:07 PM To: Tony Velishek <tonv.velishek@northriskpartners.com> Subject: Bill for Travelers Tony, The invoice for the renewal with Travelers is due on November 10t" but we are unable to issue payment until approved at our council meeting on November 12th. The payment will go out on November 13th. Is that going to be an issue? Thanks, Tracy Ergen Hurnan Resources Manager Phone: 763-271-3235 FaY: 763-295-4404 Page: 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth 5treet, Suite 470 Minn�apolis, MN 55402 Monticello EDA September 30, 2019 MN325-Q0043 GMEF Loan - Ausco Design Througf� September 30. 2019 For All Legal Services As �ollows: Hours Amount 9/4/2019 MNI Manticella Ausco GMEF loan - draft loan agreement, 2.80 560.00 note, mortgage and guaranty 91512D19 MNI Revise Ausco loan documents and draft resolutio� 1.20 240.00 9/6/2019 MNI Phone conversation with J Thares regarding Ausco terms; 0.70 140 00 re�ise and resend loan agreement. iz f�:i 4� �R'} 4r=-' IrC—; t ( � 5 _ 1 � �� i �� �+' � �{ �'. � �� 4 � � r: ', i �� '. �'s � ti� �-i . ' (} � � � c ? �'�i9 `� , ,. ;, ,� ,, ; `' __ - _ - , -� = �-- Total Services: $ 940.Q0 Totai Ser�ices and Disbursements: $ 94U.00 � l�. � . � ( s�.�a� Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares 5ent: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 7;50 AM To: Julie Cheney Cc: Sarah Rathlisberger Subject: RE� Kennedy & �raven (8) Julie, these are all good to ga. See coding and cnmments below. Let me know if you ha�e any question5. From: lulie Cheney <Julie.Gheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, Navember 5, 2019 8:16 AM 70: Jirr� Thares <Jirr�.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.u5� Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (8) Friendly reminder to please approve Ehese by end of day to be ir7cluded in our check run tomarrow. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Friday, No�ember 1, 2019 10:43 AM Ta: Jim Thares <�im.Thares ci.mpntiCella.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Grave� (8) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: inv# MN3Z5-00043 — GNiEF Loan Ausco Design -$940.0� 213-463b1-430400; This invoite will be pass thru-inovited to Ausco (lason Kisnerj for the fuli amount. We wil� also be seeking t� coflect on the originatian fee euen though the faan never closed. In�# MN325-00040 — Business Fa�ade Grant -$6Q.00 213-463fl1-4304UQ inv# MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson A�e -$763.50 213-4fi3�1-43d400 In�# MN190-401fi1— 40b5 Chelsea Road -$978.75 UMC Escrow Fund — Deposit $$ have arrived; I will stop in and c�iscuss iater today. Sarah set up the escrvw account already. In�# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC TI� -$1,388.2fl iJMC Estrow Fund — Deposit $$ have arrived; I will stop in and discuss later taday. Sarah set up the escrow account already. Inv# MN390-(3D159 — Block 52 Rede�elopment -$84D.00 213-45301-430400 In�# MN190-OD1QZ � General EDA -$220.00 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN140-00156 — T1F pistrict 40 -$40.00 213-46301-43040ii Okay to pay? PEease pro�ide coding for each. Please return by end of day Tuesday, November 5 so they can be included in �ur Check run Wednesday. Thanks, Page: 1 �C�r�r��dy� 8� �rau�n, �Chart�red �[]"� �outh �iacth �treek, �u�t� 470 Minroe�pvlis, MN 5�40� City of MC��rtiC���� �epCerrrber 3Q, �b19 NIN79{}-OG�1�� TI� Drstri�t I�o 40 �Brigc�s H�u�ir��) T'Y�roue�n �epter�ber 3Q, 2019 For All L�g�l Sen+ice5 As F�+.M�ws: Hr��r� ,4mount 9�6.+2J19 Mhll F'h�n� c�nvers�.ion ��it� J Th�r�s regarding qu�lifi�d fi �a 4�?.Q� �.��ts for �p�, TI F�ra�rt f�r p�rking revie'� ���roi�es. %� � � � � L � �" J �� � . i � � h� � � i � ,� 1��� -- - __ a�. ._ _ G TQt�I ��rvi�es: $ 4D.OQ Total S�r�i�es 2�nd C�ishursernen�s: $ d4.�}0 ���-���`'C-��� Juli� �fteney Fr�m: lirr, Tha��s. ��n�: �V�dnesda�{, N€�vember �5, �L�3� 7:50 �M T�: 14alee Cher��y �c= Sarah f�a�hJisber�er 5uksj+ec#: R�� I��nn�ciy & �r�ven (8;� �uli2, these 2sre �If �oo�i �� ��, 5ee [o�ir�� and cornr�nenks �eiow, L�t me knr� if y,�u hav� �ny questi�rrs. Fr�rr�; Juli� Cheney �Julie.Cheney��i,rt��ntieell�.rnn,�s� �ent� Tuesday, Nc��r�rnber 5, �Q14 8���6 AM T4; Jirr� Th�res clirt�,Thares�a[i.rr�c�nti�ello.rnn,�us� Subject� F�,+t�; Kenn�c�y & Graverr �8} '=ri8n�ly rerni�rder t� �tJ�ase apprqve these b+y er��1 �� ���+ t� E�e �n�luded ir� our �h�ck r�,� komorro�_ Th��ks! Frorn; Julie Cfyer�ey Sent: Friday, N�ve►n�er 1, �Q1� 1C�;43 �,N3 Tc�: J�rn Th�res �1iin.T�t�r�s�i�i.rn�sryti�ealo,rrin.u�� 5l�f�ject: I(enr�edy & �ra�ren (S� Jim Att��h��d ar� th� f�llot�ving inu�ic�s fr,�m Kenraedy &�raven- In�q M f�� 25-�C}043 — GfVTE� Lo� n�us�o De�e�r5 ����O.00i Z13-4�53�1�i3�44�Q�J; This in�r�sice urill be p�ss thru-ireaui[ed to Ausc� �J�s�n M(i�n�r) fo� #he ful� �rn�unt. 1Ne wilP aJ�a �e se�king t�s colle�t on the origination #ee ��+en tl��ugh the Ioan neu�r �E�S�*d. In�+� MN3�5-�1C�04� —Busin�ss F��ade Grant -��C].�fJ 213���p1-430�DU In��i f��1�119{�-(}01�� —$�17 €drllonson A�+e - $7�3.50 �13-4f3�11-434]�}Q� Inv# MN1"9Q-��161 — 4p65 �Chels�ea Ro��1 -�97�_75 UR'VIC Esern�nr Fund —�eposi� $$ hau� ��^riuee�; I�a+irl st€�p irt �rrd dis�u�5 lat�r tod�y. Sarah se[ up th� es�rnv� ��tou nt alr�ac�y. in�u �r�N1��-�p1�60 —�C�19 UM+C rIF -�].,38$.��1 llk�1G Esc��w Fur��i — Deposit 5� hav� �rtriue�; I wifl s#rt�p ir� and distuss later today. Sarah ��t up the es����wv �ccou�t �lre�c�y. rna+# P�9N�90-��715� — Bdt��k �� Redev�i�opment - $��10,0� �13-463(�1-43p�[t{t Inv# Iv1NS90-{l�)1C11 --��r�er�l EDA - �2z0,OQ 'si�-4��01-43C�4(1[l Inv# f��1h1190-Qf}156—TIF pistrict 40 -�A�fl,�i] 213-46301-4��4i70 Qkay ta pay? Please yrr��+ide cading fpr e��h. PI���� return try �en� �f d�y Tuesday, �ov�mks�r S sp [f�e� e�rr �e �n�fude�l in our �he�k run We�nesd�y- Than�Cs, P�,ge: � �er��edy► $� �r�ven, �harter+�e� 2�p �oukh �ixth �[r�et, S��it�e 47C1 Minne�polis, �h111� 5;��02 City� �f M�nticello S�ep#�rnber �(], �Q19 N1N19G-C�+J1J" ��neral�C]AM�t�ers T�rough �e�kerrlkier �� 2�79 For A'I Leg�l �ersri��� As Foll�,w°s Hc�urs Amc�unt �l16f��19 f+�f�l f4lonkho+� finance ��II %�rit� City �n� ECA st�ff. f�orthland. 1.�(7 Tvt�al Servie�s; r,�ta� Servfc�s and �isbur�emer,ts: 2�[� �(� $ i20_{�� $ �2{�.0�1 � �. ���. ���3�C,� JuJig �Ch�ne Fro�n: Jim Tha�r�s �Sent: �lednesd�y, �lo+�ember �,, 2p1 � 7;50 Ah�1 'fo; Julie �h�n�y [[: �ar�h Rathlisbergex Sulbjert: RE: �C�nnedy� �, �Cr�,+�en f$) Jul��, these �r� aIJ gpod t[� �c�, 5ee coding ��d [[�mrnents b2it���. Let me kn��v if you I�atre any quesfic�r�s� Frorn: Julie �h�eney �lula�.Cher�ey��i.rri[�ntir�ll�o.mr�_us� �ent: T�esd�y, hJotrerr�ber 5, ��119 8:1fi Af�l T�; 1in� 7hares �Jirn.Thares c[�ci_rn�nti�.�llo,rn�.�s� Su%je�t: FW, Kenr}�dy & C�r�uen (8j Fr�:�*i�ly r�rninder tc� �il��se approve t�ies� �y �r�d c�f day to be in�l�ded in c�ur �h�t� r�n t€�rnorrovu. T��mks! �ra�m: Jufi� �C�ene�r 5�nt: �rid�y, f��+rem�ber 1, �Q�1� 1�O,A3 ,AM T�: Jim Thares �Jir��.TF»r�s�a��i.rrae��tie:ellr�,rr�n.�s> �ubj�Ct: hCennedy & �r���n jSj e 1 i rrr �ttached ar� th� f�fdo�vi�g invoi�es fr[�m Kenn�dy � Gr�r��n: In+.ds� M�13�5-�O�i43 —�h�IEF �.��rt,�uscn Des�gn -$94d,0�1 Z13-�6301-43�4Q0�; This inu�pit� will be pa�s tMru-in[erri�+edto a�u�c�r �J�st�ar Ki�nerj f�rrthe f�ll arnou�n#. W� will al��o t�� s�ekin� t€� c�lf�t# on the origin�tir�n f�� ��r�n thou�l� t�e ��nan r�e��f cl�s�d. �nu# fv�h�32�-�J(}Q4�—Busin�ess Fa���� Grant -;fi0_�C7 ,�13-463�l�,4��i�4�lQ Inv# rti�r�l�n-��162 — 851� Edraons�n A.ve -$��3�5�i �13-463�1�3v��� I:�v# f��IN19�-D�i161 — 4�6� Ch�fse� Rc��d •$�i�.�'S UFu1C Es�row ��nd � I�ept��r� $� Ma�r� arri�eed� I ww�l stap in and discuss later t�d�y. S�rah set up fiV�e estr�w �ccv�nx afre�dy� in�+�t M N],��i-c��16�1— �Q1'� 1��4riC TIF -�1,388_2Q UM�C Estr�w F�nd —��p�rs�# �$ ha�+�e arriv�d; I�will stop in and diseuss I�t�r �n�iay. ��r��t set up the escrow �tto�ant alr�ady. Ir�v# h,�1f�190•0�159 — Bloek 5� Red�+�elc�pm�r�t -$8��7,�0 Z13-4�i3(i1-430+�Q{l Inuq M N19�}-��1101 ���ner�I EDA -���0_i3� 21�a46301-43�4�i0 Ir��+�i hJ91�19f1-�3015� —TI� [�i5trict 4r� - $40epCl 213-4�3�1-���140� �}kay to pay? �f�e�s� pr�vide codir�� fc�r e����. P I�ase rekurn t�y end �f d�y Tu�sday, �lov���nb�r .5 �� tl�ey �an be in�lud�� in a�r cFreek ru n UIJ�dn�sday, Th�r�k�, Page: � �C��r��dy 8� �r�`ven, �har��ret� �fiQ ��a�tl� �ixt�r �kre�#, �uit� �lr"� Minr�ea��oli�, hflhl 5�442 �i�y �f Mc��4icello SepEember �p. �fii19 h,riPkl�90-�?01 �� Black �� i�ed�melo�ament Through Se�tember 3�, 2�19 For �11� LEgal �efVi�2S �ks Foll�tir�S Hc�;�rS .�1m��nk �11 �J201� f�1�Jf R�euiewu n�',� t�rm s�e�t For purchase �gr�er+'ient f��� 1�i1 1.��1 2�Q.04 �' �ro�d�ay a�d r�evis� PA; sen� list o�' questivn� or� t�:rm5 to J TYra-`�s �P�9a'2�1 � I�NI h�lpr�tic�lC� PA issu�s� for 10� �'V Brc��w�y ek �p re�+i�w� 1�� ��O.t�� �hur�h feas�, �:ma� corre5p�r��len�e with J Thares fE.�3Ft�lf1� I$�5� 155LE,'S re�ris�e PA 9;�5.r�{l19 MNI �inafiz� �r��dway F'A �r►d �ir�ul�te�. 1.�Q ��4.1�[� ����?2�19 fV�NI Ern�ii �n� ph�ne corr�spc��den�.e wi�h ELA s#af� reg2r�r:�g 0 3� SC�.D�� r�C�rdat�te I���e Lermiratipn f�r V6icest�ea��n le�se Tot�f ��r�ices: S 8di7,�}Li Tot�l �ervic�s and Disk�urserne�nts; $ 84�1.0� �`1 � �� �� 1`� �� � �r � I � ._r� j � � w :.` ,� ,,�� I j � � I "' � � � +�" � � � . �� Jt�lie �h�ney Frorn: J��n T•,ar��s Sen�t: 4�+ednesday; �lovemb�r 6, �019 7:5�} Af�� To: ,'�lie �hen�y Cci ��r�h Rathlisber�er 5ub��tt; RE: Ker�nec�,r $c �r�v�n (S� Juiie, th��e �re �II goad to g�. �ee c+�ding and �eomrner�[� bel��v, i�et rrre knot� if,��pu h��r� anY que�ti,�r7�. Frc�rn: Julie Cheney �Julie.Clhen�y r[��i_mor�kicello.rr��r�u5> 5en#; T��s+day, �lc��e�nber 5, �019 8:16 AM 7cs: Ji�-n Thar�s�Jim,T�ares��ei_mor�tj��Glo,rxrneus> �ubject; F1,�U: I{ennedy � �iraven ��} Friertdlp� r�rnin�4er to please appro�+e thes� k�y ertd of da+� tn be included in c�ur ehee,k run tt�m�rr�u,r. 1"�har7k:�� Fr�srn: Julie Clher�ey Sent; Frid�a+��„ Nav�rr,t�er 1, 201� 1�1�4� ,�M To; �ir� Th�reS <Jirri,fihares��ei�rr�nr�#i�ello,irrrr.u�� �ubject: Kennedy & f;r�,�en �S� -_ -- aim A#tach�d �re tF�� f�llo�.�+i�rg ina�s�i�es fr�m I(errn�dy &�Graa+en: I�+r# MN325-4�C14� —�,fv1EF L��rt Auscc� be�ign -$94{1,i30 213-463U1-4.3�400� T�is invoice wilp he p�ss thru-Fncsviced tn Au�tt� [Ja��n Ki�r�er� for the full �mount. V1�� will �➢so b� se�ekin� #o cc�lEect pr� th� arigana#i�n fe� �v�rr thoa��h the loan n���r el�ased. Irru�# P�1N3�5-0�004C1— �usines� Fa�a�e �r�r�k = ��i�,D[J �1�-463p1-43{�41�4� inv# r�r�1��-0�16� — 861� Edmonson A�� •�763.50 zi3-a��0�-4�(��0� In+�� �N14C}-�(}161 � 4�}�5 CheP�e� �oad -$'�78e75 lJ�h+1C Es��rovAr Fur�d —�}�ps�sit �$ hav�.arrived; P wilf �t�p �n and disc��s later today, S�rah �et up the es�row acc�ur�t alr�ady. �r��+� �N19�-L1�C]S�C� � 2019 IJhr1� TIF =�1,38�.��i l�M� Escr�w Fund — De�osit $� h�ve �rrive�; I will stn� i� ��d tfis+�uss �at�r t�t���r. S�r�h �e# up the �str[ruu at�v�r�t alre�rly. Inv# MN190=�1f�159 — Bloc�C 52 R�r��V�el�prrlent •�84{�.�}� ZI�-�4630�-43(}�f10 Inv# MN1�0-Q01�1 —Ger,�rad EDA -.���(7,(}�Q 21�-46�i�1-43U4p{I Irrv� IMN19r]-�b015�i — �IF QiStrict �0 - �4�.C�0 213-4fi34?1-43t�40{1 C�kay tc p�y? Ple�se pr�uid� �eodrng fc�r e��h. Please return by �r�d bf day T�u�esda�y, hlov�mb�r 5 s� �hey� �an �,e �n�luded in �ur cl�eck run U'UedrsesdaY- 1'hank�, Pa�� � �er�r�edy & +�r�r�en} Charte�rec� �oo ��ou�r� ��.�t� �����t, �u�t� � r � �'lir�n��p�lis, �11N 55402 �ity o€ Marto�ello S�ptem��r �Q, 2�119 hAN1�0-Q�1160 �i]79 U��C Economic b�velo�nnentTlF .T -{� js4y:,� '- +'' f .,�55 � - _ , ' ,y T�- , I ��y5 � �' � �''� _ . s,��, - Thro�gh Septernber 3�}. ;�+�1 � Fvr AI� Legal Ser,�ices As F�,Il�ws_ Ha�rs 9,r3�2(��� EG� Up���e�i r�so�u4ions ap�ro�+in� TIF Plar�: ir�t���ffi�� 4.60 ��nf�rence �ith �I I��r�m; draft�d int�rfur�d I�an resolution; re�+i�wed and r�vised �II res�lu*.ions 9l;f2{}19 hr1�11 Review a�rd fin�liz� ,E�}� resol�#s�r� �pprnr+ing TIF 1-41 �.${} and �u#horizin� IF loan; rev�euw �ity r�soludinr �pprd�in� firF; GirCul�t� �f�J�(71� �V1f�l Phone c�n+��rs�tfor w�ith ,J fih�res r�gardirg r�v ��cns to 0.2iJ T I F P1��, ink�rfund Iq�n inlerest rat� p�ss�bili[y �` �o�rty p��ti��ipatic�r �n purch�s� �rice for pr��rer[�� 9?4!2{�19 h11N1 R�v��� UfU�C i�nterfund Ic��r� �greement � 5� 9d1��r�CJ1� MNf Pr�p�ration f�r pho�r�� confer�ne� r�er��rding fun�ing f�r 0.50 UiJ1C prOperky uu'i[h �rk�+, �ou�t+y. N�rfhi�nd reps 9l1�12�p19 N1N1 �orferen�� �all u+rth �ity �nd �D,� stafF, �1�lric�ht ��u�ty 1.�0 s4�ff, �rd i�crthl�rd r�eg��ding pot�n#i�l fur��l�ng �o�rc�s ft�r UMC prs��erty a�cquisitian �J16J�(]1 �i f�iNl TIF rese�rch o� [�u�stitsn etf �se [�f TIF 1-6 funds [� �r�y � Afi I�nd ��qui�iti�n c+a�ts for IJM� �13Ul2019 MNI R�s��rch [�n pr�rniss�ry+ not�sfc�bligation� �r�y�ble by one 0.7� �r�v�rnrr�ent entit� ko �r�c�[h�+r 91�(};2{,919 MI�lI N��nticellc� email �r�d phor� corresp��den�e wiCh �[�A� 1.00 �'�ff and Nc�rkh'�r�c� r�g�rdir�g s�ur��� �r�d us�� f�r UM� Tr�tal ;er+�ice�; Arr3Cyunt 8$.�(1 �OU. QC� 5 C�. C��] 125. C�0 12�.0{l �75 0� 1 [}iJ.�]L 17�i.0� ��f} UC� $ 1,��8.2Q Tt�t�l Senrice� ,�r�d Disburs���r�ts; � 1,388.�fl ��� ���". ���� t'J ,iulie Ch�ne From: � rr� T�}ar-es. '�ent; �.��rednesc��y, �Jo}{ember �, 2��9 �:SQ A�,� Tcs: )ulie �heney Cc, Sar�h Rathrlisberger �ubjeet: R�: Kenn�dy & Graven (81 Julie, these are �II g��d �� go, Se� codrng ar�� co��m�nts b�N��,+. L�t rr'�� krao�v Rf yau have ai�y questions. Frt+m: Julie Cher�ey cJulie.Cf�eney�ti,mor+ti�ell�.r�rn.us� 5ent: Tu�sddy, �lovembe� S, 2C�19 $:�6 ANP T�s; lirri 1"hare5 <Jirn.Th�res�ci.mont�cell,�.mn_��> S�bj��t: F'�'J; Kenned� &, �ar��en {8j �rier��ily �emin�der tn please �pprove #hese by �nd �f d�y t� k�e include� fn €��ur �h�ek run tc�mt�rrova+. Th�rtiks! From: JuJi� ��r�n�y Sent; Friday, Jtlov�mber 1, ��]19 10:43.4f�r1 T[s; a�r7i Thares �1i�`r7.Ta���rt��r��i.m�nti[�Iln_r�nn.us> Suf�ject: fCenr�edy & Grav�n �$} . �— JEr�a Atta�h�d �re th2 f�llowing inu�oices frr�n-� C{�nnedy $� �rav�r�: pr�r�# FVIN325-(��4�3 —�,MEF L��n �t��c�o L�es�gn -�940.�[J �1�-�63Q1-4�04[ii�; ThiS inv�ice will �e pa�s thru-ino�ic�d ta �ust� �Jasan I�i�ner} fcrr tkr�e full ��xr��r�t. 1h�e uuill �l�o b� �e+�king �o c�llect nn the origina�ion f�e �+��n th+�ugh th� �o�n ne��r closed� Inv# fVIfV3�5-C}004C�— �USine55 Fd��d� �'i�r7r�t - �60.�10 �13-463�1-43440{J 1.7w# MN190-[�p1b� — 8617 Edmonson ,�+ve - $7�3_5�1 �i3-463�D1-4344�Q Irn,r� �ui�119C�-�1�11�1 — 4�065 �heG��e� R��d -��78,75 Uh1JC Escrow Fund — C}e�p€�s�t $$ h�►�e arrived; ! awill st�p in and �lis�tu55 I�ter t�da►�, SaraF� set up tlae escrow �cco�nt �Mr���y. �n�+# M�11��-Ot�16Q �- ��1� U�aiC TI F-� 1.388,�[� 4� MC Es�raw Fund — C1e�o�it $$ ha�re arrived; I wiil �t�p in �nd discuss IaCer tod�y. Sar�h ��t up th� �scraw a��aunt �Pre�dy. Inv# f��N19C7�OG159 — Bl��k �2 F�edeu�loprner�t -$�4C7.�[] 2i3-463Q1=4�04i�0 Inv� MN19�-�+01�1 � ��ner�l EDt� - $���_OC� Z�3-4�+�Q1-4�t��4{l0 I���# 1�9N19fl-[}0�56—TIF [�isxri�t4�- �4�,{�+J Z�3�4�3(}i-4304E10 �k�'�y tr� pay? Ptease provide e�oding for eaeh. Ple��e reCurn by ent� �af d�}� Tu�sd�y, Noverr�ber 5 s4 th�y ean �� sn�lu�ed in �ur ch�ele run V�Jednesd�y. Thar�ks, Page: 5 ��C?�l�'[�]f �c �al'�VE'1'1, �.fl��@I'�� 2G�;, �[auih �ixth 5#re�t. S�it� �?0 Minne�prfis MN �5�4Q2 Cety s�f f�i�ontice�lo �ept�mber 30. �019 MN190-D�11�1 4��6 �hePs�� Road 41f. i`hr�ugl� Se�tember 3[7, �I�1� Far d411 �.e,��� �erric�s A� �oll�ativs 9J'�9J2[]19� MhJI Revis� P�, pe�^ cvn+rersati�n +�ith J Th�r�s Ho�rs Q.60 9.f�{}�2�J�9 MNl �h�lsea PA - p�rpn� ��nv�r�aCi�n with J �T��res regarding 'I 7� resol�tion of ��usir��5s [�rrn�; r�uise 9,"23f201 � CBR R�vi�w �r�d revise pur�h�5� �gr�ement; in#r�t�ffi�e 9.2� ct�nf�rence �r�th h�l Irtic�r�m; dr�fk cheVklisk; c�r�C�r titde �a�mmit:nent �P�3�2Q19 Ii+1Nl O�ice corsfe�r��ce wr�th � Rc�ckUtz r�g�rc�ing PA. q�es#ion� 1 4� [a J Thar�s r���rdierg same: rev�se an�f r���r�d PA 9?`�4�2Q7� tttrllNl �hang�e5 #�o P+� p�r Ei�A commen#5. 4.4C1 � � _ . �'� _: "i Y 't� . •�_J � �,� i � 5 ��- ��t� =^ � k�_ � � �'����. ti 7 �` �'_ �"� y • .. 1 y i � � � �� �� •� �i YI ��,�ti � �'; ' . - � �1 � � y = � � � _ _ -- --- , - Total ��rui��s: � To#�I Services and I]isb�rsements� S ���. ��' ����� Arnr�unt �20.�DC} ��Q Oi] 1�8.7� ��i} 00 8S].{�b 978.7� 97i3.7'� �uli� �h�ne Frarn: �in� Thar�� Sen#: '�ale�in�s+day, N�v�mber �: 201� 7,5p ,qM To; J�'ie �hene�r C�; �arah �tathl st�ers�er Subj��et; RE: Ker�nedy 8c C,�r��er� �8� Julie, t��se a�re ail gr�rt�c� t� �o, ��ee �a��lirrg and c+�r�mer�[s ��Io�.�, Let rra� kr��w if you h�ve �7rtiy [�ues'ti�r��. Fram; Juli� �h�eney <Juli�_Ch�ney o[��i_monticellp.mn.u5� 5�nt; Tu�sd�Y, f��vernb�r S, ��1� 8:16 AI�I �o: J�rr� Th�re� <Jim.Thares�ei_n�r�nti��llo_rnn,u�� Sub�ect: FU4'� Kenn�dy $� �irdu�n �$J Fri�r�rily rerrtir�d�r tfl pwea�e appro�� th��� b}1 �n� €�f day #o b� inelud�� in our cheek ra�n �omorro4�+. Thar�l�s! Frvm; tulie Chen�y Sent. Fri�l��,+, fV�vember 1, 2019 10=43 +4f�1 To: Jirrr 7hares �JirYi.Th��r�s��„i.montieerlo.mn.u�� Subject: Ker�n�edy & Gra+�er� {8} Jin7 Att�ched are the fall�+,vin� ir�vqa��s frc5m ICennedy &�ra+�en� lr��r�t Mh�32�-�OC�43 — CN1EF �c��n �,us�o DesFgn -$'�4D_OC� 213-4F,�Q�-�f3�40�1; T�i� invaice will be p��� thr�u-in�vi�c�d to A���o (J�s�e� I�i�n�r� for th�e f�ll arn�unt� We will al��o be �eekir�g to eolle�t �r� th�e origi na#i€�r� fee even thaugh the lo�n ne�u�r �Insed, Inu# hr1N3��-fJ4�C1��1— ��5in�ss Fa�ade �r�r�t - �6C�.��] i13-�45301-43(}4{!4 In+�# f��9h11�4-�0�]162 — 8b1�' �dmonsc�n A+re -�7�63,5�? 2Y3-4�i36]1-�4304UU Inrr# �rl N S�0-�7�161 — 4�6� Ch�lS�a Road - 5�78.75 UM� ES�r,�w F�rnd — Dep�sit �� have arri�+�da I widl sto� in an� tii�t�ass late� tc�da+y. Sarah ��t up #h� estr�ouv �t�c�aurnt �I ready, Ir�v� Mtv19�•001�a — 2�1� Uh�l� TIF -�1d3$8,��0 l�ll�C Es�ro+w Fund — Depqsi� �$ h�►r� ��r�v��; I will st�p in and dfseu�s lat�r t�d��. S�r�h 5et up the e�crc�w ac�co�nt �Ir��dy. In�r# MN19�-C10154-6Jo�k �2 PC�de�'elopm��t - $84CJ,�10 �2�-46341-43U4U0 Inti�at MNl�i�-i�C�1fli — Ger��r�l ED� • 52�0.00 2i3,463�61-4��4p0 Inv# h�7N14�]•OC�1�� —fiIF Districx 4C�- $4�7_�C� �1��45301-43�140� Qkay to pay? �a+ease pra�,+ide cod�ng for �ea�i�_ Pleas� ret w n�y er�ci c�f c��y Tu�sd�y, N�a+�rember 5 sr� they �a�� be ir��lutfed ir� our �he�k run 1�'�d�esda°�r. T� a r� ks, i P'��e: � �{�f"��I�C��' �c �I'21V�C1, ��1����E:Ci 2�0 �c�u#h S x.ih �tr�et, �u�te 47� Minr�e�p�lis, MN 5�d{�2 �i#� t�f h,rlartecello �eptem�er 30, 2[J�9 MN1�0-qq162 86�7E�rrivrss�n�ve, Thraugh ��ptem��r 3Q, 201� For AII Legal �en+��e� As F�ilc�vase 9r19f2f]1� MNI F�eviSe PA� per �,han� cor�+rers�#�on wrth� J 7h�re� 9r23;201� MNI F�ewise PA fQr Edm�r��or� Av�nue pre�perty Hours Amount Q.iQ 1��.+JO � �� 1�0.0� 9I24l�Q19 CBf� R��r�e� p�,r�h�se agreem�nt �nd ��mmen# �.25 9,r�4���J19 M�l� {�ffi�� �onferen�e vritf� C Ro�k.litz r�g�r��Xng P�; revis.e 0�4 sarne 91�4f�{ti19 MNI Reuiew �dr�-rc�n��n �A cornr��nts �r�r� EL�A �5#�ff; �rn�il 0.8� �omrr�ee�t� �n s�rne t� E[3A �t��F �1���2�}1� ��R D��ft ch�cklist D.�S 9i2�f�019 fV�h�l �in�liz� Edmo�son P�, arrd c�rculat� �.$C� Tota! ��rr+i��es; $ Tntaa Services and Disbursemerrt�: � � f'� .�.o�� � . �`��� 31 75 7'63, SQ luli� �herte Fram: !irn Thares Sent: Us+edn�s���', Nou�mber �,, �019 7-5� AP�1 Ta: ,uli� Cheney Ce: Sarahr �athlisberg�r ��+bject: RE� Kenn�dy 8c Grav�n (S� lulie, xhese are all g��� it� ��r, S�e [c�din� and �c�mn�en�s belt�w_ Le[ rr7� kr7caur if �rc�u h��rve any �qu�scipns_ From: Julie �hen�y cJ�lie,�heney c�ii ci,monti�elloemn_us> Sent; Tuesd�y. N+�wernber 5, �0�1� $'1� AM Ta�: J�rr� Thare� �Jim.Thti�r�S�Ci,rrti�onticell�,rnn,us� Subjett: FW; ICenn�dy & Grauen {$� Frier�dky r�mind�r t� ple��� a�prov+e these by end a��day ta k�e in�lud��d in r��.�r the�k rur� tom�xrrQ�v, �ha�rk�! Frarrr:Je�lie Ch�nr�y Sent: Friday, �l�vember 1, ��19 10;A3 :A�ful To: Jirri Tft�re� ��irr4�Thares�o ei_morrticello_rt�r�_�,s> 5ubj€ct: Kenngdy � �r�uen {S) Jirn AC[�cf��d �te th� f�llowir�g in�+c�a�es from Ke�rngdy & Gr�uen: In�,r# M1�3�5-QOf}�3 —�N1E� Cc�arr A���e� i��sign -��4t�.C1�p �1�-46�Q1-43G1�00, This invaiee wilP be p�ss #hru-Fnoviced t� Aust� �J��on I�isr�e�} �or the full arn€���t. W�e wall al�o be s�2king to c�l€�ct on the origination #�e ev�n th��ugh t�re Ic�an n���r tlo�ed, Ir�v# A�1N.��5-O�OAO— �usSness Fa�a�le �rar�t - $Fr�.[�(] �13-463i}1-+330�UU lr�+�# NI�119(�-C�i�1b� —�b17 E�drr��r�son Ave -�763.5� Z1�-�463(71-43��1ai? In�+� GVIh1190-OI7�b1 —���� Che�S�a Road -$�7$.75 LMi1JIC Eservt�r �u�d — D€p�sit �� ha��e axrive�d; I will 5#c�p �n �nt� dis�tuss l�te�tt�t��y� 5ara�h se# vp the escrow acccsurtt �Iread+�- Inv�` h�9�190-�01�,0 — iC119 UPw+I� TIF -$1,�88.�C� llMC Es�tr�w Fur�d — Depcssit $$ have arr�ued; I+n+ill st�p in �nt! �listuss i�t�r today. SaraF� s�t up #��e �escravKr acc€��nt �Ire�+�y. Inv# M�119r]-[}t115� — �lock 5� R�edev�lp�r�nent - �84t]_(]Q �13-4G3�1-�43(�40� Inv� MN19r�-(1010� T Gene�al EDA -$���.[]�p �13-463��1-�304C1U Invsa ru1�119�-{]s��56—TIF DiS�riCt 4q - ��f�,QO �13-��6301-4�U40�] �]k�� tc� p�y? Ple�s� prc�vid� cr�dfr�� for e��h, P lease returr� k�y end o{ d�y Tu�sd�y, fVovernk�€ r��o Ch�+y c�an k�e incl�d�d in �aur check run ti+4��drresday. T�a�k�, P�g�. f K�nraec��r � �r��r�r�, �harter�d �+�� ��,�th �Six#h �#re�t, Suite 470 PJlinne�pc�lis, hll�1 �5df72 h+lanticell€� �DA ��,p�ember 3�. �01� �J1N32�-D(�f7�1Q �usir�ess, F���de Gr�n: Prograrr7 ThFough �eptem�er30, �D'19 �or All L�g�l ��rvices As �pllo5rr�� 9.+��f2°�19 flJlhll R�vi�k� C�r�erstore �g�ant c,c�mmer;ts. em�il c�rre�pon�en�e �n�ikh A Sch�mann r�gar�irr� r���rd��g ��nd d�C� of �gr�ernent. . � t-+, 4`.�,3yi� I���.���� '. � �Y. ���� � u� ��l -Y�A� '' �'�:� � ' l � 4 �°� ��� � � �,�-���� � �',� � �', � � � � ��� , � °�� �� �� w � ��d � �� _ �•� ���y Totai �ervices; �ou�s �rn�unt f7.30 �+J �� $ �O.OQ 7t�tal �ervic�s �nd L�i�b�rser��r�ts: � � �� -��� �. �-�'�'��� 60,04 Julie �h�n� From; lir'r� TI��r�S 5�ent: l+Vedrresday, N�verr�ber �: 2019 �:�t] .�Nl Tcs: J��lie ��e�eyr Ct: ��rah ��thlistrerger Subjec#: RE_ Kenned� $t �r�v�r� (P,} Juwie, these are al� gqqc� ��o gc�, Se� c�din��,nd �orrim�nts bela�+. Let me'�r�o�,+w if yt�4� ��+,�� ��roy q�uestions, Frvm; JuIR� Chen�ey �Juli�.�h�e��ey��i.r°��ntic.ello rn�_us> 5ent: Tuesd�y, f��r�rember S, ���9 8:15 AM 1'�e Jim Thar�es <Jim.Th�res�ci.rri�ntic�ll�a,mn,us> �ubjett; FUV, I�e�n��dy & Gdaven �Si �riendly rerr�vrad�r to pl+��se ��pr�v� th+ese �y end af �ay to be +n�Jude� i�� +�ur c}�e�k run tarr7�rraw, Thanks! F�rom: Juli� Ch�n�y Sent: Friday, N�v�n76�er 1, 20Il� 1{�:4� ,4M Ta; Jirri Thar�s �Jir��.Tl7�r+��`��i.rr��r��iC�ld�,r�n,us> Sutij�ct,. Kennedy & �raw�n {S� — Jirn �t[���ed �re tF�� f�lfb�ring in�+�ices from Kennedy $. �r�v�n= Inv# N11V32�-�1f�43 —�f�IEF Le��n �usc� i7���gn •��4�D.�1� 213-46�01-43040�M; Th`rs inu�i�e will be p�ss #hru-inovi�ed t� Ausca �J�snn I(i�ner� f€�r the fu.l l��'n�urti. We wil l al�.o �e se�'�ing t� caklect �n th� nriginatian ��� even thr�ugl� t�e loar� ne��r tlosetl. Ir�u# f�1N�Z5-�[1C��0— Busin�ss F��ad� ��ant ��60.007 213-�#£�3i11-43�14[77� Irju# MN190-O�Y��-8617 Edmonson Av� -$703.5[] i13-453�1-43U4QQ !nv# MN19�-(}�0161— �4�5 Chelsea R��d -�97$�7� I�MC �stro�w Fur�d — Deptssi# $$ have arrive�d; I►+vill stop in �nd distuss 6ater taday. Sarah set up the e�era�w acco�nt alre�dY- Ir�v� G1+1N15�4-��1�0— ��}�9 IiMC TiF -�1.38�.�� �.I'r+1�C EStrow F�ur�i1 — Dep�osit $$ have arriuecfr q will sto� in and di�euss I�t�r t�ci�ya. 5arah set �rp the +escrow acea�r�� �Iready, Irtiv# Mf�190-�1015J — Blc�ck �2 �edev�el+�prrrent - �84�i.�0� 213-�63[i1-43�14E?� In+r# N1N1�(}-€7C�1{]1 —�ene�al Eb,� - $2�Q.0� 2�3-4f�U1�i3[i4p0 Ip7u# f��11�!]9�Q-(7C}156 — TIF DiS�riC� �{1 -$4C1,00 273-4fi301-43�40�7 �kay to �ay� PIe�S� provide �c�aing f�r ea�h_ Ple��e rpturn by �nd caf d�y�a�esd�y, hlov�m�r�r 5 so the� car� be inel�d�d in €aurch�ck run'a�1f�d�nesdaY- T�r�rtks, � 5w 'v� � ; � � � � ���_"�1 �� �� �- -.: -.� � � 3�f1 XfhleA l.VENUE 5 t- �F. 1 s ' � ,� 1 �UI 1 k �+i] p ,,' 4`` �"-.' ' :� ��� ��� i MINN�E�IPOLIS� h1h ',1 r� �� �i y� 5 5•71. 6 — I� °., � 4 •. .� �'y 45 '�l[�d O� �4+��DY]�ICB��O Atln- Wayn� �]b�rg, F�nar�ce �irector 5{}� Walr�ut Slre�k, Suit� 1 �lanticello, AfIN 553��-883'f 2t}1� ���o�arriic Developmen# S�rvices �Ciky �kaff Reviewer - Jim fihares Acct �# 2� 3.�4s3a� .�31 ��C} Phas� �01 fiA�+nthly F��tain�r Fee 7ot�l Fe� Perc�nt ��mplete Co�+�ept [�rawmgs PFttman, Bryan �.ia�s Totals Tot�l L�b�r Spe�i�l Projecis �� � — �Ct4��*f �� � �'Q'� � I'resjecUln�€oic�� R-Q1���2-0OC� - 9 F�eviewed by� @ret k�44+eis� Project hrtian�,ger. ,James Gromt�er� �5 k�r ���tember 3Q, �419 �fi19 Economic De�+elr�prr�ent �er+rices 9,(�f]0.0€l 7�.(}0 Ts�t�l Earned Pr�vi+�us F�� Sillir�g Gurr€�ni Fe� Billing Tokai Fee 9f�5J2fl1 � Gr�mberg„lam�s �i1812C��� R�view od Industrial Land Siudy +Gmmb�r�� J�m�s 9�20J�b�� Land I,IS� 5ludylRrpj��t lJp�d�l�s Niaa�ss, Eric 914l2b'f9 Inda�strial Land �[udy Ma�ss, Eric 9116�2C�� 9 Ir�du�tri�l La�►d 5lu�iy M�ppin�� Nlaass, Eric '�118i�b� 9 Industri�l I�r�r� study n�����, �f�� �r���2o� � Ir�dustri�l le�nd S#udy m��#ing f ,750.04 fi,U��1.0� 75(�.(7{} TO�t�I thi5 T�Sk Ha�r� R�ke Amount 1.5� 133,(10 199�,SD 1.�U 19�.�D Tokal this T�ask Ht�UrS 2. �l£� 2.� 2. �l�i 2.75 3.25 FE �[+� � 46. QO 146.Q0 116.00 11�.00 1 16.00 1.C]0 116.00 �mount ��2_0� �, 365_00 y�, �3�_0�} � 319_0[} � 37�_�p � 1��_�� �. 7�0_OQ �+75�},fl0 19�.50 $199.5!} Proj�ct F2-CJ1�3�2-0{�f� MU�T -�C�19 E��nqmi� Devel�prr�er�t 5ervice In�+oic� � Mc��sS� EriC �J30f;�[��9 1.OtJ 1°16.D�1 116,�(J Ind�strial I�rrd study drsfk �pdates W��ker, Thomas 912�f2f719 2.00! $7.(7Q 1�*4.OJ M�pp;ng T�kals T[rtak Labar Billings to Date Fee �� f]O f T�rtal� ��rrer�t 7�.p0 �,1 ��.50 � � �4�, �0 16.�+� Prior 6,r�0�.4(} 1,1�4 �D T,18�#, 50 1,991. �l�Q 1,�9"I.OQ Tot�f this Task �"I,'�97.(�� Total tF�is Phase '�2a94[�.�S�I ��,(,�� T�i�1 t�is Invoi�ce ���9�40.�0 ��, {��� �t� To#al fi,75�1.0� 3,3��.(T� �{I,12�.�0 °ag� 2 CFiE�K F�EQUEST R�q�oe�t €late; �J'���} � f�v . i��� �heck to: Harry T. Lanto �1�7 2``"� Av� � Buff�lc�p MN ���13 Meetings I�forked: Me�ti�g F�la:nr��n� �omrr3�ssion City Caun�il ��c�����,��i �ate ��c�i �,��; �E � P��r�n�r-,� �orrrrn;��i�sn EC�A_ �ix�+ ��uncil; �h�ck Arn�unt_ `�`��`C�'. �' 'J�rs�1a� #� Tirne _ _ _ _.. _ _ __ _ _ _� � � �� i��e�����,�i��o � �.� 213_4�301.43�99�� �'� 10�,4�� � 1�1.4319�� � i � Amount Due Author�zed By;T e �__ D�te: d� {�D• 1 TIN1E S�IEET �TTACHE� Cit� cof C+ll�nti�ello Upe�at�d Octot�er 2(?]8 CITY �F � � i�C��l�l��� TIN1E �HEET NAf�I�� Hfi�RR4' LANT�Q P(��ITI��J: Pl�f3LIC MEETIhfG RECC�RDER - C(�fVTR,�CT �IQ lJ R�5 DATE TIME IN TI[�lE O�UT A�IEETIN{', , . , , , , _ �� � " ` ' ':� 5 �'� f � ,� T � i , � `, � � � �'��� . ._�_...- ----� ----_� . __� � -- ; ' � `� � _ . � � =� l �'� . �_ - �`�r� , �` � � � �' ��. '� � �i ��t e ,�=;.� ; � `��� � � .'� � — __ _ �� � ` <; ` � � `� 1. � � �.� � ��� � � ���•',�h, _ ;� � -��-. _ � I � � MEETI�J� PF�YNIENT; $60 F€7�i FIRST 3 H�UR ; �1FFT1 SIGf�� x'7 ���t. �' �' AUT+iC DATE: S10 PER F�Q�JR FC]I� E1lERY F�C�LJR �A�TEI� � L�� LE�4CUE �lINIVE��T�# �GIiIE� ir�v�i�� Iisa�a�i�eti��iultrr; .;I��`;,'� ,I ,I �3,� re: 1 il: I�,'? 11 l�} l FCl rt. � � '� ; �� r�:���o � ,:tr � � �iill 7'ra: Sfaipa Ti�; Rtitil,il l.�i}ii:�rd �:atihe� [.cc�nard �]cr�ir.��rlla �{l� t� �;n�ir �k St� � �f.1� ��-t4llllat St Ste ! R1��itiicrllc,, h1� ��+_i�r�-�i{�� �'�i}[�EILLIIix, �'T� �.*..i.6?-�'$�� �[}Uzliltl['�' ��I�P[I] D��tri��tinu [. s:u; :�'S'i.iii)J`.�r.Viil; .e�qii:.� �j.i.. �1'�\�.:`� . �\���o��'\�.. i r Fr{ : �.. ` . l.� ' ='fi:[..>�17Y .. �(�I � ���, �����. '����+C� � j��• '����C�. ����r� ��,�. �'��i ��. �--.�-� ��1�0� [�i�is Fri��r w"��'Ci �►� � ���. ���. �+���c� ��.� F�[er��le�l `�' _ _ �:ll� If15 o�i14: I'Le�.:�:I.S 1:7: .��:'�}ti �ILLI�:,4�} 4��'.I I5'.II�4I�tl}b'�� �15 tl [�l_• ��•..t'•.IU.I�. i5tis +c•;ll'4. �II'��.� �3 1.�7_ .II`e�711.1� ti�.l�'-wCR4 I,7f5 C:..YI' ,,.t,.;ir'. ...,:J ll:r�ii:�.;ii `,tls 4i1i1�3��i �— }.�;ry�, E'1��5� l��erlit T��: L�ca�;uc iri�llinnc_,o[� ��ili�� 1-�' l!n,x�cr4ik'��.��.�'t��� a1. �':iLl�_ ;r;�\ 3:� I l�.i-: l)�� C.lu4wiic}n�: l]illit7�r�.117x4 ��r� �ilPii7;�� ]'l�s�itii: f{��] j� I�-![1_ I �^+��I,:�,:::I 41'7a�3 tial�s l';i�: 411,��[i "�I•,�C,;��sr�:7lanJViie��. _ S�i,C+ii {;irar3J 7��,:�1 �I??.2� I';;� n-.znr .����'i:.cl �i:b.{}[i .-�n�r�unt Liui - - - SE?'_2i Julie �hene�y Fr�m: S�nt: To; �ul�ject: Atta�hments: Cat�garies; Goo[i Mt�ra�ing, Rache Leon�rd ThurS,��y, (�etc�ber �1, 2Q1'� �:��J Ah�1 f� � ��,M1J� Lhv1C,�dob� Li��en�e 5ubscription - Y��r 3 Inr,roi�� �_M� Irrv���ce_C?rder�_3'.0473_15� pc�f Red Ca#e�ary �ktt��}��� is the annual invoi+�e frr the Ad�be Pr� lic�r�525 ti��re p�urcha�e� in 2(}17, [ d�in't know the cc�ding o�f the top of rr�y head beeause it �.vas 5p�it be[�v�en � c�u�1e of dep�rtment5� It 5h�uld be on th� ir�voi�� from la�st +��e�r, Thranks, Rach�l L��nard ��rnrr�uni�ati�rrs & Sp�c�al Rr�aj�cts Co�r�ir�at�r City� of i'�onticellv 76�-�71�3�75 +�rvvr,v,�i. rnvnti��lfo� rnn_us Email cvrre�po�d�nce to arrd from th�e City caf Montic�ll� �overnrnent office� is �uhject t� tl�� Mi�nn�esc��ta �r,v�rr�rn,ent Da�� Fr��tites �4ct and rxray be di�cl���d tn tF�ird p�a�rtie�s. Frc�m: Leag�te of Nli�nes�[� �ities �bill4ng�a Imc,o�rg> �5en#: Tu�Sday, �7Ctol�er 15, 2��9 �=41 PM Ta; f��cl°7el Leon�rt� �Rachel.L��nard[c�ri,monticellc�.mn.us� S�ubj�tt: LMC �d�be �i�ense SubScriptiqr� - 4'�ar 3�n�+oic� This inuc�ir� refle�ts t�e �do�ie lieenses you p4,r�h��s��. Th� purch�s� was frorQ'i � 3-ye�r Iseense agreernent whitF� 5t�r�ed C}ctober ��17. Today'� in�+oice �5 the �r�n�,al sub�cription for y��r 3, v�li� thrqugh N�u+emb�r 25, ���{}. This 3-year Value Ir�centiv� Priring Ent�r�aris� (�lIP�) li�ense ends Nbv�rnber �5. ��+Zb. All soft�,rare �n�l su�ap��t i5 w�+arranced by the� rrs�rtuf��ttir�r, �daL�� �yst�ms, In�, �n[i is �sed 5ubj�eet t� t�� EULA, The L��gu� €af Ntinnesota CitieS is pro�+iding t�e Adobe liee�se to you under ex�li�iC terms and conditic�ns k+�i[hin tf32 VIF'e a�r�ement, If you �re inter�sted in pur{h�si�i�, �d�itior��J li��nses, please do s�; i�y gc�ing to Lh�9C eBr��ine55 �� thi5 link f�,tt��s�lfr,:r+�r��.l��..or�,���a�,.�e�1;'�c`l�h�=. The portal for ortiering ��it���i�nal li�en�es v�rill �d�rert [hrough �:f74 PM on �7ck�ber 2�, 2(}1�_ Ys�tir in�uc�i�e is atta��ed �lease prir�t th� inu�si�:� �nd submit it with ��'��e�� rraade �a�,+�hl� [o th� Le�gue �if Minn�sota Citi�s. 5� bmit p�yment to; Lea�ue of f�linnes�t� Citi�� �.TTN Fin�n�ce �ept 14� Uni��rsity Avenue ��'e5t St Paul I�N 55103���1�4 fn, xCNIA ,4VEh�uE s . SLI�C 30[1 h+6iN4FJ5ry{].IS. MFd �� � i 5+49 5 �Ity c�f Monlleello (�ctober ��, 2C11 � Atkn� W�yn� �ber�, Flnance Directar R'rojecUln+r�ricee R-[�14�11-O�ID -� SOS'Vti+alnut �#re�t, �uike 1 R�viewed by_ Br�t L�'�i�� Man#ic�llc�, MN 55362-8831 �roje�# Manager: P�nny Ralf Dai,+1n#own F2e�i�ev. Pr�je�c.k - h.}Ic�nti�ello �i#y Staf� R�viewer - ,1irr� TY��r�s �L ,4cct # Prc�f�ssi�rtal �enrice� From ��p#emb�er 9,,�Q19 t� �epterrnb$r 3Q. 20'19 Phase C1C1 Qownto�nrr� R�d�u� Project Praject 1lfianagerr}ene R�I�, Penny 8.�14l�(11� fif� uvark Rpl[, F��nny �1�1�201� E-m�rt �p Jpm �t �ity re; status �f acquisiti�ins T�tals T�tal Labor Acquisition Assist�nee �erviCe� Hnurs Rat� .2 a � 7�6.00 2� 1 i6.0� .50 Arr�cs u nt 44. �0 �4. f��7 88.0(7 Total this Task Hc��rs R,ate Rcilf, R�nny 9P1�I�01"� .75 17�.��D �all w�Jim T�ares r�: 5t�#u� oF �cq4�isitions and s�nt lekter of in#ent f4rrrf to Jirr7, fil� +nrc�ric Fto1f, Penny 9�1712�19 ,2� 176_�Ob Left a vaice mail for �indyr Heakon r�- �eMo�ation questiorts R��f, �enny JI1912ah� ,5Q 7�6.�f} FCe�+ie�xred le�se fo� Jc�hn�9n prCp�r�y, �ent ��py of PA frc�m Fr�ssli� �� template Tptal� 7otal Labor E�il��n� Limit� Tota� Billir�gs Limi# Ree�aining 1.�0 Amount 132_{�r] 44. Q{� �a.a� �i��.QO T�kal tNi� Task T�stal this Phase '�8.0 C� 5+89, UO 76�4.U4 �264.D0 5+��2.Q� C�r�r+�nt P�ior To-Date � 352_�[� ���.DO �9,147_�Q /��- 1 fi?,2�&_f}t] �� g,{}6°i.�k0 Total �hf5 IrlerOiC� $�"�5�.{I4 � � � q � Prc�j�c6 R-074�11-CiOa M�NT-�r�wn[o�vn Red�v. Pr�j�ct-M�ntiee Invpire � P��2 ���������� D,�TE: Novernber 6, �{1�9 TU: Julie Ch+��rey, �inar�c� �ssistant S�r�h Ratlhlisb�rger, Finance Nianager FRVM: Jirn Th�res, E�on�mic [�e��f�prrrent Manager SU�IECT: UfVIC Exp�nsi�n — Earr�es# Money f�r Site Aequisiti�n; 7.3� a�r�s �n Chelsea Fi�aci F'�C�#155143Q41A20 Th� �undin� d�ocum�ntatio� is far the Earnest hrl[�r�ey de�osit for t#�e sit� �cq�uisitt[�n o# � 7.3�•acre parcel an Chelsea Road� ihe EDA r�rill consid�r the P�ur�ha�e Agreern�nt at its Nouember �3„ 2019 regular r-�eetir�g_ Per the Pur�hase Agreernent, �+�cti�n 3b. "'Terrrfs", �r+ Earn�st Mnn��r deposit in #h� am�u�t c�f ���,0�]0 is ta be plaee�l with Re�istered AFsstractarsF Inc., Anvka, f+J1�l �Titl�� fc�r the ben�efit �f Z"M�sr�tice�lcr In�iustrial P�rk, In€:. 4[�65 Chel��a Fta�d'West, M€�nt�eello, MN, 5el�er"', �nrhich auill be a�plie� #o the Pur�chas� �rfce �5+031,�0 at Closing. P�ayment �nd Purpos� Sumrna�yr Arnpur�t of F�aymen# F�ay�e Purp�se ,�4_�l7��,�1� R��'i5#�PE�L� Ak�StPc�Cxl���. 1�1C, �d��I�St N14f1E'�+ ��qC�51t�..._ The fun�iing scrurce fiar th� Ea�rr�est i�lnne+y depc�it �s TIF #I-fi (I��aindanc��. I I€�oked �t �he budg�t shee[s �rrri c�c� r��t ��e;�r� d�r�1,n[ �ocfe f�r [f�e ex�erzse �ic�� D�TIF#11-6. Please C�61at�ar�tewich V�u"�yne and 5aral� €�n the c€�ding, The 5eptembe�'�0, 2C�19 �DA IBS shows a fund bafance �f $T17,978 in t�e a�eount. I�r°r� �tt�cf�ing the foll�t+uing 5uppnrting dtr�um�nC� � P�rchas� Agreerr�enc ✓ E[�A Bala.nce Sheet Statem�nt dat�ed 9-3�-19 �'' E�A Ag�r��� �qr f�ov��nb�r 13, �[}1� If y�au hav� arry c�uestio�sr �lea�e fee� fr�e to d isc�ss +�t+i�F� me_ T4�a r�k �+o�. ���-��•�'������ �'llf2C'HASF ft[:RF.FI��'IF1�T Thi� Ptdrehasc .��.�.rc��nct�t (''f��re�t�ie��t"} is ir�ad� tk�i� _ ci��� �,i� ,�(119. l��' aitc] l3eri���en f��Ican�ic:�.�ll�� lr�d��st��al Pa��C, I��c., ���ittiraes��ta ��r�or�tio� {"a�ller'4) an�i tl�� �'ity c�f h.d1€�rific+�llc� Fcc}�rc±���ic D���°lc���n��:,tt t'�ulhc�rit��, ��uY,lic 1a+�d�� �.��s-p�xratc �sic1 �}c}litic ai��i �t�li#irad suhdi�•a�ii��i c�fth� 5tat�e ��fl��iinne:�<>i� ("Su���.r""J- lt �R�PEI�T�`. �eller i� t�le �v��n�r c��' �r����erty l��c:�teci in thc� �C'it�� �7F �1[3i1tf�C11[3, �1ir��t�strt;�, �,��hie;it i� l�t�t�1��' de��ribe�l oii tlie a#ta�;ll�l �..x1��k�it A(„Prc��?�rt��.,j. 2. l'��"FER1`:4�'CEPT.�]ti�.E, l�� c:�,iisi�crt�t���n �f ancl su�sj�.�:t to tlie tenr�� a�}cl �rc���isic,��� �,�t- thi� .��r�.�.rnent, 13u��cr �,i�`�r� t�n�l a�.r�u� tc� }�urchasc ai}d Sc11er ��rees tc� ��ll a��c� hercl�y� �;r�,nt� �o F3�ay�er th�. ex�lu�i���e ri�h� tc� }3ur�.h��� tl��. Pr�a��r�y arid �Il �inprc���e�izc��ts �her�x3i, tc��et��er ���itll all t������rtet�aili���. t�ll tixt�re� l�>c:�t�r� c7n ih�� F�rc�}�crt��` ��n tl�� datc c�f tliis A�;re�t����lt �i•e �n�l���icd in t11� pui��.lja�� c��' the f'rc7���rt��, P�;r���a1a] ��rc7�aer��� i� ni�t includ�.�i ir� tfYc sal� i�f the Pr����:rt�v, �. P�:RC:H.��E PRIC`E �[)R FIi�7�ER�T�' r'11�1�'T'E;.�i°1�1:�. a. P�:R�C:HA�E PR[C.�: T'fi� tc�tal p�ar�li�sc pri�e fc�r t}7e Y�•c����irt}+ i�: �.lrse I���illic�n 7�ltiirt}'-[�n� Thc��s�xnr� art[� [1�1�+10�}th� D�711ars (�l,�J� �,Cl(��i.i}�� �"Purcl�t-t�e �'ri�:e•,}, �. 'i'��nl�: L.�4R�lE:��f- �i�:�E°�F: Earrz�# r��c�ney [``Earn�st 1�1����y") i�t th�. �tii�c�uu� i��` F��rt�� Tl�c�t�sar�d �rY�i �1t1�1f1[JtY�� L7�nlMars i��U,i���.�10� �h�l� he de}����itc� Yr�= Bu���r t� 5����r intr� cscrc���� wi#� I�e�,is#ered .�bs#racter;�_ lnc:__ �A��c31c�, 1v��nn�c�ta �`.�f`it9�") �ip�n exccka#i�n of #his A�reement. �l�k�� F.arn��;t 1��4c�n�y� ah;,1l ha: ����lic� tc� tlic Pur�}yasc Prie� �t C]��siri�, -I��re �a7�re�t h��c�ne� sli�ll he r�l�un��hl�.� up��n tt�c t�.nn� �n�d �:nr}ditit��is prc�v'r�ded in tl�is A�re�eri�er}t, ��-c�}'i�J�:€i ��3ti� �u�ly ��n1c�t ;����rn�.y sr�all hc t�t�i�rcfuti�la'�le a�t�r f�eh�-u�,r� l 5, ?���. �', �r�►I,AI�C'� L�X�� SF[_j_FF�: F3u�'er a�r+�eti ica �a�}' tlt� h�l�rt�.e ��i� tl��; Purcht�sc P�i��e La�� cl�eck ��- t��ir� rra��.�#'�r c}l� t11�e �'l�,�i�}�; D��c �cc��rili�3�; t�, Etic: t�1'IT1S ��t�11S ��,I'C��Tl�O�X, �_ L�EED:��1vI�'�RI�ETAHY.0 T1TL�:; Su����,t to ��rfor�na��ce by �3u}�+�r, �eller a��re�� �cr �:r�.�.�ui� and c�e:li��cr t� Bu��c�� a 1�4'arr�n��� l�e�c� c;c�n�=���in� �r��rl�c:t�,hl� i'�:� �irt��,1c titl�: #� t��e f'ri�p�rt+��. free �nc� �6�ar �f ��a�� az�c3rt�;a���, lic�ns ��r �nct�mYa�anc�� rrt}7er tli�n i�iatt��� �t�e�ted b�= c�r �cce�}taF�le te+ F�u}°er_ �uhj�c�t c�nly� tc� tl�c 4i�llc�rr•ir,� �:�ccc:ptic�r��; t�uil�ii��;; �nci xc�r�an� 1:�����, c}r�inan�c�; �;laic at�d fcdcral re��al�ti��T�s; �c���7��ax����,�� �c+� i�r �i. f�,e��t��atic��� of r�ii�cr;��� c�r r�in�.r�,l ri�ht:; �c� #Ile �t:�te c�t Minnes�ta, if a�i��; as��3 i�i. I'ut�lic u#iIity� �ri� clr:�ist��a e�r��me�ts c�f re�.�rd �ti�hicli v�ri11 r�c�t i�it�:rf`�.re ���it� F3t���.r'�; i��t�nci�cl use c�f t9ie f'ra�crty. �. D�CL�l1�'IEP`]T5 TC3 BE DELI�'E�F.I} A7' C'L[_1�I:V(= 1��` SELL�R_ Ir� �cic�ilican tc� the 1�'�rr�3t�i�� Dct��i r�.yt�trc�i al �rar��ra�ah �_h.i, �����,��.. �ell�r �It�l1 ���li���:r t� Bt�y�c;r �l �.]c��i31�: �. ,4n �f7id����� k�,�n �J'�l��f 5ll�IGECIIT iO I'CITl{�1'� �91y' 4'SC�.E,'}�C.l[11l 117 Ru��er"s pt�lic�f c�f tii�� in�ur�n�e t�ar- inechanics' ����f ii�atcri:�l�rtc:�i:;' li�°�1� ��,cl �-9�}�t� c�f' partie� in p�>���e.���c�n: h. A"i��-����-dc�v��il" �:�t-ki�icatc.,. c�.3i-tifr��itro� tli�t :�1� c�i- �he ��•�rr�nties �����ci� k�y ��11c�• in t�11S r'�.�?�'�:�I11Ct1T .CC11��II7 #iLll: �� ui i�Y� ��114111�", T��lt�.; c. Affid����it nt ��.11�.r cc��rti��iir�� th�� ;S€:Iler i� r�c�t �� fc�r�i�ii �rcrs��f �+�ithit� iYr€: I11C�S1111�, 4�tsS4Cililll I��� [�1 l��. Irll�rnal 1'������lU� C�[�{�C; �l. 1�'e;ll �i���lci�ur� c�.�-tific�tia��ti^ if�re�uir�ti. or; iftlx�r� is t�c� �'e:ll �r�t t�t� F'�-��}��rt}�, t�e �Gfi3i7'�i�ltY I��{:CI �;li°�al pur�us��tit �� p�u°��,t'���t ��(�} al�������. �nu�;t incluc�� fhe f�,ll�,ke��in�; �t�t�.��sent: "'I'Ij.e Se1�er �crti�'s�s t�1ai thc S�:llc;r �ie�c:� nc�t k�lo���' nt` �r�� �a��ll�; c,�� �h�. c�a��:r-il�c�cj rea0 �i•c�pe�-t�';,, �. .An�� n�►tices, c�rtifict�tcs, a��d �t�ir����it� ra:�arciin�; a���+ �rivat� s�;�4+a�;� sy�s��:�ns. u��cic:���r��uri�i st�r��e tt�nks, a�ic� �.�tr�ercmtne:ntal �:C�ni�i�iC�a15 �S t�tc`14° �a� r�e{��ir�:d Yay st€�t� ��r f��ic��t�l stat��tc�, rulc� �;�r r�.�;ula[�c�n�; anc! f. �'tz�y o��3er di��uiY�ertt� r�:a�c�n�hly r�c�uir�ti i�y liuy��r's tit1� i�7st�ranc��. ce,iTi�r�ny° ��r att�,rr��;y lt� �.�•�iilcnc:+�� t]Z�,t titl� t�} th�e �'r��erty is t�iarkcta��� �nd thal �c�lier IZa� isc��t��alicii k��t}t the ten�a� c�t'tlli� f'ur�:�a�e t�,�rce.t2tcnt. 5. �C'��]TIIV�EIVCIE�. F3u�+�r'� �bli�,atic�r� tc� p4�rc�}ase tli� Arc7perily� is ��k��tin��rat u�x.��} the fc�llc����it��;= �_ .4�i�rc����1 �af tl�i� l'u��cli��� 1��rec�n�rit by° ��ly�cr's �c����:n�i�1�; hc�a��y�: ��. '4'�+i-itten fiiidin�s k�y� tlY� F'larinin� �'���nmi��i�in ��i' th� City ��f �]c►nticellc� th�t thc c1C€�UIS«1�f3 C?�tt1C I'Ptij]�i't}+ [�[3�11Oi�f1� tir l�e C.'ity C'c}o��rehef�si���e �}1t�ti; r�. �'uyi�r t.c�i��u�.tin;� �a���irc�n�zi�.nta� ir�v��to��ti���Ys �n tl�� Pt'np�rtl�' �i�� recei�+in� ri;�1c)ri4 i118t :�re :�;�tiwf��t���� lU F3u}°#���, �3. F3��g+�.r t���+i�1� �p��re���+�'1 f�nd exec4�t�� a F'l�rc:i���c: �r��l D�.���Ic��nlcnt �'��a�trs��:t ���tl� Ld_1+vI_C`�, fa1c.: �and � [;U73'�(�vaM�ls�lF_ � n� �_ Bu��r:r':� det�.rat�it�ati���i �rf �n�trkc�.�b1e tatic ��esu�nt tc� pa�ra���r��h C� c�f thi� r��re�nlent. �►�y+er s�iall h���e untiC 1°ebr�ai� 1:+, ?i}�[1 tc� T+�rr�����e c�r ���ai�� th�: �c�re�c�in�. �anti�i�cricics �tlzc ';Duc Di1i�.erti�:c i��r��ci"). Thcsc c�n�in�,e3icies ar� sc�le�v fi��r lh� he�lefit caf� Suyc:r :�nd r��y� k��. ���air��:� by Bu;aer. ]f`B4a}�cr o� its att��s7}i.�� �i��es v��rittei� i�c�#ice tc� �etil�e tlz��t �]] �.t�s�din�enci�� �ar� c�uly� ��,�i��ieci c�r ���ai���d, Btly�r �nc� �ell�.r shall pr�c�cd tc� clos�e tlie transac�ic�n aa cc��ate7rr},lat�c� i1 �1��i ]l, If �t�� or ii�+.�re c�f th� �c���tii���n�:ie� i� ��c.�t �ati�tie�i. c,r i� ncat �ati�li�c� ��°ithi�i thc Dt�� L�il`r���icc F'�ri�,�ci, a�j�l t� n��t ��•�ai��e�l Ya�� Bu���.�r. thi� .'��r�:ctnc�it shall tti�rcupviY be ���id a# #�re ���rit#�e�� c���tic�n �f �u��er. the �eller �h�ll refun�i th� Earna��t 1��i�nci° to tlYc �u��cr, ar�d H�u�er �i�c� Seller shaEl exceut� �nd deli��er tc} eac}� �C�t}l�f C�c��un3ent�ti[prl �#`i`�.ctin� tl��. tcrrni�iati�,n �f tl��s A�,re��Yerit. Bu�cr sli�ll al�o deli��er tt> *��:Iler �c��,i�e� ��t' a]] cic�cu��entati<xn �att�erc+� �r�rin� tt�e Du� D�i1i,�c�3�� F'�:ri��. it7s�l�adirY� ���ithc�ut linYit�#ion 4�11 sa�r�•ey, en��ir��n�rrent�] c�r �ai] t����, �'�� � cc,ntirx��rtt �'urct7a��: i��P�l,'T31CIlt. t�1C ��l'I?1111A�1011 O� t�I15 �,gree�nent i� ��c�t re�u�rec3 �ur�;«�r�� tc� °1+ii�t���:��,�a '�tattrtew Se�4ii�rs +�{).?1, ct, se�{. �i, 7'IT�.F. E:�CA1�11`a+1.�,TI�Cl1Y,+C'l.�Rf'V� T1TLE I}EH��:T�. �u��er sllall. ��t �eller's ex������e �i�d t��ithax� 4► �-�a�t,n�l31e tinti� ai't�.r ��:Iler'� ac:�eptarz�.�c ��i thrs r'��,r�.ine�lt. �bcai�� � e��in��ritnYcnt f�r tirtle �a}sura�ire �..C`c��t3�1,it�r��:r�C'} I`�]r the� I�Tt'��]Lt'l1� tT[�117 T]il�, BL1�'�f &�tit"#�� t��,�°C 1� 6��:�it3�ss davs a�ftcr the I�ter i�f re�ei�t ��f �he C'��n,��,it����ror t�nil +��e�a:utic-�ry in full ��f thc Puri�ltz���. f��r�.�ui7ticnt tc� �xt�ininc t�e �`c��71�tl�ltl7��e11t ���c� t[� cieli���r ���niiei� +��k�j�C�icrn:� ti, Ti��e, if �n��. �c� ��llcr, c�r �uvcr's rd���t to dc� se� s�lall �Se de�xn�d �w�i��ec�. `�ell�:r �hall h���� un�il �hc encl ��t" the Due Dili���tc� F�criocl (c�r skactti �atcr �i�#� as tl�e partie� inay�� �,�r�e u��c�n� �c� r�1ak� titl� �1�rkek�ble. ;:tl S�ller'� �t��i_ 1� th� ����r�� tttt�t t�tl�. #�.� tli� Frcr�cr#v c�no��►t f�� mac�e rr���ketak�ie c�r is nc:�� �na�lc tnarkctahl�. k��� Sc.11er �k�i�l�i�1 tl�� I7�� T�ili����.e I'�nc]ci� t11r:n ihi� t��:r�e;me;ni rn�t�� Yae t�:nninateil t�t ll�c c-�}�tic�n t�f B�a�°�r ar�d tk�e, �clE�r sl�all r��und the F,�n���wt �ic�er��� ��� �h� 13u��e�-. 7, E1��'1F��31�14iE1�T.�L il"��'ESTIG:�TI�I`�1�. �t����r a��r3nu��l�c9�e� #}i�t i� h�� h�e�1 ��utl�nrir�;f ta�� ��Il�:r tcy �]lt�.F tF�c Prc��ert�� ��tcl i:����rJuct �rY�•irc�riii���taf iii�:�esti�,�tican� n�' t}�e f'rc?pert r�� , #�. RE.�►L ES'I'f�'I"E '1-A�E::� A'V1] :��'EC_I.�L �►S�F�S'��iENT�. �cllcr sli��l1 �aa�� ��11 rca� e:st�tc: ��x�.s, iistcrest �rYd j��n�;�tie�, i�' �7���°, relatin� tc� i��: f'r���erty f�,r �he }�r:ar� �riur t�k t}Y�. ��car c�t- cl<�si���.. F'rt���id�.� tl��t this kr�n�acti��a� �}�a�` �:lo�e �a� �r���,�idec� h�rein. F3��y�r ��r��.� ti7 }�a}: taa���; ti�r tlt�.} y€:;�r �`�711����in� xt��: y�7r �f closin� ati�i �!l #axe� t�]r ����r� #]Z�rea���.r_ F'r4��erty� tax�:; ft�a- t]Ze }�e�r ��f- cl���i�}s� �1��11 �� �,rcrratcd k��t���c�i� Sell�r and �u��er �s of t9�� C"l���i��� i�ate_ �elle�- sll�l] �ay� �11 ��ec.ial ����s�3ri�.nts re�.ardyn� the f're��crt�� ���hict� �d°�e l�e��i��i c}r �en�iin� �►w c�f" tJtie �'lv�is�� l�ate, i�1�]ucli�l� �a��rtit�n� ���l�ich �wo�rld �t}ti�.���is� ��a��e b�et� pay��k�J� ii1 future ii�stallm�n��, +�. [:L[)�I�G 1�.�'�"�. !he d{t�� �f' cic�sin� s����ll b� �i1 th� cavli�r �f �a.� sc���.�Y (7) da}+s ���I1c����i�1�, ��se �ati�;l`acti���� c,r }�'�1�Ci Ot �Ii COt7t113�,�T7s:1�5; �r (b) �h��-i1 ], ?�?(] �..C`lc]�in� l��t�"). C]�1i��esy� ��f �,Il ���,�r�r� ancl the� �.1i,sin� sh�11 b�c in��d� at #li� t�ffices �f �3�a��er, 5{�� '��'alnut Stre�t, S�ite 1. Mca�1#i�ellc�a ��1� �5�f�? c�r a[ su�:h crtlicr lc�cati�ri x�s is rYY�utually� a�,re�l uY�oi7 1��� #he �t�rtics, �11 ci�lik��rie� anc� ne�ti�.��; tcr B�E���.�r �hall �e: in�+��c �s pro��ided iri �ccti�►n 17 �f tl�i� 3 �a��;«����ra � �ita-��r A�r�e��enl_ I�. �'tt)�S.E:S�I�}N1i1"TiL1Tl�5. �. Pc��sessian. S�.11�r ��Tc��.�; ��� cleliv�.�- �rc,�w�a��ic�rr i�t' t11c I'rc����rt�� x� E�uyct� �n tlie �1r��ii�� �]titc_ ��.11�.r ��1�,11 �-�.m�,��c al] ��.T-���nal ��r�pe�y�, jramik, barr�ls, ati�i ��:hr�� �ri��r tci ihe �']c��in� I�ate. Ar�y �er����f�l �,t•o�}e.ety' f�113t#9illil� t�t1 #lic; P��J�Surt� 3�tc;r ihc Clc]�in� C��#� �;IZ�II be�:c����� #he I�eoperty �t thc L�t�yce. h_ l;tilit�e�, �J�.� later th��rt tecY d���s pt�it��° tc� t}�c Clcrsi��� L�at�:. S�ll�.r �l�all �r��y� �all a�tu{�l utility ch�[m�es, a1c�n� ti��itl� c:st�tnalcrl ��tili��� �1��r�;�.s lhrc�u�;l1 tile C'lc�sin� ��at�. E3uyc_r �llt�ll rctur�d ari�v' o�f�rp�yr��cnt �:�t` c::;�i�t��t�.d util�ty charg;�� tc� ��ller �t�aC)17 i�G�i�l� �� �1t1�1#V �71I�S c:l�'I�Cili.11'Y�, ;ictu�l u�ilit�� u�a�� tltrc�u�� tkie C`1�sin�; I �a�t�. � 1. SLL�...Ie:R'� 1'�r''AltI�r�:�aITIE�, �cllcr ]Zi:r�h�� r�:�rre�eni:;. �n�i v�,���-r;�:nfa tca �3uye�� �t�d �eller ��i�� rc��i•csci�t �i3d ���arr�tyt tc� �����e:r a� c�l`�hc C`lc,�in� Da:t� that= �, S��r�er and �+�ater. �clfe� v��arr��its tli�t tc3 th� t��.:�[ ��f- 4�ll�.r'� k��i��{�1c.�i�,e. tltie I'rc�p���t}� is �.�ilt�cct�d t�i C ity sc�vcr and �wtiic�-. b, 14•��ctianic�' Li+�ns. S�.11�:r ���a�ra��� lhat, �Sric}r t�� [�l� C]�)�G17�, �cll�r shall pa� iri �ul� �:�11 rti���rut��s c��ac f��r ]��rc�r, lll'r1L�1-f,�i�, �t3,�ehi€se��'. f17{tUl"�5 C��' tC�4115 i��7tiislicil ���i��siri tly+� t��f ci:,��� imn}�.�ii��#�1�� ��re�:�:c�ii7� tlie cl���ii}�, i1� c��rYi�c�:tic��t ���i�i� �.��n:�lr�«.ti���l. �lte;ratic�n c�r s-e�}�i�- ��f �I�]}' �tl'U�:tf]iC LI�rJt3 c�P 11Tlpr'[1���.111cni tc� l�r. f'rc}�re�-�� ca��:;�.ci l�� ��r �-�.�ultKn� �i-�in any a�#i�i� ��f 5��1�;r, c. N���ice�. �ellec v��arr�zi�ts tliat �c11c�� tias ric�t re��;i�1cd an�r a���tic�. It-��m a�z�� gt����rnnl�.iat�! ����tll��ri#y �s to �►�ic�l�tic��r �.�f` a�:Yy l�v�, �yrclina��c�. «r re�:ulalic�n it� ca»tinecticsii +��it�i tli� i'�c�pert;v, cxccpt ii`ars� �°1C9I�lic�n� are n[]i�ci in the i'e�tif�ca#e� c�f' I'rc�pei��' 'ti'ic�1L1tCI]#IIiCG. cl, '1'eriarrts�t �ci��� �;�arraatit� lht�t i�7er� 5ri; �ck t�.i�ant� c�n the f'rc��ea�}+. c, Cund�r�n�t�on. Sclle:r ��arrant:�; �h�t t9lere i� �}�� ���n�lsii�. ���, �� t�i�. a�:#�aal k��c���l�.��;e; 0l`5�,ii�.r, tlsr�.a�+�neci �:c}n��e�r��}a�ic�n �;�r �iinil�r �rc�cw�cii�i� affc�.tii��. tl�� Prx�}�cn�� ��r ar1y� �-ae��tic�n ther��f, anei ��Iler h�s nc� a�etua� kn����lcd�.c th�l an�' �uch ��ti���t i�; cc,�ltc:�rs��lateci. i�_ l.c�a1 I'r+ae�edi��s. 'l���rc are ri� ic�,�l ��ctic��s, �ui�� c,�- ckther l�e��3 �:a�- 's1�1111911StI"��#I1�� proc�:cdirr�,s, ��Ilf�1t3� t}T ���i`�.�t[;911,"�[j; �E7�lt al�fec� tlle f'rc���e��y� c�r- ��iti}�� ��c�rtio�i �k��.��c��t� t�t�:d ��Il�r �i�s ric� 1�ncr���lc:��� �h�� ��Zy au�h ac:ti��n is ��i�e��ei�tly ��,t�t��t�plat��d. �.. Lc�,al C�pa��t;�•. �cll�r l�a� the le�;�a] ca�3acit�° tt� ��nrer ii�t�� tfiis A�rcc�n�nt. '�ellcr Ft�s ii��i fil�.�l, �`[1��LLIlCiYF]I�+ �ar in��c���i}R�rily, t[.�r k��'���kru�tc;�d t'eli�f�h'itl�ir� tl�€; l��t y'�;tt1` � htr�37cf,�4M rv �{1[F_ � r� � un�icr #h� llnite�3 Stt�tcs S�nl�rupt�y Cc�c�c, nor h�s �n�� �etityc�i} fc�r }3�nkr���rrcy ��r Te��.�v�rstii�� b��n ii��.�i a�afin�t 5e11�r �4�i�hin tlie I��t ��ear_ h_ ]�1r#hant�xl�et��nirie Productiori. Tc> th�. b�.�ss� �f Seller'� kt�:c�v��led�e. ilietl��al���h�.t��r�t�ie �r�t�u�:tic>rt t�as t�nt r�ccurrec� c�n lh� !'r�p�rt}�. i. Srol��r C��mmis�ir,ns. �e�ler �w��irra�it� �i�c� repres��tts t� Bu��er that it t��s ret�tiit�d 1J+�'t��'��� Flart� �f Co�r�r��er���] Re;ait�� S��luticm� �� its t3�,�Cilt [�f �fc�k�r in �:c}r�n�.�c:l��-�ii ��rith �hi�; trans��:#ion: �nci tl�at it ��ill incie�r��yi!'y, �i�f�iY�i ao�c� ��c�lci I�anr�t��� Su►,�cr ��a�aial�t �n}� �laitn n�t�ade h�� �n a�cnt or brc�ker f��r a c�tfi�nrd�sion ��r fi+�e b�s�d ��fti �eller'S �CtS C1P A�;9-��1T7�rilti. S�l�er' rc�r�se9ltatic,z�� and ������e�r�t}es �ct f�i-th ir� thi� ���r��r�p� ss��l� he c��t�tir�k�in� ai�rl �re d���ne� tc� bc materi�l tc� Bur��er's ��ec:utic�n ��f tliis .��,�c:�m�nt anc� Buy�r'� pe�rt�c,�n���3cc c�f' it� cik�li�;a�ic��s �3crcunci�r. .�l] suct� rcl�r�sesltaticyns at7d �����rra�rie� sh�ll �ic true a�1d �:�r-rcct �,n �r a� of fihe C"l��sin� ��te ��it� the� s�t�ic: f���-ce �n� �f`tcc�t a� if ma��: �t tl�a# tiine: al�cl �l] ��f` ��cli rc�r�e�ez3ta�}s,r�:� an� �{��rra��tie� �;�i�11 sxai-��ie�e �lc,sin�. ati� any� �an�.ellaiic�rs �� t�T•r���natic�n ��f` tiYis f��,rce��aent, a�,r] s'�a1] ilat Lie a1`f�c:tecl by aiz�� irs��e��i�:�li�t�, ���riticatic�n ��r ap��ro�•;�l hy .�►n�� �art h�:reto or �}° �rs}�c�n� c�n bel�alf ��1� �n;�� �,�rto�� ��er�t�. ��licr a�ree� tc� ci������1, ittid�tiit�if��. ��a1ci l�c�l�i Bu��cr t�arn��es� #i]r_ f`rc�t1Y �r��i a�:�in�t ���iy lt��s, c:���ts, iiaiY�a���. ex��l7�c�. �,bli�atit�n� an� ��ttc,nte���' te�� inc:un-��i �ti�ul� �ati a�sertii,n, �1�ic�i, de����n�i i�r c�u�c c�f ��c��c�n l�� rnstixut�d, �rtiacie c��- t�k�.��, ���lticli is c:c�ntrar�� t� �.�r in�c�n�i�te�tt ��'itll tll� f��r����i[�t1��175 C�1- �t�arr�rltl�S �:�7f7��1111�i� Iter�ia�. 1�. �'I.[7S1lVG C'(1���`�ll�'EC�C]RD�I�C FEE�JDEED '1'�i�C. ��Iler shall paa= (�} }ari,rat�c� }�rc���i�#�;� tci�€�<� �l�r��i«.�� t��� �'Ic}�;ir�� Datc; �bl �xny :�}�c�.ia� �ssc�si����1t� le��ie�l a�ainst t11� Pr«���rty �9id c�u�: ansl �ay���ti� in t11e: ��►:t�t� ��f` C'1c��i�1�: (c} tlic cc,st �t' an initial ti�l� c��ir��r�it���c�lt. (c�� tli� �£�5# �r�� �n�� �i1�162i1C11t� �-��u�rCi� tC� C�C�1- �Itl� c�f t[� ���1C��17�C� ��7ar��.ta:t�5j�. title. inc:l«ciin4� f��.s a��d �ht�r�e� t�� r�c:��rd suc�� �ic�cu�l��nt�; (�) ��i�� c����r�tin��' �nsts c�ftl�e f'rc���.�ty up tc� the C-1c,�in4..T I���tc; (�} k1�� ���i?ker�akt� cc��t7rn'tssi�a} c,f- S�llcr's re-�.1 e��a�c �,rc�l�ct°; {�i��i (�} �]ne-ttia�f �f the cic��sa1� ic:cs �ustonz�ei�}� �hat-��.d 1��� t��� #it6e c;cir���ar���. �3uy'er :�hall �fay: (�} at�y eii��irc�nrrrcr�tal it��•es#i�;atic��t cc,at�. �b} ����t� t��' �itic: ici�ur��izcc an�i �.n�lc?i•senie�#�►; ��) �or�y tratls�'er a�r ci�e�� �axcs due �s �z re�ull c,t' �hiw t�°�r7s��rti��n; {�� �arorated �r������rt}° ��x�s a�er the Closi�t� ��#e; :�nci (�.} ��i�-lialf' �t' th� �`c,�in�. tecs cust��sn�nl�� ��argcd Y�}� the titic ���r,�ar�y. E��:�� part�= �1ti�,ll p��� its respect��.r� ��ttc�s-ra�}��,' f�c�� 1�. �:�1SFECT'lCl;ti�. Fr��m thc ��te c�f this .��ree�lei�t tc� Ihe �'�osin� C)ate, F�u�°i:r, its C]T1�l��l�+ee; ���i a���i�ts. sNa;lll l�� c�ititicd t� ente� u��3ci tfie F'rca��rt}+ �t� cc�t�duct such 4Lll-l'E;;r1T7�, insp��tic]i��. in� c�,ti�atir�i��, �c�il hckr�r�{�s �za�ci te�tin�. �ttd cirill��1�, mc��itorin�. ��m��lin� an� t�.�tiiit �►f �rou�}cl�r���tcr �ii��lit�rin� ���c:ll�, �s k3u��er �;h�il el�ct, E�u���r :;ha�1 alsc� k�e er��i#leci tc� a �;e�te.�ral ���alk�h�-c,u�l� in�pc�:tic�n e��ithi�� fi��e c����s c�t' �h� C:'lcisin�, ��#e, 1�, ��`�la �l�' LO�S. I�'tl�er�. is ���+ 1E�s� [�r da�na�c �� �he f res�ae,rt�� b�t��°�.�rt th� date herec��� an�1 th� C"l���in� D�tu. tor an�� rea�c�rt iiieluc�in� �irc, �:�and�lism, t�c����i. �:ar�tic�uake ��r act i�i`G�d, tl�� ri�k cat� 14��:� :��tall bc ��� ��eller_ If #tf� �'r���erty i� �cstr�yec� c�r �:t�h��ant��lly° d�i�sa�eci i�e:fcare the C'lo�'rc�� �]ate, tl�is A�,reentieglt �1�a11 �e��r�n� null �nc� ���id, �# F3u}��r'� c�}�t��i}. r�t tl�� rec�u€�_�l � �+���c�x������, i��:,- i�� �f Buyer, ���let' ��,r�:�::� ic� ai�,t� ��{��Yc�ll�tic�n �:}f' 1'ur+:.lY�sc: r"��r�en���lt a��d i�� refuilc� tl��c L�r�t��t Mc�n�.y� tc� F3u��e�'. 1�. ��;�AL�L'TIRE�°l�;[)[ESb 1�`F3uy�r clef�ults �ai��ic.-�e thi� r�,�r��r��.nt, �;elier I��� tf�c n�ht tc� �ennin�#c t�tis �1�r��:nlent k��� �i��ir��; u�ritt�n r�o#i�.c c-rf-�;ucl� el�ct���i li� Bu��e�-, �'IY�clt r���ti�.c; �h�ll ti���GS�V� t�iC �i;l�uli_ Tf' Li�li}+GI` 1di15 t�� t;�r�. SL��.II t��1��1�i ��it��iii 1� da��� c�t" th� ��t�: ��l� s�a�l� n�x�icc, ��:ller in�y� i�.nnin�te tii�s �1�r�en��.��t, ti�ai� �rei���; c��' t�re cssc�Yc�. c�f` tizis ���.rc�.�m�.iit. '['�i� t�:i•f7iiazaiic�r� cr1' t31is A�rcc��.�n� �,�ci �-etciiti��n c�t` �he �-iarrlc�t 1��1���Z�:y� k�y �;c�Jcr +��iil he t��� �01�; i•�i���c�y� a�+�ii�ble #c� Sc11�r f��r �u�:l� clefat�tlt hv F��o���e. ���d B��ver ���i11 i�ot b�. fi�rihea- li���1� t��r datn�t��w_ if' S�iler def�uli� un�i�:� #his A�,rct;�t�ent, F�u��cr shall h���e 6h�. ri�,l7t {i} �c� ter�o��int�#� t1�is A�rc�.��,�.nl �nd recci��c: t� refui�d t�f :�I1 Can��:�t ��li3iYey� trc���, ih�. Sell�cr, �i� �ii) t�� er�t�r��. Jrrc� rc�.�k�'�:T IF[�tll �C��CI" ��5(:L'.t�lc; �7�ft�f71"Jlli'lllt;�' [iI t�il� A�,�•��.�r�cr�i_ The ter���in�ticu� ��f' �l�i� Ag�•cc�r��.n� a�til r�tunc� c�f L"arrt�.s� ��c�i��y� nr ��ic �.���i�rcer��crrt �n� �-��.c��r�rv� frr�m ��ll�r c�f s�cc�irac ��.rfcinn��li:e �ftl7is 11�;r�.�m�t7t, sh�11 h�: t9ic �c�l�. r�;�n�dic5 a���t�E�.l�l� [i� Buv�,'v f��r �uc;f� d�f��ili h�� S�.11�r, �ruci 5�.1��c�• sltali n��t b� fui�tlicr� li�k�l€: f��r ci�ir�a�;�:s. lf�. 12EL+�C.4TI[1�1 IiEI'�EFIT.S; 11'Vf)E.�9N[FI�'.�TI��;V. �cllcr a�kilc��4�i�d�c� tlt�l i� tl�e �,4����t til�t Sellcr i� �.li�ahle tc-ar rcic�catic�i� �ssist�ryc�e a�t[i i�eroetits, lt�c P�u-�.�1t15� Pric;.€; incl[�c��5 �{]w�lpc�lsatian li�r �,n�r aiici �11 r�:,l��c�ti���� �ssista�i�.�. ���cl hei�c�fits fi�r ��+hiclt ,;�.11cr �iiay b� eli�ihCc,. if��l4ac�in;� t�c:n�.�it� �c�r l��s� c�l� �;�rin� ce�i7r��r�i, Thc: ��-cavisioz�s i�f� thi� p��i°agrap}Y s�lvlt �ui��ivc. cl4�s�ri�. cai' �h�. t�-�n�,a�tia��i �.iantc:�n�l4�t�:ci k�y tt�i� �'��;gee��en#, E'l1]` �1LIT�?d]4�;ti ��t tllis �l�r�:�.��a€;�it, "r'el���.;�lic+n a��ist��nc� �nc� lheiz�.tit�" s���ll ha��e tii� ��3�t�r�ir��;:; asceil��ci lc> #h�:ii� h��� i���. [ initi�ri�ti I��li+�°titic��ti ,���E�;t�i�+�e �3xci ��e�i! 1'9'cr�crty ,�c.�lui�iti4��� f'frliczc� ��ct, 4f �l.�,C', �€;i;lic,�1:� 4fi��1-4f,55 (thc. f�:[��e�-�1 L;B�f'�) �an�i ti�t� rc�.Kal�titpn� in7E31�~t�t�ittir�� t11�, fd:�icr�l �!I�.A,, �9 �C'.F.R. �ec:#ii�ns 2�, �-�;=�_tif);�.. 17. �f�}TI�C.E. An;,� �tic}��cc, +dcrn:t�ci. r�q�p�st or �rlt��.r cc�i�enut�icatir�n ���l�icii �r�ayr nr �l�all k�e �i��en c�i� s�.r��c�i hy th� p��rti�.s..�ftall b� �ie�:an�d r� hav� l�ec.�� �i��ct� �r ��:���d niy t�tc rJat� tile ��1ii-��. i� ���rsot�all�� 4�:r�+�.ci up•�rr �nc c�f`�i�� �(]��IJk�'1t7� 111�1��1ec� I-�C1�?9C[ll5 IIiF �lC]�1��5 C}i 14 �t',3c�4][�{� 1t1 �h�. �Jtaitc�l Sl�x�e� Nl;�il, r�c��st�.�r�.�i ��a certificd, ��.t�u-n �-e�.cipt rei�r�e�teci, p�sta��. }�re���ti�l r�iicl sz�icit'�ss�il �is ���11c��v�: S�I.j_F.T�k: :ti�'Ic�nticello I�i�u�trial f'a�-k. it��. �{}!i� �C'Ijclsca F�c��d �1w'e�t h��c�ntic�llo, [�1�] 55?�{�� �� c��?���aw�r��; �;�,- i,, i F��;YER. �'it�` d�� 14��"�I1ti�CI�C� �.���11[�r�tii� L��:���.��pl�7�i1# Al�tl�cxTi��+ .�t�n: E.xc:�:t�tit�c i����ct�r 5�15 �4'al�}�� �tr�.�.t, �t�itc 1 '+�l�nticell�, 1�IT�! 55_3E,? '�'4'ith �� c�p�' tc�: R°[arilia fn�r��ti, �:sq. l�cni��d�� � �r���cvi, C kiarter�ci �7C� l:i.�_ R�r�k f'l�ra ?C�� �c�t�tl� Sixtt� �treet '��liatin�a����li:�, 1��11'ti ���C12 18. EV'TIRF ,��REEI��E11�1-, Tlli� .A�r�.�.�1�€:tit. ii�cludin� exhihi�s at[t��.hc�c1 h�ret�, a�1�i �ny� ;��n�:����rt�:i�ts lYer�#c� si�»�.ci h�� tlzc �a�rtie�, �ha�] c��t�stitute the ei�tire a�r�.ezr��.i3t k?ctw��een ��:�ler �r�ti Bts��er a�Yd �u���r��x�e� an}� citlYcr ���ritte�� c�r c�ral a�r�cEnc�Yts bet���en t11� �ai-t�c� i��lati��� t�� t11+� r'rc}�ert�°. T'Itis r'��t•�er��e��t c��n h� aYic?dif�d c�3�1�� in a���rili���. �rt��erl�� �i���ec! c,n �i�y�alti nf �elle� ���� F3�y�:r_ ��. :41�1R�'11'�L. 1�nt���izl�����nci��1� ��7�' c�tlticr pr'€�����it�n� {�E` la��° or ��uet t1�c�i�ie�i� tc� tt�� c�.canir�r��. tk�� �r����i�i�,�ts c�f�tk7is ��re�men� �l,�al! s�ir��ir�e �lo�yr��- 2Q. Bj]'�]Ul�� �;�FEL`T. Tliis A�C���ll�nt l��iic�� �ilC� ��T1Ctlt� #h� 9y�rt��:� ;iilC� t}1C�i SUC����c�r� �7C1Ci s1��1�riS. {��7k; 1-L]17�i1I1L�{.`I` 41{ tii�S �]i��,� 1l1��.l1�149l1�I��� I�:f# k�1:�21k) 7 f�l! ?� ?i�l s��i �� �� j 4f F= � F,a � I'V 4�'ITI��E�S ��H�I��.(�1�, t1�e; unc3ea-�i�;��� h��c �x�;�.ul�.ci td�is :��,�+:ctrYc:r7t ��n �he c{iMtc #1T7C� }'��]' tiYSt L�v'rldd��3 :�},3(iV�. � �1�'�.C: ��;lls.�e: C it}�` i�l� �ri��nta�:el9c� ��c�t���niic; I]�.���lopinei�t Mc���ti�.ellc� �aidustriul P�r�, 1i��. ��ulh�,�-it�. By; - �rs: Pr�.�id�.nt l3 �+; lt�: C��:cut�ve I)irect�r fi�li:S�Fuk�4hiN I �x.)_Il�c ��. �ts; E,?�H�ti[��' ;� l�e��al L�e��r��tiot� �}f I�rc���ert�� Li�� �, 131nck I , [��lcrnti�.e9l� C'o�r�r7�cr�e �'�nter Si�t11.A�ic�itic�i�, '�'�'�i�fYt �'c��anty�, '��1ir�tti�:�,��ta. �'�- i +i{l71'u+���.Lt?� ]'}u- � i, � v � J W � � z � � � � � F" � � ,,,,,, :+Y M ry •G cs Q LL � � � �� �r �, � . 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Linen ��d ia�ll J4�tes; s;lver�rrare �n each �I��e S�kki°�g. �aym�rrt � . arraraqer�aerrfs: � j i� �.�rPfr'7-]77.}� �.�R, •5 �= k,� � � � 5� 4�+est Br����rr3y h�1o�i W'Ir11' 4:C"fl?fv'Ofl?C��C CC}TI R�], Price per Tot�l � 1198 ; �5�.�0 S - S - ��, . 5 - $ 1.C�D $ $�'°.Gu 5 - � - S - S • 5 - Foo� T�tal � See�rvi����.'�kuiiy � s�, �t�ta � � ?..� r � °�� ��I�� T8� � 70:�1 = 5 1, Q3B.40 �� � ,�8 1,��6.0� �1.�G 1,33r.98 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Saturday, October 5, 2019 12:05 PM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 10119WEBINSERTS.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RES Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 11/1/2019 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-004 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 130 BROADWAY E 9/1/2019 to 9/30/2019 (30 days) 10/4/2019 11/1/2019 Current Reading Date Reading Cons ($1.00) ($0.50) $7.00 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $ 0.00 $5.50 $5.50 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Saturday, October 5, 2019 12:05 PM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 10119WEBINSERTS.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RES Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 11/1/2019 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-007 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 103 PINE ST 9/1/2019 to 9/30/2019 (30 days) 10/4/2019 11/1/2019 Current Reading Date Reading To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Cons $0.00 $7.10 ($1.00) ($0.50) $9.00 $0.18 $7.00 $21.78 $21.78 $21.78 $ 0.00 $21.78 $21.78 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Saturday, October 5, 2019 12:05 PM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 10119WEBINSERTS.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 68621907 9/1/2019 41118 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Consumption Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Consumption Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Consumption Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RES Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 11/1/2019 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. � 007256-008 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 112 RIVER ST W 9/1/2019 to 9/30/2019 (30 days) 10/4/2019 11/1/2019 Current Reading Date Reading 10/1/2019 41120 Cons 2 $0.00 $0.00 $7.10 ($1.00) ($0.50) $0.00 $9.00 $0.00 $0.18 $7.00 $21.78 $21.78 $21.78 $0.00 $21.78 $21.78 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. CIrY �QF 1�10fVTICELLID City H�II C�rd Trar��a�ctior� P�ease a#t�c�r #h� inv�ii�ejrecefpt ��is� �n+� �cir�r ��r�ll���� docurne�n'tati�rn ta thi, fort�tt. T� be comple#ed by pufchase�: �km�urrt $ — �� _- Cir�l� purcha��r nsr�o-e� Traty €rg�� Ra�� lfiekd �e�er�rof� TiertCeonard J'ef# �]`hlei I I I+U'ayne C�E�erg Sarah iRathli�berg�er J�nnifer S��reibe� Ang�aa S�h�,manr� Jim Th���S J�co� Thur�and�er /rII' fi 1 ' 1 ' � {',•� � �� �! Employee Sagnatur�.•' " �, ,�, . �, . � � I su�r,rrsor s,rgiti,atu�e - -- . '� i ! � J J� � { , .� D2te �pproued Spe�eial �roject il or DescTip�ian �i��le d�p�ft��nt ce�de: City �c��rr�cil A�1mi�dstratia�n El�ee#aons FMna�r� �lu�an Res�urc�� Plannrng and Zoning Data �r�ces�ing City H�II fc�nc�rn�� De�+elopm�nt M RA Circl+e e�cp�e�5�e c���t 4�1�90 Gen�rai �lp�rat4ng Suppli�s ��I��� IVQ"u�f��Qd��f $�f4+I�CE� 4�19�i� fu�Ms�efl�ri��r�s Pfiof 5�rvites 4���Q(] �crsta�e 433t�U TravekJTraining Expe�se 443:3U0� DueS ral��nbership � Subscri�p 4437�_ Licens�s �1�i �ermits 443�94} h+1i�c, QtherFxp�n�� �'ther� 1���� �����;�.����c� Liue Laug� � Bl�arn �lor�d � �J$ �ed�r Streel M�nt�c�llo MN ��3�� (763� � 1 �-Q5�2 fl aw� rs '��, I � v�l � u g ha n�i €�I c��r�. ��rr�r �it�/ �f Monticell� e �iiy �F A��q�rtice�io �D5 l�4'A�fV�JT ST Mfl�JTEC�LL� .h+1�! ���62 Itern� qrdered Pr�pduct C�nt�r�9�C� Product �[k; ��n�e�iee� Cat��gory: FI❑wer� Ser�der Ir�f��rn2�kio�n []2SGripl;pn ��nlerpi��ce f�ll ��tl�a vlckl.ICA rM{�fif�G�,monbeeElo.mn.u� �h�r�1� r�a F�'y qf �+pnlacello S� nder f r}forrrti.�tian c-y or n�t�„iR:�u� 505 SA'ALhl;.IT ST M�1TI[:EI.LD. k�.^{�tswa ��76� �';��' PIt r.��l 1".NB�nES�ay. 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C `y of h��onl�c�lo 5D51h+qLh' JT ST h1C1NTl[:ELLO, Minn��a ,�,,,�:;Q� U���4�d �Slak�es NA Pay�rnent Irrf�rm�tivnr HaWse,4�caWr�s {3b+arr�': Ey' VIGks I nvvi�� #� 1 �0(}081(l� f�r�e Gip• �u�l�fa� Discrunls �ri�:euuith7ax 535.00 �Or�iered 12 $3�0.017 �O.Oa �840.0�0 C��liv�ry Inf� D�! wery• Dele � rvery Torrk Ch.� nrcry T��e Ct�l ur.ry I�tslr��U4� Uel�vwry 51�,!,�v �c�f� �E;S5�7c�� �xa� C1rd�r �ol�l� SYatllut8l O�II�e� Cnarge ��� �tbntl Tvfsl Tuasriey, CieLnbe�r +,�.1(119 Dsln'[�f lo ti[y Fyi bi �p�1 �.e �.Lrr- Rir:.e.ir.+G1• � �� ... �"C � � . � � �� � � 4.d 3�Q6.-09 �O.OQ s�.00 $?q17.�?4 Liv� L�ur�h & $Ic��m Fl�ral �I 0�3 ��cf ar �treet �1�r�ti���Jo �I�l ���6� ����� ���-���2 flov��er�� I iv�la �r�ha n�i�l�orn.�nrr� �ity �f Monti��eiic� . �ity �f [v�onticello ��� l�f�LNUT �T MC�fVTI�ELL{� fV1fV ��3��2 �7rd�r�s �lasin� Date - ��p 3C�, 2{71� A�c�unt D��; ��O�lo4�� Am�oun# �rr�cic�s�d; !�F'IYCr}^ Ll�ske C,]e'�er id SE�ici�• i�r�n1C �2�ti�ry �It[ ItC+ll ProduCS ��k '..'�e�l Yery +�.'.i��rqe I ai�l C1�.�a ftii�am� ] otRJ (jr; ID$� 2U1°� 1�t7(5�1#3176 C�Cy rSf CiCy 4f Ge°r[�rF�.�rr= 530C�.Gil SC,Q� �4�4L �31�(},��IJ �,300:9J0 Mc1+111Ccllo . MarYir.e�llo . l S�i�ki �� � ` � J,��`y�/ � �, � "�, ��� � � � :�; ' ��T � �� ���� �; � , ,�, �I _ �_ . ,��_ - � �uli� �hene Fr�irn; Jir'rti TFti,�r�s Ser�t: Fr �i��y, CJrtob�r 1$; �01 y 11:�}3 A�w� T�: J;��ie Cher��y Su£�jec#; ;�E: Live ��ue�h �I�om ��b0 Jul��, Yes, this i� ok�y to pay. PIe�Se ��ad� t�o:213-46��}1-434J90� From: Julie Chen£y cJ�uGie.�t�eney�C�,monticelfs�.rrgr7.usa S�enC. �rid4�+�+ Cirtot�er 18. ��]1� 11:3b AM Tv: Jin� Thares �Jim.Thares�ci,�n�rr,ticell�.re,n_4�s� �ubjeet: Live Laugh �loom ��Ofl J I rll +�tt��hed is �n invoi�e frr�rr� Live Laugh �loom {�r tfie IED� �re�kf�s[ c�nter�ie�es. C3k�y t�i PaY �3p�.0{�? Plc�se pravide ��dir3g_ Tha r�l�:�, _I�rl��� C'li�akr�}t{ �inar�t� A�s�sta�t �'�tp� of Mont�cel.lo 7b�-�'71-32{}� Julie.�h��e C�ci.r�vnticella.mrr,us fkP���.rnontreel lo�mn,us [ er� ��P ..-:� �or�tl���l�a �-�_: _ �rr�a�� cor�res�ar�der�ce ta r,r�d from the �'rty �f �+1�4�r��ree��a g�orrer�r+firer�t o�f�'�es �s �uhject ta �h+� Mrrrr�e�ot�a Gav��rrrrr�rrt D�utu P��trc�es �l�t ar�d may be �rsc�c�sed �o� t�ird� �a�t�es� Vicl�i Leerhaf� Frnm: 5en#: To: Sui�� e�ct: Cer���rpi�;�c� �e�t�rp�e�e f�ll �ive Laugl� � BEo�m Floral �n� reply�afl�r�next,��m� �rid�y, C�Ctober 11; 2�11� ��D:A�9 Ah+l 1�i�ki �e�rh�s�f� Live L�u�c�h Sc Bla�m Flo�a�: CVew C�rd�r � 1�O�k0810fr ��an�c yc�� f�r �ro�� �rc��r frt�t� Li�r� L���h � �loc�rn �I�r�l� F�rr3duct If�; ��nterpi�c� �ub�tc�tal D�eEivery� Charg� Tax �r�nd Tat�M �rder Pfa��c� �n: �4�ugust 'f4, 2�19 #1(�QOQ$1(l�6 �rd��' Det�il� 0 Qt�r ��� �ubtota� ����.��D �3�f}.�1�] �� , (}0 �fl.�iD S�r��i�r Inforrr�a#i�r� �Cit}� of Nlc�nticello , �aty �f Mar�ticell� ���'U�+ALf��JT �� C�+D�J�I�Eh�L�, [Vlinne�ot� �5��� United �tat�� NAF; 29�-�404 Deliv�ry Tv �i�� o�� 1�+lonticell�o . Gity �f ftrl+��tic�llv �Q5 WF�L�JUT �T I'��'NTI�CIELL�, AAinne��rt� 5���� Uniteci �tate� �4d�r�ss �ype: Bus�ness Nf� C}�fivery D�t� �ard t�1les�age ��:Iiv�rt�r Type D�li�ery Ir�str��ctior� F�a�€rn�;n# �+1eth�d C7c#vb�r ��, 2�19 n�r�e G►eli�re�+ t� �ity hall b� 4pm hlc�u�e �,cc��r�# Ac�ount hiame cE�y � �nan��c�e�ro C'ed�k G�rd $3{1CM.t74 Dct 11, 2019 �iv� La�agh & �lovm Florsl 1 Ci8 Cedar �tr�el �loniicello M1V 5�538�, {763} �14-055� fl�awers r.a l�,v�laugh�n�ihlovm.r�orn .� rray �'encic�r � � U��e af Trans��ti�.�n � CITY [?F M�N�I�ELLC� City Hall �ard Trar�sa�t��rn �I�as� attach the invoic�ef rete�pt �nd �r�y �#her �vdil�ble docurrr�ntati�n t� this f�rrr�. To �e cornplet��l I�y pur�has�r: Am[�ur�t $ � � � � � Clr�l�e pu r�h���r n�me; Julie �h�n�y Tra�:y �rger� Vitki Leerh�ff F�ach�l Le�r�ard Jeff (�'Neill W�yn� Qber� .S��r�F� R�thli5t�erger l�r�rt�if�r ��:}�reibe� A��ela �cl�um�nr� �—� __ _— iirrr Tltiarcc ����� Y��,���,��� Spetia� Projec# # or pe�eripti�n �. . . �C�rcl� d���rtment c�de: �1:�-46�U1 Cir�le �xp�ense ��ode: 4� 1'�9C; �31�5G� 4�1���} �4 32 2(}(� ��31p�7 44330� 44 �7+�i7 �A399�4 -. Ot�er City �c�unc�l Admirri�#rati�on �i�y �I�rk Fin�n�� H���n Res�urces Plannin� and Zcnin� �ata Pr�ce��in� City H�II ��rinic C��+velapme`n HRA Gen�ral �per�tirug S�u��lies Ne�asletter �ervi{es f�liseelf�ne�rsus Prc�f Servi�es Postage Tr���lf�r�ini�r� Exp�r��e Du�s P�emb�r5hip $. 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A�nry� S�e�tiOr� 7�A.201. �� By signing o�law. y+�u agree Ic kh�'srRa and r.+�dit�v��s a' t^�e qental Agreement ac�Um�nt �acicei, v�hicle ��sectian rp�.� ., antl sny stltle�qs (tt�e `AcreernenY j. �ntl ac�nb++lcdge kn8�1 you had an oG'�+Iu�tY Co *s�tl IPoC Agr�ee�nenC taei4re signing; ar�€i a�uthar.ze ua Ga: prx�ss a sea&isYe credit�tlehit c�rtl voucher in your name'or all 4"kr�PS. �'nClu�elv� TC+�Y 1i�9 Y�1i4n8. Pelg� yn5u+ billinQ�rP�lla1� in'prrny{i�r5 �� IhiY(/ ,�alipg fpt piJlin�t�}rpg���irj� and blsot I�gi9irndde ;purpfase3: a�d G�iU �[g�C y0u �8 She rr��u ,:�rovided. � � i rnur _ _ _ � �ORM 1 G1 B1D52715hiN.fle! ��i R�ri�a�� J��jre@nl'E�17# �a MC3N��37�� -�s,�.ex.. __� 78DD kfadN Galar Ta9 TRAfV5IT %L VdH1TE 800�€B�' ��ira. '� T 4domaier C�n �?248 M4ry [kixrn n.��e�Fulowec� 4 _u�$s ��ks a c;�,s lr.e '��, , F ua: _nr. IM i] hAILES �� 1 []AYS [� � � xT!�,a o�,v � � I] �ilr��i:`3` � 0 MUNtHS � iR�1`AL'fIMElIMCk MI�L�A�E: (7TrER �MARG�S: �01A� �' (� 18.9� Ga ily F�JEL STfITE TAX RENTA7�. �T,q� F�EGIS7R,a.TI�IN TA3C �J�f���M���a� �uhtsrt��: Total Payrs�ents, TCt$� �i��; BIII Ta: F1et du�; Refund�� Payment��Dep45itr,= GC 1Di3i5a2�di����{]9 PM aalnTine Gr9 Ir� AA?� 1i3r�{F,+�q19 �1:4�P�5A�" PU FLI Fh41 1ui30��U1� 02:0�PP.i� � ���� Ul )C)C?(?[-7{7G}C1C-?(7C}�?{-�4$i� A l3TH�:��$0519 �?Cf': }S3GX7{ Wa 133.�35 �J.{10 i] A�? C�.00 �1.0(� �. QQ "f 3 3.'95 133�9� '���.�r3 Q.00� 0_4U I}.�00 EDA Agenda: 12/11/19 5. Consideration of approvin� 2020 Membership Dues to Wri�ht Countv Economic Development Partnership in the amount of $2,606.00 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is for consideration of approving the 2020 Membership Dues for Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP). The proposed 2020 annual dues are $2,606. This amount is unchanged from the 2019 dues. The EDA has been involved with the WCEDP as a member for many years. In collaborating with and supporting the WCEDP, it brings the potential to leverage additional economic development funding for projects through the WCEDP Loan Program. The WCEDP also pays membership fees to organizations that allow the EDA-City to gain access to events held by MNCAR and CMMA. Collaboration on economic development efforts is a key strategy in achieving local progress. Most recently, the WCEDP has been a critical partner in the evolving workforce development program, helping to lead activities with the local school district, businesses, the Workforce Center, technical schools and others. Duane Northagen, Executive Director, WCEDP, plans to attend the meeting and can provide more information about the workforce collaborative during the meeting. Al. Staff Impact: There is minimal staff time involved in preparing the staff report for consideration of the 2020 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues. A2. Budget Impact: Funds for the 2020 Membership Dues in the WCEDP amount to $2,606. These projected expenses were budgeted in the 2020 Dues, Membership and Subscriptions budget line approved by the EDA. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve the 2020 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues in the amount of $2,606.00. 2. Motion to deny approval of the 2020 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues in the amount of $2,606.00. Motion to table the approval of the 2020 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues in the amount of $2,606.00 for further research and review. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1 wherein the 2020 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues are approved in the amount of $2,606.00. The 2020 membership dues are unchanged from 2019. By participating in the WCEDP, the EDA benefits through marketing, networking opportunities, information sharing and collaborating in funding for development proj ects and addressing economic development challenges like workforce. It should be noted that throughout 2019, and as it did in 2018, the WCEDP made it a priority 2 to focus its efforts to build awareness on workforce trends and strategies of how to address challenges. Duane Northagen, WCEDP, will attend the meeting and provide specific tangible benefits of the EDA's membership in the WCEDP. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. 2020 WCEDP Dues Email from Duane Northagen, Executive Director, WCEDP Jacob Thunander From: Sent: To: Subject: Duane Northagen <dnorthagen@wrightpartnership.org> Monday, November 4, 2019 3:46 AM Jim Thares WCEDP 2020 invoice Hi Jim, I checked my 2020 budget and as I expected the 2020 WCEDP Membership request from the Monticello EDA will remain the same as 2019 request, $2606. I have put the December 11t" EDA meeting on my calendar at 6pm. De�ane Narthagen - . . .; ;•;. ... _ ..._.-t;.�.,., ����� � �~ wr��r,r co�,r�r� Ec�rnomic D�wslr�pmenti �artnership P�nr�nng fpr (}�;,,�r;�rnitr�g 68d4 E�ec[rie L7rive � Rac�Cfard, MN 55373 ���� EDA: 12/11/19 6. Consideration of Presentation of Concept Residential Development at EDA owned Countrv Club Addition 16.7-acre site bv Headwaters Development, Lakeville, MN (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Michael Hoagberg, Headwaters Development, Lakeville, MN, has requested time at the regular EDA meeting to present a concept residential development at the Country Club Addition site along 7th Street West. The EDA has owned this 16.7-acre parcel for some time. The history of the property is that it was part of a residential development with public improvement assessments for the entire residential development, including the vacant 16.7- acre parcel. The developer sought approval to shift the bulk of the assessments to the vacant linear parcel adj acent to I-94. After that occurred and as the development climate slowed somewhat, the developer turned the property back to the County with the assessments unpaid. The EDA was eventually able to obtain title to the property and hence its current ownership. Under the existing official land use map, the site is guided "Places for Community" while it is currently zoned R-3, Medium Density residential. The site is bounded on both sides by public roadways. On the north lies 7th Street West. Along the south side of the property lies 4-lane Interstate 94. This stretch of I-94 is expected to be expanded, adding a third lane in each direction over the next two years. As you will recall, Headwaters Development is currently developing a 96-unit assisted living facility on a parcel just north of the Kwik Trip, a gas station and convenience store, located along Hart Boulevard. Headwaters pulled permits for that proj ect in early August 2019. Completion of the $15,500,000 development is expected in late October 2020. The 16.7-acre site has not recently been the subj ect of prospective development proposals, as focus areas in Monticello for residential projects and the regional and national economy have evolved. In the spring of 2019, the EDA was presented with an opportunity to lease the site as a construction and material staging area to a contractor submitting a bid for the I-94 improvement project. The EDA declined that offer citing truck traffic and noise issues for neighboring residential areas. In its concept plan, Headwaters is proposing to develop a 120-unit affordable senior (age 55 +) apartment building in the western 9.95-acre portion of the site and 37 single-family homes on 6.75 acres in the eastern area of the parcel. Space is also reserved for a future, second phase 120- unit apartment building (again for ages 55 +). The single-family homes will be targeted to the senior rental market as well. Those units will be single story structures consisting of 1,200 square feet +/- and have attached two stall garages. The total unit count in the first phase of development is 157 or 9.40 units per acre. Headwaters estimates the value of the entire first phase to be appro�mately $34,000,000. That equates to approximately $2,036,000 per acre. At this level of investment, the cost per unit is about $217,000 +/-. To offset site grading and construction costs, Headwaters is proposing that a housing TIF District (potentia126-year district) be established to assist with development costs. They are requesting $1,800,000 in pay-go increment for qualified development costs. An initial review of the proposal indicates that the development could generate increment in excess of the EDA: 12/11/19 requested $1,800,000. The proposal offers no upfront payment to the EDA for land. The County currently lists the land value for taxable market purposes as $257,425, or ($15,415). The EDA may want to have the parcel appraised to get a more definitive idea of valuation if it determines it wants to proceed with the proposal. Headwaters is an experienced developer and the City of Monticello has recently had a positive development review experience with them for the assisted living facility now under construction. The EDA attorney advises that the EDA use the initial meeting to listen to Headwaters Development's proposal, ask questions and gather information. An illustration of the proposed development and the Letter of Intent (labeled Term Sheet) is attached for your review. At this time, staff is not suggesting that the EDA consider entering into or agreeing to the Letter of Intent without further review. Al. STAFF IMPACT: There is a limited staff impact in considering the concept development proposal at this time. Time commitments have been related to initial discussions about the proposal along with review and organization of the proposal materials as part of preparing the staff report for EDA review. The EDA attorney did review the "Term Sheet" and suggested that the EDA hold off on formal consideration until after the EDA has an opportunity to further evaluate the proposal in more detail and then consider entering into an Preliminary Development Agreement (PDA), the preferred agreement format, at future meeting. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: There is a modest budget impact due to a review of the Headwaters concept proposal at this stage. It should be noted that Headwaters is proposing to pay an upfront TIF application fee and an additional fee for legal and financial consultant expenses associated with the review process, if and when the EDA decides to move forward with Headwaters in some sort of proposal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Direct staff to take the proposal to a workshop meeting for further review and discussion. 2. Motion of other as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff believes that a future workshop further reviewing the merits and aspects of the proposal would be worthwhile. While it seems fairly straight forward, and is solely a housing proposal versus mixed use. There are aspects of the land value, and timing process that need to be better understood. Although staff suggests using this meeting only as an introductory step for the proposal, staff will defer to the EDA regarding next steps in the review process and future discussions and/or considerations with the developer. EDA: 12/11/19 D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Email from Michael Hoagberg, Headwaters Development b. Letter of Intent (labeled "Term Sheet") and proposal illustration. c. Aerial Photo of Site d. County Property Information Report From: Michael Hoaabera To: Jim Thares Cc: Jeff O"Neill Subject: LOI Consideration -- Affordable Senior Housing Date: Monday, December 2, 2019 10:23:08 AM Attachments: TIF Term Sheet with EDA December 2019.ndf ATTOOOO l.htm Jlffi� Headwaters Development is excited to submit to you a proposal to acquire approximately 16.7 acres located near the corner of 7th Street West and Golf Course Road. As previously discussed, our intent is to develop a Senior Housing campus to include a 120 unit multi-family 55+ affordable community, approximately 40 single-story, single-family homes, and a potential Phase II future multi-family addition. We would appreciate the consideration of our project and willingness to discuss further during the December l lth monthly EDA meeting. In advance of the meeting, please review the attached Letter of Intent and let us know if you have any questions or comments that you would like to discuss. Regards, Michael Hoagberg Managing Director Headwaters Development P: 952 378 4386 C: 612 723 3330 E: mhoagberg(a�.headwatersdevelonment.biz TERM SHEET This Term Sheet is executed as of , 2019, by and between Headwaters Development LLC, or its permitted affiliated assignee (the "Developer"), and the City of Monticello (the "City"), and is intended to set forth the terms upon which the parties hereto may be willing to enter into a Development Agreement that will set forth the terms and conditions of (1) the purchase and sale of the below-referenced Property, (2) tax increment financing to support the development of the below-referenced Phase 1 Senior Affordable Property project, and (3) waiving of certain site improvement fees. I. Developer: Headwaters Development LLC or its permitted affiliated assignee. II. Property: Approximately 16.7 acres, located between Interstate 94 and 7th Street West and between Golf Course Road and Elm Street in Monticello, MN. PID: 155033900010. III. Scope: A. Senior Affordable Property. Approximately 9.95 acres of the Property is intended for development of senior affordable rental housing. On a portion of the Senior Affordable Property (the "Phase 1 Senior Affordable Property"), the Developer intends to construct a new project consisting of one building with approximately 120 rental units for individuals 55 and older. The remaining Senior Affordable Property (the "Phase 2 Senior Affordable Property") may be developed at a later date, but will remain green space unless and until such development occurs. B. Single Family Property. Approximately 6.75 acres of the Property which is intended for development of approximately 40 affordable single story, single family homes targeted towards the senior population. C. Replatting of Property would be required to create two distinct properties with their own PIDs, one for the Senior Affordable Property and one for the Single Family Property. D. See Exhibit A for a preliminary depiction of the approximate location of the Property, Senior Affordable Property and Single Family Property. IV. Key Terms for the Developer: A. Execution of a Development Agreement reasonably acceptable to the Developer. B. Establishment of a new Tax Increment Financing Housing District, one that covers both the Senior Affordable Property and Single Family Property. The TIF Note related to the Senior Affordable Property will be issued to the owner of the Senior Affordable Property or its designee. The City may use the Tax Increment related to the Single Family Property to reimburse itself for its costs in the land. C. Acquisition of the Property, which is owned by the City EDA. Purchase price for the Property shall be $1.00. D. Waiving of certain site improvement fees including park dedication, SAC/WAC, and similar fees. E. Land Use Approvals and Subdivision of the Property to facilitate the development described in this Term Sheet reasonably acceptable to the Developer. V. Key Terms for the City: A. Execution of a Development Agreement reasonably acceptable to the City. B. City approval of construction plans for the Phase 1 Senior Affordable Property and Single Family Property. C. City determination that Developer has sufficient financial means to construct the below-described Minimum Improvements. VL Minimum Improvements: Improvements to the Phase 1 Senior Affordable Property will include the construction of 120 units of affordable independent senior rental housing. The Developer anticipates that 100% of the units will be rent and income restricted to be affordable to residents at or below 60% of AMI in accordance with the Section 42 low- income housing tax credit program. Improvements to the Single Family property will include approximately 40 singe story, single family homes. Except as may be required under the Tax Increment Financing Housing District, (1) the Developer anticipates renting these homes to seniors 55 and older based on a rate that is 8%-12% premium to the affordable rates in the Phase I Senior Affordable Property, and (2) these homes will not be rent or income restricted. VII. Construction Schedule: Assuming the Developer is awarded tax exempt volume cap in July, 2020, construction of the Phase 1 Senior Affordable Property will commence by December 2020, and be completed by February 2022; provided, however, the schedule will be automatically delayed 6 months each time the Developer fails to be awarded tax exempt volume cap (e.g., if the Developer is not awarded tax exempt volume cap in July 2020, but is awarded volume cap in January 2021, then the construction commencement and completion dates shall be June 2021, and August 2022, respectively). For the purpose hereof, "commence" shall mean beginning of physical improvement to the Property, including grading, excavation, or other physical site preparation work; and "completed" shall mean that the Minimum Improvements are sufficiently complete for the issuance of a temporary Certificate of Occupancy. VIII. Public Assistance: Subject to all terms and conditions of the Development Agreement, the City will reimburse Developer from 90% of available tax increments (currently estimated to be $1,800,000) for qualified costs related to the Minimum Improvements on the Senior Affordable Property. Payments will be issued on a pay-as-you-go basis over 25 years with interest at an assumed rate not to exceed 5.5% per annum. The actual interest rate may be adjusted downward based on the Developer's actual rate of financing (currently estimated to be 4.1%). IX. Phase 1 Senior Affordable Property — Total Development Cost: The total development costs of the Phase 1 Senior Affordable Property development is estimated to be $26,000,000. X. Single Family Property — Total Development Cost: The total development costs of the Single Family Property development is estimated to be $8,000,000. XI. Fees: Developer anticipates submitting a$12,000 TIF application fee to pay for the costs of establishing a housing TIF district. The Developer shall submit, in addition to the application fee, the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) to pay for the reasonable out-of-pocket legal, financial consultant and administrative fees associated with this transaction. XII. Miscellaneous: A. Except in connection with the debt and/or equity financing of the Phase 1 Senior Project and the Single Family Project, no transfer of Property or Development Agreement without City consent. B. Developer covenants to pay property taxes and maintain customary insurance. C. This Term Sheet shall not be deemed conclusive or legally binding upon either party and neither party shall have any obligations regarding the Property unless and until a definitive Development Agreement is approved by the City and executed by both parties. D. Inspection and Access: The Development Agreement will contain customary terms for the purchase and sale of property in Minnesota. Without limiting the foregoing, the City agrees to grant Developer access to the Property to perform customary due diligence, including but not limited to, soil testing, site survey, and Phase I environmental. Any disturbance to the Property will be returned to its original state. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Term Sheet effective as of the date first set forth above. 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Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways �° Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits Qc [] t ❑� Parcels ParcellD 155033900010 AlternatelD n/a OwnerAddress CITYOFMONTICELLOEDA Sec/Twp/Rng 10-121-025 Class 958- MUNICIPAL PUB-OTHER % ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PropertyAddress Acreage n/a 505WALNUTSTSTEI MONTICELLO, MN 55362 District 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H BriefTaxDescription Sect-10Twp-121Range-025COUNTRYCLUBMANOROUTLOTA (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Date created: 12/5/2019 Last Data Uploaded: 12/5/2019 3:45:52 AM Developed by�� Schneider G£OSVATIAL `f�ab'if��iS�;] Beacon - Wright County, MN - Report: 155033900010 TM ,�" B�r�CQI'1 Wright County, MN Summary ParcellD 155033900010 Property Address Sec/Twp/Rng 10 121 025 BriefTaxDescription Sect-10Twp-121Range-025COUNTRYCLUBMANOROUTLOTA (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres 0.00 Class 958-(NON-HSTD)MUNICIPALPUB-OTHER District (1101)1101CITYOFMONTICELL0882H School District 0882 Creation Date 01/01/0001 Owner Prima ry Taxpayer City Of Monticello Eda % Accounts Payable 505 Walnut St Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 GIS Acreage Parcel: 155033900010 Acres: 16.71 Acres USAB: 16J1 Acres WATE:0.00 Acres ROW:0.00 Sq Ft: 728,012.57 Land Seq Description Dim 1 Dim 2 Dim 3 Units UT 1 RES B 0 0 0 14J10 AC Total 14.710 Transfer History Grantor Grantee CITYOF MONTICELLO HRA CITYOF MONTICELLO EDA Valuation (Working 2020 Assessment) + LandValue + Building Value + Extra Features Value = Total Value % Change Taxation Estimated Market Value - Excluded Value - Homestead Exclusion = Taxable Market Value NetTaxes Due + Special Assessments = TotalTaxes Due Unit Eff Price Adj 1 Adj 2 Adj 3 Adj 4 Rate Div % Value 35,000.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 17,500.000 1.000 257,425 257,425 Doc Date Transfer Date DocType Doc No Sale Price 1/2/2008 2/21/2008 QCLDEED 1080161 $0 2019 Payable $220,700 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2018 Payable $198,600 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2020 $257,425 $0 $0 $257,425 0.00 % 2017 Payable $183,900 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2019 $257,425 $0 $0 $257,425 16.67 % 2016 Payable $147,100 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?Appl D=187&Layerl D=2505&PageTypelD=4&PageID=1310&KeyValue=155033900010 1 /2 `f�ab'if��iS�;] Beacon - Wright County, MN - Report: 155033900010 Map � . �� `; �'a ����- L ' ..�'' . '� 'a l���ti�1 ti111 ti?'E' . 1�*'"��`; ��r�P ,, ���i -�-� ,,_ � .. ��i1.�f ;� � y. . y�� � LtJ . il'�. s_ f .. � .. f I ` ��"'C�r)LF-�:CiLIr�SF-riCl f }�f f y t� , � # �� � - . lA 1 � Y ` yr i S. i, r s. - � �];��, ; . , � � �� �,.T y�+ . r �5 J � 1I p .. �. . FYLI�l�JYf41 �.-5'�r� ��� �.. .`� f` ' ���� �r �' 5 '�. i .'��� . �` .. . _. ti .� '.l"' s '- ; , o � -. � ii �'?'t1+i I - ;_� ",���'��� ;���. `. . �� , �-�� , ` �„� . tj� { � , �.�� l ���y� r� .+es _ �r� +�'" .. �5,��=� rf , t : 't ' i k' ��` "'�.r,�'' � ' , ��� � t y J No data available for the following modules: Land GA/RP, Buildings, Extra Features, Sales, Val uation, Taxes Paid, Photos, Sketches. User Privacy Policy GDPR Privacy Notice Last Data Upload: 12/5/2019, 2:45:52 AM Version 2.3.24 �'i Schneider GEOSPATIAL https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?AppID=187&LayerID=2505&PageTypelD=4&PageID=1310&KeyValue=155033900010 2/2 EDA Agenda: 12/11/19 7. Economic Development Report (JT) A. Northland Securities Annual — Each year Northland Securities provides an update of their offered services and proposed fees for such services. Please see attached letter from Tammy Omdal, dated December 5, 2019. B. Prospects — See attached A spread sheet with the concept stage and active search prospects is attached as Exhibit B. NORTHLAND PUBLIC FINANCE Y December 5, 2019 Mr. Jeff O'Neill Mr. Wayne Oberg Ms. Angela Schumann Mr. Jim Thares City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Northland Public Finance Services Dear Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Oberg, and Ms. Schumann: Northland Public Finance, a division of Northland Securities, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to continue our services to the City of Monticello (the "City") and Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "EDA"). We value the work that we have done with the City and EDA in the past and look forward to the opportunity to continue to provide excellent service. Northland desires to furnish services to the City and EDA as described in this letter. The Planning Service fee is proposed to increase from $185 to $190 and the fees for debt issuance are proposed to increase by 2.0% or less. Nothing in this agreement limits the ability of the City and EDA to separately engage Northland in writing as underwriter for a bond issuance. The City and EDA may decide to use Northland for any or all of the offered services at its sole discretion. Effective July 1, 2014, parties that provide advice to issuers of municipal securities must comply with Rules 15Ba1-1 through 15Ba1-8 of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The "Municipal Advisor Rule" requires firms that act as a municipal advisor to register with the SEC. Northland Securities is a registered municipal advisor. Effective June 23, 2016, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) Rule G-42 took effect. Rule G-42 requires a firm to provide a written agreement and certain disclosures in order to serve as a Municipal Advisor for a specific bond issuance. Northland will provide the City an agreement on an issue-by-issue basis. An issue-by-issue agreement and disclosure ensures that when the City may determine to engage Northland as Municipal Advisor the City will receive timely and accurate information at the beginning of the bond issuance process. 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 3300, Minneapolis, MN 55402 Main: (612) 851-5900 / Direct: (612) 851-4964 / Email: tomdal@northlandsecurities.com Member FINRA and SIPC I Registered with SEC and MSRB Northland Public Finance December 5, 2019 Page 2 of 4 PLANNING SERVICES At the direction of the City or EDA, Northland will provide financial planning services including, but not limited to: 1. Creation and management of tax increment financing districts. 2. Creation and management of tax abatement programs. 3. Yearly preparation of tax increment financing payment calculations in a format that the City provides. 4. Creation and management of other public finance tools including special service districts, housing improvements areas, special assessments, and utility user fees. 5. Review and evaluation of proposals for public financial assistance for private development. 6. Assistance with the negotiation and management of development agreements. 7. Creation strategies and/or policies for the implementation of development and redevelopment projects. 8. Creation of capital improvement plans including the identification of funding alternatives and the analysis of financial implications. 9. Preparation of long range financial projections and plans. 10. Design and facilitation of group decision making and educational workshops. 11. Assistance with grants and other federal funding initiatives. Northland will provide a scope of work and budget for each Planning Service. From time to time, the City and EDA may at its discretion, authorize Northland to undertake Planning Services without a written scope of work and budget. DEBT ISSUANCE At the direction of the City, Northland will provide services for the issuance of debt. Northland shall provide all services necessary to analyze, structure, offer for sale and close the transaction. The services will be adjusted to meet the specific needs of each debt project. Examples of the services include the following: Plannin� and Develo�ment: L Meet with City officials and others as directed to define the scope and the objectives. 2. Assemble and analyze relevant statistical information. 3. Prepare a preliminary feasibility study or discuss with City officials possible funding options and the fiscal implications of each. 4. Assist with determining strategies to meet federal arbitrage exceptions or mitigating rebate exposure. 5. Prepare details on the elements of the bond issue including, issue structure, method of issuance, term, sale timing, and call provisions. 6. Prepare a schedule of events related to the issuance process. Northland Public Finance December 5, 2019 Page 3 of 4 7. Attend meetings of the City Council and other project and bond issue related meetings as needed and as requested. Bond Sale: 1. Prepare and provide the City with the Preliminary Official Statement for review and approval. 2. Recommend whether the issue should secure a bond rating. If the issue is to be rated, prepare and furnish to the rating agencies the information the rating agencies require to evaluate the issue and provide their rating. Serve as the City's representative to the rating agencies. 3. Assist the city and the development of investor interest for the purchase of the bonds. 4. Conduct bond sale process. 5. Coordinate with bond counsel the preparation and execution of required documents. 6. Prepare and post the Final Official Statement. 7. Coordinate with the purchaser and the City the closing process and the receipt of bond proceeds by the City. Post Sale Su�ort: 1. Furnish to the City a complete transcript of the transaction. 2. Assist, as requested by the City, with the investment of bond issue proceeds. Investment Assistance: Should the City desire to invest the proceeds from the debt issuance or any other funds of the City through Northland in its capacity as a broker, Northland shall, at all times, transact such investments as principal. CONTINUING DISCLOSURE At the direction of the City, and under a separate agreement, Northland will continue to assist the City with all aspects of compliance with the Security and Exchange Commission's Rule 15c2-12 on continuing disclosure. Northland employs a full-time continuing disclosure specialist to collect information and to submit annual disclosure documents on behalf of our clients. We monitor changing regulations and industry practices to ensure that our services stay up to date. COMPENSATION Planning Services: Northland is committed to establishing fair and manageable arrangements for consulting projects billed on an hourly basis. For every project, we will provide the City with a description of work to be performed and a cost of services. We will not bill for Northland Public Finance December 5, 2019 Page 4 of 4 costs in excess of the stated amount unless the City agrees to a revised scope of work and budget. We will not surprise the City with unexpected billing. We will not seek compensation for services not under contract. Planning services will be billed monthly at a rate of $190 per hour. Invoices will detail the work performed, requested compensation for the period and show amounts previously billed and amount remaining under the approved budget. Debt Issuance: 2. 4. Fees for debt issuance is based on the par amount of bonds issued and are proposed to be as follows: Par Amount $0 to $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $1,000,001 to $2,000,000 $2,000,001 to $3,000,000 $3,000,001 to $4,000,000 $4,000,001 to $5,000,000 $5,000,000 and Over Fee $8,375 $10,300 $14,500 $17,300 $19,800 $23,000 $23,000 plus $640/$500,000 in excess of $5 million Fee schedule applies to the aggregate amount of debt issued that day — not on an individual series basis. Revenue Bonds are billed at 1.25 times the above fee schedule. Northland will not bill for any out of pocket expenses for debt issuance such as transcript, travel, copying, mail/shipping, and official statement printing. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this letter and for the opportunity to continue to provide service to the City and EDA. I would be happy to answer any questions. Sincerely, Northland Securities � �L�-� Tammy Omdal Managing Director � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � °° � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � N � N N N N N LL � N N N N N N N N N N N N V N v N N N N f0 Gl > > > > > � N N � N � N N N N N � N ln ln N N •0 U � U U U O �� �� � � O �� �� �� O U Q O Q Q O O a ¢ Q ¢ ¢ ¢ � ¢ ¢ ¢ c° � ¢ ¢ ¢ c� ¢ c� c� c� +• c v o � o 0 0 � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � o 0 0 � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � O O O � O O O � O O " 0 O O O 0 O " O O O O � v1 t0 v1 � O� v1 O� I� v1 O m O ti N 0 N � I� � O� � N W I.f1 N I.f1 � M N N M {�j} � c-I c-I {^j} c-I c-I N {�j} I� y,� i/} i/} i/} {/} i/} � i/} i/} i/} i/} �' i/} i/} i/} i/} i/} i/} O F H � O 0 0 t00 W n � r. 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