EDA Agenda 01-08-2020AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Consent Agenda - Item 4a through 4c a. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — December 11, 2019 b. Consideration of approving payment of bills c. Consideration of approving staff attendance at 2020 Winter EDAM Conference; January 5. Consideration of authorizing solicitation of Request for Qualifications for Housing Needs and Market Demand Study 6. Consideration of funding request for Co-Work Concept Tech Meet Up Event in the amount of $700.00 7. Director's Report MINUTE S REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, December llth, 2019 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: Bill Tapper Staff Present: 1. Call to Order Jim Thares and Angela Schumann Steve Johnson called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 6 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items None. � 4. Consent Agenda LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. JINI DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. a. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — November 13, 2019 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — November 13, 2019. b. Consideration of approvin� Workshop Meetin� Minutes — November 13, 2019 Recommendation: Approve Workshop Meeting Minutes — November 13, 2019. c. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — December 02, 2019 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — December 2, 2019. d. Consideration of 2020 Initiative Foundation Contribution in the amount of $2,390.00 Recommendation: Approve $2,390 allocation to the Initiative Foundation for its 2020 fundraising efforts. e. Consideration of 2019 underpavment in the amount of $587.42 for common area maintenance for EDA owned lot located at 220 West Broadwav Recommendation: Approve the common area maintenance underpayment amount of $587.42 for 2019 associated with the EDA owned parcel located at 220 West Broadway. f. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills Recommendation: Approve payment of bills through November, 2019. Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of 2020 Wri�ht Countv Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP) Membership Fee in the amount of $2,606.00 — Duane Northa�en, Economic Development Authority Minutes — December 11, 2019 Page 1 � 4 Executive Director, WCEDP Jim Thares introduced the topic and Duane Northagen from the Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP). Northagen explained that WCEDP is the only county-wide economic development organization. The WCEDP is primarily funded through Wright County with member dues making up the balance of the funds. Northagen explained that the organization assists communities in Wright County with their economic development needs. Their scope of work is dependent on the needs of the individual community. Northagen explained several programs and organizations that WCDEP is involved with including: MNCAR, CMA and workforce pathways. Northagen invited the EDA to attend their annual meeting on Friday, January 31, 2020, which includes a breakfast and award presentation given to four communities for their work related to economic development. Ross Bernstein, author and noted motivational speaker will be the featured guest presenter. TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO APPROVE THE 2020 ANNUAL WCEDP MEMBERSHIP DUES 1N THE AMOUNT OF $2,606.00. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARR�D, 7-0. 6. Consideration of Preliminarv Residential Development Concept for 16.7-acre Countrv Club Addition parcel alon� 7th Street West (adiacent to I-94) — Michael Hoa�ber�, Headwaters Development, Lakeville, MN Jim Thares introduced the item and explained that Headwater's Development Company has developed a concept for a 120-unit apartment building along with 37 detached patio homes geared towards seniors. Headwater's Development, LLC has started construction of its 96-unit senior living facility on County Road 39 near the Kwik Trip Convenience Store located on Hart Boulevard. The project was approved by the council in the spring of 2019. They are interested in the property that is owned by the EDA along Interstate 94 (16.7 acres). Thares introduced Michael Hoagberg of Headwater's Development. Hoagberg noted that when they invest in communities, they are in it for the long-haul. Their proposal for this site is geared towards age restricted affordable units and takes into consideration the ability to offer services and features that add value to the proposal due to the presence of their assisted living facility which is currently under construction near the Kwik Trip on the east side of Monticello along Hart Boulevard. He said that staff and programing at that facility could be more intensively and efficiently used to provide opportunities to residents of this proposed project as well. Angela Schumann, Community Development Director noted that the EDA would need to Economic Development Authority Minutes — December 11, 2019 Page 2 � 4 enter into a Right-of-Entry with Headwaters so they can complete soil testing and other due diligence before purchasing the land. Jim Davidson asked for more clarification on the phasing of the project. Hoagberg explained the that the proj ect would be separated into two proj ects, but development could be run contiguously. Steve Johnson asked what the next step would need to be to move the concept development proposal forward. Hoagberg explained that access to the site would need to be granted from the EDA. Hoagberg noted that the site would be restored to its original condition from any work such as surveying or soil testing. Tracy Hinz asked if there any guidelines for living on the property besides age restrictions. Hoagberg commented that 100% of the units would be affordable and meet the 60% AMI. 011ie Koropchak-White asked if they have completed any other similar projects before. Hoagberg noted that they are working on a project in Chanhassen. He noted that they have completed this type of proj ect before, but not with the health care component. Steve Johnson asked if there was a shortage of this type of housing/segment to be filled. Davidson asked if residents in these apartments would have priority to medical services offered at their senior living facility being built on County Road 37. Hoagberg commented that it could be an option, but that they would have to work through the details. Hoagberg also stated that home care services could come into the homes of these residents. An expansion was noted on the plan sets that were provided in the EDA packet. Lloyd Hilgart asked if the expansion project could accommodate another assisted living facility. Hoagberg explained that they were not planning to have any restrictions on the units. The emphasis will be to address the needs of seniors. Hilgart noted that the State recently made changes to the assistance for affordable senior housing proj ects. Hoagberg further summarized that a new scoring system has been developed and, in order to score high, new the proj ect needs to have 100 percent affordable housing. Hoagberg also commented that they are working through whether the patio homes would also be 100% affordable. He stated that they would not necessarily need to be affordable and that the rent would be within 10 percent of the apartments. TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO APPROVE A RIGHT-OF-ENTRY TO HEADWATERS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY WITH THE EDA. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Davidson asked if elevations have been completed and if rental rates have been established. Hoagberg declined but stated that the proj ect would be complimentary to the construction of their facility on Country Road 39. Hoagberg noted that he would present the rental rates at a future time. Economic Development Authority Minutes — December 11, 2019 Page 3 � 4 Jim Thares recommended not entering a letter of intent with Headwater's Development a this particular meeting as the EDA needs to better understand the value of its land and the process of moving forward if a TIF application is received from Headwaters'. He noted that an EDA workshop could be scheduled in January if the timing works to further discuss the project. JON MORPHEW MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON ENTERING 1NT0 A LETTER OF INTENT WITH HEADWATERS DEVELOPMENT. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. 7. Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Director's Report and reviewed the Prospect List. Thares explained that staff have been working with UMC to submit a funding application through MN-DEED called the Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF). The application is expected to be submitted within the next week or so. Staff and UMC would also be submitting another financial assistance application to the JCF (Job Creation Fund) program through DEED about a week after the MIF submittal. Angela Schumann explained that the City of Monticello has been working on revising its' Comprehensive Plan. The plan is broken into two key components: vision and the comprehensive plan. It was noted that the draft vision report is ready for review by the community and City Boards. Schumann requested comments from the EDA by December 23ra A final report would be presented to the City Council in January and the comprehensive planning process would begin shortly after that. Schumann also explained that there is an opening on the Planning Commission and that staff are actively searching for an addition to that board. 8. Adjourn TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:46 P.M. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARR�D, 6-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: January 8, 2020 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — December 11, 2019 Page 4 � 4 EDA Agenda: O1/08/20 4b. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve payment of bills through December, 2019. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through December, 2019 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. 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Thraa�gh �Dct�b�r 31, �Q79 Fr�r RII L�g�l Servi�es ,�s Folb�kvs: H�urs 10f�J2�1�9 �BR R�vie�v commen#s on pur�.h��� �gr�ee�ent: up�d�[e �i 75 ����kli�# 1�±��2Q�9 h�INi �t���eu�' �h��g�� k� PA, Uffi�e ��nferer�C� tNi�h ���Gkli� 0 3� regarding sarr�e 1�}!�l2Di� MNf M�ntieell� Edm�nson prrperty is�ues: p�r�ne �.4f7 c�nuers�#��r� w;On �C3,� �taff, o��ice eonfer�nce +n+�t� � S�ns��Fa �n� ph�n� ce�nuers�#ions with J JamnF'�, arr� � Heir�� regars�in� �i�y w�rra�Cy deeds; �evise PA 1�;3�2019 MNI �in�liz� rev�s�d PAfc�r Ed�nons�n �ar�el: eTn�il anr� 0?�_ phs�ne c�arresp�ndence v�it� J Th�res regardirsg [itle in5ur�n�e �rd �ep�iG 5]f��em iSsu�S tD�3J�Q19 h�+1Nl Dr�ft approving resolutian f�r E�mons�n PA e] 9�l i Q�14�2Q19 CBR Re�+iew #rtle c�ornmitment; save t� system; inkerofFice c�nf�ren�e wikh M, Ir��gr�rn re��rding � p�r��l� 1 pr'1��2�19 Thw�� �'�e�k w�IR�; Pr�parati�rv closing �oc�rnents JQ�77��D,9 r�1Nl �?evi�� title c€�mr�nikrrrent and sen� #� � T�ares 10J17+201� TMR �all cRty f�rr E�R1J info; 5�[ u� fil� Am€�unt 9� �5 6C► DC� 48{].O(l ��O D(l i $� C1� 63.5(l 63 �� �� Q� 63 5� '10J2212�119 ThJtR Email J d�ls�ehmann, bup�r clo�er; for��ard dc�cs �nd �.�� 31.75 requesi t� 5ek �ler�ing d�te; dr�cs �av�d tc� file Total �er�rices; � '1,�37.50 T�tal �ervice� �nd Disbur�emer��s� 5 '1,�37.�� Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 11:04 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Julie, these are all okay to pay. Please see coding below. Thank you!! From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2019 12:17 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 3:46 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: MN325-00044 — 300 East 4t" Street -$743.50 213-46301-430400 MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$620.00 213-46301-430400 MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson Ave -$1,237.50 213-46301-430400 MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea Road W-$80.00 UMC Escrow Account MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC Econ Dev TIF -$425.00 UMC Escrow Account MN190-00101— General EDA - $240.00 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us t'JTfi' RJF ���� ��I��I���.� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i P�g�: � I��r�n��i}r 8E Grarre�, �Gharter��! z�� s��k� ���;t� stre�t �U:t� ��� MinneapoJis, MN �54Q2 �City �f h9on;icello �c�ob�r 31, ��619 �a1h�19Q-0�161 4065 Ch�ls�e� F���d Ui+. Thro�gh �ctober 31, 2�19 �or,�111 Le��l �ervices �s �allo+rrs: Hours Amour�k 1�7J���2�19 M�JI F�e�+i�e I�R fc�r �helsea pr�perty. 0_44 ��.�Q Ta�tal S+erv�ces: � ��.�fJ Tat�l Servic�s and Disb�rsements= S ��1.0{} , ��A. � L, , �l 5_ !yi �� `_. � 1 � -�'��"� E ��� ��� � � � �� :,���'�9 � i � �" ;, r� � . ', - . � �I�i l � Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 11:04 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Julie, these are all okay to pay. Please see coding below. Thank you!! From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2019 12:17 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 3:46 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: MN325-00044 — 300 East 4t" Street -$743.50 213-46301-430400 MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$620.00 213-46301-430400 MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson Ave -$1,237.50 213-46301-430400 MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea Road W-$80.00 UMC Escrow Account MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC Econ Dev TIF -$425.00 UMC Escrow Account MN190-00101— General EDA - $240.00 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us t'JTfi' RJF ���� ��I��I���.� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i P�ge; " F�Cenned� & �;r�v��, �h,ar�ker�d �OC1 �c���h Sixt� Street, ��.ite 470 �+lir�ne�p�lis, A+1F� ��540� �iiy t�� M�nti�ello �c�kc�be� 3i, 2�19 1�11�19�]-qC�141 �eneral E�7.� Ma�ters Thrcaut�h f�ct�b�er 31, 20'f9 For All Le�g�l ��:rvices As Fo9lo�rrs: 1C�l�1,��Q19 �+I�lI Mc�ntYsly finance �all u�i�h E[�A �nd ��ty �#�ff, Northl�nd u Tota9 �ervices: Ho�,rs Amount � .20 240.00 $ 248,��? Total �er+�i�es ar�d i�isbursemenk�: $ �4Q.00� � ; ��� y {j £-' i� �' I � � ��:�' � �`'`� ___��.- ��� � �. A s;,� �� 9. . , ��� Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 11:04 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Julie, these are all okay to pay. Please see coding below. Thank you!! From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2019 12:17 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 3:46 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: MN325-00044 — 300 East 4t" Street -$743.50 213-46301-430400 MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$620.00 213-46301-430400 MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson Ave -$1,237.50 213-46301-430400 MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea Road W-$80.00 UMC Escrow Account MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC Econ Dev TIF -$425.00 UMC Escrow Account MN190-00101— General EDA - $240.00 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us t'JTfi' RJF ���� ��I��I���.� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i �ity of Mon�ic��'o C��tQber 3�. 2Q19 M #V 1 �0-0� 1 �iJ ��y� 2 ��nr�ed}r $� Cr��v�n, Ch,��t�ered ���0 ��u;h, Si�#h �ir��k, �uik�4r� Minneapclis. MN 5�4�12 �L79 lJfs�l� E�an�ri�iC Dev�lopment T1F Thrn�,gh C3cta'�er 31, ��19 Fc�r All f.egal �ervic�s As F�Ilativs: HpurS 1QJ�J�015 MhJI Mo�ki�e�".� plannartg �c�mm re5olukic�n F�r C)##�r �re�k 1.4� prGp�rty S�le, �h�15�� pr�pert'� �Cquisi[i�n, r�v �vr staff report or� same; email �nd p�ion� carrespond�n�e vrikh EDA. s#�ff r�g�rding s�me 10d��1��19� M�11 �'hon� conv�rs�ki�on ��rith �1 S�hurr7�nn r�[��rding s�h�dule 0."?0 �' of �ver�ts for UN1� P�D C�nkrac[. Tota�� �ervaces ,4rn[runt �5�1.0�] 7�.(lC� $ �42�.0� T�ptal ��n+ices and �}iskat�rsements; $ � .� � ;� � �ti��� �� ��,�'�, �_��, ,� �.� �, � - .� �� , ,� � 4���� ° �� � ��+ � - '�`,j1�J tii, � ,, ` �, �,�,,� , � � �� � �� ' ��'` � , � � '� �i � ti r �s'�.�+ 42�.�10 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 11:04 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Julie, these are all okay to pay. Please see coding below. Thank you!! From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2019 12:17 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 3:46 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: MN325-00044 — 300 East 4t" Street -$743.50 213-46301-430400 MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$620.00 213-46301-430400 MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson Ave -$1,237.50 213-46301-430400 MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea Road W-$80.00 UMC Escrow Account MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC Econ Dev TIF -$425.00 UMC Escrow Account MN190-00101— General EDA - $240.00 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us t'JTfi' RJF ���� ��I��I���.� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i ��c��: ' K�n��:d�r � �rav�nr �h�rt�r��l �u0 ��u;�, �px:�f� �tre�et, �uit� �7� Minn���olis, MN �540� i�1�n#i��llo ED,4 �G#ober �1, 2�19 MN���-���7�� 141. 1G7, �nd 121 Br�a�d�rr�y TYtfel��h C}Ci013�� 31, 2{?",9 Fc�f �,II Let;al ��rvi�es As Fall�u��s: �-lo�rs 1 Qf�9��01� MNI Phon� �c�nver�atian �rikh J TF��res r�g�rding P,A fc�r 1f}� 1+� 1.�0 Br�adyvay �t �I; P�vise sar�n� 1 G; 3�7;'�D'19 �flhJl J��nsan FA compansor�, rev�ew of ch�r�g�s, �rnai:M with 1.2� �D� staff re�ard�ng sam� 1�!�{}P2479 Mf�l Dr�f� E�� r�5e�luti�r�� �ppr�ving John�an PA �D,60 1`�rtal �enrices: $ �i�a.�U Totaf �errrices anci Disbursements_ $ �ZO.{}Q __ ,�, ��� � �'�� i r �� � � �_��� -�i� ti 7 �--.-._ y ;!�y j t � �� � ����'ti �,tir��, � : '�o:'�i'9 i,w � ��` � � 6 4 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 11:04 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Julie, these are all okay to pay. Please see coding below. Thank you!! From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2019 12:17 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 3:46 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: MN325-00044 — 300 East 4t" Street -$743.50 213-46301-430400 MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$620.00 213-46301-430400 MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson Ave -$1,237.50 213-46301-430400 MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea Road W-$80.00 UMC Escrow Account MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC Econ Dev TIF -$425.00 UMC Escrow Account MN190-00101— General EDA - $240.00 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us t'JTfi' RJF ���� ��I��I���.� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i P��e: 2 }�en�e�d}� �. ��a�r�n, �h�rt�r�t� ��C1 S�;�th� Six:r Str�et, �uite 47t� �a+'linne��pl;s MN 5�4��� �1c�n#s�ello EDR Oct�sber 31, �019 hhN3�5-{7Q4�34 �f�� ��sk 4�h �#. Thraugh �C]ciober 31, �019 �ar All ��g�� Serv��ces ,4s F+�Ilc��n+�: Hc�urs 1�1151�0�� MhJI Email a�d p�ar�� c�rre�pr��r��nc� v:ith J Thares r�garding t].�G n�w EDA acquisitior� �E pr+�perky at 300 E 4th �kr�et; review t�rrn sh�et '101961�C1�� �A+�R ,Ad� t�a �losir�g IisC; intraoffce canfer�nce v�ikh � Rack�°t� 4.5� �nd IWt Inqrarn r+�garding updat�: €�rde,� titl� work fr�rn Pref�rred Title 'IQ1�71��19 h;9Nl Qr�ft pu�ch�se ac�re�men4 F�r 30[l E��4 �th �tre�t, dr�t� � 1��� planning cornmis�ic�n res�l�ti€�n in c�nnec[ian with sar��e 1�12�.+241 � MNI Finalize and �end planrr�g corr+mission resolutic�n fi.�Q 10f3f11�419 MNI []raft E[�,4 resolut�or� �ppr��+ing L�rsoe� PA. 4�.�4 T�st�l 5�nrices ,4ms�unt �0.0� 63.�0 �20,�U Ci�.40 12(].4�0 $ 743.�D T�tal Services �n�i Disb�r�ern�r�ts: $ 7�3.5Q r J +. r� � �f � i_ .i, j - � l �� �� 11�� � I�� h�1�. v�,� � �i �� � 1 1 " ����. �� ni �°�' r r�. `,� � M� I �i � , �i , �� � �� � �I ���-~_�` � �� Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 11:04 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Julie, these are all okay to pay. Please see coding below. Thank you!! From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2019 12:17 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 3:46 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: MN325-00044 — 300 East 4t" Street -$743.50 213-46301-430400 MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$620.00 213-46301-430400 MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson Ave -$1,237.50 213-46301-430400 MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea Road W-$80.00 UMC Escrow Account MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC Econ Dev TIF -$425.00 UMC Escrow Account MN190-00101— General EDA - $240.00 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us t'JTfi' RJF ���� ��I��I���.� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i �J�EC�C RE�IJ�ST Req�,est Da�e_ � 1•� Lr ' 1'� _ Cheek tcr: Harry T. L�r�to 907 ��� Av� S �uffalor �"�r1N �531� �he�k �4rna�r�t: "� �� �� � . -' ;-' ll�nd�r #: h+le�ting.s 1�'dorked: � h�leetir�� C�ate i Time �rnaunt Due � Pdanning �ort�nni��ion �� . L-� � �� � � ,�,�� `�" '�1� City���ncil �� • �'�. , �� ,�. �� ��2„-�-�`� - r E�A, � � . k� - �� - � � _� _ C�ty Cauncil �� • �'� ° � �, � � , �_� Tot�l aue: ���`�-•� ��ar�ning C�ro�missic�n E D�4; �ity Cou�i�ii� 1�}�.41�1C�.41��0 � �� ���.4�301.431��p '��'� �J�.�1110_43199� � I �� • �� � �� /� Autl�c�riz�� $y;' ' b�t�: 11 •'� C..� � l�1 Tlh�l� SH�ET ATTACH�C? City of Ih�lontie�lls� l�pd�t�d C}�#�b�r 2018 1 � f: I T 1+' C? F � ���.�1C�'�!� T1 he1 � �5� E'ET NAM E= HA�f�R`f LANT�J P�1�1710�1_ PU�LIC f+�IEET[f�� �EC(�RDER - ��iVTRACT t����� DATE TIP�'kE IN TbP+�E 4UT hr1EE'�ING �: �� � � -�i �,�`�,��[� �, �,��,"�` ����;,�� _� _ _ � _ - 1 ����';� ��'����'� � �. �� � � k � �� ���� �b�, 4 . , il , _ �_ �� r� . , , � f+c, � � � ��fi .L- -- �*� ���� �� e --- --- i t ���-��j �� � � `���� �� __ ' c�. � .� � i � � � � 'M�EETINC� I�AYMEfUT: �60 FOR FIF�ST � H[�UR� $1� PER Ffp�1R �=�F� EVERY �NOk�f� AFTER, lV1EETING RE��} ER; i� ��- � � � � � " ��_�� SI�hIATIJR�: �..,.: Dl��f�: �� �� �? �� � AUTH�R��EL BY:��' ,; n�TE: �'l � �c� � �� . 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James i�pf1�1��}1� Pr��ect ���D In#orrr`atic,n and �ite Plans G�r�mb�rg, Jarnes itltlBJ��Q19 L�n� U�e S��dy Report Gromt�erg, Je�res 14�21 #�41 J Meetin� with Jirn ��o�t projects_ M��ss, Erie 1�pf16J��}1� Industn�l Land �tudy Mappings,��r�phi�s Hnurs �af�2 1.5�1 't 46_OOh �i.0� 95_O(} �.�� Hours 1, ��Q 1, O�l 1, D+� �.0�] 3,�€l Am��nt 219.0[� 570. �7U 789.OU 7$9.Q0 �'vtal this Tasl� �r789_RO Rat� 7 4�.O�U 1'��.0�} 146.0(� 14�.t]� 1 18.Oi} �mount 146.�0 146.�0 146.00 � 92. �70 348.I]0 �� r� n,-�.,.,.. .. .. „.,��,��-uuu r�+�U'f�T-2�1� E C�f101"111�C�$L'��Qp�R1Eil��#�3fVIC� In'ur,ira in �r7�SS_ �n`r - . . ._ ��f������� iwfapsJgrapF�icS Maass. �ric 14���81��1� h�lappir�g updakes ! rep,�rt c�raphics Pittman, Bryan ?pl16l2D1� fn�tlus[fr2l L�fwd SCu�y M�ppF,�� 'JUalker, Thomas 1€�l?�,r2C119 irret�stria� fan�i ste,t�+y m�ppirag 7o��fs Total �Labor B�Ifirrgs t� d}ate ��� L���ir To#a!� �urrent ���]'_{�� 2, i 54 C10 3,��4.0� 3�8. Otl 232,Q� � ��,f�Q i 74.0�] '� , 9'65, �1{� � i � y�� �_ �{� rOf�i �nl$ r�S� $7,ss�.o� x���r c�,�� �na�e ��,s��_�o tota� this Inwo6c� � $3 5��.�4 Tot�l � � r� �,���.L�� � 6.1 � 9. (]0 ,,,�+�' 13,6�9,0�} � �� �� � � ��ge 2 79p1 kFhllA .$VCNUE S 3UII! 300 }1i i r'i r� i f4 ?{% _ i s,. aSi ik ��+]l�i �iky �f MDnt�ce�lo Attn; Wa�{r�e Oberg�, Finar�ce �ire�t�� 50�'JV�Ir��a# �tr�ef, �uil� 1 M�nt��eilo, MN ��3��-8837 ��J.�"�.� 1 � �{� �F�.°y4y � s'ti _Pr� ,ir�-� �::__ _ 5y�ti 4,41 . �_f 4Y� ;A�1 ��i� iy �'r � 1i�4'_ ,. - _ ,y�.,�'�.�'.A��.. - - _ �, r No�em�r 2�i, 2t�1 � Pr�je�tllnvoic�� R-+�14�11-Dt]C+ - 3 Revi�w�d by: Brek W�iss Rr�jeck f�lanager: Pe�nny Rt31!F C�owr-�to+wn Redev. Pe�ject - �vfontic�ll�s �iky S#sf# Rerri�wer - Jim Th�res GL Acct :� NFA Prof�ssi�nal Serwi�ces frtam Qc#�ber 1. �CM1� tv C)�#�Fier 31, 2U19 Phas� 4�1 Dnuv�t�wn Rede�r. F'rr�peci ! .� ProjecC h�1an���rrrent liou� Rate Ralf, �'enny 1L?1512Q1� .25 176.{�� fil� �.uc�rk Ro�f, Penny 7�}F18J2419 _�p 17'�6.�D Call w�Jim ihar�s �iSCussrn� 2cquisiii�r7 �I�tus on Che 2 6uiltlirrr�s, di�Cussed r�eloc�tion eligii�ili#y natices To#a�s .75 Takal La�c�r Billirag Limit� Te�tal Billin�s Limi# Remaining Current 7 �2 �J [} Amc�uni 4�.Clp 8$,�D�} 132.�Q 13�.�[i Tpt�! #his Task Total t��� Phase Fri�r To-[��te 1 ��37.�1�1 1,�7�.C�(1 14,�0�.7i] 8,9�9.C�C} $13�.�}0 �� 3�_�(� �'�t�l �his In�c�ic� $13�.�}iU O z 0 a � � 0 � � 0 � .� U A �� I � ° I ° ���� I N � I � � I � � c� c� c� c� c� c� c� o 0 0 O O O O O O �� � ���� NN N NNNN � � � � � � � � � � O O O O O O O O O O N N 0 N 0 N N N N 0 N 0 N 0 N O O O O O O O O O M O M O M O M M p M p M M M M �p M �p M �p M N N 0 N 0 N N N N � N � N � N �--� �--� � �--� � �--� �--� �--� �--� � �--� � �--� � �--� Q Q Q Q Q W W W W W -%y N c� c� c� c� c� � O O � O O � O �" Z � � p� O � 01 � Q � � '� '� 01 N '� � '� i '� Vl Vl p � Vl ,� Vl � Vl O � .� 'O 'O � � Z � 'O � 'O '� 'O � p�/� � �' � Z Z cC �N � � � �' � � � � � � � ;.� � y � °�' w � > � ° o a�i � o q� �� o z � � a U� � � o�� � � �� � � � a4 � ., � � .`� �1 0 � � � � � q 0 0� W W�� � rx W � � �a W o � � pp � � � � � '" � W �' _" c� i-�J- �-�J- �-�J- U 0�00 O O Q � U U z xx � xxxx Q w w w h w w w w � � � � � � � � � � C7 C7 U C7 C7 C7 C7 O � � Ca Ca � Ca Ca Ca Ca �� z ���� z � Q QQ a QQQQ a h � � � x h r� w �� °z ���� x � � 0 0 0 0 NN 00 0 0 0 0 O O � � N N 0 0 N 0 0 0 O O N 0 0 0 0 v v v v 0000 ���� 0 0 0 0 M M M M � � � � � � � � � � � � N N N N � � 0 M � � N 0 M � 0 M � � N O z 0 a � � 0 � 0 z � U � L� O "� C". � 0 0 � 0 � � A� Q W � O � � � 'O � � ��lo �� � �� o � � NN �� �� NN � � O O N N o 0 o M M M �p N N � �--� �--� O. Q W �� � � O � r� N � Y� O N ,� � W a�i � a � a�i bA � �W �, �a x ' � O P-i p p� N O � N �, � 0 � M N '� L". w w° � O � � � � 0 � � E� O CL �i � � � v � � 0 N M N L". � O U U � � � � O U � � h a � P�ge: 2 Kf��lrl�djf � ��`�Y�I`I, �h�����(� ��0 �outh Sixth Stree#, �uike � t'� M��re�pc�lis. h�� �5�c�� Ciry c�F f4�orlCiCell€� fVav�mber 30, 2�Q19 ft+tiN19L7-�01�i0 ��'19 U�r1C Ecc�nomic Qe+�elopiment TIF Thraugh N�vemb�r 30. �01� Fc�r All Legal ��rvices �s Fo��o�,vs: H�urs 1�l1�l�t�79 Ikllf�l Review pro�rosed staff re�vrt �nd s�h�c�ule �of e�r�e+�ks for ti�Q UMI�; r��,ise sar�n� ��� sen� ta �DA sC�ff u���th c��nrn�r�[s � 1.r��}12p�� NINI R�ui�+r� Northlar��i r�rema �n T1F Plan for IJMC {TIF ���; 0.4�J s�rtd car�rm��it� to E�]A stafF 11f24,r��':9 h��ll Revis�e �oun�il re��[uti�rr a�proving TIF �lan a�d O.s��J e5#�bliShm�n� �f TIF 1-�1 Tatal �enri�es Arno�ur�t 3LO.+Jt7 � D(i.0�i 15Q�0�1 $ 550.00 Tc�ta6 �ervi�e� �►ne� Disburs�rr�er�ts; � �S�.O�Q Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 3:35 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Julie, these are okay to pay. See coding below. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 10:18 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$460.00 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00160 — UMCTIF Development -$550.00 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161-4065 Chelsea Road -$867.55 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson Ave -$406.70 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$882.25 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN325-00044 — 300 East 4t" St -$564.80 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks! JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us {'9T3' f1F ...�� �C��'l�I���t�' Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i F'�ge� � �C�r�r��dy & �r�ven, ��arte���i 2�� So�#h Sixk� �#r��t, �uite 47p Mirl�+��p�li5, M1N �541�2 �Ity c�f fV�c�nticellca November 3�J: �01 � A+1�1190-��161 406� ���15�a Road IiV 'fhr�ugh �lovember 30. 2�J19 Far All L�gal Ser�ices As Follows: Haur� � 114+2Q19 M�ll Reuie+�+ r�q,�e�t�d �Y��nges #o �Ch�'se� P�4; �rnail to EC�A 0.2� �taff reg��din� ��m� 1117��0'I� MAII Email corresp�ndenc� wi:r. J Th�res reg�rd��� �t�ku� of �.'I� PA; re'�iekv plannirvt� comm r�e�aluti�n; �draft E�A res[slu4i�r �pp�t�vin� �A °11�'1512CJ19 TMd� Revie�l+ fil� C.��a 1"�19�2Q1� MNI �ffice conf�r�ne� with T Rei�h�rk reg�rding �bj�c#i�n I�#ter; er�r�il to J Thares re�a�ding sarne 11P19J2019 Tf�1R Send F�lartha In�ram copies �f car�rrbitm�rt ex�ep[ion d�CUn�en��. SC�n �rigin�. resoluti�rr 201�-14} 11��O;�Q�9 TMR [�r�ft obje�ti�n Letter U �� D �0 1.O�1 11?�`..+��19 MNI Review and r�vrse title ot�j�cti�an letter, office ��nferenee Ci��Q with T Reicherk re��rding �arrre "1±2'Ii2Q19 TMR Intr��a�fi��c�nferen�ewi#h M�rtha In�ram reg�rding 0.7�] auje�ti�n I�tter �r�d correcki��s #c� be made; rer+ised al�cument and s�nt t� ft+l�rt�a I��r�rr� Trsr re�iew 17l�'Id2f�19 TMF� M�ke c�rrecti�n� tr� �#jec#i�n le#ter; errrail t� J^m Thares; �.SQ ma�l tc� �h�vrrs UVeirr�rd Fr�r AI� L��sbur5�rrs�nks �,s Fcll��nrs Postage T�aial Senriees T���I �ishurs�em�nts; ,4mcunt �iO.�Jf} 2�4.'�b �E3 5f} 4�.C+0 63.�� 1 � 7. �10 1 �iQ.�l� ��.9� 63 5D � �56�.�1b � iotal �envices and Di�bur�erner�t�: $ 857.�5 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 3:35 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Julie, these are okay to pay. See coding below. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 10:18 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$460.00 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00160 — UMCTIF Development -$550.00 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161-4065 Chelsea Road -$867.55 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson Ave -$406.70 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$882.25 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN325-00044 — 300 East 4t" St -$564.80 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks! JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us {'9T3' f1F ...�� �C��'l�I���t�' Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i �lor{171a7nLt �ec�rikit4, 1��. 1 �.� tic�ukkti ]=if#1� ��s�cc�t `�uit�� �����7 ��'�LT1f�L`il}�43�15�, r4't'.�ti '_?�l��i �.. �.'°1 ��i[�:: (37�-�;7-=�cr�,, Fax: ���-t�,7-=,«-;� ��i�T�; ��i��� 4�f'�l«��tit-��11c� Ji�ro 7'a� 3rc�,. F�-��n L�e}� ��1�r �i�5 k�4`aln ut �h�cet, �uite� 1 �'14}.l�.il"2`��47r ���� 3 _5['+� � � �Cu�t��'txer �'(C� TIF L�i�kri�i �Jt�, l� �.x ������A.���� SFCI,�RlTIFS � �� �`. - �` �, � I ,����_s _. � �� �.� `��1 �, � _ � ', _,� i� � � �tl �� . �e --� .e.� ��.� — - __..._ _------_.. _� ., I��oic� Inr��ui�e Nutx�k�er: :1�i7' IrtV[tiiC� �dk�' 7'_'f�}f7� �'a��`. � Paym+�n� �ertrxs �ales� I��cp ID I]�e L]ate ��x, � f.l�} 6�;7 h•''. 1 r��+i �,t'I f_ ` _�_.. - �'����1�',�14711y I�c�e ur��i��.s r�lttt�4� ��+ Ec#,Zk��s�k�ct4ri7t ��f �l"a� Is�+3� I'it�35� s�� �s�a���4c� cjk�tail� �txk�tc�tal �al�s Tt�x Tc�taj 1��Foi�� �ernc�unt Ch��ck �c�_ Pt��fr��t�i I{�c�i���� 1,3��, CI['+ I ,�9;�.{ill TC1T�11� A�1�.ii'Y�31��+,r7�-���� I l�ii�;i�f�enr��-�,3t-���{�1 I ��'tk(31�-�'71-��}ki,° l�[] Snuth Fifth Strk�t, Sust� 3'O�J � Pvliyueea�+�ilis, �1�! 5�11? � 47r k171 a n c��e+a-uriti��s.t c7m �L4i'i�iJwr F� hRh eiaut .5lnC Rir�rslrxr'at �a�i P�a SEL' �ear,� �'✓lSf2� ��������� �LkE3Ll� FII�AhJ�.F lT��`�1�4.E SUP['l,�:fkiEh�'T C1ient; �at�' t�i �ia}n#ic4'l;t} $roject: ESt.�L�li�hm�nl;3f Tax In4rrencrvt Fir��n�in� C7i�trict Nu, l-�1 C�ritact: aim I�h�r�.'s Ecun4��t�rc L1��=�14�}��'���nt �+1�tt���r Cit;� n! \9c�nti��.tlls� 5i1�'4^valnut 4tr�et 5uit�' 1 �1c�nti���6+3,'��iti �;3f�2 Bi11in�{�'enod: C}ituUer:�1�9 �en.�i�es P�rf�rmed s L�}�d��t T11� ��sc:s tZ;.,.�� =ynd r�al ��k�ij4�� r.1x ti�5t�.rr7�tcs � l'r�}�:i.rt il�ustrati�}r, «f c3�h t1�.1►4' • ,.�,#k�otci }�u�lic }��•ar�n� an�. ��e�s��rt �t$ff Time Expen��s T�i��tl This Pe�ind I'�i-" i[tn 5tninr I'rsm�f�s��nna] Pra,f�ssi{�r��l �up}?airt �Fc:�t+�l StaFF '.1'!i]�a�;� 6'YaM�1in� C)kh�r 1`[7ka1 E�}'�•ns��.} Proje�k Summary� 'Tn�a] Su���;t Bi]]eci �I�hi�'P�ricsc� [ii1l�ri Prt�°i�us Liud�ct f�em�ining f���rEhlan4i �i�:urktie�, [r1C. � ��aur� li�k� f��:�3�1�', '.;'�+ �1$� �7a�,��,i)l] - S�1�5 S�(�{)C? - � � 1 � ��?_00 . .'; �] .��J;,CrD 5�,34�,fl� !'a�e 2 t+# : Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 3:37 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Northland Securities $1,395.00 Julie, this invoice is okay to pay. Please code to: UMC ESCPOW ACCOU11t From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 10:24 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Northland Securities $1,395.00 Jim Attached is Inv# 5923 from Northland Securities related to TIF 1-41. Okay to pay $1,395.00? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('3T1�' C�F _���' ` ��'�1.���ll� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i Page: 1 K�r�t1��i� $� �r�Ver�, �h�f��'.fe�1 ��� �`�j"Jt�'➢ x�iI9C��'1 ,�iF�F�E�#� �UI�$ �r�(] �Iflfl�c'3�TO�IS, '�i`� �J,��}� �Ity c�f MontlGellp Noueml�er �p, �[��9 MN1�Q-��101 Ge�efal E�A. M�,##�r5 Through Navem��r 3�J. 2�1 � F�r �,II Leg�l �er�ices F�s Follcaws: 11;1�,+���9 M�ll Fievi�w+ age�rd� an� �tta�hrrs�:nts F�r nnor��l�ly Pin�nce cor�fer�nce call with City �nd ��A staff, Norti�l�nd: ct�rs�ference call ��� � ��',`�d„� :i '�� 1;� : k � � �+ ��� �� � 1.�+ . I� 1 fi' ."� ti ��� ` _ ... J ��� � 1,''. r.' ./ T'ot�� Servic�s F�ours Amour�t 2.3Q 46t],�l] � 4�0.{lCi T�otal ��rvices and �isbu€s�mer�ts: $ 460.00 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 3:35 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Julie, these are okay to pay. See coding below. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 10:18 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$460.00 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00160 — UMCTIF Development -$550.00 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161-4065 Chelsea Road -$867.55 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson Ave -$406.70 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$882.25 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN325-00044 — 300 East 4t" St -$564.80 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks! JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us {'9T3' f1F ...�� �C��'l�I���t�' Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i F'�ge: 4 ��nnedy & �rawen, Ch�r��red 2�J� south ��xtn �;r�et. ����e 4� �+ Mirtir�e�p�@i�. P,AhI 554�� Ci[y of Monticello No�+embei 3(7, ��]�9 MN��{7-Ci+�16� $fi17 Edm�nst�r� �,u�. Thrau+�h h�lc�v�rrrber 30. 2�119 F�r A�� Le��l Servi�es As Fr�llos�+�: 11l1 �l2C119 'I 71"1 �; 2 U 19 1 1 �i'�12[l19 I�c�,�rs �rnou�# Th,� R Updake �e�uer s�eet and che: klis#; �all MN []�parkrr�e�# of �.�J�J He�l#h'or �ell r��ding in`�; complete w�ll �ertific�te; �drafted de�d M:'�11 Edmc�nson PA qu�ski�r��, phone and ern�il � 7L corresp[�ndence with E�A� �4�ff reg�rd�ng ��rne. TMR �m�il fr�m �loser s�ys t'�ere is ea��ernent iss�e; emasl tc� [7.1Q iv9�r;ha Ingram �f still �I�sin� iri Nt�veml�er Tt�t�i �e�vices: $ iotal ��ervices anrl �isburs�m�nts; $ r � ',, ',' � '�;� � 'ti .' ,� �`� _ - � � 1 � �g� �� - �, , ��i ���� �,.�� �,�4 ,,, � �,�� , � � ��1� � � �.�'',9 � � , , �,���`��', ��,� 1 ����`� �� `� �.��� �. - .�-- _ 2��. L��G 14D.0� 1� 70 4�6.7U 4��.7Q Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 3:35 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Julie, these are okay to pay. See coding below. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 10:18 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$460.00 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00160 — UMCTIF Development -$550.00 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161-4065 Chelsea Road -$867.55 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson Ave -$406.70 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$882.25 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN325-00044 — 300 East 4t" St -$564.80 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks! JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us {'9T3' f1F ...�� �C��'l�I���t�' Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i Page: � K�r�ile��r � �`ara�V�fi, �iiar��r�� 2�f� �outh S'x#h �tr�et, Suit� 4'7C1 h�linneap�sliS, MN 5���2 f�i�snkiC�llO �C)A Noverr�ber �0, 2f7'9 fNN3��-{}00�3� 1�71, 107, and 1�1 Br�ad�ay � � �' ��'e� �r��.: � �' �I a� �� }1 � ., f�� �. -^�" � , � �. 1 �� s ,�� � � � . . � �;; � � �`�,��� I�°, i� � � '� �.,, �� � �� Th��ugh f�ovem��r �U. ��19 Fcrr A[I Legal ���,ri�es �s Fc�llr�+s: Hau�s 11l112�J19 MNI f�9qrbt��ellq • r�vise proposed c�ranges and reuis�e PA for 1.5(l Br���waY 71;�.+2�19 CBR Intrac�fFice �c�rrf�r�nce �ri�l� M In�r�m regard�ng pur�ha�� �.2� agreement 11��J��}1� M�II Pho�� c�nve�s�tic�n +r�f#h J Tl��res regaeaing Broaduv�y P,� �7.f�il 1�J412�� � hrihll Revise �A, p�r conu�rs�tion sr�ith J Th�res: cir��l�#e iJ.Sf} � 1J6fZ�t9 TMR F;er+iew file; cr�ate checkiists �'�4 Amour� 3�0.�J�] �7.75 1 �O.�10 � ��251��1� t�l�l �i�on� conversation with �e��er's c�ur���� r�gardin� ��, �.�D ��.�� ass.ignrnent to �ity; pFron� conwers�tiorr wi�l^� � Th�r�s fl��e3f+j`.rtl� 5r�f71�. TOt�7� ��NIC�S: � ���.�� Total �et�ric�s and Dl�l�urs�rr'+ent�: � 5�82,�5 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 3:35 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Julie, these are okay to pay. See coding below. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 10:18 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$460.00 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00160 — UMCTIF Development -$550.00 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161-4065 Chelsea Road -$867.55 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson Ave -$406.70 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$882.25 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN325-00044 — 300 East 4t" St -$564.80 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks! JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us {'9T3' f1F ...�� �C��'l�I���t�' Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i ��ge. � ��rineCi� � �ra�r�rl, �hart�reCi �0� South �i�€th �tre�et, Suike 4; �w �a4inneapolis, fV�h� �54+J� +��r�t������ �a�. n���r��,��� ��� �a,s MN��S-OD�i�4 �{}fl E�St 4kh S#. Thr�ug� Ncav�mber �C�. Z�i� F€�r All Leg�l ��ru'i��5 .�s Fallows: 11r6J2019 TfW1F� F��+�i�w cornm�tme�k; ��v� t� file; ����te che�klists Hours 1. C�0 11?71ZL�9 TMR Save re�+i5ed �or'nnnikrl�enk #c� fil� Q"IC1 11�+1412C19 TMR Ern��l �p Martha �rsgrarn �skin�� f�r sigr��d purch�se �.1{� a�reernent ����2�2��9 MNI Me�r�ti��A10 off�ce �c�nference v�ith� T ReinerC r���r�in� fl.�0 upca�rning �losing, Pr��ess 11�1 �l�p19 7MF� lJp+�ate �losir,g �h�ckl�st, �marl N4�r#hs Irgram r�garding D.�O objec#ror� le�ker � 9?�4?��1� f�9Nl Re�i�tiu #�kfe �omm,trnent, em�ail correspand�r��ce �i#h E�.�, 0.50 st�f� r���rr�irrg ��je�#Irn letter 11i1�1�+319 MNI Gffice confer2nce Mrikh T Reichart re�ard�ng titl� obj���ir�n � 1� I�tter; email'� J Th�res r'eg�rd��� ���ne 1"�l191�Q�19 TMR Ernail ta M�rt�a In���rr� ;e��rding or�ginal F'�rch�s� �.1C� Agreem�nk ��rc f�esoi:�:ion �n�l of w+� shrt�u�d do C�b�e�ti�e� L�tter 11F1 �12C119 TM� Sc�n ��igin�ls #c� file; irrtr�ofFic� conf�rence �'I�rth� ingram �1.�0 re+�ar�4ng �bject��r� �'�##�f. ernail title cl�s�r for �;opy �f e�sement on camm�tri��rt 11��91Z�71'� TfVIR DrafkCltasing�Jrt��urx�en�� 0.10 1�l�5f2C�19 hANj Phvne c€��rversati�n wi�h J Th�re� r��arding easemer�t; C� �4 �ffi�e cvr+f�r��rce witF� � Rt��cklitz r�e��rding s�rne T�r#al �er�+ices: � To�af �ervices and E]isl�urserr'�en#s: � Ama;�nt 127.DQ 12.7{] 1 �.70 8�1.f10 �3 50 1�O.G� � 0. �10 �2.7� �3. �0 12.70 ��].Cl� 66�4.�{} �64.80 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 3:35 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Julie, these are okay to pay. See coding below. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 10:18 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$460.00 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00160 — UMCTIF Development -$550.00 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161-4065 Chelsea Road -$867.55 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson Ave -$406.70 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$882.25 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN325-00044 — 300 East 4t" St -$564.80 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks! JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us {'9T3' f1F ...�� �C��'l�I���t�' Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i ��questDate:��'�.� �7� �� Ch��k �[�� H�rry Tv �antc� �C�7 �"� ��r� S �uff�l�. f�1N �5313 f�ee�ings Worked� Naeetrng � �Plar�ning Cc�rrorr�i�sic�n City �(�unCil E C�,� � Ci#y �cruncrl 7ot�l Du�: � � - � P12nr�ing �omrnis�ior� ���; c�xy c�unc��: Authoriz�� ey� . �at�e CHE�IC RE�QLJ�ST �he�k Arr���nt; � � � � • � Ilendar #: 1�1.�1�10.419�p ' � � ���.����1.���a�r� ��� �o�e��1��.��1��0 � �e�•� �IME SWEET A.TT,��HEC} �ate; i � � � � k I ��t�r of fvlt�rwti�ellc� �lpti��ted C��tober 2�D18 �ITY C?F � � �������� ��-- -� - ���� s���r f�,�ME; H�4RRY` t�,hfTC� P��I i I�Q�I: PU�LEC f�rIEETI�IG RECC7RC�ER -�C�IVTRACT Hvu�� �AT� T�ME 16� TIME �UT A�IEE�'�IV� WQ�iK�D � ��� � �� �.� ��'� _ �s.- - �" - ' �-'� � -�-��. -..�4 � � �`� �f � , o ;`�,i � I �� `:��ti� �, -��,��� � ��. �' _� - ��� �'�r�� � �. �� �.. , r. h . ..� f . �,i � � �- r s � 4; � r' � . . ,�.� = �, . . . _ -- ----- � s-�_- MEETIh#G �AYM�h1T- $6�3 FC�R �IRST 3 �iC)UI�� ��� �. . C� , _� _ . ��'��rfi" ��� F'ER WOUR FOR EVERY HQl1R A.FTER ��~- NIEETIh1� RE�O�C��; L�RY � �� -�� � � - � :� SIC�N,�,TURE: r° . f� x � �. - r�,nT�: �'; ��`' �--�...' I P r� AUTHC3F�IZED BY: ` �ATE: � a�i� E�'Il'L�l�'EE I��:f�4iB�;RSE1��iE�T ��'C��.�CHER [:IT�� �F 111��]T��C.ELL� IL•�f�`�c',�a��c� P:'f:���i r� 1� �'�4E � � ++4�1+6, ��� i�� I�.�,`T'F {�F �t F[�L; �:�T i � �t,� � �, � ,�r���res� tc, 11{1�i1 (if ��e�e�sar�) PC:�k��'C��f�r'L7�TE � � �;� LC]� AT[ClN � t�� e°� . �r°t f`� �scc b�ck far �ni�lii�l�c r�ucsts} (��:� k��c� f�kr i��t�lii}�1� r�yu��l�;� E�+iPE1�SES: (Please re�erence Tra��el aryc� I2eirn}�urs�emerrt P�oli�r') � °�ile��� Q�.S� ��r tr�tle� � �" � � � (Tatal �ii�les� �y�— �orlb��rsabl� d�fin�c� ��� baek. � A�rxy V��iCI� t+4'�� �ri4t �v�il��I�. �rBV�Elir1� dir�Gtip� Vw�fY��t2d ��"r�Ondl V�hi�I� US�. �Tf�V��IYI�CCDflf�t[Id��15 Wdrf�fli���,��f5(3fi�� V��11C�� U�S�, � {�ti��2f �'a]"klrs�; Fe� �1���� Lc�d�ir��, S4J BT�T F°�L '�+ � � � {lll��ll{{�C7�[�It'C�.tdc'�i��:C'C+�i'c'['c'��]dS� $ �` � � �ir��lt�d�: r�r��crr1. idssrr�r���r���r��t�cl hill} t'�c:ce�un� 1� u�fi�hc:r �l� - � � � ��3 � ] i��7 � �'—� � C7th�r �� J� � Accouilt � [�es .n�}�i�n S1C�h;F �1C}T� T(}TAL TC� PA4' .�lPf���1�4°'FL� B5r' At#���:� �c��ie� ��f'�it��:um�ntatiti>n. i�l�luc�in�; in��c�i�:e�. recei��t�. sea�i � �fic;ate, �tc:.. �'�l�c�': �teiank��r�s�l}E� r��ile�z�e v��ill he tl�� I��ser o�'�c���l inilc�s dri��ci� fiaajt� ��orrn�l v��c�rk I�cati�3�� tc� #�-::Mi�,�n�°mec:li�1��'�c,�if`�.r-en�� I;�catic��ti c�r t��e f�ctual �r�ile� t�����el�d fr��7� dc�xartuo�e Ineatr��t� tu dcstit�atiu�� I��� tjlC C5}I��.el�� lb� C:C)�Tllli}�tC`. tt? f3i?9"pll<3I k�����-k lo��tit��1, Ir�strucfions: Ef }+ou �i•� E�t���ir�� ai1� retur�tiia�� tc� ����r•1c, ski� ���x� ?, 3 t}��d 4. �t�tci•��i�i:, �«l�[r�cl � fro��� #���. lc,w��r c-�f 1, � c�r 3 t��r s7iilcs �It�imcc�. �� � �!� * (�T' ��4'�3f�C t�l ��S#111c�t1C}i�� Jir� T#�a�e� S��i�e�t: Nleeti�� wit�h Cit�l o# t�l�r�ti[,�Ifo and U�'Jri�l�t Cp�,nty to discuss fin�n�i�l t[�o15 for de+r�l�pment (���ember �� at 1pm,� L€�catin�. Wright ��untyr Auditors {3ffiee (room tn b� deterrt3in�ci by Cour�ty� Start: Fri 7�/2�312(J19 �;{}�7 Phvf �nd: Fri 1�I�OI�Q19 �:�}C1 P�,+1 �' ��U �f�F1�1�: 4 �ti0 �h� � N1��etin�g S#atus: Aere�ted Or�a n izpt�: Ta r�n rn y{}rn d a l :�1���'tl►]��ai4� �e�i-uririi�� �ia�r�.'� nt�i ����}at L�ux�. si�ll, c,r ct�i�c�}[ ur�.i�r4 Lp�� �Fn7��il. i,r;�n�' 111�kYLLC�ZC1f1S �ti�° �315131I {�1:'lk ���t�uitl res����irc t��}tiGe ���r��tlar{�. I'I���si� usi lEt� fiE3k� E7���i7��' �;YI' Illlk�i31'C'rhllt LjLS{'�{7tiL11't'S Ci'��tr4��it�; t��!i.�Cl}IlIC' fd)�Tll�'1lJl1l4il�[lbI1S k1`]�Il �!c?r�hl�t���[ `��aF��itit��:ii�i� it� 7��.�I��lt��i cc��ritF��trtiie�. :� ] a=]�ri I>i�.clzi�mi�c , 1,�s7+i.�l,a� i�l�a° �� u�rc� In:<�ri7�al�;!i7 °�f4�R�hik•rl�ll�']�.i. 4E�Jxli: an�l.�-,Lf_]�" 13 r���,v�.iurrthLtndS,� urili4�� t�.r�ry JiEn Thar�s �ubje�#: Lo�a�ion: Sta rt: �nd: �e�eurrence: I'�+leeting S#atus: �Organizer; h�ieetin� �avith Bri�r� ICo��ofsky & possibl�r Sh�u� Huiko's i� �u#fal� Thu 1�{'3f��19 i��Q�� Piv1 r�,u ��r`���o1� �;�� �r� (na�rrej A�Cepte� �and�r �karp�ual J�m Thar�s �ubje�t: N1��C�n� w�th Bri�n IGasl�ifsi�}r Lac�#iorr: Huiko's 8�wvling �enttr in Buffal� 5tart: t�e �1�7J2{�1� 1�:{l�i F�M End: T�e $1�712�i� 1:p�7 Ph�1 R�turrente: �;non�1 Meeting St�ts,s: Acee�ted 4rganix�r: Rar�dy Skar��r�l Jim �h�res Subje�t: �c��atiorw; 5ta rt: Era�; A:ecurrerr�e: N�eeting S#atu�; 4rg�nixer: �t�quMre�i 14ttende�s. E�R&E Fpll�av Up - V�51 WTC - B�ff�la, I�r1hJ Tue �1'301�C�19 1:Q0 PM Ts�e� �13C1J2(119 2:C]0 �M fnor�e) A+�e��ted J�e�bb Thur�and�r A�;r�g�l� S�humann; �,eff �`N�eillr Jirr� Th�res F€�cus: Nlark�t �p�r� position5 and inforrrratic�n c�n th� wri�ht prn�rarn in buff�lc� wvh�r� F�ig�r �ch�ool s�tu�i�rtts �re sen# to learn trad� skrlks 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN to Wright County Government Center - Google Maps Page 1 of 2 �� ��� ����� 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN to Wright County Government Center �� n�. � � �., � �:.�,..� � �n smA[a�p An� j y1P 4sPFps �' NV�"� s, - � � Vc1 � rn.v ���� "u :� G "1 LJ T ���� ` I �I �.� � � - � .� .�.��_r� � � � � �r u �, �„aF •,n �� ,�e�r w..�, �r� F� nu� Lya nu r15u1 �11 ' L 1�=1 L �,. �o �le ��� YYC�I�I�t �IL ��,�1..�� �.��:;:- .. r.:,,� �;�� � ., ,.: � 1. Head south toward W 6th St 131 ft .� 2. Tum left �ntQ Yv' �th S� 0.1 mi r► �. T�m right �nt4 MN-�5 S/Pine �t � Continue to follow MN-25 S � Pass by Arby's (on the right in 1.0 mi) 9.5 mi Q 4. .At th� traff�c eircle, cantinue �traight anta ��ntr�l Awe 0.4 mi r► �. Turt1 right c�ntc� Znd 5t N�! � Destination will be on the left 272 ft V�fri�ht Co�unty Government Center l :%�' .. l I . . :'i.� , o.� � �.i i . . Drive 10.1 miles, 17 min � �.,t., _, .. _ rs �+ 7 a.ys� � .�� m � I , ., ..- ,_,9.�` sa ,�.,�.,. v iw.ir�� we�i�Yi � te +�ne � Map data OO 2019 1 mi � https://www.google.com/maps/dir/SOS+Walnut+Street,+Monticello,+MN/Wright+Count... 12/27/2019 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN to Wright County Government Center - Google Maps Page 2 of 2 I I�ese di'eGti��s �rP ',�r �71anr nC� p�rposes only Ya� lnay find th�t constr�ctlas� pro�e�ts, trafiFic, weathe�, or 4th�r etitents •n�y caa�se con�itiars to di�fer fram the r�na� result�, �nd y^au sh�L�ld plan yaur r�ute accaTeiin�ly�. You rruust o�ey° a sig�s or no#ices r�garding yoUr rpu#e. https://www.google.com/maps/dir/SOS+Walnut+Street,+Monticello,+MN/Wright+Count... 12/27/2019 ■ . ��d���r�s��� ��,� [��siqr� �',(�.k3c�x 681 MOnCiCt�l3c,, �41N ��36� www.majirs�c�,m 1G3.�4�.4393 �asagn�k�majirs_eom Bill To �C�ty° �f �ric�ntic�ll� �►�cco��ts �a�r�,b�e ��}� �'ainut �tr��t Ma�nticellc►. '1�N 5 i y�'� �r1V�r��� t3ate Invoi�ae # ll?2fk�`?�fll�) 171,i � � Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 3:40 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Majirs $360.00 Julie, this invoice is okay to pay. Please code to: 213-46301-434990 From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 10:41 AM To: Angela Schumann <Angela.Schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us>; Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Majirs $360.00 Angela & Jim Attached is Inv# 1713 from Majirs for Cedar St District postcards. Okay to pay $360.00? Please provide coding. If neither of you are the correct one to approve, please let me know. Thanks! JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us -��� ��r�t�4��11� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i �x��� �' � Citr� �f �11�nti+���lo ���nor�ic D�velvpet��nt A�th�rity ���'West Br���1vu��r P�rking Lt�t E��ernent �►�r�ernent Costs �z-is•zo�� Am�unt of Fur�ci�n� �t�nrtfal4: �587.4� Exp�nditure +Cvding: �13-4�i�01-1812(10 �'' � _ : . �k v' ;'. r � `, �LL#: • P�rpvse �� Exp�err€�iture: S�� �m�it re�ardin� funding �h�rtf�ll fc�r the ��rking ��s�me�rt As�ociati€�n A�re,ement �rar#icipants due to heavier amou�ts �f �r�c�w�all remova�l cs�st� ar�� cr�ck filli n� and repairs and p�rking st�ll striping in 2{?19. The arn�ur�t �f the EDA's owner��i�a is 1�.15 percent of the t�t,�l �ar�a. The to#a� funding shartf�ll v�ras �ar ��19 �nra� �4,832.�5. �a�ed �an th�e EC�A e�wnershi� p�rc�enta�e, its sh�re is $5��7.4�. The ED,4 appro�r�d the sh�rtfall at its regular rne�tin� �n [lecernb�� �7.+ �(119. 5�e �ittached suppvrt docurr�ent��ion. 7he n�evw� 2024 bud��t �ror�r �he Eas�rrier�t A��oeiatior� wi�f be �resentec� t� finance s�oorr. Signat�r� of �C�ty �i11�L�T�� ��:�UL:�It ;�1�ET1�1�: - F�'[31'��11I1�C [lE�'E.LC?Ph�iE.�lrl' .�i�T't�[�l�l'f'Y {E1`l�) 1'4°'�d�esda�', Dc.c�rmh,�r 11th, 2�D19 -- 6t�i� p.m. 11�lississi�api �a�an�, 'l1�►nticclic� �:csmn�unit}� C'cnici• �'(}]�731714ildlii�rti PF�S�1lL; S�tC�'L; .I�i]IIIlSOII, �i?�} �+1c�[�she�-, �T'racv Hinr. �llli�. l�c�rap�.�i�k-'1�'}�itc. L1�,��cl liil�t7rt. �ia�d Jiaxr T��i�icl�c�n �C'c�n�a��i��ic�t�er� .�h��n�: Bill T��}�cr �t�ft J'rc�c9Yt; lim Tha�-e� a�1cl .�s1,�el:� Sc:ltiu�i�aritt ! . C'a�l to C�t der �t�ti {: .I[��illti[lil {;ii�it;L� tj14. F�iC��t�lt��` ��lc�tita� t�f t}�� �:.I ).� t�,� �.�rcier �t #i }�.in. 2. R�11 �vall �, �:[�n�idrr�tic�n c�F �t€�d�ticin�l_���nda iter��s �'��ne- �, �'oit��r�f ;'�I�;c»�� LL�I�`U I11L�;.�I�T h��i{l�'EU T[� .�P1��C7MV� TI-{L° C C31���L.;V�r �,�C;�.�Ji�.�. JI?+w77 Df'��rlL�SC�i� ��C'C?�+`C]�:T] THF "4�'f{�lTt[��_ �9C�T�CI*� C`.�iRR.1�D. ?-C3. �. C'ut�si�l�ra�i�n c�L' �nvrc���in� Re�ula�- :��I��cstitr�, I1��tE�ates ��- � u�°e�t�h��' 1�, rll l�i I��c����lr�Z��Yci��li��n= .����r�,�� F���ular ��1c��tirf�r ���ii�ut�.s �}c��.°����b�:r 1�5. '{11��, ta. �:orysi���ratia�t +�f a ra�°in� L1�'��rksh�► �'l��tin '11in��t�.s -''�io��+�rrib�er 1�� 201'� ��eian�u���tiE�itic�t�; r1�.�1��'c���� �'4��rl�sf7���3 1+�9ee#i�3�� 1�9ii�r�i��- 1'�c}�cit�h�r l_�, �'{1l�). c. ��trn�ic�r.r�li�irl �li 2���YD�'i11� Re4�i:lar ��1e+�fin� 1°tinutcs - f�c�rmtae�r �k�, 2f}19 �e�c�n3�1-��:���latiare�: �'1��rc�+.�� R��,LGlt�r' f����ti�1{�'���inutc� - 1]e���7zl�e.�- `'. �i� ] �3_ �l. ['�n�i[ier�ti��n �f 20�41 1«iti�iti��e �°iru��da#ion C'an#t'Mtiu�ion in th� an�v��t c�f �►��.���1,��� R�.c_����.n1ct��if�tic,ne ,�.��L3rc���e 5�'_.���f� t�lli�c.atii,af tt� tlic I��itiati��c F�c���t�ci€�tiot3 f�r c#s �{1?�) tlYC7�J�till�ltl�; �t�i(;73��_ �. �:onsicler�#ia�y of 2�119 und�r a n�cnt i� thc �rt��u�tt �f �5t37.4� for comma�n s�rea ny��inten;��ce for Eik.�i o�����d �nt N�cat��d at �.2i1 i��'e�t I3ra��i�►4�a�, R�c�����j7��:�Y�iatic��: �p��cr�re tlt� �c�nln�c�n ar��a n��int�;nanc:�: unci��ia�vrn���t ;i�ni�ur�t �]i� �;��7,�? li�r �,(7 I�I assa�i��ed w�yt�� the �:L]� u}��n��� �are;e� lc��;���c� �t ?2C1 i�'��st Br�a���ar��- f. �:t�nsi�irraticyn crf a ro� in a�-�ie�tt uf I�ills I���c�iz3s�eT�c3titic,r�: .�'��ri-c����. ��;��°r�Yi;i�t c�t bills tht'�u�13 �c���e���be�. ?(}I �). lte�;ular :��enc�a �� C'or��id�rat�an of 2{F2(l �'4�'ri�,hE C'a�urtt� �;cot�ar�xic ll��•eloprt�cnt E'artn�rshi� �11��C:i�:llY) f1'Ier��hrrs�i� Fc� ir� thc ansr�unt r�f ��,fil16,U�1 � 1]uar�r Nartha���. F.cc��tin�ni� fJct��lci��ue.ni ,�utl��+3'�[y� �]inu[�; —�3���et3y'Uer 1 l.�{r]� 9'��e 1 I� E�i�.��ti��� Tli�c�t�r. �'4'�:E:UY .�ii�n `�I��r��; ir�lr��rluc�:�i thc: tc��ric {��}c1 �]uane No�f�a�+:�i fr�dr� t��� �'�`ri�i�t �'c,un�}� F,c:t�nc�arri� C}c;�a��.ltk��m�°ni P�rtil�,r;;hi�r (�`�C'FT}1'�, �ort��a��.�i cx�lt�i��:�3 tl�a� �'CEC�I� i� the ��nJv cc�unty� ��id� ecc�itio�rsic: �c���:li�pr°n�.��t or���t�i�<<tic��t, Th� ��'CFI�F' i� �a�-im�rily f�n��ccl tlir����l� �'vr��;�rt �C.���niy� ���ith ����:�rrher c1�uc:.� i7��kir�� �i�r ihe: Y�al�n�.e c��' ihe 1unc��. I�nrtkia�cii cxplaiiy�� that th� ��r�.t��tii�:���c,�� a�:�i;�t� c�>a��xs�ar�iti�s it� �'4`ri�,lit �c�ui�t�� ���ilh tlacir c�ar3c�tni�: ����►:1c?�,in�.nl r��.ccl�. Their �c���re c�t'���c�rk is cic��co�dc��# c��� th�. n��.�3� �,f'th� ii�divid�Na1 �.c.}zrtsnuri�tv. 1\c�rtY�a��.n �.x�31�li�C�� SCv�I-t7� �f'c�,�E't'it�15 �tl� [li'�;:3�i���ti��n� lhat i�G��"F}F.d� i� in��c�l���c� va��tli in�.�ucian�, N�N�"AF�, C'h!1� �tid u��rrkfi�r�c p�l�,+��ay��_ �l��rth�,�;en ii3��itecl the �.LL7�� t� attc:ilcl t�aeir �iiiZu�I rrae�ctin�, c��� Fri�a�r Jt�n�aar�.� � p,?f;] 9, ��l�ic�, i ne�u�es ����akfast ��i�i a���rci ��resca�t�ti���i �.i���;�i t�� fe-���r �.��z�tznunirie:� Ii�r tltieir ��'C1C�4 f�Ic7C� �l7 �C1311i11fi31� c�����rr����tic�tt, I���s� Be:rrist�:in, atltlt�}r �iicl sl��t�(,I �t�c�tl�`?�tlt�]lil� ����k�.r r��ill k��: ����. i�:atlEre� �,��cst �rc°��ci}t�.r, `I'It�C'Y } IIN� ��1t�}�'�.p `T[_� �FF�It[)l��'C. THF ��l�C} .�1�1�C..'.�I. 1�'JC'�.L)I' '��I�l1�BC.R�HIP �)le:l9:� If� �I�l lE Al��1C1L�'�`T C)F S�,fi�t�.�lEl. [�I_I_1F I�(7F�C)1'C'�l,�I�-�'�`11I�TL. �E�'O:VDED ��"IiL �:��f�-I�IC�I�. ��C_�TIC��i �'.+1RF�I��I, ?-(1_ ti. �:c�n�i�cratiean o� F'reiinri�y�r�� �esiclenti.�l [)c���l�am�nt C:c�nccnt far l�is7-s�ra•�e �."csue�frr�+►- C'luk� r�d�i#ion t�ar�cei_alary� 7n, ��ece.t ��'r.�t {��d�acent �c� I-��1 — ��'�ich��l Hc�a���r�r H�ac#���aters 1]e��el��n��nt, L�Yk�.l��illc�, �I�il� ,I��t� �1�h�i��s intr���lu�c� t���. st�:at� tiIll.I C.��7��111�ti.Cj t�l�.Yf H�ci{�T�4'ii��l�i5 UE�'Ca�1�7171�:l1t C'[)1Y1�?klR�°. a��� c�i���c�u��:41 � c�����.�;�t t��r � 1�.�}-�ir�it ��airttnent huild�iti� �l�n� wFit}� 37 �ct��t��.ci �3ati4s ll��ttles �,���'c� t�,�t�t'�r�� s�:at�c�r�. He��l���ater'� TJ��•�elc��a��e�tt, LL�: l�as starte'i� cc�n�;in�ctic�n Cl# 1�5 ��D-1.�T11� SCTllll� 11��11y�; I3d.:lI1�'�+` [}Il �'i]L191t1+� I�{1��� �� Tl£�7i' tll�. �i�'ik Tri}� �'��rauenier��.e �t�rc lo�.at+�d ��rY H�rt B��ul�:o�arcl_ Th�. E�rc�j��.t ��a� ����r���cd ��+ tl��: cc�u�ci1 in th�: ��riii� of 2t� I 5�, T'1��:� t�r� ir�l�:rt��t�.�i iii lh�. �rc���3er�y th�lt i� [��4�t���l k�y �he L.[��� �l+.�r�� Iiii�.� _���te �� � 1(�.'� E�cr�.;�)_ T]}�r�.� in1a-��ciuce�f h��lic:h�►el ��c�a�bcr�; oflic�d���ai�.r'� Derr�:lc��am�nt_ H�,a,�h�r� �rc}�ed tl�Kz# u�rl�e,i1 t��e}� in�'t�ST !LI Cl?�T11T1Ui�ti114'S, tlti�.y �re 9n �t f��r tlie lc���;-�iaul. Their �-�rc��c�sa1 is �e��re€� tov��ar�ds agc restri�ic� �I�fi�r�i�h]�. uni�a ai�d #akes in#� c��n�icieratif:�n t�re ��hility #n ot�'cr scr��i�:cs an� fcat�irtc� ti1�� acic� ualue fc� #h� �rc�p�,s�1 d�ic tc� tl�� pre�eii�e �f tli� a�ssist�.�d 1i��ii��, �`acili�y_ Th�. :;t�fy'anc; �rc��r��n�in�, c�ii b�c ir�r�rc int�:i��i�'�1�� u�e[i tc� prc��'i�.j�. c��i�ac�riu�t�ii�;:� i�� r�.�icient� �c�#'tayis r�r+�¢i��a� �s ��r�.11, .A�1�.c1� ��I�tti7��rt�t, [�'c�i���r�unity� De���Ic�y��li��tit f�ir���tc�r nc�tc�i� t��at tt�c CD.'� ��cr�l�� r��.ed tta e�7t�r �rlt�� � �i�;l�t-c�1-F�1tr�� ���ith Heac�v�'�tc:r� ��� tll�v e:�rY �:u�7t�l�ct�. ��i! te�wtin� �nci i�t1��0- �t�u ilili�,ci���e; l�ci�>r� �urcha�i�1� the l�i�ci. lv�c}atc,n�ic I3ti.�til.ct�rii�csis ,•'�uihc�eit}� htinuke�* Tl�cen�l�ei` 1 I. 2[il�) f'�};e? �4 dii�n [���'idsi�r� :�ske:d f��r mc�r€: �.�:triTic;atiian ��n tlle ��ha�in,� ��f-th� �rc}jec:t. H������er}; e��pl�in�c� the th�,E th� ���c�j�c:� �a�c��lcl he s��3�r�teci int<} tk���� �rc�j�e�t�, but �ie��el����ent c���lci h� �-un c�]w�ti�u�]usly�. Ste��� Jc�h�lst�a� a�ke�� v�����# tl�� i��xt s#�e� ���vu1d n�rd t�� hc tca a�c���e th� �c,��i�pt c�e��e��pni�eizt ��i-c.�p�s�l fc�����i•c�. kJc���k�cr� �xplt��n�d t3�#7t ��.�:cs� t�� the: sit� ���uld ne�d �� l,e �rat�ted fr���3 tli� �.ii.�, �i�.��.��t3�r�, iY���.� �l�at ttro�, �it� ���c���l�i b� r��torc:d tc� its c�ri�it�a1 c��3ditio�3 frc�i�ri ���� ��or�C ���c}� a� �ur�-r°y�in�, nr �,c�il t�.�tin�. Trac;�,� Hinr :iskc�i i�-lhc;r�. any �ui�e�ines f�rr 1��°in�* c�n t]Ze �rc���rt�� be:�ic1�� r��e r�cstrictic�i�s. H�����,t��r,� ��rr�arr�i�ted tt3at l Of7°•� �f �t��. �r�irt�s ti��c���ld l�c: at�i�r�ltihl� �►n�i ��a�ec thc ��C�"�� .��'�°11. C�11ic K��ropel�ai�-1'4�`}�ite a��ed ift���^y� ii�e°c ci�rn}�le��ci an�� c��her sinlilar �rc��u�.is l���r�re. H�rra,�h�:r� nc,te�1 th�i rlt��� �re ��crr}�i��� c�n a�a�-c]jecl iT} C'h�,nha��,en. lrie o14�t�d lh�t �lie�• 31���� �.���nplel�t3 ti�i� t}'}3e �c�1'�rrt�je�:t kr�f���e, k�ut not ��=ithc�ui tl�e ���alt�i c�r�c �.d�r�yr�ral�nt_ �te��e Jc�li�l�c,n asked if tl�crc k���s a shnrta�e c�f tl�i s t��pc �f li���siri�;.�sc�,it�cn# t�+ Y,�: fi�lcc�. �7a��icls�,n askc� if r�sid�t�t� ii� ��7csc �p:�i�tii�c�lts �����1a1d ]�a��c pri4�rit�� t�� tri�:�ics1 �er��ice�; ot�c��c�i at tlY�ir s�:iiic,r li�°it��, #'acilitk� l�cirti�. bi.xil� on �'�-�u�7i�� Rc�a�l +7_ Ht�ai�;h�r� c;c}t7�t�t�:f�ted t}��l it �c��.�l�l k�e� �aot 4i�lic���, �rui i�ittt tl�i:�` 44`l�U�[I �l'rJk'E,` t[1 1,}�c�rk thrc�u�h the �i�t�il�. Hi,��h€;r� �1��� stat�:4i l]}�il ��x�rie c,�rc� ;;�r��ic;�� c;��ul�i �t�n}e intc� the �ia,���1es c�t #Iles� r-c:��ci�.r�t:�. �a� �_x���nsic��� ��-�� nc�t�� �ii tll� ��l�ii �et� tliat ���cre p��►�•�dcd ori tlic iI7�� ����kct. L1����� I iilg�i-t a�ked if the �.x�ansi�ri prc�aL�:t �04�1+� �ccoi�3axi�clatc ���ti��:r as�i�#�d li��in�- i i�t1�,l,cr� cx�l{�it7ed t���x tlYcrc ����r� �z�r# pl�iiitiit�� t�� f3����c an�a restri�tic���� c�n the� �ni�:;_ T11e e1n�31tia�is ��Pi11 be tc� acie���gs� tlte �ree�l� �f senic?�•�, 1 ii1���9� ti��t�d th.�t t��c Stat�e re�.ct�t��� ii���ie �l��t��,cs t�a t}�c assistatt�;�, f�r �ff�rri�ahl+� ��.rri��r }�c�usin;� prc�ject�. I �oa�k��r�, �t��i��nari�cd #t}e�t a�ic��� s�:�rii��: �v�t�:rn �.xi�ts rtt�� th�,t tc� sc:�r� l�ti�l�, th� ���'t►je�t �Zs'�.�� !a� i��t'i: 1�)(� per�:+�nt :�I'fi>i-�l��al�: t�nt�siiy�_ Hc�a�h�.r�; Gil�i� �'�iriirtcatta.tl �����t tlt�.� .�rc ���c�rkin� thri���1� ��'�i€:thc�i- i�i�. �Stiti{� hc����a. �����ul�i a���� �� 1 �}f)�`�� af�l��rri��ak���.. He si�t�cl th:�t th�:�� ��-��2�1�i n��l r���.t.�;��ril�� n��.ci tc� l3e afti�rci��rl� �oiti tllat tl�e r���t �x.��}ulcl h�e ��;�i�l�in 1(} j-►erc�t-�l i]1-t]}e a}��rtmet�t�. TR.��'�r' HI�J� h��I[34�'Fi� �'t7 APl'I�(J�°'F .� 1t7C7HT-C}I�-E-:f�.1,�,1�, �I'C} f i�.�.I]��'.�TL.It� I���'�'.I.[�I�I���Fi�T C`C�1���1'r�i�llr"►�'f"i'F� THE E:��,�. [_[.[�1�'L� �iIL�:�I��7' �f:�C��I�E.D `f�HF: ����=)�`I(�'�. 1�7f)�1�1[�� C".�Et�tI�:L3. �-[1. L]a�=ir�son as�Ce� ifele��a�in��s �a�•e b�c�i coan���t�d t7t3�i �f rcr�tal rates t����� 1��.�:n ►�st��list�cc�� fi��{��;b�r�, d�:clin�cl b�at stat�d tli�t tt}�: pr���:�:t e��c�ulil h�. cc��t�}�li�t�e�ita��� t�� t�,e �c�nstnx�.tic�i� c�ftl7�:ir ta�.ilit}� or� �'�sl��it��' R��a� �7. H�,a�;bc�r� ncrte�i tl�:�t ���. �����ulci pa-��ent [h� r�nt�l r�te� at a fu[ure tiin�, Ji�n il���r�� rer�nn�mciYdcd n�ot ent���ir�� a letter �t ir�tciit v��itt� Hcad����tcr'� D�:k�el���r�t�ent as ti�e CL�A r�c�:�c�ci tc� �aric�crstat�r� tfYc ��altae �f xt3�:ir ]arid, �ct]nc,inic. 13e.}��lc,pm�i�t ,'�u�h�,rEn• '�Ainu[cw I���c.��lhre l].�C} ]� T'��,e s � 4 11i1 EL7e'4 ���0��[5�1���� C��UI� l�C �C1lidul�tl in ia��u�r�� ic� furtll�yr c�i��:ti�� tlie �rc�j+�c;t, J{]'V '.�r1C]RF'1rIF�! `41(7��%FI) T{� T,�F4�_E .�4�`TIC�1� [�N F.1�TF.f�]1�;C; I�l�['4,) A, I,h"1�:1,F�.It C}F I1tTF.�1T' 1��'ITH HF.�T3l�AT`F.RS T�F��F.[.C.��'"1��1F��1'..11�r1 l�A�'��`IC��C��1 51:.�'Cl�IL7�.i] THF. �r1�7Tlt�1ti_ 1��(�Tl��! �'Aft��F:T). h-�1, 7. Di�°rcior's Rcp�rt Jim T��tirc� �r-c�o��i�le� tltc: Dir�cic,r'S Ft�.�rc�rl �anci rt,��i�.����.ci t��� f'rc�����:# I.i�t, '[�hfir�es �.��rlai�lic� ihat �ta��'lia���: he�.�1 �4�c.srkin� ���ith [_,a�'1C:' t�� �ul�l�l�t �� funcii»� ��plic��#ie��� tl��-c>t��;h f���-'�]�FC� �.all�.ci tl�e f��[irrale�{]#� In��es#m�M�t l��ualc� �h.�1ll�}, 7���� t�����lic�tic�:ci is �;��,��.teci tc� �e sub�nitt�cl ���it},in �F�e next v���:k or s��, S��att ;�i1d L1:��IC' �,�+akald al�� �?� sut�t�tii#f�n�; ��n�fh�r fins��}�.i�] as�i�#ar�i:e a��pli�at��i� #t� th� JC F� �at��i C rc:�t�c►t� f�ut���i ���c��;r�[rn t1�3-t�u�ll �)1=J�I] ��c�r'�t � w�ee� ��f�er the [�ili� �ui�iii�ti;�l, #�I1�;�;I� �C}IUITl�ll11 �:.JC�7Ic71tli:C� C��tlf #�14 �'itv c�f Monti�ell� lia� �i�:�n �4��r1.in�, ���a r�;�+isit�� i��, �t�ini�rehe�lsa��c F'l�n, `Tl7e pl�i� is l,i����c�z ii�t� t���n kcy' �t11T]¢}llSlClli:i_ 1�'Iti1CbIl �rr�� t1��; cc?ii�pi•�t�ciisi�ve �l�n. It ��a� iroc-�t�ci tl}a# il3c dr��ft �1i�ir�i� r�:}����� i�; r��.����� i��T rc���ic�v hy tl�i: �c�ininueiity �i��l � �ty [3c�ar�Js, �cl��r�i���n�i rcc��jcstc�] �.���rrmce�ls dic,�7� tll� FI��� h�,� Ilcc�:�r�b�r ?3„� r'� I��ti�] r�:�c�rt ���i�ulcl hre; ��rc���ntcci �c; lh�. �'it�� �'�a�nc;il in ,l�r�uar�' �r�ci t��e ���n��rellep�si��� �r1a�11jit�� �-rrc��,+�.�� w��t�lci 13e�;�n �l�i�rtl� �f�er lh�,t_ ;���,�ni7fjt��� alsr� �x�1;�iT��� tl�{�t �l��r� �s �n s�p�nin� �n t��c:1'�an���n�, C'�t�itndssi�7ii aitr_I tt�at �trt�ti'�i�-�. z�cti�°i:]}� S��Mr�hir,� ft�r 5��-� �a�lditins� tc� #h��t l�c�a��d, !S, Ac�iour�i ��'I�AC'Y f iI�'i' f4�i]l�'�;L� -I�fl I�L�JC�L;I�i�; TF1� �i�ETi'�[.:r .+1T �f�:�{i i',1���. {�L�.IE K.C71�C�PC:ji��tIG-1�'l�l�l"L. SLC()'ti]DCQ T��r 1�'If�T10'�, [�9C]TQi7;'�! C'�F�FtI��, (i-Cl. I��c�r�i�r: Jacok� 7'f7�n���ider �����-c���c�; �{�i���s°�r�� 15. �fl?C1 ^�ite�l= Jim Tliares. Eccar���mic C)e��elc��an��en� I�ir��tc�r L.��in�,Ey}it; Ll�.t�e��rpitt�.rtl Au[tsc,rity �1�1irt4�4t� []��c��nrht�r l]_ �i� I'� f'3�c �1 d Ea.4: ]?;11;�1�7 �c:. �'c�nsi�c.rs�tic�n �f ��19 LJn��rn���mer�i io� c�rrtrt�on ar�� �t�voin��n�nce asso+riated ��-itl� F;�l�� ovvned I+�t �t �2U V4��t �rnad����� in the a,m�u�t nf ��f37.��'I`h� ET1�A i� (JT} �. REFE��IYC:C .�1VD li,�('KC:F��J►�1�11: The F�l.�, i� k.xin�, �sk��� t�, c�.an�ic��.r �uth�ri�in� �n a�t�lr�itiunail ?(i I9 p���r�ient t� c,�i+���r its s��ar� csf xf�e �n�nin�a� area inainte�iance ��3sts fne the �rar�ia�� lc�t a��c��;ial��1 }e��th �he EC�A c���neci lc�t ]c����tc�� at 22� 1��'�st Qr�adu�a}�. As a r�rnirtder the �I]A� pu�rcha�ed tl��s prca�rerk;�� ir� l�xte ��]1? fr��m R�ci Rc�r�sler Pr���erties {Tc�m Hc�ltlt��usj. Th� ����.�nt 1c�t ���s �K]r��]�S�C� �']tf7 if1� 1�14�k1C C7{�US9r1� I[ �5 c7 �reer���=a}� ccai�ri�i�ar �`c,r ���e�tria.rl rnn��en��en� b�:��r�:�n thc �c�m��un'�1�� �v��nc�i p{irkin� lut ir� Blc�c� :�b and Br�adv��a�� �trcet side�+��lk, �I'I�e k�isic�t� u��r a�'�ic�ilat�d 'rn the �n�a�� .4re� 4tu�iy� I�lan, ad���t�ci ts�� t11� E1�A in I�al� �UI7. T}te LC�,r� ir�f��ritec! ���e �ase�rre�tt �c�r tl�e �arkii�� I�st ancf tl�e a��ncia�is-��, oneanher�hi� re�;�c�n:�ible fc�r up4�ee�s �.inr� m�ainicnanc� �f'lhc p�irkii�`� Itst uftcn ii pt�reh��cc�. the pr��ert��, Llue i� �he her«��' sr���1'�11 i�� �?�?1'4 f.JiiT141s�f�' ;�°'Ic��CE'1 ����� ��tt�l r��cnl ���rl�° ���'�s+�tt �tt�kt r�ttit����l �t��ts ir7 iJ�,�r��rnla�r 2{}I {J, e���er��e� 3�Zcurrec� fc�r s��n��� reiilc�aal are ne�e��' t��ii:e a:� TT1lIL:}'� �S C:1�itC[C(I. B41I��C�'� P'!`1���1`�I.CS. l}iC �7C�7�1"C;' rt�ar�a��r. }��s ��r�k•�ide� a tir�ar�cia! �t�t�i�lent �i��i a detacle�i listio�� c�f ?�1 I� e�,�aeals�e�. E�ase� �rn ihe tc�ta] func�in�F sh�r�l��l] a�d the El��'s per�ent��e c�fi c����ner�hip f�l �,1� p��nc�ntj� the a€��nua�t thst tl�e F[).A iw heir�� ask�ed t�� �r�.�vi�ie n��vv f�r cc���er lh� unc�er}a��yrn�.nt is $587.�� '�4 ht�,n tk�� [�;l�r'� �7ur�F��s�+:i tl�� r�r�����i�t�. f�,;d I�c�c��te3. indi��t�d ti�a� tl�� �nnu�� en�iilten�nc.�e a�r��sn��lt �:c,��� ���.r�~ lr°�ric.allr r���lrtir��. t'�b����i $7�0 t�� �f3�}�� p�t' �°c�r. l��r tl�� tirlan�ial STr7i�lil�CliS. �I7� C.{35t f{DP iI]� I-,G�,'i in ?019 v�il1 k�e ab�aul �?.�?{�.00 �r'-, a?.7� ��;r+��nt inc;r�a�c s��cr thc arrxcia�nt �n #� I 7, �l�k�c pr�p�er�� r��ait��,er �did in�i�at� �hat th� ��e�Ci��� lc�t ►���s re��irl��:�.cl �n�i r�.sTr�p� c� lhi� }��si suntrn�.r }� hi�h �13c� inc=r��'�s�d ihe maintcn��n�� c�sts, [� shcaul�l h� r�c�t�ci th�� i� i�; st�i'f�� ����c{�r���ndir��. �ht�t lli� s:���m�nl ��rcert�cr�t c�r�cs n��t �re�lud� ��hli� use nt'the �Sarki�l� ��•ea_ �c�, ���ith that ir} rno��i, �I)�4 c,���r����hi� cafllle ��acant l��t is prc��•idi�t�L� �? parkin� spa�:�:s I���at�d v��ithjn t}tie ����t�dari�s nf`t�ae �Z{1 �4°'��t E3r�sad����}� �a��r�l f�r u�e h+�� the �enee�l ��hlic. A1Y ST,�FF 11��iP'ACT: �here is rni�ima� stat`f ��n���t in cc�r��i��ri��� t:}�e reques# ic�r an additi�,i�al �5X7.�#2 tn cn���r extra incurre�l eeFrer�s�s �a:��c��:iai�� ►��il�i c�mm�n �ar�r� rn�intenan�� c��th�e parkir�� l�-�t. ,'�2. Kl;l)��E.i' �[4'1i'r�(`T: Th� ?�19 l�uc��et �i�1p�s;i i'r�ir� c�nsi�l�:rin� lh�: rc:c�u�.sl I't,r a�l�ici�inaE fi��ds fi�r th� ��tr�fnc�r� �re� rYiair�teryaa�ce is �5�C7.��. fiu1�����e E'r�+���rties inc�ie.a��ci thttt �he ?��'� ��{sintcnan�c buc#��t ��u�ild also ne�d to Ix irtcreas��i t� re��l��t hi�fter I��+e1s c�f c�ng�ir�� ex��nses_ If th� �rc�����e�1 �.C1�.[} h�d�et is r�cei►��c1 }�riur l�� tlje CQ+1� mc�tir��. stafYf-��iil prc���ic�c it and rek�ieo�� it �4�i�1� this� re��?rt_ .Al�l��r���t t1�e anr��jal n��i�tenan�ce ec��ts fc�r ihe �S�rkin� area �re a r�1��ti���J�� ��n�tll p��rttic��1 �f'�I�e E.DI1's c�e�c�al] C;�ncr�1 Fun� k�ud�et, �,�5� ��rc�nt of it� �r�tire �3fiC},f}(1f} ir� }�ud�eted Ff)�1= B'� I I:I� ?(??�� IiT�e il�rn� (`�?.??{� �li��iiie�i �i�° �:wt5f1.(1U(i,1. l}te E;D:`� ant« b�,��nt �c, iTl[)�YIld11' I�l� ex��rt�,iilu�'�s ����I� y��t'�e ��,in�� i«r���arc� [cf C9ltiLl1"S', tI1:iL LI7� Ic�t"s ���� r�Mati��� tc� its �:��sts art: r�X��;tin�� ih�. F.�]:l's cx�r�.cl.�tunr�s_ 13. ALTEI�1'�iATI�'E:.�C_TIC}N4: h►�9c�tii7n tc� ���r;�►�°� tk�c ����r�n��,r7 arix� �ti��iiti�.n���a�:�:. uii�cr�}�}'����t�t �oni�ur�t �xt `��87.�� 1i.rr "'�19 ;a�:�c�ci�l�c1 rvith ih� r:[�A �rti��ned ���°��1 I���ted at �?[} V4'cst F3rc��ci���av. �'. '�1{,ti�.,n tc� �icn�� ��pprc,x��a�l c�t"t17� unde��ry���n�nt ���7�nur�t 4`�# ���i�,��, �_ h+lntinn tc� t�t�l� ���i��it���'�tic�n c�l'tl�� ct,or��i�c��°� stt-�� nlaieil�€.nance �nder����`i��ertt �.n`t�.�ut7t �.�j� S.`s�7.�? tincl clir�.�.t :��ai�' accc?rci i r��6��- C'. ��I"��I�I�'Ixl�:�`i�l��i��1ENl�.�T1��1�: �It���i'1•�c�3�tYi7'7�1t�� ,��li�.rnt�li��c �], T9�e: f I).� i�111e'-it�c� tl�� 1-:�sei�ict�t �'�r��i t��� C:c�rStrnc,n f'1r��� E't�rkin� l.c�i ,����retr��rn� �,x:i�e�1 it �rltcr�� ir}tc� 117G �ure�Y�s�: c:+f lh� �tr�cc•E Ickcal�.i� .1t �2�} 1'����;t E3rc�a��ka��. �I�fti� �it� �i��c� pec�w�i��� �' pirrkins� ��r�ce lh.it ;��-� .t�,•�il�l�1e tnr 4is� by' th�� �:.r�r��r�f ���k�lie, T'It�: ��lrcmcl�� hi�li snc�����"ail ii� ��int�r nt`�[}1+3 ���� lf�c �rarkin��, I��t ai1r�� r�.tiiri�rin� in3�rrc?�r�em�r�t� ��� t�l� iti�ir� �1r1����`:a ��1��l�� ����i i}���.rr��i�. 1��'h�l� the �ii�f� �i-��}3i�se� tc�r�ii�lc��� arc.� n��it�t����n�� h4siEi��it rtt��k� ttl�c� r�ll�cl th� cc?�i ���L�°ie���� i,�'?�}1 d}. ltticr� iti �� �:ltA�r��c �lt�tl I'ei�ur�: y�:z�r�; ea��x.ncliiures vvill Fr� st��'��fti• +�r �li�F�ilv ili�ri���: I'rc7m lhr ?{�I{7 !e�°els_ . � L?. �l.�1'1��)!t`f'iN(:Il:�'1`��: �. h:mail 1'r��i�� ��1i�f��lle'1-����rd�. f3�alls���� Rr+a��r�i�� b, 1 1-��1-�fik'� C'c,��rr�r�c}n .Ar��� f'�tr�ii�t� �.,c,i ,���c�r.i�ti�n ] i���a��i�l �;t���cpr�wttt c, U�.l�rile�i lisi ��i'?i�ItJ ('4���tic��nn Area I'��-kir��. I_�it ���rci�sc�. ri. F-;ss�rn�rat .��r��rr��nt e, Aerial E'17��t�� c��` I�re�p�:rt� �r{}��� ";} T�b: ,Ill_I T�Sd�C; Subject: F+t�: 2019 shc��€aqe in cAenman �rca ma,n�na+rae Date: 4Vednesday, �e�mber 4, 2�1� i�:51:D0 PM Attachrnent�: �u4�ti1 �._ u�tu�dr_,,s:.l �:.�.G°c�i}cs t� �aCe.ac:P �IfTI '�IViY� �if7E'S trY 5 �a��d t0 ��5 LC7�� Th�rlk� J��li� From: F�Ilseye Pr���rt+� htl�n�gem�nt & F���Ity [rr��iltr�:mail�m�rt�gebuildi�g_�om] �er�t: Wednesda�, 4ece�n�er 4, 2019 1i;48 ��r1 �'o� +�.P �A.P�ei.m�n�i�ell�.r�r7n,us� �ubject: �z:li9 shori�ge in �vmrnon �re� m�in�ter�ar��e� ��(�� ���I'I�l�+��l� �t�a����e�d ���� ���1 fir�c� �l�e �� 1 � ��uc���� �s� ��tu�� ����rt. ���� sr�o� �`��l ��.� rr�u��l� i�c��� th�r� �t�t��i����d� �� �v� a�e ��o�t �4��2.'�5 �� �� tc�d�y� �'�e 'ha�� p��t t��e �1��r��e �n �c�ru� i�c���r �`��- �c��r� �+e���r�ta.�� �f ���� p��r�i�� ��}��. �1���� lo�� ����� �rc�u� ������rt� �n� ������ ��ur �������er�t �o���r. '�e �v��1 l�� r�c����� �h�� �b�d��t f�r 2��(�� �e �h��l� ha�� ��� r���av ������er�s �h���t��, I� y�� ��a�� a�� c����tiar�s, ���a.�� �`�e1 ���e t� �e�ch �ut tc� �s c�� ��ur v��b��t� �or �all �� c�i�-��tl�. �� d�r��t li�� 1� �+��-31 ���3 �� 11�I i�h�ll� �� L7�U��L ��. ������� I:.�illst�y[ F'r��l�ty� ��+l,�r��ernt�i. � ��� '. kcaliy ��sh r�asss �`� l.t�k� �treet S, Suir� SGU 6uIl�SE'[E f��i�;Lol€e,1�9N����79 ,..�,.�d.� i:'[�.�1 ;'�]i-(7.`>�,C: 8c[�a�dway Rarking E�sement -��frIMER�I�AL -�Qi� Brcaadw�y P'�rking ���em�n# 1r1r�r�iy - =�''v9;'�`f119 ,4��a��t +�ctu�l B�dg�t C7�er Budge# °}o o� �4,rJg�t �Rt�Yi1 � Comm�n,�,r�� Nk��rl�ert�snce i�.i',id �� 12,C�0�.�0 i�7 �',i 7�1 32 °� Lake Fee �nts�m� 178.85 fS.�C� 1i�,�5 -- Le�al + EviCtior�� F�eS 1,33�.34 �.Q(! 1.332.34 -- ��nt In�r�me f92_2� C].r�Ca fi��2.2� -- TO#�I tnr Inc:�arn� �r14,�57_3� $12,�L10.13i? l��.861.3� 119�_fiB % Ex�e�5e5 L 7'n��on Ar�a M1Aa�YI•� �,�°,�:c {5:_.Aa�l} �I�C4rie�fy+ CAlv1 t,204.UC1 1,�47�4 0°� [1Q4.QQ� 92.3� � �, rr�,��et�S INai�7ten,srt�e {Lav,�nr'Snowj �.938.00 4,2$C1.p(? 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C � 0 H � � C G <J J Q .� CY � � �..h L �� E 9.� m i11 ❑} C s � +J � r 4 � , C' � � a c � � � Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Friday, December 20, 2019 222 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Parking Lot Easement Shortfall Request from Bullseye Property Management Yes From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Friday, December 20, 2019 11:11 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Parking Lot Easement Shortfall Request from Bullseye Property Management Jim Is this shortfall being paid to the same vendor, Demvi (Bullseye Properties) that the monthly amount is paid to? Thanks Julie From: Jim Thares Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2019 2:59 PM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Cc: Sarah Rathlisberger <Sarah.Rathlisber�er@ci.monticello.mn.us>; Wayne Oberg <Wayne.Ober�@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Parking Lot Easement Shortfall Request from Bullseye Property Management Julie, please see the EDA approval and the background on this. I am not sure how this is coded as it is typically a similar monthly amount that is paid to Bullseye to manage the parking lot. Once you have it coded can you please share the coding with me? Thank you. 1 � : �U�I@ ��'1BJ1��{ ; ; -�'.:� q , — � � ��. Frorn: �3u1lseye Praperty P�fi�nagerner�t & Re�lty <rrraol�manag�ek�ui9�ling,�c�rn� 5ent; T•�ursd�y, �Deeerr�t��r 1�, ��19 3,1� AM T4: AP 5�rbj�c#: Lea�e st�t�ment #�� Broadw�y P�rk�ng Easernerst -�C�Mtv1EI�CIA� -� as +af 121'��/��19 I 8ullseye Presperty h�1����r�m�rst & Realty PL:�,��£ ?l�jTF,� 4�[) �!(1"[� Rf�PL�' TO T[�I� Eh]�ll]_ .�i[�[]F�i��S Thi= en7a�1 rncssa�e �4°s�s ser�a f�rorri a notitica:�a-air-tanky� a46dre�� Cha� �arinot �ccc��� ie7��Gnin�, cmail �.���� ��.�.�.tI77��1� �.S �� �� � �- � �- � � City c�f f�+'lonticello Ecort�rnic ��v�elca�m�ent A�uth�ority 3� L.ak� St �uite �t}0 Big L���e, �1N ��3�9 I�ate h+1em€� Pri�r b�fan�� 91��}241 � 1011i2Q19 1 �l31�Q19 1 �i�12019� 1I11��20 Pa�rr�ent �omm+�n Atea �vl�int�r�anee l�avm�nt ��rr�mon �4rea �rla�ir�t�r��nce �ort�mon �1r�� �lacnt�nance P�yment 241 � Cam ���rtag� ��rnman Ar�a h�laint�nar�c� ���. ��a��• � �' �� �C� Account #� 004�5914 .l�mo� r�t {�121.�(?} ��21,6�? (5121 _�0) �121.�0 512�.�p Bal�r�ce �0.��0 ��'� � � .�iC7) ��.�Q� �587,4� $58�.42 51��_�� �i{}�,(72 Ba�ar,ca �iue: ���}�,oz ]�a��n��ent is du�. �n th� ���h �� ��e m��i��i, If pa��rncrtt isn't r�teio-ed. a one-tirti�: fe.�. eyutYl tct l_�°•�� ot' e�utsc�n�in� �a��ar�c�s ���il] he c.ht�r+��c! e�n the �?tl� ot each m�rnth_ �1°I�in��;� ��our` ���r��rrt cinlin�: httJ�:,�Jhull�c�'�pr�perties.m�an�i�ehui�[�in�,c�m i � a �, N � N � � a, � � � � U � � o C� U � o N, �Q� U `� ,� � � � o P� � ti�o � � � � � o � U o � U � -o U ..t °' � (V 3" U � H � a � O z 0 a � � 0 � o�� � ��� o ��� � NN � O O O � � � O O O N N N o � � � M � � � � N N N � � � � 'y�' Q s. W � O C � � Q � �s" W o Q � � �n W . �, � � � � 3 `" '� � � � a �i O M N Mi O � � � � O O O � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � L� L� L� U U U h h h zzz 0 0 0 � � � 0 0 0 � � � h h h � � � 000 000 ��� v v v 000 v v v � � � N N N �ol� �o � �� � N � O O M N '� L". w o `� W O � � O � � CL � �i Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Thursday, November 7, 2019 8:12 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 11119WEBINSERT.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RES Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 12/1/2019 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-004 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 130 BROADWAY E 10/1/2019 to 10/31/2019 (31 days) 11/6/2019 12/1/2019 Current Reading Date Reading Cons To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. ($1.00) ($0.50) $7.00 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $0.00 $5.50 $5.50 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Thursday, November 7, 2019 8:12 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 11119WEBINSERT.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RES Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 12/1/2019 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-007 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 103 PINE ST 10/1/2019 to 10/31/2019 (31 days) 11/6/2019 12/1/2019 Current Reading Date Reading To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. Cons $0.00 $�.Zo ($1.00) ($0.50) $9.00 $ 0.18 $7.00 $21.78 $21.78 $21.78 $0.00 $21.�s $21.78 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Thursday, November 7, 2019 8:12 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 11119WEBINSERT.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 68621907 10/1/2019 41120 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Consumption Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Consumption Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Consumption Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RES Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 12/1/2019 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-008 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 112 RIVER ST W 10/1/2019 to 10/31/2019 (31 days) 11/6/2019 12/1/2019 Current Reading Date Reading 11/1/2019 41123 Cons 3 $0.00 $o.00 $ 7.10 ($1.00) ($0.50) $0.00 $9.00 $0.00 $o.1s $7.00 $21.78 $21.78 $21.78 $0.00 $21.�s $21.78 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. ��i14��� � � -� ��t� �1� �'r�il§8C[7QI1 � ,.��_� � r � CITY OF I�I�NTICELLfl �ity Ftall Gard Tr�r����t�e��ti P[e�s� a�tiach the inu��cef seceipt and anq tatEterr ��+a����ble do�t��m�niatipn to this farm, Tc� be �omp�et+e�i by purchaser: Arnount � �•� � Clr�it p+�rch�er narne: �ra� Vicki ���r�i�ff R.ac e eonard Je� L�"�V�iIR Wayr�e 4�l�erg S���h �i�tt�li���rger 1�nnif�r Sci�r�i��r Ange�� Sc�umann J�im Tf��res �anob Th�rn�nder . � Employee 5ignature __.� � 4 __ � � . �� [ k�.- . 9a�1� .�.ISOf �I�fi�tltP2 f � '� 9 �3ate appr� ed . �pe�ia��ct # or �escr#ptla� _ , _ i., � F1- F' . . Crrcle +de�rartrn�nt c��le: 1t�1-�1�1(? City �Council ]O1-��31� Adrn�n���tr�ti�n 1�11-4141f} E i e�t i�n 5 �01-415�0 �FMnance 1{i1-418�10 Hurr�ar� Re��urtes 1�}1�4�9�1�3 PC�n�ang �n� Zonir�g ��1-4���0 [�ata Pr�ces�ing ��1-�194� ���y H�II ���-4�5(l[l E�on€�mic �eve�opmer�t 213-�36�C�1 HftA Circfe �x�+err�e c�d�: �4219"�� General Operating 5uppiies 43IJ5D Newslett�r �erviee� 4319"9U h+li�cellaraec�us Prcaf 5ervices 43�iU� Post��e 4��10� TraveljTrainin� �xpens� 44�3C10� D�u�s Membership � Subs�rip 4437i7(� Lieenses �r�d Perr�dts 44�99[] I�iisc. C]a##h�r �x�ens� �ther ���1r.��G �1� MC�JT�CELL+� � 7E�� �7S.-1i�[] 1�1�3�'1:��:�:+ r:r; li, ;:�M k�,����.[";F.`.: i.,�r':11�U II s�r`� I� I�l 1�I GR4�FRY '• i;s4,;.���r1 AF F!F'iEPAf�E�] F�J $2�.9� SUBT ti77 �� $29 . �� #�1U T�Ak �l7 _ �4 ' ` 1�1Y�L �9_9� x i{!�� VISA CF�AR�f 29 _ 9� AI� ; ,� f1�197�IClC1Cx�31 � 1 �IO � VI�A �f�.DIT i:� � r?? 9:�17-�1#�Q-OY7�i-��129-� �'i;G�175p���f��'�.�a�i f£�lF� r�c�k� t�u�.` T�����t Rix7 t�etter'- �:.�_. ;� � �ro-�-,al� :�.ir�v�y ��ti�it t��dY�� ��'�K. ��for'� t.c�ra Us�r 16: ��27#3? (�82 Passwas+� : �0 7[1� {�LI�NTEN05 EN ES�'A#�J�]I_ P1�3.:,�>ti: .:,•:Qa �� �r�v�. , �tr ��-� . .i�vs. �. * //} Y � � �f::� �� ���� �a��� �� Tr�,sacti�n �� ,�� ,�,� '�J'� �"� ��I�TICELLO �CM�€��� Gard T�r�ns��#ion Pl�as� �ttach the inv�iceJ feceipt �nd' �rny ather ��ai����e c�u��arrr�nta���n� tq t�is f�rrrn. fio be cc�ra�plet�ed by pu���s�r; Amc�u�t � � � • �� �irele purehaser �a�rne: l��bbi� l��vid,�v� �---��.. Julde �neney � i � � }��. �� " � �' �xpen*� �'�de �i� , ���. ���?�� Maa�ticella Chamb�r �vf Conr�rrr�er�e an� Inclustry �C^� rin� St;��# a� BU� 152 f�lentiG�l6a. MN �53fi� (?�3, ��5-27�J0 � fax: (7�a3j ���•�70� i•rfo.�r�l0ntiee;l,��i r,�m `��ant�c�ll� City of F�CGG1�1flt$ �$'p'e�f]6E S'�� '��'81Y`uC Street '�,iike #1 h�onli��ll� P�1N ;:�3�2 ��11f�fC� Invoice Cdat�: "���'31r'1� In+v�ic� �umber: �913 Accaunt ID: Thank you f�r su;pportm� t9�e Manti��llv Ghamber and our comrnunit�-f4iarcy 8, fJ��rie DesCri�#ion _�h�fF1�7�f �'LI`�Ch, f���T-�4f �� F � i--� -- 1 �_�s __. ..,. _ �. __� � �_� �. __ �� _._ ... _� Terrns hJ�' 1 !:i Clu,�ntMty �tate � J'� U. L'� �ubtta#�I: . Tax: Total- �2yr�enfl�redit ApRlied; �alante: r ��y�� -f� I r ' � L� � � " �. . . ii �.�+– . ..�_: r; jl r� �����I � I� � �r – � .� !.� �, �` � � � Lf &� � `� � � - � � � N � �tlf 4 � —. � Due Ckate 1 1:' 1;;:' 19 Arno�u�t ,�. 9 5 ��v Si S.OJ $(k, 00 $15.�4 $O.Q13 �1 a,t}0 1ufi�e ��i�er�e From:. 5� r� t; �v: Subj�cta A#tachrnents: I)��ar .1iin: M�rcyr.�n�lersoi, <rr��rcy�rr�antic�ll�cri.cr�rn> ihursda�, Noverr�ber 7, �Q79 1 1-�2 ��v1 A� .n:�oi�� frorr�i h�lcyr�ti��ll� Ch�sm�er of C�rnrnerr� and Ir�da�stry 5913.pdf �`c,�ar i�1����i�:c t���� tl�e �C.h��r�ber l���t�f�����i is �xtt��ch��i. �l�asc re���it pa��n����t at ��rr��- e;�rli�:�t �c�n��enict}�.�. l'`c]ta }�i![ f�r�€� t� �i�ik 4it t�e h[kii[�«Z �f't�1i� �r�lflii t�� ���� L�CI�,� c3rtlin�. �i�lccrcl�, '�ic���li�e[1�� C:h�anl7c:r t,F�`c�ii�inci�.e anci I��duste�� {7C�:°E ��1�,-??C}� ' Tc� ���L��:�}3��� �ill� +��nline, �l�a�e. cli�k h�r� TM��; �r-ti��s �,a� s�rr; an ceha:f ef Mr,�,��ellc• CharR���r;;# ��n�riE.c:� and In��slry by G��,�thZone, 4�337 C��unty R�saa 7,' hJis�wa. �,��y 5�i469.T:.� ur�suC��en�� c:iek here �� yau hav� .au�s!!c�n„ �s� c;:•rr�e�t� cont��n.r3 t�� s r�7°ait �r Urovrth�one ��ruices in gan�er��. pae�se �:nt�ck us by �e7iaiq at SU�G[:,,i �ici�Crr�_Ia'1�i i2v r'.[, ., orr. �ul�e C�ten�y Fr[yrn: litr, T.!�dres Sen#: T�ursd�y, Npv�rr-sber i�, ��?19 3-�41 P�t{I To: 1°�:lie Ch�ney �ubj�ct; FtE: h�9c�nti Ch�m�rer �15 Jwlie+ this �n�e is �k�y tcs pa+�. Th��k y�u. Fr�r�n:�ulie Ch�n�y <Julie.�heney��i,m�nti�elp�,r°�n.us� 5�nt: ThurStiay, �O+�errl��er 14, 20i'� �:36 PM Tc�: Jim T���res <Jirn.7h�re���i,mont�c�llc�.mn.us> 5ul�je�t: Mc�nta Charrr��r $15 J i r�l �tt�ched is Inv#t ���3 from the Ch�r�sber of C�omm�r�e f�ar their �un�� y�u �tten�ed. �}k.�y t� pay $15.0�? Th�nks, .I��l��> ����e������ Finasnc� �ssi.si`ar�t �'ity� of �harat��ellv 7b3-��1-3�Cl5 ?ul it.Ch�ney�ci.manfi i��l Io.mn.us A,�°��r.r*�c�nt�eello,rlln.us -- -���4� �.�������� �`�rt�id cor-res,porrafer��� t� ar�d �r�rri t�he Cfty� r�� �USor���c���� g�v�r�mer�t off+c�� i� sr�b,�ect �� the �11�ri+�es�rta �o��r�,�merrt �rata Pr��r�c�;ces Alct rrnd �,�y be discic,.��d ta thrr�d perr-�i�s, i ��r�� ch���y Frc�m; Sent; To: 5ubj�ct; �t,ta-Rec�ip� cr�c�r����r�,rr�ail.au�hp�ize,n�ta T�,esr�a�, f�lover��krer 1 �, �(J1'� 10:57 �,M A� Trars,s��tic�n Receipt fr�rt� h�'lr�r�ticell� Ch�rnb�r �f �e�rr7r���te � Indu�try for �14,�0 (Usa;� , € _. � _ _ ._ _ . . _ , _ , � ��.. . , ._ ._ . .� f.]rytiri�;tii?;7: I'.�_,i'77i1'1 {�OT IL7�'fT«t=1{)I3 rlfti7ir�i��llr> C'il; �.�1'� :��h�is7il;c� I.u�i4i�. \]r�nb�r �1�.�:uP�C'I,is�� y l,rtis�i.c• �t�it7hcr �4a��8{)7 - f3illisa� Iryfr�rmmttiun I.i�i� ���Ir�n�r 1�f;:•i�[i4cll�} C'it; �}d' •���* 4h t�lit�.n titrti�t tit�ile � 111}nli���ll�3. .11'� .wS3{,� l �'i �1� r� 4'i.:ll{3f�Glti.11i� ailll.uS ?���.�,1_33.�}� r.�:��4 � ���,: I r.�n�;;�ci i�,rr f [ ]: ��:ki'771CIY1 �ICIa7is,l' 7 r�n'��;��,'1���n 7�k ��[. ,�,U1�1 C�ckEe. whi�s�ior��; Inf�rrnatiaie 1���`�{�i-�'I.11{i M;5 ;_'i �e�. � t,'ia;;{,9*;�� �4' i �<l .t � � � R?d'r�i �'Ur4 �1.UwC �Y,. . ^� h�l[arttic�ll� �harr.ber oi Gc�mm�r�� $, I�+dustry ����nilcell�, ��h� 553�2 �J S m� r�y � r�3on ti �el lo��i. �orrr i To1�l: SI�.E?4(L�51]) Ja.ilie �I��n� F�vrne ��7f:�i��rr,�ntcel s�cc�,�crm S�eli#; TUeSday', IVOvC'it3b�r � 9, �i�l � i C1:5;7 F'��v1 �ubjec#: �Dnlur�� P�ym�nt ��nfirr�rati�n 1'��tu` c����in� ��a}�nt�nt r�g�a�st has �S��n r�.e.�i���c� �i��'�ira�lti�e�lu �ha��r��er �}t'C'c�mn7et•�c tu1� ft��i�a�tr��- ��rl}�fil Cll � '� �}flfIY1T�71�tt}C� �i�rrzi: .�L�li� C'hLrt��,° C"r.�»��xa�n�-: �I�}t��ic�iCc� �'it� �if- `1'r:��ns:�ctic�t� I�uml��e�•: fi�(}i i�����}�F i,{z.�t � i�f F�,c�ct 1�°umh�r; �?�i� �tn�t�nt, �i �,�1(� D$scription Item{�} 4ua�n#1Cy T4tal ,Aenotp�t Paym�rri f�u,r wnvt�ice #�913 I;Montir�lls� Gi1y �hamb�� Luncfi, Merr���r'�15.dOfCl2�ss of} } � �15 4Q Grand Total_ �1� +�� �6'hi� futn��i] ���a� ��4a�c��i�ati�;al1�� �c��rc1l�t1. I���r �l��es�Ec�t�� t��- ���11k����k_ �I���e �t��ttt��[ u:: �tt; �'I��nticellc� �"h�mhrr of C"��m�r,cr�e ��n{I incl���t�-�� �'ii�� I'iil� tit���:�:t E'() �#��x 1��� �ic,d�ti��lla7_ !�1� �� ;(7�' l ,�� ; j �t�;_�?(i{� []lj[7�C1 t714�]ltlL'L`��{Ii��l,�;17f17 ]Ztt��: `����~x�,.t3�i�s�ti��.lic��ci_�t��t�1 � EDA Agenda: O1/08/20 4c. Consideration of Authorizin� Economic Development Mana�er to Attend 2019 EDAM Winter Conference at Double Tree Park Place, Minneapolis, MN (1-23-19 to 1-25-19) (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider authorizing the Economic Development Manager to attend the 2020 EDAM Winter Conference at the Sheraton Bloomington Hotel, Bloomington, MN, January 22-24, 2019. The Conference Agenda is attached. Al. STAFF IMPACT: If authorization is granted, the Economic Development Manager will attend the conference Wednesday (1-22-2020) afternoon through Friday (1-24-2020). A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The cost to attend the Conference is $315.00. There is no lodging cost but there will be mileage estimated at $159.50 +/-. The 2020 EDA Budget contains a line item for "Training/Travel" in the amount of $1,700. A3. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT: The City Council's adopted strategic plan contains a goal (#6) of "Invest(ing) In People" which supports staff training and growth. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to authorize Economic Development Manager to attend the 2020 EDAM Winter Conference. 2. Motion to deny authorization for Economic Development Manager to attend the 2020 EDAM Winter Conference. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. SUPPORTING DATA: A. 2020 EDAM Winter Conference Agenda B. 2020 EDA Budget (Adopted August 14, 2019) E�rent ��hedul� � � ��� � 0 �Vednesda�, ,January 22 TIME �E�SION 3;4� PM-7,00 Phv1 Ma�i�� T�ur Exa�t time and loeation �etail� �aming �aan, Thursd�y, January 23 TIME �ESSION �;3OAM-4:Dd PM R�g15tf�t1011 7;�4�►�-s���a�� Cantinental �reakfa�t 8,34 AM-8:45 �M President'� VU`el�e�me 8;�5 AM-9.45 �M Sit� Selectors Hear from a veteran �ite cQnsultant and ane eariiei in their �areer abaut �u��rent tren�s an�l what they I�ok far when �elect�ng �ite�, �;�5 �►�-� o:�t� A� '�r�ak with Exh�bitars 10,OOAM-11:�D AM (�p��ing �4eynote � The PQw�r �f �t�rytelling Speaker: kari 5wit�la In tl�i� f�un yet thou�ht-provi�g 5e�5ian we'll e�plore the pawer �f �torytellirtg, w�hy stQr�e� stick with u� an�d hQw you �an utili�e �tarie5 to attr�c�, �r,nn�ect and eultivate rn��ni��gful r-elation�5hip5 with your cu�tomer�, emplaye�� anrl pra�pe�tive �u�tomer�, 11;(�a AM-11 �1 � Ah,� 11,15 AM�11:45 AM 11,�5 AM-1 �:45 PM 1 �,�5 Phr9-1,�� PM 1,�7� Rh,1-�,�b PM 1;0� Ph�]-�;a� FM Br�ak wrth Exhibit4r� ��ce�lence in EcanQmi� b�velo�m�nt Awards Rresentatian Speaker: Samantha DiMag�i� )oin u�a�we �anar �ut�t�ndir�g people, praje�t�, and ir�itiative� that made 4tilave� in the e�an�mic deve�apment ��mmur�ity in the pa�t year! L�nch 6r�eak with Exhi�itor� BREAK�UT � Per�pe�ti�es fram the R�staurant & Ho�pi�ality Warld Speaker�;�enn erewingtan, Linnea Bat�rhe,�� Haywaod, [�avid 6ena�rit�, erent Frede�i�k,)ared ere+�ingtQn Join �.�� for a di��u��ir,i� G��ith a diver�e panel �f IrrEal re�taurateu�� and ho�pitality entrepreneur5, Theywill share their ��er�pe�tiVe� ak���t the opportunitie� and �hallenge� of �tarting a�ui tu��ning a �-estau�rant ar hospizalityc�r��e��t in ��inne�ata, BREAK�I�� `�e�Uty and �h� �e�st: Pl�nr�in� l�y ��sign �r by Market Re��ity Speaker�;�ay Demma, Mi�hael L�mb 1.0 AICP Credit To irnagine �amething i�ew�r differ�nt re�uir�� de�i�nr wh�t�er it i� � proce��� a vi�ion, 4r a phy�ical �hange to the built envir�nme�lt. Hawever, �Very de�igr� idea, na r�atter haw gre�t, mu�t re�pe�t the c�llective will Qf the.,, Read More �;oo �►�-�;� 5 P►� �reak with Exhibit�rs 2;15 Phr1-3;� 5 PM �;15 PIv1-3;15 Ph� 3;15 Ph�-3,3C� PM 3,3Q Phr�-4;30 Ph� 3;3Q PN!-�,30 PM B�E�IL�l1T ��rn�rt Cities c�f the Future 5peake�s; Tim I{orby, Ifen Demlaw, D�v� �elenak 1.0 AICP C�edit �earr� about what it means to h�come �''smark city,'' arnd wha� you need to d� t� be rea�iy for �he ���ture inelu�ing autanamous car� traver�in�� thr�ugh ya�� �amr�unity. Are ya�u u� to �pe�d an V�V �e��so��, r�ad5 t�ithaut traffie 5ig,,,Read More BREAK��T � In zhe Thick �f It; Sur�iving ar�� Thriving T'l�r�ugl� �o�nplex, ��nter�ti�us Froj��ts 5peaker;�a�h Olsan 1.0 aICP Credit Getti ng the �p��rt�nity ta w�rk an a�omplex, hi�h-pr�file and �ometime5 to��tentiau� pr�je�t andlar planning effc�r� �an �e e�citi�g and pr�vi�le ii�credihle �ersa��a,,. �ead Mare Br�ak w�th Exhibit�rs BREAIC�UT � Hidd�en Fi,gure�: The Dppartunity c�f Untappe�i Ta�l��� P��Is ta Graw Bu�ir�e�s and �ui1� Ir��f�u�iv� ��r�nrY�ur�iti�s 5pe�ker�; Ling Betker, �h�nnvn L�mm4n, BaThav-Urahe, Amanda La�r�nge, Dee T�rger�on 1.0 A�ICF Credit �1ast h�inne�ata busi��esses are �x�erieneir�g a�h�rtage af empl�yee�. Mar� and r��re are 5tartin� tQ �h�ink ahaut how they can both meet their busine�� needs �y le�+er.,, �ead Mare Q�EAP�O�T I Nat Art��ther p9an7r 5peakers; Ru�ty Fifieltl, aave �I�vn, Tam Harmening 1.0 AICP Credi� The ��cret t� 5ucce��fuY ecanomic de�r�lopment in tirnes of �hange? It'� simple- a�I�n". A p9an �hould be a�owe�ul t��l �o g�ide ecQna�rie develapment tl�rc�ugh chan�ing time�, Unfort�nately, plan� ean bet�me j��t anothef.,,R�ad Mor� a,3o ��-�;�o �� N�etwarking �eceptian Rela�, c��r�ec�, and recap th� day. Drink� a�d heavy appeti�er�. Frida�, Januar� �4 TI�IE i,30 AM-1 �:Q6 R�1 7,3� AM-8:3Q AhrA �;ao ��-s:�a a��m 8,30 AM-9:3f� AIv9 4,3Q AM-9:3� ANi �,3� AM-9:45 Ah� 9;�5 AM-10:45 A�3 SESSI�N �egi�tra�ion Cantinental Bre�kfast Conference Rri�e Entry BREAK�UT I Launching Futures and Growing �ur �wn to A�dre��'��rkfar�� Challeng�� Speaker�; Cheryl �laeser, Tam H�iffp �ason Duininck, Tyler Gehrkin� 1.0 AICF Credit A� communiti�� fac� �ignife�nt workfar�e �hartag��, b�i�ines��� and e��icational unstituti�ns �re w��king to�ether to expa�� young p�opl� t� the career appartuniti,,. Re�d More BREAKDUT � A��et-Bas�d E��nomic Devel�pm�nt with Rethos �lain Streets: h+1i�nn�s�ta 5peaker: 5arina {}taibi 1.0 A�ICP �redik Reth�s Main 5treets; P��1i��nz�ata, �e��gnate�l by t�e hatio��al Main 5tr��t Centerpravide� res�urces and toolkit� f�r ��set-ha�e�l eeo�o�i� deuela�ment t�t�t �se� I�i�to,.. Rea�i More Break with Exh�bitr�r� BREAKOUT � Working Busin�s� Developm�ent Pr�j�ect�Thraugh aEED W��t�er an e���tirtg tomp�r�y e�pansian ar a�� attraeti��� p��ojeet, la�al ED piofessio���l� will be���fit �ram u;nderstandirtg �he proces� af iderntificatian, imfarmat9Qn ga�he�ing, th� �onsi��ration Qf �tate �inancii�g taal� and he we ean ��Ilaba,,. Read N1ar� �,34 AM-9:45 AM �;�� a�-� a:�� �� �;�5 AM-10:45 Ah� 1 a,45 A,M-11.�� AM 11 �Qa,4M-1�:�� P�1 12;4Q PI��1-12,3� P'M �reak with E��nibit�ars BREAKULlT � l�c�rkir�g Bu�iness ��velopm�ent �r�ject� Thro��gh DEED Whetl�er an e���tir�g ��mpany e�pan�i�n rrr an �ttra�ti�n proje�t, IoEal ED prQfes�io���l� will bene�it #ram underst�ndir�� �h� pro���� �� i�enti#i�atiQn� informatian ga�h�rin�� �h� ��n�i��ration af �tat� fin�ncir�g taQl� and he we �at� ��Ila�a.,, Rea� More BREAI��L1T � In��stin,� in ��v���e Entr��re�eurs 5p�a�er�; 5�att Marqu�rdt, Aaran eackr��n,�udy��ndra, Abdirizak {Zack� Mahhoub 1.0 AICP �redit Entr�preneur� 4f c�lar ar� r��lefining main �tre�t�, indu�trial park�, and �ommer�ial �arrid�r� throughuo�� I�inn���ta, Diver�e k�u�ine�se� are �at�ly�ir�g �ihra,.. Read More Br�ak �+witt� Exhibit�r� Cl��ing I��y�n�te: �EE� ��mmis�q�n�r ���ve ���ve 5p�aker: Ste�� Grave Atken�ee� �rill hu�ve the ��p�rtui�ity t� he�r f�am the DEED Commi��i�ner o� the De�arkmenC� prio�itie� heading int� th�e �aZD �egi�lative 5es�io�� as well as I�is I�nger terr� gaal� far aEED, Canfere��e Prize Gi�reaway 3-46301-410200 3-46301-411100 3-46301-412100 3-46301-412200 3-46301-413100 3-46301-415100 3-46301-421990 3-46301-430300 3-46301-430400 3-46301-430910 3-46301-431990 3-46301-432100 3-46301-432150 3-46301-432200 3-46301-433100 3-46301-434990 3-46301-435100 3-46301-436100 3-46301-437100 3-46301-443300 3-46301-461500 3-46301-443990 3-46301-451010 3-46301-453010 3-46301-472030 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OTv SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS HEALTH/DENTAL/LIFE INSURAN Workers Compensation Insurance GENERAL OPERATING SUPPLIES PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES PROF SRV - Market Matching MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Telephone IT Services Mail & Delivery Services Travel/Training Expense ADVERTISING LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION Insurance - Liability/Property/Vehicle PROPERTY TAXES DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRI REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES MISC OTHER EXPENSE LAND (or value adjusted) IMPROVEMENTS TRANSFER OUT 26 262 3,771 3,756 10,440 80 81 2,737 25,322 56,597 585 1,409 345 709 2,500 311 1,867 1,318 4,846 3,000 96,100 32 5,676 5,603 17,033 378 79 3,063 15,247 82,708 780 3,212 10 2,033 250 72 1,824 2,786 5,763 111,615 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 80,131 $ 85,796 $ 85,796 91,994 7.22% 101 - - --- 6,017 6,435 6,435 6,900 7.23% 5,918 6,563 6,563 7,038 7.24% 18,833 20,041 20,041 20,626 2.92% 962 2,867 2,867 3,308 15.38% - 100 100 100 0.00% 1,774 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.00% 26,106 14,000 14,000 14,000 0.00% - 9,300 9,300 9,300 0.00% 60,559 18,000 18,000 18,000 0.00% 780 780 780 780 3,486 3,006 3,006 2,665 182 200 200 200 0.00% 1,387 1,700 1,700 1,700 0.00% 3,584 21,750 21,750 21,750 0.00% 477 600 600 600 0.00% 1,011 1,016 1,016 919 19,479 1,300 1,300 1,300 0.00% 6,295 9,700 9,700 9,700 0.00% - 123,250 123,250 145,524 18.07% 370 1,596 1,596 1,596 0.00% 471,919 - - --- - 25,000 25,000 -100.00% EDA Agenda: O1/08/20 5. Consideration of authorizin� Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a Housin� Needs and Market Demand Studv (JT) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND In light of the numerous multi-family housing development concept proposals that emerged in Monticello over the past 18 months, the EDA recently expressed interest in gaining a better understanding of the housing needs and the market demand in the City. To proceed with such a study will require engagement by a firm that is familiar with and has the ability to analyze complex housing information regarding demand and also complete research determining various housing type needs. The most recent housing study was completed by WSB & Associates in mid-2017. That study projected a demand for 500 units of housing over a five-year period (2017-2021). Half of the need was projected as multi-family while the other 250 units were determined as single- family units. Since completion of the study, a total of 143 multi-family units are now under construction (Briggs = 47-units [Affordable] and Headwaters Development = 96 units (Assisted Living Facility). Additional multi-family units are proposed or have recently received approvals. The Dale Buchholz proposal received development stage approval by the City Council on November 25, 2019. It anticipates developing 165 units over a three-year time frame beginning in May 2020 (one building per year of approximately 55 +/- units per year). Another multi-family proposal is nearing the final steps of plat approval for an additional 92 units +/-. The grand total of units that are now under construction, recently approved or in the process of seeking approval is 400 units, exceeding the projected demand figure by 150 units. There are also other multi-family concepts with a potential to develop 292 units +/- that the EDA would like to encourage and support. Due to the EDA either owning the land or having a goal to acquire the site, the EDA has started discussions with developers for two potential un-related concepts that may result in these developments moving on to the next steps in the process. The development kickoff timeline for those proposals is 10 to 24 months. With this number of active and anticipated multi-family units, questions arise as to how much demand and need exists in the community; is there still pent-up demand? Another question is how does this change the community? A third question is what is a healthy balance between single family homes and multi-family units? A fourth questions is how do economic cycles and adjustments (national and regional) effect the needs and demand findings? There are likely many more questions that come into play. A comprehensive housing study would help to answer many of these questions. There are several firms that complete housing studies in the upper Midwest. Staff would like to seek their qualifications and present them to the EDA for next steps in consideration of the goal of later completing a thorough and in-depth housing needs and market demand study. EDA Agenda: O1/08/20 A1.Budget Impact: Funding for this activity is proposed to come from the EDA's General Fund. Funding was anticipated for such a study in the development of the 2020 budget. The specific line item for this study would be Miscellaneous Professional Services which allocates $18,000 for such purposes. A2. Staff Impact: Staff will organize and monitor the RFQ process and complete the reports and finding for EDA review and consideration. An estimate of time is between 35 to 42 hours for a thorough and complete RFQ process. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to recommend the EDA authorize preparation of an RFQ (Request for Qualifications) form and to further solicit responses from known area firms involved in completing housing studies. 2. Motion to deny authorization of preparation of an RFQ (Request for Qualifications) form and further soliciting responses from known area firms involved in completing housing studies. Motion to table for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff supports the completion of a new comprehensive Housing Needs and Market Demand Study wherein a variety of questions noted above could be profiled and answered with recommendations presented as well for various scenarios. Staff believes that the funding of the study will be an important factor in understanding both the short (next three years) and longer term (next four to seven years) housing needs and market demand in the community. D. SUPPORTING DATA None �a EDA: O 1/08/20 6. Consideration of a request to contribute $700 from the 2020 EDA Marketin� Bud�et to support a Co-Work Tech Meet Up event in downtown Monticello in March 2020 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to provide a contribution of $700 from its 2020 EDA Marketing Budget in support of a Co-Work Tech Meet Up event in March 2020. The idea for this event springs from a group of Monticello residents that has been meeting since early 2019 discussing the potential of establishing a Co-Work site in the community. The "Co-Work" phenomena began to take off in 2010 in many urban areas throughout the country. Co-Work facilities are set up to provide flexible work spaces to a variety of users rather than being used by one organization. Typically memberships or subscriptions are sold for the desired level of use. Fees are often added for extra services such as use of a conference room or a bridge communication system for a televised meeting or conference call. Co-Work spaces vary in how they are laid out but usually have a mixture of individual offices and/or cubes and rooms for meetings and conferences. They also leverage critical elements of fast, reliable internet service with the benefits of social interaction which boosts idea sharing. Access to amenities such as coffee shops, brewpubs and health clubs are also key aspects of successful sites. Proximity to public facilities such as transit and libraries is also a positive feature. Several firms have staked footholds in the Co-Work space nationally. They are: Galvanize: www.galvanize.com We Work: http://en.wikipedia.or�/wiki/WeWork; http://wework.com/buildin�s/1330- I��oon-ave-�rninneapolis Life Time Work: http://work.lifetime.life/home.html; http://biziournals.com/twincities/news/2019/10/13/why-wework-s-stru��les-don-t-faze-life- time-and.html Smaller also have been setting up similar flexible officing space with social interaction benefits as a way to retain start-up ventures and tech industry workers who can be located at remote locations. Some examples of successful facilities are those located in Mankato, St. Cloud, Willmar and Bemidji, MN. Planning is current underway to hold a Co-Work Tech Meet Up event that discusses potential opportunities to create a Co-Work space in the downtown area. The desired event date is in early March 2020. Attendees will be asked to share their ideas on how a Co-Work space would look and function in Monticello and indicate if they would utilize such space. A specific site in the downtown core for this event has not been selected. The EDA is being asked to contribute up to $700.00 for the event from its marketing budget. EDA: O 1/08/20 Al. STAFF IMPACT: The staff impact involved in this request for funding and the overall effort to organize an event exploring the Co-Work concept is fairly modest. The group of Co-Work volunteers is actively engaged in collaborating to organize and host this event. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact to the 2020 EDA Marketing Budget would the amount of the contribution request of $700. The funds would be used to pay for food and potential room rental fees. The 2020 EDA Marketing Budget has some flexible line items that are budgeted for unexpected and worthy activities such as this proposal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve a$700 contribution in support of a Co-Work Space Tech Meet Up event in 2020. 2. Motion to deny approval of $700 for the Co-Work Space Tech Meet Up event in 2020. Motion to table consideration of the $700 contribution to the Co-Work Space Tech Meet Up event in 2020 and direct staff accordingly. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. The 2020 EDA Marketing Budget has a line item reserving $1,800 for events like the proposed Co-Work Tech Meet Up event. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. 2020 EDA Marketing Budget b. Notes from Initial Co-Work Space Meeting 2 .-� m � 0 � � � � � � O � Q .� H W � � � m � z J a V Z r W � Q G Q � W N N J Q � N � 0 z +� � o 3 O O � � a � 0 0 O �fI N N c-I c-I � � �� °' � Q L � N � ,� o � � 'V � N � � vi � N � � � � � L � c� ? c � +, U � VI Q � � � � � � 3 � 3� �-� � 0 0 � � � � a � N o � � � c �n — a.., -a O Q cC6 ' v � V 7 C �6 � +' � N ++ v C � N N � C � L N v L 'a � �n pp �n N O N N'a � O N � v f�'6 V� � a N � �n a� � � � � � � N � > � � 'n � c� � a�, N � m N R �n c� � � v� � � -a +� y c6 n s° � � u° a ai ao .� � a� � L `� L 'a o Q��°� Q- � a�i � Q. o � � � � � C � � � O y H C7 cn � Q i Co � N p O � � �� i � � a � W V � �Vl N 00 y � � � o � � � � � o � � o � O N N O N t/� rj � � � � U O � 0 N U +� c +� o � � o �� � c � C N N � = i .N L w � O y� � `~ N CA i � > C � O � � � '� �. N L � L ao c� �a � � � X � � � � W +� � � 3 °� � U � � � O C � L •� O ++ � �n o m � � � i N OC � � N � m N W � � J Q V � W � Z 0 H z 0 0 0 0 � � � � � � � i/� � a� c .� tin � E � C (6 � � �n C L � 0 a a a� � � � U C ;} N U N N � Q � � � � C to v�, — � � Q N -� > � o � � � � ++ a� Gl � � U ++ C N �6 N �' i o � � a U V �10 � � � a m i 'a � � � � U N .Q (6 c 0 0 E 0 a � a� s �-+ N � � � .y +; o Cm Q G Q O � a� +� > a� i � Cm G � � � {= Oi0 � o � a 0 0 rn i/� N � � � a� 3 0 + 0 a E (6 L � � � o � a Y L iC N y1 � m O a� y > � � �3 m i N Q O N > N 0 � a� a 0 a� > a� � L � � .� � Q � a a� � C O � U O � J Q � W Z W C7 0 0 � c-I i/� � � ai > W 0 0 � o �n � c-I N � i/� i/� � i/� U � N vi L � � � N Q CA C +� 0 s ao c � a� E N C � i a� + c � a� '� > 7 � E N E � O � U m ao c � a� � C � 0 � c � O f6 +' �i c y 3 ++ m � � m � O ar O O a � � f6 N L � i 0 s � a� _ U L N O _ � Q � 'a > � 0 a� s L y � U U � �� N 6 N s +� � '� �3� 0 E � ai � > a� � � s � � N � � � CA N O N U � � Q � E � U N s Q '� w � � N t 0 0 0 LfI i/� O O � � N � Notes re Establishing Co-Work Space in Monticello 6-28-2019 Meetin� attendees: Melanie B. — Monticello Resident - Business owner-consultant Sam B. — Monticello Resident — Remote Software Engineer for Digital Ocean, New York, NY Crystal Nutt, Monticello Resident - Business Owner, Crystal Nutt Consulting Jeff O' Neill, City Administrator Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager Introductions: All around Issue-Problem Identification: Gigabit Upload Speed is a critical issue. Monticello has an advantage over many other communities in that it has Fibernet which offers fast upload speeds. This allows Sam to work remotely here and upload very large file work products to the New York office in a very short amount of time (less than five minutes). It takes days in some instances in some communities. Some examples of digital work products which are hindered by slow Upload Speeds are: U-tubers (videos), Patrion, Web Comic Artists (layers or products and files = dynamic graphic materials). Most ISPs limit upload Speeds for a variety of reasons that are not fully understood. A municipally owned internet service per Title 2 is considered a Utility and is therefore exempt from the Net Neutrality changes that are coming forward from the Federal Communications Commission. This will help ensure that the upload speeds are not throttled like they currently are by private sector firms. Melanie and Sam would like to support the start up of a co-work space and would commit to use of it. They are currently working from home offices. They miss out on some of the benefit of interacting with other folks working online and solving issues collaboratively in a person to person and creative-dynamic setting. A co-work space in the community would provide a place for that collaborative effort and interaction to occur. Sam explained that some Co-Work spaces offer a"coding boot camp class" as part of the use of the facility. This helps to increase exposure for potential user-subscribers and also expands the knowledge base for coders and the technical field in general in the community-region. It essentially can serve as an incubator of internet tech business start-ups. The "proof of concept" is the initial stage and the task-goal for Monticello is similar to venture stage start up enterprise. A couple of well-known Co-Work Space firms are: Galvanize and We-Work Discussion of the potential of attracting them to a community of 15,000 +/- with a broader market area having 90,000 people +/- is unknown at this time. Discussion continued of best method to reach firms like We Work. Discussion occurred about the idea of using a Request for Proposal (RFP) format. Local businesses or the biggies could submit an RFP for support from the City-EDA and possibly the School District. The actual internet service cost could be reduced or waived as part of the support package. Perhaps rental costs could be subsidized by the EDA. The initial phase of a venture will need various forms of support before it can stand on its own merits. Marketing (methods) of the Space was discussed. Ideas shared. Crystal provided her background as a grant-writer consultant. She wants to be able to interact with other people more regularly than she does now as she works from her home office. She likes the idea of a community oriented co-work space and is willing to put forth some effort to research the viability of one here. If the research shows that it is worth pursuing, then she is willing to help structure a plan to launch one and support it in Monticello. There are examples of community style co-work spaces in Willmar, Bemidji and Mankato that may serve as a model. Crystal can share information about these facilities with everyone. Another one in Rapid City, SD is also a nice model. It has educational components integrated into it as well. TED talks are provided on a regular basis. It was noted that the best location for a co-work space is most likely to be in the core downtown area. Some Co-Work spaces provide child care facilities at the site also to make it totally convenient for young tech workers with families. A coffee shop as a component is also popular. Sometimes, a microbrewery pub is also nearby or hosts educational sessions sponsored by the co-work space management in a partnership format. Some of these features are already in place in Monticello's core downtown area. It may be a process of creating partnerships for each desired component. There is an effort to bring more child care options to the community; Jim can provide updates and connections as these concepts unfold. Crystal is considering applying for an Initiators Fellowship Grant through the Initiative Foundation. These Fellowships are set up to solve social problems and be replicable. The funding commitment is for two years and totals $30,000 per year. It would allow her to focus on the research and identification of the essential elements to establish a community style co-work space. MN-DEED may have some funding to support the start up of a co-work space. They played a role in the establishment of a center in Bemidji by providing property acquisition funding. Co-Work spaces are typically structured with a membership and/or subscription fee. The idea is to make it affordable yet sustaining as well. The more attractive, dynamic and energizing the facility, the more appealing it will be for prospective users. Next Steps were identified. They are: 1. Crystal will check on the Fellowship parameters as it relates to the Co-Work Space project 2. Melanie will draft up a model business plan 3. Jim will schedule a meeting with Mark Hanson, CMJTS, and Melanie, Sam and Crystal regarding potential grant opportunities supporting the launch of a facility and to better understand the project-concept tie ins to the Regional CEDS (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy) 4. Jim will schedule the concept introduction to the EDA at the July 10, 2019 meeting 5. Crystal will check on other grant opportunities that may support the research and launch of the Co-Work space. 6. Group will assess the progress points in efforts to research and determine the process and elements involved in a Monticello co-work space and further assess how it can best be operated and sustained over a longer term as a community style or locally supported-owned facility. 7. Jim will summarize the meeting and stated next steps via notes; provide them to all meeting attendees. EDA Agenda: O1/08/20 7. Economic Development Report (JT) A. Property Acquisition Update - 300 — 4th Street East: The acquisition transaction closing for this residential property occurred on December 6th, 2019. Within a few days of closing, Public Works Department Staff completed a walk-through of the existing house and found the water pipes were frozen. Water was then shut off at the service curb-stop. Community Development Department Staff will complete a walk through inspection in the near future and prepare an outline of next step action items for the property and prepare a report with recommendation for EDA consideration at an upcoming meeting. B. The Environmental Site Assessment (ESA): Completed by WSB & Associates, came back with a clean report for a site area of 1.625 acres +/- comprised of properties located at 224 — 4th Street East, the vacant City owned Palm Street Right of Way (ROW) and 300 — 4tn Street East. There were no identified "Recognized Environmental Conditions" at the entire survey site. A copy of the ESA's Summary page is attached as Exhibit A. The initial findings of a clean site were provided to City staff prior to the closing on 300 - 4th Street East. C. GBI (Global Business Incubator) Emerald Veterans Business Summit and Accelerator Event — Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.: A request was received asking that the EDA be made aware of the event and, if possible, commit to sending a member representative to welcome the attendees and share thoughts regarding economic development opportunities in Monticello for businesses and using the Monticello business service center (community center meeting rooms and our fiber loop) as the perfect facility and town to host events and gatherings. The organizer of the event, led by a Monticello resident, Dr. Paul Ruffin, is an entity that has ties to military veterans and accelerator (business incubator) programs. The EDA is not being asked to provide financial support for the event. See Exhibit B. for more details about organizations supporting the event, the agenda for the day as well as a press release provided by Dr. Ruffin. D. January 30, 2020 Monticello Downton Booster Event: Mr. John Davis, a community development leader and speaker, has agreed to attend the event and be the featured speaker on Thursday, January 30, 2020. The event structure is formatted as a planned review of the EDAs downtown activities and efforts to date with a goal of reaffirming the Downtown Small Area Plan session related to Monticello's downtown core area. To achieve the Downtown Small Area Plan, a frequent review and renewal of ideas is needed. Invitations to attend will be extended to the City Council, EDA, Planning Commission and the Parks Commission to review what has been accomplished, discuss current activities, and engage the group in defining new priorities or strategies in concert with the Downtown Plan. Mr. Davis is known as a passionate leader for rural communities and is credited with playing significant roles in the success of the "Great American Think Offl', New York Mills, MN and also in the formation of the Lanesboro Arts Campus, Lanesboro, MN. Both of these initiatives-activities have become widely recognized in the region as offering significant EDA Agenda: O1/08/20 benefits toward revitalization of those communities. Those same basic ideas and organizing principals may also apply to efforts related to downtown Monticello. Links providing information to the New York Mills and Lanesboro efforts are included below. https://lanesboroarts.or�/ https://www.kulcher.or�/ E. Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP) Annual Meeting on January 31, 2020. See information below. JANUA1dY31, 2019 Annual Meeting - St. Michael Community Center - 7:30 - 9:30 am Please join the Wright County Partnership for this years' annual meeting presenting our annual award winners and National Speaker Ross Bernstein as he talks about "The Champions Code". Attendance is FREE and the first 100 attendees are guaranteed a signed copy of his book "America's Coach" (A $20 value) All proceeds from the book goes to the Herb Brooks Foundation. RSVP by Jan. 15, 2020 through Eventbrite: https:,[/www.eventbrite.com/e/wright- countv-economic-development-partnership-annual-meeting-tickets-82992690371 Or Email Missy at admin@wrightpartnership.org Link to Ross Bernstein and presentations: http://www.rossbernstein. com/ http://youtube. com/watch?v=171 XY 1B 9Xac http://voutube. com/watch?v=1 PUQ9D 1 vrkU F. Prospects - See attached A spread sheet with information about the concept stage and active search prospects is attached as Exhibit D. 2 Summary WSB was retained by the City of Monticello (City) to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for 224 4'h Street East, Palm Street Right-of-Way (ROW), and 300 4th Street East located in Monticello, Minnesota (the Property). The objective of the assessment was to identify Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) associated with the Property according to ASTM E1527-13 "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessments". The Property is in the southeast quadrant of Section 11, Township 121 North, Range 25 West in Wright County, Minnesota. The Property is approximately 1.5 acres in size. The City currently owns the 224 4'h Street East and the Palm Street ROW parcels. The 300 4th Street East parcel is privately owned by George & Maureen Larson. The northeastern portion of the Property is developed with a two-story residential dwelling and a detached 2.5 stall garage. The remainder of the Property is undeveloped. A Property Location map and a Property Detail map are included as Figure 1 and Figure 2. WSB has perFormed this Phase I ESA in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E1527-13. Exceptions to or deletions from this practice are described in Section 2.3 of this assessment. This Phase I ESA has been prepared exclusively for the City. No additional parties may rely on the contents of this report unless written authorization is obtained from WSB. This Phase I ESA has revealed no RECs, historical recognized environmental conditions (HRECs), or controlled recognized environmental conditions (CRECs) in connection with the Property. The following additional environmental items should be noted: Historical Auto Maintenance According to the current Property owner, the former owner of the 300 4th Street East parcel used the detached garage for personal auto maintenance and repair prior to 1984. Slight staining typical of routine vehicte maintenance was observed on the garage concrete floor during the site reconnaissance. No evidence of tanks, drains, or hoists associated with historical auto maintenance activities were observed during the site reconnaissance. The garage is currently used for general storage. Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint One dwelling with a detached garage are present at the Property. The structures were constructed prior to 1978, and based on their vintage, it is likely that asbestos-containing building materials and lead-based paint are present. No asbestos or lead-based paint sampling was completed as part of this assessment. WSB is not aware of any previous asbestos or lead-based paint sampling completed at the Property. Poor Housekeeping Poor housekeeping was observed at the 300 4�'' Street East parcel in and around the Property dwelling and garage, as well as in the wooded backyard. Solid waste consisting of, but not limited.to; debris piles, paints and lacquers, tires, furniture, white goods, and other miscellaneous household materials were noted at the eastern portion of the Property during the site reconnaissance. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 224 4th St E, Palm St ROW, 300 4th St E WSB Project No. R-015248-000 Page 1 Possib/e Wells and Septic Systems The Property is currently serviced by municipal water and sewer. No evidence of wells or septic systems were present at the Property. However, it is possible that the Property dwellings were formerly serviced by private wells and septic systems. Adjacent Possible Fill/Vent Pipe A possible fill/vent pipe was present at the adjacent residential dwelling located west of the Property. The fill/vent pipe was located on the east side the adjacent dwelling, indicating a potential fuel oil tank. If present, the tank is assumed located on the adjacent property and not on the Property. No evidence of a fuel oil feak or release was observed near the possible fill/vent pipe area during the site reconnaissance. Adjacent Railroad Line An active railroad line has bordered the Property to the south since at least 1914. It is possible that past railroad operations (i.e. creosote treated railroad ties, routine maintenance, herbicide/pesticide use, car leaks, etc.) have resulted in undocumented soil and/or groundwater impacts at the Property. No obvious signs of contamination or environmental concerns were observed near the railroad line during the site reconnaissance. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 224 4�" St E, Palm St ROW, 300 4'h St E WSB Project No. R-015248-000 Page 2 Jim Thares From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dr Paul Ruffin <pruffin@gbi.systems> Monday, December 23, 2019 3:38 AM Jim Thares PR - For Immediate Release - GBI Emerald Veteran Business Summit & Accelerator Jan 9th - Monticello MN Vet Summit PR MN.docx Annual GBI Emerald Veteran Business Summit & Accelerator - Jan 9th 2020 Capitalizing on Military Transition to Civilian Life for economic growth and community development / security. MONTICELLO, MN, December 15th 2019 The Global Business Incubation (GBI) Emerald Veterans Group, WelcomeHome.Vet and eSportslnstruction.com announce the Minnesota GBI Emerald Veterans Summit and Accelerator. The summit will be held from 9:OOam to 4:OOpm Thursday January 9�' 2020 at Monticello City Hall and Community Center 505 Walnut St Monticello MN. Seating is limited and preregistration can be done online for the day's events at www.gbi-emerald.vet or www.welcomehome.vet The purpose of this event is to provide each of its participants with empowering information through a series of engagements with government, institutional, corporate, and successful military veteran businessmen and women. But just as important, the weekend events are organized to incubate dreams & visions for a better America through the entrepreneurial spirit. Successful communities are built through the entrepreneurial spirit and that spirit is developed utilizing a solid blend of collaborative partners, comprising business, government, academia and philanthropy. It is necessary to incorporate our military Veterans, as a key factor in rebuilding the American Dream. With 1.3 million Veterans returning from active duty back into civilian society, it is essential to create a local framework that supports Veterans in earning careers and starting businesses. Veterans businesses, entrepreneurs and veteran service organizations will be able to tap into the knowledge of business development experts at the GBI Emerald Veteran Business Summit & Accelerator. The summit will feature a unique blend of Govenunent, military and civilian keynote speakers. The list also includes experts in digital manufacturing, virtualization, global marketing, business development, banking, investment and finance experts who will provide interactive panel discussions. This event is being sponsored in cooperation with American Legion - Post 96, ECI Networks, and Saluting Community Heroes. In cooperation with eSportsInstruction.com, the afternoon segment will also host the "eSports Pitch". The "Pitch" segment offers several selected companies the opportunity to present their business to potential investors and participants. This segment includes both adults and youth presentations. Apply to "Pitch" registration is free and can be done online at http://esipitch.com An opportunity to present your business or concept to a panel of industry influencers'. Top projects presented to key Angel Investors and Venture Capitalist. (Limited to 10 presentations). Finalist will appear on our new web series which launched on September 2, 2017 and has had 2,050,000 views to date. ### Global Business Incubation (GBI) is a 501(c)(3) research and development "think and do tank" that serves as a catalyst for a cooperative business incubator cluster model to grow companies for veterans and historically marginalized populations. Founded by veterans in 1991, more details can be accessed at www.globalbusinessincubation.org Event Contacts: Global Business Incubation Dr. Paul Ruffin, Executive VP/CTO, Global Business Incubation pruffin@�bi.svstems 612-242-1962 E Sports Instruction www.esportsinstruction.com Reginald Grant, CEO, E Sports Instruction rQrant@esportsinstruction.com 323-503-5675 Dr Paul Ruffin / Exec VP & CTO 415 889-0400 ext 603 / office 612 242-1962 - cell 2 GBI Emerald Veterans Business Summit Military Transition to Civilian Life - Capitalizing for economic growth and community development / security. - Hosted by Global Business Incubation Inc January 9th at Monticello City Hall & Community Center 505 Walnut St Monticello MN 55362 Learn current opportunities and proven strategies from industry experts; discover accessible resources from government officials; and form partnerships. Session Agenda Registrations & 9:OOam - Event registration and Networking 10:00am networking Opening Summit 10:00am - Introductions and keynote Discussion Panel 11:ooam topics WelcomeHome.Vet Business Strategies 11:OOam - Business Resource Panel & Workshop 12:OOam Showcase Finance / Funding Government Procurement Lunch & Networking �2:OOpm - 1:00pm Bu51ne55 ShowCase & 1:OOpm - Business Showcase Communit 1:30pm Business Strategies 1:30pm - Business systems, disruptive Panel & Workshop 2:30pm technologies & more Summit ClOse 2:30pm - Summit close and next steps 3:OOpm Community 3:OOpm - Networking 4:OOpm .::. . . ..... ..... � � , ... . . � �Monticello City Hall & Community Center 505 Walnut St Monticello, MN Veteran Business Summit 9AMto4PM Summit Topics • Community Wrap Around Model by WelcomeHome.Vet • Economic & Community Development • Community Security, Resiliency & Emergency Response Business Workshop Focus � Gov Contracting • Emerging Markets • Economic For more infarrnation, or to sponsor Opportunities this event, cantact us at • Fi na nce / Fu nd i ng �,,. securityQa gbi.systems r�F Resources � �),,. r—, Y9111M8fl�RW. �,�� � p w U.S. Small eusiness q1tACTp�pw � ■ p /�\ Administration r.u.►. - � � Register or learn more at www.gbi-emerald. vet eSport� ��"�� BUSINESS �� ACCE�E�;1� esi Pitch • Lea rn a bout the g rowi ng eSports industry • Entrepreneurs with big ideas Pitch their business to potential investors live and online in real time. • Video is shared post-event through multiple investor networks. • Have an eSports business idea to Pitch? • Register to "Pitch" at www.esipitch.com �;� ���� .,�' �� ���� -�_ MARKETING C9 . j; rt. � � � Welcon�eHorpe.Vet I; ' r�. � t -rcaT, � y.,�. 8ALVTINC COMMUNITY T,Fl1!'la� �i � � I�:=1l��IIlt�lx� '@c�i citTt-�t�.i _ „"' o-+''" . . � .� � A Fam�ly s+f A�u�hor� ! �� tl � �;�par�ts e''"�'� � BU�INE�S �� AC�ELERAT�'�: ��w� 0 January 9, 2020 G61 EMERALD VETERANS BUSINE55 SUMMIT & ESPORTS BUSINESS ACCELERATOR Philosophy and Purpose Successful communities are built through the entrepreneurial spirit. That spirit is developed utilizing a solid blend of collaborative partners, comprising business, government, academia and philanthropy. With 1.3 million Veterans returning from active duty back into civilian society, it is essential to create a local framework that supports Veterans in earning careers and starting businesses. This GBI-Emerald Veterans Business Summit is hosted to empower Veterans immediately while framing and connecting a network of partnerships that strengthens our communities. In cooperation with eSportsInstruction.com, the afternoon segment will also host the "eSports Pitch". The "Pitch" segment offers several selected companies the opportunity to present their business to potential investors and participants. . Registration is free and can be done online at http://esipitch.com ��. /S 0 T ��� �. � � `\�,/ £�� NT OF I Q t% z`I �� �€'l:. �0, Tyf p r�: p � �� � �\I �` �: rt �` � i � � N a �� �-�resoF"� ����� �t� _ ;. r�, ���� �� A U.S. Small Business ��+ yG�' MMCf1��ll■ ��/\ ndministration 1,E.t.t, , ff ` L� M�ARKETIMC; i� .�� F, 'r � �, WelcorpeHorpe.Vet � SALVTINOCOMM9qITY TF/lfl� ' �-+� � � �i� I'i,.1il�.i� fe�7� R"f1TP'L./ �� i � A FamilY of Authorsp! r=of moe�e infor;��ati�i�, or tc �E,e���or tk�is evr��t, co,�tact ��s at �12 242-1�62 ar security@gbi.systems �� January 9, 2020 � R� ��p��'ts ,�" �� Btl�INESS �, � A�C�'LERA���: ��� GBI EMERALD VETERANS BUSINESS SUMMIT & ESPORTS BUSINESS ACCELERATOR Forum Topics • Community Wrap Around Model by WelcomeHome.Vet • Economic Development • Community Development • Community Security, Resiliency & Emergency Response Business Topics: • Marketing & Sales Strategies for 2020 and beyond • Strategies to successfully win Govt Contracts • Economic opportunities for veteran businesses. • Emerging and new markets • Business startup & expansion • Funding & investor resources This GBI-Emerald Veterans Business Summit is hosted to empower Veterans immediately while framing and connecting a network of partnerships that strengthens our communities. ��v. 1,t °�-'���s. - � �r� '�' � .. �,� l� �, s. 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