Planning Commission Agenda 07-15-2019 (Special Meeting)AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, July 15th, 2019 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, John Alstad, and Alison Zimpfer Council Liaison: Charlotte Gabler Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Jacob Thunander, Ron Hackenmueller 1. General Business A. Call to Order 2. Public Hearings A. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Variance to the 25' maximum height requirement for principal structures in the Mississippi Wild and Scenic Recreational River District to 35' in height for a Multi-family/Assisted Living Facility in the R-4 (Medium-High Density Residence) District Applicant: Monticello Senior Housing Owner, LLC — Michael Hoagberg 3. Adjournment Planning Commission Agenda — 07/15/2019 2A. Public Hearing - Consideration of a repuest for Variance to the 25' maximum hei�ht requirement for principal structures in the Mississippi Wild and Scenic Recreational River District to 35' in hei�ht for a Multi-family/Assisted Livin� Facilitv in the R-4 (Medium-Hi�h Densitv Residence) District. Applicant: Monticello Senior Housin� Owner, LLC — Michael Hoa�ber� (NAC) Property: Planning Case Number: Legal: Lot 1, Block 2, Riverview Square Address: Unassigned 2019 - O10 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Zoning Designation: Overlays/Environmental (MW SRR) Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: Variance to allow construction of a senior and assisted living facility in an R-4 zoning district at a height of 35 feet. August 26th, 2019 Places to Live R-4, Medium-High Density Residential District The purpose of the "R-4" Medium-High Density Residential District is to provide for medium to high density housing in multiple family structures of 13 or more units per building, and at densities of between 10 and 25 units per acre. Mississippi Wild and Scenic Recreational River District Vacant North: Single Family Residential / Places to Live (R-1) South: Commercial and Vacant / Places to Shop (B-2B-4) East: Institutional (Church) and Single Family Residential / Places for Community and Places to Live (R-A/R-2) West: Commercial and Vacant / Places to Shop (B-4) Project Description: Headwaters Development is in the midst of requesting approval of a 125-unit senior living facility to be Planning Commission Agenda — 07/15/2019 constructed upon a 5-acre site located south of County Road 39 (Riverview Drive) and east of Hart Boulevard. The proposed building is to be 35 feet in height, consistent with the DNR's rules allowance for buildings in the MWSRR. However, the City's ordinance version governing construction in this overlay district limits height to 25 feet. The applicant seeks a variance to build up to the 35 foot limit. ANALYSIS Project Overview Earlier this year, the City approved an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan designation for the subject site, changing from Places to Work (Commercial) to Places to Live (Residential). As a companion action, the City approved a rezoning of the site from B-4, Regional Business to R-4, Medium and High Density Residential District. The City Council, in its resolution rezoning the property, made note of the intent for residential uses on this property to occur without the need for departures from the zoning ordinance regulations. The rezoning expressed a definite preference for senior housing rather than general market multi-family, based on the location and proximity to other land uses in the area, and the low-impact aspects of senior housing on traffic, parking, lot coverage, and several other land use elements. Early on, City staff had confirmed with DNR personnel that the applicable height limit for the proposed building would be 35 feet. This determination was based on a series of factors, including whether the property was annexed to the city at the time of adoption of the Wild and Scenic regulations by the City. At the time of the original adoption of the MSWRR ordinance regulations by the city, the height limit in the MWSRR was set at 35'. Multi-family and Assisted living facilities are listed as a conditional use in the R-4 District. In a companion application, the developer is seeking approval of a CUP for a senior and assisted living facility on the subject property. As noted above, it was understood as the proj ect applications were initiated that the applicable building height for this site was 35 feet. The applicant prepared plans on that basis, and proceeded through Planning Commission review at a public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit, on the presumption that the proposed 35 foot height as designed was a permitted condition. 2 Planning Commission Agenda — 07/15/2019 Just prior to City Council consideration of the request, City staff was informed that while the DNR's applicable height limit was 35 feet, the City would still be bound by its ordinance, limiting height to 25 feet throughout the MWSRR overlay district. The City Council tabled action on the CUP in June, and the applicant filed a request for a variance (the subj ect of this staff report). Action by the City Council on the CUP is being held over until the City has reached a decision on the height variance issue, unless Monticello Senior Housing Owner, LLC requests tabling of the CUP request. As a parallel action, the City is preparing to consider an amendment to its regulations that would preserve the 25 foot height limit in the Shoreland area within the 300 feet of land closest to the river, but increase the limit to 35 feet in the remainder of the MWSRR, consistent with the DNR requirements of those separate regulations. Such ordinance amendments require DNR review that would occur on a separate calendar — the variance request is being considered to more closely synch with the ongoing CUP application. For Planning Commission reference on the height requirement, the City adopted amendments to both the Wild and Scenic Recreational River regulations and the Shoreland regulations in a comprehensive update in 2011. Because these areas overlap along the river, DNR staff suggested amending the Wild and Scenic height standard (35 feet) to mirror that of the Shoreland standard, which is 25 feet. This was done, but without contemplating the impacts on the Wild and Scenic areas that are not also covered by the Shoreland ordinance. Over time, the City has applied the 25 foot rule in the Wild and Scenic area. However, building height beyond 25 feet only occasionally comes into play. Most recently, the City encountered this height standard with the Bondhus expansion. The City approved, with DNR consent, a height variance and conditional use permit for that expansion, exceeding both the Wild and Scenic and the I-1 zoning height standards for that proj ect. Moreover, the Wild and Scenic height standard applies within a rather variable district boundary, which can result in properties that are as close as 200 feet from the river out of the district, or as far as 2,000 feet from the river inside the district. In contrast, the Shoreland district is generally a consistent 300 feet from the river. This wide variation in the district boundary has created the need to address the height standard on a case by case basis through the variance process. The DNR Area Hydrologist was notified of the variance application and has indicated that DNR has no comment on the application at this time. The Planning Commission acts as the Board of Adjustment on variance applications to the city. The Zoning Ordinance applies the following requirements for Board of Adjustment consideration of variances: Planning Commission Agenda — 07/15/2019 Purpose and Scope. The Variance process is intended to provide limited relief from the strict requirements of this ordinance in those cases where strict application of a particular requirement will create practical difficulties due to circumstances unique to the individual property under consideration. It is not intended that Variances be granted to allow a use not permitted by the underlying zoning district, nor to merely remove inconveniences or financial burdens that the requirements of this ordinance may impose on property owners in general. Variances are intended to address extraordinary, exceptional, or unique situations that were not caused by the applicant's act or omission. Variance Criteria. Approval of a Variance may only be made upon a determination that practical difficulties will result based on all of the following criteria: (i)The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use if the provisions of this ordinance are strictly applied. (ii)The circumstances rendering the property unusable are unique to the property. (iii)The circumstances rendering the property unusable were not created by the owner thereof. (iv)A Variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. (v)Economic considerations alone shall not constitute a sufficient basis for a Variance if reasonable use for the property exists under the terms of the regulation. In summary, the applicant must convince the City that the use is a reasonable one, and that the ordinance and the site conditions present practical difficulties in putting the property to this reasonable use. In this case, the use in question is the specific one anticipated by the City Council when it acted to amend the Land Use Plan and rezoned the property. The reasonableness aspect comes into play in the following ways: The use and density proposed are consistent with the R-4 District. It would be possible for the applicant to construct a 2-story building of this same density, but the floor plan would have to be expanded, increasing lot coverage by as much as 50% of the proposed size, possibly more. This would have the result of dramatically reducing green space on the site, increasing stormwater impacts, and filling much more of the buildable area. 2. The location of the site is outside the 300 foot Shoreland District boundary, where the 25 foot height is required by the DNR Shoreland height rule. Instead, it is subj ect to the Wild and Scenic regulations, which � Planning Commission Agenda — 07/15/2019 would allow a 35 foot height under the DNR rules for MWSRR, but for the City's additional ordinance restriction. This is a unique condition of this particular site in that it is zoned R-4, in the Wild and Scenic overlay district, outside the Shoreland overlay district, and located within a mix of other land uses. 3. The applicant did not create the conditions leading to the unique conditions of this site. 4. The variance is not solely dependent on economic justification. 5. Consideration of the variance results in a more reasonable use of the property — negligible impact on the area in which it is located, but much less impact on the site itsel£ Without the additional height considered by this variance request, it is possible that a much more massive structure would occupy the property to house the same number of units, resulting in negative impacts noted above, in addition to significant negative visual impacts on the neighborhood. One note to be aware of: because of the way height is measured (the average height of a sloped roof), a gabled roof could be foreseen with a ridge line of 30 feet or more, and still meet the technica125-foot measured height. (See illustration below): measu red height T ridge eave B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS L Motion to approve Resolution PC-2019-022 approving the variance to allow a senior multi-family/assisted living facility in an R-4 District at a building height of 35 feet, based on findings in said resolution. 2. Motion to deny Resolution PC-2019-022 denying the variance to allow a senior multi-family/assisted living facility in an R-4 District at a height of 35 feet. Findings for denial should added as a part of this motion. 3. Motion to table action on the requested variance to allow a senior multi-family/ assisted living facility in an R-4 District at a height of 35 feet, pending additional information as identified by the Planning Commission and staff report. 5 C. Planning Commission Agenda — 07/15/2019 STAFF RECOMMENDATION The R-4 District makes a specific allowance for multi-family and assisted living facilities as a conditional use. The site was guided and zoned for this use in a recent action by the City Council, with the understanding — based on information available at the time — that the applicable building height would be 35 feet. Staff recommends approval of the variance subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z and based on the findings in the accompanying resolutions. As noted in the report, the proposed proj ect is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezoning as recently adopted by the City Council. In the opinion of Staff, the 35 foot building height is the suitable height standard applying to this use on this site, for the reasons cited in the Analysis above. Most significantly, the additional height accommodates a change in building design from two to three stories, resulting in a significantly smaller footprint and lot coverage, along with the consequent increase in green space and reduction in stormwater impacts, among other advantages. It is noted that in contrast to other zoning and subdivision applications, the Planning Commission sits as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, meaning that the Commission is making a decision on the application, rather than its more common recommendation to Council. If an affected party objects to the Commission's decision, that party may appeal to the City Council if they file such an appeal with 10 business days of the Commission's action. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC-2019-022 B. Aerial Site Image C. Applicant Narrative D. Site Development Plans E. Shoreland and Mississippi Exhibit Z. Conditions of Approval Wild and Scenic Recreational Overlay District � Planning Commission Agenda — 07/15/2019 EXHIBIT Z Monticello Senior Living Facility Variance to Wild and Scenic River District Height Limit of 25 feet Lot 1, Block 2, Riverview Square 1. The applicant successfully completes processing of the Conditional Use Permit for the proj ect, and complies with the conditions of approval required by the City Council. 2. Other conditions of staff and Planning Commission. 7 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-022 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS APPROVING A VARIANCE TO THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS FOR A BUILDING IN THE MISSISSIPPI WILD AND SCENIC RECREATIONAL RIVER OVERLAY DISTRICT (MWSRR) LOT 1, BLOCK 2, RIVERVIEW SQUARE WHEREAS, Michael Hoagberg on behalf of Monticello Senior Housing, LLC, is requesting a variance to the maximum height requirements for a building in the MWSRR Overlay District to construct a building up to 35 feet in height; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a site drawing and other documents illustrating the location of the proposed building on the property for review; and WHEREAS, the proposed use is subject to an application for Conditional Use Permit, separately from the height variance; and WHEREAS, the applicable height allowance under the City's current Mississippi Wild and Scenic Recreational Overlay District regulations is 25 feet; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota would allow a building height up to 3 5 feet under its existing rules; and WHEREAS, the proposed use is consistent with all other requirements of the base zoning district of R-4, Medium and High Density Residence District; and WHEREAS, the requested additional height would accommodate the allowable density on three floors, rather than two floors of units; and WHEREAS, the additional height would substantially reduce the lot coverage necessary for the building to house the allowed number of units; and WHEREAS, the additional height would increase green and open space on the property; and WHEREAS, the additional green space would have the effect of reducing stormwater impacts from the proj ect; and WHEREAS, the additional height would have the likely effect of reducing building massing of the project, and decreasing visual impact from surrounding streets or property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 15, 2019, on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all comments and the staff report, and, acting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, makes the following Findings of Fact in regard to the proposed variance: 1. The applicant has demonstrated practical difficulties in improving the property in a reasonable manner, due to the location of the lot and the impacts of the varying height requirements applicable to buildings in the base zoning district and overlays. 2. The existing parcel is of otherwise sufficient size and area. 3. Additional building height will accommodate a reduced impact on the property in terms of impervious surfaces and stormwater runoff. 4. The proposed height will increase green and open space on the subj ect property compared to a lower building of the same density. The increased height will result in a reduced visual impact from surrounding property due to significantly less building mass and lot coverage. 6. These facts constitute reasonable use of the property under the request, and for which the site conditions and code requirements create practical difficulties in achieving this reasonable use. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, SITTING AS THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS, that the requested variance to the maximum height requirements for a building in the Mississippi Wild and Scenic Recreational River Overlay District is approved. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello Planning Commission this 15m day of July, 2019. CITY OF MONTICELLO Sam Murdoff, Chair ATTEST: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director o _ "� ��� ' � - s — . r .- _ ;� • � .', �� `"`_�"''.,,e � , .. lilf lr� �' � � r C � ''`�� - �--- �- a � �`� O �.i - � � � '�� q�l � � '. . r- � � � x � ! ,(� � ,'; �,: � � ;+'. �x � � ' - » ; .."' � ", ' ,� q , � - � � � � /-+- e ,F�'�'� � � .. ,, � � . � . ,.. . _ �e. , �% 'o .....3 +I`>. T *�� '. ��� ..� � . . �. , 4C'7 �1�" . � .,�� , � � � ` #. � � � f � . ., '� + �-`- � ? L ' ,i r � �� _ x/ � }, j_' � ��. U � _ � �� � , � {� � jr �J/ t l r � ��� r,%�l ; � . i �1 =� M �:� � s �r �. 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Q `�. . . � .. u o � �. � -:�;�� w � y,� � � � � i--� m `�, ' ,�� �� f �— lrj � �� � � t °� � � ,� �� � P¢ � � �, , � �,e` �:� O � ac'�� •� �� �O _ r � `� , - ;4 .' .-`"-•• 4 c��` 7 `-� J � �i�`" � i � .`a � Headwaters Development — Monticello Senior Livin� Variance Narrative June 27, 2019 From: Headwaters Development As indicated in the City of Monticello Variance Application Checklist we hereby submit the following narrative for the purpose of demonstrating that the criteria for a variance as set out in Section 2.4(C)(4)(a) have been met for the proposed project at the property location legally described as Lot 1, Block 2, River View Square, Wright County, MN, Parcel ID# 155117002010. • The circumstances rendering the property unusable are unique to the property. o Given that the zoning for this property is limited to senior housing, the existing ordinances in place, in combination with a 25' height restriction would make this property unusable and therefore is unique specifically to this property. • The circumstances rendering the property unusable were not created by the owner thereof. o All of the restrictions related to this property that cause it to be unusable were created via City and State ordinances • A Variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. o As discussed in several other meetings and in the project narrative, the essential character of this locality will remain. This property is a perfect transition from surrounding properties which include high and medium density residential, and several unique commercial sites. • Economic considerations alone shall not constitute a sufficient basis for a Variance if reasonable use for the property exists under the terms of the regulation. The proposed senior housing project met all requirements and ordinances set forth by the City to receive a Conditional Use Permit to proceed with this project at the site based on the existing Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Wild and Scenic height restrictions of 35-feet, which to our understanding had historically been applied to this property. At the June 24, 2019 City Council meeting additional potential restrictions for the site were brought to our attention, which may limit the height of the building to a previously determined 25-foot height limit. Adding this restriction to the current R4 zoning with a limitation of only building senior housing would make this site unbuildable. The combination of these restrictions, among other City ordinances, such as unit size minimums, would make a 125-unit senior housing community, unfeasible and therefore it is highly unlikely that any senior housing developer would proceed with a project on this property. By providing a variance to the City's ordinance restricting the height to 25-feet and following the State's application of 35-feet, the project would be able to proceed as planned, allowing us to fulfill our mission of providing the highest quality of senior housing care to the residents of Monticello for many decades to come. We are therefore requesting a variance from the City of Monticello's 2011 ordinance for Wild and Scenic from 25-feet to the Minnesota state restriction of 35-feet. 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