City Council Agenda Packet 08-22-2006 Special AGE DA SPECIAL MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL BUDGET W RKSHOP Tuesday August 22, 2006 - 5:30 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perraul, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order 2. Review of Preliminary 2007 Budget and T x Levy 3. Review of applications for City Administr tor Position* 4. Adjourn *The closing date for submitting applications ifF day, August 18,2006 at 4:30. Any applications received after the agenda packets hav been sent out will be given to you at the meeting. NOTE: The carpeting in the hallway leading to th meeting rooms is being replaced on 8/22/06 so to gain entrance to the Mississippi Room you'll have to go through the Senior Center. Special Council Agenda: 8/22/06 2. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Enclosed you will find summary worksheets utlining a proposed 2007 city budget and resulting tax levy. The worksheets summari e the City's largest funds such as general, park, community center and debt service. More d tail on all of these funds along with the remaining funds budgeted for will be available for the ouncil to review at a future date if desired. The budget draft for this first workshop prop ses a tax levy requirement of $7,307,400, an 8.2% increase in dollars to be collected over e levy of2006. Approximately 1/3 of this increase is necessary to fund the debt payme t for the Community Center bond which was scheduled to increase from $669,000 to $857 000 beginning in 2007. Another 1/3 of the proposed increase is needed to cover debt pa ents on the I -94 interchange bond. The balance of the tax increase is related to all other gro h needs of the City amounting to a little over 3% compared to the previous year. When we co sider the growth that is occurring within our boundaries by the addition of more streets, p ks to maintain, staffing needs to provide the services, additional garbage and recycling co ts for the additional households, and when including normal cost of living increases, a 3 ~ increase in the operational budget seems reasonable. This preliminary budget was developed with the intention of revenues covering proposed expenditures without utilizing any existing d balance reserves at this time. There will be items discussed at our workshop that would equire additional funding sources if implemented such as setting aside funds for a new future re hall project, and continuing our street reconstruction program at its current level of between $1,000,000-$200,000 annually. The street reconstruction fund again has included $500,000 in tax levies but the fund balance will be basically eliminated at the end of2006 with e current project in place. In other words, if we do the next phase at $1,000,000 to $1,500,00 , additional funding above the $500,000 tax levy will be needed. Unlike the previous years, the City is not aw e of any attempt by the State to eliminate our market value homestead credit funding whic is over $285,000. In previous years the City did not receive this funding from the State as ori inally promised even though our tax levy was not reduced. In other words, the City levied $6, 50,000 in 2006, but received less than $6,500,000 in actual revenue with the balance being kep by the State to fund their budget. The tax levy as proposed would require the ity to hold the normal Truth in Taxation hearing in early December prior to adopting a final b dget. The maximum levy the City could have without having a Truth in Taxation hearing i $7,183,262. If the levy remains as proposed in this first draft, the Council will have to set a ublic hearing date as part of the preliminary budget adoption resolution. In regards to our debt service levy, the 2007 udget includes a tax levy of $177,000 for the 2005A Bond (Interchange Project). This wh n added to the increase in the Community Center debt payment increases our tax levy requir ents for debt payments by $332,000 over last year. The result is that almost 60% of the inc eased levy is needed to cover debt with the balance for other operational costs. The sch duled debt levy from bond documents requires over $2,600,000 next year. This amount wa reduced by our ability to $1,082,000 from our Special Council Agenda: 8/22/06 Snow and Ice - Includes finall/3 0 a new plow truck. Parks - Capital outlay items includ $20,000 for replacement pickup for a 1994 Ford and replacement of 1995 mower at $30,000. Public Works InsDections - Capita outlay budgeted at $17,295 for a replacement of the 1997 Ford Ranger pickup. Street Liehts - $100,000 included t add 30 leased lights and upgrade 20 existing lights. Water ~ $230,000 included to paint he Monte Club Water Tower. Economic ~eveloDment - $2200 bu geted to continue our membership in the Wright County Economic Development org ization. In the past, the IDC has contributed $500 towards this membership cost but m y not contribute in the future and Council may want to discuss whether our continu d participation is necessary. Street Reconstruction Fund - As not d earlier, $500,000 is proposed as revenue but more funding will likely be needed i another phase of our project is to be conducted in 2007. The 2006 project was over $1,500,000 so proposed funding not likely to cover the entire cost next year. With the recent authorization to install addit onal street lighting along various routes in Monticello, the Council may want to serious y look at establishing an electric franchise fee as an additional source of revenue to fund som of these costs. A franchise fee of3% would generate over $275,000 per year which coul be used to not only install street lighting but also pay for our electricity, maintenance and futu e underground costs. The general fund budget assumes that this will be an additional reven e source in lieu oftaxes for next year, and if it is decided not to pursue a franchise fee at this t'me, budget cuts would have to be made for a tax levy increase of$275,000 would be needed. Although this is not a major expenditure, an he recent authorization to only publish a summary of Council meetings has helped, publishing osts are still budgeted at $25,000 annually down from previous $50,000 amounts. Council m y want to discuss again whether publishing the minutes is necessary with a full copy of the inutes being available on our website and copies available at City Hall upon request. Full set of the minutes can be downloaded by resident who has internet or e-mail access and at a ti e when we are looking for ways to reduce costs and increase efficiency it is still one avenue t at is available. The City Council must adopt a preliminary b dget and tax levy by September 15th so that it can be forwarded to the County Auditor for certi lcation. If the preliminary tax levy is proposed at an amount higher than $7,183,000, the Coun il will also need to set a Truth in Taxation hearing date for early December. The preliminary t x levy is an amount that cannot be exceeded in the future but can always be reduced prior to fin I adoption. Although the 2007 preliminary budget is pro osing a tax dollar increase of 8%, the overall market value of the City along with the resul ing tax capacity valuation is estimated to rise by 15% or more next year. The result, even wit an 8% increase in dollars collected, the average Special Council Agenda: 8/22/06 taxpayer will still see a tax rate decrease of %-6% to an estimated 48.07 from last years 51.04. This is continuing the trend that we have se n over the past number of years in that our tax capacity rate has dropped from a high of67. in 2002 to an estimated 48.07 in 2007. Included with the budget worksheets is information 0 estimated market values by general classes of property along with a summary showing tha our market value has increased by over $167 million for next year. This increase consiste of almost $62,000,000 and $105,000,000 in increased valuation of existing properties. any commercial properties have seen their valuations increase to keep up with current arket conditions which were lagging behind actual values of properties being sold. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could review the preliminar budget and schedule additional workshops prior to September 15th. 2. Council could review the preliminar budget and adopt a maximum levy for certification to the County Auditor at the conclusion of the first workshop. The Council is not under any levy Ii its for 2007 and can set a preliminary maximum levy at any amount you chose. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Budget workshop documents. CITY OF MONTICELLO 20 7 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMM RY FIRST RAFT 8/22 06 TAX LEVY SU MARY 2007 Budg t All Fund $780,125 $3,925,880 $36,660 $15,550 $29,590 $7,100 $22,600 $523,600 $0 $908,895 $500,000 $789,065 $3,982,155 $36,660 $0 $20,000 $650 $0 $667,300 $65,000 $1,246,570 $500,000 Net Certified Levy Decrease/Increase Maximum Lev Allowed $0 N/A 8.20% ($557,400) Payable 2002 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2003 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2004 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2005 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2006 Tax Capacity Rate Est. Payable 2007 Tax Capacity Rate 67.645 65.558 62.452 58.760 51.040 48.070 2001/Pa able 2002 $9,606,212 67.645 $6,498,079 2002/Pa able 2003 $10,344,950 65.558 $6,782,018 2003/Pa able 2004 $11 , 141 ,052 62.452 $6,957,915 2004/Pa able 2005 $11,840,000 58.76 $6,957,915 2005 Pa able 2006 $13,224,144 51.04 $6,750,000 Est. Pa able 2007 $15,200,000 48.070 $7,307,400 COMMENTS: "Community Center budget levy includes $857,750 for de t service and $388,820 operations Maximum levy without a public hearing being required = 7,183,262 2007 Budget.xls:Tax Levy Sum:8/16/2006 REVENUE AND EXPENDI URE SUMMARY 2007 Bud et General Parks Park Dedication Libra Transportation Shade Tree Communit Center DTED Clean Up Fund/Envir OM HRA Minn. Investment Fund EDA SCERG CMIF Debt Service Liquor Water Sewer Cemete Capital 1m rovements Water Access Storm Sewer Access Sanitary Sewer Access Streeet Reconstruction Fund $6,394.097 $797,825 $109.205 $37,960 $16,000 $33,210 $2,053,095 $0 $7,1 00 $760,100 $26,015 $38,970 $660 $210 $4,440,560 $3.608,345 $538,312 $994,640 $31,000 $626,925 $491,726 $359,339 $1,669,641 $546,135 $8, 41,215 $1, 27,125 50,000 37,960 16,000 33,210 $2, 45,475 $0 $7,100 $ 91,565 $0 $1,000 $0 $0 $5, 26,218 $3, 39,200 $ 84.625 $1, 47,045 33,975 $ 45,200 $ 67,410 $ 69,800 $1, 67,990 $ 50,000 COMMENTS: (A) includes $1,010,797 Depreciation -- Sewer ( B ) includes $447,646 Depreciation -- Water ( C ) includes $422,745 depreciation -- Parks & Recreation ( D) include $1,929 Depreciation -- Cemetery ( E ) includes $1 ,839,785 Depreciation -- Government Funds *Includes $8,490,000 for WWTP Improvements 2007 BUDGET.XLS:Rev & Sum:8/16/2006 $7,025,835 $814,125 $145,365 $38,360 $0 $22,745 $2,496,815 $0 $15,700 $853,710 $25,665 $42,945 $570 $105 $6,023,131 $3,638,865 $602,385 $1,039.390 $35,575 $205,913 $361,000 $445,745 $1,365,980 $546,030 $8,865.620 ( E ) $1,256,870 ( C ) $60,000 $38,360 $0 $37,390 $2,496.815 $0 $15,700 $883,740 $0 $1,000 $0 $0 $5,888.793 $3,684,918 $1,252,440 (B) $1,955,180 (A) $35.560 ( D ) $205,600 $0 $0 $9,572,300 * $1,250,000 /1 \ 1.1 I (I";Ljl;j~l~ ~ ~'-"~~I~tll \; ~ j,~'I!, 1"{ ~ ,':.:' ! 'd~: ~ldA ('Il'~ , ~ ,- I \ GENERALFU DSUMMARY 2007 B dget REVENUE Taxes Current Ad Valorem Taxes Delin uent Ad Valorem Taxes Mobile Home Tax Forfeited Tax Sale A art. Penalt & Interest ~ Ad Valorem Taxes 01.31011 01.31021 01.31031 01.31920 01.31910 2006 $3,925,880 $0 $0 $0 $6,500 Licenses and Permits - Business Liquor License Beer License Set U Licen Other Bus. Licenses & Permit 01.32111 01.32112 01.32113 01.32199 $31,450 $1,500 $0 $2,800 Licenses and Permits - Non-Business Buildin Permits Variances/Conditional Uses Gradin Permits Si n/Banner Permits Mobile Home Permits Animal Licenses Fiber Optic Franchise Fee Electric Franchise Fee Other Non-Business License & Permits 01.32211 01.32212 01.32215 01.32222 $775,000 $4,000 $0 $500 $0 $275 $500 $0 $3,000 01.32241 01.32263 01.32299 2007 $3,982,155 $0 $0 $0 $12,500 $40,900 $2,200 $0 $3,000 $825,000 $4,100 $0 $5,000 $300 $500 $500 $275,000 $2,200 101.33401 $0 $0 101.33402 $0 $0 101.33403 $0 $0 101.33404 $6,740 $6,740 101.33408 $15,000 $15,000 Aid 101.33410 $67,345 $77,450 101.33420 $95,000 $96,500 101.33421 $45,000 $46,000 101.33499 $0 $0 101.33610 $12,200 $11,500 101.33620 $0 $0 101.36210 $13,000 $11,000 2007 BUDGETXLS:GenFundSumRev:8/17/2006 GENERALFU DSUMMARY 2007 B dget ':'(;','^.:3 rltrr:1~r:r ;" /:l'~'I~I'I;\~ 1~\:::\\'Tfi\'1 )I~" ':<;:(;,,)'(:v~' ,~;.r:'(; ,:,;q-' .JJ~,t;;; "lJ ~rJ ~ ~~1:: I .' '''' _ . l:~' _ ," ~~ l"j i .1., :~ ~ 01.34103 01.34105 01.34106 01.34107 01.34122 01.34204 01.34205 01.34206 01,34207 01.34210 01.34407 01.34408 01.34409 01.34410 01.34780 01.34960 101.36210 1 1.36215 1 1.36214 1 1.36217 1 1.36220 1 1.36221 1 1.36230 1 1.36240 1 1.36241 1 1.36242 1 1.36243 1 1 36299 $11,652 $250 $268,000 $10,250 $77,000 $85,000 $5,000 $45,675 $2,000 $300 $7,000 $2,700 $50,000 $38,500 $0 $515,000 $0 $1,000 $175,500 $5,295 $3,485 $11,635 $12,615 $0 $7,500 $500 $0 $750 $0 $6 800 $3,000 $0 $285,000 $10,000 $100,000 $90,000 $5,000 $50,250 $5,500 $800 $8,500 $2,800 $68,500 $46,000 $0 $595,000 $100 $1,000 $220,150 $5,300 $3,035 $11,295 $38,260 $0 $0 $1,000 $0 $800 $0 $7,000 Refunds and Reimbursements Refunds/Reim bursements Discount 2007 BUDGETXLS:GenFundSumRev:8/17/2006 GENERAL FU 0 SUMMARY 2007 B dget Transfers from Other Funds Transfer 2007 BUDGET.xLS:GenFundSumRev:8/17/2006 GENERALFU DSUMMARY 20078 dget EXPENDITURES 2006 $41 ,455 $290,585 $246,475 $38,900 $66,665 $297,730 $55,625 $214,150 $126,710 $106,040 $20,080 $21 ,485 $16,230 2007 $36,715 $238,205 $353,490 $43,200 $96,915 $412,395 $56,125 $253,020 $142,000 $206,080 $1,000 $23,870 $7,825 Public Safet Law Enforcement Fire Buildin Ins ections Civil Defense Animal Control Public Safet De reciation $876,000 $279,630 $325,525 $16,770 $43,700 $68,900 $994,205 $314,380 $350,485 $19,025 $45,500 $86,860 $151,740 $181,315 $650,830 $78,145 $156,000 $8,300 $156,515 $477,785 $807,990 $1,588,870 $175,975 $225,150 $596,650 $142,050 $237,500 $48,300 $200,810 $510,075 $817,370 $1,745,100 Health & Welfare Senior Citizens Center YMCA/Communit Education Chamber Buildin Ice Arena Contributions Swan River School (Rent $89,940 $18,200 $0 $75,000 $0 $94,915 $18,200 $0 $75,000 $0 2007 BUDGETXLS:GenFundSum-Exp:8/16/2006 GENERAL FUN SUMMARY 2007Bu get 2007 BUDGETXLS:GenFundSum.Exp:8/16/2006 SPECIAL REVE ~UE FUND 2007 BU4 get Park FlJ nd REVENUE 2006 2006 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 2?5.31011 $780,125 $789,065 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 2?5.31021 $0 $0 Mobile Home Tax 2?5.31031 $0 $0 Pen & Int - Ad Valorem Taxes ')25.3191 $0 $0 Field Fees 2')5.34771 $2,900 $3,000 Team Fees 2')5.34770 $500 $5,000 Park Rental Fees 2 5.34780 $3,200 $4,000 Concession Revenue 2 5.34772 $3,500 $0 Other Charges for Services 2 5.34999 $0 $0 Interest Earnings J25.3621 $7,500 $12,960 Refunds/Reimbursements In J25.3629 $0 $0 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 2 J5.36299 $100 $100 Transfer from General Fund 2 5.39201 $0 $0 Transfer from Other Funds 2 5.39203 $0 $0 , f .I" ~ ( ,:. '"\ 11 ~:Ii~i? I~. '. ~, : /' ~: ; l,~ ! '(:, " , . 1II___.....__IIIIiiIII___~__.....____""""_ 1iIIIIIIt_____~___....~_____...._ EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries, Full-time - Re Salaries, Full-time- OT Salaries, Part-time - Re Salaries, Part-time - OT Salaries, T em ora - Re Salaries, Tempora - OT Salaries, Other Severance Pa PERA Contributions FICA Contributions Medicare Contributions Health/Dental/Life Insurance U.C. Benefit Pa ments Worker's Com Benefit Pa ment 225.4520 .1010 225.4520 .1020 225.4520 .1030 225.4520 .1031 225.4520 .1040 225.4520 .1050 225.4520 .1090 225.4520 .1110 225.4520 .1210 225.4520 .1220 225.4520 .1250 225.4520 .1310 225.4520 .1420 225.4520 .1520 $205,870 $3,000 $0 $0 $68,000 $0 $0 $2,500 $16,615 $17,165 $4,015 $35,260 $0 $0 $213,920 $2,600 $0 $0 $65,000 $0 $0 $500 $17,595 $17,455 $4,080 $42,675 $500 $0 225.4520 .2030 225.45201.2065 225.45201.2099 225.45201.2110 225.45201.2111 225.45201.2120 225.45201.2130 225.45201.2160 $0 $2,600 $150 $850 $700 $23,000 $4,200 $10,000 $0 $2,600 $150 $1,000 $500 $30,000 $1,000 $12,000 2007 BUDGET.XLS:SpecRevParksWkst:8/17/2006 SPECIAL REVE UE FUND 2007 Bu get Park Fund 225.4520 .2199 $18,000 $20,000 225.4520 .2210 $6,400 $6,400 225.4520 .2211 $4,000 $4,000 225.4520 .2220 $1,500 $1 ,500 225.4520 .2230 $4,500 $3,000 225.4520 .2250 $12,000 $15,000 225.4520 .2299 $15,000 $15,000 ui ment 225.4520 .2410 $1,500 $2,000 225.4520 .2440 $2,500 $2,000 225.4520 .2460 $0 $0 $8,500 $0 225.4520 .2471 $0 $0 225.4520 .2472 $0 $0 225.4520 .2499 $2,500 $0 . """ . r , , ,~(Ii ~ ~ (r;;'l j'l ":~"lr'i I I'r '111 ~ "i,I;~ J~~\J}"I\P:~ ~;; . ~ _ ~ J I ~ ( ~ ." j ~"O _ . 'I. 1"'" '. ~ l- II' , . \ ~ j Services and Charges Professional Services ~ Custodial 225.4520 .3110 $0 $0 Maintenance Agreements 225.4520 .3190 $0 $0 Misc Professional Services 225.4520 .3199 $5,500 $3,000 Telephone 225.4520 .3210 $2,850 $3,000 Travel Expense 225.4520 .3310 $450 $450 Conference & Schools 225.4520 .3320 $2,400 $2,500 Freight 225.4520 .3330 $0 $0 Advertising 225.4520 .3499 $600 $600 General Public Information 225.4520 .3520 $600 $600 Vehicle Insurance 225.4520 .3630 $0 $0 Electric 225.4520 .3810 $6,500 $7,000 Gas 225.4520 .3830 $1,600 $1,600 Repair & Mtc - Buildings 225.4520 .401 0 $3,300 $6,000 Repair & Mtc . Mach & Equipment 225.4520 .4044 $5,000 $5,000 Repair & Mtc - Vehicles 225.4520 .4050 $2,200 $2,000 Adopt-A-Park MainVExpense 225.4520 .4090 $2,000 $3,000 Pathway Maintenance 225.4520 .4091 $3,500 $4,000 Repair & Maintenance - Other 225.4520 .4099 $2,000 $2,000 Equipment Rental 225.4520 .41 50 $1,400 $1,000 Uniform Rental 225.4520 .4170 $0 $2,100 Misc Rentals 225.4520 .4199 $0 $0 Dues/Mem berships/Subscriptions 225.4520 .4330 $400 $400 Books & Pamphlets 225.4520 ,4350 $150 $150 Towing Charges 225.4520 .4360 $0 $0 Licenses & Permits 225.4520 .4370 $0 $0 Prizes 225.4520 .4390 $0 $0 Tree Replacement 225.4520 .4391 $0 $0 Misc Other Expense 225.4520 .4399 $6,000 $5,000 Parks & Recreation - Depreciation $429,300 $422,745 1 ()'", 'i""I':,'I! \-;I.- " ,,"'" ,1'1 i"f . <: i I; ,. 1;11 , Il:, ; "..~ -I I~ f J ~\. 1~1 ",,~\\'lt, """~"~"\.I ~li'\ ~.". 2007 BUDGET.xLS:SpecRevParksWkst:8/17/2006 SPECIAL REV NUE FUND 2007 Bl dget Park F und Capital Outlay Improvements 225.452 1.5301 $0 $0 Motor Vehicles 225.452 1.5501 $23,500 $20,000 Furniture & Fixtures 225.452 1.5601 $0 $0 Other Equi ment 225.452 1.5801 $0 $30,000 Parks/Improvements Misc Operating Supplies 225.452 2.2199 $6,000 $6,000 T &E Other 225.452 2.2499 $6,500 $4,200 Misc Professional Services 225.4521 2.3199 $0 $0 Park Tree Replacement $0 $5,000 Swan River Park Viewing Deck $0 $15,000 Sunset Ponds Recreation Equipment $0 $52,000 West/East Bridge Park Improvements $0 $10,000 4th Street Park Improvement $0 $25,000 Ellison Park Restrooms $0 $75,000 Coun~ry Club Park Improvements $0 $3,000 Hillcrest Park Improvements $0 $40,000 Buildings 225.452 2.5201 $75,000 $0 1m rovements 225.452( 2.5301 $150,000 $0 NSP Ballfields Safety Supplies 225.452 3.2065 $150 $100 Cleaning Suppies 225.452 3.2110 $150 $150 Motor Fuels 225.452 3.2120 $0 $0 Lubricants 225.4521 3.2130 $250 $100 General Operating Supplies 225.452 3.2199 $600 $600 Equipment Repair Parts 225.452 3.2210 $0 $0 Vehicle Repair Parts 225.452 3.2211 $0 $0 Building Repair Supplies 225.4520 3.2230 $0 $0 Landscaping Materials 225.4520 3.2250 $0 $0 Misc. Repair/Maint. Supplies 225.4520 3.2299 $3,400 $1,000 Small Tools Misc 225.4520 3.2410 $0 $0 T&E Machinery 225.4520 .2440 $0 $0 T &E Other 225.4520 .2499 $0 $0 Misc. Professional Services 225.4520 .3199 $2,000 $2,000 Telephone 225.4520 3.3210 $0 $0 Advertising 225.4520 3.3499 $0 $0 Electricity 225.4520 3.3810 $7,000 $7,600 Repair/Maint - Buildings 225.4520 3.4010 $0 $5,000 Repair/Maint - Machinery/Equipment 225.4520 3.4044 $0 $0 Repair/Maint - Parks & Recreation 225.4520 3.4080 $0 $0 Repair/Maint - Other 225.4520 .4099 $0 $0 Misc. Other Expense 225.4520 .4399 $0 $500 Improvements 225.4520 .5301 $6,500 $0 Other Equipment 225.4520 .5801 $0 $2,000 BUDGET XLS:SpecRevParksWkst:8/17/2006 -. ---. ----.. -.- -- ----.-.. 2007 2007 BUDGET.xLS:SpecRevParksWkst:8/17/2006 2076 BUDG SPECIAL REV ENUE FUND 2007 B udget Communit 'I Center REVENUE 2006 2007 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 226.31011 $908,895 $1,246,570 Delinauent Ad Valorem Taxes 226.31021 $0 $0 Mobile Home Tax 226.31031 $0 $0 Penaltv & Interest - Ad Valorem Taxes 226.31910 $0 $0 Homestead Credit 226.33402 $0 $0 State Grants & Aids - Other 226.33429 $0 $0 Room/Space Rental 226.34101 $137,000 $150,000 Concessions 226.34740 $89,500 $38,000 Ballfield Concessions $0 $22,500 Kitchen Rental/Partv Room Rental 226.34755 $33,700 $90,000 Chapel Rental $0 $15,000 User Fees 226.34790 $52,000 $52,000 Memberships 226.34791 $500,000 $545,000 Proaram Activity Fees 226.34792 $65,000 $70,000 Other Charaes for Services 226.34999 $10,000 $8,000 Interest Earninas 226.36210 $3,000 $8,945 Rental of Equipment 226.36221 $500 $300 Contributions - Private 226.36230 $3,000 $0 NSF Fee $0 $500 Other Misc Revenue 226.36299 $500 $0 Transfers from General Fund 226.39201 $0 $0 EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries, Full-Time - Reg 22 .45122.1010 $296,000 $309,150 Salaries, Full-Time - OT 22 .45122.1020 $4,500 $6,500 Salaries, Part-Time - Reo 22 .45122.1030 $320,000 $330,000 Salaries, Part-Time OT 22 .45122.1031 $500 $250 Salaries, Temporarv - Rea 22 .45122.1040 $0 $0 Salaries, Temporary - OT 22 .45122.1050 $0 $0 Salaries, Other 22 .45122.1090 $0 $0 Severance Pav 22 .45122.1110 $5,000 $0 PERA Contributions 22 .45122.1210 $27,660 $34,370 FICA Contributions 22 .45122.1220 $38,500 $40,045 Medicare Contributions 22 .45122.1250 $9,005 $9,365 Health/Dental/Life Insurance 22 .45122.1310 $57,405 $90,265 U.C. Benefit Pavments 22 .45122.1420 $0 $0 Supplies Printed Forms & Paper 22 .45122.2030 $1,000 $1,000 Proaram Operatina Costs 22 .45122.2065 $0 $0 Misc Office Supplies 22 .45122.2099 $4,500 $3,000 Cleaning Supplies 22 .45122.2110 $8,000 $8,000 Clothino Supplies 22 .45122.2111 $4,000 $4,000 Motor Fuels 22 .45122.2120 $0 $100 Lubricants & Additives 22 .45122.2130 $0 $0 Chemical Products 22 .45122.2160 $11,000 $11,000 Pool Maintenance Supplies 22 .45122.2161 $5,000 $6,200 Misc Operatina Supplies 22 .45122.2199 $21,720 $22,000 Equipment Repair Parts 22 .45122.2210 $6,000 $7,500 ETXLS:Spec Revenue Fund-Comm. Ctr.:8/17/2006 .- __u... ----...-.---. ..--.... 2076 BUDG SPECIAL REVE NUE FUND 2007 Bu dget Communit~ Center Vehicle Repair Parts 226, 451222211 $0 $0 Tires 226. 5122,2220 $0 $0 Buildina Repair Supplies 226. 5122.2230 $4,000 $4,000 Landscaping Materials 226. 5122,2250 $2,000 $2,000 Misc Repair & Maintetnance Supplies 226. 5122,2299 $12,000 $12,000 Small Tools & Equipment 226, 5122.2410 $2,000 $2,500 T&E - Machinery 226. 51222499 $0 $3.000 T&E - Furniture $0 $2,000 T&E - Office Equipment 226. 5122,2471 $0 $2,500 T&E - Other 226. 5122,2499 $0 $4,000 Services & Charges Professional Services - Management Fee 226, 5122,3070 $400 $1,800 Professional Services - Data Processing 226, 5122.3090 $4,000 $5,000 Professional Services. Website/E-mail 226. 5122,3092 $4,000 $0 Professional Services - Custodial 226. 5122,3110 $1,000 $1,000 Professional Services - Laundry 226. 5122.3111 $3,000 $2,500 Professional Services - Bldg/Equipment 226, 5122,3112 $6,500 $9,000 Maintenance Agreement 226, 5122.3190 $10,000 $10,000 Professional Services - Newsletter 226. 5122,3195 $0 $1,000 Professional Services - Software $0 $500 Misc Professional Services 226, 5122.3199 $6,000 $5.000 Telephone 226, 5122,3210 $12,000 $11,000 Postage 226, 5122.3220 $1,000 $500 Cable/Network Services 226, 5122.3250 $2,500 $1,500 Travel Expense 226. 5122,3310 $900 $1,000 Conferences & Schools 226. 5122.3320 $6,000 $3.000 Expo Exhibitor Admission 226. 5122,3490 $4,500 $1,500 Prizes $0 $100 Advertising 226. 5122,3499 $12,000 $10,000 General Public Information 226. 5122,3520 $1,000 $500 Brochures 226, 5122.3560 $7,200 $3,000 General Liability Insurance 226, 5122,3610 $29,715 $19,095 Property Insurance 226. 5122.3620 $8,500 $10,515 Misc General Insurance (Work Comp) 226, 5122.3699 $13,670 $18,160 Electric 226. 5122.3810 $74,000 $95,000 Gas 226.' 5122.3830 $77,000 $120,000 Repair & Maintenance - Building 226. 5122,4010 $5,000 $93,000 Repair & Maintenance - MaChinery & Equipment 226. 5122,4044 $6,000 $62,500 Repair & Maintenance - Pool 226. 5122,4050 $0 $13,500 Repair & Maintenance - Other 226, 5122,4099 $2,000 $1,500 Equipment Rental 226. 5122,4150 $12,000 $14,000 Uniform Rental 226, 5122,4170 $1,500 $1,000 Towel Rental 226, 5122,4171 $1,100 $1,500 Dues,Memberships & Subscriptions 226, 5122,4330 $1,800 $1,000 Towing Charges 226, 5122,4360 $0 $0 Licenses & Permits 226. 5122,4370 $700 $500 Customer Discounts 226, 5122,4379 $0 $0 Bank Charges 226. 5122,4398 $7,000 $15,000 Misc Other Expense 226. 0122,4399 $300 $300 ETXL$:Spec Revenue Fund-Comm, Ctr.;8/17/2006 -..- . -".. n.. -.... ._n -.-- SPECIAL REVE NUE FUND 2007 Bu ~get Community Center Capital Outlav BuildinQS 226. 5122.5201 $5,600 $0 Improvements 226. 5122.5301 $67,900 $0 Motor Vehicles 226. 5122.5501 $0 $0 Furniture & Fixtures 226. 5122.5601 $18,950 $0 Office Eauioment 226. 5122.5701 $0 $0 Comoute Eauioment 226. 5122.5702 $0 $0 I j , I ,I,~ I j' ~ ~ ~ , , ' 'I ' ,I,ll , ''c Other E UI ment 226 51225801 $0 Debt Service Lease Pa ment to HRA - Princi al Lease Pa ment to HRA - Interest Tranfer to Debt Service Fund $46 000 ,I,," "\.. ,!~!J,W,Ii!,H \ :.l:l\\tl;:1i ;\1:;~ 1-1~", (.;: . . I ""I,J:'" ,,'~';:,,>:::(~i \ ~ '" I 1 d I ~ ,-1 \1'.1::': {)\~J,~_ 1~~2>Lt,I~I.).;lt'f' . ,.}J\I h . _ j . ~. ~ ~\~ /Jl:l" ~J,l ~;r. .,' ~1 226. 5127.2075 226. 5127.2099 226. 5127.2145 226. 5127.2146 226. 5127.2171 226. 5127.2172 226. 5127.2173 226. 5127.2174 226. 5127.2175 226. 5127.2176 226. 5127.2177 226. 5127.2198 226. 5127.2549 226. 5127.2499 226. 5122.2445 226. 5122.2490 226. 5122.2460 226. 5127.2541 $2,000 $0 $3,000 $6,200 $1,000 $500 $500 $1,000 $2,500 $1,000 $250 $6,000 $2,000 $0 $14,900 $3,200 $6,500 $56,000 $0 $0 $1,000 $2,000 $1,200 $2,000 $1,000 $0 $1,200 226. 5127.3012 226. 5127.3013 226. 5127.3199 226. 5127.3499 226. 5127.4150 226. 5127.4330 226. 5127.4390 Salaries: Full-time: Kitty, Amy, Brian, Tricia, (3) custodians Transfer Out: Transfer to Debt Service to cover payment due n Community Center Bond 2076 BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund-Comm. Ctr.:8/17/2006 $3,500 $0 $2,500 $8,000 $1,200 $1,000 $700 $1,000 $4,000 $500 $300 $6,000 $3,000 $9,800 $0 $2,000 $3,000 $60,000 $500 $27,350 $1,000 $1,000 $4,000 $2,500 $500 $0 $500 ~ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 -.J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;1 N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 Q c: ~ Q CD o:l ..... CIl (II .... W N ~ Q CD o:l ..... CIl (II 0 G) ~ X N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N r- 0 0 Q Q 0 0 0 Q Q 0 0 0 Q Q 0 0 0 Ul N N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q 0 0 0 ~ N ~ Q CD o:l ...... CIl (II .... W N ~ 0 CD o:l ..... CIl ~ <1> '" ~ ~ i>') i>') i>') i>') i>') tR i>') i>') tR ~ tR -' ~ -' -' -' ...... ~ ...... ...... "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <il 01 C/J ./>. ~ CD CD CO CO ~ CD CO CO CD ~ 1? ...... I'>.) I'>.) I'>.) I'>.) I'>.) I'>.) I'>.) N 0 0- :.... N N N N N N N N N N N ,.,- ./>. 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CIl W W CIl W W o:l ~ . 0 g ;;o-tGl Gl Gl en Gl :so .... Q. 0 11l III 11l 11l 11l III ::) 3 ~ 3 ::) ::) :> III :> ~ c: Iii 3 'Olll III III (') 11l C. c: 0 iil !;l !;l ![ !;l <C m !4 c: ~ Q' ;;!. llliilc; 0 0 ~ 0 " N OJ -< <:T u; 0 gO::: g; g; '" g; ~ 0 0 0 11l 01 11l III C.olll ~ Dl '" Dl )> ~ ::) 3= = '" = <S" OJ ~ 30 0. 0 3 0 00 0 c: :> :> ::l 11l :> iii :> 0 r ::)z -t ~ ;a OJ [ C. III q'g. Dl 0 ::: Dl >< >< D:I 5- a: s. 9/ 00 Olll S- S- o ~ III 11l I :> 00 I N 0 ;;0 a.:i: (') (') c. ~ iil III ~ iil 00 ~ C6 ~~ 3 ill 01 :> 11l 11l &l 0 3" c: m-c a. ;:!. ~ '0 c. III D:I Z 0 '" 0 "'ll OJ 11l 0 0 III 0 :> ar ~ ~ 5- c. 00 ~ ~ (J> (J> ~ 01 (J> -..j -..j .j>. 01 Q) 01 tn c.:. '"..oj * (J> tn '0 ("') 01 Q) 0 to> (0 01 0 01 01 0 !? N to> 0 -0 -0 '0 0 '0 '0 -0 s:: 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 !:!! ~ z ~ ~ ~ N ~ m ~ -..j .j>. .01 01 01 (0 l.> ~ 0 ~ ~ -0 C 0 Q) ~ to> 01 ("') 01 .01 -" N Q) 0 C/) '0 0 '0 -0 '0 '0 '0 - =i 0 0 N 0 0 0 8 ." -t 0 0 -..j 0 0 0 a ~ -< _. 0 ~ ~ (1) m ~ ~ a 'T1 Ol !? s:: en ~ 0, -" ~ (1) m s:: 01 CX> -..j 0 Q) 0 01 C. Z 0 '0 Co -0 '0 - 0 -EIt -..j 0 ~ 0 -EIt -t Z 0 0 to> 0 0 0 0 ....Jo. N 0 :::! . to> 'T1 ("') ....Jo. - m ~ -EIt ~ ~ . Z N Ol -" ~ 0 r- ~ ~ to> C r- !? 0 ..... -0 -" 0 -0 m 0 0 (J> N 0 -EIt 0 (J> 0 0 Ol 0 0 0 0 !XI -t m ~ ~ ~ c it; .j>. ~ ~ z Ol 01 m .j>. -" Q) 01 ~ :... ~ c.:. en ~ Ol Q) -EIt to> ~ 01 0 -..j (0 0 01 0 en (J> ~ ~ ~ .j>. Ol ~ to> -..j to> 0 to> 0 0 '0 c.:. '0 '0 0 -EIt Q) 0 (J> 8 ~ 0 0 N 0 0 0 ~ r ~ to> (J> N (0 0 to> CX> !? CX> Q) Q) -" ~ 8l 0, -" ~ ~ ~ ~ N 0 -" 0 0 ~ (J> ~ ~ Ol (0 ~ N ~ &l C:o N to> 0 01 0 01 g tn '0 -0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 -EIt 0 0 0 0 0 SUMM RY Debt Servic Funds 2007 Bud et Forecast REVENUE 2006 2007 $523,600 $667,300 $184,720 $158,100 $1,083,865 $1,526,883 $169,725 $137,900 $669,950 $857,750 $500,000 $1,082,293 $1,308,700 $1,292,905 $0 $300,000 ___.....____________IIIIIIiII_...____ __IIIIiIIIiI_______~...~_____~_..., EXPENDITURES 2006 2007 · $3,206,726 $2,213,715 $5,777 $0 $3,708,382 $2,175,272 $5,139 $0 . j:.::.-,.~~~"'"II\r"""';KI'~~."'11'1fII1~rll'~'~r:~"~. "~'I""\"'''<~" '~crflr-ol'f\~<'"..I..'IfI':Tllllh~l~ ~"""""I""'1"""'I"""'"...,..""""" "r "1r."';,,~ ";'-......r: I .< .~H~'".E"'.T.'~." "'r'~~" .. ~..>.~.n"'.l''''' ">1'H t';,.<::;:i!l'::'i~:~l~'. r~~' H';;'fl, ';I.l~ ~ ';;{~ ,', , ,'" ' , ,:1 ,:1;'. , i:('\ I", " t;FI:F:!,,:~:,,:,1 21I::~=ft.litJli";M"=~~t'.t~\J.""'Irr:~~" "I w.....ii.Jja~"'JI"xlOa::.:._;""'LJi.J......~ il;~\", 1<I.u. II\~ /. ...,!.le. J~~...",,"~._~.,"'" ,.,~I I I ~J~~~~'H~l..jj1';;t~~r_~;~ ~ JI "~.! 'I ."."". ~.ii:l:~:..l~i:~ Comm Ctr Bond All Other Debt .Scheduled Levy Less: (1) yr reduction because of bond fund surplus 2000 B Bond $1,773,793 $857,750 ($24,200) $1,749,593 Less: Transfer From Sewer Access for WWTP Note ($1,082,293) $667,300 Actual Net Levy From Taxes $857,750 2007 BUDGET,XLS:Debt Service Fund.Forecast:8/17/2006 o ~ z OJ c o G) m -i m X () m r:- IJ:I ~ ::i III ~ o 3 "0 ~ (Ii' o ::::J ~ C1l i\3 o o C1l ~ -I III X ro (fl III ~ ro o III n c iil CD Q. III (fl (fl c 3 3' (Q ll) :J o < ro .... ~ z o -I m VJ 0---. < ....>. m '-' ~ --I :::Tll) m x -eO ~ III - -0 '< ll) m 0 ll) -. :-0-< ---.< will ......c- O>ro -Jo 3 ...... =0 6'~ 23J CD (fl (fl C c 3 :=;:m 3' (fl (Q ll) :r <0 ~ ?F- ....>. -. 01~ ~ro :r ~ o m CD -. III :J (fl 3 m ll) 3' ~ -1m ll) - x < O~ III C -em III (fl Q. g -<0 <Si ll) ~ _m C Q. ~ Iii x .... III CD o ...... J:>, CXl o -J III :J Q. ll) Q. -< Iii x CD < '< o ...... W -J W o -J :.:.. o ~ ~~ww - - W"">' 0000 0000 00- - - - 00 0000 8800 W NWWW O_CXl_N -J - (10)0) ONCXlO1 ~J:>.o ~WWW CXl_CXl_N -J - 001N ~NN....>. -JCXlJ:>, ~~WW - - W"">' ....>.0....>.0 0010101 00- - - - 00 0000 8800 ~WWW (0 _(0 .!'l -J "(:p-J 0) 01 NWO)-J (OJ:>,CXl ('") 0 3: s: m :s:: ~ ll) :; ~ N7' oro r- 0- :::: 0)< Z ll) C- O m C en -I ;tJ :; r- z m N - 0 -10 ll) 0> X "'tl ~. m 0 CD a. N 0 0 -J -l ll) X ~ :s:: s: III 01 ~ ;:f!.N m. o 0 _0 < :J -J 0 ~ CD C III ro (fl m "'tl a Zm' m 0 -CD -la. ll) N X 0 .0 -J WWWWWW WNNN..........>. 0-J010-JW 001000101 '0'0'0'0'0'0 000000 000000 ~~~WW - - - lXlO> J:>.NO(OCXl ~~~W(O ~~WWW - -w~~~~ NO....>.....>.(O ......N WWWWW NNN"">'''''>' lXlO>"">'CXlJ:>. CXlNOW"">' --J cr. -0 '".......J --J 01000101 00000 WWWWW ~;::;-~CXlO) lXlO>OlXl~ CXlN(oW s:: ;tJ Q) m ...., en '" CD 0 .-+ ~ m z c ::1 CD )> NO r- 8- O)I 0 3 CD Z m N - 0 -10 ll) 0> X "'tl ~. m 0 CD a. N 0 0 -J -I ll) x :s:: ll) ~ ~ 7' ;::0: m. :::T rif 01 ;:f!.N c- o 0 m -0 ~ -J 0 ...... CD :c ll) 0 (fl 3 m '-' m "'tl ~ .2, zm m $l -ro -Ia. ll) N X 0 0 -J (") o s: -0 o )> =i_ ::0 -<0 en ~ ~~ 0 m ~g;;;t Z ~ (/l o~ 0 g ~ ~ (/l " ~ go~(")m .....m- r:s. =i 5 -< -I ~ m en The Assessor's office indicated overall City m ket value increase at 19.8%. Because some of the market value increases may be de rred due to limited market value laws on residential properties, the City's actual tax cap city value (The value used for determining actual taxes) may increase at a sm ller amount than the 19.8%. Conservative estimate based on past history pr ~ects an increase at 15%+. T AX CAPACITY VAL E COMPARISON 2005 2006 $13,224,144 Tax Capacity Rate x 51.04 $15,207,776 x 51.04 Taxes $6,750,000 $7,762,000 Preliminary budget as proposed = $7,307,400 hould still result in a tax rate decrease of 5%-6% to 48.07 ~ ::;: z m >< () m r-- 0 S'} ""0 -I III ""0 (') "Tl Z 01 " ~ CD !:, ~ ~ ~. ,(') 0 it CD (\) c: -Iw -I ~ m. 5" )> Q<>"'O S' 0 m;::;: m en en 0.. ~ <h "'0 10 3 (\) = w n> ib' u; (\) 5" ?' ~)> m 0- :J en en en en .J:J 0' "'0 (\) (\) en <= :J (\) ......(\) '6' 0- en ...... en en 3 0' j <1> ;::;- ::> :J (\) CD " en ~ 3 3 13> en en '" 0-0 0 <-l III < -l <-1-1 -l (\) < 0 (')(') -l ~(\) 13> W W (\) Q<> c (\) Q<> Q<> (\)Q<>Q<> Q<> (\) ..., "'0 "'0 :!.m = :::r m m :!.mm m (\)(,9 0.. -, [~ Q..(') -, 0 (') 0 Q..O(') 0 :J .(Jl :J - (,90 (\) 0 1C(\) 0 3'i (\)5'0 s: m- en 3 en en 3 en (\) 3 (Jlo .0 3 0 ~ 00 c"O "'0 "'0 (\) ..., "'0 0 C C c is' ~ CD m ~ W 3 .0 .(Jl ..., C (\) is' 0 ~ 0 '=i "-""T1"-"~cn ;;00 -I <W ~ ;;0(') "Tl C (') m ""0 0 (,9 -, (,9 :J (\) (\) < CD (\) -...J W 0 S.iilQ.en~ 0 (Jl:JO)o..w "'2.0 :::rc.... 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