Planning Commission Minutes 02-02-1993
Tuesday, February 2, 1993. 7 p.m.
Members Present:
Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, Richard Carlson, and Brian
Member Absent:
J on Bogart
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson and Jeff O'Neill
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Lemm at 7:06 p.m.
A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Brian Stumpf to
approve the minutes of the regular meeting held January 5, 1993. Motion
carried unanimously with Richard Carlson and Jon Bogart absent.
Public Hearin~uConsideration of a request to rezone Oak Rid~e subdivision
from pun (planned unit development) to R-1 (residential sine:le family) zonin~
desi~nation. Applicant. Tony Emmerich.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, requested that the Planning Commission
table the rezoning request until issues associated with the preliminary plat of
the Oak Ridge subdivision are resolved. It was the consensus of the three
Planning Commission members present to table this request.
Public Hearinf;!--Consideration of approval of a preliminary plat of the Oak
Rid~e subdivision. Applicant. Tony Emmerich.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the preliminary plat request
indicating that various preliminary plat amendments as suggested by staff
have not been completed; therefore, staff requests that the item be tabled and
consider this as a work session to discuss the following issues:
1. Wetlands. Wetland Biologist, Frank Svoboda, reviewed the
wetland inventory prepared by his firm. He indicated that the
plan as proposed is consistent with the interim rules guiding
enforcement of the 1991 Wetlands Conservation Act. O'Neill
noted that the wetland inventory and impact analysis as prepared
by Svboda has been reviewed by the wetland experts on staff with
OSM, and they concur that it appears to meet the no net loss
Who should own wetland/nature area (Outlot A). O'Neill asked
the Planning Commission is to determine which one of the
following options should be selected for defining ownership/control
of the area.
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Planning Commission Minutes - 2/2/93
Draw lot lines to the center of the wetland and prepare
wetland easements outlining protected wetland areas.
b. Draw lot lines to the center of the wetland but prepare a
trail easement.
c. Identify entire area as park or public land.
The Planning Commission viewed Outlot A as a positive natural
amenity for the area. A positive public purpose would be served
by dedicating the land for public use; therefore, the Planning
Commission selected alternative C.
3. Street widths. Cul-de-sacs as proposed show 50 ft of right-of-way
width, which is consistent with the city ordinance but not the
design that has been used with recent developments. It was the
consensus of the Planning Commission that the proposed right-of-
way of 50 ft and street surface of 32 ft is adequate given the
existing ordinance and the fact that few, if any, other cities
require 60 ft of right-of-way and 36 ft road surface under the
same circumstance.
Another suggestion as made by City staff was to look again
at a road alignment, with the road coming in the
development from 118 to hook up directly with the existing
Oakview Lane road. The suggestion was to consider
putting a jog in this road entering in from 118 to hook it
up with a new proposed street, with the proposed street
just south of Oakview Lane.
2. Incorporate a trail system into the wetland area, the
creation of a park area adjacent to the trail system through
a portion of it. The trail should connect Meadow Oak
Circle to the balance of the development area. This would
enable all areas within the plat to have access to street
and trail systems, thereby providing connections to the
park areas to the north.
City staff suggested the Planning Commission consider continuing the public
hearing to allow the City's consulting engineer more time to review the plat.
Therefore, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard
Carlson to continue the preliminary plat request of the Oak Ridge subdivision.
Motion carried unanimously with Jon Bogart absent.
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Consideration of approval of the replat of phase I of the Everg'reens
subdivision. Applicant. Kent Kiellberg'.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the replat of the phase I of the
Evergreens subdivision. The modification consists of removal of a number of
lots along the southerly boundary of the plat to make room for the proposed
extension of School Boulevard through this plat.
Chairperson Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing. There being no
input from the public, she then closed the public hearing and opened the
meeting for input from the Planning Commission members.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission members, a
motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Brian Stumpf to approve
the replat of phase I of the Evergreens subdivision. Motion carried
unanimously with Jon Bogart absent.
6. A motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Richard Martie to
adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary n erson
Zoning Administrator
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